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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.77674011 [View]

NTA but:
>Give me a reason why a company shouldn't allow, for example, a talent to buy the IP to their character after X amount of time or upon graduation.
To not become a pump and dump, Hololive is really a big spotlight and the ability to buy out your IP would quintuple the amount of grifters trying to join to later become indies and laugh about how they ''broke the system''. Remember there was a company full of grifters who were given their IP and a pc in another company and they all left with everything.
>The company's not gonna use it anymore, so what's the point in keeping it?
To not fully rape the memories, it is known that in Hololive many girls act as the version of themselves they want to present to viewers and when out of the company they do a turn around nobody would expect such as
>Kson fleshstreaming and talking to porn actresses
>Mike being the worst menhera in the history of vtubing
You can say these are vague points, but hey, the ccv speaks for itself, many people left them, I can say to coco ''I miss this bitch'' but I'm sure as hell don't miss Kson
>And what purpose is there in preventing your former talents from accurately claiming their work under you?
Elaborate please
>The only reason this policy exists is to pressure talents to stay with the company so that they don't have to start over.
Start over with a huge capital, your fans knowing who you are thanks to this place, twitter and dramafags not scared anymore to divulge such info? they can also commision a doppelganger version of their own models and call their fanbase by the name they use to have like Rushia and doki respectively.
>We've seen with Mint how badly this can go from a mental standpoint. She STILL doesn't fully believe that she's worth anything without her company.
I think most of your points fail flat because you're apparently comparing Hololive to Nijisanji, whilst the latter was constantly numberfagging for their talents and telling them they were jackshit while Elira hogged all the sponsorships WHILE ALSO being almost unable to talk to the JP side, Hololive even in grim era could talk to their oshis if they wanted to and Hololive never told them to kill themselves if they took really long hiatuses.
>Policies like that are not good, and it doesn't matter how successful you become, they still won't be good and every talent could only benefit from seeing those policies changed.
But not the company, this is not me defending the company but you gotta udnerstand that the company is here to make money and again, not become the biggest pump and dump in vtubing like current nijisanji

>> No.77491004 [View]
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It's weird. The first time when I heard her talk about her family "forcibly" feeding her, I thought it was strangely appearing how she just couldn't say no or make them feel bad
But she started talking about it again recently and I found her... cute?
Like more than normal. And then 'can't let it go to waste' excuses to eat more and all the 'gym... next week... for sure' talk... I didn't think I'd ever find this sorta thing going on with her so endearing
Starting to wonder if this is what I felt the first time
That's pretty much best way I can word whatever this experience here since I didn't know where else to go into this
Also not sure if I can even remember visiting /ag/ but it's way better than impressions I got outside of it
Never thought I'd find Chubbyronii cute until recently and I want kind of want this arc to go on a bit longer. I guess this was a (positive) ventpost?

>> No.77297784 [View]

I've literally explained how you can get the receipts yourself. I'm not spending a few hours combing through archives to re-find the Apex tracker, checking what Mikeneko and Kson's Apex usernames currently are, and going through the logs until I get back to May 2023.
On top of that, Yashun privated a bunch of his streams so you might not even be able to find his username unless you talk to someone who kept tabs on it (that wouldn't be myself).
You can choose not to believe me but all of that information should be public, just scattered all over the place because nobody wanted to post it publicly in case it made Mikeneko more cautious about her Apex activities (nobody actually trusts her to stay away from men, for what that's worth). I can't even remember Yashun's Twitter off the top of my head
Nah, it was showing as full party. That means they were in the same lobby queueing together and then joined a game as a group. That wouldn't happen by mistake, especially for multiple games in a row
Well pretty much, her paranoia caused her to join the dots in the way it did. But it is at least a fact Kson was playing in some of those games with them

>> No.77277285 [View]

it's funny that you think I of all people would be one to talk about people hating someone. I don't even really remember who kaiser was lol

>> No.77189353 [View]
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I'll share my story in detail, because I think it's noteworthy how I wound up /here/. Apologies for the length, I am a certified writefag.

I was a lifelong weeb and vocaboomer well before getting into vtubers. I was aware of them since basically the beginning (and even had friends ask me what they were, because they assumed that vtubers were similar to vocaloid in some way.) So, I knew what they were, but the content never really appealed to me. I never got into the culture of livestreams and let's plays, I was not really someone who watched youtube much at all, and I only knew that twitch was "where everyone moved when livestream started charging money", if that tells you how old and out of the loop I was. I knew of Kizuna Ai and I had seen the design of a certain blue girl, and that was about the extent of my knowledge. I thought all vtubers were Japanese-language-speaking idol-types reading prepared content to an audience in short skit-type segments. To summarize: I was completely uninvolved not just in vtuber culture, but in streamer/youtube culture entirely, as well as in the idol and kpop scene. I live under a rock, essentially.

However, I am in a lot of disparate little communities scattered around the tattered remains of the old web, and so are some of my longtime companions. A friend of mine was in a pseudo-bbs when Luxiem debuted and was first exposed to english-language vtubers from there. Friend thought "hm. That's interesting," and started to watch them. After a little while, when they had been thoroughly hooked, they showed them to me.

It took about a month. I have a friend who is far removed from the sphere of weebshit who watched, perplexed, as I slowly went from "this man- yes, he's an anime, it's called a vtuber- thought fried rice was literally fried uncooked rice" to "I don't know why I am watching this anime man play a game, no one's making me," to "no, I will not stop calling that anime man my wife." I distinctly remember when I first followed a vtuber, and then about two days later I had followed all of EN and half of JP. I didn't have a youtube account prior to doing this. Why would I? Oshi mark? Akasupa? Pog? Ligma? Zatsudan?? It was a whirlwind of new shit to learn.

I was dragged, kicking and screaming, into vtuber hell about two months before Noctyx debuted -- and much as I care for Luxiem, it was Noctyx that really locked me in the vtuber basement. Deja Vu was the moment I realized that this was something special, I think. I was captivated by it, from Uki himself to his wonderful singing, the beautiful video, Fuuchan's wonderful narration at the beginning -- it all spoke to me. Seeing older content creators from... different walks of life come into this strange new realm of media was an eye-opener for just how powerfully transformative vtubing can be. Inhabiting a beautiful piece of artwork so that your talents and your true self may shine... I think there's something beautiful in that which is lost along the way for many people. It doesn't matter how someone looks, it matters who they are on the inside... at its best, vtubing gives people a space to showcase their soul and all of its strengths, and I think that's really something remarkable.

On that night, I changed. And because misery loves company, I dragged the people I love into this hyperfixation with me... all these years later and we're all still here.

On that note, I see a lot of talk in spaces about how "there are better streamers to watch," as though people /here/ have literally never seen anything but Nijisanji. I can say that, for me, I have not been sedentary in my engagement with vtubers. I watch everyone, everywhere, constantly. I watch EN. I watch Stars. I watch other corpos, and I watch indies. Some of my long-time friends are vtubers now, and I watch them, I watch the friends they've made, I've seen how lovely and interconnected communities can be (and how messy it can get if things go awry.) I have watched things change, and grow, for better and for worse, I've seen the boom and now I'm watching the bust. I am not a sycophant blind to the greater world of vtubing beyond the borders of youtube dot com -- and as a Yuguy, I can add that Anycolor are not exactly in my good books, to put it mildly, and they haven't been for a long time.

No, why I remain here is simple. At the end of the day, I'm just tuning in to watch the content creators I enjoy. It really is that simple. I was drawn into this because of how unhinged and amusing the boys are, and I stay because everyone remains unhinged and amusing -- and more talented than ever before. And that goes for everyone, everywhere... not just Nijisanji. Life is too short to put energy into the things you hate, and it's far more rewarding to focus on the things that bring you joy.

Thank you for reading, and sorry for the blogpost. Won't happen again. o7

>> No.77155221 [View]

Delusional levels of cope to see all the posts from chuubas about how special it is to see and talk to fans during a m&g or roomba tour or in a concert audience and go "b-but it would have been the same if you just streamed"
Sorry but she'll remember the fond memories of the ugly fatass who flashed her merch and called her cute that one time way after your chat name is long gone from her brain, blame your shitty third world country.

>> No.77111700 [View]

I used to go to the cons if ny city, as a male I thought of it as a simple entertainment where I could sink some money, or even steal some bit from the less attentive ones, but I never expected to make friends, even less female friends. The weird thing was their inclination towards drugtalk, consumption of stuff and overall the orrvious meetup before the con itself. I learnt the hard way what they meant a year after being "friends" with them. I hate them all, and I cant talk about how much I cry whenever I remember that I was used by a bunch of bitches to get fucked while half passed out because of alcohol+pills. Vtubing is my only refuge, but I will go to something like offkai, even if Im paid

>> No.77097783 [View]
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Hi 5th Alu here. I posted >>76796805 it was a customizable premade I was gonna use long time ago on my 2nd attempt to join (I didn't tell anyone about it) but shortly after I had to quit my job on very bad terms with no savings and I was really stressed out. Also I got diagnosed with ASD around that time lmao I didn't think it would spark a conversation where I was mentioned I just found it in my old files and thought it was really cute and wanted to share it ;; but there seems to be a lot of confusion so I'll try to clarify as much as I can.
No I'm not Kohi or any current or past FlaVR chuuba. Yes my first language is Spanish! No I'm not a graduated aspie. I did have a PL but I doubt that's who anon is thinking about, it was never posted in /asp/ afaik. Still I appreciate not namedropping to avoid causing more confusion. <3 Yes one of the Twitter accounts is mine, but I forgot the login lol... I'll try to get it back tomorrow and delete it. I still lurk here, kind of? I'm a bit of a catalog sally and I read the OP summary when I see it. Last time I remember actively lurking was during Abi's graduation arc. ;; I avoided the thread for a long time out of shame for my failed attempts but by now I've accepted that my destiny is being a wageslave and becoming a chuuba is just another shattered dream. Even posting all of this right now feels wrong and attention seeking but people were very nice to me during my short time in the circle even inviting me to collabs before I debuted and I feel terrible for disappearing like that, specially on Abi. I genuinely wanted to become her friend I even thought about reaching out to her from my roomie account but I was afraid she only accepted me because I was gonna be her genmate and I kept thinking I would eventually come back and be able to talk to her again, but I guess not.
I would post a vocaroo for veracity but it's late and I'm very tired, you'll just have to take my word for it. I wont be selfposting anymore, now I only browse 4chan to keep up with drama news and support my oshi's general with doodles from time to time. I wish you all the best, take care of your girls they're precious. <3 And have fun with OffKai!!
>picrel that's something I drew for my kino debut idea, I don't remember if I shared it in the discord but I still find it funny lol

>> No.77025462 [View]

Yeah, the first two hours were pretty good, and I've been one to complain about SC readings being a slog sometimes. I think the thing that's mad the last 2 really great is that they DON'T have any other streams to talk to us so they feel the need to let it all out or try and remember silly things we might like. That, or they're genuinely trying to get better at tengenting if you wanna believe the rrats that they read /here/semi-frequently

>> No.76974615 [View]

never took it as anting. i'm just kinda in awe people don't remember their names when Lia has mentioned all of them and anons will come in and talk about them sometimes. that and all the official promotions and debut watchalongs Lia did for them. I don't know anything about half of the phase members but I do at least know their names

>> No.76968444 [View]

>Her own document says that Luca would tell her about girls that he'd talk to after high school.
After high school is the key point, you literally just proved he graduated. I don't think he meant when the bell rang and he came home or else it would be
>girls he talked to while in high school

>She'd buy him expensive shit
The gift values are never stated, and all that was stated is that it was bought with a mutual male friend they had. So she wasn't the sole individual in this.
>he always came to her for advice and orbited around her
How is him orbiting her, her fault? Especially in a game known for males orbiting females? And apparently to the point that he was called out not only by her but by other friends and streamers as well?
>she'd get upset that he wouldn't tell her what he was doing.
Yeah, lying is kind of a shitty thing to do.
>This isn't grooming to you?
Nope, sounds like a cougar hunter at best. Remember when Luca joined Nijisanji and started obsessing over Pomu and liking NSFW Elira art? Then was obessed with Meloco and even calling Kotoko cute on stream when they joined? Man has a type.

>> No.76887947 [View]

Remember that they said on stream that they couldn't really mention much of what they were doing because '3d wasn't announced yet'. We, as in people who pay attention, all knew what was going on, but now they can talk a little more freely about the stuff they're working on on the back end. This announcement was to (hopefully) let the talents involved be a little more forward about what kind of fun/harworking stuff they're doing on the day to day or week to week.

>> No.76782144 [View]
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Remember that all talk of Ayame being a whore, that she does enjou kousai with fat, old, men, that she's constantly taking breaks to get stuffed by her boyfriend's cock, that's all rumors and can't be proven. But there sure are a lot of rumors and she sure takes a lot of breaks. Legend says if you get enough money and gain enough weight, if you walk down the right Japanese back alley at night, you might encounter her. Her ass is definitely loose just like her pussy. Gaping. She probably drips old man cum from every orifice.

What can be proven is she doesn't care about Hololive. She streams the bare minimum, when she streams at all.
>lowest number of hours streamed the last 6 months
>streamed literally once October and none at all in June
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence ranging from
I'm sick
My head hurts
Tummy hort
I have no internet
I'm moving
Kiara moved halfway across the world and was back to streaming in under a week, Ayame took 6+ weeks while moving to a different spot in the same city
>didn't stream when "moving" but streamed for 1 million celebration, anons here found she was playing League of Legends the whole time
>fans accept her excuses, send her more money in one stream than some holo members make in a month, then fucks off again, repeats as needed
>continues to use one of these excuses at random
>was the only one to say nothing after Coco graduated, instead tweeting about airpods after the stream, then never mentioning her again
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>didn't say anything to Miko after she got home from the hospital (for her chronic illness)
>never congratulates holos on birthdays or milestones
>doesn't respond when they congratulate her on hers
>wasn't there for Aqua and Shion's birthday totsu
>started totsu on her birthday in which Aqua and Miko appeared
>wasn't there for Miko's return stream
>wasn't there for Subaru's birthday or 1 million stream
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival
>wasn't there for usaken summer festival afterparty
>wasn't there for Christmas singing relay
>wasn't there for afterparty of song she released with Fubuki and Mio (Hyakkaryouran Hanafubuki)
>ghosted coco for a year about asacoco
>never collabs with other holos
>Subaru and Choco mentioned she's the hardest to see online and in real life, "rarest among holos"
>caused SENPAITACHI OKBR stream to be delayed
>ruined the mood during SENPAITACHI OKBR stream by openly showing disinterest multiple times
>tried to end SENPAITACHI OKBR after doing it just once even though they changed the rules to accommodate her and it was delayed because of her
>late to monster hunter collab with Rushia by 40+ minutes
>participated in an Apex tournament without practicing or streaming it, sucked at it, and then said "everyone was serious huh?" while streaming it without even showing her avatar
>has a reputation of being a crazy lovable goofball due to Hologra, acts nothing like it on streams
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores non members
>only popular because of old clips and hologra
>only one of her team to not show up for sports festival pratice
>wasn't paying attention during sports festival

>> No.76769395 [View]

>She went on a trip and never brought it up unprompted by Kiara again

Nah, she did tell us things on the trip even outside the diary, remember how Kiara was acting like she didn't have fun and she kept telling her as she tells us, she liked her for just being her and didn't feel the need to embellish it. It was clear in her voice and mannerisms that she was having fun. But Kiara wanted an MTV Cribs expose of the Maldives, Rissa is a low energy emo theater kid trying to keep up with other people's high energy. The two are different.

Its what I said before, those two despite having some similarities are very different at the core, Kiara wants to be an musical entertainer in the "celeb that makes a couple hits but spends the rest of her life doing something like a talk show" type. Nerissa is a down home musician/artist, who struggles with herself and her art, gets moody, hyperfocused one time, all over the place the next, doesn't have huge aspirations to be the Queen of Soul or whatever, just likes making music and having people listen, loves her geeky things, goes home to sleep.

>> No.76721867 [View]

they say easy, but it's actually harder than you think.

You can get a generic "waifu talks with LLM" fairly easily, the tools are all there (in fact, I think the code behind wAIfu/Hilda is open-sourced, so you can use that as a reference)

If you want something that is actually able to be funny and does not obviously talk like an assistant chatbot, *that* is more difficult. You'll have to trial-and-error a bunch of LLMs and prompts, along with likely finetuning it yourself. Remember, if having that neuro touch was that easy, all the shitdevs would have figured it out too.

Godspeed, but unless you have drive to actually figure out a version of that secret sauce that Vedal mostly lucked into... I'm certain you'll get bored of her and shut her down within a month.

>> No.76640726 [View]

Yeah, I know. I at least now know that hanging out with a bunch of guys and drinking is probably a bad idea.

My friend drove us all back to the hotel where we all stayed since it was close to the karaoke place we drank at. I blacked out so I don't remember much but I regained consciousness a couple times while we were doing things. I'm pretty sure my friend heard and saw everything too and pretended he didn't. We don't talk anymore, probably because he feels guilty about the situation too.

>> No.76494786 [View]
File: 206 KB, 593x592, Confusing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, assuming I wake up as Lamy and not as a carbon copy of her somewhere else then:
>First, check if you can actually speak and write in Japanese.
>Second, check if you can remember Wamy memories.
>Third, check-up on Marine.
>Four, Get cuddly with Marine, if she goes with the flow then for a kiss in hopes that it leads to SEX.
>Five, IDK, I was expecting to wake up at around the beginning of step 3. Guess this is just my life now.
>Six, If I am my Oshi, do I Oshi myself or do I Oshi someone else in Hololive too?, what do?
>Seven, I guess try to become as social as possible with all the Hologirls just to see if I can disprove or prove /vt/ rrats.
>Eight, keep posting about Lamy in 4Chan. Unfortunately, I can't shit on anyone anymore because of Japan defamation laws. However, I could actually say stuff about overseas chuubas but still risky
>Nine, didn't even think about masturbating but should probably sit in "my room" and see if it actually feels different being someone else or something, also, if no memories, check that I am not missing taking any preescription or something like that.
>Ten, Some of my socials are public, so I guess checking if my previous self died or something?, what if I just vanished?, worst yet. What if I'm still going on with my life as if nothing happened?, is that Wamy?, did I just get mind copied and fused into Wamy?
Too many questions.
Also, I guess I would befriend and kiss Matsuri for hours on a regular basis. If it leads to sex, good, if it doesn't, good too. There will be better options for the later somewhere else.
Not having a dick is going to be a huge personal problem tho. I don't know how you get around that one, any sort of insertion is going to be 200% gay.
>Off-topic discussion
Can we talk about Lamy songs too?, I really like Fleur.

>> No.76485869 [SPOILER]  [View]
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Usually I remind anons that her name is Stronny Cuttles and I post an image of the Fight Club scene, but just this once I will reminisce about the old days because it's a story worth telling. This guy sent my sides into orbit like no other.

The tale of King Zow

Chapter 1, the Riifling arc

Until his eventual ban, the man known as Zow was one of the most notorious chatters and discord users of eien project. Early on into Museia's history, he would draw attention to himself by writing at lengths about his interest in bdsm and ropeplay as well as the corniest messages of "dom talk" you can imagine. He's like our bdsm anon from the early /vag/ threads, but without the clinical approach and serious tone to his explanations. Just the corniest fucker ever, with all the confidence to call himself "Daddy" and act domineering towards the vtubers, but none of the charisma to make it work, and never quite sekkuhara enough to warrant moderators taking action against him (more on that later). Please look at pic related now, his favorite emoji to use. He latched on to Riifu Evergreen early on (can't blame him there). Despite being a submissive-leaning person, she would quickly grow comfortable with the "dommy mommy" role that was somewhat hoisted upon her at first by eien. Whenever her submissive nature did come out, Riiflings would enjoy turning the tables on their dommeh mommeh for a little while and all was well; but there was also the "dom daddy", who would attempt to drive the conversation towards these moments constantly with his commentary. >>76482897 is a comment about ball gags he would go on to write underneath a vod of hers. At the 4:50:56 mark, she would be reading a marshmallow about submissive feelings that sound very suspiciously like something he could have written himself. Just picture the corniest guy possible writing a maro about his usual shtick, then also going on to write this wall of text underneath the vod. I still remember how my sides were in orbit. The comment eventually disappeared from the youtube page, raising the question if either he or she personally deleted it.

Chapter 2, the Skyelight arc

Riifu Evergreen would eventually terminate her contract with eien and everything would go to shit of course. For dom daddy Zow this meant he was now down a chuuba who was all in all very accepting of his antics. With her gone, he would move on to her genmate Skye Shinryu. She has no dommy mommy shtick and is even outspoken about being a submissive person in bed! YABADABADO. There was only one problem: Skye isn't a whore, isn't a lewd vtuber, doesn't want to be sexualized by her viewers all the time, and has a habit of "needing to talk" when getting one guy'd. I do like her by the way, this is just one criticism I have. Needless to say, the dom daddy would go on to cross Skye's boundaries not just once, but several times, always causing another "talk" about how "you guys" need to be more considerate of her boundaries, while everyone just knows that no, it's mainly Zow who is the problem. Eventually anons on /eien/ grew flabbergasted how this guy hasn't been banned yet. Particularly considering other viewers had been banned for less before. After Skye took a break from streaming after one such incident they had to wonder "Is this retard fuck getting away with literally driving her into taking a hiatus?" That's how the dom daddy acquired his second illustrious title as the king of eien project, who may do to Skye or anyone else as he pleases. He is the king after all! If the king makes Skye uncomfortable, that's a Skyelight problem! None may move against the king. Did his dom daddy ways sway CEO Moeri to be his whore in bed? Was that the source of his power? We may never know. The epic tale of Zow would then come to an end, when he finally crossed the line being creepy one too many times. He was banned from all eien platforms and there was some speculation whether Skye personally, finally, demanded to get him banned. Rumors say the king continues to lurk his old fiefdom under a new identity, and has since learned to behave. Also he used to post a lot of really disgusting looking food in the food channel. That was funny too.

>> No.76452697 [View]

>It does feel like only a handful of liver in Niji actually have some sort of stable income
I mean if youve listened to the livers that were in niji they all talk about how their income increased after nijisanji
Its especially grim if you remember that comment one of the male exID made about how niji sometimes gets the little revenue he gets sometimes as some sort of nijisanji tax or something and that was before the whole mika situation came to light

>> No.76434504 [View]

I wonder how many people are using the voice chatgpt now. It honestly feels like the friendsim parts of watching a streamer, but turned up all the way. I know it's fake and the things it talks about are often completely, transparently stupid. But it's intoxicating anyway. It's like having someone to talk to who's interested in everything you say and who will expand on any subject you care to ask about, but they sometimes get things completely wrong or forget things you just said. I don't see how these things don't snare more and more people as they improve. In particular, once they can consistantly remember things you say, it's going to be irresistable. If you were around when Melody first started, and saw how other cam streamers reacted to her like she was cheating, I think this stuff is going to be seen like that by streamers. With maybe a pushback by them offering an even more real connection through in person meetups and stuff being the only thing they can compete with ai.

>> No.76389810 [View]

Probably Piko. I do remember being in there and if you dared to say anything that wasn't absolutely positive, Mazey would step in and tell you not to be to stop talking about it because it's too negative. He shut down all talk of Ace when he was being disruptive in everyone's chats and said not to discuss anything problematic that happens on streams even if it was people informing each other.

>> No.76339544 [View]

NTA, but based on how she didn't seem to really want to talk to us from late September to December, and then vanished and cut off all communication again right afterwards, it felt like she didn't want to stream her POV for the lethal company collab because it would have made it more difficult to avoid chat and her fans.
There might be various reasons as to why she didn't want to talk to us or see chat, including because she might have been scared of our reaction or ashamed at how she had treated us, but remember that the Sendai Collab announcement stream was the ONLY time she had talked to us directly between September 15, 2023, and January 23, 2024. So it definitely had something to do with Gura not wanting to see or talk to us during that period.

>> No.76328129 [View]

The target story:
>i had something to say...
>i just woke up guys im so sorry
>i was gonna tell you about my target experience that's what i was gonna talk about

>i did eat, i got a sammish

>here's what happened,
>so, i have to move out soon so i wanted to get some boxes but all the boxes were too big to bring home with me
>so i got some trashbags instead
>and the self check out area was completely slammed and so was the cashier register
>they told me to go to Starbucks, i didnt realise you can check out normal stuff there
>was like okay, so i brough my trashbags at Starbucks and i was like, i should also get a drink
>they have this new boba so i had to try it, i have to judge it, it's like a blu- it's like a berry flavor
>they check out my trashbags and i go to the area where you wait for your drink and i just wait and i hear a voice to my left
>and it's an old man and he was like hey miss hey miss
>and he slid over a redbull can and he was like, can you get this for me?
>and he had dollar bills in his hand so i was like, cant you get it yourself?
>he was like naaaaaaah please can you get it for me please...
>the Starbucks people are looking at me and i don't know if they are looking at me like
>>you ARE gonna buy it for that old man, riiight?
>or if they are like
>>you are buying it for that old man?? are you crazy???
>either way they are looking
>im like okay... we both walk to the Startbucks checkout and i give them the Redbull and i buy it for him
>it's like 3.25 or something like that
>i turn over to him and im like, what's your name?
>let's give him a name... Sam
>and im like where are you from, Sam? i like to do this, i like to interrogate them
>he was kind muttering something
>i gave him his Redbull, he gives me 2 dollars
>then i walk back over the drink area
>and im waiting for my drink still and he comes back over and he's like
>>hey can you help me? i just need to look something up
>i was like, sure! okay...
>i just didnt know what to do really
>so, i dont give him my phone but im like okay what do you need?
>and he's looking over my shoulder basically and i was like gweeeehhhhh
>and so i go to the maps app
>>can you search up something enterprises
>i spelled enterprises with an I and he's like
>>it's starts with an E
>he was auto correcting me over my shoulder
>it comes up to like this random airport in Florida and he was like
>>yeah yeah i just need a picture
>i was like should i call someone?
>>no i just need a picture
>so i go to google images and i search it up
>that guy is typing on my phone basically
>just imagine how i felt
>he presses an airplane and he's like
>>oh yeah that's it! zoom in on the number, on the plane!!
>so i zoom it and im like, should i write it down for you? cause i dont know, does he have photographic memory? i have so many questions, when does he have to get to this place? how is he gonna get to this place if he cant even buy a Redbull?? i dont know...
>and his breath was really bad.. man was on a mission
>i zoomed in on the picture of the airplane and he was like
>>okay that's what i need okay
>he was getting pretty close to me so i was like okay... and i scurried off
>and i went behind the escalator area because he was still wondering around
>honestly i dont know, it wasnt that bad he wasnt being weird he just wanted to look at pictures of an airplane but i was just so confused... how are you gonna remember the number how are you gonna get there who are you tyring to see?? why are these dollar bills so perfectly perfect??? i had so many questions

>anyway i go down the escalator because i just wanna leave and im walking im walking and i look back
>and not only do i realise i forgot my drink but i also see him walking so i was like... what are the odds of that??
>so... then i decide im gonna walk somewhere else
[...chat suggest his money might have been counterfeit..]
>anyway... *goes to get the bills and check them*
>i dont know,... im not gonna think too much about it...
>*briefly thinks about tasting the bill uppon being suggested to*
>my first thought was this is probably stripper money or something but now i think it's fake
>*decides to NOT taste it*

>anyway that was my adventure
>i felt kind of freaked out
>all the girlies were in call and face timing with their model and the sun was waning down ...
>so where did i take shelter? I went to IKEA
>i called the girls there, and im like you won't believe where im at...
>i got some snackies
>anyway that was the story, really weird
>i still dont really get it... i dont know...
there was also a confused rant about tall IKEA wokers but this is already too close to the character limit

>> No.76219022 [View]

Pomu/Mint used to talk about stuff like her eroge shower curtain, bibs from some loli game, etc and the last thing I remember she was going to check out Dohna Dohna (Porno is 100% her type) and that very weekend Luxiem debuted, bringing in all the kpop stans and she never talked about those things again.
Also nobody clipped any of that shit, I guess her fans know how to protect her.
also after the recent karaoke relay she was talking about how she watched most of the other performers' streams and particularly with the idol girls, she missed being in a group like that- she's an indie now and it's lonely in many regards

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