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Search: treated more like a gaijin in the U.S

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>> No.70549628 [View]

They get along well with JPs because the JPs tend to naturally infantilize them. JPs infantilize them because in japan young children are treated as having little individuality, as things like answering in sync are done in gradeschool toward adults, or by adults toward someone with a much higher social status. This is why Towa fawns over them, but is grossed out by Matsuri actively indulging in it. It also makes it a lot more convenient to deal with two people at once that have a gaijin-ish lack of common sense or japanese knowledge by just treating them as a couple kids.

>> No.48477780 [View]

>She would never have imagined that she would be treated more like a gaijin in the U.S.
You keep posting this but what does it even mean?

>> No.48477602 [View]

She would never have imagined that she would be treated more like a gaijin in the U.S. than she has been in Japan over the past four years.

>> No.48128046 [View]

>credit card
>medical care
ironically, she is treated more like a gaijin in the U.S. than in Japan.

>> No.41061478 [View]

>>The girls are treated like shit and 2nd class in their own company: no shit its a japanese company and theyre xenophobic af
>>The boys are starting to be treated like shit and 2nd class in their own company: stiil a japanese company and still hating on filthy gaijin influence
>>JPs get fucking everything (actually not really but they get a hell of a lot more than anyone else no matter how you wanna cope): same point as the other two
>>ID is basically self sustaining because management abandoned them: thats great for id since they re part of the same japanese company as en which is a company of japan
>>After all this Cover will take 30% of everything you make (+youtube's 30%): thats how the streamer career works. if it was a real job theyd be getting 0% of the donos
>>You aren't allowed to complain at all: you can complain all you want. but its better to actually do something
start a petition or some shit. go to japan. put together an actual argument. id be the first one to support bringing japanese companies into the 21st century by explaining basic economics and business practices to them and letting them know that yes it is important that employees dont quit
but a lot like the video game or anime industry streaming is way too new and way to profitable for people in charge to want to focus on what is in the long term most profitable and instead want now now now.

>> No.1282951 [View]

Mukkun is the final boss of hololive.
Many years ago he fucked some girl in the countryside. But he got her pregnant and the baby was so ugly he abandoned her immediately. Until these days she stills wonders why her father abandoned her.
He escaped to the city and started being known as 'crazy dick' as he pumped and dumped many girls, but one day he got a sex friend pregnant too. Then he came to hate her and treated her and his daughter badly too and she became a menhera camwhore.
At the same time, he got pregnant yet another girl that until today he's still hitting along with her shit mother.
But not only that, he once tried to escape from the city again and lured a girl to be his onahole for seven years until he realized he fucked up because she was his first daughter, so he ended abandoning her TWICE.
He's also that one guy who sent a screamer to Miko back then and made her cry.
He also groomed a womanlet for many years but didn't fucke her for a reason: pure evil. He said to her he would take her virginity the day they married. She spent her entire young years waiting for that day, and the day of the marriage he didn't show up and when she asked him later why he did he answered: lol get fucked bitch. Today, that girl, the ultimate blueballed, is known as le horny pirate, as she can't stop thinking of what she will never have, the girl who was denied dick.
As he giggled from seeing her tears, he decided to take a trip to america. The first thing he did was going to a spa, but the girl fucked up and he got a nigger skin, so he raped the employee. Then he got another girl there, who he ordered to deepthroat him so much her voice became like fucking Mickey Mouse's. After dumping her and going back to japan he found another girl and did the same, so she nows talks like a retarded baby.
He also fucked a girl so badly he made her lose another chromosome, making her autist for life.
Once conducing his car, he ran over a girl and left her so damaged she is now what a femanon here would be like.
He had many jobs, one of them was being a school teacher, but he was a bad teacher that was fired because he exploded and told to a student she'll always be a failure and should kill herself and that no one loves her because she was effectively a shit student. She became so deppressed she quit school and today she still thinks she is a failure while playing Xenoblade. After losing his job, he got another one at a shining vtuber company and was assigned to be manager of a fat-ass girl whose character was a samurai. Everyday he told her via microphone while she was streaming she was a fat landwhale that should be in a pig farm instead of vtubing and that she sucked at making funny jokes, so he sabotaged her just for fun and even prostituted her and she became more deppressed and got fatter.
He then took a trip to Australia and raped a girld and left her in the inter-city roads, where she was later raped by kangaroos and emus and became retarded.
Back in japan, he was bored when he heard some vtuber was gonna do a tetris match in TV, so he giggled and sabotaged her equipment the day before, so she lost the match without even lasting ten seconds. He was laughing while eating cornpops while he imagined the prideful girl's face behind the avatar crying and shattering after being humiliated in national TV.
Other day he was drunk and accidentaly entered an otaku convention and was entered in a ring to wrestle with an austrian gaijin. Obviously, he mocked and borderline raped her on video. Later, he realized he had already met that girls years ago, when he convinced her he was an idol producer and he would help her after going with him to a sex hotel. After leaving all her holes filled with cum, he whispered in her ear he was actually a janitor, but she was so exhausted she could only see tearfully him going away. And by the way, he didn't pay so she had to. She didn't recognize him because he got fatter until the moment he pounded her on the ring, so she had to contain her tears until the end.
Soon, he got another job, this time in a small indie vtuber company as manager of a vampire girl. He couldn't resist his desires and raped her too. He was eventually reassigned to other girls, but he still was a shit manager and passed from being manager of the newest gen, to manager of the china branch and finally manager of the english one, where he currently works.
He still has many fucktoys nowadays. Recently he had to dump some of them. Using fake profiles and masks and make up he even banged some of the girls of his company. he once called one of them without knowing she was still streaming and though she said it was her manager everyone says she is a whore, or when he played AC and made the most popular talent sweat cold, or when he realized he was banging another lost daughter and dumped her mid-stream, making her cry and her fans worried.

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