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Search: rindo kiki

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>> No.30525638 [View]

i'm not a champyon but it's public knowledge at this point fairyguts was a skinwalker account created (by antis) with the intent of harassing kiki and her sister
kiki got and still gets all the blame for rindo's temporary graduation sadly

>> No.30523236 [View]

Steam name thing was never explained, Kiki just cried about it saying "that's not me that's not me". Go digging for yourselves, you can see that it is her unless this random chick who has the same alias as her, studied in vet school, has the exact same type of rabbit as her, lives in the same city as her, etc. also happened to have her past collab partners on Steam as friends:
>what does this prove?
Connects her to the Twitter that bullied Rindo (see >>29387959), that Kiki herself tried to paint as a rouge champyon off his meds (way to throw your own fans under the bus by the way). There is a lot more than just this, but you can go digging for yourselves. She's a compulsive liar, /pyon/ knows this, but will continue to support her lies because they lack morals or refuse to accept reality because they're emotionally invested and too deep in.

>> No.30517448 [View]

Have the Kiki /r9k/ and /soc/ rrats ever been debunked beyond her saying: "wasn't me?". Even I must admit that it's kind of hard to deny after the steam account name leaks, and the recent rindo leaks.

>> No.30368881 [View]

I actually have some evidence that coororates the Kiki being moth thing that hasn't been posted yet, I've been sitting on it for a little while, I'm still not fully on the Kiki anti train yet, but after the Rindo thing I'm kind of leaning towards it. I'll wait and see how she behaves.

>> No.30357915 [View]

Kiki also sent her schizos after Rindo and harassed her herself.....
I know she did some bullshit stream denying everything when all proof points that she did it so...

>> No.30263881 [View]

Calling Pippa/Kiki/Rindo groomers. Have you got any of their nudes yet?

>> No.30217079 [View]

That's only because people got smart enough to not use trips and the meta shifted. They selfpost all the time, just under plausible deniability. Pippa's outright said she's been banned here.. several times now I think, she clearly must either talk here often or if she does post shitposts hard somehow.

We also saw a week or two ago someone who'd exactly-match kiki shitting super hard on rindo samefagging and people just cope saying it's some stalker who happens to be exactly like her and connected to a pre-kiki twitter (but TOTALLY is not kiki guys). Like I said she is a fake fucking bitch. We knew this almost right away actually.. but people want to be gullible and naive it seems. That or they're 14 years old and don't know how the internet works yet.

>> No.30015692 [View]

You might not like hearing this and somebody is garunteed to call me a faggot/schizo/gatekeeper/baiter/groomer whatever wrongthink buzzword gets used around here these days, but in my personal opinion slow and steady growth is the way to go for somebody like Kiki, if she tries to grow and change too quickly like she did with the rindo thing she'll implode and filter and alientate her existing viewers (except for the super hardcore guys), that shit happens alll the time with small chuubas, but she should do whatever the fuck she wants and not listen to what random anons say on the fucking internet anyways as if any of us know jack shit about vtubing

>> No.29729625 [View]

Ok so I'm a bit confused. People say that Kiki bans newfags on purpose because she wants a comfo atmosphere with her comfy core fanbase, but at the same time she is a bit bothered that she's not growing? I mean the whole Rindo thing clearly meant that she was bummed out that she didnt explode in popularity like that, and especially in this place.
Im not a Kiki anti or a pro, I'm just curious about that.

>> No.29718049 [View]

I would love a qrd on kiki since I only learned about her from the rindo shit

>> No.29717488 [View]

I'm from the rindo threads and got b& for actually providing the evidence (24hr) but essentially kiki said some people were targeting her sister and by extension her. Kikis actual explanation on stream after the rindo stream where a bunch of posts got purged was bad but she did tweet a big chain saying it wasnt her (now deleted) and said she hopes rindo continues vtubing.
what I can say is Kiki has a TON of schizos after her for one reason or another, so personally I'm inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt because i dont know why the schizos were after her.
there were some obvious ones (aka not just mad rindorks) during the stream plus the vtubersforlife falseflagger twitter and I managed to grab these links from that thread.

Kiki's assertion the fairyguts account concern trolling rindo isn't hers doesn't have much/any evidence except her word and she said she couldn't prove it without doxxing herself/legal stuff which is very suspect.

>> No.29714560 [View]

What's with all the kiki hate, I know there's that rrat about her trying to attack Rindo, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. From what I've seen in her streams she's really nice if menhera.

>> No.29548992 [View]

sorry, something immediate came up, the anon that responded to you isn't me
>Show your work, anon.
unfortunately I cannot do that, at least not here, my motive originally was protecting Rindo, but going any further into this would likely result harming Kiki and that was never my intention, I was just angry at the time, I would say please keep an open mind about everything posted, but it's a lot to ask of anons

>> No.29546746 [View]

Its hard to defend Kiki when the account that approached Rindo goes way back to before Kiki's debut and signals it being her.

>> No.29546601 [View]
File: 123 KB, 744x588, 1652775939540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reason to believe that Gura antis are pretending to be Smol Ame skinwalking as Rindo on twitter in order to derail Kiki's discord. I have people looking into it as we speak.

>> No.29546598 [View]

Every Rindo thread is also a Kiki thread? Good to know.

>> No.29546536 [View]

>you really just want to start shit after all and not believe evidence that proves Kiki is completely innocent
I haven't seen any evidence of that.
>The summary is Kiki and her sister were targetted and harassed through a course of years and one of the tactics they used/are using was skinwalking as Kiki. It's literally that simple
I'd like to believe that, and sorry to hear that if it's true, but the timing for her to reveal this is very coincidental.
>It's not Kiki's fault that her antis were harassing Rindo,
Her tweeting about her dream being stolen painted a giant target on Rindo, both goons and antis will AND HAVE used it as motive.
>once again you've shown you just have an ulterior motive, go on with your life you anti and leave the rabbit alone
I have never done anything to her in the first place, I merely replied to an anon reminding people with a screenshot. If she happened to read my comment and is upset by it then it's her fault for browsing not only 4chan but a thread that isn't even about her.

Anyways, like I stated previously if someone posts concrete evidence (which I concede might be a little hard since the fairy tweets have been deleted and the account has been privated, but the cytube banned guy "dug further" apparently) then I'll change my mind, until then this will be my last reply to you because I feel bad about this off-topic argument in a thread for a vtuber I genuinely adore.

>> No.29545427 [View]

>Okay so there's precedent for her posting in her own thread, good to know.
So you just ignored everything else I said and jumped straight to accusing Kiki of posting in her own thread, you really just want to start shit after all and not believe evidence that proves Kiki is completely innocent
>I'm not going to give Kiki my view, but if that poster provides his work I'll more than happily change my mind.
The summary is Kiki and her sister were targetted and harassed through a course of years and one of the tactics they used/are using was skinwalking as Kiki. It's literally that simple
>I'm not inciting hatred, I just stated that I myself hated her, and I'm willing to stop if provided with evidence that her, or her goons, or her antis weren't involved.
>or her antis
It's not Kiki's fault that her antis were harassing Rindo, once again you've shown you just have an ulterior motive, go on with your life you anti and leave the rabbit alone

>> No.29544149 [View]

>what makes you think her posting in her own thread is "random"?
The fact she never posts there for anything other than vocaroos and sharing her OC images in /pyon/? Kiki is a /here/tuber yes but she leaves it to champyons to participate in her thread
>I have absolutely no reason to doubt >>29404196 (Dead) and haven't seen a strong counter argument or proof against it. If you do then feel free to provide it.
Kiki went over this in her first stream today, a group of stalkers were harassing her and her sister over the course of years. Also check out >>29543247
>If I wanted to do that I'd go on /pyon/, but I won't because I don't.
Now why would you do that and risk getting ignored and or hit with a ban if you could just incite hatred against Kiki ITT?
>I can when the harassment happens after Kiki's menhera tweet about her "dream being stolen" and right after Rindo's reply to it.
This is a coincidence at best.

>> No.29542663 [View]

>woke up one day and decided to randomly post on /pyon/
She's a literal /here/tuber who's broken containment and is proud about it, what makes you think her posting in her own thread is "random"?
I have absolutely no reason to doubt >>29404196 and haven't seen a strong counter argument or proof against it. If you do then feel free to provide it.
>you just want to start shit really
If I wanted to do that I'd go on /pyon/, but I won't because I don't.
>The anti-Rindo schizos were going to exist regardless. You can't blame Kiki for that
I can when the harassment happens after Kiki's menhera tweet about her "dream being stolen" and right after Rindo's reply to it.

>> No.29541887 [View]

If you're opting for the incredibly unrealistic belief that Kiki woke up one day and decided to randomly post on /pyon/ for basically no other reason than to incriminate herself and anti post in /ryg/ to assure getting banned, you just want to start shit really
The anti-Rindo schizos were going to exist regardless. You can't blame Kiki for that

>> No.29525231 [View]

Is it true that Kiki contacted Rindo? Ill be honest, am really not that familiar with neither of them but am curious towards gossip and drama in general.

>> No.29518104 [View]

Just like how all Gura antis are cripples, all Rindo antis are now Kiki or pyonfags

>> No.29509922 [View]

So its confirmed that the person shilling Kiki every /ryg/ and the anti posts against rindo was actually kiki herself? Just catching up on whatever this thread was talking about.
If so thats extremely pathetic. Imagine being some hag seething that a teenage girl wanting to follow in her oshi's footsteps is doing better than you.

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