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>> No.49235802 [View]

>whatever the fuck Fauna said about gachikois
The sad thing is she didn't. The "people" in the catalog are somehow even more pathetic because even if they were genuine, which they aren't, then the most they aspire to be is a literal friendzone cuck.

>> No.49186388 [View]

I'm so glad she didn't friendzone us

>> No.49130234 [View]

>tells saplings they can't even be friends with her
>saplings get worse than friendzone'd
>they get nothingzone'd
This is the worst fanbase-related yab a Holo has ever committed. Calling it fabricated is a delusional cope.

>> No.49092180 [View]

She gets paid to be our pretend internet girlfriend and she can't even bothered to friendzone us

>> No.49086715 [View]

>but I just friend zoned all of you
You're a fake Fauna
The real one wouldn't even let us into the friendzone

>> No.49080403 [View]

>deluding yourself into the friendzone
See this is the part I find very hard to believe about everyone acting upset about this. If you were truly a parasocial gachi you would make her your wife, not your friend. All this reads to me is someone disrespecting actual parasocial delusions. Get serious, you faker.

>> No.49074358 [View]

Fubuki says that to friendzone you. She doesn't know your name and you will never interact besides being a name on her screen.
You aren't really friends. I'm sorry, you know this is true though.

>> No.49068604 [View]

Cant belive saplings actually want to be in the friendzone

>> No.49063461 [View]

>cute cashier is pleasant to me
>just doing her job
b-bros... why cant she be my gf.. or friend... i can deal with the friendzone

>> No.49054296 [View]

>We as Fauna and Saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know
Because rather than respect the relationship of a gachikoi fan and an idol, people here would prefer to mentally friendzone themselves and pretend like they're not massive pussies unlike actual parasocial enjoyers.

And somehow,
>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.
because it's "preachy" and "condescending"

>> No.49052755 [View]

>the illusion of friendship
Why would you delude yourself into a friendzone instead of an actual schizophrenic romantic relationship? Are you gay?

>> No.49051443 [View]

This has a more of a friendzone feel. I can feel her calling telling me "you are like a brother"

>> No.49038556 [View]

The only female friend i have is an ugly girl i had to friendzone to stop her unwanted advances.
Is thst the same with you?

>> No.48642099 [View]

Aw hell naw. You don't get to friendzone someone and then decide you want to be more the second someone else might be swoocing in. I've literally had this happen to me a couple times and it only did well to reveal the girl's true nature.

>> No.48503394 [View]

anon she's gay. women friendzone men as easitly as they breathe.

>> No.48476502 [View]

Then you friendzone the livers if they say that.
Can't hurt you if you hurt them first.

>> No.48458862 [View]
File: 615 KB, 1443x2048, FpqJukWaUAE40xk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got everything I could out of Ike's route now. I'm pretty sure. I didn't expect how meta it would be, but that works for me. I started to have fun and enjoy it more the more I went back and tried different things to hurt him more or less, or just enough to get something new out of him. It's a lot of silly fun once I stopped expecting anything actually novel-like and just have fun with the game. Although the post-credit scene after the rainbow end weirded me out. The one with Baba in the arcade, that felt like something from a different route completely but since the game is full on meta and remembers stuff, I guess it's just a piece for the puzzle I'll see in the future, maybe? A bit more about the rainbow end... I can't believe I can have a girlfriend and friendzone Ike. Literally too close to home, the game knows I'm a dumbass dyke. This ending is a bit bizarre, but Luxiem said go get that pussy and I'm not the one to complain. Well. Maybe a little. Ivy was right there. I would like to date Ivy too. Why didn't they show her full sprite even once...
And some more thoughts on the route itself. I'm glad the Eveland family dynamic is in place in the way that aligns with my own headcanons, somewhat. Ivy being really protective and caring, Eki while cold and aloof also cares, a lot. They don't get along, even with the same goal. A shame there was no confused scene from Ike's POV about Eki's existence. Glad Hikarino showed up to chat Eki up about how much of an asshole I was, that was cute. Sad that there is no end where Eki DOES kill you, but him going full Sans on you is both funny and... okay a bit cringe how hard that reference was pushed but it's whatever, Ike deserves it after that undertale stream. Honestly, the pacing is the main thing that kind of kills the vibe in the route, because of how fast things progress, the magnitude with which Ike reacts to you choosing bad decisions feels off. He acts like I killed a guy when I ghosted him ONCE on our first week of knowing each other, he doesn't know what's going on in my life, come on. But the MC's outbursts of frustration and anger are also comically over the top. And they were the thing that made me stop caring for a quality plot and shit my perspective to a more “collect every achievement” instead of “focus on the story”, it's just hard to take the plot seriously after such big inconsistencies take place, and you are expected to roll with them.
Going to do Shu next. I'm glad it turned out a lot more fun that I expected after reading the first few chapters.

>> No.48451398 [View]

>Chuuba has a crush on you
>You friendzone her
>Get progressively more aggressive in trying to win you over

>> No.48441516 [View]

But some did have children and a husband.
The only problem is if they are unicorn-panderers. It's not a problem if the vtubers friendzone their audience hard.
Plus, some just cannot find a mate because they are too menhera, e.g. Michael Cat.

>> No.48203691 [View]

Just like this fag >>48167707 the women KNOW you're into them, they're not that stupid, they friendzone you KNOWING you want to date them, not because they want a ''friend''

>> No.48184345 [View]

Guys that just want to sleep with you don't get hurt by the word "friendzone" they just move on or don't even waste the time, God women are retarded

>> No.48167707 [View]

The reverse of this is also true.
I had two really ugly female friends in the past that i had to obviously friendzone to stop their advances.
Hurts that they didn't want a friend, they only wanted my penis.

>> No.47919812 [View]

I think most of them try way too hard to tell nina what they think they want her to hear. The best way I can think about it is they give off the energy of someone who's hard stuck in the friendzone, and knows it, but thinks they can change their fate.

>> No.47915891 [View]
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, FDutmP6aMAA_GOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the To The Moon stream was incredibly cathartic, watching her get emotional and being completely helpless and tear up with her too. for me though, peak was TKT. love the dynamic between the three and all the things they played as a group whether it was Apex, horror or stuff like Back 4 Blood.
despite the meaning of her name, Hada's not GFE and has never pretended to be as such. she flat out friendzone'd the listener in the 2022 Valentine's voice pack in Korean, Japanese and English and all her other VPs when NijiKR was doing them were all friend based ones.
it's also pretty obvious when the topic of relationship advice and such has come up that she's been in relationships before.

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