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Search: knife rape

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>> No.77027224 [View]

i tried to be nice and you pull a knife?. Back to rape we go
NTA but i follow the artist and a quick check tells me its stormcow

>> No.76806365 [View]

Knife rape me, Klara

>> No.76486288 [View]

she's selling her soul to join a twitch clique of fucking tranny lovers and subhumans literally the hollywood of streaming with all the rape and ass licking and other reprehensible two faced shit as you'd expect, she should fucking die if she goes along with it, and so should any fan who supports these people

they belong in shallow graves, fuck twitch and fuck its faggot cliques and fuck everything about this and especially fuck mint (with a knife or a blunt object, to death) if she's fine with all this and goes over

twitch genocide
kill all fucking twitch faggots

>> No.75726884 [View]

knife rape

>> No.75244763 [View]

>he forgot the knife rape anon

>> No.75172120 [View]

Not before I rape Poogie with a knife and fork.

>> No.74611217 [View]

Wrong. Kiara and Mumei should rape me and knife point.

>> No.74609792 [View]

Mumei should rape Kiara at knife point

>> No.74498091 [View]
File: 3.72 MB, 2016x3493, 1708801239830647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-Niji Sayu was a primarily gacha streamer who joined Nijisanji in late 2023 as part of the xsoleil wave. She was a high 3view fluent in both english and japanese, but she didn't mesh will with the corporate structure and asked too many questions, butting heads with management too many times and got terminated with a scathing, drummed up list of bullshit. However, back then Nijisanji had a much better reputation so all of their charges "stuck," making her a complete pariah. All of the nijisanji fans believed them wholeheartedly and dogpiled on her, which got even worse since she was recently doxxed and started even receiving harassment in person. Quinn in particular (then Kyo) was caught being one of the people dogpiling on her, as well, which caused even more friction. Dramatubers would constantly shit on her, labeling her random shit from a mother of 2 kids to a pedophile to a rape apologist due to out of context clips of her jokes. For extra poison, Niji had all of her wavemates make videos denouncing her, to different degrees from each.

A bit later, Sayu released a document with her lawyer called "One Girl's Story" which clarified a lot of the dirty laundry that she dealt with during her few months in Nijisanji. It exposed a lot of awful crap like how they gave an untrained 2 week old hired manager to oversee her entire wave, to how the company has a habit of punishing people by forcing suspensions while skinwalking their accounts to say it was just a "health break" or "visiting family."
A few months later she returned to streaming, but she was pretty broken emotionally and a complete wreck. She had another breakdown during a late night stream and exposed a bit more about Niji, naming especially Finana and Kotoka as backstabbers who went the extra mile to twist the knife after her termination. During this, she also let slip that Nina specifically, who had recently graduated, was suffering from crippling self confidence issues in a private conversation they had, tearfully telling her that she was worth so much more than what Niji drilled into her. (If you've heard anything about Matara/Nina ghosting sayu, this is what they're referring to. She cut all contact after this for this statement, and until recently, Sayu's been desperately trying to apologize to Matara to no avail, though thankfully she seems to have finally moved on.)

She's been slowly building herself back up as a streamer since then, changing up her streaming content to be more variety focused, but she's stubborn, unfiltered, overly honest, and very attentive to chat, which leads her to be very, very prone to being baited by bad actors, who tend to twist her words to bring up more shit against Niji, as well as the sisters who've been harassing her near daily ever since her termination (recently she found out they were trying to dox her again, though thankfully they missed.)

After the whole Selen termination, people drew parallels and checked everything against her document, noting the similar stories, which immediately vindicated her to a lot of people who were now willing to give her a chance. She's been growing ever since, though she still gets regular antis targeting her.

>> No.72971696 [View]

Meanwhile Bae:
>Had a dream where she had to fight off a black shadowy demon with a chainsaw who was about to rape Mama rat, ended up killing it and the phase two was a disembodied head with tentacles who Bae shot with papa rat's shotgun

>Had a dream where she was playing dodgeball in school but things got too heated and a guy on the other team pounced her and started choking her but she had a knife in her pocket which she used to stab his eye and then started reverse choking him, they had to be stopped by the school staff

>Had a dream where Bae was performing in a theatre to a cloaked cult and she was forced to boil a young girl alive in a cauldron while having zero control over her own body since she was being mind controlled

>Had a dream where Bae was a ninja who lived in a hotel near a village and the entire village got invaded by aliens who captured all the orphans who lived there and blackmailed Bae into going on a 7 year journey across the world on an adventure to collect medals in order to trade for their freedom

>Had a dream where she became Spiderman and helped old women with chores and gained the ability to jump from earth to Jupiter where there were special supermarkets

>> No.72710442 [View]
File: 203 KB, 1440x1440, evil yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evil knife rape

>> No.72568527 [View]
File: 2.96 MB, 850x1511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At the precipice of madness.
TAGS: (Existential?) Abuse. Hakos Baelz. Gore

Night closes in as you walk through the empty streets. For some, the last train getting canceled is a drag. For you trying to flee the crime scene is a problem.

A police patrol zooms across the empty street and your breath hitches. You hunch and hope they don't notice your blood stained clothes

Please don't let this nightmare continue.

The patrol turns left in the corner and disappears, and so do you as you sneak into an alley. Just a few more blocks and you will reach home. One last push and you can try to fix everything here

Something just outside of your field of vision slams you into the wall, followed by a blow to the stomach that drives the air out of you as a raspy voice assaults your ears


You protest as you feel his hands dig in your pocket, trying to crawl away as the mugger keeps raining blows on you.
“I…nothing...ack…i have nothing “

Your legs get swept and you hit the floor like a discarded toy, bones rattling as you groan in pain. The man delivers a kick to your face and the world explodes into red and white lights. Hands pat your body, but you are too busy groaning and trying to crawl away. Another blow to your ribs stops that

“Stay put asshole, ill fucking kill you” something metallic digs in your neck. A gun or a knife. His voice sounds more annoyed than rattled. This street rat has done this before

That sobers you up, focusing your mind. Maybe this can end early

“Do…Do it retard…you dickless faggot”
The metal digs in your skin, confirming it's a gun as he delivers another kick in your ribs. You muster more air

“Maybe suck some dicks like your mom, retarded monkey”

Another kick, this one is particularly vicious. He’s losing it.

“Shut the fuck up!”
“Dont waste it all on..coff…on crack you rape monkey”

He grabs a handful of your hair and slams your head in the street. Despite the pain, you feel accomplished because he’s no longer searching for anything to steal.

He’s too busy beating you up


Pain spreads through your body, but you know he’s about to blow up. You gather all your strength and roll over, looking him straight in the eye as your bloodied mouth screams at him


The Man’s eye hardens, the gun clicks, you hear the safety go off.

And then a loud crack.

For a second, you are free.

The alley, the street, it all goes silent. For a split second there is no pain as the muzzle flash blinds you.

For a second you don't feel fear, guilt and despair. All you feel is elation. For less than a second you are free.

And then the bullet stops in mid air.

The mugger screams, but you don't care. All you feel is despair

“No” you mumble, zoning out the man as he screams “Why do you do this”

The mugger’s scream reaches a crescendo as his skin starts peeling out, exposing his bleeding muscles and nerves. Just like Emilia in the station

“Please” you whimper “Please stop already”

The man is still alive as his muscles and bones are pulled apart, splashing the alley with all the blood in his body. A normal person would have died already.

But she’s not letting him out easily


Tears run down your face as the chunks of meat slowly tear themselves out of the bones, each one of them probably feeling this. His skin starts disintegrating, as his cries of pain and mercy intensify.

And then a finger wipes away your tears, like she always does. There is no one there except you and the man, whose bones and nerves have evaporated

>”Sssh Darling, its okay”

Her voice is layered, like every single voice you've ever heard in your life speaking at the same time, all in your head

>"I cant do much from here, but suicide will just send you under the heaven's filthy claws"

The chunks of meat that were once the man cry in pain, and yet somehow you wish you could be him.

He, at least, will die once she gets bored. You, however, are forever her favorite.

Every day, you will live in solitude and pain ,knowing that everyone coming close to you is bound to catch her jealous rage

>"Those lousy cops are also gone...heheheh...i fused them to the seat... its so...poetic dont you think?"

Your eyes drift to the floor, where the chunks are weeping and praying to god for the pain to stop. There, in the middle of the chunks, a rat with glowing red eyes stands

>"Ill forgive you for talking to that woman darling...I know you love me, but i just... i just had to, you know?"

Until the day you finally leave this world, chaos herself walks alongside you. Wherever you like it...or not

>> No.71365515 [View]

That explains how she avoided the rape gangs and knife attackers in Barcelona and Paris.
Smart girl.

>> No.71284237 [View]
File: 407 KB, 975x285, 1675470497697552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neuro fan
>in 2023.5+
the proof that this was a "neuro fan" rather than a neuro fan is that vedal was not the target of knife rape at his hands and ai_vtuber.exe hasn't been uploaded to gitgud

>> No.70150320 [View]

Raping Tomoe with a train!
Pounding hard she screams in pain!
Raping Navina with a feather!
Back and forth in any weather!
Raping Meimi with a broom!
Moaning loudly makes you coom!
Raping Lethe with a knife!
When you're done she'll end your life!
Raping Kohaku with a glass!
Next time it goes in her ass!
Raping Hiyori with a rake!
Faster, faster, make her break!

>> No.69736322 [View]
File: 1.57 MB, 2279x3882, 4306e53c951b27e3cd8794bf78ecd8ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere shit like reverse rape, knife and blood stuff, heart pupils, her getting jealous and pouty over any mention of other girls. Stuff like that. Also I'd prefer if the sex wasn't the entire focus and the game had a lot of sweet and heartwarming moments.

>> No.69416442 [View]

>giving a fuck about what jappies think

you could anally rape them with a butcher knife daily and as long as the corpo said "it's in the contract" they'd bend over and ask for more

>> No.69045835 [View]

I thought about ignoring your posts but i have to say, your indirect quoting is absolute mean girl female brained and makes me want to knife rape you and disregard everything you post. Subtweet somewhere else please.

>> No.68619706 [View]

I want to rape-impregnate filian, then give her a C-section with a blunt kitchen knife.

>> No.68618125 [View]
File: 88 KB, 1440x810, b68f5f31f00df7f7faccd01d1c2cde5b18-norm-macdonald-youtube[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67672718 [View]
File: 876 KB, 1200x1600, chiken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara announced a special cooking stream
Says it'll be a mouthwatering spectacle
Stream starts, everyone in chat already guessing what she's making
Meme akasupas flooding in per usual
Kiara reveals today's dish; Herself
Everyone thought it was a funny flirtatious joke
Chat starts freaking out when a bunch of masked figures in KFP cosplay enters the room
They all tie Kiara on the table and undress her
Chat assumed this was a freaky rape roleplay being streamed on YouTube
One of them takes out a knife and begin slicing off Kiara's tits
Chat is in full horror
Akasupas still coming in, it is now red room donations
The KFP handlers slowly take cuts and chunks off Kiara's torso, limbs, and ass
Kiara screaming in pain and then gurgling on her saliva and blood
A KFP buries his knife down Kiara's ribs, down to her waist
Everyone starts ripping off her entrails and innards
Another group of KFPs walk in
Preparing the oils, 11 secret herbs and spices, and flour
Kiara at her dying breath reassures chat that the highest donator will get to eat her fried flesh
A KFP slaughters Kiara and gently sever her head from her body
She gives one final wink to the camera before the stream gets cut off
Taking Kiara's tits out of the oven
The smell of chicken and herbs fill the kitchen
You lay the tray down on the table
Picking up the knife, you slide its tip on her nipple
The roasted brown skin is glistening in oil
Its texture crispy and semi-dry
Thwacking the breast from the side, it barely jiggles. The breast fat lost its moisture and hardened
Picking up a fork, you start cutting a piece off
Steam puffs from the incision, the oil interior dripping out
You take a small cut and eat it
Chewy, soft, spongy, with scents of parsley and thyme
The fat melts in your mouth with the crispy skin around it giving flavor

>> No.67634495 [View]

Its just a knife, i can overpower her with ease and rape her in self defense

>> No.67243907 [View]

The thing about knife rape is it's a one time thing, you can't do it twice

>> No.67241116 [View]

ask vedal. its a british thing where migrants rape you at knife point

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