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Search: Never get idol outfits

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>> No.29628543 [View]

they will never get idol outfits. Council will never get 3D.

>> No.28257863 [View]
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I turned on the subtitles for Reimu's cover and the lyrics are...interesting. Kinda gives me yandere vibes

I'll always put in my best effort
I won't forget to be thankful
I'll never show arrogance
I'll make this vow here and now
With deep kindness, with a strong resolve
I'm aiming to become an idol who can hold her head high
But I'm still a girl, I'll cry sometimes
I'll get jealous too, so if I'm being honest...

I want you to make me your oshi
I want you to only look at me
I forbid you from changing oshis!
It's the law, it's the law
I'm not the best singer or dancer but,
With more love than anyone else,
I'm doing my best as an idol!
Aiming for the top

What kind of songs would you like me to release?
What kind of outfits do you want to see?
It'd be nice to share these joys with you
I exist for you, and you exist for me
I'm aiming for that kind of an ideal, and I'm determined
But people are bound to dislike others, and hurt each other
I'm scared of antis too
So, let me be honest...

I'll cry if you don't make me your oshi
I'll even do my best with fanservice
It's alright even if you find more oshis
Don't disappoint me, okay?
I'm not the best at talking or acting cute, but
With my burning pride, I'm doing my best as an idol!

Supporting messages and harsh words
They're all forms of love that drive me forward
This dream of mine to help someone
This dream I've bet my everything on
It's not clouded in the slightest, it's a clear, sunny day

One day, you'll get tired of me
Or start to forget, it can't be helped
But, just hear me out...

I'll keep singing
I'll keep dancing
When you're having a hard day, I hope you'll remember me sometimes
Even so...

I want you to make me your oshi
I want you to only look at me
I forbid you from changing oshis!
It's the law, it's the law
I'm not the best singer or dancer but,
With more love than anyone else,
I'm doing my best as an idol!
Aiming for the top

>> No.27781063 [View]
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I think I just unlocked a repressed memory where I met a girl that was suspiciously similar to Pomu over a decade ago in Japan lol. Warning for the massive wall of text.

>2009 and I just graduated high school, I was 16
>Parents took me on a trip to Japan since they know I'm a massive weeb and wanted to celebrate
>We were walking through Akihabara browsing anime/weeb things and gundam stuff(my dad likes mecha)
>My mom said she was tired and wanted to visit a cafe she thought looked cute
>It was actually a maid cafe, their menu just had romaji instead of English translations so I assume they didn't get many foreigners.
>Mom thought it was adorable how all the girls wore frilly pink maid outfits and acted all bubbly and moe even though she doesnt really care for anime at all
>One of the girls working there clearly stood out because she was obviously not Japanese and her Japanese was mediocre at best(better than mine)
>The manager asked her in simple Japanese to take our orders and chat with us since she was the only one that spoke English
>She spoke English with a very slight accent when introducing herself, which was notable to me since it sounded familiar compared to the other Americans we met in Japan.
>We asked her where she was from and she mentioned the same state as us, and she also revealed she was near my age and kinda laughed at me for visiting a maid cafe with my parents, I cringed.
>She was working there part time because she spent all her money on the trip to get there and needed to pay for boarding and spending money for anime merch/idol concerts. She was only gonna be in Japan for the summer until the next school term started.
>We spent probably 15-20 minutes talking about anime and VN's and stuff. She gave me a lot of recs, though many of them turned out to be ecchi anime when I looked them up later. She was pretty much the first girl I ever got to talk about weeb shit with who seemed genuinely enthusiastic about it, I really admired it.
>At some point the manager called her over and she left along with a few other girls. A few minutes later they came back out dressed in kinda cheap looking idol costumes and got on stage announcing it was time for the mini concert.
>They sang Hare Hare Yukai and 2 idol/jpop songs I didn't recognize as I didn't really care for non-anime music at the time.
>During the whole thing she was very animated, the others were mostly in sync but obviously just doing their job the way they practiced it. Meanwhile the one white girl in the group was going all out every song and being kind of a dork waving her arms around and pretending she was a real idol. My mom thought it was cute how enthusiastic she was; I was kinda embarrassed for her due to being an edgy cynical teenager.
>As all of them were getting off stage she tripped on one of the microphone cords and nearly fell on top of another girl, catching herself on the girl's boobs with her hands. Might've been on purpose, or a staged joke they did every time.
>After the performance my parents tried to encourage me to go talk to her, they wanted me to get her number so we could become friends when she went back home since we were in the same age group and my parents knew I didn't have any friends back home.
>Me being the cringey autist that I was totally chickened out and didn't talk to her after that except to say goodbye when we paid our bill and were leaving. Even then my mom decided to do it herself and asked for her phone number to keep in touch while I was being an awkward retard.
>She miraculously gave me two different numbers, her Japanese temporary phone number and her American number for when she went back home, and said to call her if I wanted to go to a real idol concert with her and that I should visit that cafe again and she'd sing me another song before we leave Japan. I couldn't tell if she just felt sorry for me being gloomy and shy or she really wanted to be friends.
>I kinda started crushing on her for the next week or so. I got super embarrassed when my mom suggested taking my dad shopping while I could go visit the cafe alone before we left to say goodbye.
>I pussied out and just walked around Akihabara for an hour instead while pretending I did.
>When we left Japan my mom asked if I kept her phone number, I pretended I lost it.
>I didn't though, I was just too much of a coward to ever call or text her and with every passing day it made things more awkward so I just never contacted her again.
>I considered going to a few local cons to maybe meet her again but the thought of her grilling me on why I never talked to her made me pussy out of ever going to a con too.
>Eventually after years of feeling ashamed I kinda forgot about it and buried it under all the other thousands of times I made a fool of myself in social situations.

My life is filled with regret...she probably wasn't Pomu anyway...but now this memory is stuck in my head.

>> No.20678581 [View]

Just watched the VOD on SWPN. t. IRyStocrat
>Kirameki Rider: RBC/Flare/Lamy drew my attention the entire time. Awesome intro.
>Elf trio: Aki and Flare and Lamy all have great stage presence. Probably going to be my performance of the night.
>Shion solo: Shion is really good, she's not my favorite but this song was great.
>Ayame solo: First time hearing her sing. The stage looked incredible, I regret that her voice is forgettable to me.
>BoPeWaMio: Watame and Mio have fantastic voices, Pekora and Botan were great and I can't get over how good Botan looks on stage in the idol outfit. I can't wait to hear Watame's solo.
>Watame solo: I'm so happy for her. This performance is incredible.
>Lamy solo: I can't believe how shy and modest she is about her singing. Asu e no kyoukai sen is such a good song. This might be my favorite so far. Am I BECOMING?
>Meru solo: Fantastic. I only wish she was more popular. SAY WOOOO SAY WAAAAAH
>Peko solo: Nousagis were eating GOOD last night. God DAMN
>ChocoMelty: You knew this was coming. This song is so cute and fun to watch and listen to, it's a great idol song. ABE LET ME INNNNN
>Okayu solo: I don't even need to say anything because I'm sure it was all said last night
>Choco solo: ChocoLove!!! Such a great performance. I wish she was more popular too,.
>Aki solo: Shallys is such a phenomenal song. This is my new #1 so far, there are a lot of good originals in Hololive but this one is definitely in my top 3. The choreography was amazing, the stage was amazing and her voice was amazing. I hope Gura covers this song one day.
>RBC solo: I'm partial to Roboco-san's voice, so anything she sang I was going to rate highly. Kotonoha is a calming pleasant song that I love listening to.
>Mori solo: We all knew what song this was going to be. Mori sounded great, the stage and the crowd was going as wild as they possibly could, maybe even more than Peko? I posted this a couple times, but I can't wait for them (EN/ID) to get idol outfits.
>Kiara solo: We all knew what this was going to be too. I really love this song, and the crowd did too. This probably was the highest energy in the audience of all the performances so far, minus Suisei? This is without a doubt my favorite performance of all the EN songs.
>Iofi solo: Her model looks so good and blends with the stage so perfectly. Q&A is amazing, Iofi is going to be great in her idol outfit whenever she gets it.
>Risu solo: Incredible, I can't really say much more. This one is taking my #1 from Shallys. I think Risu probably beats out Ina as having my favorite new 3d.
>Aqua/Okayu/Shion: Phenomenal. All their voices mesh so well together, and the choreography was great.
>Flare solo: I love listening to Flare sing. You can always tell she puts everything into it everytime she sings and never holds back.
>Mio solo: The crowd loves her. Howling is a great song, the performance is amazing and Mio absolutely kills it on stage. This one is beating out of the Elf trio performance as the best so far.
>Botan solo: This might be the best the stage/crowd have looked together so far. She sounded great and looked great. I hope the RUbros were able to see their oshi.
>Aqua solo: I don't think I've heard the crowd before this moment in both days. Safe to say this is the best performance for the JP live and online viewers. I can only imagine how wild they would be going if there weren't restrictions.
>Sora solo: Daisenpai knows what it takes. The choreography uses the whole stage, her vocals are great, and in my mind there's not many things that can top this. Awesome.
>Sora/RBC: What an absolute transition from the last song. I love Giga's music and BRING IT ON was PERFECT for these two. This one is definitely my new favorite. So fucking cool.
>Prism Melody: Great song to end on. What an amazing show.

>> No.20672178 [View]

I am genuinely insulted as a Watamate. His logic means Watame and her friends weren’t idols until they got 3D and idol outfits

>> No.19033013 [View]
File: 2.20 MB, 516x422, 1644315010907.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeatedly mentions how much she hates idol culture
>talks about alcohol nonstop to the point where it's one of the only things she sounds genuinely interested in
>applied to hololive as a joke, knowing nothing about vtubers or streaming and only because her friend Milkyqueen was applying too and showed her it, taking her spot in the process
https://youtu.be/tIU0xG-lXkQ?t=2397 [Open]
>used to heavily bait for superchats in her early days, interrupting collabs to thank red scs "BIG UPS AKASUPA"
>says hololive only takes up 5% of her actual time
https://youtu.be/lBkuqt-xigY [Open]
>continuously trying to change hololive by attempting collabs with and mentioning anime youtubers and random men
>always late to collabs and never sets up properly
>according to kiara has overslept multiple collabs, causing them to be cancelled or rescheduled
>barely talked during 2 hour clubhouse 51 collab with Kiara, to the point where Kiara had to use the weather deck to get her to talk at all
>made nothing but grunts and 1-3 word replies during shadowverse collab with kiara
>straight up said "no" when kiara asked if she had seen her new MV
https://youtu.be/nvZcIGnCSrs?t=12222 [Open]
>lied to kiaras face about loving her king cover (which was a rickroll joke) saying she "listened to it all the time"
>didn't properly setup for lethal league with ina, played and talked with fans while ina sat and watched
>acted like a bitch once the punishments game for puyo puyo tetris came up, refused to do any of them
>spoils outfits on twitter for first smol collab, does nothing for the jeopardy rounds and slams her keyboard for it
>blabs about alcohol before even introducing herself during a collab with Reine, an Indonesian who isn't allowed to drink
https://youtu.be/VX1hxP-Tmiw?t=342 [Open]
https://youtu.be/VX1hxP-Tmiw?t=394 [Open]
>possibly corrupting irys as she mentioned they've met a few times to drink tea
>makes myth wait almost half an hour in the ender dragon fight collab because she got lost looking for wood because she didn't prepare, then makes them lose diamond armor because she jumped into the void in the end
https://youtu.be/BwL9-tqLF3I?t=4641 [Open]
>didn't call in for Ame's first birthday, called in at the very last minute for her second birthday sounding drunk with a shitty rap
https://youtu.be/tMwKQniur0k [Open]
>constantly talks to her collab partners like they're mentally challenged children
>simps over Rikka on and off stream nonstop, they collab on Super Bunny Man and Mori can barely hold a convo in Japanese, forcing Rikka to use his terrible English
>completely ruins highly anticipated first EN meme review with Coco by being nothing but her "dorky rapper" character instead of making any good conversation or jokes, to the point where Coco asks "are you okay? you're acting like a crackhead" and "is she always like this?" to 75k viewers
https://youtu.be/YTTnA4MQkg0?t=2435 [Open]
https://youtu.be/YTTnA4MQkg0?t=1121 [Open]
>woke gura up early on a day she planned to stream, wastes everyones time because she only then learned the game they were gonna play is local only, makes them switch to ANOTHER local only game, didn't install the final proper game between the time elapsed switching previous games, then makes sleepy Gura wait another half hour only for their gameplay to be fucked by seconds long delay, then finally settling on Phasmophobia, disables comments afterwards
https://youtu.be/sbo8zS8otzQ [Open]
>caused 6 month anniversary Don't Starve myth collab to be delayed by 30 mins
>fell asleep on stream during very first myth Minecraft collab
https://youtu.be/NS3_sNTwIRw?t=10427 [Open]
>told Gura during a collab that someone said her "booty stank" while working at a restaurant
https://youtu.be/WhM27pQZ_2E [Open]

>> No.15523518 [View]

Myth will never get 3D. They will never put on a live. They will never have idol outfits. They will never be idols. They will never sing SSS.

>> No.10640996 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>Hardcarries any collab she partakes in
>>Every second of her streams is entertaining
>>Endurance goddess, unrivalled stamina
>>Queen of retro games
>>True idol singing and dancing
>>Brought in millions of new fans
>>Can get along well with any holo
>>Actually cares about her fanbase
>>Perfect relationship with Okayu
>>Best voice
>>Cutest behaviour
>>Best design and outfits
>>Loved by game companies, always gets replies on Twitter and sponsorships from them
>>Never gives up no matter what
>>Overcame all the hard challenges in her life, bettering herself as a person
>>/fit/test holo, despite being a hag
>>Made Ichimifags and their whore oshi kneel several times with her persistence
>>Most based game taste, hates Minecrap, only plays (APE)x occasionally
>She's the most based holo and you can't deny that

>> No.10640089 [View]
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>Hardcarries any collab she partakes in
>Every second of her streams is entertaining
>Endurance goddess, unrivalled stamina
>Queen of retro games
>True idol singing and dancing
>Brought in millions of new fans
>Can get along well with any holo
>Actually cares about her fanbase
>Perfect relationship with Okayu
>Best voice
>Cutest behaviour
>Best design and outfits
>Loved by game companies, always gets replies on Twitter and sponsorships from them
>Never gives up no matter what
>Overcame all the hard challenges in her life, bettering herself as a person
>/fit/test holo, despite being a hag
>Made Ichimifags and their whore oshi kneel several times with her persistence
>Most based game taste, hates Minecrap, only plays (APE)x occasionally

She's the most based holo and you can't deny that

>> No.10522904 [View]
File: 3.23 MB, 1820x2841, 1628604727343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hardcarries any collab she partakes in
>Every second of her streams is entertaining
>Endurance goddess, unrivaled stamina
>Queen of retro games
>True idol singing and dancing
>Brought in millions of new fans
>Can get along well with any holo
>Actually cares about her fanbase
>Perfect relationship with Okayu
>Best voice
>Cutest behavior
>Best design and outfits
>Best 3D
>Loved by game companies, always gets replies on Twitter and sponsorships from them
>Never gives up no matter what
>Overcame all the hard challenges in her life, bettering herself as a person
She's just perfect, isn't she?

>> No.9695493 [View]

My guess is that they're getting 2D idol outfits since Cover will never get around to making 3D ones.

>> No.8103340 [View]
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Today was pretty fun wasn't it? You got to see that self proclaimed harvard graduate brat of a mage show off her super singing chops as she gave us one hell of a show with her Anniversary stream. She even got sent to horny jail by special guest Okayu who hasn't missed a beat. If you didn't catch it, you really should watch the vods for a fun time.
After you get through that, jump on over to stream Shion's first ever single The Mage of Violet. The MV is very low effort but that's to be expected of a brat. The song itself though is really upbeat and chaotic and extremely fun to listen to.
That's it for song releases but there were still some super intense streams.
Mori had an twelve hour session of Bloodstained today as she was determined to beat it, and by golly did she ever. Ending just before the archive would have been kaboshed she treated all the fans and deadbeats to one hell of an ending and then started another stream reading supachats, giving us 13+ hours of intense Mori action.
Haachamama found a new friend and you know what happens to new Haachama friends don't you...?
Bakatare's super intense Super Smash Bros collab was just as hilarious as you'd be predicting if you hadn't caught it. The three stooges never cease to bring smiles and laughter even if they don't know how to play a game and end up dying in some very silly ways.
HoloID2's Gartic Phone collab starring them in their new outfits was also pretty delightful, but honestly who could pay attention to the stream when Reine looks so gorgeous in her new outfit and Anya's mask threatens to fall off every time she swings her head left and right.
Ina started off another sure to be great series as it's time for her to collect spirits of the pass to aid her in fighting the corruption of Ender Lillies. Her first stream of it was adorable and Ina is poor at recognizing boss patterns but she's doing her best damnit.
Kiara had an actual short stream clocking in at 1.5 hours but it was some of the cutest 1.5 hours a KFP member could ask for as she gushed about and praised Tales of Arise, bringing some serious hype to the day she begins this new journey.
How could we forget the absolute kino that was Gawr taking over Gura today and healing our weary souls with an intense night of Reflect, DEUS VULT, Electro Swing Bad Apple and Synthwave Fly Me to the Moon? It was unarchived but I'm sure if you do your archive reps you'll find the download for it, you seriously should go and catch it.
There's still plenty of streams going on and to look forward to, including IRyS making some random ASMR noises and Ollie preparing herself and the EN stream for whatever relay they've got planned.
Plus in a few minutes you've got Mori once again streaming but this time she's going to be an idol manager and in a few hours you've got a fun drawing stream to look for starring Ina, Nenechi and Iofi as well as Luna who was dissatisfied with her performance in her CoD Zombies collab with Subaru, Choco and Botan so now she's going to get some practice in and pop zombies heads with some solo play.
Really good streams happened today, so which were your favorite ones?

>> No.6808956 [View]

Man, watching that made me want to see her other outfits in 3D and also realize that we'll probably never get that aside from the idol stage outfits.

>> No.6037580 [View]
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Lulu really did get a surprising amount of new outfits in just over 2 years. There was the normal one, Debiruru, idol outfit, new years outfit and the new one she got in May. And many of them also had an insane amount of variety, like the normal outfit where it could be without the hat, without the cardigan and the hat and with a ponytail hairstyle. It's a real shame her model was never updated to 60fps.

>> No.4885156 [View]
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Yeah there was a derpy charm to the original model. The eyes a little too far apart, the limited movement, the 1px or 2px nose from most angles... I don't think it was good because of that, I think it grew on me and I loved it because Coco was behind it, and was able to MAKE it into something I laughed at every day, and so I began to love DESPITE all of the rough and scuff.

Her Live2D 2.0 is just a whole 'nother world though.

And what >>4820517 reminds me of is... she has yet to perform in her Idol outfit? Or am I crazy? I'm damned certain she'll finally get to perform on stage in her Idol uniform in her final live! The excuse for all of yonkisei not having them for Beyond The Stage was, what, that Luna's didn't work right? I'm still not sure I believe it, but I still respect them all for forgoing the outfits in solidarity if it is true.

But for her to debut an idol outfit and never get to use it... ugh, that would be beyond sad. She better damned-well get to!

>> No.3830331 [View]

"When you know (gibberish) background stuff that they have to do, just to be in hololive and how they have to be "roleplaying" its like spooky."
Except the girls in Hololive do the background idol stuff because they want to be idols, which is why they joined a virtual idol company.
>Hololive personalities dont own their model. They dont have any decision making When it comes to how they look like.
No they dont own their model but they do have input on what their final model will look like, and what their alt outfits will look like. Nene even got a whole new model on a whim.
>They dont own their youtube or their social media, if they get fired they lose everything.
The only valid point she makes. But Hololive opens up a thousand opportunities that they would never have as independent vtuber, Even she joined a company to have access to these kinds of opportunities.
>"They literally support a terrible company" "After the actual idols that have left Hololive. Talked about it and the way that theyre treated. Keep defending it dude."
Only two idols were fired from Hololive. The first 99% of us never even knew existed the second that got caught up in a perfect storm of bad luck and shitty behavior.

Vapid cunt literally doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about.

>> No.3192032 [View]

Miko has the least standard-idol talents, never(?) did ASMR and is the most "one of us" type out of the named, her powerlevel is comiket-visitor levels of gone.
Sometime between now and back then, the internet decided they have enough porn and don't need real women being lewd into a microphone or having hot outfits and not much more, and instead went for goofy comedy women. Miko somehow fucking nailed it with her content inbetween, playing a surprising amount of Kusoge, the VODs of which have sadly been holocausted.
Another thing is collabs, Miko and Mio were the queens of getting the crew together and organizing in the back, and collabs usually do better because the girls interacting seems the most real unless they get suit scripts to follow.

You're well aware of this but Miko's underdog background makes for a good story, it all put together she is a lot of what people think now when they think hololive. Strong friends in Marine and Korone routinely bring in viewers from very strong people as well, although calling her a leech would be fucking stupid.

She also seems to be hololive's testing ground for twitch somehow. The most solid pioneer.

>> No.692384 [View]
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Gen 5 honestly gave out one of the best performances. The girls were coordinated in their dance movements (at least compared to other performances which all felt rather chaotic desutbh) Putting Polka in the center was also a clever move considering that she's the strongest singer and dancer of the trio & has more experience with this kind of stuff.
My only gripe is that there were so little of Gen 5. They never showed up again after that one-off. Of course getting idol outfits this early is out of the question but they didn't even get to perform on the same stage as the other holo members even though Gen 4 did in HoloFes2 despite being the newcomers back then. Also expected a solo act with Hologram Circus.

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