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Search: kusoneko

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>> No.54542227 [View]

>top 100 people
>written in English
didn't she mention several times that kusoneko lived abroad and spoke english? seems like that makes him even more sus
like I said she has more info than anybody here and I think I read that kusoneko literally said on his cast that he was guilty too, so this is a really weird rrat

>> No.54541753 [View]

It wasn't kusoneko or one of the people he surrounds himself with after all it was written in english.

>> No.54541437 [View]

she literally said her primary suspicion, based on the stream where she talked about it, was kusoneko/one of any one of the many awful people around him
gonna go out on a limb here and say that she has a better idea of who was behind it than the randos here

>> No.52970006 [View]

There are no antis in that thread except for you
Also the first reply to my reply to that post is especially you since it calls out kusoneko so you can stop the LARP

>> No.52829673 [View]

But she was the one who initiated contact with him. She was called by her other male friend (the one that had a kid) who told her that kusoneko was streaming and then she went into his chat.

>> No.52828126 [View]

Her explanation for Kusoneko was always
>this is an acquaintance I've known for 10+ years who I have absolutely no romantic interest in, he's not a threat, that's fine, right?
And her cuck JP fans told her that yes, it was fine. Of course, they were wrong to say that to her. At this point in time though, she's stressing to us that she doesn't play games in private with men and from what I can see, that is indeed the case. She's also 100% cut off Kusoneko. Our precious schizo is seething over this, which is why he's timelooping the scenario.

>> No.52828080 [View]

You're really bad at this.
>>the only place you could possibly be finding out some of your info is our general here.
>True. The last time I checked it was when you had your meltdown over kusoneko that reached the catalog.
It's exactly as I said.

>> No.52827451 [View]

I already fucking told you you stupid fucking cuck. When your meltdown reaches the catalog I check your thread for entertainement and oh boy was it hilarious seeing the reactions that day.
I already knew about kusoneko because it was him showing up last year that made me realize this woman is never going to change.

>> No.52825764 [View]

I'm here because you cucks shit up yet another thread over someone not liking Rushia.
Again, if you faggots did not exist I would not even think about your whore. Hell, if you just stayed in your thread the result would be the same, but you just have to keep doing this.
>we know you don't watch her
Wow you intelligence network is so powerful! When did I claim I watch her currently?
>the only place you could possibly be finding out some of your info is our general here.
True. The last time I checked it was when you had your meltdown over kusoneko that reached the catalog. All the things I just said apply to that time too. If you just stayed in your thread I wouldn't even know.

>> No.52820093 [View]

But I didn't say that in this thread.
I did however say that like a year ago when she got into contact with kusoneko and look how right I was.

>> No.52818967 [View]

And Kusoneko has 100% been cut off, going off of her follows on Twitter, his own stream talking about her cutting contact and other sources of evidence that all line up.
Resolved drama

>> No.52818749 [View]

Kirsch, kusoneko.

>> No.52768141 [View]

She is making a song with the flute and kson is one of her dearest friends for emotional support. She has her shit together. Would you like her to go to her male friends for that emotional support instead? Everytime a shitstorm happens. Imagine she goes to Kusoneko to get consoled, and instead of being neutral like K-chan, he will brainwash her to do gross shit

>> No.52767707 [View]

Enjoy more kusoneko collabs after she burns the bridge with all her friends

>> No.52668629 [View]

Kusoneko take rest in her bed waiting for the broadcast to end

>> No.52394718 [View]

>being a whore is actually being an idol
Next you’re gonna tell me that her filming a JAV with kusoneko is so based and idol

>> No.52390092 [View]

I mean I did mention the public kusoneko stream where he said that their relationship is over and that it is his fault and everything
idk if it's archived but you can see her antis shitposting about it live in the 5ch thread at the time, and IIRC his twitcast comments are archived so you can probably open the relevant cast and just read through them and what they say pretty clearly matches exactly that context. Or hell the cast itself might be archived. I only listened in for a decent chunk of it to hear his confirmation and hadn't checked back since. I'm tired atm but if this thread is still up later I'll grab it

>> No.52387257 [View]

You said a few posts ago that believing anything she says or shows is a show and shouldn't be believed. If words, receipts, and no indication of lying over a significant timespan afterwards despite being caught every single time prior aren't enough for you anyway, I don't really know what you want. Your "anybody can see" tier gut instinct doesn't line up with reality just because you make irrational, sweeping judgements, you are the one who should shut the fuck up, not the people who aren't making posts from their ass
By the way, kusoneko also ended up talking about it, and some of his actual IRL friends in the chat, so in the first place your take is that he and several people are literally conspiring to confirm a personal confrontation and cutting of ties that apparently never occurred, which is fucking insane already before we even get to the details.

>> No.52379604 [View]

No, we were going insane every time she played with kusoneko, even though she said she was, because 4chan is where the unicorns and gachikoi are. We don't necesarilly overpower the normalfag cucks in her actual chat, who are the ones who made her think everybody was okay with it.

>> No.52379421 [View]

>the line before that one was always "I only play with my longtime friends"(which was true, we know who she played with)
But you were going insane at any mention of kusoneko even in the past and said that she is definitely not playing games with him.

>> No.52377809 [View]

...We found out about kusoneko because she told us about him in the twitcast immed8ately after he got back in touch with her.
Literally nothing was hidden.
She has also told us about literally every other person she came into contact with. Oftentimes it's people we would not even know she talked to otherwise.
You're not very good at this

>> No.52377321 [View]

We knew about him for a year and he was brought up a dozen times. She had almost cut him off entirely a few months ago. Her cuck fans reassuring her that "it's okay to have male friends" is the main reason she didn't. Even despite that, she tried talking with us when she saw people worried and described in detail who he was and why(and gave us personal background info about how he was trying to get with somebody else and that is not really the type of info you share) on top of trying to literally have a conversation about it with a known worried viewer via 凸待ち (he was too happy about it and sperged out instead of her responding to her probing of "is there anything you're worried about?" over and over).
Every time it was brought up, the cuck squad would keep incessantly telling her that literally nobody minded. And she still distanced herself from him at the time, just not cut him off.
It was only when she had seen how happy and positive things were when she went full unicorn again, and conflicting events happened, that the situation exploded and ultimately ended with her cutting him off for our sake.
Don't pretend as if your thread-reading garbage has any relevance to the truth.

>> No.52375925 [View]

>she only has us
That's a lie. She had kusoneko until you found out about them being closer than yoi had deluded yourself into believing.
You will never find out if she is seeing some guy off-stream and away from the internet.

>> No.52371470 [View]

>She's also started casts with a message inviting both fans and antis to watch.
She's specifically said she wants to unhanten her hanten. Which is a good thing for her to think.
>her donors could threaten to leave and she wouldn't
Just like how she wouldn't cut ties with kusoneko for her fans sake amirite

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