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>> No.60198294 [View]
File: 32 KB, 568x345, serious_ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna know why Ame suffers the most?
> Kiara
She always hear that Kiara loves her but Ame knows deep inside Kiara loves Mori way way more than her so she laughs it off.
> Gura
She knows Gura would never romance her romantically, eternally friendzone
> Ina
Ina is Korean and only sees vtubing as a job, there is no chance in hell their relationship can go deeper than that
> Mori
Ame is shy.


>> No.60191343 [View]

she's like a girl that has you in the friendzone and takes you on "friend dates" so she has someone to talk to and eat with

>> No.59496970 [View]

True story: I have a fujo friend and she's the most digusting piece of shit i've ever met. She's a comunist, feminist, LGBT pro, hates anime females because they are sexy, loves One Piece but hates how the females are drawn... the whole package.
She's only my friend because i had to friendzone her unwanted advances, otherwise she wouldn't be my friend. It's a tough situation situation because she's a needy suicidal bitch and relies to much on me.
Also i'm a total loser when it comes to this, i can't tell her to fuck off forever because i hate making people sad and i hate conflict.

>> No.59484326 [View]

>being pitied is the singularity inside the friendzone black hole
is it wrong in just wanting to be recognized by FuwaMoco? it's not like I desire their touch and warmth or anything.

>> No.59483605 [View]

>maybe if I sc them every stream every day they'll think I'm really sad and lonely and talk to me
>doesn't realize being pitied is the singularity inside the friendzone black hole

>> No.59344985 [View]

not bad, would friendzone

>> No.59282060 [View]
File: 106 KB, 420x326, ggghhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aside from being dense and paranoid, i have bad luck with girls, they either dont stop talking about their exes, they try to play games with me or they friendzone me or worse they're underage

>> No.59228236 [View]

if your only response is mafumafu to the fandeads you are really retarded. Even if they were dating it was clear that rushia friendzone mafumafu in some form or way based on what the fckign dox site messages and tweets, if they ever even became a thing in the first place coz it really says that there was no bf shenanigans. Her biggest mistake is leaking info to some dramatuber and that's what got her terminated and even then a sizeable portion of her fanbase remained and still gave her a reasonable amount of income whether it be twitch or her mike acc. Antis just want their retarded narratives ruining rushia's legacy because even despite being terminated she still stands as one of the largest SC'ed hololive ever. And their oshis could only fckign dream of reaching that legacy.

>> No.59168581 [View]

Why not keep being friends with the girl and having a good time? It's good for your social skills and you learn to deal with girls, eventually you meet other girls through her too

Friendzone is not necessarily a bad thing, it's good to make friends and it's a step into meeting new people

>> No.59040019 [View]

how many times does Connor need to friendzone this bitch before she gets the message, goddamn

>> No.59009717 [View]

>friendzone shit
can you jailcucks go back

>> No.58993522 [View]

yes defend her honor keep it up and you may be able to work your way up to the friendzone

>> No.58803748 [View]

>imagine wanting to be fauna friend when you can be a fan, a lover, a partner.
Friendzone anon can btfo.

>> No.58757734 [View]

He's correct.
I've never been in a friendship group where men and women didn't always end up dating one another, i had to friendzone two girls in those groups.
If you want any proof of this just watch the Friends TV show, most women don't want date random men, they want to date male friends they get to know first for security.

>> No.58394517 [View]
File: 160 KB, 1448x955, mcomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58344493 [View]

Tactical friendzone is a much better approach for her in the long run.

>> No.58304308 [View]

Oh, so it was Nina's birthday~ and Ovidia continues to be in the friendzone.

>> No.58117468 [DELETED]  [View]

>friendzone right off the bat
Good, I like her for that

>> No.58095969 [View]

>Get friendzone by a fan
Damn, can't get any lower i guess

>> No.57672176 [View]

Upper middle class/posh accent. So he probably has stable genetics although somewhat effeminate trough generations of selective breeding for delicate features. Probably a 7 in face. But +0.5 from status and yuppy social circle. But -0.5 penalty for corrupted females from other caste.
Also this. He makes the cut genetically but doesnt slay because of estrogen phenotype. If he maxxed game and frame he could get an e-girl like Anny but hes nearing the friendzone from default female time-preference.
You are a sheltered femanon from middle/upper middle class and live in a detatched villa in suburban town.

>> No.57548923 [View]

>The only good advice was that to get a woman to like you, you have to sit there listening to there inane bullshit for hours on end, pretending it's interesting in any way.
Lmao, welcome to the friendzone.

>> No.57454862 [View]

Unironically skill issue
I watched Fubuki since she's still "Le Scatman cat girl who friendzone ur ass" and she has no issue balance her normal content and #FOXDEMON

>> No.57440293 [View]

>Nerissa got friendzone'd

>> No.57325909 [View]

Didnt not!Kronii get friendzone by not!Vesper based on a tweet she made?

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