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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: called|calling|call out mumei

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>> No.77317375 [View]


>> No.77317356 [View]

Mumei calling out people who thought she was in Japan kek

>> No.77272315 [View]

she was calling out to her girlfriend mumei across the pacific

>> No.77220439 [View]

Look, I'm gonna make it easy for you since you seem to be a bit of a schizo
Expect to get called out if you put Fauna above Mumei in a tierlist

>> No.77046850 [View]

At least expecting ponpon at the end of any karaoke or forgor are things only greys or tourists seem to still do.
And it only took Mumei calling forgor out three times on stream, twice of that directly.

>> No.76844387 [View]

>Go to JP, pay out of her own pocket and record a Live for her fans 2 weeks after a surgery
>get into an accident and undergo surgery again
>comeback like nothing happens release 2 covers
>2 karaokes
>an outfit
>complete with shcedules and 5 to 7 hours gaming stream
>fly to poland and get to interview some game director and shill a game she likes

In 6 months she had to take her mother to the ER twice, undergo 2 surgery, get sick 4 times, fly twice to JP and once to Poland
Still is more around than Gura or Mumei
Any other girls dealing with the same shit would have gone on an extended hiatus but not Kronii
Talking about the woman who was calling for her gen's birthdays on her hospital bed throwing up blood, then fly to JP to record choreography for the fest when she couldn't even eat, talk, or breath properly

Catalogfaggots are subhumans

>> No.76732001 [View]

I wish Mumei called my name out in excitement like she does for Bae

>> No.76718806 [View]
File: 1.79 MB, 500x280, 1696434948012569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me optimistic, but I have high expectations for Nerissa's 3D. Produced music is her strong point so I want to see her go all out. I'd like to hear her sing Call your name like Mumei did but that won't happen.

>> No.76712909 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 600x338, Shiori TangentWarPart1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi4guzt.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh actually what if I just talk faster, yeah but I have to see though here's the thing, I have to have a list of tangents if I want to talk faster but the thing is like my brain will probably work really fast and then my mouth works faster and my mouth works really really really really real really fast and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore in fact I kind of need to stop to breathe. But breathing's pretty hard and I'm talking about breathing with like a not like a not the br-e-e-e-e-e-d-i-n-g I'm talking about the breathing like the hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-ha like a pregnant person going into labor but I'm not actually pregnant and I'm not going into labor hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-hoo-hoo-ha but I just need to like let this guy talk cause you know here's the thing about tangents you just gotta let it, you gotta let it happen. If you start, if you try to censor them they'll be really really really really really really unhappy, so you gotta let the British talk about their British things like oh man you know what things they like? I think they like uhh, uhh they like uhh crumpets? biscuits? They like really uhh they really like tea. They'll be really mad if you throw out their tea so don't ever do that. They also like fish and biscuits, I don't even understand the appeal of fish and biscuits. Fish and biscuits is like what it's not even real fucking fish, how dare you lie about fish and biscuits, it's not fucking fish. Oh wait it's fish and chips actually, it's not biscuits. Anyway, (laughs). Oh man, narrator, I haven't even fucking eaten. You're lucky you get to eat, you so- uh you, you British person, you get to eat tea and crumpets you get to have this thing called like uhh, like afternoon tea, that's really cool. I wish we had that, we don't have anything we just have fricking hamburgers not that there's anything wrong with hamburgers honestly, hamburgers are pretty good but like there's no culture to it, it's just like ayy yo look at me, I'm a cowboy here's a hamburger, yippidy ki-yay, let me, let me go take you to the rodeo and then they have like a lasso and then they throw it around you like ohh come here cowboy and like I'm not a cowboy I'm a cow. I'm Cowvella, it's like come here cow, let's make some Dairy Queen (laughs). Blah-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-bli-boo-bli-bleh-ble-bleh-ble-blah. Fukki, Wuhmmy, Picky thank you for the SC. Anyway you just gotta let people tangent sometimes, like sure- actually you know, Rissa goes into wild tangents actually I'm so su- we talked for three hours last night, all of us, the girl talk, we talked for three hours. Like holy shite, she loops too (laughs) and she's like I've already heard this but I'll let her talk it out, you know I've already heard this. Like Rissa's, Rissa's so nice though, she's so cute. She's so, she's so perfect even though I always like unrizz her. I just think it's funnier that way. And Biboo, Biboo's super cool too, Biboo's such a funny gamer gal, she has like the cutest laugh. And Fauna's like Konfauna~, she's so sweet, she's super super duper nice, and Iofi, I wish she would T-pose more (laughs). And Mumei, I hope that she feels better by the way, I can't wait to play Wolf's Quest with you, but yeah the gals are, are super nice, Fuwamoco, Bau Bau, wow whatcha doing there Wuffians? Oh nyo, Mococo's toes were touching me, I was almost going to type in like you should bite it, but I decided against it cause I think people were already recommending it. So I decided not to say it, but I sent them like a, a tweet to like their headpat request so I told them like, I sent them like a .gif of just like licking, well actually that sounds wrong when I put it like that, but I'm talking about like they were just like doing the licking emote, but I'm not really licking them I just thought it'd be funny to send it, so don't think too much about the licking emote (laughs). How long does this guy talk for by the way? (laughs) Shaggy, Brando, Muramoth, I feel like he's actually looping. I think this dude's like Looping 8, but it's not like a real game he's just British. It loops? Oh it does loop? Oh shoot. Oh, okay I guess we gotta press it then (laughs).

>> No.76707008 [View]

Last time I went into a Doki thread they were namedropping Mumei's PL while begging for a collab and then vigorously defending the act when called out on it. Ex-niji scum still used to be niji scum.

>> No.76583841 [View]

Facts about Kiara:
>Whined about numbers after debut
>Was so jealous of Gura she took three months to ask for their first collab
>Seethed over Mori getting to sing Dawn Blue
>Pushed early Takamori so hard it became one of the most hated ships in Holo
>Made fun of Aki’s numbers
>Doxxed Subaru (unintentionally but it still counts)
>Stole Ame’s talk show idea
>Desperately tried to beat Ina to 1 million, still lost and then whined about it
>Seethed over IRyS debuting next to her birthday
>Made fun of Council as a concept
>Whined about being left alone during peak impromptu collab season
>”see you nine months”
>Forced a collab relay for New Years Eve 2021
>Called fans spoiled for wanting more streams during the NA Myth offcollab
>Hates Bubba
>Gave everyone Covid while in NA
>Forced Ina to be in her birthday live
>Berated the girls for “not being prepared” during the 2022 anniversary stream despite being just as bad
>Dragged Ame on a trip she didn’t care about
>Never met IRyS while in Japan
>Probably encouraged Gura to be lazy (no concrete evidence but the timeframe matches up)
>Said she didn't feel welcome in Gura's chat but people went through logs and couldn't find anyone being annoyed by her
>Insulted Fauna’s ASMR
>Was a generally poor sport in AoE, now try harding out of jealousy
>called Mumei not sexy
>Bullied Raden about her smoking habit

>> No.76503040 [View]

Kiara - Talked about 4chan on stream multiple times
Mori - Won't call it by name but has referenced things here many times
Reine - Laughed a lot and psudo-shitposted during the Streamer Overload game on their version of /vt/. Also made members posts kind of calling out on schizo in /mep/.
FuwaMoco - Oldfags who tongue in cheek have mentioned it before. Read a post in their thread asking why they weren't streaming from the office during the move and made a direct reply in a members post on youtube.
Risu -Meme'd and posted stuff here before twitter
Ollie - Same as above
Mumei - Is orcschizo.
Gura - Made jokes about containment breaking in stream and a few other tongue in cheek references.
Basically all oldfags who have been around /a/, /jp/, and /cgl/ for YEARS before vtubing was even a thing. You don't just forget about this place and a lot of those were just starting when the board was made, so I'm sure they occasionally check in. I wouldn't be surprised if there's even more. Now I won't argue how often they check or if they sometimes post, but most of them sometimes look at this place.

>> No.76454633 [View]

Fauna vs Mumei has been a thing specifically called out since middle of last year when shitposters on global we doing their hooman vs sapling routine

>> No.76441644 [View]

Fair enough, if /#/ is the most pro-holo thread on this board, why is it that they have nothing but seething hatred for Bae whenever she's brought up? are you gonna tell me it's all a sister psyop operation?
I'll give you some examples because why the fuck not
The other day, Bae was doing a stream which was very long and fun and had tons of cute information about how she met advent and had dinner with them and how she plans to bake entire loaves of bread and give them away to holos and there was zero discussion of it whatsoever in the thread until suddenly, the thread is flooded with posts shitting on Bae near the tail end of the stream, massively ramping up discussion because some homobeggar in chat asked her to raid a homo since no holo was streaming and she didn't, they were actively hatewatching her, not caring for the holo deets or even mentioning them and looking for any slip ups so they could dogpile her.
I'll drop a couple more facts about the /#/ thread
It is a fact that in the soon-to-be collab that's going to be on Fauna's channel, they are going to single out Bae and shit on her
It is a fact that whenever actual sisters are shitting on Bae, there's no attempts to call them out and the regulars in that thread let the slander slide unlike the other girls like Fauna, Mumei, IRyS or most of advent who have defense forces there 24/7
It is a fact that if you mention any of this or try to defend Bae, you get told to go back to your global hugbox
It's a fact that if you try to imply Bae is an idol in any shape or form in the /#/ thread, people are gonna shit on you
Now I'm not conclusively saying any of these are /#/ holofans, All I'm merely asking you is how can you prove to me that such consistent behavior is all a sister's psyop

>> No.76231753 [View]

Not you, she hates the guy that found out about her period and also the guy that keeps telling her to eat meat since her veganism is killing her
She also hates the guy that call mumei his gf

>> No.76168540 [View]
File: 80 KB, 318x386, moomphoria1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"K dot dot dot (A Kiara & KFP Diss) (Radio Edit)”

These shitposts gettin' lazy, lemme show 'em (don't hate this just for the culture):

Them anti posts getting neutralized, I can only watch in silence
The famous posters we once knew are lookin' paranoid and now spiralin'
You're movin' just like a degenelate, every ‘anti’ is feelin' distasteful
I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle
Going back to collabs on the JP front 'cause she heard BAU BAU
A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the Tales on her now
You're not a Jap artist, you a scam artist with the hopes of being accepted
Nerissa stood out, but Pekora never had had your attention
I make posts that rratify 'em, you make posts that pacify 'em
I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness
Know you a master shitposter and habitual liar too
But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you

I hate when a poster talk about Kiara, then somebody banned
They turn into ‘brats’, then hop online, like "I don’t hate Bae"
They fakin' for (You)s and digital hugs
Their oshi a faker, they wanna be junior, they must've forgot the shit that they done
Dementia must run in her fanbase, but let it get shaky
I'll park Kakun

Idol business, you got shit twisted
What is it? “Baelz?”
She hurt your feelings? You don't wanna collab with rat no more? Ogey
It's three oshis left, and I seen two of them kissin' and huggin' on stream
I love 'em to death, and in eight bars, I'll explain that phrase, huh
It's nothin' nobody can tell me, huh
I don't wanna watch with no niji, huh
“You know she got language barriers?” nuh-uh
It's no ‘accent’ you can sell me, huh
Yeah, sap and chumbie know she a selfish nigga
The numbers is heavy, huh
I pray they my real friends, if not, call me ‘Selenfag’
I don't like you poppin' shit at Fauna, for her, I inherit the beef
Yeah, fuck all that “blacked”, let me see you shitpost Calli
You better off postin’ again on ‘Beats, you think about postin’ me
They’re phasecucks, I'm ‘Flay cooked,’ I bring the heat
We ain't gotta get personal, this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way
I know some shit about oshis that make Pippa look like a saint

This ain't been about tourists, not about schizos, not about who the greatest
It's always been about love and hate, now let me say I'm the biggest hater
I hate the way that you cluck, the way that you post, I hate the way that you roast
I hate the way that you deflect, if I catch (You)s, it's gon' be direct, >We hate the bitches you oshi, 'cause they confuse themself with real idols
And notice, I said ">we, " it's not just me, I'm what the thread feelin'
How many more fairytale stories 'bout your schizos 'til we had enough?
How many more Niji features 'til she finally feel that she’s Niji enough?
I like Kiara with the melodies, I don't like Kiara when she act tough
You gon' make a nigga bring back Orc, let me see if chickens see amber without seethin’

Yeah, my first post like my last post, it's all facts, you can’t cook one
Let your core audience stomach that, then tell 'em where you get Hello Fresh from
Idol? you’re a hag, BAU BAU BAU, a past one
Advent risin’ this year, you better stand back like ad blocked
Ayy, Top Dogs, who the fuck you think you’re playin' with?
Grudgepost my middle name as soon as you on that stream crying, bitch
I'm allergic to the lame shit, only you like bein' famous
Enna can't give you no swag neither, I don't give a fuck 'bout who you hang with
I hate the way that you squawk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you beg
Surprised you wanted that Veibae request
You know that she got some shit to address
I even hate when you say the word “Cawi” but that's just me, I guess
Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess

When I see you stream with Mumei, I believe you feel unsexy and lonely
I believe you don't like women, they’re real competition, you can’t pop ass with Kronii
Let's speak on percentage, show me your splits, I'll make sure I double supa to IRyS
You were cryin’ ‘bout Gura, cryin’ ‘bout Ina, cryin’ ‘bout collabs you had missed
Try cease and desist on all of those clips

Ain't thread-v-1, it's 1-v-thread if I gotta smack niggas that post with you
Yeah, bring 'em out too, I'll clean 'em out too
Tell janny that he better stay right with you
Am I battlin' bots or AI? Nigga feelin' like Neurosama
Funny, she was in a collab with Kiara
Just ‘cause she was jealous of Fauna

Ayy, fuck y'all niggas, I don't trust y'all niggas
I send one post and don don y'all niggas like Moom
Field goal, punt y'all niggas, they punk y'all niggas, nobody never took my food
Whoever that's fuckin' with her, fuck you niggas, and fuck Nijisanji too
If you take it there, I'm takin' it further
Psst, that's somethin' you don't wanna do

We don't wanna see you post Kiara no more
We don't wanna see you post Kiara no more

>> No.76132951 [View]

>Mumei remembers her superchatters
>she will call them out for praising one of her songs before it actually debuted/pretending they're new/changing their avatars/etc
Is she the only Holo who does this? Most just take their 35% cut and go along with whatever.

>> No.75842490 [View]
File: 2.05 MB, 2612x2665, 1699076739339854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically when a new gen debuts the zoomers and ojisans and little reiwa kids (zooms can be either heisei or reiwa in japan) all say ooo and aaa, I remember 3 years ago the big hype train around irys+council double debut it seemed to breathe new life into a gura who was becoming bored of holo after just a year.

But just 3 months later holox debuted and bae looked on sadly at la+' debut and was like "oh man she worked really hard on her stuff, I wish I had done that". By that point council already had 1) fauna was stable but really boring, number 4 of 5 2) Sana on forever hiatuses 3) kronii on random weeklong vacations playing minecraft off stream seemingly only because she hated her audience 4) mumei was busy with 'civilization' and 5) bae had started out trying too hard to be chaos and inadvertently made it really hard to stomach watching her. IRyS was the real tryhard in that group. They had squandered the debut buff and became old news.

La+ of course then squandered her debut buff in turn, while Koyori aggressively streamed and built up a rapport with Miko and Pekora and other girls, surpassing her.

Fuwamoco are very 'in tune' with vtuber stuff and likely saw this. They used their debut buff as hard as possible to make their twincestuous dreams come true, using their japanese skills way harder than Bae ever did to build up a japanese audience. Nerissa is also growing fast for similar reasons.

Like >>75841358
says they didn't waste their debut buff and grew so fast they'll hit 1 million by july, probably. This is the difference between the man given 1 million dollars who uses it to start a business and the man given 1 million dollars who invests it all in extremely high risk nvidia call options BUT it's July 2023 so he makes off with 100 million dollars. Simply coasting is not good enough. You gotta go hard and gamble everything.

>> No.75777703 [View]
File: 281 KB, 1286x2048, 1713262778213036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a /pol/lizard, but if you were to remove the handful of current-year gay "romances" from Undertale, the game would otherwise be essentially flawless. Even Alphys constantly interrupting gameplay in Hotland with her Twitter feed is a pretty minor gripe, and I think you have to be pretty neurotic to not at least crack a grin at a few of them through the somewhat-justified seething
And yes, I know that yaoi and yuri have been tropes in UT's anime influences for decades before the current year "gay "marriage" good" brainrot started in the 2000s, but that's exactly the point - if it had been more anime and less tumblr, it would've fit better. As they are, they only serve to take anyone with self-respect or is female out of the setting momentarily
At least Mumei doesn't seem to mind it, and we won't be seeing any more until she gets near the end of TPE IF she really does a second run

>> No.75678605 [View]

Whoever they have running the holoEN twitter has fucked up Kronii's outfit reveal along with lackluster or absent promotion for other things she has been doing including her 3dlive, forgot Mumei 1mil, forgot let me stay here 1mil.
They are useless when it comes to keeping up with the girls projects/milestones and it deserves calling out.

>> No.75675735 [View]

You outed yourself as the cuckposting doxxfag when you threatened to start doxxposting Mumei after getting called out
Kill yourself

>> No.75638120 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 600x338, Shiori TangentWarPart1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi4guzt.webm].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh actually what if I just talk faster, yeah but I have to see though here's the thing, I have to have a list of tangents if I want to talk faster but the thing is like my brain will probably work really fast and then my mouth works faster and my mouth works really really really really real really fast and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore in fact I kind of need to stop to breathe. But breathing's pretty hard and I'm talking about breathing with like a not like a not the br-e-e-e-e-e-d-i-n-g I'm talking about the breathing like the hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-ha like a pregnant person going into labor but I'm not actually pregnant and I'm not going into labor hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-hoo-hoo-ha but I just need to like let this guy talk cause you know here's the thing about tangents you just gotta let it, you gotta let it happen. If you start, if you try to censor them they'll be really really really really really really unhappy, so you gotta let the British talk about their British things like oh man you know what things they like? I think they like uhh, uhh they like uhh crumpets? biscuits? They like really uhh they really like tea. They'll be really mad if you throw out their tea so don't ever do that. They also like fish and biscuits, I don't even understand the appeal of fish and biscuits. Fish and biscuits is like what it's not even real fucking fish, how dare you lie about fish and biscuits, it's not fucking fish. Oh wait it's fish and chips actually, it's not biscuits. Anyway, (laughs). Oh man, narrator, I haven't even fucking eaten. You're lucky you get to eat, you so- uh you, you British person, you get to eat tea and crumpets you get to have this thing called like uhh, like afternoon tea, that's really cool. I wish we had that, we don't have anything we just have fricking hamburgers not that there's anything wrong with hamburgers honestly, hamburgers are pretty good but like there's no culture to it, it's just like ayy yo look at me, I'm a cowboy here's a hamburger, yippidy ki-yay, let me, let me go take you to the rodeo and then they have like a lasso and then they throw it around you like ohh come here cowboy and like I'm not a cowboy I'm a cow. I'm Cowvella, it's like come here cow, let's make some Dairy Queen (laughs). Blah-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-bli-boo-bli-bleh-ble-bleh-ble-blah. Fukki, Wuhmmy, Picky thank you for the SC. Anyway you just gotta let people tangent sometimes, like sure- actually you know, Rissa goes into wild tangents actually I'm so su- we talked for three hours last night, all of us, the girl talk, we talked for three hours. Like holy shite, she loops too (laughs) and she's like I've already heard this but I'll let her talk it out, you know I've already heard this. Like Rissa's, Rissa's so nice though, she's so cute. She's so, she's so perfect even though I always like unrizz her. I just think it's funnier that way. And Biboo, Biboo's super cool too, Biboo's such a funny gamer gal, she has like the cutest laugh. And Fauna's like Konfauna~, she's so sweet, she's super super duper nice, and Iofi, I wish she would T-pose more (laughs). And Mumei, I hope that she feels better by the way, I can't wait to play Wolf's Quest with you, but yeah the gals are, are super nice, Fuwamoco, Bau Bau, wow whatcha doing there Wuffians? Oh nyo, Mococo's toes were touching me, I was almost going to type in like you should bite it, but I decided against it cause I think people were already recommending it. So I decided not to say it, but I sent them like a, a tweet to like their headpat request so I told them like, I sent them like a .gif of just like licking, well actually that sounds wrong when I put it like that, but I'm talking about like they were just like doing the licking emote, but I'm not really licking them I just thought it'd be funny to send it, so don't think too much about the licking emote (laughs). How long does this guy talk for by the way? (laughs) Shaggy, Brando, Muramoth, I feel like he's actually looping. I think this dude's like Looping 8, but it's not like a real game he's just British. It loops? Oh it does loop? Oh shoot. Oh, okay I guess we gotta press it then (laughs).

>> No.75586405 [View]
File: 2.42 MB, 600x338, TangentWarPart1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi4guzt.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh actually what if I just talk faster, yeah but I have to see though here's the thing, I have to have a list of tangents if I want to talk faster but the thing is like my brain will probably work really fast and then my mouth works faster and my mouth works really really really really real really fast and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore in fact I kind of need to stop to breathe. But breathing's pretty hard and I'm talking about breathing with like a not like a not the br-e-e-e-e-e-d-i-n-g I'm talking about the breathing like the hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-ha like a pregnant person going into labor but I'm not actually pregnant and I'm not going into labor hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-hoo-hoo-ha but I just need to like let this guy talk cause you know here's the thing about tangents you just gotta let it, you gotta let it happen. If you start, if you try to censor them they'll be really really really really really really unhappy, so you gotta let the British talk about their British things like oh man you know what things they like? I think they like uhh, uhh they like uhh crumpets? biscuits? They like really uhh they really like tea. They'll be really mad if you throw out their tea so don't ever do that. They also like fish and biscuits, I don't even understand the appeal of fish and biscuits. Fish and biscuits is like what it's not even real fucking fish, how dare you lie about fish and biscuits, it's not fucking fish. Oh wait it's fish and chips actually, it's not biscuits. Anyway, (laughs). Oh man, narrator, I haven't even fucking eaten. You're lucky you get to eat, you so- uh you, you British person, you get to eat tea and crumpets you get to have this thing called like uhh, like afternoon tea, that's really cool. I wish we had that, we don't have anything we just have fricking hamburgers not that there's anything wrong with hamburgers honestly, hamburgers are pretty good but like there's no culture to it, it's just like ayy yo look at me, I'm a cowboy here's a hamburger, yippidy ki-yay, let me, let me go take you to the rodeo and then they have like a lasso and then they throw it around you like ohh come here cowboy and like I'm not a cowboy I'm a cow. I'm Cowvella, it's like come here cow, let's make some Dairy Queen (laughs). Blah-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-ble-bli-boo-bli-bleh-ble-bleh-ble-blah. Fukki, Wuhmmy, Picky thank you for the SC. Anyway you just gotta let people tangent sometimes, like sure- actually you know, Rissa goes into wild tangents actually I'm so su- we talked for three hours last night, all of us, the girl talk, we talked for three hours. Like holy shite, she loops too (laughs) and she's like I've already heard this but I'll let her talk it out, you know I've already heard this. Like Rissa's, Rissa's so nice though, she's so cute. She's so, she's so perfect even though I always like unrizz her. I just think it's funnier that way. And Biboo, Biboo's super cool too, Biboo's such a funny gamer gal, she has like the cutest laugh. And Fauna's like Konfauna~, she's so sweet, she's super super duper nice, and Iofi, I wish she would T-pose more (laughs). And Mumei, I hope that she feels better by the way, I can't wait to play Wolf's Quest with you, but yeah the gals are, are super nice, Fuwamoco, Bau Bau, wow whatcha doing there Wuffians? Oh nyo, Mococo's toes were touching me, I was almost going to type in like you should bite it, but I decided against it cause I think people were already recommending it. So I decided not to say it, but I sent them like a, a tweet to like their headpat request so I told them like, I sent them like a .gif of just like licking, well actually that sounds wrong when I put it like that, but I'm talking about like they were just like doing the licking emote, but I'm not really licking them I just thought it'd be funny to send it, so don't think too much about the licking emote (laughs). How long does this guy talk for by the way? (laughs) Shaggy, Brando, Muramoth, I feel like he's actually looping. I think this dude's like Looping 8, but it's not like a real game he's just British. It loops? Oh it does loop? Oh shoot. Oh, okay I guess we gotta press it then (laughs).

>> No.75397343 [View]

I don't understand how you think this is fair.
If Promises get an outfit, then IRyS should get an outfit, too. have you never heard the phrase
>one for you, one for me
?? It's called EQUALITY.
You're not understanding the issue here, anon.
That may be true, but when Mumei got an outfit, then Fauna got an outfit, that meant there were TWO NEW OUTFITS done before IRyS got ONE NEW OUTFIT to balance it out.
IRyS should have as many outfits as the other girls do. If Mumei gets a new outfit, so should IRyS. If Fauna gets a new outfit, so should IRyS. It's only fair.

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