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Search: The streams enjoyable

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>> No.77337008 [View]

This. I am personally a fan of the usual ASMR triggers tapping in particular rattles my brain but the zatsu bits are also enjoyable and really make it feel more intimate like anon said. Hopefully Immy keeps in at least bit of yapping during her ASMR streams going forward. I'm listening in because of her first and foremost, the ASMR part is secondary in this situation.

>> No.77224117 [View]
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I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.76866708 [View]

Lumi is unironically a great streamer.
She streams very many hours and stays entertaining the whole time. I don't watch much because I'm not a Europoor, but when I do she's enjoyable.

Also she's cute as fuck

>> No.76839382 [View]

i found this one on vtubing styles pretty neat, besides combining different paces with different styles he also defines each style towards the end of the performance at 01:53:26
other than that
this one's on self-imposed challenges
these are on dealing with children, wether irl or in your chatroom
this one can help with making kusoge streams enjoyable

>> No.76774137 [View]

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having an oshi. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are watching, cheering and donating to a girl for years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little oshi- cheering her up in chat, making her hydrate on time, making sure she had a healthy posture, educating her in what are good games, playing games with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect oshi? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has an oshi, you are LITERALLY dedicating years of your life simply to raise a chuuba for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically. None of these women will ever fuck you and most of them are already fucking someone else no matter how hard you try to convince yourself otherwise.
If you like someone's streams - watch them but don't delude yourself into thinking there's something more going on between you.
Never has been. Never will be.

>> No.76634735 [View]

idk about you anons, at first it was annoying, but I finally learn to love the Gura seethes whenever she's around. It's actually enjoyable going back and forth against them because you don't have to think anything deep for Gura, you just use her numbers and you win majority of the time
>She's not entertaining
Use ccv
>She hates her fans
Use ccv
>She barely streams
Use comeback stream ccv
>She's irrelevant
Use sold out merch
>And if someone uses HoloJP
Say Holo vs Holo
I just loop these in ANY THREADS and I have the last laugh most of the time KEK

>> No.76611655 [View]
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I find the girls fun, and the streams enjoyable

>> No.76562045 [View]

Thanks. Im new to Clara. Caught plenty of clips of her and enjoyed them. She's super enjoyable so far! Ive seen 3 streams from the beginning and noticed it.

>> No.76390507 [View]

First, you need to work a bit on your clarity, only the 2nd part of this was easy to understand. I'm guessing you're still shy and emotional so you're afraid to speak up, so I picked a theme you seemed interested in to help you out, and it kind of did. This works for streams as well btw, if you talk about something you're passionate about, you'll feel more comfortable streaming, and your audience, even if small, will find the stream more enjoyable.
>Do you want me to try to be more masculine?
No silly, anons (well, most of them) *don't* want you to be trans, but the Internet culture is such that without posting your body+timestamp as proof, people will believe you're either trans, pretending, or both.
This. Try not to drag this out for too long, anons don't have infinite patience, and you're lucky this thread hasn't been pruned already. Either deliver tits and post socials for people to follow, or you'll lose your chance.

>> No.76321605 [View]

>Normal enjoyable streams replaced with the girls talking to fat groomers and fucking about with poorly made 3d models that don't even work

>> No.76217462 [View]

if she does anything streaming related after hololive it'll just be a repeat of every time before. a short enjoyable period at the start where she streams regularly then the excuses and complete internet avoidance begin

>> No.76109556 [View]

Ploppy Plappy and Employee of the Month have been good streams. Whether or not they're good games, though... Then again, one of the most enjoyable streams I can recall was Pineapple on Pizza.

>> No.76074502 [View]
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Otsonny! Thanks for the working out VR stream husband! The stream should be titled Super Cute not Super Hot lol! I was really excited for the stream because I've been wanting to see you play VR games using your chibi model and it did not disappoint! It was enjoyable seeing you move around, evading bullets shooting guys punching and kicking! It was funny seeing how big you are compared to the enemies it's like a big baby wrecking havoc... I truly had fun watching chibi cam despite it being so small I have to squint my eyes hard to look at it better.. This kind of setup is truly great! I'm glad we finally got this out of the bag after a long time... I can't wait for more VR game streams in the future! Congratulations on beating the game! We've finished Super Hot 1 and 2 and now the VR version ! remember watching you playing Super Hot during your first year but I can no longer remember how you sounded like back then kek I kinda want to revisit and compare to see the difference. Thank you for the supa yomi time! Being in a tiny enclosed space with chibi sani is truly an experience... It felt like I was a bug watching you from your ceiling or something... I love it so much ueueu the dynamic effect you put on was really cool as well it's really giving the immersion that we are inside the cramped room watching you read supas and expressing your enjoyment of the stream. My takeaway from this stream is that chibisani is the CUTEST! Being able to see the way you were bobbing your head, the way your hands were moving all the over place and your random body movements are something I treasure a lot T o T why are you so cute? It's not fair for an almost 30 year old man to be this adorable! I wanna eat you up and chop you into pieces! chibisani is a gift from God, a cure to depression and war!

Thank you again for the very fun stream! I love chibi sani the most! I will fight everyone for chibi sani! I will give chibi sani all my mortal possessions! Ah chibi sani is my one true love! Please hava good rest and don't forget to shower stinky chibi sani... Don't lie on your bed with your sweat filled body please as much as I love you smell your stinky stinky body, we need to keep the sheets clean! Can't wait for hopefully, the finale of Bug Fables next week. Im slowly counting down the time we have left with you before you go to Japan... ueueue love you sosomuch husband! tell chibi sani i love him the most chuuu!

>> No.76013583 [View]

She uploads 4-5 ASMR videos per week and an additional ASMR upload every other week. I prefer her zatsudan streams, as they feel more personal; she usually does one or two of these each week. I highly recommend her Fan Fiction Friday streams. In total, she streams about nine times a week. She’s not great at gaming, and while I find this endearing, she might not be the best choice if you're passionate about video games. She streams games once a week, sometimes more if collaborating with others. She also replies to everyone on Twitter and YouTube, which is a nice touch. If you’re willing to spend a bit, her debut voice pack is a good buy—20 minutes of her expressing affection for just $3.
She's a nervous Korean theatre kid who loves writing and acting. She doesn’t swear much, except when playing video games, and she's not particularly bright. However, she's very caring and friendly. Be prepared for her love of LARPing, which makes it hard to distinguish between her real personality and her act, but this adds an enjoyable dynamic to her performance. It’s something you need to experience through a few streams to fully understand. She has started opening up more recently as her debut month ended.
Her voice is her best selling point. She has a remarkable ability to manipulate it, with plenty of unique expressions like "uuuu," "aaaaah," "eeeh," and "HUH?!?" that stick in your mind for days. Her voice is somewhat high-pitched, but I find it delightful. She can effortlessly shift the mood with just her voice.

Of course, I can only sing her high praises as I’m deeply in love with my ghost wife, but you should definitely give her a try. She might not be for everyone, but for me, she's perfect.

>> No.75940364 [View]
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>countless karaoke streams
>its always the same 10 songs
why does she do this??? if I have to hear "THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST" one more time I'm going to kick a puppy.
I really wish holos put more effort into karaoke streams. It takes so little effort to make them more enjoyable and interesting but none of them bother. The most they'll do is stick to a genre.

>> No.75869506 [View]

Look, I get the choice, I'm just not thrilled about it. Biboo makes all streams enjoyable, but she's gonna have to do a lot more heavy lifting here.

>> No.75707048 [View]

>Who is your favorite vtuber?
>Who is your least favorite vtuber?
Probably Nyanners because of how hard she fell off. I used to like her streams a lot during the era before she was a vtuber when people thought she was dead. Rarely used facecam, rarely had any drama, wasn't always collabing with some annoying bitch or her boyfriend. Just a girl playing games, it was great. Modern Nyanners makes me want to throw up.
>Do you enjoy cooking streams?
I have never seen one.
>Do you enjoy just chatting streams?
>Do you enjoy talkshow streams?
Aren't these the same shit? When I hosted them yeah. Listening to other people's discord call isn't really fun though.
>Do you prefer live, or VOD?
Live. Another thing that I never understood was religious VOD watchers. I get that Rebel has a deeply rooted mental illness but I don't see how other people find it enjoyable. Most of the fun of live streams is the live part, that's why it's acceptable for streams to be so fucking long and have such long stretches where there's nothing going on. It's great to get to take a break while it's live but I know that it's really annoying to keep fast forwarding through all of that shit after the fact. The only time I ever watched VODs was to review my own streams that I had mentally timestamped.
>Have you ever donated?
I've donated, gifted subs, bought merch and personal gifts for a bunch of different vtubers. To date, I've probably put well over $1000 into the vtubing community but people will say I'm the worst thing to ever happen to it. It's funny honestly because I know the people saying that about are third world leechandys that have never spent a dime on their "oshi".

>> No.75614058 [DELETED]  [View]

>self loathing
He's really not. Do you people even watch streams? It feels like you just arbitrarily attach random shit to people and just cyclically confirm it to yourself. Someone being quiet doesn't mean they're depressed and suicidal and just complaining all the time. People watch him because hes enjoyable to watch.

>> No.75603192 [View]

So is the stream just gonna be them yapping about random stuff? The last few streams were that too and it's enjoyable for a bit but every stream?

>> No.75533979 [View]

Or, from the standpoint of someone who isn't a retard:
>Kronii has some enjoyable streams with her coworkers, same as any other stream
>autistic "fans" flip their shit, and she tries to meet them halfway
>the retards still don't let up, so she says "fuck these dumbasses"
>meanwhile, coworkers have their own issues with the company and negotiations go south
>afterwards, Kronii, not wanting to trigger the autists again and being obligated not to discuss internal corporate matters anyway, is determined to avoid the topic as any rational human being would

There's no way to spin this that doesn't make the shit-flipping unicorn sperglords the bad guys.

>> No.75488062 [View]

Hi this is Seth. I know that we at MSM have a lot of work to do to regain the community’s trust. We no longer have a blacklist policy, And we have written and sent letters of apology to all the vtubers we have wronged or excluded. And that’s just the beginning. I’m excited to announce our new Sethpoints program. You can earn Sethpoints for every minute you spend watching any of the streams from our diverse stable of MSM talents. Sethpoints can be redeemed for MSM merch such as a signed print of that fanart featuring me surrounded by adoring MSM tubers. We hope that exciting initiatives like Sethpoints will demonstrate to the community that MSM is serious About providing an enjoyable and inclusive environment for everybody!

>> No.75476231 [View]

Pippa was great today. Her gaming streams are so much better when she is just having fun instead of doing the "play game wrong and scream a lot" shtick. Great/10
Maybe it's because I expected absolutely nothing but it's really not bad. Also the blonde chick was hot. Hope she finishes it/10
Very enjoyable/10

>> No.75463091 [View]

There is no way to change her. That's not how relationships work.
Gura is done with streaming and caring about us. It's over.
She will never be like she used to be because we aren't important to her anymore. Her life circumstances have obviously changed to where the people in her life and the time she spends off-stream are way more enjoyable to her than spending time with us. The only thing she wants from her fans now is money and she knows she will get that regardless if she streams or not.

So your options at this point are to either move on and leave or collectively do something to stop her from taking advantage of you and everyone else by forcing her to leave hololive instead.
There is no scenario where she cares about us ever again. You simply do not matter to her and so there is nothing you can say that will convince her to stream more. You don't even mean enough to her for her to even attempt to explain what's going on or give seldom updates. Gura simply doesn't care and she knows you're weak and will continue to give her money no matter how poorly she treats her fans.

She is enjoying her life without you and your sorrow is no concern of hers. She isn't grateful for your support because she doesn't think you deserve any explanation. Conning you, taking your money, and running away as well as who she spends all her time off-stream with are none of your business. She knows you won't ask questions or do anything about it because you're in love with her. She enjoys taking advantage of your commitment.

>> No.75455953 [View]

I mean the Shinkansen 0 stream was supposed to be Spanish only, so there's still hope. But in any case, you should learn Spanish, it'll make the streams more enjoyable

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