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>> No.79131062 [View]
File: 234 KB, 1659x1802, 1719275438063448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's design isn't even eye catching compared to every other vtuber. She's just a plain anime girl with white hair and shark teeth (tons of chubas have that so it's not even unique). And doesn't wear the iconic hoodie. Gura is also the most COVERED UP vtuber girl at least in her default state. She has bad rigging. She's not the life of the party type girl, instead she's noticeably scared to say certain things and there's a lot of dead air, more than most vtubers. She's not ambitious and is a doormat for everyone except Shion who she out-bratted on stream. She is not skilled at games except rhythm games. She's not known for drawing skills and even though she's good at singing by untrained standards, her only original song doesn't showcase that talent. Her true singing talent only comes up mostly when she sings American oldies and certain classics.

Gura's success is mostly through clips, like anon has pointed out. But to be fair to be her, many of those clips are pretty entertaining which is why they spawn so much fan material. I do like that she featured her fans on that new song cover and they got to be on a song about a loli talking to lolicons.

>> No.79089979 [View]
File: 82 KB, 275x210, 1718403345640420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to a study/survey made on twitter, the fanbases with more hags are Takos, Hoomans and Teamates.
In that order.

>> No.79080625 [View]

As a hooman who lived through this in Council debut times. I expect my fav justice girl to reach bigger numbers. It's like the gura killer curse but actually a blessing. Sisters, trollers, the more you gang on a girl with talent, great model and charming personality, the more dedicated their fanbase becomes. Dumb ass bitches.
Exhibit A: Dragoons.

>> No.79075375 [View]

Whatever the fuck Justice fans are...

>> No.79070414 [View]
File: 12 KB, 225x225, gurathonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similarities between Gigi and Gura:
>monster teeth, hoodie, and tail.
>bird version of bloop
>fan critter looks like an ebi
>"You can't be mad at me, I'm funny."
Do you think Gigi likes Gura or is Cover using Gura as a template?

>> No.79050227 [View]

It's like if your family, friends, and SO liked seeing you in that hoodie, so you alter it, remove the school logo, and put in some inspirational quote to make that hoodie yours and satisfy your social group at the same time.
I'm not a fan of the new design either, but a large part of her fans are the same as when she is Selen (and another part would prefer it just for the memes). They are going to prefer seeing "Selen back" in a sense, so Doki's going to respond to their wishes as well. She's an entertainer, so the opinions of her fans are going to matter to her in the end.

>> No.79048093 [View]

With how backends work for streaming services, the only actual barriers to international customers are site localization (which 90% of sites used by cover don't do anyway, unless they make their own site in house which has to use a separate EN page), and payment gateway processing, which under the hood isn't a big hurdle since so many solutions handle international payments out of the box. Hell you could just integrate paypal into your application and it does all the conversions for you.

Any sponsor that wouldn't be interested in supporting overseas customer for a group like nepolabo is either just lazy or dumb, since out of JP groups as a whole, they got a ton of international fans. It's silly to just leave that profit on the table, but hey maybe they have shitty market research that told them to do otherwise.

>> No.79045588 [View]

>Never understood while the mongrol races of Unitedstatians would call anyone poor.
It's because Western Yuropoors went from 90% of average amerimutt's disposable income to 70% over the last decade and a half and that includes hood niggers and undocumented spics for team mutt, yuropoors are actually half as affluent as White Americans. Average German is to an American what a fucking Slav is to a German. Don't even get me started on Southern Euros. Thanks, EU.
>It's not like there are any hololive fans in Eastern Europe.
You'd be surprised.

>> No.79039857 [View]

just give up you inbred
>In which she didn't show them the video until the last day. For a date she created, by the way
You are actually a brainless fucking subhuman if you genuinely believe this, Nobody as anal about getting projects done as selen clearly fucking was would leave that shit to chance, She knows niji management are worthless 7$ an hour ESLs, The work ethic she has shown for YEARS disproves this retarded argument to anyone with eyes
>Believe it or not, Christmas is still a holiday people celebrate in Japan. Which people take break days on.
Literally false, Nobody but expat gaijins give a fuck about KFC day
>That has all the evidence in the world supporting it
It has LITERALLY Z E R O evidence supporting it but go off sis
>including the manager themselves saying so in a private conversation?
That isn't what they fucking said insect, If you genuinely believe that cropped fucking chunk of a convo was the FIRST EVER TIME they had heard of this project or seen the video you are beyond retarded and it is a wonder your body functions enough for you to be able to post
No meds exist that can cure nijiniggerism little miss rotten cunt
>And not Selen for not showing staff the video for HER project last minute?
She would literally NEVER do that, After all the other times she was screwed over?, Fuck no you'd have to be beyond retarded, Even the stupidest newest recruit would know better, I know you want selen to be a lazy retard for your fantasy to work but it just isn't reality
>Neck yourself
You first fucktard
>And every other Vtuber doesn't throw a fit when their cover has to be delayed because of perm issues
Every other vtuber doesn't have their cover delayed by a branch of fucking snakes trying to oust the golden goose out of the branch due to jealousy and meangirl clique spite
>That she immediately threw under the bus for pity points
She has never said a negative word about any of the organs or even the company itself since her first tweet, Which points the finger straight at management and NONE of the organs, Nijisanji are the ones who threw their own organs under the bus, along with elira outing herself enna and millie needlessly when NOBODY was blaming them before the black screen stream
>Those totally real leaks? The ones that make Selen look like a petty drama queen that spills shit to her secret discord?
The ones with the exact same discord cosmetic she has as doki?, The ones that paint her as someone at the end of her rope because she knows all her co-workers are worthless fucking snakes and she has no one else to talk to but the PEOPLE WHO WORKED ON THE PROJECT THAT WILL NEVER BE RELEASED?
>What a retarded argument. You're basically saying that mentally ill people are totally trustworthy sources of information and never lie. Might as well give a gun to a serial killer.
?????????????? That isn't what i am saying at all, Also doki isn't mentally fucking ill, She isn't even confirmed to actually have BPD as she deleted all those self diagnosed tweets that you doxxing maggots dug up for fuel to add to your fire, Even if she DID have BPD nijisanji literally outed themselves by admitting to the crimes before doki even said a single word
>Proof? Everyone has perm shit happen to them, they don't cry about it on Twitter and throw the company into a bonfire
"Covid huh?" "Daddy's gonna kill himself over his sex ASMRs" "I really wanted to be apart of the basketball collab but i wasn't chosen"
>They don't cry about it on Twitter
Yeah fucking right, And selen was fucked over for bullshit reasons, jealousy and spite and was rugpulled when she did everything she was supposed to do and was STILL fucked over regardless
>And I guess defending yourself from an attack is assault.
Nobody ever attacked them, Doki literally never mentioned a single liver's name or accused any of them of anything, The ONLY reason everyone blames elira enna millie and the other faggots like vox and luca is because they fucking outed themselves
>And they totally didn't push it back to make sure it was before the Riku statement.
The riku statement came a full fucking hour after it, it STILL would have been before it at the original time you shit eating pagpag
>Genuine schizophrenic
Yes you are and that explains everything
>That's funny, because Doki said the same thing. But here you faggots are, leaving hate comments in chats and comment sections.
Oh no shitposting on /here/ when the entire western world hates nijiniggers and their fetid organs for their retardation, oh boo hoo hoo, Doki isn't responsible for normies or existing niji antis using her against her expressed wishes to shitpost against you worthless subhumans and your equally worthless organs
>No evidence
There is plenty of evidence and all of it was provided by nijisanji them-fucking-selves in their retarded attempts at controlling the narrative, NOTHING crumbles, Fucking KILL YOURSELF you worthless inbred nigger

>> No.79030587 [View]

And hoomans, saplings, pebbles, novelites, chattinos, CC fans and GG fans (don't know if they have any fan names yet)

>> No.79024120 [View]

>Overwatch 2
>that's it
Listen man even if she were FWMC levels of hating stars that would be impossible to come back from for a fan, even Hoomans suffer deeply when Overschlock comes on the menu

>> No.78976038 [View]

I'm not a Holofag but I'll say Advent fans are the most tolerable and friendliest Holofags I've interacted with. Hoomans are a close second.

>> No.78973656 [View]

GG has gpu fans on her hoodie

>> No.78945224 [View]

Further ideas:

The fancy date can be at the theatre or the opera.

Saruei walking through the streets of Paris with you, at night. It's raining

Saruei selling her work at a fancy art gallery. All her paintings are naked self portraits

Maybe she's murdering you after you had sex. You are both naked in bed.

Saruei's Oshi(Calli???) modelling naked for her. She's painting her.

Saruei is a football hooking fighting.

Saruei as a musketeer. Try to make her outfit slutty.

As you can see, I don't know much about her apart from the fact that she's french and an assassin.

>> No.78914925 [View]
File: 183 KB, 1000x1000, 1709747957680260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man they seem to really enjoy the invisible war larp. Unironically though, what do they mean? Are they on the hololive leddit? If so, then it's entirely larp given that they can't do anything to him, the mods are straight up just not gonna ever ban the guy, he's an actual fan and he spends to much. If they mean IRL then hoo boy, beggars can tack on
>actual crimes
to their list of sins.

>> No.78903354 [View]

i’m going to add fans to the sleeves of that hoodie

>> No.78849115 [View]

I member she kept and treasured gifts from fans
Didn't she wear some fluffy hoodie all the time that was a gift

>> No.78845284 [View]

I kinda want to ask if Gigi's hoodie fans waft her smell all over everything around her, but ehhh

>> No.78807586 [View]

I mean playing the victim is the #1 card in the playbook of these types, is it not? She's just getting ahead of the game and rallying her people. Best for cgdct fans to just completely ignore her and hope she at least keeps her "unity" activities away from the other girls who aren't interested, because any too public/containment breaking hate she gets just fuels the victim hood/martyr narrative. Double your support for the cgdct girls instead.

>> No.78771762 [DELETED]  [View]

Why does she have cooling fans on her hoodie?

>> No.78705823 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 924 KB, 850x1280, IMG_7141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offkai 2025 was special for many people, but especially for Flandzen. He put in an application for a stall this year that would display his VTuber works that he was so proud of. His favorite moments were seeing his art bought by his muses. Nue, Geltaran, Eraxs, Azu, and even Gumpai and Denpa had come to buy copies of the portraits he had lovingly crafted for them.
It was an almost fantastical experience, but there was one thing that bummed him out, Chaki. It was the last day and she hadn’t bought her own portrait he had made. This was expected of course, she had said she wasn’t coming to Offkai for privacy and opsec reasons, but it still was a bit disappointing to see everyone but her buy his art.
“Hello… Hello!” Flandzen snapped out of his trance. He had been lost in thought that he didn’t notice a customer right in front of his booth. It was a short girl, wearing a face mask and a dark grey hoodie. With the hood up, all he could make out were her pink eyes. Even her hair was under a band that hid it. This wasn’t too strange of a getup. Flandzen had seen stranger through the weekend.
He apologized and asked in his thick accent if she was looking to purchase. “T-that one” came muffled through her mask. She was pointing at a Chaki painting. Not a big surprise. Those were selling fast. She quietly paid in cash and hurried away, leaving Flandzen to daydream more until he closed up shop for the final time this con.

It was late and Flandzen had a long flight back that he didn’t want to deal with. It would be something for tomorrow. Flandzen went back to his hotel room he was staying in. He could have stayed with friends, but he enjoyed having his own space, that nobody could interrupt.
His relaxation was interrupted by a knock at his door. Visitors weren’t too unusual since he told his friends his room, but this late? He silently cursed himself for giving that out. This was supposed to be his private place. He opened the door to find the short girl with the grey hoodie standing in front of him, soaked.
“I heard you were staying here. I got locked out, and it’s raining, and I heard you were closeby.”
The ratboy was stunned. Why would a random fan have come to him? She noticed the surprise in his eyes and quickly pulled off her mask and hood so he would understand. Her pink ponytail fell behind her and her bangs fell over her left, showing that his was Chakimoji, without a doubt.
Now stunned in a different way, Flandzen began sputtering, trying to ask questions as his ESL failed him. Instead of answering, she simply asked if she could come in.
The room was fairly simple. There was a single bed for one, along with a couch. Flandzen hadn’t been planning on sharing. He sat on the couch, letting Chaki take the bed. Once the first bout of awkwardness faded, the two of them started to talk into the night. They talked about their offkai experiences, Chaki getting locked out, the art he had made for her, meeting their friends, and whatever else came to mind. Very quickly, Flandzen lost all care for his ‘private place’. He just enjoyed talking with Chaki.
Eventually, Chaki got up and moved to the couch Fland was on, sitting next to him so she could show him pictures she had taken on her phone while he did the same. The longer they talked however, the more tired the two of them became. Fland could see her eyelids closing as she spoke to him. “Are you alright?” he asked. “I’m fine. Just tired. I’ll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane tomorrow. Sorry do you mind if I-?” Chaki leaned over and laid her head on the rat’s lap. “Sorry, just until we’re done talking, y’know?”
Flandzen was in no way able to talk. He was still trying to figure out where to put his hands. They were stiffly held in the air like a statue. Chaki noticed this and giggled. “You look silly. If you need to move your arms, you can pet my head, you know…”
Flandzen nervously complied. His shaky hands almost robotically ran themselves across the top of her head, making sure to avoid the extra pair of eyes in her hair. Her hair was silky smooth and he didn’t want to mess it up. It almost felt like he was unworthy of touching her hair. He could see her smiling at how cautious he was. Slowly, he moved his hands more, becoming more confident. He quickly grew proud of himself, gently rubbing her head, but when he leaned over to check on her, he realized she had already fallen asleep with a smile on her face. Flandzen was happy. He leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep as well, knowing he would wake up still happy.

>> No.78631030 [View]

Because shes a retarded whore and cucks her fans for comiket ojisans and hoop king

>> No.78621818 [View]

Its not promise fans, it is just hoomans and saplings.

>> No.78619720 [View]

So dollfags are designated insufferable fanbase of Justice like Saplings, Hoomans, and Ruffians.

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