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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: remember that all talk

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>> No.74478399 [View]
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>what's up you guys, how are you?
>oh, should i talk about last night?
>i can talk about that, i havent spoken about that
>i went out with my roommate's computer science project group
>and we sent to a bar/arcade and we went to that other bar that specialises in fancy shots and stuff like that but i dunno what else to say
>at least i didnt spend much money tho. thank fully
>i guess when people are drunk, everybody is like ROUND ON ME!
>and there was like, 9 of us *laughs*
>so people were constantly buying rounds for a bunch of people
>i already knew most of them so it wasnt that weird
>by the end of it, i was just on discord the entire time
[...talks about cocktails with weird names...]
>i always forget that i get like this but i remember, at the end-
>>i had a BJ shot before
>*laughs* those shots are so degrading because the way you have to take it, it's embarrassing! i would never in my life! i'd feel humiliated!
>whenever i do go out...
>that was like maybe the third time in my life i ever went to a bar
>whenever i go out i manage to get away with not really paying much because my friends just get in that vibe where they're like
>>don't worry, i'll pay for you!!
>*laughs* so i guess i get lucky
>>you just need to keep giving off little sister vibes and you'll be okay
>that was so crazy, i dont even remember why tho, unpromptedly, one of my roommate was like
>>guess which one of the siblings she is! guess guess guess!
>and i dont remember what the other person said but they were all laughing and she was like
>>she is the oldest of all of her siblings L.O.L. L.O.L. can you believe it??? she doesnt give that vibe at all!!
>>Essie is never beating the little sister allegations
>i was just not made to be an older sister okay!!
>i wasnt born with the vibes
that's how it works, the first born is not an older sibling at birth cause you need, like siblings to be older than

>> No.74459861 [View]
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All this Silver talk made me remember her BDSP playthrough.
I'm pretty sure Mori already talked about loving the asshole rival characters and wanting them back again in future games.
In fact, I was pretty sure she was in a call with Sana back then.

That being said, don't let her play Sun & Moon or the eventual Black & White remake.

>> No.74442179 [View]

Not that I can remember but they talk about their preferred fashions all the time.

>> No.74432897 [View]

i remember talking w my therapist once n her said, if you feel suicidal, dont tell me cause ill have to send you to the ward and thats pretty good advice for someone scared of being institutionalized, all they do is let you ramble and push pills they never want to help you funny enough i feel like that has been sorta the opposite for me with my ex and some girls i talk with, a lot are nice though but like when you talk to ones that have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth and no awareness of it, it really grinds your gears
i can be~ umm i dont know, i never tested, i didnt know he does either huh
yeah its really fun, i do get a bit paranoid of like people being too friendly but i guess its like the community

>> No.74387726 [View]

>company party. Mori kakkoi
>she's so calm,collected and refined. Try and shoot your shot and start some conversation
>She's not drunk by the end of the party and you are tipsy, but still try
>"hey can i walk you home?"
>She says yes holy shiiiiit
>walk her home. nice talk and she's very approachable!
>Okay time to sink or swim
>"hey sorry to bother you. can i come in and use the bathroom?"
>Oh fuck oh fuck
>go in
>Isnt this room...kinda...otakuish?
>"THat's the bathroom. enjoy..i mean..yeah"
>you make a few steps and she gasps
>You go in. Hear some clothes rustling. Hell yeah.
>Come out. Lights are turned off
>A bit hard to navigate but you can see her in the dark.
>Dont be nervous, remember how to kiss. Time for some foreplay
>shit, you kinda suck because this is one awkward kiss
>doesnt matter, the mood is right.
>hey isnt she a bit...too sensitive?
>finally get her in bed
>put on condom
>put it in
>Hard cut to Mori's PoV of the previous stuff. She was hanging in the corner because all her friends who speak JP were busy
>oh god this guy is coming to talk to me and he's got? oh god oh god oh god
>try and be chill, he doesnt notice im spilling wine all over me
>not drunk, way too nervous to be
>Offers to walk me home? oh SHIIIT
>play it cool, dont get your hopes up
>sadly we arrived
>Asks for the bathroom. sure
>Get in. Cringe when you realize you didnt clean the room and there's a lot of tissues, manga and panties thrown around
>why isnt he going into the bath-
>while he's on the bathroom change into pajamas and realize everything is even dirtier
>turn on lights
>hoooooooly shit how do you kiss? try to remember mangas
>oh so that's how a guy's hand feels...ooh
>This guy might be a sex god. Oh fuck
>Get in bed
>He slips it in
>Cream yourself

And then you turn on the lights, the spell is broken and just fuck her into a mess

>> No.74249964 [View]

all this talk made me remember that I want all the oji san to use me as a public urinal

>> No.74249225 [View]

>Some day it will happen!!!
i really don't know
>Did you remember to use the Vtuber differentiation?
no, because i don't have a model yet. i don't want to do false advertisement :c
>Do you have something onstream going to highlight in the text?
ummmm i think i have done that on my titles
>Are you enumerating your series?
no, i don't
i tried to add as many tags i could come up with but i think i have done a poor job with them
>grabbing your link, saying that you are going live, and adding the game name, then hitting send
even if i have 0 followers, will it matter?
>regular tweets
i don't think i have much to say while writing
i have no problem to be talking all the time non stop on stream but when i am writing i feel a lot that i don't have anything to say
> the problem might appear from the way you approach such social medias
i always had trouble socializating, btw
i never had many friends irl
>try to tell us exactly what you dislike, that might give a way to better feedback.
i don't like drama and i don't want to look like i am just trying to leech out of people
also i don't want to talk to people i don't like or admire. i never comment on channels of people i follow, too intimidating
>#vtuber or #vtuberen or #vtuberuprising tags
yeah but i don't have a model yet, i really don't want people to think i am false advertising :c
idk, the only times i have used discord servers i got banned for "writing too much" and being "annoying" when i was basically only using 1 channel from a medium size server. some other times i was heavily bullied and laughed at by people when i went into servers so i just avoid them all together now. they make me feel miserable
i only talk to a few people now, reject all invites to servers and block the people that invite me somewhere.
collabing seems scary, i would prefer to do it with someone i feel conformtable enough to do it

i wish vroid wasn't so hard :c
i took long on answering, i was busy

>> No.74204033 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think that necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are

>Fauna is mean in real life?
>I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know

>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise.
>I promise they are

>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing

>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception.

>I mean obviously streamers have friends.
>And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know

>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun

>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction.
>There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.

>I think I would've had a harder time be a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guy...
>It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too

>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.

For every sapling that talks shit about Bae, they have to live with the knowledge that Fauna doesn't spend 1% the amount of money on saplings that Bae does on her brats. Just remember that.

Fauna cares so little about her fans and Hololive that she can't even cap her emote slots. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and it's nice to see more people are noticing.

>> No.74182180 [View]

>no, i dont think i can sing it...
>*beats on her chest and mutes to burp*
>i think im gonna do silly songs again
>i kinda need to go to the bathroom tho
>*laughs* i kinda need to use the bathroom
>>go piss girl
>i might have to use the bathroom very quickly
>will you kill me if i go to the bathroom
>will you leave my stream if i go to the bathroom?
>>dont forget to mute
>dont worry my bathroom is pretty far away
>okay you guys im gonna go to the bathroom right now and im gonna speed pee
>im gonna gamer piss, just watch!
>gimme a second
>>good luck on your way to the bathroom
>i will not fall, dont worry... okay, im going byyye ...wait no
>i need to put on something to keep your brain stimulated
>im gonna put on some ASMR you guys! ...just kidding!!
>i dont want to, i dont want to abuse your ears
>WAIT! wait, wait... i need to... here... okay im gonna go
>*gone for minute or so*
>OKAY IM HERE HI i gamer peed
>also i watched my hands before you freaking say anything
>dont say anything i washed my freaking hands, dont say anything
>i washed them! im here!! i gamer peed!!!
>>1 minute 25 seconds, not bad
>it was actually, like, a little shy, it took a little bit for me to actually start
>eww actually this is fucking disgusting why did i say that anyways im gonna shut up *laughs*
>that's actually so embarassing
>>you're faster than me? *laughs*
>>thanks for the info
>yah... i should... *deep sigh* you guys, i think im gonning to delete this vod
>do you think i should delete this vod?
>i think im gonna delete this vod
>yeah, i think im gonna delete this vod you guys *laughs*
>why did i say that, like actually... what the fuck? why did i say that...
>>i need the vod
>no, i said something very embarrassing
>what in the world...
>there was a song in my reccommended but now it's gone and i sang it before in karaoke but i cant remember...
>*british accent* i dont remembah
>>you should forget the vod exists
>honestly im literally not even that gone, i just feel silly, and i am silly but i dont feel like actually im gone, you know what i mean?
>>please keep the vod
>no, this karaoke is extra bad, like more extra bad than usual so...
>oh! i wanted to do honey moon un deux trois
>which i usually freaking... actually lets just do... guys im just gonna do freaking accapella for that one, i cant really sing that one
>>she is at silly equilibrium
>I AM!!
>let me drink drink, like, let me finish this can
>>i find imperfection charming
>i feel like such of fraud of a vtuber
>all i do is talk like a baby
>i stutter a lot
>uuugh why do you listen to it??
>how do you actually... i dont understand
>thank you so much tho i really appreciate it *baby mode* thank you for watching meeeeuuuu
>wait this is embarassing... i think i had too much.... let me finish this and i think we're done for tonight i think
>thank you for listening to me and my shitty karaoke
>i will try to be better but it's gonna take a little bit for me to get better
>what was i doing? ah, honey moon un deux trois, im just gonna accappella that
>honey moon... *googles it*
>but you know, honestly even though i feel silly, this is like a really good feeling silly
>you know when you feel silly and your body feels really fuzzy?
>*warmer tone* i feel extasy through my entire body...
>honey moon un deux trois...
>like, i think i feel very good *giggles*
>are you- how are you feeling? how are you feeling, huh?
>>are you sure it's not the alcohol?
>i feel like i always feel so nice
>no, the best way to describe it really is extasy
>i feel so nice
>...maybe that's weird
>>im having so much fun
>thank you if you have been here this entire time, i really appreciate it
>i feel kind of embarrassed doing acapella you guys
>let me just do it anyways... no, i need a back- i need BGM... i'll be too embarrassed... singing without is too embarrassing
>honey... moon... i cant spell
>thank you
>thank you if you watch me and if you enjoy my stuff i really appreciate it, like i dunno
>i feel like im kinda lame A F... not to say A F but i feel like im really lame ...i dunno uuu uuuu
>>she's drunk
>actually i think i am, unfortunately... but im not drunk-drunk
>there's like 3 levels of drunkness and im on level 1
>there's level 1 which is where im at right now actually i might be at level 2... and then level 3 is throwing up so im okay *laughs* actually this is level 1.5 at level 2 im not saying that i would be not conscious but i would be very bold *giggles* i'd be saying very odd stuff
>>whats the level where you start getting clingy
>definitely level 2, level 2 is when i say weird stuff and when im weird

>> No.74167270 [DELETED]  [View]

>> Anonymous Sun, Sep 3, 2023 22:07:03 No.44511453 [View]
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Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.74167194 [View]
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you know what? Fuck all of you who call people who want FWMC Morning gone antis.
I have watched every single episode. It's literally the only time slot I can regularly watch live and it kills me that it's the most repetitive and mundane shit they put out.
I don't give a damn about ugly dogs that probably don't even belong to most people posting them (the only one I even remember is the fucking cat).
I don't give a shit about generic scenic pictures (and I had one of my own featured)
I don't give a shit about questions that have been answered 30 times already (see last stream).
I'm sick of pretending to care that Mococo still can't eat a single fucking basedbean after 8 months of trying.
And here's a spicy one: Pup talks don't do anything for me and people acting like a few generic "hang in there" words literally safe their life every week should take a trip to the mental ward.
Everything about FWMC morning feels like a chore to everyone involved, which is likely the reason submissions and VOD views are so low.
There's no engagement to be had with the girls because they breeze through the segments like they got other places to be - except for ESR and that's a whole other schizofest.
Anything - literally ANYTHING to change things up would help.
Special editions like Halloween are too much an effort I get it, but do themed weeks / months to change up the submission corners at least.
Cut down the quantity and make one or two days that are a bit longer with more Holonews or whatever.
Just... fucking eat cereal for half an hour and talk about your day.
Or cut it altogether and put on a normal stream for the morningfags once a week.
Anything would be better than another 80 episodes of the exact. same. thing.

>> No.74120574 [View]

If the individual is worth it yes. Kenji is at the level of Daphne39IQ. Let him talk until he sperg into retardness and he dies. She told her piece, never doxx someone but hey remember when you jumped on the bandwagon of what happened to me for views? Yeah, that.
Period, that would have been all.

>> No.73893188 [View]

I love Lucy, and I think that the collab was fun to watch, but all the talk here was about some old el drama, so all I remember from the collab was that el is radioactive and should be avoided

>> No.73866634 [View]

>3:51:22 sorry i hit you with so much heavy stuff this stream / I shout into the void sometimes / people in my life don't watch content so you understand more than the ppl irl / ppl irl like just stream idiot
>3:53:00 [re: talking to other streamers] yeah but we're the same type of miserable / rant to u guys b/c u actually care about me but other streamers... like a yapfest all just like uh huh yeah / not that i don't have good relationships w/ other streamers, but not gonna find deeper kind of... / i'm the same way with them / not that they're malicious but inherent content creator personality type / rare to find compatible personalities / me and randon is like a one in a million, that kind of compatibility, the way the personalities lock in w/o butting heads / i mean we butt heads / we had a clear discussion / tired of gushing optimism / randon is optimistic in the right way and pessimistic in the right way / other ppl like what are u doing c'mon do the safe thing / then they're optimistic about the wrong things / randon says it's not gonna be easy all the time / appreciate that / know it's not gonna be easy but / me and randon, we don't collab as often as we did, but i'll always have this kind of spirit bond to him and we'll always have this link that no one will understand except us / kindredness to it / understanding i don't get from a lot of people / infuriating, lesson learned, i was naive / i appreciate randon so much in my life b/c he's someone that's like u made a commitment to me and i can recognize that so i'll make that commitment to you but i expect that commitment from you / maturity rare to find in streaming friends / something i'll never forget about him / remember he said u made commitment to me so i'll make that commitment to you / know it won't be easy / almost tearing up thinking about it, breath of fresh air, didn't hear that from friends / won't always be easy but it's going to be ok that's what it's gonna be like / not gonna run away or give up / now that i'm saying that i'm getting kind of sad i should talk to him
>3:58:39 not gonna look for that kind of closeness in those people anymore
>3:59:25 i'm gonna message him later today actually / he knows i'm doing a vtuber but i haven't had any substantial convo to him about it / what happens when i debut? do we know each other? do we keep playing stardew? do we pretend?
>4:01:10 [re: fake andon beef bit] randon too genuine for that / I need to be more genuine too / i'm too tolerant of people i dislike
>4:01:37 i'll be like randon maybe we should talk to this guy? / randon's like why? who's that guy? i don't like that guy / gigachad behavior / i'm like randon I don't knoooooow maybe…. / randon's eh like that guy's a dick i don't wanna talk to him / i wish i could do that more often! / i'm too like haha yeah nice dude / it's too draining i need to stop doing that
>4:02:41 [re: fake beef] it's just a joke no fake beef / gotta think about the fans / actually doing that would be horrible

tl;dr the andons are in a committed relationship

>> No.73836721 [View]
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>"Today was such a stressful day. A lot happened... I've only understood today that this is reality. I can't say anything specific, but I've lost an important friend. I've already lost two precious genmates, and now I lost a friend as well. I just feel so bad for them. Sometimes it feels like everyone involved with me in some way ends up meeting an unfortunate fate. That's why I felt a little down today and decided to just drink. To see the people who took care of me so much go through something like this... It's painful. I just want everyone to be happy. It's not like it's my fault or anything, and there's nothing I can do, but it still hurts. If this makes people angry, then that's fine. But something like this happened in the past too, and it made me remember some unpleasant memories. I'm usually a positive guy, but to be honest, that gave me a little mental breakdown. That's why I ended up drinking today. (...) I was asked what I'm thinking by a lot of people. I'll say this - I just feel bad for them. I can't talk about it deeply. It's not my business, but because this is about my friend, part of me can't forgive them. I just feel bad for them. I'm drunk right now, so if people flame me on twitter later for saying all this, then that's fine. But, as their friend, I will always prioritize my friend. I'm not looking for a fight with anyone, if anything I want things to end peacefully. But life isn't that easy, huh... I'm not in a position where I can stick my head into this. But I can say that I feel sorry for them. It's not about who did something wrong, I just feel so sorry for them... If I say anything else I might end up causing trouble, so please don't ask me anymore. (...) No matter what happens, I will always treasure my friends. Until the very end." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc_aTazye9U Summary by /MANS/ anon

>> No.73764339 [View]
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>be buttercookie
>wake up
>open /vt/ catalog the instant eyes are open, prepared to participate in shitting up /pcg/ with talk about the latest lolcow yet again
>ctrl+f pcg and find it as the fourth option because this site is fucking stupid, open thread
>click bottom as actually reading the thread is for socially aware cucks
>don't believe my eyes - a Saya post that isn't relating to Shiina at all
>catch my breath after a few moments and click update hoping for the latest discord screencap update
>fully erect
>i can't process this, another Saya post
>it doesn't even mention the dog's cock inside Saya or her furry boyfriend
>dead silence as I contemplate how this could happen
>wipe sweat off forehead with the same rag I relieve myself with to the thought of Shiina assaulting minorities
>three more Muyu posts
>i need to stop this, if I don't then vt might remember there are girls besides Shiina in Phase Connect
>think of her tiny hands, tears forming
>i will save her
>reach out and feel keyboard
i had to

>> No.73733736 [View]

Well for one she seemed to indicate she doesn't have a clue what she'll do after Niji prior to graduating. Often this sort of talk is smoke and mirrors, but Mika being Mika it's perfectly possible she actually DID go into this "no thoughts, head empty" so to speak. that does put a question mark on if she wants to continue to stream or not, although her guest appearances in streams of others are at least a small positive sign.
That aside, another likely reason for absence - if we assume she plans on reappearing - is model wait. It doesn't look like she intends to touch her pre-NijiPL, and she only has been gone for what, three and a half months? The absolute shortest turnaround on a model I can remember seeing was about four and a half. If she didn't put an order for one prior to graduation, or did so only shortly before it, she might be still waiting.
Last possibility - she might ACTUALLY be waiting out the 6 month non-compete. Yeah, I know the lawyers keep saying those things are nigh unenforceable, and how Nina and Kuro basically ignored theirs, but Mika when graduating gave off impression that EN rules might not be ID rules, so it's within realm of possibility she doesn't want to take her chances and will let that timer tick down.
All that being said Vshojo is teasing SOMETHING right now, it's likely that something is a new member, so it's perfectly possible all this will be moot by the end of the week.

>> No.73727544 [View]
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>What is /wasp/?/
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ

>Some resources
https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)

>Scared of being groomed? check this guide to recognize tactics.
https://twitter.com/firozera/status/1745548628591325449 (embed)

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>73577663

>> No.73679375 [View]

The issue with high population collabs isn't about audience participation. Smaller channel viewers typically like the option of having more direct contact with the streamer, but unless they're totally unhinged, they're not going to want or expect you to stay small population forever. The point of having an oshi is to literally push them after all. However, viewers get that a collab is not typically about talking directly to chat unless all of the participants to the collab are on that channel at the same time and are oriented towards the chat. They're not going to expect you to make asides or ignore your viewers to talk to chat. That would obviously be rude to your guest and a good viewer wants you to look good in front of the guest and any guest viewers they brought with them.

The problem with mass collabs are instead several problems:
- often, everyone thinks they need to steam their "POV" of the stream. Literally nobody cares about this. It also defeats the point of a collab. At that point there is no host or guest. You're just streaming a discord call on several channels at once. At low levels where most of you are just pulling viewers from /asp/ anyway and probably don't have dedicated viewers (I can tell because the ones who rush into collabs are usually the most new) you're just passing around the same single digit viewers in a circle (or worse, dividing them between you).

- the collabs lack structure: most of the time these collabs are just "we're all together with models on screen and we're playing a game while saying whatever words jump out of our mouths". When you have higher and lower energy streamers involved this typically means you have one who hardly talks, one who screams all the time, and 1-3 who play the middle where one or more of these just says "shocking" things to try to get reactions from the others. That just ends up being chaotic without being interesting for viewers. It interjects a lot of noise into the stream and can make the viewers there to see the less chatty participant feel alienated because they don't get to hear who they know and wanted to see in the first place.

- collabs are for the viewers even if they don't actually *involve* the viewers: Supposedly you brought this other person onto your channel (or they brought you onto theirs) to make something that you couldn't make on your own. That means you think that by bringing somebody else onto the channel you're going to be able to (together) produce something fun and interesting for the viewer(s). Entertaining yourself is something you can do off-stream. We all do it. You don't even need to schedule it or open OBS. If you want to play games with friends just play games with friends. If you're going to collab you have to remember that you are both two halves of a stage act entertaining viewers. You're not there just to have fun with friends because why would you need to stream that?

>> No.73637443 [View]

>had cutesy nicknames for each other
this was entirely because of Sana, all of the nicknames were invented by her
fuck you cunts
Sana's role was as the troll of Council and her chemistry with Kronii was god-tier
I still remember things like the Spacetime interactions, Sana trolling Kronii asking her to step on her, things like that
Sana was the perfect weirdo to break the ice initially and make them talk to each other, the idea that she made collabs awkward or didn't fit into the dynamic at the time is revisionist shit and reminds me of what retards right now say about a certain other group that I'm about to make a comparison to
Sana in hindsight was actually the Shiori of Council, her role was very similar to the way Shiori interacts with Advent

>> No.73577663 [View]
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1682109375156187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is /wasp/?/
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ

>Some resources

>Scared of being groomed? check this guide to recognize tactics.

>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>72180982

>> No.73561114 [View]

We all just want our girls to be happy. Only dramacunts are still trying to push the bullshit and numberfaggots are always gonna do their thing and compare everyone even when its apples and oranges when it comes to personalities and games played so its whatever at that point.
All in all, we will never know what actually went on behind the scenes and for all we know, there might not have been anything negative going on between these two. I remember doki saying that elira and her used to talk a lot and help eachother behind the scenes a ton (think it was during her visit to japan while one of them was streaming in the other's hotel room with their gear, rosemi was there too i think)

>> No.73437042 [View]

I remember when people here used to just enjoy them and have a good time
Now it's all antis and depressed shitposting
>why are they reading x
>why did they just talk.in japanese
>why is this not y other stream
>why is this at z time

You really managed to become a bitter as fuck shithole here. I can't imagine being that sad and angry in life when two cute idol daughterwives like them exist.

>> No.73386961 [View]

>some fans already mad that she doesn't do anything to promote Help!
i remember that the big thing was the collab with natori at April 1st, and yet instead of making it a big announcement she just casually mention it on free talk (on top of being on April 1st!) leaving most people think it's a joke kek

it's only after natori retweet it that people starts to think it's serious. what's insane is she's actually really good at marketing, heck she pulled the "S3 marketing" gimmick better than Reine, yet she just doesn't care at all to do it properly for some reason

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