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Search: numbers pressure

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>> No.76852317 [View]

People wonder why Gura stopped talking about her problems, even in membership. Took a while, but Gura learned that no news is best news. Don't feed the antis.

But Vox has dropped to the point where sympathy begging looks like a viable option. From an organization that constantly reminds their livers about their numbers, the pressure causes desperation. Just like the company itself, always looking for quick answers instead slowly rebuilding.

>> No.76776379 [View]

Cover is going to pressure the runts to either get their numbers up or leave and let in fresh blood.

>> No.76696602 [View]

>Indies/Small corpos on the rise with good numbers
>Niji getting huge collabs/sponsorships
Guess HoloEN is feeling the pressure and now they're dragging myth out of semi-retirement and forcing them to do full gen collabs

>> No.76183534 [View]

numbers numbers numbers peko. same reason they're all spamming shorts streams. no idea if that's cuz of pressure from management or not.

>> No.75576621 [View]

it's just to illustrate the point
youtube only cares about monetization status and watch hours. there's bound to be people out there that racked up 4k before bothering to stream and then stream to like five people
and unless I remember incorrectly, twitch partner used to be 3view unless you lived in a region they were expanding into and since they've saturated and normalized it, it's 75 now so it's a little easier by the numbers for most (but maybe more difficult with the competition, not that most 2views are really that much competition)
and a separate but related issue, but 3view is 3view, easy to follow and I still want to post the great 500-600 3views like pillow and peo
it also takes pressure off the problem of growing out of the thread since how many 3views have truly become 4views in the past year besides oli, meat, coqui, and mari?

I don't really give a shit what the thread's called, but partner, medium, and even made (though I think that idea's fun and I'd make the shit out of mob movie edits) are more ambiguous

write one then, or really just drop the whole question
tidy OPs are nice

we do /pi/ but become the schizos that insist pi = 3
sorry for big post, bump limit soon

>> No.75500566 [View]
File: 2.80 MB, 1264x1848, CBC5316B-1388-496C-89B3-80F4B04BDF93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opposing the rule of numbers flies in the face of the necessity of these jobs and their need for maximum exposure for ad revenue. It doesn’t feel right to harp on these numbers for many of us. It denies the uniqueness of each talent, might even pressure them to alter themselves to fit the lowest common denominator for maximum returns.
In short, capitalism ruins art. Always has. It corrupts the contacts of every human interaction.
And speaking this truth, alerts the little toadies of the corporate-state, who will pounce on you and call you “communist” for questioning the high god of capital itself. This was the way the old world worked as well. They just worshiped the Papal god etc.
anyway. Expect the thread to be deleted. They hate you and me for even bringing it up.

>> No.75233609 [View]

>Fixed her sleep schedule
>No overwork
>Can do whatever she want with no pressure
>Still get numbers
Pekora must be the happiest Holo right now, only schizo would tell me otherwise and even then they would still be lying

>> No.75036410 [View]

damn fucking juice and their 3 year long (so far) con to get us. still waiting for them to clap the scam trap.

dang, you are a retard and don't understand esports, finance or advertisement . Call us again when someone in vtubing starts a poaching war for talents.

Holy shit, I can debunk almost every point here.
>biggest* crash has been caused by the venture capital investors*
No, it's your favorite games company with their shit ideas such as buy-in franchised leagues that are trash, uncompetitive and not entertaining.
>They caused players salaries to go from 10s of thousands to multi millions in a couple of years.
your games companies didn't want to enact salary caps and you wouldn't want to watch teams with bad players. More like they could but decided not to because that would admit to being a sports league and these things come with regulations they didn't like.
>This crash has scared away most investors and advertisers for at least* the next 5 years.
most of the investors are scared shitless by the incompetency of the VGDPs. Advertisers fucked off years ago when the VGDPs and eSports agencies did not meet target expectation and deliverables.
>Viewership* numbers have collapsed to a third.
for NA region maybe because they suck at most eSports. Everywhere else there were slight dips over the end of the pandemic. That the Rona was a big boost to eSports you fail to mention entirely is kinda funny.
>Esports streams who used* to be 5 views are doing worse then finana, looking at you Dyrus.
Dyrus is just not funny and now he is a shit tier player too so why should anyone watch him? League is not very presentable, never was and the hype has died out ages ago.
>Now why this is important, idol corp is acting exactly like these venture esport teams, spending money like no tomorrow without thought and promising the moon.
according to the juice companies own paper they are just not making profit but also are not going into debt and besides that have virtually no rules or pressure to keep spending up. You must be a financial illiterate
>This may be good for the vtubers short term but I fear idol corp is going to causes unsustainable money spending leading to a dangerous bubble burst that can destroy the long term future of tge entire industry.
again, there is no spending race and no race for talents.
>It happened to esports repeatedly and it always took almost 10 years for it to recover with only a handfull of personalities and/or players surviving the down time.
this shit is so arbitrarily. Most people in esports never turn a profit and just stop and do other things like finishing college or keep going.

Since you are a League retard, I'll just give you the biggest reason why LCS is failing: In the last 10 years, which regions had won worlds or had the potential to win worlds as a viable contender?
The Answers are:
1. South Korea
2. China
3. Taiwan winning one time
4. EU winning one time but only against NA because there were technically only 2 regions and then being a contender for a year
The NA league doesn't even have the potential to be a contender for the title. The masses don't want to watch trash.

>> No.74840859 [View]

My single biggest fetish is cute moms tiring themselves out taking care of their large families while already pregnant with even more children. The concept of a woman loving her family so much that even when she's overwhelmed by how hectic it gets taking care of her current family she still wants to make it even bigger gets me rock fucking hard. Thinking about Filian walking through the grocery store while 4 little kids sit in her cart and a 5 year old trails behind her and holds onto her tail and a newborn is slung around her torso in a harness while she's pregnant with 2 more is the most erotic fucking thing I can think of. It can't just be about breeding either, it has to be about breeding out of sheer love for her family. I don't care if she enjoys sex or not I want to make sure that she loves being a mother and against her better judgement she still wants to have the biggest family possible even when taking care of all them would work her to complete exhaustion daily. The eroticism comes not from Filian's wincing motherly face while she milks herself, it comes from her big ear to ear smile when she gives the bottles to her 9 toddlers and watches them drink her milk to grow big and strong. I want Filian to go to sleep every night cherishing every single day she spends with her family. She should go to sleep smiling, and wake up excited to shower her children with more love. I jack off to the thought to Filian letting her bigger kids rub her pregnant belly while she tells them more brothers and sisters are coming soon, she's completely clothed in a giant droopy maternity blouse in this scenario. The excitement of having children should never diminish even if she has theoretically maximum dragon litter numbers every year. Filian would be at her happiest when her children are happy, the more happy children the better. The thought of her cracking under the pressure of a dozen yelping kids and driving to maccas to get them a snack then thinking maybe it was for the better anyway when she see's how happy it made them. I'm literally leaking precum at the thought of Filian trying to make nutritious fruit filled meals for her children and micromanaging every aspect because she wants her kids to be healthy and grow up with healthy habits.
Filian running up to her youngest litter and licking a scape on the knee clean and kissing it and hugging them!
Filian trying to show off her dance skills to her daughter's in ballet but her pregnant belly weighs her down!
Filian with disheveled bed hair wearing a sloppy Tshirt and sweatpants because she needed to pull and all nighter to make her daughter's costume for the school play which she's now videotaping!
Filian going to the beach with her kids and needing to hire 2 more minivans to make sure she doesn't leave anyone out!
Filian looking at her pregnant belly in the mirror and admiring her stretch marks because she thinks of them as signs of motherhood!
Filian buying a $4,000 camera during her first pregnancy to take super high quality pictures of all her kids and ending up with a 24TB redundant RAID setup to store them!
Filian teaching her children how to bake so that they win the school bake sale but the techniques don't matter because by sheer numbers her children dramatically outcompete everyone else!
Filian embarrassing her sons during the big game by screaming "GO FRICK THEM UP" and holding up a giant foam hand!
Filian excitedly stalking her daughters when they hang out with their crush on the schoolyard!
Filian having such a consistently filled womb that she doesn't even own any non maternity clothing anymore!
Tired and delirious full term pregnant Filian still making time to help out her kids with their homework even when she barely remembers it!
Filian kissing each and every one of her newborns goodnight every night no matter how many she has!
I can't think of anything more erotic than seeing Filian's smiling face every night when she goes to sleep after another long day of raising the happiest and most cool and poggers zoomer family the world has ever seen.

>> No.74787216 [View]

To go along with your Tetris comment, there the "number go up" is for the high score which is another type entirely and I'll grant you that competing for high scores in arcade-type games isn't a very interesting goal either, there are competitive types of folks who do find it interesting but I don't care to represent that angle. In Tetris, number going up tangibly means that the tempo of the gameplay keeps going up: the experience changes from facing no pressure where you can afford the luxury of being a perfectionist and planning out every brick, to being pressed and only managing to do the best you can with the given time to react, to ultimately your brain absolutely melting until losing to misplays. And perhaps you'd agree that placing Tetris blocks as the main gameplay loop is more exciting than clicking through final fantasy random encounters which all play out roughly the same. Seeing which block comes next is more consequential randomness and has more strategic implications than seeing which recolor random encounter you come across.

When it's so that level ups just increase your numbers slightly, new equipment increase your numbers slightly, new spells do the same with bigger numbers, all in service of enemies numbers going up slightly as well, the core is never deviated from. Tetris doesn't technically deviate, just gets faster, but the experience of start of Tetris and end of Tetris is vastly more diverse than RPG guy hitting 100 at the start of game or hitting 3000 at the end of the game when those numbers are at both points 1:1 scaled to enemy strength.
Also on equipment where a game has "Sword 1, Sword 2, Sword 3" where the new tiers simply outnumber and obsolete the previous one because number go up, you almost cannot say that "this game has three swords to choose from" when there's effectively only one choice of Sword at any given time. Without sidegrades that add strategic considerations there's no choices to be made.

>> No.74556147 [View]

One thing is for sure: They still communicate outside of the stream (privately) and are close.
And they are keeping their distance for each other's sake.
What the girls have said so far is, "They are under pressure to do PekoMiko (even though they know there are many fans who want it, they are afraid of backlash from some fans)."
Pekora knows her community well. Her fans are more 単 (single) Oshi than HakoOshi, treat Pekora like an indie, and don't have much of an attachment to Hololive.
It's like many of Gura's fans are ordinary people who only like Gura and don't watch or follow anything else. Pekora herself has long been reluctant to collaborate and is individualistic, and her obsession with numbers has made the community more independent.
And if you look at Pekora's fans, you've probably seen that there are a lot of people who clearly deviate from the typical otaku, and are kind of scary and delinquent.
They don't necessarily like Hololive, but they like Pekora. And some of them don't hesitate to slander or put down others for her sake.
That's why Pekora have increased the number of collaborations in recent years and tried to get rid of the individual (indie) feel. Pekora explained this vaguely before.

>> No.74506229 [View]

Its their own fault.... He can say all these things but whenever he gets numbers he has a menhera episode and throws them away
Uyu has no pressure from anyone to incline, he does whatever he wants
StarsEN do nothing to improve the Holostars brand instead stick in their own hole and happy with how things are

Only Roberu is the one who I would say is unlucky to be stuck in Holostars

>> No.74172100 [View]

retarded hag fell for the numbers pressure
I hope she become a 3 views and never collab with fwmc again

>> No.74162055 [View]

Many certified scuba divers think they are capable of just going a little deeper, but they don’t know that there are special gas mixtures, buoyancy equipment and training required for just another few meters of depth.Imagine this: you take your PADI open water diving course and you learn your dive charts, buy all your own gear and become familiar with it. Compared to the average person on the street, you’re an expert now. You go diving on coral reefs, a few shipwrecks and even catch lobster in New England. You go to visit a deep spot like this and you’re having a great time. You see something just in front of you - this beautiful cave with sunlight streaming through - and you decide to swim just a little closer. You’re not going to go inside it, you know better than that, but you just want a closer look. If your dive computer starts beeping, you’ll head back up.So you swim a little closer and it’s breathtaking. You are enjoying the view and just floating there taking it all in. You hear a clanging sound - it’s your dive master rapping the butt of his knife on his tank to get someone’s attention. You look up to see what he wants, but after staring into the darkness for the last minute, the sunlight streaming down is blinding. You turn away and reach to check your dive computer, but it’s a little awkward for some reason, and you twist your shoulder and pull it towards you. It’s beeping and the screen is flashing GO UP. You stare at it for a few seconds, trying to make out the depth and tank level between the flashing words. The numbers won’t stay still. It’s really annoying, and your brain isn’t getting the info you want at a glance. So you let it fall back to your left shoulder, turn towards the light and head up.
The problem is that the blue hole is bigger than anything you’ve ever dove before, and the crystal clear water provides a visibility that is 10x what you’re used to in the dark waters of the St Lawrence where you usually dive. What you don’t realize is that when you swam down a little farther to get a closer look, thinking it was just 30 or 40 feet more, you actually swam almost twice that because the vast scale of things messed up your sense of distance. And while you were looking at the archway you didn’t have any nearby reference point in your vision. More depth = more pressure, and your BCD, the air-filled jacket that you use to control your buoyancy, was compressed a little. You were slowly sinking and had no idea. That’s when the dive master began banging his tank and you looked up. This only served to blind you for a moment and distract your sense of motion and position even more. Your dive computer wasn’t sticking out on your chest below your shoulder when you reached for it because your BCD was shrinking. You turned your body sideways while twisting and reaching for it. The ten seconds spent fumbling for it and staring at the screen brought you deeper and you began to accelerate with your jacket continuing to shrink. The reason that you didn’t hear the beeping at first and that it took so long to make out the depth between the flashing words was the nitrogen narcosis. You have been getting depth drunk. And the numbers wouldn’t stay still because you are still sinking*.*

>> No.74080603 [View]

>I wonder if they gave shit to Rosemi and Millie
considering Paul Li shat on Yugo having shitty numbers he's probably shitting on rosemi and millie underperforming as well especially with the pressure of the 10b yen target

>> No.73730264 [View]

>Another day mogging nijiJP and CN
>Showing again CGDCT is superior content
>VCR is a failure and homos still got shit numbers
>Investors starting to pressure yahoo about the homo branches after senchou's analytics
I don't know, anon. Oh, also add phasebrowns joining the party, wait for the uploads on their anti twitter accounts.

>> No.73719935 [View]

Mumei literally had a panic attack on stream when someone pointed out that her post-CTW zatsu had more viewers than there were seats in the theater. Her being scared of the numbers she gets is old news.
Being in Hololive relieves a lot of that pressure.

>> No.73523117 [View]

Nijispy reporting in. Aia is going menhera about numbers on menshi. Saying how she's being bullied and receiving hate comments about how low her view count is. It seems the lower ranks of NijiEN are beginning to crack under the pressure. Will return with more news as it arrives.

>> No.73447606 [View]

if Moona can get it Kiara shouldn't have any problems either her music gets comparable numbers I guess things might be harder since she lives in Europe and it's Universal Japan but shouldn't be impossible. Hopefully added pressure doesn't kill her mental health again though.

>> No.73341217 [View]

I get it. If you use caps lock it just feels like you're typing normally. The extra pressure from holding down the shift key (and releasing it if you need numbers) makes it so much more powerful.

>> No.73102811 [View]
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Moving on to the bday party yatta! Got jump scared with you so big on screen and still having the old bday layout from last year kek it was fun watching you decorate your room with us kadets in a box... being so Austismo with the shadows and lighting of our pngs kek I think I can watch you just decor your room with stuff for hours tbhdesu... We've got so many assets to use from our artist friends! One of the things I love about you is that you don't forget about the old stuff people give you. You always try to find the time and the right occasion to use them. You don't simply forget about them and favor the more recent ones and I think it's sweet of you to do that. It's really crazy how briskadets this year prepared so much for your bday... It really did doubled in numbers compared to last year... I think kadets this year are just very well prepared compared to the past 2 birthdays hehe. Honestly I really wished we could've talked more together before going into the totsu... i want to spend more time with you but it's fine.. hearing you sound very happy with your friends is good enough for me. Your laughs are always a blessing in this trying times jk. Thank you Maria, Enna, Luca, Shu, Petra, Zali, Fulgur, Millie (with Claude and Ewiwa), Reimu (in chat), and Vanta for joining sonny in the totsu! This year's totsu is pretty short compared to last year since it was one on one but I missed NIJIEN chilling like this on a random day so I am glad I was able to witness it again. It started from dreams, to ENSTARS courtesy of Petra, Instagram filter talk, wallpaper (sonny is UBW sword on the ground btw so chuuni kek)talk, fastfood talk, sonny talking about the guy who married miku wondering if he's actually married like legally, and wearing peto's hoodie and shu's fire thingy! He became a vsf penguin sorcerer for his bday! nayaisu!!

It's already late in Australia right now and your birthday has basically ended. It was fun spending it with you. I am really happy when you talk about how you would spend it next year.. it's like a reassurance you know, that you'd still be here for more birthdays with us. I am really looking forward to spending your birthday next year with you too... Next year will be something different you said and I will hold on to it.

Moving on to the VPs, I just want to share how much I love it. The way you delivered it was very natural.. dare I say your most natural performance to date. I think it has completely dethroned villain VPN from the top spot! That was how good it was. Striking the balance between the two types of briskadets was a really good move... I was kicking my feet (my tentacles) and twirling my non existent hair (because im bald) because of how kyaaa worthy it was. I really love it. Thank you for everything taichou, I love love love love you sososomuch!!!!! Looking forward to your marika pOv tomorrow and thanks for putting up a POV for it! I honestly am fine without you putting up one since your bday just ended but hey hey hey! I'm still happy regardless!

This coming week we're back with more game streams! Helldiver's with Noctyx and Content Warning (members TBA) on monday wooo! Can't wait for more streams from you this week and April 14 is also getting near... Taichou in 3D kyaaa! I can't believe he's real .. my husband is REAL! SO EXCITING!

AGAIN, happiest birthday my love! you did well and you deserve all the love and support of the world... see you tomorrow and enjoy your nuggets... love you again chuu! Gn


>> No.73097426 [View]

>It's just a highly menhera dominated field but there's also just as many that enjoy it for what it is
A lot of girls see it as easy money/numbers. While technically accurate, it comes with a lot of mental pressure from the get-go and requires a certain mindset which most wouldn't call perfectly normal.
Only very few actually enjoy that kind of work and can be happy and sincere about it, everyone else just kind of forces themselves through it. The result is sub-par, with a lot of them just trying to dial it back to general "coombaiting" which not only by design returns mediocre results but also ends up being even more draining than going all the way.

>> No.72619960 [View]

Really Gura just needs to collab with the Homos This will effectively filter the chumbuds to manageable numbers. She loses the number one "spot" (except maybe the subs part), no more pressure or impostor syndrome equals more streams. Saves the Holostars EN too.

>> No.72280152 [View]

It's really interesting seeing nip holofans continue to complain about Cover over ReGloss's sub campaign being unnecessary pressure and coming off as extreme management-mandated shameful sub begging. And over in the Anglosphere holofans are all about how Cover is doing the right thing and it's just a fun little promotion to push sub numbers higher.
Usually it's the reverse, the nip fans are overly protective of the company while EN fans are overly protective of the talents. Is it because the West has a culture of subathons/followathons so they're more casual and understanding about an agency doing anything they can to increase subs?

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