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Search: kronii audio

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>> No.70103290 [View]

Whose audio is best? Kronii's is awful. Or is it the same all across?

>> No.70099076 [View]

I usually like Bae's audio balance, though Kronii and Kaela should be entertaining as well.

>> No.69759167 [View]
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I can only speak for myself but while I'm no puritan and won't condemn it(within reason), I don't see any appeal to it as any kind of mainstay.
Important to point out that the drug and the reasons for it factor heavily into this, though. It's never been psychedelics tiers, but it's not like drugs and vtubing haven't crossed in the past though. Off the top of my head...
>Drinking streams are common in vtubing, though 1) most chuubas(smartly) don't push themselves much farther than tipsy and use the reduced inhibition to simply crank up the silliness manually and 2) while they're common in vtubing overall, on an individual basis they are very sporadic; this formula is the way it is for a reason, and it is strongly advised that you keep them as infrequent as the rest. There are a multitude of reasons for this, and I'm sure almost anybody could guess at least a few.
>Coco(of Reddit Dragon fame) early-ish on in her Hololive career ended up being prescribed sleeping pills. Anybody who has been prescribed "sleeping pills" knows that there is no such thing as medication that actually puts somebody naturally to sleep; "sleeping pills" are more like "sleep encouragement pills". And sometimes they aren't encouraging enough, so the insomnia keeps you awake but the medication proceeds to temporarily shut down most of your brain anyway, which is how we had streams of Coco playing Ark without the capacity to form complete sentences.
>IronMouse is another famous one, I'm sure you can simply pop open an archive site and find anons in a Vshojo thread getting excited about something Mouse is doing by just searching for the term "zooted". I actually don't know exactly what drug it is, and by that i mean that I have not heard Mouse state it explicitly with my own ears. However that thread has mentioned it fairly often and IIRC it seemed to be some sort of painkiller. Presumably the harder kind. It essentially makes her extremely energetic, lowers her inhibitions, and increases how often she initiates things dramatically. Based on my brief observations and the details provided by the fans over a prolonged period of time.
>Riro Rons "Silly Pills". I'm not gonna touch this one at all because I refuse to make judgements about people I know very little about. But her fans themselves, including the ones that defend her even now, don't deny that they were in fact sleeping pills. But she didn't take them during stream time, apparently she was going to go to bed once she hit that donation goal in the infamous screenshot.
>This is kind of a free space for "drugs" that you can use without really needing to worry about psychoactive effects strong enough to alter your behaviour in ways that are impossible to miss. A lot of prescription medication falls into this category, as long as you take it as prescribed. God knows how many vtubers use adderall, for example. Same thing for anxiety medication.
>That one indie I watched a year and a half ago out of sheer whim, along with 13 other viewers, who made sure to let us all know that he vapes constantly by enthusiastically blasting the sound of him trying to satisfy his debilitating addiction into the mic every 15 fucking seconds. Even though he was often incomprehensible when he talked, he somehow made sure that the audio of him hitting his fucking vape was always high definition, crisp, and full-bodied. I don't even know if he was a girl or a guy, I literally could not hear their voice, and their model was super androgynous and so was their name. Tons of the examples I used above involved abusing or misusing controlled substances, or at least drinking which definitively influences a person more than nicotine, and yet that indie is the only person who deserves to be illegal.
>I also think one EN vtuber streamed while high? I have a vague memory of that. And no I don't mean Kronii, I mean for real. It wasn't a vtuber I cared about at all at the time so I could be misremembering of way off the mark. I'm fairly certain it wasn't merely a shitpost though.
There are actually other examples of vtubers who have mentioned drug use before, both in terms of illegal narcotics and heavy abuse and misuse of prescription narcotics, but because they are not common knowledge among more casual audiences unlike the ones I listed, I will omit them for their sake. I will however say that it makes me uncomfortable to hear about it. Especially if they're semi-bragging and laughing about it. Especially especially if they're semi-bragging and laughing about it AND the medical consequences that they have to live with now because of their previous drug use. It makes me sad when people I like get hurt, it makes me even sadder to know that they hurt themselves, but it makes me truly depressed when somebody I like boasts about their self-destruction as if it was just another thing that happens

TL;DR Sporadic/Unintentional, Small Doses, Weaker Stuff

>> No.68573101 [View]

If this was Kronii, she would have been able to walk Haachama through her audio issues half an hour ago

>> No.68081028 [View]

When's Kronii gonna get an audio limiter? When she peaks the mic she really peaks it

>> No.67859159 [View]

Kronii's songs were unironically fine audio-wise (still didn't get my Bakushou but hey HoloFes is still up for grabs), it didn't start shitting the bed until the last 20 minutes or so.

>> No.67848939 [View]

Polka 10/10 I love her.
Band 5/10 for playing, but holy shit the guitar sound was bad for a rock concert, and the mixing was done by the biggest pussy in Japan. Guitar was incoherent background fuzz for the most part.
Bae 10/10 scary professionalism. Matched Polka perfectly.
Ollie 10/10 trying to steal the spotlight. Idol is warfare.
Kronii 5/10, but there's audio evidence of her making noise. Why so shy now?
Calli 2/10 please never phone it in like that ever again.
Show still 10/10 there was a lot of Polka and two out of four guests did great. I considered giving 9/10 because the Kurenai live cover from anniversary destroys everything here but one hour of rock is worth an extra point.

>> No.67833948 [View]

did kronii send a half-assed audio or not?

>> No.67493866 [View]

Lmao the faggot fanbase who made horse audio porn of mori and kronii because they were doing intergender streams wrote this with a straight look on his face.

>> No.66449262 [View]

>IRyS had a rough 2022
literally project hope management's fault, on Myth shoes she wouldn't have suffered that
>Bae audio leak
>Fauna folder leak
another nothingburger
>Kronii was apathetic during collabs
eehhhhh not really, her monotone voice and the way she said things was part of her charm
>Mumei nervous and awkward
yeah true

>> No.66449094 [View]

>if you were to put Promise or Advent in their situation they would have done even better
Irys had a rough 2022 and even cried on stream. Bae had that audio leak and Fauna the folder leak. Kronii was apathetic during collabs and Mumei was extremely nervous and awkward.
They're really strong now but no, they wouldnt have done better. Heck, I dont think any of them would survive what Kiara did back in the Orange Board days.

>> No.66372271 [View]

I think early on there was definitely a push from management for mixed gender collabs, probably in hopes of creating some niji type arrangement where hololive and holostars weren't as segregated as in JP. That explained the early big unity collabs. But those died down pretty fast for some reason (management didn't see the results they were hoping for, the drama and general pushback from fans/talents was more than they expected, the homo pushers in management all got better job offers selling hot dogs at the beach and the people Cover hired to replace them were all anti homo, who knows) and the only collabs we got for a long while after that were specific collabs organized by individuals who wanted to do them for some specific reason. The le unhinged dumb and dumber collabs with Mori and Kronii because of the aforementioned clout chasing, the orange homo's big song collabs because he actually cares enough about those to pause his VTA draft dodger LARP for a week so he can send everyone's audio to his mixer buddies, Ollie's embarrassing flop tournament because Ollie, etc. And those are still a thing, with the biggest difference being that the people who organized the most collabs the most often fucked off to become dying 3view indies for whatever reason. As far as the homo collabers on the Hololive side, the only ones I'd say show any signs of regret are Ina with the collab song and if you wanna go there Mumei with the one gartic collab that doesn't matter anyway. Ame still tried to shill tempagpag, Mori and Kronii still came back for the second song collab, Bae and the ID girls are still up for any homo collab they get invited to, etc.

>> No.66292066 [View]

What the fuck is the audio balancing on Kronii's stream
I can't hear IRyS without having my eardrums split by Kronii's peaking mic

>> No.66288429 [View]
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I'm not even watching Kronii's POV but I have her audio up and its amazing

>> No.65816534 [View]

Do you Anons have more AI audio lewds of HoloEN. I'm bricked af from last thread's Kronii audio.

>> No.65816182 [View]

I thought it was just Kronii poking fun at Mori's shitting audio

>> No.65784378 [View]

I mean in her case, outside of the money she spends on her audio equipment she probably still has a frugal mindset like Kronii since her family was pretty poor growing up where one of her Xmas gifts one year was a dollhouse her brother found someone else throwing out and cleaned it up.

>> No.65228800 [View]

Archive of Kronii's unarchived karaoke stream on 2023-12-25T02:01:03Z.
Original URL: https://youtu.be/YgC8FBVVG64

Torrent: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0c8fbd186b16b1b4dab8da0eaf4042a701e1b60e&dn=%5B20231225%5D%20Unarchived%20Not%20Lethal%20Company&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Gofile (video upload currently in progress; expires after download inactivity): https://gofile.io/d/pcvUSh
Audio-only download: https://mega.nz/file/0kQxGIKK#aU4uFWgHZmLjjrN9cQNVUXpZPDstRfRr7NCPXUu_T1Y

Stream starts at 1:48.
As previously mentioned, I was going to try doing set lists for all of them, but it turns out trying to juggle half a dozen concurrent streams is suffering, so I've decided not to.

Number of fragments: 8513 (no stream dropouts)

>> No.65198453 [View]

Ame - Was laughing a bunch while they slowly outed themselves. Gave her gremlin voice saying "get em outta here!". Gave a few little Bau Bau's before the boo ba incident. She thinks they're cute dumdums. Laughed pretty hard at the incident and figured it out pretty quickly.
Irys - 'I'm genuinely surprised FuwaMoco haven't killed anyone yet'.
Biboo - Lots of silent laughing a la Kaela and slight confusion about the incident but assumed it wasn't anything bad
Kiara - "That was funny! Normally you can use it as an excuse that you're unfamiliar with the map, but in this case it was kind of, uhm, their demise" followed by an evil laugh. "Actually we have 3 imposters whenever they're imposter, not 2!"
Rissa - Nada
Mori - Not Streaming.
Fauna - Weirdly had the most balanced audio of all the streams. Everyone could be clearly heard, just thought I'd
add that in. Nada in regards to the self-sabotage.
Kronii - Nada
Damn, there's a little less than I thought there would be. Still laughed every time the group just started laughing
as they outed themselves and got kicked off the island. I guess I picked randomly in the right order for reactions, coulda stopped my research half way through and got the same results.

>> No.65052882 [View]

>I don't know why Fauna hasn't asked Kronii for advice with her ASMR stuff.
My Holo oshi is Fauna, and I'm always slightly disappointed in her stream's audio quality.
Maybe it's difficult because of her distinctive voice?

>> No.65051713 [View]

Relatively flat which makes it easier for her to use as a trusted reference compared to her old pair; she makes a lot of video content and does both the video and audio ediitng. Sometimes does foley and sound design.
Yeah both Mori and Kronii have good audio which makes sense. I know Kronii has done some mixing work in Hololive. I don't know why Fauna hasn't asked Kronii for advice with her ASMR stuff.

>> No.65021087 [View]
File: 216 KB, 454x704, 1701549861958810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kronii is an audio autist like me she'd be interested in it. cope.

>> No.64954053 [View]

This is some ultimate Pon. You've wanted to do this for over a year but never planned on figuring out how you would do the audio. This stream should switch to Kronii's POV. Hell. Scary movie worked. Was Mumei in charge of that one? I don't remember

>> No.64953164 [View]

she mutes the system audio to mute the anime
but Kronii is part of the system audio, so she gets muted too

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