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Search: kronii audio

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>> No.50221447 [View]

and she balanced the audio now, thank you kronii

>> No.50221272 [View]

finally a collab with good Kronii volume
discord audio levels HATE

>> No.50221222 [View]

Is the audio of everyone uktra low except Kronii for someone else?

>> No.50210404 [View]

Audio from the Moom and Kronii panel

>> No.50176393 [View]

How much do you think I would have to pay Kronii for a custom audio file? Also is this too weird, would she reject it for it's content?:
>It's not your fault. You did nothing wrong. It was only the seventh floor, how were you supposed to know? You're better than them, don't listen to them. Besides she wasn't REALLY pregnant, she was just faking it.
Please I really need this audio and AI isn't good enough yet.

>> No.50168185 [View]

Does anyone else hear something in the background of Kronii's audio, sounds like a tv.

>> No.50144668 [View]

Kronii is actually a bit of an audio autist, it goes well with her great voice

>> No.50144661 [View]

I feel like Kronii's audio is always fucky during collabs though.

>> No.50043848 [View]

So apparently when Kronii visited, they were too preoccupied with fucking each other to teach her anything about audio editing.

>> No.49110812 [View]

>kronii plays a debuff game
>"she is reclining again"
the she will play a buff game and will get unicorn falsflags again.
Also Kroni pc is delaying the audio.

>> No.49025859 [View]

Wait, by that I mean I am only listening to Kronii and enjoying it on audio alone.

>> No.48935610 [View]

Kronii and IRyS had never been together what audio do you mean?

>> No.48882927 [View]

Anon talking about her consistent audio problems in discord calls is not an attack on Kronii
You don't have to put your brain into whiteknight mode
It's a simple, reoccurring technical issue
It probably persists because no one makes Kronii aware of it to begin with
And people like you make it hard to communicate because you try so hard to obfuscate the problem because you perceive it as an attack on your oshi so it has to be deflected from and shut down
That's an unhealthy mindset anon
Get some help

>> No.48882511 [View]

If Mumei was saying Kronii's audio was maxed, could have simply just been an issue of Kronii not having her gain setting high enough? Doubt she would have needed to crank it up too much, though I do wonder if she's overly conscious of her occasional peaking to fiddle around with it too much.

>> No.48882261 [View]

They were doing audio checks and Mumei was reading chat who was saying kronii muted

>> No.48882140 [View]

Kronii doesn't realize she needs to set different audio settings when she is just in a Discord call on stream. Combined with her naturally talking quietly until she gets heated it can make balancing her for the hosts a pain.

>> No.48881428 [View]

Can someone with access to the secret discord please tell Kronii to fix her audio levels for the next collab
She's too quiet in every single one no matter who she collabs with, it's clearly a problem on her side
It's not a big problem and shouldn't be considered a mean thing to say to her right? Just bump up your volume in discord or something and it's fine

>> No.48819425 [View]

Why can't Kronii into audio settings...?

>> No.48813816 [View]

Kronii your audio levels...

>> No.48685366 [View]

I was listening to an audio last night and it just made me wonder what if Kronii made erotic audios too.

>> No.48598043 [View]

When is Kronii gonna do a small penis humiliation JOI audio

>> No.48563489 [View]
File: 115 KB, 335x353, disappointed_ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Offcollabs aren't that much of a buff anymore
To think we've reached a point in HoloEN's lifecycle where fans can just drop comments like these without thinking even a little bit about the implications...

Offcollabs are ALWAYS supposed to be a buff for holos. It's the culmination of CGDCT, girls visiting each others' homes - either one on one or as a group, starting conversations about all the stuff they have, the layout of their rooms, the smell of their clothes, doing casual yuribait, and in general, just going all キャキャ over each other.

Fauna and Kronii in particular, are supposed to be the EN version of this stream : https://youtu.be/pFDQjXs6ieM
Taking horniness through audio to it's limits, while also messing around and making people laugh, generally giving off a positive vibe. That stream had 80k CCV btw, and that was in 2021, just a couple of weeks after Coco left.

An offcollab between two of the biggest ENs focussed on ASMR is not getting bigger numbers than a Kiara collab with a fucking chatbot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayqQTwnfDjk)), and EN fans both /here/ and outside think that this is completely normal.
The EN box is broken. Whether it's beyond repair or not, only EN3 will tell...

>> No.48541392 [View]
File: 171 KB, 1609x1872, 1658194161574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No ventilation in the closet because the fan messes with the audio
>Fauna's setup is designed for one person, so it'll be a squeeze getting two people in
>the walls are covered with all of the frilly dresses Fauna wants to jam Kronii into
Are Kronies really okay with Fauna unironically dragging their oshi into her grooming dungeon?

>> No.48486682 [View]

I fucking hate offcollab arcs dude. No explanation, just sat there fucking about with Kronii and Mumei instead of showing a shred of decency and tweeting something out over 8 hours.
2 streams cannibalized for what will be 45 minutes of some scuffed audio shitter stream tomorrow.

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