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>> No.78500948 [View]

Get out of /vt/
Yeah it's great feeling to have anons talking about (You) but you're bound to let words affect you, sooner or later
>Haha. I've been on the basket weaving forum for 15 years I don't give a shit
Chuubas that hang out /here/ always turn into lolcows. Remember that.

>> No.78390564 [View]

it's not about getting an official job, it's about getting cancelled for browsing a mongolian basket weaving forum and no longer getting commissioned by the wokies

>> No.78382276 [View]

Then take it up with management. Thirty year-old obese women aren't your enemy, the dumbass Japanese people in charge are. I don't care about either side--Hololive has had undeniable cultural impact, but all Holofans do when it comes to this apparent "waste" or "leech" is twiddle their thumbs on a basket weaving forum. Use some of that leeway to push Holostars the fuck out. You guys have bargaining power you aren't using while these beached whales scream at official account tweet typos

>> No.78328410 [View]

>this insecure about his masculinity that he needs to brag about it on a basket weaving forum
don't know man sucking this much dick from Andrew Tate is kinda gay

>> No.78308100 [View]

In my opinion shitposting on a taiwanese basket weaving forum isn't a form of harassment

>> No.78308056 [View]

unfortunately my autism would have me do it if it meant i'd make friends, thankfully this is an anonymous basket weaving forum so I have no justification to do that.

>> No.78283628 [View]

namefagging on an underwater mongolian basket weaving forum take your meds my boy.

>> No.78254551 [View]

So fucking dumb. This shit wouldn't fly in any other situation and you know it. You wouldn't talk shit to me or harass me irl. Bunch of bitch-boys and rancid hookers. All you can do is abuse your position as mods on the basket weaving forum and shit on me and each other and fight your pathetic tribalfag wars. Take a step back and look at yourselves. Bitch fags and dumb sluts really shouldn't have the power that you snakes obtained. You should be locked up. You do not deserve a single fucking fan. Insufferable scum. Kill yourselves or get fucked or something. Or better yet, get a fucking life instead of trying to ruin things that have nothing to do with you. I don't know you fags. I don't care to know you fags. Why the fuck are you so desperately trying to insert yourselves in my life? I am literally no one. You are making a legend out of me. I don't even need to do shit. I do not want to get involved with you pathetic bitches and laughable gayboys. Leave me the fuck alone, lmao.

>> No.78254233 [View]

You bunch of rancid cunts and sore bussies. Don't you have anything better to do? Pathetic, jealous fucks. How about you grow a fucking spine or some balls? Cowardly dogs. What the fuck are you whores and fags even gonna do instead of anti'ing me from the shadows? You can't do shit. I know that you insufferable retards only have a handful of fans but maybe you should focus on those instead of harassing a random anon on the basket weaving forum. Are you people fucking stupid or are you really just that petty? I don't understand how you fags are this ridiculously pathetic. Get a fucking life. Lol. Lmao. Really, what the fuck are you gonna do? You know where I live. Just come and get some or give me your addresses. Laughable. Coward fags and hookers, just kill yourselves.

>> No.78246381 [View]

I'd tell you to do the same but you're probably already a dickless tranny so there's no risk of your genes passing on and dumbing down future generations. If being a self-appointed janny on a mongolian basket weaving forum is the best you'll ever amount to then I feel sorry for your parents.

>> No.78241345 [View]

You literally don't know the full story other than Kawaii narratives and you'll only get Kawaii narratives because of how they handled the exit
But sure a random guy on Mongolian basket weaving forum knows more than their vtuber friends

>> No.78196956 [View]

seething on an underwater basket weaving forum isnt going to improve your numbers, sis

>> No.78195910 [View]

she's running a business she put $100k into, no shit she cares about numbers
that's not the same as anonymous basket weaving forum members chimping out about which member has more subs

>> No.78188143 [View]

Anyone not from Doxsite. Are you new around here? Gonna Invade Kurosanji now that Basket Weaving Forum is not working out for you? Paki-chan...

>> No.78185800 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 219 KB, 466x261, 554987978918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely seething as they wallow into irrelevancy
chinksnigs take the CRUMBS holoGODS allow them to have

>other trash corpos and liggernigs?

No amount of shitting yourself on a dogshit basket weaving forum will ever change the fact that all of you retards are and will always be IRRELEVANT SHITTERS
You are powerless and impotent.

>> No.78161833 [View]

sees what? people going into a streamers chat and causing shit for no reason?

this is a large part of "don't break containment"
you don't have to like a person but you sure shouldn't go out of your way to fuck with them, especially for stupid accusations you read on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.78149403 [View]
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, YouCantSayThat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fh4onnr.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is called a "soundpost" newbud
I suggest looking up userscripts, I just got them working today myself and believe me they make the basket weaving forum so much better

>> No.78108672 [View]

Is that guy in this thread right noq, why would anyone care this much about how a piece of art is described on a basket weaving forum in one thread

>> No.78037528 [DELETED]  [View]

>brownoids out here getting triggered because one anon doesn’t want to post his hand on a mongolian basket weaving forum
really makes you think lol

>> No.78026884 [View]

>waaa you have to speak good english in cambodian bamboo basket weaving forum waaaaaaa

>> No.78008238 [View]

This is an absolute lie, Vivi was absolutely receiving harassment directly on Twitter and in her own Youtube comments. Harassers are gonna pretend they were just "scolding" her of course but we all know what they were really doing.
At least the shitposters who hate Enna leave it on this mongolian basket weaving forum. The way newfags think it's acceptable to directly address the livers with hate comments out of some misplaced entitlement is fucking mind boggling.

>> No.78001886 [View]
File: 956 KB, 1920x1080, firefox06082024205217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really think an anon posting vtuber porn on a basket weaving forum would know much about realistic dick anatomy?

>> No.77974640 [View]

>Faelie mentioned "basket weaving forum"

>> No.77957146 [View]

let me cosplay as a wetback who pretend to be a redneck on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>eek ook la

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