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Search: Never get idol outfits

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>> No.78829012 [View]

we will never get boys that lean hard into the monster part
different ears, horns and a tail is pretty much the most we can expect, just because they need a model that's able to perform on stage and wear idol outfits.

>> No.78524817 [DELETED]  [View]

A quick reminder to the holofags seething again

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.77122227 [View]

If the Idol girls can't get new outfits after bringing in 40k, it's definitely never happening for the eien girls.

>> No.76793755 [View]

Same people shitting on CtW are the ones who insisted that EN would never get idol outfits and so on.

>> No.75961421 [View]

What’s weird with Regloss to me, I’m left sort of confused on what the main objective was, like it seems like there was supposed to be something released or announced after awhile, but they never really talked about anything, referenced the bigger picture, what Regloss’ goals are with Hololive (the only real thing is that they’re trying to get enough subs to get 3D) like I feel like they should have built upon on it by now (more orisongs and covers, the idol outfits that they wore in the promo as a new outfit, etc etc)
But also, I actually feel like Regloss was still somewhat successful because (from an outside perspective) it seems like they all managed to create their own identity apart from whatever Regloss is; like it seems like they each have their own unique character and brand, like I havent watched much about them but literally just from clip videos and posts on here, I feel like I already know them decently well
Sorry for rambling lads cheers

>> No.73183599 [View]

Nijifags have been taking nonstop losses for the last 6 months, but they were holding on to copium that things would eventually get better, even after selens graduation (remember "greatest day of my life" and that the nijiorgans are posting here)
Usually these retards would cope forever but it seems increasingly clear that they might have to go back to starbucks (after the recent 3d debuts and outfits had absolutely horrendous numbers) so they are panick pushing as much content as possible and trying to take peoples minds off of niji yabs (that happen literally every day now) by shitting on holo as much as possible
What they don't get is that does absolutely nothing. Nijien is done, fans are never coming back.
They can't get hype for debuts because no one that is good will ever join niji with its current reputation, and they debut new talents every 2 months
They can't get hype for big multi-talent event streams, because half of the fanbase wants to kill the other half
They can't get hype for big individual projects because they don't give a shit about quality content, they just want miloads rape asmr and the organs have been indoctrinating their fans to hate parasocial stuff (while still engaging with it, but just ironically), idol stuff (while still pushing for concerts for some reason), and developing any other talent (because the other company does that and they are cringe)
It's actually over for them, and they are starting to realise that because as much as they start churning out "new and better" content people aren't watching it. Their subreddit is a massive anti den of ridiculous proportions, and they literally do not have a single safe space anymore (they keep migrating from one forum to the other (r/nijiforums for example) just to get enough positive karma for enw accounts because they are burning it off so fast in other subreddits defending niji)

This is why they are panicking, but again its pointless, they are fighting a war they have already lost

>> No.71026523 [View]

You can still achieve the "idol dream" in Nijisanji, many livers have had little character arcs like that and improved a lot and set new goals and some others have even identified themselves as idols. Don't fall for the le pure never-speak-of-a-male unicorn meme, real idols interact with male public figures literally all the time.
I would avoid hololive at all costs solely because their fans on the farms will doxx you down to your parents' home address and spam it here, there, everywhere to the point where it could just be googled. At least the schizo chinese sisters keep their insane doxx activities in their own language and corner of the internet so the general public never has to see them because we can't even read them to begin with. The only real advantage going there is for more numbers/money, but if you actually really care about that then there's no point having a debate at all, holo is the only way. I hate the Niji black company meme and I prefer Nijisanji's environment in general, but the truth is you probably would get treated better in general as a streamer in hololive with more outfits and 3D opportunities and things like that. But on the flip side their branch is way smaller and their interactions in collabs are stiff and honestly I'm only partly convinced that any of them even like each other, which shows a lot in their collabs. Part of what makes NijiEN so special compared to other places is how close friends a lot of members are and how often they spend time together on discord or even off collabs. But your odds of getting into either are lower than single digit, so good luck with that either way.

>> No.71008497 [View]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.70609929 [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1708910549189592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.70590218 [View]

>hastily jumping right back into streaming after getting terminated despite literally having a friend IN HOLOLIVE who could likely get her in
Doki isn't an idol wannabe like Pomu, She probably doesn't wanna have to deal with more corpo autism and the singing/dancing lessons she would need to prepare for shit like holofes, As an indie she ALREADY has 2 merch drops, more subs than 3 out of the 4 advent channels, consistent 5view CCV, AND she raised 250k for charity on top of all that, and before you go "Muh drama buff" the drama from her side has been over since feb 16th,
>making further moves to piss off the incompetent company who mistreated her, making even COLLABS with Hololive less likely due to how Japanese companies work
That is just retarded nonsense, SHE didn't make any "further moves to piss off the incompetent company" THEY made every single move, Trying to smear her off the gate, The negligible statement, Countering her neopets stream with that fucking black box horror show, All she ever tried to do was move on, And now she has, And the reason the homos had to play on alts in order to collab with her is because Hololive doesn't have Helldivers 2 perms yet, She'll get her collab with mumei soon enough
>She has RUINED her chances of EVER being able to do the kind of things Hololive talents are able to do for themselves
What like appear at concerts like U-San did with shoto?. Get 3ds like a LOT of indie vtubers and small corpos like even Vshitshow and 4mirai have?, She is getting sponsors out the ASS and a TON of good pr, She might even get an invite to a moom 3d live at some point, Calli brought in those two literally who indies for her 3d DEBUT for fucks sake
>by trying to appear as if she's "too good for corpos"
That's the thing falseflag sister-chan, She IS doing just fine without corpo autism holding her back
>Her friend Mumei is just always going to be more successful than she ever will be.
More falseflag bullshit from a nijisister larping as a holobrony
>She's going to fade into obscurity having NEVER been able to sing and dance in front of a massive stadium of adoring fans because she fucked it up herself.
The only people that are gonna "Fade into obscurity" are your luxium oshis you pagpag SEAcunt, She is getting multiple outfits at a rate holo talents could only DREAM of getting, And it's not like anybody in HoloEN is getting any paid sololive concerts anytime soon, They have appearances at HoloFes, MAYBE another connect the world or summer splashparty, And birthday 3d lives they need to pay out of pocket for, And again, Mooms is likely to invite doki to one of hers in the future (If doki even WANTS to do that kind of shit in the first place)
>And her loser fanbase cheered the whole time because they're fucking retards. The majority of Hololive fans don't even know you faggots exist because you and Doki are so irrelevant to the vtuber space as a whole. The ones who do know you exist, just thing you're obnoxious retards. Hope all of you are happy with that.
And THERE it is, The smoking gun to prove beyond all possible doubts you are a braindead larping Nijinig, Doki is legitimately the MOST well known vtuber right now, And holofans love her now more than ever now that she is free of that niji stink, You are so beyond retarded it kinda makes me feel bad for you, You could have made your LARP semi believable but i guess genuine intelligence is beyond a sister's capabilities

>> No.70025851 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1707511731469379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68712847 [DELETED]  [View]


Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68712581 [DELETED]  [View]


Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68709698 [DELETED]  [View]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68623560 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OK here
Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68563018 [DELETED]  [View]

See above
Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68254452 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.68236222 [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.67753819 [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706233863938829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.67512975 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.67476353 [View]

The real issue is that holo mama's and papa's are never the once drawing Holo's in their idol and swimsuit outfits. That combined with presets for 3d models, means you never get holo's with accurate measurements.

>> No.67465217 [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


>> No.67460792 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


Plus she has a nice rm career siphoning all of the holo corpocucks. Was a great live concert in Houston. Meanwhile the fecal alcohol syndrome dogs can't get anything KEK, baubau more like time to BAUY some plastic surgery

>> No.67459833 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 256 KB, 597x509, 1706158604224397 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori does what she wants and is still the number 1 most sc in en for total supers. I couldn't imagine having an oshi who walks on egg shells her entire career tip toeing around every little thing she does, what a bunch of fake corporate whores, people like irys,mumei and fauna will always live in moris shadow. Paracucks and unicucks are mentally ill and mori makes you squirm. Seethe for me while she gets yet another sponsor and gets all of her projects paid for.
>most supers
>most sponsors
>most outfits
>most projects
>most 3d invites
>most views for en even beating the drugged out shark whore
>umg contract
>doesn't need to spend a penny on her music
> collabs who the fuck she wants to
> only en with a solo live
But hey
>muh males
While your fake whore of an oshi is pretending to be your girlfriend for attention. My oshi is actually moving forward with her music career. Paracucks get the rope. Disgusting eceleb holo fucking trash. I despise corporate fucks like fauna who do le epic uuuuuuuuuu but it totally vegan whore behind the scenes and don't even get me started on irys with her fake persona she put on bleeeh. Total eceleb death. You keep doing le gcdgt but just remember they will always live in Moris shadow. This year has been fantastic to see the downfall of people like
I don't have a label like calli
it's probably not much compared to calli
2024 has been a fantastic start for her and I hope it goes even worse for her.
2 years and counting that air bnb made me so happy
Getting sick and fucking off whilst being a whore.
Now she on hiatus LMAOOOOOOOO I remember that pic. Hoocucks seething now
Blantely lying to her fans and not giving a single fuck while putting on the most pathetic fake persona I have ever seen
Winner winner chicken dinner
Lol lmao kek I remember at debut where condomates would tick tock post about subs and hours streamed. Look who's laughing now
Total cumrystocrat death especially that fes moment. They never lived it down and now irys is husk of her former self losing her vsinger status and got stuffed into a pity group where she doesn't belong and fucked her throat permanently
What happend to stable octopus? Even her rm has totally crashed and burned. Advent took her viewers and now she hardly even streams let alone does projects.
Having to rely on covers because your inept is hilarious and she knows she'll never come close to moris success.
>please sub to our 76 viewer patreon, we want our idol career off the ground after 10 years
These ironic weebs still living in Canada in hilarious and now they are stuck being children entertainers dangling keys in front of the faces of man children. Leech dogs leeching now
Used mori to leech in her audition and leeched off mori in her first collab. Has absolutely 0 talent besides le zoomer and has 0 aspirations in life
Ding ding ding round number 4 for her trying to get a career off the ground? Not even 10 months and she's joined kiara as the runt of en
I have nothing to say about bae she's the only ok one who doesn't attempt to walk on egg shells and act like a virtual prostitute like kiara or fwmc.
>b-b-but she doesn't collab with males
Lol lmao kek what's does that do for your career when your still a shitter with no talent in the first place. All in all seethe corpo trash.

YOU RETARDS MADE HER A MILLIONAIRE AND YOU'RE STILL SQUIRMING. holofags are such low iq. Come on do something or are you cucks gonna sit in the corpo corner and cry again while she spits In your face. The dopamine rush I get from you people is oh so delicious. Come on send her another supers you tards.

Until I see the ironic weeb dog fuckers doing something like pic related I won you lost. Total dogfucker death, you can ignore the males all you want but you can't ignore having no aspirations or talent. HOLOFAG SEETHE those dogs really are compete trash aren't they especially having such a shit rm career for over 10 years and doing fuck all. Well when you look like you've been ran over by a steam roller I don't blame em.


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