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Search: snake fauna

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>> No.57426851 [View]

>Fauna has Saplings and Nemu
>Ina has takos and her book
>Gura has Boop and her shrimp
>Kronii has her snake and those clock abominations
>Ame has Bubba and the alligator things?
>Kiara has KFP and her mascot chicken that she doesn't care about

>> No.56394015 [View]
File: 86 KB, 364x532, main-qimg-afe61bdd9862e662ab28671124f62e4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Long post but can be interesting to any and all hololive artist lurking here]
I've read a ton of fanmanga on multiples piece of media and some problem came back pretty often just avoid them or don't use common trope

In EN ?
Unironically Bijou or Fauna
Bijou because she's more like a snake on the inside after that collab
Fauna is easy to wrote ,you basically turn her into that one gbf character in a dark timeline, the girl basically spread diesease ,heal them but they are slowly turned into people tree with and they keep their feelings and emotion but can't do anything

Is that the EN lore is so shit that you can't write with most of council Because they are conceptual god not limited by a linear timeline, they are the concept itself so they are way too powerful without nerfing the shit out of them
In hololive fanmanga from what i've read it's either
Cringe villain chapter with no follow-up and two character facing up (or facing ina )
Ame getting her shit kicked
Council being way too weak
Myth being sidelined
Possessed ina, like litteraly none of them ever used normal ina, just make her evil at the core it can work too
But you can honestly write everyone as villain you just need a good writer and an interesting story

Kiara is never used or if she used it's extremely not subtle in her writting, just make her hate being alive because i don't know she's still living but can't die or something and she want to get close to calli because she want to fucking die or something
It's easy to wrote

Easy ,she always bail out of a timeline to another basically letting the other version of myth behind getting fucked , you just need make kronni or someone else confronttl this fact ,you can't wrote her as a villain but as a coward, this can work ,unlike someone like trunks from Dragonball she flee ,trunks unlike her fight for each world as much as he can, it's very easy to write you jysr need good reference

FOR Calli :
No need and isn't a villain
She just do her job by being a reaper and she isn't death herself so no
Just make her menacing but cringe and that's it ,gap moe acquired

For gura :
Make her neutral, responding to her environnement based on what other are doing
You attack she attack
Your chill ,she's chill
Everything about Instinct

And then based on your fanwork just make them evolve, sadly from what i've seen many hololive fan artist (english one) love jumping scene and fleshing their version of the character and goes straight to the action without any build up

And stop with the multiverse shenanigan that expand onto nothing, we got that with Myth bad ending and it's badly made
And don't use council outside of threat like HoloX or omega

But at the end of the days you get much better villain out of ID and JP
Lui (yes easily at that)

>> No.55503405 [View]

I love how the Council lore stuff just breaks down the more and more you get into the girls
>Mumei: Civilization. She's kind of an autist and a college chick so you can make that work
>Fauna: Nature. She's a sweet girl and likes pets and doesn't eat animals so you can work with that
>Bae: Chaos. Eh... she's a zoomer? Other than that it's not working too hot
>Kronii: Time. Not seeing it. Girls' just kind of around. If you wanna get fucking SPICY you can say that Wada clearly designed her to be snake-like to represent the Ouroboros but then you gotta assume they were REALLY throwing shade on her, and I doubt that
>Sana: Space. Nope, that just doesn't make sense, girl has nothing going on with space other than that she did some astrology stream shit to fit her bit and read a NASA book once. Maybe she had more in the pocket with that but it never got executed on, girl had nothing poppin off there
Shit just collapsed

>> No.54663743 [View]

Gura is Big Boss, Fuwamoco is Solid Snake. Kronii is Solidus Snake. Fauna is Ocelot. Ina is Otacon. Kiara is Huey. Mori is Fatman. Sana is Kaz. Mumei is Raiden. Ame is Liquid Snake. IRyS is Quiet. Bae is Venom Snake.

>> No.54420395 [View]

This thread literally defends Fauna, who is the biggest fucking snake in EN, yet thinks people will give a shit that the twins are one, and he doesn't even post proof

>> No.53106417 [View]

I honestly do believe Fauna vs Bae could actually be a close match if the ride the snake handicap is placed on Fauna during that in their current states

>> No.53099331 [View]

If it's Bae vs Fauna but Fauna has to ride the snake once, it would be a close match

>> No.53004027 [View]

Man we really need Bae vs Fauna. Would have been much more interesting than whatever the fuck this is. And if we gave Fauna the snake handicap then it could be really close.

>> No.53000281 [View]

fauna has definitely ridden a snake or two

>> No.52938500 [View]

One of these days you fags will learn that Fauna is a fucking snake in the grass. She will say something far worse than that "not your friend" bullshit and you'll struggle to defend her.

>> No.51519784 [View]

I've been here for over a year asking the same question because you faggots have been forcing Fauna in these threads since fucking debut despite the fact that she's a lying snake

>> No.51288949 [View]

that fauna has snake face

>> No.51159338 [View]

Bae also did the same thing Fauna did the other day and miss the snake while trying to ride it

>> No.51065922 [View]
File: 310 KB, 1583x1283, 1672458797231311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna's time in "【GETTING OVER IT】 Faunashi-sensei plays until 100 WINS"
(85 wins before stream) Times reset: 3
01(86) - 22m:10.177s(snake ride)
02(87) - 07m:18.052s
03(88) - 06m:40.421s
04(89) - 08m:15.892s
05(90) - 07m:23.543s
06(91) - 06m:53.505s
07(92) - 07m:25.106s
08(93) - 10m:36.473s
09(94) - 06m:41.259s
10(95) - 06m:55.249s
11(96) - 05m:47.608s
12(97) - 07m:36s
13(98) - 05m:23.352s
14(99) - 07m:33.252s
15(100) - 04m:29.645s

>> No.51060031 [View]

I love fauna, ill let her ride my snake

>> No.51059797 [View]
File: 839 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna's riding the snake

>> No.51059624 [View]

Fauna's washed, can't even ride the snake.

>> No.51059608 [View]

Fauna was gonna ride the snake (mine) with no hesitation

>> No.51059601 [View]

Fauna failed to ride the snake...

>> No.50883160 [DELETED]  [View]

>people actually fucking believe Fauna's crying was genuine and not a clip bait attempt that apparently fucking succeeded
Christ in heaven people are so fucking gullible, no wonder this world is going to hell. The first fucking time she started """crying""" she instantly did a 180 and stopped when she got into a battle. She literally doesn't care. But she's a fucking snake so it's really not surprising she did this. I bet she already spoiled herself just so she can fucking practice her whole "crying" bullshit, and purposely said she hated crying on stream just to make the audience feel worse and spend more money on her. Actually abhorrent behavior.

>> No.50882076 [View]

Fauna is a lying snake

>> No.50868848 [DELETED]  [View]

>people actually fucking believe Fauna's crying was genuine and not a clip bait attempt that apparently fucking succeeded
Christ in heaven people are so fucking gullible, no wonder this world is going to hell. The first fucking time she started """crying""" she instantly did a 180 and stopped when she got into a battle. She literally doesn't care. But she's a fucking snake so it's really not surprising she did this. I bet she already spoiled herself just so she can fucking practice her whole "crying" bullshit, and purposely said she hated crying on stream just to make the audience feel worse and spend more money on her. Actually abhorrent behavior.

>> No.50853511 [View]

>people actually fucking believe Fauna's crying was genuine and not a clip bait attempt that apparently fucking succeeded
Christ in heaven people are so fucking gullible, no wonder this world is going to hell. The first fucking time she started """crying""" she instantly did a 180 and stopped when she got into a battle. She literally doesn't care. But she's a fucking snake so it's really not surprising she did this. I bet she already spoiled herself just so she can fucking practice her whole "crying" bullshit, and purposely said she hated crying on stream just to make the audience feel worse and spend more money on her. Actually abhorrent behavior.

>> No.50853307 [View]

>people actually fucking believe Fauna's crying was genuine and not a clip bait attempt that apparently fucking succeeded
Christ in heaven people are so fucking gullible, no wonder this world is going to hell. The first fucking time she started """crying""" she instantly did a 180 and stopped when she got into a battle. She literally doesn't care. But she's a fucking snake so it's really not surprising she did this. I bet she already spoiled herself just so she can fucking practice her whole "crying" bullshit, and purposely said she hated crying on stream just to make the audience feel worse and spend more money on her. Actually abhorrent behavior.

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