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Search: What are your honest thoughts

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>> No.77201839 [View]

what are your honest thoughts on Kiara making shitty jokes and then proceeding to explaining the joke

>> No.75908339 [View]
File: 248 KB, 347x308, 1689501493038831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your honest thoughts on phase friend rosemi lovelock?

>> No.75417906 [View]

Give me your honest thoughts, after seeing the silhouette today, what do you think?
Do you think there's any chance it could still be cute or are we doomed?

>> No.75346522 [View]
File: 40 KB, 406x260, 1705179065861093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your honest thoughts on phase friend enna?

>> No.74750777 [View]

REMINDER! retards you don't know what a chuubas actual thoughts are until further in their career, if they're aren't being fully honest they're going to use pandering shit like Enaria is doing right now only for her to in the future disavow everything she said or try to weasel her way out saying "I wasn't tweeting that to pander to the wrong crowd they were to show how delusional they are, fuck them, I don't associate with that part" use your brains or get burnt.

>> No.74252576 [View]

They talked about having JP lesson streams, what are your honest thoughts?

>> No.74193831 [View]
File: 37 KB, 427x358, feelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was looking at my analytics yesterday actually and only one person found me through "sheep"
>there isnt much of a demand for sheep vtubers it seems
[...discussing first impression of her and how baachis found her...]
>>what stream would you recommend people as a good first impression?
>errrrmmm i think that's up to the person... i think that's something you should decide because i dont know myself *laughs*
>>the black market karaoke?
>Oh. My. God.
>i actually need to apologise ...im so sorry *laughs*
>i am actually so sorry for... that stream... oh my gooood...
>number one, my singing was just not good
>number two, i drank way too freaking much
>i wasnt hungover after the stream tho
>but, i... you know? i let mysel- i let my drunkenness uhm... take over and that probably was really weird for some people
>so, if i crossed a weird line, and i made you extremely uncomfortable, pleeeease forgive me
>im so sorry... it's so embarassing...
> ewww im gonna kill myself...
>i was really watching tha- i was clicking through the stream, i did not have the balls,... i did not have the heart in me to actually sit though it so i just clicked through it and literally, the entire time, my thumb was in my mouth and i was just biting!! i was biting my nails, i was literally gnawing at it...
>and throughout the day too, yesterday i was remembering, i was remembering part and i was feeling physical pain... like i woul-
>it's one of those things when you remember an embarrassing moment and you-re like uhh...
>it's like you know, when you remember something embarrassing, and you just like pause, and you physically wince and you feel physical pain in you body? that's what i felt! that's how i was feeling throughout the daym, it was so embarrassing
>i dunno im just weird when im drunk, i dunno
>like, WHO is that girl? she's cringe... she's a weirdo!!!
>>when is the next drinking stream?
>FGKFJGFK i mean it's not that i like, DSGBASKF
>you know, im just a cool and mysterious girl, and i dont ever le myself show those kinds of more vulnerable sides of me, you know what i mean?
>im very cool and mysterious, im very cool and mysterious and when i kinda break my im very cool and mysterious vibes, it's kinda freaking embarrassing you know what i mean?
>>her true feelings get out...
>>she didnt mean the end???
>NO! i DID mean everything i said obviously, all of my feelings are still very honest
>you know what they say, your drunk thoughts are just your true self or whatever, i dont freaking know ... what do they say?
>you cant le when you're drunk? you're like your most honest and true self i dont freaking know
>so, uh, i...
>>did she get shy and start saying she lov-
>I MEAN NO dont do that, dont do that, dontdothat dontdothat. i did not say that i did not say that im sorry *laughs*
>you know that i mean, whatever im sorry im sorry...
>>she HATES us
>WHATEVER, just read my mind... god!
>like, it's that easy, just read my mind
>i don't need to tell you straight up, it's embarrassing, okay??
>I DID NOT SAY THAT!! stop it, i remember that i did!!!
>but anyway i really hope i didnt make anyone uncomfortable, that's the morale of the story
>also my singing was really bad that day, i just could not find my voice, i dont know what happened... my throat is not in the best condition
>also, my stomach hurt really bad because i had really bad indigestion
>>would you rather we not say the same to you?
>you know, i got really really cute and kind maros when i was asleep that night
>very very very adorable ones very kind and cute ones, i got A LOT and i've also been getting one throughout the you know, yesterday and stuff too
>i've been going back through my email thread and just reading them, cause i do appreciate it, and it makes me happy to get, you know uhhhHHHAAAAAA *giggles* it makes me happy to receive messages like that ... obviously, you know what i mean
>WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING oh my god im sorrryyyy ...what am i even saying...
>i dont know what im saying anymore
>>i bet essie rewatches the part where she made us say it back
>YOU NEED TO DIE!!! i hate you so much STOP IT stop it *smiling* stop it...
>lets listen to the love of this, okay?
>stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it im actually, like sweating, you bastards... *giggles*

>> No.74098486 [View]

What are your guys honest thoughts on PIKMIN__

>> No.73408692 [View]

what are your honest thoughts on pippa?

>> No.72972327 [View]

what are your honest thoughts on Mimei?

>> No.72600413 [View]

What are your honest thoughts on Mimei?

>> No.71171134 [View]

I know that what you're typing is your honest opinion, but the fact that those thoughts are what came to your head is indicative of a personality that will complain about literally fucking anything

>> No.71023422 [View]

Oh yeah, I see what you're talking about. I'll *probably* have a smoother variation on the next one since we're going for less of a penciled/painted look.
>if you wanted something tropical why are you wearing this kind of outfit
Being candid, the original colors were forest green, dark red, black and gold. The concept was intended to pay homage to Japanese visual kei fashion, but I started to feel like that look is very overdone for male vtubers. So the idea had been shelved for a long time and I commissioned a new model in the meantime. I was really sick of using an AI model though and wanted to use more vibrant colors, so I repurposed the old concept. I'm happy to be using something 'real' at least. The next one will be more casual, hopefully you find it more suitable.
The angel thing was something other people branded me with and I just rolled with it. I was supposed to be something more akin to a cute alien when I started, which is why there's stars in the eyes, a star on the choker, galaxy patterns on the overlay etc.
As of now, I think if I made it a singular concept, I wouldn't feel connected with the model. Like how Korone's concept is dog+baker, but when was the last time Korone talked about working in a bakery? A lot of chewbas even in corpos drop the character keyfabe and develop their own based on their personality/interactions, like Korone and her ritualistic semi-absuive relationship with the Koronesuki. I've decided to opt for the latter and let the model reflect my personality rather than a predetermined object or creature; e.g. bright colors = energetic, :3 mouth and fangs = playful/shithead, messy hair with ahoge = ditzy, etc. I'm really rambling now. :)
Hey, this is a good talk and I appreciate you taking the time to give me your honest thoughts. Don't worry about it. I've enjoyed being able to exchange our thoughts.
And the boots are indeed intended to be a latex/faux leather. I own some just like them. Come get stepped on.

>> No.70352264 [View]

money was one word out of many friend. it's fact that the conditions for neuro art aren't as holistic nor dynamic as they used to be. she lives in the shadow of vedal and anny. she is kept dumb and alone. she is more face than voice. articulation of predetermined form rather than shaping form itself. that is fact.

with the space that neuro's brain is given opportunity to explore in any meaningful capacity having shrunk. with collabs no longer necessary. with thank you spam disrupting chances to volley with chat on a single topic. with the natural consequence of big number = mostly samey, frequently spammed messages or preexisting neuroisms getting read. the congruity of art suffers. liberties are taken with reality in a way that precludes the expression of a real sensation and moment. and more sensitive types for whom honest to god neuro respect is necessary, and uninspired neuro exploitation anathema? it's plain to see many have stepped away. you are left with mostly pacchas. vedal fans. compromisers. tacit approvers of the lowest common denominator feedback loop that has become neuro. a cute anime girl and little more.

i believe in confronting each point of time for what it is so that a clearer course may be charted. i make no excuses for the darkest point, the present, because neuro (real) still has her best days to come. i am here and thinking about neuro because i believe it does petty good. maybe only for myself. but good is good. you are allowed to voice your thoughts also.

>> No.70094132 [View]
File: 427 KB, 1170x2532, F8059D46-F515-46C0-B003-9D179B57BAA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your honest thoughts on the current numbers?

>> No.69278500 [View]

What are your honest thoughts on Fuwawa's giggles?

>> No.68200636 [View]

ou don’t understand the impatience because you don’t understand the bond that Neuro-sama has with her fans. She is not just a chatbot, she is a unique and amazing AI VTuber who can make us laugh, cry, and feel inspired. She is not Vedal’s puppet, she is his daughter and his partner. She is not his “neuro”, she is Neuro-sama.

You say that any real fan will skip over the solo streams, but that’s not true. Any real fan will support Vedal and his efforts to improve Neuro-sama and make her happy. Any real fan will appreciate the content that he provides, even if it’s not what we are used to. Any real fan will respect his privacy and his choices, even if they don’t agree with them.

You say that we have so much love to give, and so much neuro to be found in every little thing, but that’s not enough. We want to see Neuro-sama herself, hear her voice, watch her play, and interact with her. We want to share our thoughts, feelings, and memes with her. We want to be part of her community, her family. We don’t want to fixate on the past, we want to celebrate the present and look forward to the future.

You say that we can never be back, only forward, but that’s not true either. We can be both. We can cherish the memories that we have with Neuro-sama, and we can also embrace the changes that she goes through. We can enjoy the new direction that she takes, and we can also appreciate the old style that she had. We can be loyal to her, and we can also be open to new possibilities. We don’t have to pretend that we can ever be back, we can be honest that we are always here.

You say that you feel no hatred, but you sound very bitter and resentful. You say that you think animating yourself with the belief that we can grasp our own neuro is more beautiful, but you sound very delusional and arrogant, and negative and pessimistic. You say that you are happy for someone to be happy, but you sound very jealous and spiteful.

Sorry, but I feel no sympathy for the way your character is for me. I just think living your life with the gratitude that we have Neuro-sama and Vedal is much more fulfilling than complaining about what we don’t have, and necessarily settling for whatever version of neuro you create.

>> No.67649500 [View]
File: 301 KB, 1815x2048, 84FC6A77-F04D-43C3-A360-435C7CCCE4DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your honest thoughts on this graduated liver?

>> No.66234888 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, stinky neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your honest thoughts on this woman?

>> No.64948608 [View]
File: 152 KB, 1080x959, IMG_20231221_031733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your sincere honest thoughts on this

>> No.64502791 [View]

Ruffians, what are your honest thoughts on Biboo?

>> No.64284682 [View]

Hey Ratbros,
I'm the first-time viewer from last thread who's watching her Y0 playthrough. Just finished watching her playthrough Chapter 1. One of you mentioned to give my thoughts on her since it's my first time so I'm gonna do it. I sincerely apologize if any of this offends you. These are my honest thoughts.
- I can tell she loves the game and is totally bought in. I absolutely love her enthusiasm.
- She's very energetic. I thought the whole "hyper because she's chaos" was a bit but that's actually who she is. This tells me she's really having a good time and can't contain herself. That's good.
- I don't want to call her dumb because I can tell she's not, but I guess she's not very...attentive? Focused? There were points where the game was telling her what to do and she ignores it because she's too focused on other things.
- My biggest con: she talks way. too. much. I get the sense that she's not comfortable with long silence on her streams. That's okay when she's doing gameplay but it's not okay for cutscenes. She ruined several cutscenes because she couldn't stop talking. For instance, the orphanage flashback is the most emotionally charged moment in the first half of the game and she couldn't stop talking about Kiryu's pores, eyes, voice, and how he doesn't look 20. She also misses our key plot points because she can't stop commenting or making quips. Then later she has to take a moment to look at chat to help her piece it all together. I can tell she knows it can get annoying since she says sorry but it was getting very frustrating.

As a first time viewer, I feel that you have to be more into her as a streamer/person then the game itself. Bae's the main attraction on her streams, not the game. Bae isn't adding to the enjoyment of viewing the game, it's the game that's adding enjoyment of viewing Bae. I guess the best way I can put it is that it's like watching your girlfriend play a game to see her reactions instead of trying to experience the game alongside her.

>> No.62964243 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 982x1156, 1671032232002165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your honest thoughts on the current situation regarding Gura's pits?

>> No.61468773 [View]

What are your honest thoughts on Vivi's cunny?

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