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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: remember that all talk

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>> No.75732711 [View]

>be capippalist
>wake up
>open /vt/ catalog the instant eyes are open, prepared to participate in shitting up /pcg/ with talk about the latest lolcow yet again
>ctrl+f pcg and find it as the fourth option because this site is fucking stupid, open thread
>click bottom as actually reading the thread is for socially aware cucks
>don't believe my eyes - a Remi post that isn't relating to Pippa at all
>catch my breath after a few moments and click update hoping for the latest kiwi screencap update
>fully erect
>i can't process this, another Remi post
>it doesn't even mention the dog's cock inside Pippa or her furry boyfriend
>dead silence as I contemplate how this could happen
>wipe sweat off forehead with the same rag I relieve myself with to the thought of Pippa assaulting minorities
>three more Remi posts
>i need to stop this, if I don't then vt might remember there are girls besides Pippa in Phase Connect
>think of her rotten teeth, tears forming
>i will save her
>reach out and feel keyboard
>"sing Pippa the Ripper"

>> No.75726510 [View]

>be capippalist
>wake up
>open /vt/ catalog the instant eyes are open, prepared to participate in shitting up /pcg/ with talk about the latest lolcow yet again
>ctrl+f pcg and find it as the fourth option because this site is fucking stupid, open thread
>click bottom as actually reading the thread is for socially aware cucks
>don't believe my eyes - a Remi post that isn't relating to Pippa at all
>catch my breath after a few moments and click update hoping for the latest kiwi screencap update
>fully erect
>i can't process this, another Remi post
>it doesn't even mention the dog's cock inside Pippa or her furry boyfriend
>dead silence as I contemplate how this could happen
>wipe sweat off forehead with the same rag I relieve myself with to the thought of Pippa assaulting minorities
>three more Remi posts
>i need to stop this, if I don't then vt might remember there are girls besides Pippa in Phase Connect
>think of her rotten teeth, tears forming
>i will save her
>reach out and feel keyboard
>"sing Pippa the Ripper"

>> No.75588216 [View]
File: 615 KB, 684x657, shocked by her own smut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>im mentally okay i promise!!
>i see myself and i think YES DRAMA!!
>ah yes, torture! death!!
>gonna read all the tags i like:
>hurt and comfort
>character is even more traumatised than usual
>pfffffffft some of these i cant mention on stream
>aaaaaaaah omg omg omg this is embarassin
>fluff and angst
>some of them are very sus i have couple of smut fics in this...
>there's quite a few actually... i thought i was just an angst enjoyer...
>autistic character_name ah yes, in this story i am making this character autistic
>something to do with belly, belly B.. belly bulg- >mating breeeding
>okay im moving on... WHY ARE THEY ALL SMUT????
>uhm uhm... im trying to find something... WHY ARE THEY ALL???
>blood injury, implied death, K-wording self
>asylum, kidnapping, straight jacket, accidental bonding, dark comedy
>slow burn enemies to lovers
>Stockholm syndrome
>this is purely indulgent and sane
>body horror, slow death, minor character death, trachea breaking
>omegaverse, character is whipped, i like that one! like, really REALLY whipped!
>fluff, possession, gore, promiscuity
>im sorry, it's been a couple years since i looked at what i have written, i have locked these in a safe heaven where nobody can find them
>love-hate, that one i cant read the rest of the tags
>kissing romance secret relationships
>slight possessive behavior
>married couple, married life, fluff
>Stockholm syndrome... i cant read the rest of these.... im moving on....
>these are all tags i have actively written for and put into a fanfic
>mutual binding, slow burn
>I STILL FEEL SHAME OKAY!! what if i still want to be an idol?
>*munches some more* nom nom nom it was... tentacles... it was Hastur from IDV it was monsters, possessive behavior, enemies to lovers... it was only three chapters
>fluff and banter, all the ones that are appropriate are very short
>fluff angst, no other tags
>*looks shocked* noooo... i dont remember that.... i dont remember me writing that... im gonna skip over that one... it wasnt necessarily bad i guess... i meeeeeaaan.... there's the monster tag again.... i cant say this one... WHO LEFT ME ALONE??? what the fudge is this???
>romantic comedy, jealous, bad jokes
>secret fluff, gore, sex, mild injury, alcoholism
>i unpublicised everything even those i kinda like
>betrayal, angst, emotional manipulation, hurt and no comfort
>the characters are assholes to each other
>military talk, war talk, PTSD
>everyone in this is stupid
>kidnapping... there's ANOTHER KIDNAPPING TAG?!
>you guys are never allowed to have my fanfics, i would rather die
>maybe i'll write a fanfic, specifically for you guys... MAYBE... maybe maybe maybe... im thinking...
>one of the tags is the character has a potty mouth, there's another kidnapping one
>my fanfic writing history and my fanfic reading history are between ME and GOD
>taking a bath... WHY IS THAT A TAG??
>why did i... uuuueueue feelings realisation, that's a good one
>i dont think i would be allowed in heaven
>nightmares, military, deception, protectiveness, drama
>why do you come to a vtuber's chat and expect her to not need therapy? *cute happy goat munching noises*
>13 years old Rhea was not having a good time, i was not
>over the year i got into brain empty to deal with trauma
>>judging by how many tags you skipped, 13yo was really freaky
>comfort, one shot, fluff and humour, omegaverse, angst and trauma, blood and injury
>some of these are recent... if im bored and im outside, i start writing fanfics
>little backstory: im very sickly so at times i would just write fanfics in front of my counsellor *horny gremlin noises*
>it wasnt always smut okay?? I HAVE SHAME
>i didnt just dabble in kidnaping *slams the desk*
>being exposed to the omegaverse at a young age mentally changed my brain chemecals
>i was very aware i was into adult spaces as a kid and i was mindful of the way i did it
Rhea is a kinky little joat with a wild imagination
CC >>75543658

>> No.75577255 [View]
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1000, medbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she left Gura by herself and didn't even tell her family members not to post about the thing on instagram, which led to the location being found by doxxfags, something that Gura would have been (apparently correctly) worried about happening
you are now going directly against the points you already acknowledged, like Mori talking with Gura about a hotel option
also, Mori did talk about her family members about opsec (it was brought up in earlier streams) and ultimately the instagram that was located was not even from her family, but a mention from one of the people at the party
so you're just... objectively wrong here

>someone who sticks to their responsibilities even if they're inconvenient to them at the time is admirable
not if it's hurting someone else in the process
and she had no reason to believe she was hurting someone once they talked it out, and the only statement regarding how it went we have is... hers. so it's not even Mori's word against anyone else, it's just Mori's word against your negative interpretation of her character, which just doesn't stand up to anything

>no my argument against it is that Mori's standards of 'making sure everyone was comfortable' are not good enough and in fact the right thing to do was not to try to make everyone comfortable
which is your opinion to have, but I find it mortally better to find a way that accommodates more people at loss for yourself (which Mori was clearly intent on doing)
>the right thing to do would have been either to tell her sister to fuck off/say some variation of 'I have a VERY IMPORTANT stream I need to do for my job, and my coworker is not comfortable with crowds and is worried about her privacy - can you wait for a coupld of hours before throwing the party until we're done'
this is also you working off incorrect/partial information since Mori was faced by a situation where a party was ongoing, in a way she did not initially agreed on, and her choices were insisting on "my way or the highway" or finding a compromise with everyone involved (which, once again, we have her word on attempting vs... nothing)

>not necessarily, the problem with that is she didn't tell her friend she had applied only after she had already got in - it's the fact she applied 'as a joke' KNOWING that her friend wanted the job
first one I might agree on to a degree, though you're omitting the fact that it was the friend in the first place that linked the application form to them. though you might once again working of partial information since you're obviously not a regular follower
second, her not seriously believing she'd get in (ie. applying "as a joke") did not impact the seriousness of her approach, or hard work put into pre- and post-debut preparation, and she's been proving her seriousness and dedication more and more every year

>you are ok with your oshi being a morally questionable person who hurts people sometimes - as long as it's well intentioned/for the right reasons - and as long as they get their character development later which makes it all ok afterwards
I'm okay with my oshi being human, making mistakes and trying to do better, which is not what you're trying to paint (ironically, after complaining about strawmen earlier). You are framing you as some kind of anime arc and going on a tirade of moralistic absolutism, but that's incredibly immature approach to humans in general, especially since you're getting angry on behalf of someone that didn't even shown any signs of being hurt in the first place.

and, rounding back to the initial point, my perspective continues to be rewarded since by the end of the day I experience that kindness and care firsthand, and even if it some day falters under the cynicism and mistakes (as it often does for people under constant scrutiny), I will remember that effort

>> No.75567361 [View]

You don't if you don't stream or talk much
Practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice
join a group you've never joined before like in a game's VOIP and practice practice practice and remember that your voice is going to hurt trying to re-prounounce all of your words.

>> No.75489344 [View]

I find this weird… If you’re a girl it may be different, but still would feel weird to me. I don’t know how to explain how I remember her, but even with the charismatic personality she showed as a streamer, and the things she shared, both on stream and discord, about her jobs, passions, places she lived, other stuff, she still kept this very thick layer between herself and her viewers. She’d know us all by name and all, so, I get loving her as a person, because I share this feeling, but I can’t imagine being “in love” because of that distance she drew. I can only imagine mods or those very old viewers of hers being able to have broken this barrier to actually fall in love with her… which makes me wonder how many are like you… is everyone in the new discord like that? Do you guys talk about this stuff since she’s not there?

>> No.75427605 [View]
File: 22 KB, 220x220, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listening to a streamer talk about that sorta stuff
some context:
>was streaming regularly
>got a new model
>announced indefinite hiatus soon after
>40 days later, she did one stream to catch her viewers up on recent life events, and to sing for her audience with her stunning voice
>got emotional when the time to say goodbye came
>still on indefinite hiatus

what she had to say at the end of stream:
>i have to leave because streaming wasnt financially supporting me
>it got the point that i am now in debt trying to pay stuff, like pay for my bills
>because i kinda kept trying to...
>*long pause*
>i dunno, i kept trying to force streaming full time
>it's really a hard thing to do fulltime, it's really really hard
>i had built up really good savings before i became full time because i used to make a lot of money
>and i was living off that money really slowly
>what i would make every month from streaming would kind of support me so it was not a complete decline financially in my bank account
>but now with my new job i need to focus on that
>because obviously i can't stream if im homeless
>if i come back, i dont know when, i can't give anyone any timeline or anything like that
>cause really i don't know what's gonna happen so...
>i will try to pop in when i can
>it was easier to do this today because i am not working yet, i will be starting next week
>i have a lot of anxiety as you guys know
>full time, dealing with people all day... i dont want to come on stream and be boring and brain melted, not even able to speak words
>i already have trouble speaking words with you guys
>maybe someday i can come back, maybe not fulltime but just kinda stream consistently
>like i said i don't want to make any promises because i have no idea what the future looks like for me
>i've been going outside a lot, touching grass, hiking
>now i will be working and hopefully make some new friends
>my new job, honestly, i feel so lucky to have it, the people there seem so cool
>i dont think i could ever fully quit streaming
>i can give you guys that much: i could never quit streaming completely
>because... i just think that it's ... *sigh*
>im not gonna cry... i didnt think i was gonna cry today
>i just feel like you guys... i tell you this all the time... you're like a family to me
>even though i am the oldest in my family it always kinda felt nice to be sort of like... a little sister to you guys in a way, if that makes sense
>like, im kind of a little shithead and it's just...
>i know i have been reconnecting with my family in recent years but i've had you guys in my life before that and you guys were really just kind of my family and so...
>the one promise i can give is that i will be back someday cause i dont think i could ever actually leave you guys cause i love you too much which is why im here today
>i think about you guys all the time and i always miss streaming, i always think oh i can probably sneak in a little stream in today...
>but i dont wanna overwhelm myself and then like, put off other things that i've been doing to better myself cause if i start streaming, will that stop me from going to the gym? is it gonna stop me from hiking? is it gonna stop me from laying in the sun? i dont know...
>im really attached to you guys and it's really hard to not be here all the time...
>i just want to stream and play elden ring all day... life is unfair, just let me play elden ring all day! that's all i want...

>im just so happy that so many of you came today even though i've been gone...
>cause i always tell you guys that im scared you're gonna forget me... i know sometimes it inevitable but i dont think i can ever forget you guys
>didnt think i was gonna cry today but i guess i should have seen it coming when i had to say goodbye...
>i just hope that you guys always know that i love you so much and you really are family to me
>i always have a special stream that i always think of... i remember when i got really close to doing something really bad to myself... and everyone was telling me, just stream, just come hangout with us, you don't have to talk or say anything, just come hang out with us... that's when i played that weird farming game... i dont even know what it's called but i think so fondly of this stream because everyone was being so nice to me... and i feel every time i stream when im in a bad mood, you guys always find a way to make me laugh in the end, no matter what...
>i just want you guys to know that i love you so much...
>you'll always be my family forever...
>forever, no matter what...
>i dont think im gonna raid anybody because i dont want people to think i'm back...
>let me stop prolonging this...
>i hate not being able to say i'll see you tomorrow...
>okay... okay im gonna go...
>i love you guys so much...
>i'll see you when i see you...
>just please dont forget about me...
>goodbye... please take care of yourselves...
>i'll see you around... bye b-
>*stream ends*

>> No.75412226 [View]

If you remember she used to talk about all the things she wanted to do back then, like meet her senpai, make new friends, appear on stage, etc. I feel like two years is about right in scale when it comes to her more or less doing all that and feeling like she did everything she set out to accomplish and then getting bored like someone 200 hours into a minecraft world.
I guess yeah calling it low attention span would be incorrect if her goal was not to be a streamer but to experience being in Hololive.

>> No.75382880 [View]

Sure anon. We all remember that time Sana decided to leave hololive and the top holoEN Gura decided to shit talk her endlessly and say things like "she took the money and ran" for you kawaii children this is what is commonly referred to by normal people as being paid for employment

>> No.75348906 [View]

I took far too long typing this that thread died but I typed a lot so I'm posting regardless
Massive fujo, can talk for hours about basically nothing, really likes xenoblade, her a3 oshi is Kumon and she's a knightsP, her room is a mess, mets up with ex-PL fans a lot and is probably the reason so many of them are in EN. She can be very funny, pretty good singer, her laugh is amazing
Once masturbated on stream, plays a lot of Valo and gacha, says some very suspect things but is actually very sheltered as she lives with her family, has a heavily autistic brother
Joseimuke queen, watched idolish7 on members to a very small audience just cause she loves it so much.
Ausistic queen, she likes licking buildings, does some really fun things sometimes like MRE reviews, she's getting better at yugioh and I can actually watch her MD streams without getting mad now
Unhinged, sometimes I watch her flip streams even though I understand no tagalog, I loved the time she started talking about a telenovela plot thinking Luca wouldn't understand it and he understood the general idea of what she was saying, great singer, posts a lot in membership, had a huge Zomboid arc
Lies about being a virgin and needs to improve her singing range but she can also be funny, however she's very toxic with her content and clearly is/was dating Kyo/not-Kyo. Not very good at games, better at zatsu-type content
Sassy latina, trying to be good at Apex but given I also watch not-selen and pros she has a while to go, her japanese could be better but at least she can communicate with them
Very australian accent but also chinese, trilingual, likes farming sims, wants to be an idol as in the real life type, has a 'roomie' who leeches from her. Pays all the bills, I also know forbidden knowledge because I was served by her at the maid cafe she used to work at which I believe is now closed which is really sad.
Fucking insane, messy room as well, could have been a pro-cheerleader, in acting school, changes voice every 3minutes, handcams, streams constantly, has the most concerning cooking set up and makes some weird ass shit
Really good as a DnD DM, has gotten way better at drawing, glad she dropped her debut personality and is now just a dorky girl who knows as much about omegaverse as Wiwa
Chronic girlfailure but in a kino way, her cooking concerns me a lot as a previous chef but I guess she's lived this long so maybe that's fine for her
Her english is memey and she's in love with Luca, I barely catch her since I have actual JP oshis so her basically being JP but not girlfailure on Kotoka level means I just watch JP livers instead unless she's in a collab or streaming a game I really like
Okay admittedly never watched her sober so I don't remember shit
As above, Nijien got too big and trying to pick up new people is hard, if it counts I don't watch Vox, Shu, Aster or Zali either if they aren't in a collab so I think I did pretty well

>> No.75201569 [View]

Well what should've been nijis greatest month has passed

Reimu's 3D has concluded Nijisanji's events mayhem, let's recap a little bit:

-Niji's Mario Kart Event: Did subpar, the massive congratulations didn't get a spelling check and became a joke for this community

-AR Live: From the screenshots we have horrible lighting, models look off due to the different style, the posters just poorly edits out all the ex-talents, that one clip of the boys dancing lacked so much energy it also became a laughing stock.

-Five 3D lives from Petra to Reimu, each having less and less concurrent viewers than the last. Shoutout to Petra for riding the wave of HoloFes and still having a somewhat successful stream, the rest... not so much. Having Kyo somehow pop back from the dead to congratulate Enna's 3D questioned how long ago was the 3D event recorded, a question that I will have for each 3D live.

-Virtual Rhapsody was met with a mild crowd, stories were told about how some songs were muted, the screens somehow bugged, and the meet-and-greets disastrously hosted. All this for over $100, while I'd say most of the blame is really on Virtual Rhapsody, I am not experienced enough in event hosting to say anything.

-Elira and Vox returned from the black river to stream to an audience of less than 1k. They also both moved to Bilibili, the results are unclear on whether they will be staying there. Funnily enough, they're probably the only two to move to Bilibili after the black stream, I wonder why. Surprisingly, a return stream increased the bleeding on Elira's channel, causing her to unsurpass 550k subs.

Some dramas here, including:

-Luca Kaneshiro's documents, even though there isn't much talk about it anymore, interesting points were raised, such as Luca's controversial past, his opinions on the company and that his mod was actually the one signing his merch. It also raised points on Niji's favoritism, but given that not all of them comes with solid proof, I'm taking those with a grain of salt.

-Enna and Aia's speeches about staying within the company and their thoughts, one was well-said and was supported by this side, the other was taken out-of-context and twisted to be cynical. Both provide a valid perspective on the radiation that is in everything revolving Niji, and how hard it is to try to ignore it.

-Michi's recent reveal that her previous employer (most likely Nijisanji) had massive miscommunications and almost costed her all her money, her job and her life. Thankfully she was able to get by, but it opened another floodgate to damage Niji's reputation in another ex-liver's past experience.

-While there is no proof besides viewers' confirmation, a 4-chan post revealed Vivi's member stream had her complain about troubles within her life, more about the money she needs. I don't know the validity of this, but it's also a huge red flag when another member inside the company is now showing signs of trouble with Niji not offering any help.

And that's all I remember so far. In conclusion, April was jam-packed with Niji's events, announcements and more. The result? They received little attention from the vtuber audience. This is a huge sign now that NijiEN has effectively removed all trust within the western side of the vtuber community, and the consequences are far less engagement. What was originally a slow decline which could be restored became a massive downfall, and they won't regain viewership and money from the EN side anytime soon. If there's any other events I missed let me know.

>> No.74963196 [View]

Let me establish once again, it is not the sole reason and it is not the biggest reason. Holo did a lot of things right and happened to be the right company at the right place in the right time, but you're the most hardcore JOP and in denial, if you think it wasn't a significant factor. And let me say, when I say EN, I really mean primarily EN speaking.
>be kirarafag
>weak jp
>see nihonglish vtuber clip
>see translated vtuber clip
>Ah, so it's not like Kizuna ai anymore
>man those clips were really funny
>start watching streams of rushia/korone/miko/coco
>Watch a vod in free time, is collab
>A week later, watching hololive around the clock
Was a pretty common experience back then.
You have to remember, not all holos were 4views back then and even for those that were, CCV wasn't growing that fast for any vtubers. As much as the true JOPs with their untainted twitter, youtube etc. accounts, would have been able to get into it, what this did was funnel a good number of japanese learners and JOP-aspirants into these streams. Probably a couple hundred stream watchers at most across the entire field, concentrated in certain livers, if I had to give a napkin estimate. This compounds into more clips being shared around with those people and feeding into actual JOPs with still jp learning friends.
>Then EN debuted,
>post-anime boom world
>all the talk of any EN anime community.
And if you remember how empty the vtuber algorithm was on youtube, you'd finish a myth stream and in the sidebar, you'd also be recommended a holojp stream or vod or clip, dragging way more of those jp learners into streams. And with how comparatively empty the algo for vtubers was then, these things would compound into each other. Picking up a couple hundred viewers this way out of the blue, when you already were a consistent 3-4view, would just boost you that little bit in the algorithm, to help you get recommended outside of the already existing vtuber audience. It didn't matter whether those people were JOPs or jouzu-worthy, they still help build and sustain the avalanche.

>> No.74885519 [View]

>[Verse 2]
>Ayy, /vt/, who the fuck they think they playin' with?
>Racist fucks my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch
>I'm allergic to the lame shit, only you like bein' famous
>VShojo can't give you no props neither, I don't give a fuck 'bout who you hang with
>I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
>Surprised you wanted that collab request
>You know that we got some shit to address
>I even hate when you say the word "liver," but that's just me, I guess
>Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess
>Still love when you see success, everything with me is blessed
>Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand, and it won't be no threat
>I'm knowin' they call you The Boy, but where is a man? 'Cause I ain't seen him yet
>Matter fact, I ain't even bleed him yet, can I bleed him? Bet
>When I see you stand-in Petra3D, I believe you see two bad bitches
>I believe you don't like women, it's real competition, you might pop ass with 'em
>Let's speak on percentage, show me your splits, I'll make sure I double back with you
>You were debuted as a Niji that’s debuted as a Niji that’s debuted as a Niji
>Try cease and desist on the "Coffee" cover?
>Ho, what? You ain't like that record?
>"Sinking Yacht," I like that record
>I'ma get back to that, for the record
>Why would I call around tryna get dirt on Livers? Y'all think all my life is hate?
>That's ho shit, I got a son to raise, but I can see you don't know nothin' 'bout that
>Wakin' him up, know nothin' 'bout that
>And tell him to pray, know nothin' 'bout that
>And givin' him tools to walk through life like day-by-day, know nothin' 'bout that
>Teachin' him morals, integrity, discipline, listen, man, you don't know nothin' 'bout that
>Speakin' the truth and consider what God's considerin', you don't know nothin' 'bout that
>Ain't twenty-v-one, it's one-v-twenty if I gotta smack Nijis that write with you
>Yeah, bring 'em out too, I'll clean 'em out too
>Tell Niji that he better stay right with you
>Am I battlin' teens or AI? The keks feelin' like Joel Osteen
>Funny, he was in a film called "AI"
>And my sixth sense tellin' me to off him
>I'ma blick Nijis all in they coffin
>Yeah, Niji-ho niggas is dick riders
>Tell 'em run to hololive, they imitate heritage, they can't imitate this moneybags
>What I learned is Nijis don't like the holobros
>And I'm fine with it, I'll push the line with it
>Pick a Niji off one at a time with it
>We can be on a Jakarta time difference

>> No.74716497 [View]

I don't really know the specifics since I obviously do not have the app let alone stream on it, but my understanding it is is designed to be "streamlined" and make broadcasting completely idiot-proof. I doubt there are any settings or really any way to configure things at all. Just a "go live" button, then you point the camera at yourself and talk. Even people who did karaoke during their debuts were just pointing speakers into their microphone to play the bgm.
It will be tough when you also have to make your regular streaming quota, but try to get literally ANY foothold in twitch/YT. Find small corpo/indie chuubas who are receptive and chat with them, set up a gaming collab even if you are just in a voice call on their channel and can't stream it on your end. If you get one 2view to acknowledge you and even a fraction of their audience remember to look into you that's a massive buff.

>> No.74711637 [View]

>you can't look at a viewer count and desperately try to hold a viewer
This is why I tell people you have to turn your viewer counters off. Talk to viewers as they arrive and otherwise just carry on as if you were just recording a video for youtube or something. If you hyperfocus every individual viewer you both risk overwhelming that viewer and also risk a lot of menhera in the moment when you start desperately contorting the stream to court that specific viewer into sticking around to talk to you more instead of making a good program that will attract more viewers. By all means, talk to your viewers, engage when they engage, entertain them individually, but remember that the goal isn't to entertain a number of individuals, but to entertain an audience. That means an audience that is either real or imagined.

Also, I find that its typically better to incorporate chat into your responses to them rather than to just recite every word in the chat box like a parrot.
ex. "Hi streamer do you like cats?"
Bad - "'Hi streamer do you like cats?' Hm, I guess I like cats."
Also Bad - "I like cats."
Good - "Do I like cats? Yeah, I do and [tangent]."

>> No.74707660 [DELETED]  [View]

From what I heard she was talking about Maid-chan (the boss of the whole company)
>Him telling her "I'll be there for you, Yeah I understand you"
>She trusted him and believe him to the point she started to share and talk about her private live to him
My theory is that she had this image of him being like someone who cared but he didn't actually cared he just said sweet nothings, and as far as I can remember about the whole debacle was that she ended hating him probably because she made this image of him and he didn't met that image
>He ends up telling her "This girl is better"
The popular theory at the time was that "this girl" was Miyu (never ended up fact checking it so it could be true or not, but she did ended up leaving the company because of the controversy because her getting two or three new outfits gave fuel to the theory that she was in a relationship with Maid-chan)
>Than she starts talking about how she asked for time to her collage because she wanted to focus on vtubing (prolly because she still trusted him; and before the whole "this girl is better" debacle)
>She basically says "everything, my dream, my trust, my life, everything down the drain"
>Now her trust in people is destroyed because of Maid-chan
She also talks; in the 2nd audio from the middel to the end, about how she received harassment from the school principal on elementary school during the 9 months she was attending and not only that but than she says "pero ya no lo quiero contar" but I don't want to talk about that.
MIND YOU ALL of these audios are not even in chronological order.

>> No.74691015 [View]

885 (22.35%): neuro
112 (2.83%): the
76 (1.92%): is
75 (1.89%): to
64 (1.62%): i
59 (1.49%): a
46 (1.16%): koko
41 (1.04%): this, that
39 (0.98%): she
35 (0.88%): and
34 (0.86%): her, it
32 (0.81%): in, was
31 (0.78%): of
30 (0.76%): vedal, you
29 (0.73%): with
24 (0.61%): for, just
23 (0.58%): stream
21 (0.53%): like
19 (0.48%): collab, fuck
18 (0.45%): say
17 (0.43%): but, on, not
15 (0.38%): as
14 (0.35%): what, at, be
13 (0.33%): /swarm/, ai, so, are
12 (0.3%): an, he
11 (0.28%): who, about, tranny, have
10 (0.25%): been, how, thread, all, no
9 (0.23%): more, me, way, when, had, while, shit
8 (0.2%): has, make, lmao, than, if, now, think, filian, again
7 (0.18%): don't, do, from, did, collabs, were, can't, time, out, get
6 (0.15%): better, its, why, made, funny, will, anything, only, one, fucking, really, believe, up, never, enough, can, every, they
5 (0.13%): new, watch, does, know, long, evil, could, same, mean, take, literally, us, guess, oh, unfunny, doesn't, imagine, monkey, partner, ever, yeah, or, face, there, least
4 (0.1%): neuro-sama, by, then, playing, other, want, these, until, even, minutes, called, because, anon, need, tell, needs, his, over, camila, we, much, insufferable, thing, times, yet, some, holy, classic, worst, worse, go, kek, point, off, would, /lig/, something, nuts, back, someone, i'm, voice, also, him, vei
3 (0.08%): model, chat, vtuber, since, entertaining, unhinged, well, today, lol, ask, feel, love, dont, hours, weird, thought, hell, words, ass-complished, first, put, kokonuts, gonna, already, actually, short, anny, most, shondo, see, won, great, said, pretty, good, filter, hate, unironically, day, end, after, right, getting, desperate, audience, kino, you're, le, im, too, should, isn't, title, everyone, cute, doing, schizo, yourself, general, your, man, look, house, another, person, expect, partners, trying, part, people, probably, boobs, used, wrong, cunny, wait
2 (0.05%): created, purpose, learning, which, responses, daily, twitter, learn, read, seriously, threads, trannyschizos, bake, my, things, being, obnoxious, streams, truly, free, sorry, kokos, fun, roast, along, heart, missed, news, let, try, word, thanks, filipino, boy, interesting, talk, subathon, hard, sex, turtle, touch, t, blind, tutel, koko�s, whole, wearing, moment, nothing, life, turn, fags, mad, wonder, men, per, retarded, stupid, best, nice, loud, sea, place, pagpag, going, almost, figure, tries, those, woman, internet, obsessed, legs, exactly, imagined, else, dumb, knew, fit, brown, kinda, retards, asking, show, keeps, work, apparently, male, annoying, kind, fresh, streamer, shock, collar, any, maybe, bored, uncommon, true, skin, swarm, low, image, random, ago, reaction, neuros, obviously, down, inside, absolutely, tried, wasn't, shitting, them, eyes, girl, soo, daughter, shrek, anymore, control, sing, lyrics, remember, song, fair, cerber, wife, neurobowl, rizz, still, couple, dravidian, months, ah, stretchy, oo, boyneuro, having, bit, emotionally, alright, correct, rape, lead, conversation, traffic, outside, hes

>> No.74668900 [View]


I wrote a comment in the membership VOD (my comment wasn't really that bad) I spent the whole week stressed about it... I lost sleep over it and I wrote countless walls /here/, walls that are meaningless now, all those walls will be lost in time, like tears in rain. And... words cannot express how happy I am. I'm just so so happy that I was wrong...

This week has been absolutely terrible, not only for us, but for FWMC too. All the drama, Mococo getting sick, cancelled streams... This has been the worst week for the ruffians AND for FWMC.
I'm sorry that the worry that some of us had made things worse for FWMC, but I stand by the things I did and said. I was wrong, and I accept that, but there is a possibility that FWMC changed this week because of the feedback, we'll never know. It's a good thing either way, if the schedule was like this from the start that just means that they love their EN fans so much that they CRIED just because they thought that some JP streams in a VERY packed week would make us sad, which means that they won't really make too much JP content in the future, and if they did change it that just means that they care about us and decided to take our feedback and add some EN streams to not make us feel bad, and that is a very good sign.
In the end it doesn't matter if they changed it or if it was like this from the beginning.

I won't feel bad about being wrong. Yeah, some people jumped to stupid conclusions, but at the end of the day we were honest with them, and I'm proud of that.
That's how relationships work, you HAVE to be honest, you HAVE to communicate what you think and what you feel, or the relationship will end up broken, one way or another.

I don't believe in unconditional love, and clearly neither does FWMC. Everyone has lines that don't want crossed, averyone has unspoken conditions for their "unconditional" love. In FWMC's case a lot of the ruffians would probably leave them if they fully changed the streams to JP, a lot more would drop them if they did homocollabs, and countless ruffians would abandon them if they publicly got boyfriends. You can cope saying that they'll never do it, and you are right, I honestly think that they will NEVER do any of those, but if you were to leave them if they did any of those your "unconditional" love and support would no longer be unconditional. Unconditional love doesn't really exist. It just so happens that some of us drew the line at them pandering to JPs too much and leaving the EN ruffians, so the membership announcement made us worry a lot. But that doesn't mean that we are "sisters" or "antis". We just have different values and find some things more important than you do.

I won't delete, reply to or edit my VOD comment. I was honest with them, and no one will be able make me feel bad about it.
If something bad happens in the future I'll try to be more positive and believe in them.
I love FWMC.

And FWMC if you are somehow reading this, thank you. Thank you for loving your fans so much, you are the sweetest girls that I have ever known. You deserve all the good things that have happened to you, and I hope you can fulfill all your dreams. I'll keep supporting you.

also next week we have a membership stream... didn't they say that the next member stream would be in a month or so? I don't really remember... BUT I feel like they wan't to do the member stream as an excuse to talk about the future, and I hope I'm right in this, I made several posts this week saying that the best thing they can do now is be open with us and communicate more clearly what they want

>> No.74478399 [View]
File: 274 KB, 1536x2048, GMCCJxdW4AA1iTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's up you guys, how are you?
>oh, should i talk about last night?
>i can talk about that, i havent spoken about that
>i went out with my roommate's computer science project group
>and we sent to a bar/arcade and we went to that other bar that specialises in fancy shots and stuff like that but i dunno what else to say
>at least i didnt spend much money tho. thank fully
>i guess when people are drunk, everybody is like ROUND ON ME!
>and there was like, 9 of us *laughs*
>so people were constantly buying rounds for a bunch of people
>i already knew most of them so it wasnt that weird
>by the end of it, i was just on discord the entire time
[...talks about cocktails with weird names...]
>i always forget that i get like this but i remember, at the end-
>>i had a BJ shot before
>*laughs* those shots are so degrading because the way you have to take it, it's embarrassing! i would never in my life! i'd feel humiliated!
>whenever i do go out...
>that was like maybe the third time in my life i ever went to a bar
>whenever i go out i manage to get away with not really paying much because my friends just get in that vibe where they're like
>>don't worry, i'll pay for you!!
>*laughs* so i guess i get lucky
>>you just need to keep giving off little sister vibes and you'll be okay
>that was so crazy, i dont even remember why tho, unpromptedly, one of my roommate was like
>>guess which one of the siblings she is! guess guess guess!
>and i dont remember what the other person said but they were all laughing and she was like
>>she is the oldest of all of her siblings L.O.L. L.O.L. can you believe it??? she doesnt give that vibe at all!!
>>Essie is never beating the little sister allegations
>i was just not made to be an older sister okay!!
>i wasnt born with the vibes
that's how it works, the first born is not an older sibling at birth cause you need, like siblings to be older than

>> No.74459861 [View]
File: 31 KB, 764x804, 1640071905710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this Silver talk made me remember her BDSP playthrough.
I'm pretty sure Mori already talked about loving the asshole rival characters and wanting them back again in future games.
In fact, I was pretty sure she was in a call with Sana back then.

That being said, don't let her play Sun & Moon or the eventual Black & White remake.

>> No.74442179 [View]

Not that I can remember but they talk about their preferred fashions all the time.

>> No.74432897 [View]

i remember talking w my therapist once n her said, if you feel suicidal, dont tell me cause ill have to send you to the ward and thats pretty good advice for someone scared of being institutionalized, all they do is let you ramble and push pills they never want to help you funny enough i feel like that has been sorta the opposite for me with my ex and some girls i talk with, a lot are nice though but like when you talk to ones that have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth and no awareness of it, it really grinds your gears
i can be~ umm i dont know, i never tested, i didnt know he does either huh
yeah its really fun, i do get a bit paranoid of like people being too friendly but i guess its like the community

>> No.74387726 [View]

>company party. Mori kakkoi
>she's so calm,collected and refined. Try and shoot your shot and start some conversation
>She's not drunk by the end of the party and you are tipsy, but still try
>"hey can i walk you home?"
>She says yes holy shiiiiit
>walk her home. nice talk and she's very approachable!
>Okay time to sink or swim
>"hey sorry to bother you. can i come in and use the bathroom?"
>Oh fuck oh fuck
>go in
>Isnt this room...kinda...otakuish?
>"THat's the bathroom. enjoy..i mean..yeah"
>you make a few steps and she gasps
>You go in. Hear some clothes rustling. Hell yeah.
>Come out. Lights are turned off
>A bit hard to navigate but you can see her in the dark.
>Dont be nervous, remember how to kiss. Time for some foreplay
>shit, you kinda suck because this is one awkward kiss
>doesnt matter, the mood is right.
>hey isnt she a bit...too sensitive?
>finally get her in bed
>put on condom
>put it in
>Hard cut to Mori's PoV of the previous stuff. She was hanging in the corner because all her friends who speak JP were busy
>oh god this guy is coming to talk to me and he's got? oh god oh god oh god
>try and be chill, he doesnt notice im spilling wine all over me
>not drunk, way too nervous to be
>Offers to walk me home? oh SHIIIT
>play it cool, dont get your hopes up
>sadly we arrived
>Asks for the bathroom. sure
>Get in. Cringe when you realize you didnt clean the room and there's a lot of tissues, manga and panties thrown around
>why isnt he going into the bath-
>while he's on the bathroom change into pajamas and realize everything is even dirtier
>turn on lights
>hoooooooly shit how do you kiss? try to remember mangas
>oh so that's how a guy's hand feels...ooh
>This guy might be a sex god. Oh fuck
>Get in bed
>He slips it in
>Cream yourself

And then you turn on the lights, the spell is broken and just fuck her into a mess

>> No.74249964 [View]

all this talk made me remember that I want all the oji san to use me as a public urinal

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