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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: >th-this time for sure!

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>> No.72274682 [View]

It was a surreal feeling, seeing a grown human disappear down that dark, slobbering hole in a matter of seconds. There was some moaning, licking, and gentle munching involved on the part of the horny predator as he slid into her gut bit-by-bit, but when all was said and done, it’d taken less than two minutes for him to be reduced to nothing but an extra set of bulges on her stomach walls.

As the added mass of nearly 100 kilos of meat had streeetchedthe virus’s gut outwards, the organ had struggled to reshape itself to its increased load, pushing her fat ass even further off the ground and expanding a few inches in every direction. The pressure now acting on the (did she say seven!?) men inside was apparently beyond what their digestive-fluid-softened bodies could handle, as her belch resulted in a series of wet *crack*s and *glorp*s resonating out from deep within. It was only as the layer of pointed lumps at the bottom of the gut expanded in proportion that Nanobites realized it was made up of hundreds upon hundreds of bones, presumably from the three or four men that had otherwise already been reduced to chyme.

“Haaaaaaahhh…~ …Oh, fuck, he feels good thrashing around in there…~ *Huff*... I think he might’ve been… the biggest today… haaaah… in more ways than one~”

The last thing Nanobites saw before the feed cut off was a hungry lick of the lips directed towards the screen.

Almost in a trance, the blueette replayed the critical moment of Lia’s gullet stretching wide several times, trying to find some hint of video editing or acting; there was no way she’d actuallyswallowed a guy… right!?

But no matter how much she watched, no matter how she parsed over that flabby parody of her friend’s body, it was simply too detailed and too absurd to be a prank. Rinkou Lia had become a maneater in the most literal sense of the word.

“Haaaahnn…~ H-Hey there, you done watching yet, Yuri? Ahn…~”

Several awkward beats of silence passed as the virus’s battered lungs rePhase Connected to normalcy and the former necromancer nervously contemplated the sudden revelations she was having about her own sexual interests. Finally, after nearly two empty minutes, Lia continued speaking, for the first time in the conversation actually sounding somewhat sober.

“I-I know it probably doesn’t sound genuine after all that, but, uh… sorry for getting you mixed up in this? I originally just wanted to check up and see if you were doing alright, but then the Likers started getting antsy, and, well, that made me really horny, and then I–”

“I-It’s alright, Lia. I was, um… Just… do whatever works out between you and your fans.”

“Ahaha…! That’s good to hear. I’m glad I can talk with you like this, you know? In retrospect, it’s probably a good thing you got out of Phase Connect before it went down the drain.”

A strange chill ran down the catgirl’s spine.

“Went down… sorry, what?Didn’t you guys just have a major Live? Last I checked, all your views and superchat earnings were higher than ever, too.”

“Huh…? O-Oh, hahahaha!That’s not what I meant by ‘down the drain’, haha…I’m sure the girls would still be doing just fine if they were still around.”

Nanobites felt her breath catch.

“Wh-What are you…”

“I’m talking about my plumbing system~I dumped them all down itlate last night, eeevery siiingle member~ Got a good chunk of the managers and temps, too, those tasty hunks~”


The blueette’s chest tightened, partly from fear, but partly from something else.

“Th-Then you mean… Pippa... Lumi and Airi... everyone, they’re all…?”

“Patches of belly flab?Sure are~Most scrumptiousmeal I’ve ever had, too, what with all the tasty different species and the pumped-up jiggly bitsa bunch of them had done-up for fanservice~I doubt I’ll ever find another smorgasbord with as much variety as those girls in my lifetime~”

>> No.71696919 [View]

It seems you make yourself run into dead-ends consistently while monologuing. Try letting yourself dive deeper and chain topics together instead of saying "anyway" and waiting for the next thing that pops into your head.

You'd benefit from having a mental list of relevant topics to start rambling on so you can avoid bringing up stuff you don't really have anything to say about.

Be more aware about the atmosphere you're creating, you come across as crass and unapproachable when you speak because you're complaining about things half the time. If you're not willing to do this then make sure your energy is high and you put effort into reacting to what's happening in game to make it funnier. It's hard to get a foothold on this kind of content without many chatters to laugh, though. Good luck.

You should stop talking about 4chan and basedjaks entirely, I know you're trying to be genuine and real but oldfags don't talk about 4chan in the first place.

Practice pronouncing your "Th"s, right now when you raise your voice it comes out as "D"

>> No.70919380 [View]
File: 168 KB, 428x514, 1709879380801475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitsuji mofu mofu, kedama moko moko, watame fuwa fuwa, dododo, futon ni kurumari, kyou mo oyasumi~
>thank you for coming to my stream today i appreciate it
>>when's idol arc?
>uh.. i dunno if i...if i can do that
>but thank you so much for coming to my stream today i really really really appreciate it
>thank you for the support always
>i know karaoke is something im not really good at but it's somethind i want to get better at...
>i know if you were in my twitter space i really... i dunno!!!
>thank you for... i dunno...
>even though i feel like uh... i feel like a little baby child and their parents are like cheering them on even though they kind suck *giggles* it's still fun anyways and
>you know, honestly, i feel like my confidence has kinda grown in karaoke *giggles* i used to i used to do it fully but... i did it for almost 4 hours! that's like a new... that's a new whatever!
>yeah thank you so much, i appreciate it
>hopefully i can get better *giggles* thank you for hanging out i appreciate it
>just because i'll be gone for ten days doesn't mean that i won't be active
>here's my twitter, here's the discord
>thank you for hanging out i appreciate it, sorry for the rough start
>>can you give us one last oo wee oo?
>oo wee oo~ i look just like budy holy~ oh oh~ and you're mary tyler moore~
>*laughs* yeah all th-
>oh god, i almost burped into the damn mic...*laughs*
>yeah but thank you for hanging out today
>i was so so so sure i was gonna cry today
>im so freaking strong STOP IT dont LOL me
>no! nonono! NO!
>i was so scared i was gonna cry at the end but look at me! im so strong
>im so strong!
>thank you for supporting me always i appreciate it thank you thank you always
>uh... yeah! just because im gone doesnt mean i won't be active... uh yeah!
>don't forget about me just because i'll be gone for ten days
>i know ten days is a long time but think of it like that:
>*puts on a voice* the more we spend away from each other... the fonder the heart grows... *laughs*
>>forget about who?
>don't say that!
>thank you so much for hanging out i appreciate it.. yeah
>oh man i'm so glad...
>i dunno... i feel so much better
>i was freaking ueeh ueeeehing earlier
>i was freaking ueeh ueeeh ueeeehing earlier this week cause i felt like... i was like...
>i felt so insecure but i feel good! thank you!!
>it's truly through your support that i feel better about myself, honestly
>i was... earlier this week i was losing my mind because..
>i think just thinking about the ways i want to improve as a vtuber kinda set me for a spiral because then i kinda compare myself to the people who are like leeeeeeasgues, leagues cooler than me...
>oh my god oh my god i'll never be like them
>you know, everyone has their own journey
>and honestly I.... I... even though, even though it's a *panting* even though i get scared that I uh... uh.. i may be... *more panting* overestimating myself or something....
>i dunno~
>maybe one day i can get good at the things i want to do...
>maaaaaybe one day, maybe one day
>>brain thought too hard?
>for real!
>but thank you! it really is through all of your support that i feel i can really get though it so thank you
>also! you guys better then me maros *laughs*
>you guys better then me maros! i know i don't answer every single maro publicly but that's just because i want to keep those messages for myself
>those are between you and me and you and me only *giggles*
>>she wants maros soooo bad!
>hey! someone was like, someone was like will you answer maros over your break? OF COURSE i am!
>of course i am
>>she hasn't answered any of the burp ones i sent!
>you need death, i think *giggles*
>this, over here, it's anonymous messages
>i see them more as, I see them more as snail mail you know what i mean?
>>it's like a secret one way letter with never any response
>i keep them near and dear to my heart though
>i keep them near and dear to my heart even if i don't say anything back, i appreciate them all
>and i appreciate the kindness that i receive through them *laughs* i... thank you so much, thank you!

>> No.68716511 [View]

th- this time for sure

>> No.67248997 [View]
File: 57 KB, 732x570, 1681766321795698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, anon! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy Anon?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful: my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, anon! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look at what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!

>> No.66376738 [View]

>th-this time for sure!!! All the fans are going to leave!!!!
Too much copium isn't good for your system, anon.

>> No.64506256 [View]

>th-this is the real limit for sure this time!
if you're not already gone, I don't know what to tell you

>> No.63770725 [View]

this is like season 6 of "th-this time for sure!"

>> No.61831392 [View]
File: 278 KB, 444x444, 67557657657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you missed the anniversary
Forgot about that.
>You've been out for too long.
True, just give some some information why ive beenI was at a friends place during summer and he drove me (and my cats) back about a week before the anniversary and i was pretty much busy IRL cleaning up my apartment as i wasnt there for about 3 months and it got quite dusty so i worked non stop on things when i came back, barely slept and almost got hit by a car (unintentionally) as i was so tired and stressed/depressed that day and didnt check both sides before crossing the street while buying groceries as i was too deep stuck in my thoughts(first time i ever forgot about doing so), but the driver hit the breaks on time so nothing happened.

After that i thought i should take a longer break than just a two weeks and try and get my shit together and was busy cleaning my apartment further up and getting rid of stuff i dont need anymore, among other things basically just depression being bad and me wanting to die more with every passing day made me isolate myself again (did the same for two months last year). Wasnt sure if shouldnt just go back to isolating myself completely again but decided against doing that after talking to kuro for a while.

Despite the fact i still feel like dying daily, i didnt really give up on stuff again. In fact im probably taking better care of my physical health the past 4 months since ever in my life and since im back home i started pushing myself daily to do 40 mins of cardio daily which is easier on my body than i thought despite the chronic joint pain and started eating properly since the past 4 months. Th cardio seemed to help with my knee pain at least and having some muscles helps with EDS not that cardio builds much muscle mass, but i dont plan to become "bulky" and that wasnt the goal to begin with.

Either way, enough pointless blogging (i hate talking this much even if the thread is dead) just thought i might as well say that much as ive been gone for about a month or so. I plan to stop isolating myself and start slowly talking to people again and be active here again now, though.

>> No.61775356 [View]

th-this time for sure

>> No.60906795 [View]

>th-this time for sure!

>> No.60880679 [View]

Here's my tips:
>Record in audacity. It's free, records your audio without fucking with it and has more than enough tools to edit your audio. If you really want to get funky, Adobe Audition.

>Most ASMR is done in a soft spoken or whispered format because that mimics intimacy which is one of the triggers for ASMR so try whispering or soft speaking rather than speaking at normal volume

>Usually background noise should be less musical and more ambient (not saying they can't be musical and ambient). I found myself getting distracted and pulled out by the music rather than drawn in and immersed. Here's a channel that I think does music immersion really well: https://www.youtube.com/@MysticalPixalASMR

>Try to slow down your speaking. It's very fast for ASMR. Just as a general approximation, your speech was probably at about 160 WPM, whereas ASMR should drop below 80 WPM preferably lower. Probably a mix of nerves and generally when you read something out loud, your brain has the tendency to jump ahead of your speech and you want to read it faster to catch up.

>This is counterintuitive to all other audio performances, but mouth sounds are generally good. Let me hear your tongue being unstuck from your cheeks, if you swallow that's a nice sound too, gently T sounds are good too. Try making sure you mouth is well hydrated to enhance the sounds. A good example of this is Latte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT8YEfNYkMY

>Sometimes you don't give the listener enough time to mentally respond to the thing you said

>You slur your Sh, Th, V and S sounds a little (for example when you say Mrs Hughes or places [sounds a bit like play-zes]. I'm guessing from nerves.

>I think you have nice vocal fry. Exaggerate that more.

>Your already mentioned it in the description but SFX do add a lot to immersion.

>On the topic of immersion, M4A obviously limits you a little bit given how general you have to be. ASMR to me is always about trying to get as close to the listener as possible so to me, it's always better to narrow your audience scope a little so you can make it more personalised. Just also noticing you used the term "wizard" which is generally a male gendered term so it sort of breaks the M4A a little and leans more M4M.

>This is simply my personal preference but personal attention is a big factor for me. As for being a vtuber, I think ASMR should serve as a way to become more intimate and closer with your audience that you can't exactly do on streams. So the script I think could be reworked to add in more personal attention for the listener.

>Length! ASMR is generally usually used as a relaxation or sleep aid. The average person takes approximately 15 minutes to fall asleep. Generally people who use ASMR have difficulties sleeping so 20+ minutes is more preferable as a listener so I can fall asleep

>At 8:59 there was a slight hiccup with overriding speech tracks.

Sorry if it sounds very negative I don't mean it that way, the fact you're putting yourself out there and trying ASMR which I know for a lot of people is actually kind of scary since you do need to be more intimate and vulnerable, it's really admirable of you and don't let me discourage you from making more content.

>> No.60845858 [View]

>open stream
>it's the same old same old
Th-this time for sure

>> No.56666081 [View]

th-this time for sure!

>> No.56206411 [DELETED]  [View]

>th-this time for sure
kek you faggots are pathetic

>> No.55458095 [View]

Manager-san. After I listened to Deidey's cover for the n-th time, I think this should be her goalhorns:
>Single Goal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUvEHcTyDz0
>Brace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtZ-UqpUZYU&t=201s (start at 3:21, not from the beginning)
>Hattrick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxCGjVxVshY

To be fair, I'm not sure if her single goal should be her GHOST cover. I mean, try to compare it between the other two. I laugh when I do that. The mix (or something? I don't know) is so bad that Deidey's new cover is a huge improvement for me.

What do you think, Manager-san?

>> No.53638992 [View]
File: 112 KB, 1825x793, 17-07-23-lang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More clip numbers graph by language.
Holy shit are youtube metatags cursed. The automated language detection has some false positives, I don't know how to handle dual-sub channels, and there are some channels (karaoke rips) that are dubiously categorized.
Still working on visualization of this data, which will have to wait next week when I have more free time. I'd also like to do some sampling to make sure misattribution is minimal, but that is for later.
Here's also some clipper data. I've manually reviewed some of the unpopular languages for false positives, so just treat it with some margin of error.
ja 3607
en 2439
id 210
zh 469
es 103
ru 41
th 49
ko 113
vi 60
pt 13
pl 2

>> No.52079652 [View]

>th-this time for sure!

>> No.51450183 [View]

>Th-This time for sure!

>> No.50692223 [View]

Th-th-this time for sure?

>> No.50078987 [View]

>th-this time for sure!

>> No.47683037 [View]

>th-this time for sure!

>> No.47533037 [View]
File: 50 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-5c8447c1b646ea5663e92670e219be17-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-This time for sure... Miko gold! I believe... I BELIEVVVE!

>> No.46366950 [View]

th-this time for sure.

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