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Search: Imagine being her husband

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>> No.76740364 [View]

>No but jokes aside, didn't cerber literally call "cabbage" her husband?
that definitely sounds like something that cabbage would imagine her saying. or was it something she said to throw people off the scent of her being vedal's gf? i remember vedal leaning into the gay shipping last year for similar reasons.

>> No.75868443 [View]

>is leagues better than not even being within the same country as her
Cope much? You can't even imagine a FANTASY SCENARIO in which the two of you are not separated by country?
Perceive this: both of you live in the same enchanted forest but Shondo wants to treat you more like a medieval peasant than a husband, you're supposed to work her lands for 10-12 hours a day and pay taxes not to be intimate with your hime.

Who finds that appealing besides Shondo? A BDSM bottom?

>> No.75421688 [View]

>Imagine being so impotent you can't shoot twice and still give her triplets
This is why I am her husband and you are not

>> No.74970363 [View]

I've come here before to make sure I didn't miss anything about her. I have only posted here one time thanking some of the older guys for being nice to her during the subathon. I retract that now. I don't know if that post was her (adding this after writing, I think it was her now), but it remains true enough. Shondo isn't some villain, she's not a liar, she's just a girl who is trying her best. A real person who happens to have some of the worst people in the world slithering after her. Re-read her hiatus announcement. She was taking this break so that she could still come back. She probably wrote that through tears and I can't even imagine how hard it was. She's said so many times that she fears abandonment. For her to give a no-strings attached chance for you to leave her forever must have been devastating. Instead of offering support, you people claim she's divorcing you. You twist her words repeatedly. You disgust me. This latest outburst? She let a friend know she was ok. That's it. That's all it took for you guys to jump on her again and call her a devil. You're so worried about her divorcing when you have never acted as her husband. She deserves so much better than you. You all constantly play as if your some mans-man but you don't even qualify as children. You're leaches. You twist every word and call her a liar when you lack understanding. You try to bait others into hating her at every chance. She's given you every opportunity to step up, but instead you simply claimed the husband title and have failed to do anything deserving of it. She has been so kind to you and tried so hard. The confession streams, the iceberg, the maros, even the DMs! She has done so much to try and comfort you. To try and be there for you. Instead you've spit on her attempts at every opportunity. Use the last shred of dignity in that thing you call a body, and take responsibility for your actions. The community reflects the streamer? No matter how many times you say it, you do not reflect her at all. She has caused none of this. She is not like you in any way. She has been unbelievably kind and forgiving and trusting. Anytime she's made you laugh or smile, or given you that warm feeling that can only come from love, all of it has been a chance for you to stop. She hasn't changed like so many of you have claimed. This is the same girl from all of those years ago who is still reaching out to you. She posted on Twitter looking for your grievances. Some people were even unnecessarily harsh and yet she still took it to heart. Trying not to get one guyed, trying to tell us if she was feeling bad, etc. She is a real person who you all have been horrible to. You even claimed, whether it was a joke or not, that she was using the Internet issues to take days off. You've claimed she's hated you so many times and at this point, I wouldn't blame her. I am 100% serious saying this: pray and repent because what you've done is abhorrent. Crawl back into the sewer you emerged from and leave her alone. Leave her be and let her have her friends. Let her have fun again. Stop attacking her. Act like a husband and trust her. I hope she focuses on the good people, the ones who actually care about her. The ones who are the "lights" she talked about.

>> No.74861092 [View]

I don't care if this pisses people off, someone has to say it. I'm a vodfag, and people always go vod champs are champs too blah blah blah but are they? FUCKING ARE THEY?!?! I try so hard to be kiki's champy. I watch every stream, I comment everytime, I like the streams, I like the tweets, I post/here/, I try to make it to streams, I donate, I buy merch. but it's never enough. You're still a second-class husband to the live watchers. They are there when it matters, to cheer kiki up when she's sad, to see her when she's down, to know what's happening in her life and being there for her.
>just be they live bro
>she has to delete, the tourists wouldn't get it
>it was a bad stream that kiki isn't comfortable being public
it doesn't have to be public. just unlist it. vodchamps can see it and tourists won't. more unoptical streams have been unlisted rather than deleted before and it was fine.
> this new? kiki has more deleted streams than public lol newfag
This is the breaking point! I've missed enough important moments that you faggots won't shut the fuck up about, mentioning them here and in streams that I don't fucking care about your thread culture. FUCK YOUR THREAD CULTURE FAGGOT. You won't shut the fuck up about it always shoving it in us vodfag's face
>hehehe forbidden knowledge. Wouldn't you like to know, oh wait... you can't hahahah
fuck this second-class bullshit. Have any of you burger NEET faggots even tried to imagine how it feels to be us? seeing a deleted stream in the thread, seeing everyone pour their hearts out to cheer kiki up when she's sad and you weren't there... YOU WEREN'T THERE!!! IT WASN'T YOU! YOU AREN'T A CHAMP! YOU MEAN NOTHING! ALL YOUR EFFORT IS NOTHING! ALL YOUR TIME IS NOTHING! ALL YOUR LOVE IS NOTHING! kiki if you read this and think "anti", "troll", "hater", "no I will not stop deleting streams", fine. I'm ok with you having that position, but just be honest then and say "fuck vodchamps." "If you can't catch me live don't watch at all." just make a private groomcord. because that's what deleted streams basically are. I care about you so much. I wouldn't be saying all of this if I didn't give a shit, I care. I want to be there for you, I want to be a champ, I don't want to miss out. I want to be your husband. I care about you so much. I love you so much I just want to be there. I just want to be there. I just want to be there. I just want to be fucking there for you...please
I know this will make the live watchers mad I know this will probably make kiki sad, mad?, disappointed in me? say I'm an anti I don't care. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.74861021 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 4 KB, 400x400, 1695671761113707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if this pisses people off, someone has to say it. [spoilers] I'm a vodfag, and people always go vod champs are champs too blah blah blah but are they? FUCKING ARE THEY?!?! I try so hard to be kiki's champy. I watch every stream, I comment everytime, I like the streams, I like the tweets, I post/here/, I try to make it to streams, I donate, I buy merch. but it's never enough. You're still a second-class husband to the live watchers. They are there when it matters, to cheer kiki up when she's sad, to see her when she's down, to know what's happening in her life and being there for her.
>just be they live bro
>she has to delete, the tourists wouldn't get it
>it was a bad stream that kiki isn't comfortable being public
it doesn't have to be public. just unlist it. vodchamps can see it and tourists won't. more unoptical streams have been unlisted rather than deleted before and it was fine.
> this new? kiki has more deleted streams than public lol newfag
This is the breaking point! I've missed enough important moments that you faggots won't shut the fuck up about, mentioning them here and in streams that I don't fucking care about your thread culture. FUCK YOUR THREAD CULTURE FAGGOT. You won't shut the fuck up about it always shoving it in us vodfag's face
>hehehe forbidden knowledge. Wouldn't you like to know, oh wait... you can't hahahah
fuck this second-class bullshit. Have any of you burger NEET faggots even tried to imagine how it feels to be us? seeing a deleted stream in the thread, seeing everyone pour their hearts out to cheer kiki up when she's sad and you weren't there... YOU WEREN'T THERE!!! IT WASN'T YOU! YOU AREN'T A CHAMP! YOU MEAN NOTHING! ALL YOUR EFFORT IS NOTHING! ALL YOUR TIME IS NOTHING! ALL YOUR LOVE IS NOTHING! kiki if you read this and think "anti", "troll", "hater", "no I will not stop deleting streams", fine. I'm ok with you having that position, but just be honest then and say "fuck vodchamps." "If you can't catch me live don't watch at all." just make a private groomcord. because that's what deleted streams basically are. I care about you so much. I wouldn't be saying all of this if I didn't give a shit, I care. I want to be there for you, I want to be a champ, I don't want to miss out. I want to be your husband. I care about you so much. I love you so much I just want to be there. I just want to be there. I just want to be there. I just want to be fucking there for you...please [/spoilers] I know this will make the live watchers mad I know this will probably make kiki sad, mad?, disappointed in me? say I'm an anti I don't care. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.74686233 [View]

Imagine marrying Selen Tatsuki and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her gaming reps up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Selen is glowing and her gamer activities are working out and her belly is quite small on her fridge body. Now imagine in a few months Selen has to stop her intense gaming because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot in front of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Selen's face when her doctor tells her that she should take a break on her apex reps for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive toxicity is doing more harm than good. Imagine Selen reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop pwning n00bs for now for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Selen Tatsuki raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine Towering above her while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Selen up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine Sniffing her hair as she lies facing upwards on top of your torso and guides your hands around her like a scarf. Imagine rubbing Selen's hard sensitive nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine teasing Selen about how her breasts are too small to feed three kids and how she'll need to start saving it up early, leading to her not milking herself for weeks and accidentally turning her tiny supple breasts into overfilled perky veiny perky lumps that spurt succulent cream at the slightest touch. Imagine Selen being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she should just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Selen's now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Selen tryharding motherly charms like learning to cook and decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts tryharding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day. Selen's competitiveness would overpower her small amount of reasoning and have her end up a dairy soaked mess for weeks because of her overstimulated mammaries. Imagine holding her cool dragon hand while she's in the maternity ward giving birth and in her half dazed state right after pushing out three beautiful children she says "my new gahaheheaamers aeeehahheheh" and she falls asleep and you wrap all your children in yellow blankets cause they're legendary and they fall asleep in her arms while you sit next to her and poke her flabby stomach.

>> No.74384885 [View]

Imagine being her husband and taking her to her proctology exam after listening to her complain the preceding night about the nasty medicine they forced her to take to prepare for her procedure and then sitting in the same room as her afterwards as the air they pumped into her colon slowly passes out of her rectum.

>> No.72564394 [View]

imagine being their husband and getting into an argument and they annoy you so much you just pick her up and put her on top of the fridge or somewhere high so she can't get down on her own and she just pouts and screams at you to let her down

>> No.72015196 [View]

Imagine being Pochi husband right now
Telling her that she’s right to avoid divorce

>> No.71667089 [View]

Imagine being an abusive husband to Layna and gaslighting her to think it's all her fault

>> No.70932379 [View]

>Curious about why Froot is so hated
>see drama video about her
>"damn, didn't know she was that bad, weird how everyone covers her back but wouldn't be the first time"
>see FalseEye video on her, actually expecting confirmation on how bad she is
>In actuality, is more about the poster of the drama video, and basically having a hateboner for froot and being a bad person in general
>turn outs the bad things about her is a he said she said and could be probably be made up by her ex-husband
Well, that was a roller coaster, i'd imagine there would be more solid evidence against her by the amount of hate she gets here but if anything, rather than believe in her, its much easier to believe in people that believe in her.
unless there's something else i haven't seeing

>> No.70859432 [View]

They're right, if you go to other vtubers they will actually read your messages and have a conversation with you, even off stream on discord or twitter. Imagine being actually treated with some respect by someone instead of simply being led on for months as a means to an end. Fact is she realized she didn't need husbands anymore and will slowly whittle down the numbers as her viewer count goes up, roping in some newfag whales while shes at it until she eventually just kills off the entire husband meme and gets rid of the hangers on once and for all.
The writing is on the wall, you can either avert your eyes or see the light.

>> No.70167178 [View]
File: 408 KB, 918x526, 1678360646125822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Coni .Every day I would wake her up by cumming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her dog pussy. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Coni as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 12 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of sweet cream per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. Her natural belly shape will be a fucking sphere. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she should literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. If she doesn't have any eggs I will synthesize them from her DNA. She would have so much progresterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her. Imagine marrying Coni and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her Vtuber duties up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Coni is glowing and her Vtuber activites are working out and her belly is quite small on her toned body. Now imagine in a few months Coni has to stop her Vtuber activities because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot infront of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Coni face when her doctor tells her that she would take a break on her Vtuber activities for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive movement is doing more harm than good. Imagine Coni reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop doing her favonious reps for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Coni raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine towering above Coni while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Coni up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine rubbing Coni's nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine Coni being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she would just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Coni now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Coni try harding motherly charms like decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts try harding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day.

>> No.69869060 [View]
File: 430 KB, 918x526, 1701174763126990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Coni .Every day I would wake her up by cumming in her and every night I would cum in her right before going to sleep, which I would do with my dick stuck inside her dog pussy. I would take some viagra before bed just to maintain my erection so that she'll be ready in the morning when I thrust into her like an animal and slather her in kisses. Part of our wedding vows would have as many children as physically possible. I wouldn't even care if she's already pregnant, I'll fuck her while she's pregnant and she'll get double pregnant. I'll fill her with so much cum every day that she'll look pregnant even when she isn't (which she'll never be after we're married) I would do everything in my power to make Coni as fertile as possible. I'd give her fertility drugs, I'd give her uterus massages, breast massages, I wouldn't let her go 12 hours without at least one spastic orgasm. I'll even bake her home made lactation inducing biscuits to help her get to a point of hyperlactation syndrome so that she'll be seeping out multiple quarts of sweet cream per day. Which I will save and drink just so that I can tell her how delicious it is. I'll make her so fertile that triplets will be the minimum number she's carrying at any given time. Her natural belly shape will be a fucking sphere. I would literally never stop doting on her, I would respond to her every beck and call and I would cum inside her again each time she asks for something. She would be so pregnant all the time that she should literally not be able to stand up straight anymore even after menopause. Her spine would be permanently bent out of shape to accommodate a pregnant belly. Even after she can't get pregnant anymore I would just keep putting more eggs into her. I would clone her purely so that I can put fresh eggs from the clone inside her after she runs out of them. If she doesn't have any eggs I will synthesize them from her DNA. She would have so much progresterone running through her veins at any given time that even the thought of not being pregnant would seem alien to her. Imagine marrying Coni and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her Vtuber duties up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Coni is glowing and her Vtuber activites are working out and her belly is quite small on her toned body. Now imagine in a few months Coni has to stop her Vtuber activities because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot infront of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Coni face when her doctor tells her that she would take a break on her Vtuber activities for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive movement is doing more harm than good. Imagine Coni reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop doing her favonious reps for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Coni raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine towering above Coni while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Coni up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine rubbing Coni's nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine Coni being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she would just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Coni now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Coni try harding motherly charms like decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts try harding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day.

>> No.69581597 [View]
File: 37 KB, 366x295, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being an ugly, genetically messed up chinese woman.

Why is she even trying to get a husband when nobody wants her awful genes? Just adopt a kid, or get a harem of cats. No man is ever gonna want you.

>> No.69347886 [View]

Um, the simplest reason is that she has a boyfriend/fiance/husband. You can actually notice a cycle with the vtubers were they cycle between being very affectionate, and cold/distant. If an affectionate vtuber suddenly starts putting distance between herself and her fans, you can be fairly certain they found a significant other.

I imagine Suisei has someone like that. The talents without someone want male attention. Those with, do not. It's really just as simple as that.

>> No.69214656 [View]

Imagine caring for her and being a loving husband to her

>> No.68281125 [View]
File: 405 KB, 1279x633, 1692732918991576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine marrying Dokibird and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her gaming reps up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Dokibird is glowing and her gamer activities are working out and her belly is quite small on her fridge body. Now imagine in a few months Dokibird has to stop her intense gaming because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot in front of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Dokibird's face when her doctor tells her that she should take a break on her apex reps for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive toxicity is doing more harm than good. Imagine Dokibird reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop pwning n00bs for now for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Dokibird raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine Towering above her while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Dokibird up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine Sniffing her hair as she lies facing upwards on top of your torso and guides your hands around her like a scarf. Imagine rubbing Dokibird's hard sensitive nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine teasing Dokibird about how her breasts are too small to feed three kids and how she'll need to start saving it up early, leading to her not milking herself for weeks and accidentally turning her tiny supple breasts into overfilled perky veiny perky lumps that spurt succulent cream at the slightest touch. Imagine Dokibird being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she should just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Dokibird's now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Dokibird tryharding motherly charms like learning to cook and decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts tryharding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day. Dokibird's competitiveness would overpower her small amount of reasoning and have her end up a dairy soaked mess for weeks because of her overstimulated mammaries. Imagine holding her cool dragon hand while she's in the maternity ward giving birth and in her half dazed state right after pushing out three beautiful children she says "my new gahaheheaamers aeeehahheheh" and she falls asleep and you wrap all your children in yellow blankets cause they're legendary and they fall asleep in her arms while you sit next to her and poke her flabby stomach.

Imagine the pic is dokibird

>> No.68249975 [View]
File: 405 KB, 1279x633, 1692732918991576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine marrying Selen Tatsuki and she tells you she wants a kid and that she'll be fine and she'll keep her gaming reps up while pregnant. When she finally gets two lines on her pregnancy test she'll jump and full body hug you crying about how happy she is after trying so hard. Everything is going great for a few months, Selen is glowing and her gamer activities are working out and her belly is quite small on her fridge body. Now imagine in a few months Selen has to stop her intense gaming because her feet hurt and her legs aren't used to holding up her new weight. Her belly extends almost a full foot in front of her and she's gained nearly 15 kilos. Imagine the look on Selen's face when her doctor tells her that she should take a break on her apex reps for a while because she's carrying triplets and the excessive toxicity is doing more harm than good. Imagine Selen reluctantly smiling at you and promising to stop pwning n00bs for now for the sake of preparing to take care of three kids at once. Imagine as the weeks go by and her womb fills up more and as her appetite and weight increase with it. Imagine finding your 7 month pregnant wife Selen Tatsuki raiding the fridge in the dark at 4:00 AM with a guilty look on her face when you find her, like a puppy and that gnawed holes into your pillow. Imagine Towering above her while she sits on the floor nervously wiping ice cream drips off of her massive belly and mumbling about how the kids made her do it. Imagine helping Selen up and princess carrying her back to bed and having her ask if she can lie on top of you because you're warm. Imagine Sniffing her hair as she lies facing upwards on top of your torso and guides your hands around her like a scarf. Imagine rubbing Selen's hard sensitive nipples and having her complain about how you might get milk everywhere and how she needs to save it for the kids. Imagine teasing Selen about how her breasts are too small to feed three kids and how she'll need to start saving it up early, leading to her not milking herself for weeks and accidentally turning her tiny supple breasts into overfilled perky veiny perky lumps that spurt succulent cream at the slightest touch. Imagine Selen being proud of her breast growth despite it being painful and unhealthy and imagine the look on her face when the doctor says she should just start milking herself and how her husband (you) would probably be willing to help. Imagine spending hours with Selen's now plump squishy body resting on your lap while you suck the milk out of her tits. Imagine the extra weight from her pregnancy making it difficult to walk for her and turning her partially immobile during the last month. Imagine Selen tryharding motherly charms like learning to cook and decorating the baby room and lactating. Imagine your comments having made her self concious about her milk production so she starts tryharding supplements and massages to increase her yield to nearly a quart of milk per day. Selen's competitiveness would overpower her small amount of reasoning and have her end up a dairy soaked mess for weeks because of her overstimulated mammaries. Imagine holding her cool dragon hand while she's in the maternity ward giving birth and in her half dazed state right after pushing out three beautiful children she says "my new gahaheheaamers aeeehahheheh" and she falls asleep and you wrap all your children in yellow blankets cause they're legendary and they fall asleep in her arms while you sit next to her and poke her flabby stomach.

>> No.68131861 [View]

being inas husband would be exhausting, imagine her coming home from the supermarket and she forces you to translate her mumbling gibberish and its just a story about how the bag was exactly the right size for the food she bought but shes telling the story as if its the craziest thing that has happened to anyone ever

>> No.67152842 [View]

Imagine being her husband. Watching your whore wife stream with strange MEN every week. Gross.

>> No.66959924 [View]
File: 15 KB, 290x241, 1629932865820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These rrats are so autistic holy shit. Muh insider trading, muh salary, muh paycut. As if no one ever discusses work with their friends when they're in a publicly traded company. Fucking Nancy Pelosi gets away with leaking info to her husband, but Mel fucking agent 007 IQ somehow dropped such an infobomb that jap's IRS is on her tail. Or imagine actually being afraid of disclosing your salary because some pencil pusher middle manager is gonna get upset. Are you actually retarded or what?
Here's a rrat that's isn't a complete sperg wank. Some VCR dickhead fucked her and then went on to check her PC for god knows how much dirty shit, while she was sleeping. Maybe even started DMing other holos from her account.

>> No.65554700 [View]

Last thread made me sad. Now I imagine sitting in my lonely apartment watching old Moom vods while she is being happy with her husband and kids somewhere.

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