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Search: ollie pokemon

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>> No.15925175 [View]

Her hands hurt. Probably because she had pokemon grinding stream and another endurance stream the day before.
She probably wanted to chat with Ollie too

>> No.15871128 [View]

The drama she brings is just funny more than anything, even if she's a yab machine that makes Ollie look reasonable. The only person she poses any danger to is herself. I got a bit annoyed at her over the Haachama drama but right now Haachama is making her eat bugs as an apology so who is the real winner there?
I could only imagine giving a shit if you were a member in like 2019 when she actually used to stream.
I actually 100% understand why people hate Kiara. However, I love her. She's like the marmite of holomems, and I hope she never tries to dilute her personality in order to accept lesser fans into her fanbase.
Similar to Ayame in a way except she actually does stream a lot in between hiatuses, even if it's a shitload of pokemon and very little else. Do I understand disliking her content? Absoloutely, especially if you were a fan of her first month like I was when she picked more interesting and fun games to play. Do I understand hating her? Not at all. Most people who shit on her only do so because she's an easy target, the only ones actually seething are 2view council rejects.
Look, she's a retarded zoomer with shit taste. Is she a bad person? No. Is she ruining hololive? No, she's very much doing her own thing and helping ID (and therefore my wife Reine) as a brand, and I've enjoyed her a lot in collabs. Was her rant against indogs based? Yes. I'm not a fan of her content, I hate TT with a passion, but I don't really give a shit what Ollie does since she's not normalizing it for the company as a whole.

>> No.15856763 [View]
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I hope you're ready to be consumed because IRyS isn't holding anything back today /hlgg/. She's become the eldritch horror and will consume, grow and evolve into a terrifying and probably very sexual and sadistic world destroyer as she plays through some Carrion. Everyone knows you secretly want to be bisected by an IRyS who's excited to eat your flesh. You weirdos.
Pick a god and pray for them because Meimei's on the scene and she's gotta get God while doing her Mario Kart reps in preparation for the upcoming tournament. There's even going to be viewers participation so Hoomans can supply her with power so she can use her Almighty skills and punch God in the face. Or rather she would be if she actually remembered how to play Mario Kart, IT WASN'T EVEN THAT LONG SINCE THE LAST MARIO KART STREAM MEIMEI!
Lui is actually just all smiles and giggles in today's zatsudan/lunch stream, talking about her Pokemon victories, her genmates hygiene and the upcoming Minecraft collab tomorrow. Come tune in if you want to be healed by this cool and cute Hawkmama!
Poor little Ollie. All that practice and her Zomrades decided to become the sweatiest little bastards in the entire world and show her what true despair feels like by absolutely spanking her hide in various tracks even if she's grateful for the harsh training. She knows it's out of love. Tabun.
Your Pizza Papa's consuming some delicious ass SOBA right now during his zatsudan lunch stream. The current topic he's been on about is the fact that he just finished watching into the Spiderverse and something about the Green Goblin and Spiderman. I'm sure Fubuki is nodding her head in approvement though.
In less than 15 minutes, Kronii's picking up her weapons and steeling herself for more pain as she's finally jumping right back into Hades and will this time probably maybe do better than she's ever done before. Tabun.

>> No.15809962 [View]
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Wasn't today loads of fun /hlgg/? It's only 3rd of January and we're already getting so many fun streams. We're even seeing the return of the Arc ARK as we had not just one but TWO Ark streams today! Isn't that something to get really excited about?!
>Songs released today
Towa's Anniversary special was today and as you know with Anniversaries comes songs and that's exactly what you got today! Towa's brand new original song is in Fact a certified banger, one you can play over and over again and not get tired from hearing it because her singing voice is so mesmerizing and the beat is addictive and catchy.
>Some highlights for today
As stated before today was Towa's Anniversary stream! She sang a lot of songs in this live, FANTASTICALLY I might add. She also had a truckload of guests singing with her and every group performance was filled with that Towa brand dorkiness whether she was a part of it or not. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you find some time and give the VOD a watch, you're going to grinning ear to ear and cracking up at some sections, I promise you.
The Metronome only Pokemon tournament was very interesting and downright side splitting hilarious at times. A truly hectic and RNG filled battle, how some of these Holos won/lost these matches was amazing. Plus it gave us new Holo duos as some of the losers hung out with the other losers and had banter and chit chat, making you want even more of the surprise chemistry and have hope that a collab soon can happen between them.
Man today was just a treasure for all the BaeRyS lovers out in the world. Not only did they witness the divorce of Bae and IRyS (again) as they played and fought each other in Mario Kart, but due to problems with GTAV, IRyS had to change her stream to Minecraft and comfort a mourning Bae who just lost her Piggy Friend Phil to a Ghast. It then went from Quartz Collecting in the Nether and STRAIGHT to writing out their discord sessions in the form of more chapters of the Reine fanfiction. It was some seriously spicy stuff please head into their after you've cooled yourself down if you intend to check out the VOD.
As the Mario Kart tournament approaches fast you've got plenty of Holos who are getting in their last minute reps to make sure they get out of their groups safe and sound and get to battle the top of the tops in the Winner's Tournament. Of the Holos who practiced today you've got Bae (& IRyS!), Lamy, Ollie, Reine, and the super great Group C training which contained Watame absolutely demolishing Kronii, Sana and Polka. And Watame's still not done as she's doing even more reps because she wants to be EXTRA prepared this time. Go Watame Go!
Iofi counted rice grains today. One by one, delicious pieces of rice. Rice grains. All the rice grains. A lot of rice. Did you know she's going to be holding a karaoke in a few hours? Isn't that great news!
First Dead by Daylight stream of the year as well as the first sighting of Gawr of the year! Today's DBD was filled with lots of killer goodness as Gura progressively played more and more degenerate killers until she picked up the Witch which she sucks ass at but still she played the Witch which means she was out for blood. She did play a round of survivor though that was good fun. It's always nice to see Gura playing her comfort food game because she gets really sassy and cute.
TWO ARK STREAMS! Flare played the dinosaur early today and Aki played some too, both lasting more than 2 hours of stream time. This could potentially mean the arrival of more Holos coming back to the game for big ass raid collabs and dino raising, maybe even the return of Choco's literal game breaking dinosaur farm that she spent hours upon hours on!
Meimei should not be allowed to become a zookeeper after this Planet Zoo stream. Even though I said that nobody would be able to say no to her if she asked. Hell her bear called Kiara stayed alive for years without the consumption of meals by using nothing but pure rage escaping her confines every time to wreak havoc on her zoo while Meimei laughed at how adorable her little button nose was. It was a very fulfilling and fun stream and a definite VOD watch just for how precious Meimei was.
And you know you've got great streams going on right at this minute as you get to sit down and relax with either Watame or Reine (or both!) as they're doing their Mario Kart reps.
>Upcoming Big Streams
You enjoyed Towa's Anniversary now you get to enjoy Luna's Anniversary! As you can already see there's no way Subaru's getting out of a full grooming this time as ChocoShubaLuna along with Botan, Roboco and Akirose will be making appearances in her concert. You've not going to want to miss the festivities to make sure you get your alarm clock set and ready for action!
There were tons of streams to sit and relax with or get excited for, but which ones were your highlight /hlgg/?

>> No.15802048 [View]

But you can tell when she's playing a character and she switches on and off really fast. So she could be all "I'm amazing!" one minute and "I want to die" the next. The times when she boasted about being good in games were 3 times I think? Chess, Pokemon, and Smash. Chess, she wasn't educated but she was surprisingly decent enough to beat Ollie. Pokemon, she sucked at but that might be because she was trying to rush things on stream. Smash, I don't know, she didn't seem awesome but she was letting Gura get better for the most part but it does currently seem like she might have overestimated her abilities in Smash. It seems these boasts weren't meant to be jokes.

>> No.15615923 [View]

In Anya pokemon stream

>O:why I'm a bug , why you bully me
>A:why , why not?
>O:but why a bug tho
>A: you're the first one who come in my mind when I meet this pokemon , So I name it Ollie. Is it love?
>O:oh so sweet

I don't know , is Ollie that stupid or Anya just so smooth at stabbing that brainless zombie

>> No.15506591 [DELETED]  [View]
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2021 is almost over and 2022 is going to bring even more Hololive greatness. Isn't being a fan of Hololive just the best /hlgg/?
>Songs released today
Watame's 2nd Anniversary Live FEVER was such an absolute blast to sit through. Lots of Watame singing and then Botan came on the scene, played some Switch games with the Sheep and sang some duets together. One of those duets was a brand new original song composed by IOSYS. Fun, cute and catchy, that's how you'd describe this song. If you haven't streamed it yet, well now you know what your homework is.
>Some highlights for today
As mentioned before if you haven't seen Watame's Anniversary stream you should check out the VOD as soon as possible. Watame comes sprinting out of the gate wearing the really sexy outfit she got during her first Sololive concert. Not only did she bless us with multiple songs while wearing it, Botan ran onto the stage, smelling sweet smelling sweaty Watame. Botan then took it upon herself to completely mog Watame in 1-2 Switch on her very own Anniversary. It was hilarious and adorable and seriously go catch the VOD.
There was a big Among Us collab starring all of HoloX, Noel, Miko, Suisei and Matsuri. There plenty of kino moments in this grand collab, especially with Chloe mostly getting imposter and having to pretend to be completely innocent and performing poorly. She couldn't even kill Lui when she had multiple chances too because she got too attached to Hawkmama. Despite that, it was very cute!
Congratulations to Botan for following Lamy and becoming a Pokemon Champion! Since the two of them became Champions, they ended up challenging each other to a battle of the ages, utilizing the new National Dex they were able to get. The battle itself however...well let's just say Pachirisu's reign of terror reared its frightful face here yet again. I'll let you guess who had the Pachirisu.
Kiara wielded her Hot Glue Gun with perfect dexterity today as she built a non-edible Gingerbread House, burning her fingers at times and letting out some of the best Kiara screams yet and also caused /hlgg/ to have a brief civil war on whether or not Gingerbread Houses are meant to be consumed or not. She also went on quite a historic tangent, teaching all her viewers about the DUTCH due to a documentary she watched and now she's got an itch to do a history stream besides Meimei which could end up being incredible.
Ina had a look back at all of the art she created for the entirety of the year 2021 and boy was it a lot. She even showed off some pieces of work that never saw public light because she thought they didn't look good...despite them looking good. What a total dope!
Meimei played Mario Kart for the third time today. Oh not the third time in one day, the third time ever as in she's never played this game more than thrice in her life. She didn't even know that you can hold the accelerate button down while pressing other buttons. It was genuinely adorable and puts those whose oshis in Group A at ease since they don't have to worry about a sneaky owl beating them. She is however a pretty fast learner so if she does her reps...she could be a threat to some of the lower tier racers...
Speaking of Mario Kart, we had even MORE Chloe today meaning it was a fantastic day as she, Matsuri, Choco and Lui continued to do their hardcore Mario Kart reps and made us aware that Matsuri is pretty powerful and Choco-sensei....Choco-sensei's gonna do her best and that's all that matters. The tournament is fast approaching, your oshis better be practicing if they wanna make it outta groups!
Kronii had a rough but fun time believing in the heart of her cards and not believing in the heart of her brain as her first stream of the game Inscryption was very...unique to say the least. She had a great time with it though and her second stream of it should be even better!
And you know you've got some really great streams going on right now, such as Mori being a FUCKING GAMER speedrunning Jump King getting a sub 8 run, and both Ollie and Moona holding their own unboxing streams.
>Upcoming Big Streams
One of the goals Aruran wanted to complete for the year 2021 was obtaining at least 200k Subs before the year was over. That's pretty unlikely at this point since he's at 145k but that's not going to stop him from holding a 24 hour variety stream. He's going to have totsus, gaming streams with open invites for other stars and zatudans. Pizza Papa's a really cool dude and it's be neat for you guys to tune in at least a little bit during his day long streaming session, just to drop a "Ganbare Aruran!" or something.
So many good streams today to consume, but which ones were your highlights /hlgg/?

>> No.15470504 [View]

I agree, not because of too much Jump King, but because i want more games. Last games she played other than Pokemon and JK were mobile RL with Ollie, and GG with Ina three weeks ago.

>> No.15437357 [View]
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Gura's a trident master, sniping uppity deadbeats who tried to get a taste of cunny after hanging out with the ojiisans of /hlgg/ far too often. Luckily they're actually a bunch of no-skinned losers who can't handle a little blowback so they were dispatched quickly. Gura's now safely building up her Shrimp Shrine with no worries besides her own building autism while also reading whatever supachats that catches her eyes.
Someone please give this Koyote a hug and maybe some headpats because, but also don't cover her mouth because these NAAAANDEEEESSSS are honestly food for the ears. She's really trying her best not to drop down back to the first screen but sometimes her Koyos mix with her Koyorins and that's all she wrote. At the very least after god knows how many falls, she's finally made it to the screens where the wind is pushing her into the free fall while jumping so continue praying for her.
This is a very dangerous stream Ollie is delivering today. Like extremely dangerous. If you thought Risu's Okayu Daki love was horny, then you haven't seen Ollie literally fold up her Sora tapestry so she can have the perfect crease of Sora's pits in which she WANGY WANGY'D it until she was satisfied. Yes, that's the kind of unboxing stream you guys signed up for.
Lamy got completely looped around in the victory road portion of her Pokemon stream and just decided to head back, heal her pokemon and grab more items to prepare for the Elite 4 fight. As you already know, her team consists of Luxray, Staraptor, Gardevoir, Empoleon, Golem and Houndoom which is sad that she has no ice pokemon despite being an Ice Elf but I'm pretty sure the Ice Pokemon Selection in Base DP actually suck so you can't really blame her. Come on over and tune in as her final challenge before becoming champion begins!
Witnessing Pekora's 11 hour long Genocide stream as well as Fubuki's 1.2 Hour long Genocide Speedrun has rekindled Flare's love for the game and that's why she's decided to wake up on this fine morning in order to once again meet the love of her life Sans Undertale. Today is the N Route. After New Years will be the P route. G Route is whenever she damn well feels like it.
In less than 30 minutes, have you gotten your lunch yet /hlgg/? If you haven't then good news, you can go get some now as Lui blesses your day with another one of her really fun Lunch Zatsudan streams!
In less than 55 minutes, MOOMER STREAM INCOMING! She's finally come back after committing the grave sin of BOILING CHICKEN unless she's making chicken pot pie in which case she's half forgiven. Either way it's really fantastic to see her safe and sound after her travels and you know she's going to have lots of Holiday stories to talk about.
>Songs Released
The Sparks, they cry because they wanted to start a fire today but they're so small that even one of those japanese sparkler thingies sparkle brighter than them. The piano arrangement of Kiara's pop song sounds really good, especially with Kiara's low, slow singing and is definitely worthy of your streams.
Astel and good friend+fellow Holostar Member Oga teamed up as they delivered this absolute banger of a cover for the song Garando. Astel's amazing singing talent coupled with the low backing vocals of Oga will leave your ears in a state of pure bliss. The MV for the video is really damn good too, the quality of this entire project is 120%. If you haven't bared witness to it yet, it's time for you to get with the program and give it a stream ASAP.
Kanata too released a new cover to the world, healing the world with her wonderful singing as she covered supercell's song Watashi e. You know exactly what to expect from someone like Kanata so you should go and give it a stream or two as soon as possible if you haven't. It'll really brighten up your day and calm that raging fire some of you got building up inside.

>> No.15433531 [View]
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Gura's had too much Christmas Ham and Bread but that's to be expected from such a gluttonous shark. The Shrimp Shrine she's planning to make is going to be pretty big but at the very least she'll definitely finish it this time so it's going to be fun seeing how far she'll get in this stream.
Koyori's finally making decent progress but the lands will never forget those screams of despair as she falls god knows how many screens after a double slip up. The Koyorins into Koyos into Koyoris are near hypnotic and all you want to do is cheer on this koyute koyote so she doesn't have the worst drop of her life like last stream.
Did you hear that Teamates? Ame's SSSKA cover? She hasn't forgotten it at all! Now you can tell shitposters to shut up and just enjoy Ame as she delivers more cute giggles reading through the rest of the supachats and going on tangents.
Wamy's still running through the Victory Road, pushing boulders, running up walls, making Onix faint with her Empoleon and do her best to reach the Elite Four of her game so she can take them on with her team that contains Luxray and Staraptor as well as other uncommonly used Pokemon. Go Lamy Go!
In less than 30 minutes, Ollie's gonna be showing us just what it is she spent her money on because we're going to take a dive into a zombie unboxing whatever boxes she's got laying around!
>Songs Released
These Sparks are so sad. They try their best but they can't even start a fire today...well the good thing about the Sad Sparks is that it actually sound really really good with Kiara really bringing her A-Game to provide the nice mellow vocals to the piano arrangement. If you haven't listened to Sad Sparks, then go help it start a fire and stream it.
Astel dragged his friend Oga over and the two awesome Star members delivered this cover of the song Garando. It's truly one of the greatest covers he's released on his channel, on the same levels of his Envy Baby and Mela ones as everything just sounds and looks so perfect. Vocals, MV, Mixing, all of them are of the highest quality and if you haven't listened to it yet, you should definitely reconsider and go give it a stream ASAP.
Kanata too released a new cover to the world, healing the world with her wonderful singing as she covered supercell's song Watashi e. You know exactly what to expect from someone like Kanata so you should go and give it a stream or two as soon as possible if you haven't. It'll really brighten up your day and calm that raging fire some of you got building up inside.

>> No.15396132 [View]
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Another day passes and we once again had a grand amount of outstanding streams to watch and enjoy because Hololive is filled with a whole cast of talented individuals.
>Songs released today
Kanata's 2nd Anniversary 3D Live was straight fire, knocking out a grand total of 15 songs as she was not playing around with any kind of breaks, it was boom boom boom rapid fire bangers one after the other. Plus she released this brand new original song of hers that comes coupled with a really beautiful MV. If you haven't seen it yet, you should go and give it a stream right away, it'll make you smile.
Shion the little brat dropped this brand new original song on our laps and then laughed and skipped away. The song itself is really high energy and when you've got Shion singing then you know you've got a fantastic piece of media on your hands. If you missed out on listening to it and getting trapped by the spell, you should reconsider your life's actions and stream it immediately. Multiple times even.
A lion, a fat cat, a fox and a wolf all walk into Hololive offices and has the great realization that they're all Animals. That's why you've got Mio being the fourth Hololive Animal to cover DECO*27's song Animal. Mio brings the power like she usually does when a new song drops from her and her vast talents hasn't waned one bit. If you didn't stream it yet, you're really missing out on Mama Mio's specialty.
You should 100% find a time to just sit down with drink and food and give the Holostar's 1st Act Concert a watch. The amount of work these cool dudes put in bore so much fruit that you can taste the sweet nectar of victory from the first 20 minutes of the show. If you don't believe that the reps they did were that powerful, go listen to their original song Journey to Find Stars and you'll see just how much all the bros improved. It's beautiful.
>Some highlights for today
As explained before Kanata's 3D Live Concert will leave you in complete awe because there were no PPT breaks located here. The setlist was amazing including a guest appearance from the Reaper of Rapping Calliope Mori, forming an incredible Addiction duet performance as well as really heartwarming Fansa performance with Coco's voice loud and clear as a backup vocal. A definite must watch VOD if you missed it.
Haachama had a tribute karaoke for her. Now before you click the VOD you should prepare yourself emotionally because it will leave you in tears. You could definitely feel the amount of pain Haachama was feeling while she sang the songs one of her best friends sang alot. She has had a heartfelt message at the end too and you should go check this VOD as well, do it for both Haachama and Coco.
If you guys see any deadbeats, make sure to slap them in the back of the head for what their oshi taught Lui in today's Ensligh Teaching/Speaking stream. Nobody on this planet besides Mori apparently uses the phrases "Fo' Sho, Eat My Dust, and Legit" but these were the things she taught to our Hawkmama. Other than that the collab was actually really sweet and hilarious at times and a good candidate for putting it in the background while doing reps.
Today, Hololive Talent Shirakami Fubuki continued farming for a Shiny Gastly because she loves the rush. She was unsuccessful in catching one HOWEVER thanks to Mio Mama's kindness, she was able to obtain a Shiny Clefairy, thus causing Fubuki to only need two more shinies in order to obtain a full shiny party. Please continue praying for Fubuki so she can get that full shiny team and complete her Pokemon Journey in style.
After some good rest, Gura gave us a truly heavenly ukulele unarchived karaoke which then devolved into singing some songs without the instrument and she sounded just as beautiful as ever. The setlist really showed off how totally girly she was but that's a good thing, girly girls are very cute and huggable and cheek pinchable.
And you know you've got some super fun streams going on right now with Botan finished capturing Palkia and is currently fighting the final gym putting her closer to becoming the Pokemon Champion and Ollie plus a sneaky treerrat playing some Minecraft while talking about why she lacks breasts and if there are any hoes in the house.
>Upcoming Big Streams
It's Sankisei time! They're once again going to be showing their newest member Noel the ropes to being a construction group with a thirst for arsony and violence but also building geniuses in the market. It's going to be super fun so make sure to get your alarm clock set and ready to wake up on time.
Lots of streams and rebroadcasts, but which ones were the highlight of your day /hlgg/?

>> No.15161781 [View]
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Streaming during Christmas Edition

>Main links
Last Streams:

Minecraft Christmas Mining:

Apex with Ollie guest appearance:

Next Stream:
Xmas Carols (unarchived):

Scheduled Streams (PST):
24/12 03:00 Pokemon
24/12 19:00 Xmas Party
25/12 20:00 Mario Kart 8DX

Bae's Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz
Current schedule: https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1472909421499981827

>Where can I find arts?
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3Aハコス・ベールズ

Previous: >>14890701

>> No.15037554 [View]

Ollie has expressed contempt towards guys lusting after Pokemon trainers, so she is not a lolicon

>> No.15007629 [View]

pokemon and apex arc end this week and ollie will finish omori and deltarune then start playing outer wilds and RE games

>> No.15003649 [View]

reine is pretty cool. wish her and ollie weren't play fucking pokemon

>> No.15003019 [View]

im not really paying attention because i dont care for pokemon but a sudden feeling washed over me thats urging me to say that i really like ollie

>> No.14965821 [View]
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This is a stream consisting of Hololive talent Shiranui Flare as she is stuck in a loop of resets due to the fact that she is trying to obtain a Shiny Chimchar as her starter. While she has not been at it as long as Fubuki (who is at 25 Days) she has still suffered greatly, especially since she encounter a shiny wild pokemon but it was the one and only wild pokemon that you're forced to kill. Please allow Flare to obtain her Shiny Monkey and end her suffering /hlgg/.
Lamy is fighting back the temptation of drinking right now because she's spending her time trying to fish up the legendary Feebas before the spawns randomize since everyday it changes and the reset happens in less than 20 minutes. If she doesn't manage to catch it then, well she'll just go grab some whiskey and call it a day.
Ollie's just hanging around the HoloID server, taking in the wonderous sights and her fine works of art in the forms of her house and tower. A really comfy lovely Ollie stream to calm your mind and hearts.
Astel, Izuru, Temma and Miyabi are here today to announce something but currently they're just having a talk with each like a radio show. The announcement probably has to deal with their concert in less than 6 days so if you're going to be watching it, you probably should check out this stream.
In less than 15 minutes, Shion's trading her wizard's hat for a Santa's hat as it's time for her to reveal just how sexy she's going to look in her christmas outfit. She'll also probably call you ojiisans gross and laugh at you since you'll be a bunch of panting, drooling pigs.
Also in less than 15 minutes, Hawkmama's coming back to us after taking on Koyori in Brain Academy. This is just going to be a simple Supachat reading but it's also pretty much a zatsudan because she loves going on tangents like a true Holobirb.
ALSO in less than 15 minutes, Professor Aruran and his grand experiments and projects is going live once more, those of you who've been keeping up with him and his autism, rejoice as you've got more things to look forward to!

>> No.14877403 [View]
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Man what an totally wild day of Hololive content today was and we're only going to get even MORE fantastic streams coming up in a couple of hours.
>Songs released today
Roberu and Astel had their very first cover duet today singing the incredibly lovely song called Hashire. Once again Astel proves to be one talented seaweed baby boy who can pair up with just about anyone and harmonize perfectly with them. Roberu's no slouch either though as all those vocal training reps he's been doing on his path to becoming an idol has paid off incredibly and he sounds really good now! If you haven't given the song a listen to yet, you need to go do so ASAP, you wouldn't want to be a bad father and ignore your two winning sons now would you?
>Some highlights for today
Ollie's return stream! She'sbackshe'sbackshe'sbackshe'sbackSHE'SBACK! Yes that's right after being hospitalized for a few weeks, Ollie's managed to deliver a stream reassuring us that she hasn't double died and it was really great hearing from our little sister once more and that's she's doing better than before.
We had TWO Home3D Christmas Outfit reveals today as both Botan and Luna showed off their amazing ass...ets to the world dressed as Santa's Reindeer complete with tail and antlers and all the fixings. Well in Botan's case she now has two tails but that's besides the point. Botan also sang for us and Luna roasted the Lunaitos and both streams are definitely worth checking the VODs for.
Congratulations to Fubuki for using the only bit of luck she had stored up by pulling so many goddamn Anzu's during her Idolm@ster stream. It's why she still hasn't received a Golden Magikarp yet, she's greedy! So greedy in fact that her goddman pokemon contracted Pokerus during this journey and the chance of that happening is LESS THAN CATCHING A SHINY.
Did you know that Chloe had a grand total of FOUR streams today? Yes that's right she blessed our hearts and ears with an INSANE karaoke session as well as showed us her powerful eigo skills and shit grammar by using duolingo and then talked about her barking dog and PON head with her supachat readings. Chloe's really sweet and you should be headpatting that precious orca anytime you get the chance.
Even Lui is not immune to falling for the Evil God Korone as she became the latest victim to the yubi hoarding dog of doom. The screams Lui let out are super powerful and when she says she can't handle horror she did not exaggerate good lord.
Kiara had one hell of a session of Mario Party today because she's SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING MOGGED IN EVERY COLLAB SHE'S BEEN IN even though this is a game of LUCK. She wants to become more powerful in Minigames at least and that's why she took on a whole bunch of KFP. It's hard to tell if she improved or not, she was screaming in anger, delight and fright all at the same time and it was seriously entertaining.
The tea part that Mori set up was a smashing success because her first two guests in the form of Ninomae Ina'nis and your worst nightmare Nanashi Mumei performed top marks. This was basically just a stream where three FEMALES with FEMALE BODY PARTS talked a whole bunch of FEMALE things such as Meimei's Grandfather eating all the cake because Meimei's tastes are shit, Mori eating bananas with her feet and Ina's perfect way of sleeping dead ass on the floor in perfect position to not murder your body. Really excited for the upcoming Tea Party sessions if they're even half as good as this one.
And you know, you've still got some amazing streams to watch right now like Kronii relearning Hollow Knight, Lui tearing up the tracks in Mario Kart and Iroha beating the shit out of Sin Spawns in FFX. Plus you have AME!!!! in less than 40 minutes as she FINALLY returns to Apex Legends and NOT VALORANT as well as Pizza Dad flexing his card opening skills by ripping open a shit load of packs.
>Upcoming Big Streams
Oh man if you thought today was great wait a few hours because not only are you going to be hit with the super sexual pair of blondes in the form of Choco and Mel who are delivering an intense concert that'll get your libidos going wild.
But you ALSO have the long anticipated BRAND NEW PEKORA OUTFIT! God knows that she's been due for a new one and from the silhouette shown it looks like it's going to be one fancy schmancy glow up. The anticipation is absolutely killer so make sure you set your alarms to catch it!
And this is just for me and other Nakirigumis but...Ayame's going to finally be showing us her Pokemon Journey on stream tomorrow! It's such fantastic news, the excitement is almost murderous to the heart. Hope to see you guys there! Never forget that Ayame is currently the reigning Pokemon Master of Hololive!
Today was great and tomorrow will be even greater but what streams were the highlights of your day /hlgg/?

>> No.14644475 [View]

I want Ollie to rematch Sana at max level in Pokemon.

>> No.14241370 [View]
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This is a very nice shedule. From I take from this is the Pokemon stream and apparently, she starts at the same time as Sana.
This can go two ways :
-this will be a collab at some point, not even a wild guess - there will be some Vchat between the two and my hot take is that there will be a friendly confrontation like Sana did with Ollie and Fauna (although both were meme matches).
-this will be an endurance stream since it's much earlier compared to the usual streaming times. We are maybe looking for a stream that will easily last for more than 6 hours. In any case, this could be the one that will easily beat Pokemon #3.
As far as VChat goes, I guess the lot of Council will pop in and we'll get RE7 all over again.

>> No.14199355 [View]

You overlooked one thing about Sana. She's a wonderful straight woman for more chaotic girls. How she just jumped right in and bounced off Ollie in the pokemon call is just the most recent show of it.
If she did more with the rat or some other high energy girl she'd incline.
Her biggest strength is also her biggest weakness to. She's not just normal, she's relatively well adjusted and outwardly confident. She's not a broken girl the simps want to protecc.

>> No.14158136 [View]
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Sana's Bread is in pretty big Dread right now even though she took out Big Daddy Kraid the fastest out of all the Holos who've played this game. She unfortunately couldn't save his life because she didn't have a Pokeball to make him a friend so now she's trying to not get toasted in the volcano portion of the game. Based on how fast she learns things, she'll probably finish this game the fastest out of everyone. Go Sana Go!
Lamy's all done with her sleepy zatsudan and has now taken her sleepyness to her supachat reading. She's got an off collab with Polka coming up so that's something fun to look forward to!
Ame's shilling her NFATs again during Supa Sunday! Don't screenshot them or else you're STEALING. Well at least she revealed the driving force of the NFATs which is your Amegination, and everyone has plenty of that stored up in their noggin'. She's also giving us hints over the 3D Studio as well as hyping up Mori's Upcoming Concert which is just going to be amazing.
You wanna see two ladies driving their cars into big balls so they can score the big goals? Well look no further because you have Mori and Ollie facing off against each other in the cool as hell sports game Rocket League...the phone version though.
Mori POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apv_YyFWHMQ
Ollie POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mb_lxdfNbI
Roberu's gloating over his domination of Aruran during the Underground Battle in Pokemon as well as becoming the idol he's always wanted to become by showing up to Ono Yuuki's Live Concert this morning. He's incredibly happy with himself right now during this Bar Robel.
>Song Released
Fubuki released her Sil Vous President cover again so you should go give it the streams you did before and then give it even more because our Friend's singing voice is seriously fun and pleasant to listen to.
Miyabi and Astel paired up to form this ultra cute duo in order to bless us with a Booo! cover. They sound seriously super cute together when they sing this song and if you want to feel all fluffy and happy inside then this is the perfect song to stream.

>> No.14142916 [View]

I barely have an idea about pokemon but personally I found Sana's playthrough immensely boring because of this. It was obvious even to me she's way too good for the game so it was like watching Starcraft2 ML player beat campaign on Easy and pretend there was any chance of failure. Though I found Peko, Mori and Ollie playthroughs to be highly entertaining since there's actual stakes there.

>> No.14080357 [View]
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On the other hand, one can hope for friendly confrontations with the other holomems, as far as Pokemon goes. Like friendly games before the main course.
Sana happened to do that with Ollie and completely crushed her, so maybe that thing is kinda brewing where we'll eventually see Council gauging against themselves. This could happen once the main game is cleared tonight and for the future planned streams. If the Pokeautsts have an objection to formulate about that, please tell.

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