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Search: altare vesper fighting

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>> No.77444298 [View]

Axel has said that Tempus is like a house where Mom and Dad are always fighting. Vesper avoided Altare for a good while too

>> No.77441844 [View]

Nah, you are not pulling that "unity" garbage when most holo fans are already shitting on the homos anyways.
Thsi retard Vesper had all the time to do his research on hololive and see what he's getting himself into before he even applied, just to end up not doing it, still applying, getting in, and then bitching about perms for various things during his first 2 weeks. He said "Basically anything that's fun (we are not allowed to do)"
It's like yeah not shit faggot, look at JP's, look at the EN girls, did you think you will be granted some special permissions to act however you want?
Fuck Versper, fuck Magni and his tranny friend Daph39 and fuck Altare the tranny ally fighting for "le cause".

>> No.73674165 [View]

Uh no, he didn't. He mentioned there was something going on that was like parents fighting, which we could assume had something to do with Magnoir due to the timing, but he never said anything that would imply Altare was involved in that situation at all. There is literally no reason to believe he was talking about Vesper and Altare except people on /vt/ desperately wanting to believe it.

>> No.72445824 [View]

This was 100% true. Axel pretty much confirmed it in a now deleted members stream. Axel, who was the retarded little brother of the gen, finally put some effort into a stream. Stream started late because “issues” and when it comes on vesper is barely paying attention and falling asleep. Altare kept trying to throw the attention on Vesper so he would engage Axel’s stream but Vesper couldn’t be asked. Next day Axel has a mengen and says “mom and dad are fighting”. Private and deleted after. That was the last time vesper and altare appeared on stream together. Vesper was a retarded manchild.

>> No.71279355 [View]

>How much do you think each Tempus's boys bounty is?
>At least by Armis' standards?
Altare highest
Hakka/Shinri just below Altare dire to fighting abilities
Axel/Magni still pretty high but HQ has less kil counts so les of a conceren
Bettel/Vesper Mid, they aren't seen as much of a threat (that they know of)
Flayon..... They don't talk about Flyaon

>> No.70201330 [View]
File: 81 KB, 620x877, FdeB5G5XwAELX5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a really really old greentext i wrote base on that.
>Magni struggles as he opens his eyes,the scene that greeted him was not a pleasant one
>He can vaguely hear the sound of battle,"Who were we fighting again""Oh""Them"
>"I took a blow to the head,a scythe was swung down towards me to finish me off.B-but someone shielded me who was it again"
>turning to his side he sees vesper lying on the floor beside him blood pooling around his body.
>Magni look up to see,Axel struggling to get on his knees.His legs clearly broken in a few places
>Altare fighting one armed ,a bloodied mess remains of where his right arm used to be.Five figures surround him trying to finish him off.
>Altare is putting up a valiant defense,but clearly he was not long for this world.
>They had minutes,no seconds before they were completely wiped out.
>"Everyone is gonna die....again"
>He looks down at his collar,a small red crystal sits there.
>He hears a burly voice echo in his mind."Dez Boyo you dont have to do this" another voice younger almost musical "It will kill you,you know this"
>a female voice speaks "Run,Dezzy,they wont blame you,we didnt"
>He removes the pin that secures the red crystal to his collar,it thumpers to the floor,arms trembling he picks up the crystal and places it carefully into his mouth.
>As he is about to swallow ,A single thought consumes him "Never again."
>Finally a voice he recognize all too well speaks to him from the great beyond,his old master "You were always a stubborn lil runt.You have 5 mins before you are dead"
>Magni chuckles to himself and with labored breaths whispers "good enough"
>He swallows,light from each arms of his glove cloak flows into his body
>As he stands,power coursing through his veins.
>4 mins 59 seconds..

>> No.68751268 [View]

Magni didn't really do anything wrong except overestimate himself thinking he could carry his momentum out of holostars and consequently hurt his genmates but that seems to be water under the bridge.

Vesper already had some reputation as a grifter before he debuted as a holostar but a lot of people were bought in by how wholesome and enthusiastically he sold himself. It basically became apparent to more and more people over time that he was bullshitting his way through everything and the issue was just at what point people turned on him. A lot of the holostars JP fans realized really quickly that he knew nothing about the branch and didn't have any interest in learning when you compare him to like, Jurard now, who got a lot of flak on debut but proved to be dedicated to adjusting himself. Vesper basically just gave a ton of lip service to a lot of different, high engagement topics and then never delivered on anything at all.
He used Axel's "crush" on Nodoka for content which ended up getting Axel some antis for awhile and got Tempus some flak. Then there was a period where him and Altare seemed to be fighting, which we never really got details on to say anything educated about, but Altare got hassled a ton back during that period too and we now have some estimations that Vesper had been picking various fights behind the scenes. There was a whole arc in Japan about Vesper's anxiety making it impossible for him to work but we now know that he was just fucked out over not having access to weed overseas.

This isn't even touching on how much he antagonized fans. People always deflect to unicorns but the big problem was that he actively tried to stir shit with fans of the hololive girls by finding ways to bait them. Which then resulted in homobeggars going to their chats to start shit.

He talked a lot of smack about management too which divided the holostars fanbase for a long time, but then we realized at the twilight of his run that he was getting special treatment while fighting management on everything and still noped out of the company. Immediately after he departed, the remaining boys started getting much better support. Their projects stopped getting stuck in mysterious pipelines where they refused to talk about who got it stuck except that someone wasn't getting the work done and management started delivering for them all over the place.

>> No.63683803 [View]
File: 73 KB, 1148x781, 1700864925262035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altare (Flying/Steel)
>Magni (Poison/Psychic)
>Axel (Fire/Fighting)
>Vesper (Dark/Steel)
>Bettel (Normal)
>Flayon (Electric, Electric/Steel in Rtrus)
>Hakka (Ghost)
>Shinri (Water)
>Jurard (Dark/Normal)
>Goldbullet (Fairy/Dark) *wink* *wink*
>Octavio (Psychic)
>Ruze (Ground/Fighting)

National Dex
>Miyabi (Grass/Fairy)
>Izuru (Dark/Electric)
>Aruran (Normal)
>Rikka (Electric)
>Kira (Fairy)
>Suzaku (Steel/Fighting)
>Astel (Flying/Psychic)
>Temma (Steel)
>Robert (Normal)
>Shien (Steel/Dark)
>OgaMAN (Dark/Fire)
>Kaoru (Fairy)
>Fuma (Water/Ghost)
>Rio (Ghost)
>Uyu (Fairy/Psychic)
>Gamma (Normal)

>> No.57911105 [View]

Vesper and Magni both suffer from “white man derangement syndrome”, even though Magni’s not white. They always think they’re right and will never defer to someone else’s opinion. They certainly cannot shut up if they disagree with management and have no idea how to pick their battles.
Axel and Altare seem to be extremely good at deciding what is and isn’t worth fighting for and understand that playing nice is required for effective communication, as opposed to just shouting at whoever you’re talking to until they give up because no one would DARE disagree with you.

>> No.57541684 [View]

>"go easy on [Altare]" and Axel made a comment about "mom & dad fighting"
What the fuck? I'm curious about the context, this is fertile soil for rumors. (Especially since Vesper couldn't stop saying how much he respected Altare near debut.)

>> No.57539627 [View]

Magni told Vesper to "go easy on [Altare]" and Axel made a comment about "mom & dad fighting". That's the most we've got that they even had an issue. Even the "Vesper's avoiding collabs with Altare guys" claims have retroactively been remedied to the more accurate "Vesper's avoiding collabs with the boys in general".

>> No.56914728 [View]

idk man, they got a lot of special treatment like the shiny new model but still ended up ditching without a proper graduation. Plus there was a lot of shady shit with Vesper getting suspended for abusing management and also flying to Japan and trying to get into the Cover buildings without authorization. Not to mention fighting with Altare. He just seems like he had a huge attitude problem.

>> No.56633186 [View]

Vesper was suspended for fighting with Altare
Magni was suspended for backing him up.
Altare has connections with the management and tried to get them both fired and now the japanese management are lookiing into it and trying to understand the kind of woke hatred Altare has for Vesper and why Vesper snapped at him

>> No.55799225 [View]

>he was suspended the first time for fighting with Regis
>he and Magni got in a "huge shitflinging fight" on Discord.
false, Vesper had another fight with Altare, he was suspended directly after their first colllab together in months.
Magni was also suspended because he took Vesper's side this time

>> No.54268037 [View]
File: 81 KB, 620x877, FdeB5G5XwAELX5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magni struggles as he opens his eyes,the scene that greeted him was not a pleasant one
>He can vaguely hear the sound of battle,"Who were we fighting again""Oh""Them"
>"I took a blow to the head,a scythe was swung down towards me to finish me off.B-but someone shielded me who was it again"
>turning to his side he sees vesper lying on the floor beside him blood pooling around his body.
>Magni look up to see,Axel struggling to get on his knees.His legs clearly broken in a few places
>Altare fighting one armed ,a bloodied mess remains of where his right arm used to be.Five figures surround him trying to finish him off.
>Altare is putting up a valiant defense,but clearly he was not long for this world.
>They had minutes,no seconds before they were completely wiped out.
>"Everyone is gonna die....again"
>He looks down at his collar,a small red crystal sits there.
>He hears a burly voice echo in his mind."Dez Boyo you dont have to do this" another voice younger almost musical "It will kill you,you know this"
>a female voice speaks "Run,Dezzy,they wont blame you,we didnt"
>He removes the pin that secures the red crystal to his collar,it thumpers to the floor,arms trembling he picks up the crystal and places it carefully into his mouth.
>As he is about to swallow ,A single thought consumes him "Never again."
>Finally a voice he recognize all too well speaks to him from the great beyond,his old master "You were always a stubborn lil runt.You have 5 mins before you are dead"
>Magni chuckles to himself and with labored breaths whispers "good enough"
>He swallows,light from each arms of his glove cloak flows into his body
>As he stands,power coursing through his veins.
>4 mins 59 seconds..

>> No.53714853 [View]

Why would Vesper go menhera over the Altare collab? Do you guys actually watch streams? It was pleasant but not especially crazy.
I’ll believe the Magnoir fighting rrat because I hate Magni right now though.

>> No.53069158 [View]

>Shinri and Vesper fighting for Altare's attention
ok i will watch just for that

>> No.52533755 [View]

>brings up the completely disproven Omega rrats
>they were fighting about the direction of the branch (this is also completely untrue and has never even been suggested by anyone)
anon i know you don’t mean bad here but you really gotta try to not let /vt/ color all of your knowledge of events. they did have some sort of falling out but it was over like, altare being let down by vesper on projects for the 10th time

>> No.52512705 [View]

I think you're forgetting that both Vesper and Shinri are submissive whores that get off on being dominated. It's not like they're going to be fighting it. If anything, Shinri would be the accomplice Eiffel Towering Vesper with Altare.

>> No.52001682 [View]

Altare and Vesper fighting and suspecting each other live on stream...

>> No.51521451 [View]
File: 154 KB, 1343x718, Fych5OmXgAAVFkw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting Edition

Last thread: >>51504755

Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksvy41xvgrjjytwgd9

>Regis Altare

>Magni Dezmond

>Axel Syrios

>Noir Vesper

>Gavis Bettel

>Machina X Flayon

>Banzoin Hakka

>Josuiji Shinri

>OP Template

>Songs playlist

>> No.51360240 [View]

I mean it that immortality quest might work.
>Magni with his imperfect clones
>Vesper with vampiric essence
>Shinri and Hakka with curses experimentation
>Flayon trying to immortalized himself with mechs
>Altare seeking armor of lights guidance
>Axel with his fighting in arena because YOLO
And the kino part, they all essentially got immortalized through streaming

>> No.51306317 [View]

unironically vesper and altare had to be separated like two kids fighting at day care. im sure it sprung from a collab where vesper was late and kept falling asleep. axel confirmed in a deleted menshi that “mom and dad” were fighting. vesper now finds any reason to avoid interaction with him

>> No.50919923 [View]

Nobody knows for sure so /vt/ likes to project their own grudge against Altare onto Vesper and say it's because he hates trannies.
People only assumes anything even happened because around Vesper's suspension Magni said he should ""cut [Altare] some slack" and Axel alluded to "mom and dad fighting".

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