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Search: ametori

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>> No.5001465 [View]

>Your oshi
>Ametori or Rainforest?

>> No.5001553 [View]

Fine with either, but we need another Ametori collab soon

>> No.5001606 [View]

I love these two dumb women.

>> No.5001658 [View]

Of the collabs they've done, the Ametori SBM was probably the most memorable, but I think both are good collab pairings.

>> No.5001790 [View]


>> No.5002332 [View]

>91 kiarame posts in /jp/
>29 ametori posts in /jp/, couple are typoed sametori
>54 kiarame posts in /vt/
>456 ametori posts in /vt/

Why did /hlgg/ stop using Kiarame?
Ametori started to be used en-masse 20th of January when it was used in the collab stream title. It feels like I was the only few people who really liked the pairing (not necessarily /u/), so when the alternative name was broadcasted officially, everyone just jumped on it, because Kiarame wasn't already well established in their minds.

>> No.5009038 [View]

Besides Kiara none of the girls have the right character for that.
TakaMori thrives on the exact opposite of that. Mamaloni would not be so into it if it was just your normal TeeTee stuff we have seen better with NoeFlare or OkaKoro. For Mamaloni alone I am willing to cut TakaMori some slack.
AmeTori is a bit more perverted than that. They had some great moments during Super Bunny Man but Ame doesn't seem to be into /u/ shit so there are limits.
SameTori is sometimes mother and child sometimes big sister and little sister. After Kiara established her dominance with the teaching streams it's hard for them to go for something like that now.

TakoTori is Kiara's best collab duo (and second best in Myth overall after GurAme) but it thrives more on banter than on tee tee.

>> No.5033225 [View]

No you dumb faggot. It's Gurame only. No Iname shit. No Rainforest or Ametori shit. Fuck off with your inferior pairings.

>> No.5047064 [View]

Sometimes I really want "chumbuds" to do it. Make them sour their relationship with each other so they'll collab with others instead. I want more Rainforest, InAme, AmeTori, Calligula, InaGura, and SameTori collabs.

>> No.5047371 [View]

>ametori mario party cancelled

>> No.5047388 [View]

Ametori collab cancelled :(

>> No.5047517 [View]
File: 598 KB, 640x582, polc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ametori collab cancelled


>> No.5047999 [View]

Sorry that wasn't me, just wanted to say I don't need more ametori collabs

>> No.5067588 [View]

Someone SC chikim and tell her Ame is interested in the nintendo direct.
I want more Ametori, onegai.

>> No.5090657 [View]

you underestimate the willpower and Mental flexibility of a niche shipper desperate for content, just look at takomori or Ametori

>> No.5211816 [View]

Counterpoint: No one that watched live can ever forget AmeTori clubhouse

>> No.5234615 [View]
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, ametori kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking schizo robbing us of AmeTori kino
jk come back soon chammers[/spoilers]

>> No.5235575 [View]

>SameTori and AmeTori are fucking dead
Fuck Kiara and her shit schedules.

>> No.5290162 [View]
File: 142 KB, 744x1052, AmeTori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9z6pq7.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would have had Ametori+Chammers this sunday...

>> No.5474861 [View]
File: 76 KB, 672x325, 1620799627303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like duo collabs. Each combination has its own dynamic going on. TakoTori and AmeTori are great too.

>> No.5477437 [View]
File: 2.29 MB, 2500x1700, E3lKtOdUcAAqfRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ametori needs to have a collab again

>> No.5548138 [View]


>> No.5548203 [View]

Unexpected. This looks like that one chart that I haven't seen posted in a while with the yin yang energy and shit though.

>> No.5548331 [View]

Well, they did say kink

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