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Search: snake fauna

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>> No.46216872 [View]

>Fauna teaching Bae how to ride the snake

>> No.45671275 [View]

Anyone got that soundpost of Fauna getting to the top and riding down the snake by accident?
It was really funny.

>> No.45668887 [View]

Fauna literally said in chat Bae is "pretty cracked" Fauna's first run was hell, and included riding the snake. Fauna's good now because she's done over 50 fucking times

>> No.44680127 [View]

Fauna always came off as a snake to me. Seems like they are on friendly terms again but never trust Fauna. The was she numberfags is also disgusting.

>> No.43631191 [View]

I think being themed after concepts like with Council is good. They (management/PR) just decided to be retards about the YOU DIDNT HAVE TO CUT ME OFF shit.
Fauna uses her theme exceptionally well. Mumei is pretty good at using hers. Bae is net neutral on the whole "chaos" thing (would be negative if not for shit like her orisong saving it). Kronii would've benefitted from focusing more on the whole "Snake" thing over the "Time" thing.

>> No.41100686 [View]

I resent that you call me a sapling because it couldn't be further from the truth. Unlike saplings, I actually have self respect and don't support people who do not give a shit about me. I do not watch people who pretend that they care just to get money to go on trips where she just ignores the fans who even got her there. Kiara? Loves her fans. Bae? Loves her fans. IRyS? Loves her fans. You know how I know? They actually keep in touch and don't pretend to be something they're not. They make sure to tweet and give updates even through their own vacations. They don't repeatedly lie about streaming a day and then not show up.

Fauna though? Comes back from Japan, streams, tummy horts, streams, tummy horts all the while cancelling those streams last minute because she just doesn't fucking care. But as I said, I have enough self respect to see the forest for the trees and know she's just a dirty snake who doesn't care about anyone but herself even when she tries to be GFE-lite.

>> No.41060617 [View]

I stopped watching Fauna after offcollab arc. I always thought she was a sweet lovable girl but turns out she's a vile evil snake. Fucking grim how someone can ruin their reputation in less than a week

>> No.40904915 [View]

She actually sounds better than Fauna because she doesn't hiss like a snake whenever she has to say the letter "S"

>> No.40693864 [View]

>Fauna is a lying whore and a snake who is only in it for the money.

You literally just described Kronii. At least with Faumei, I know that Mumei will never be dragged into a Tempus collab by her.

>> No.40693790 [DELETED]  [View]

I'd rather Kronii be paired with Mumei than Fauna. Fauna is a lying whore and a snake who is only in it for the money. She doesn't even care about the JPs and didn't even tell Watame who she pretends to give a shit about that she was going to Japan

>> No.40266187 [View]

>he’s here
It’s your fault I’m imagining Fauna’s voice saying dumb snake puns and acting haughty about how good they are, Anon! Damn you!

>> No.40265660 [View]
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 6D407085-BF9C-435C-9182-00A2E4FC8B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dumb motherfucker said Fauna should’ve been Kronii instead because her sibilant voice fits the snake motif and I can’t stop thinking about it.

>> No.40083540 [View]

Fauna and Mumei are complete and total bitches for excluding Kronii from this off Collab. Fauna the most because you can tell she's actually a snake underneath it all. Look at how nasty she was to Bae and Mumei during the drunk stream just because she was slightly drunk and couldn't control herself.

>> No.39918494 [View]
File: 37 KB, 186x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'Morning /∞/
SpaceTime forever.
It looks like I misses a lot since I went to sleep...
Thank for your service. Doing warden's work.
picrel: cannot unsee a mechanical Boros (looks like a snake with eyes and eyelashes
Short hair... please use this one Kronii.
It kind of fits better in her, that outfit works better with short hair (I swear I'm not schizoing about it)
So cute. I think Wada mama buffed Fauna though. Also, we look so pretty in this.
Great art.
Ahh, it was real, anon lied to me when I came back from eating. Sundial love! Also: shilling sisters was modified, Bae, no...
A lose my time and sanity? I like what I like, let them shitstirrers discuss in a vacuum and starve from lack of yous.
Very cute. Mafiaronii deserved some cosplay.
If only fellow Kronilite.
So cute. So much cute art lately, thanks new outfit.

>> No.39398969 [View]
File: 38 KB, 720x672, 131239753_425302175291288_2574011637893810684_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No because now I can't get my cucking fetish off /s....

In all seriousness I just can't see nor understand c00ming to vtubers. Idk like how there is that weird parasocial thing I just can't get it to flip that switch.

Even tried some ASMR ones with god-tier voices like Ceres Fauna and stuff but it just didn't do anything down there. Like trying to shake the shit out of a snake trying to play dead.

>> No.38556535 [View]

What's so good about Fauna's kimono? It's pretty bland. The white snake theme on Kronii's is cool

>> No.38440554 [View]

TLDR, but i feel awkward when Fauna praises me in ASMR
>”why wouldn’t we care about you? You got a good heart”
>”Fauna, I’m not gonna lie to you, i just jerked off to a Netori series about an autistic dude mind controlling people with a talking snake penis, and turning people (including his mother) into animals. These aren’t the words i should be hearing”

>> No.38314867 [View]

>Mascot: Bloop
>Fan Rep: The shrimp
>Mascot: Bubba
>Fan rep: The gator
>Mascot: Death-sensei
>Fan rep: a fucking skeleton
>Mascot: Kotori
>Fan rep: KFP employee/waitress
>Mascot: Tako (AO chan has since been retconned out of existence)
>Fan rep: Tako

>Mascot: Yatagarasu
>Fan rep: bread dog
>Mascot: Nemu
>Fan rep: sapling seedling
>Mascot: Mr. Squeeks
>Fan rep: fans have adopted themselves as variations on Mr. Squeeks but Brats dont really have a physical representation
>Mascot: the cum snake Boros
>Fan rep: clock face kroniis
>Mascot: friend
>Fan rep: an owl

>> No.38026221 [View]

I've been like reading my past few posts with Fauna's voice. Doesn't she sound cute even with the sibilance? She's not a snake.

>> No.37940373 [View]

Fauna is the real fake whore who doesn't give a shit about her fans. She's a snake who just says what she has to on order to get her way. She never opens up to them about anything and refuses to actually talk about herself.

>> No.37409476 [View]
File: 332 KB, 1260x1779, 1666833783796155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want Fauna to ride my snake.

>> No.37409446 [View]

that snake Fauna rode? mine

>> No.37408610 [View]

Fauna better not be a fucking CHATTING guy and tell her about the snake

>> No.34254375 [View]

Chat reflects the streamer. Kronii took the ouroboros theme too seriously and started eating her own ass.
Now no matter how much Kronii wants to she can't get her mouth off the plunger. The little snake is starting to worry.
The reason I say this is there used to be a Subway shitpost with a bunch of animal people and I think Kronii is nudging us to a recreation of that.
Why? I'm not sure but I do know that Fauna did a cow role play and Kronii can't handle dairy.
I hope the Kronii that was making a meat puppet out of Kronii is doing okay. They're such a fun fan base.

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