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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

Search: I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad

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>> No.69402500 [View]

>Termination notice goes up
>Admits to taking down the music video but also says that Selen lied by saying that management took down the video
>Implies that Selen wanted to leave because she was being harassed by other livers, but she deserved it because she broke the rules
>This is going to be Zaion 2.0
>Selen (now back to being Dokibird) releases statement
>Implies that her absence was due to being gagged by the company, confirming what people already believed
>Alleges harassment from the company, but doesn't specify who
>This means that only Niji is talking about the harassment coming from livers, which now looks like they're throwing the livers under the bus
>Reveals that she was hospitalized for an attempt that Niji tried to cover up
>Zaion 2.0 looks like a picnic now
>No, seriously, I don't think this could've possibly gone worse for Niji
>Like, you don't understand, Doki's statement was (partially on accident) a 360 noscope quadruple headshot through Niji's already battered reputation
>Niji descends into chaos behind closed doors
>We will likely never know exactly what happened behind those doors at this point
>What is safe to say is that conflicting interests and concerns ensure that nobody really grasps how bad the situation is or what the community are so mad about
>Somehow, this madness results in Elira, Vox and Ike (Niji's biggest livers) going on-stream to tear the private document a new one and throw Doki under the bus
>Doki releases new statement (she has no way of knowing the nature of Niji's colossal misunderstanding)
>Is shocked, confirms existence of document but says that livers were never supposed to be told of its existence, much less shown it
>Also expresses concern that her medical records might have been shown to the livers
>Niji management cannot understand why their strategy of painting Selen as the bad guy and then attacking that bad guy is backfiring so badly
>Niji lawyers work their asses off to make sense of fucking anything
>o no
>o fuck
>o shit fuck NO
>Realize that they publicly admitted to showing a private document to people that weren't supposed to see it
>Also realize that they rolled up to a PR fight expecting to land a one-hit KO on a vindictive asshat, actually attacked a downtrodden victim and gloated about it
>Also realize that everything they've done so far looks like they've been using their livers as PR meat shields
>Also realize that Doki is the only person who could possibly quell the masses
>Desperately contact Doki's lawyer so that some kind of de-escalation can be negotiated
>Release statement that is essentially "we didn't do that very bad thing that we admitted to doing, we only did most of the very bad thing that we admitted to doing"
>Doki releases final statement that was approved by both sides
>Statement contains numerous parts that have numerous implications of a give-and-take nature for both sides if you read between the lines
>Statement was translated into Japanese, which was not the case for any of Doki's previous statements
>Heads are about to fucking ROLL
>Niji really only has two options now
>Go radio silent for a VERY long time
>This hinges on the hope that the internet moves on and that enough fans stick around despite everything
>Or they can make the apology to end all apologies
>This hinges on the hope that firing the morons that made this disaster possible and promising to do better will get the public to forgive them and not completely tank their stock
>Are almost certainly going to do the former
>Even so, it's possible that they could actually realize that this all started with their shit management and change for the better
>But probably not
>Community now waiting to see which livers make a break for it, which ones chain themselves to the sinking yacht and what they'll have to say when it becomes clear what they choose

>> No.66445734 [View]
File: 82 KB, 224x224, 1691779852647092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parasocial called schinzz did this
I hope you read this Vei, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy. If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day. If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.66388433 [View]

>an old copypasta from a parasocial
I hope you read this Vei, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy. If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day. If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.66388112 [View]

Just use the archive lmao

>> No.66387842 [View]

I hope you read this GEEGA, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god-awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention-starved, gossip-hungry, shitty dregs of Anthony's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He’s constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you’re doing when you go mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bring up the “that Tony guy”. But it’s not cute, it’s fucking annoying.

I’m not a fan of Anthony. He’s a boring loser. A shit-tier streamer who got successful during a time when NoPixel was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using his friends he made along the way as content. I couldn’t give a shit about him.

I also couldn’t give a shit about who you’re fucking. I don’t really want to hear it whether it’s Tony or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly, that I couldn’t help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care. I’m not some Creature retard. I don’t want to gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You’re professional online clowns, not the hot italian couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isn't going to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you’re upset that you’re getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don’t have problems with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They’re the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your stream with this inane teenage “will-they, won’t-they” bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If Haruka has a boyfriend, I don’t care because her streams are still comfy.

If Zen has a boyfriend, I don’t care because her streams get better by the day.

If Mouse has a boyfriend, even if it’s Connor, I don’t care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every five seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don’t care that you have a boyfriend. They’re mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don’t care about. They’re mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it’s all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he’s somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I’m embarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought Anthony was taking advantage of you pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short period of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you’re too stupid to be worth worrying about.

You seriously need to self-reflect, and realize how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can’t have this attitude that it’s perfect and everyone else should do it the way you’re doing it, when clearly it’s fucking with you, and it’s fucking with your fans. The least you could do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn’t need to be in your discord, he doesn’t need you on his desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have, don’t talk about other streamers. That way when shit hits the fan you might have some fans left.

I just want to get it through to you that what’s happening isn’t normal or healthy, neither professionally or romantically. I’ve had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and the chat have helped through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I’m done. 5 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I’m gone, because of your direct actions. I’m not some parasocial. I’m not mad that you’re not single. I just don’t recognise this anymore, and I’m not interested in what it’s become. It’s not me, it’s you.

-schizz 2

>> No.47613709 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad. Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of Vedal's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that turtle guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.44155088 [View]

I hope you read this Vei, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy. If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day. If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.40934626 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 634 KB, 800x1300, Within your fantasy limits do not exist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, read, READ their non-comiital statement
It's basically
>we're sorry we got caught, but trust us, we're going to roll out the new OGL anyways with BETTER terms!
If you don't see it within the four squares of the actual contract page, or in this case, new OGL whenever they roll it out, this statement means NOTHING.

It's all a fucking smokescreen anyways
>Oh, we're doing it to stop hateful and discriminatory products
They could have ALWAYS revoked an individuals licenses to the content with the old OGL, this new one doesn't change anything
>Second, you’re going to hear people say that they won, and we lost because making your voices heard forced us to change our plans. Those people will only be half right. They won—and so did we.
What a fucking cringy-ass statement.
>woohoo, we're both winners! Now forget all this, you champ, and let us roll out and retroactively take away all your content anyways
Also, what's this >we shit? Some corpo at Wizards didn't want to make their executves feel bad that they had to back down, so they JUST had to put a line in there saying they're also winners? Get bent.

Fuck WotC, I still play 4E, but them thinking they could add a clause in the new OGL to retroactivley take any of your content?
They're still probably planning on it, since again, this "sorry we got caught" statement means nothing.

I hope the fucking normies don't buy it and continue to cancel their Beyond Subscriptions

holy FUCK I'm even more mad at the gaal of everything in this statement, I don't want corporations suddenly deciding they can come back into my hobby and FURTHER dictate and take things away from me retroactively

>> No.27990685 [View]

For anyone like me who can't read all caps:

This is what it's like to be a sanallite it fucking sucks why did my oshi have to do this I can't fucking take this why did she have to be like this if kronii can do it why can't she why can't she fucking hell I'm seething I can't cope I'm angry my veins are dilating I am full of piss vim and unholy vigor why the fuck sana you didn't even let me become a bread dog you're a lie just like coco's two years badge fucking hell ina you fucking schmuck I hope there's never another nepotism hire to jerk me around like this fucking cunts yagoo you fuck make the contract ironclad for en3 so that we get some actual streamers in here. I want more kaelas, more reines, more kiaras and baes, none of this piddlydick winkleshit with a broken back like I'm a gay fucking cowboy holy shit I am so fucking mad right now I can't even see the god damn keyboard why would she do this she never even got through the whole fucking horoscope she never even did my horoscope and yet we're all supposed to act like this is a sad fucking affair I am livid I am pissed there is no word to describe the smell radiating off of me that smells like hate maybe jumentous suffices but it nevertheless brings my piss to a god damn boiling simmer weeks after weeks of breadcrumbs and instead she delivers this wank of celiac disease on my fucking doorstep to poison the water supply that is my body I can't believe this what the fuck the other girls aren't even that sad because they knew this shit was coming from a mile away like the god damn james webb telescope looking directly into the vast emptiness of sana's god damn stream schedule holy shit I'm glad I like a lot of the other girls but this feels like a god damn buddhist immolating himself to send a message except I can't even do that because the very atmosphere outside is immolating my fucking mindset it's 104 degrees out and I can't even take a nuclear shit either because I'm so fucking mad I watched the interstellar watchalong and thought I truly found my oshi only for her to do nothing stream nothing and when she did it was fucking kirby kirby of all things why the fuck did it have to be kirby you could've streamed literally anything else even ark even apex and I would've been down but no you had to pick all your streams with that useless fucking pink ball of peptobismol because your tummy hurts oh wait that's ame's gimmick you don't even have an excuse no fucking updates and yet all you do is like genshin impact art hello if you wanted to be a chink cocksucker so much you would've joined nijifuckingsanji and deepthroated all the genshin twinks to your stomach's content but no ina just had to fucking hire and bring your ass into hololive you wasted an amazing papa like pako and I hope he gets a fucking second chance because your entire time in hololive was a waste think of all the 2views who would've done so much more with your position but you pissed it all away because you didn't want to be burdened for the first time in your cushy silver platter life fucking hell I will never talk shit about mori ever again after this because she still keeps her commitments you never even committed the only thing you committed was making me fucking mad as shit fuck you sana fuck you I refunded my god damn birthday merch set I bought for you because I thought you were turning the corner I hope one day you'll be turning tricks on the corner and I'll just fling a fucking nickel your way and hope it hits you square in the fucking eye so you'll know what it's like fuck you for wasting a slot and fuck you for wasting my hope and time fuck you and good night

>> No.23871019 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god-awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention-starved, gossip-hungry, shitty dregs of Aethel's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you're doing when you go mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bring up the "that applesauce guy." But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of Aethel. He's a boring loser. A shit-tier "musician" who got successful during a time when vtuber producers were a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using his friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldn't give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's Aethel or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly, that I couldn't help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don't want to hear it. I don't care. I'm not some /vt/sister retard. I don't want to gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problems with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your stream with this inane teenage "will-they, won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If Silver has a boyfriend, I don't care because her streams are still comfy.

If Vei has a boyfriend, I don't care because her streams get better by the day.

If Mouse has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a Mouse stream without Connor coming up every five seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfriend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm embarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought Aethel was taking advantage of you leeching off your viewers to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short period of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about.

You seriously need to self-reflect, and realize how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you could do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove Aethel from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on his desktop background. At the very least enforce the most important chat rule you have, don't talk about other streamers. That way when shit hits the fan you might have some fans left.

I just want to get it through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professionally or romantically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and the chat have helped through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any more, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me, it's you.

>> No.19759352 [View]

>I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

>> No.19398691 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of VShojo's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. She's constantly advertising it on her stream. You gave her the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you're doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that vye bye chick". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of Vei. She's a boring loser. A shit tier vtuber who got successful during a time when twitch vtubing was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the videos she found along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about her.

I also couldn't give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's Vei or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly that I can't help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don't want to hear it. I'm not some /vt/ retard. I don't want gossip about streamer X and streamer y. You're professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isn't going to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have a problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behavior? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If Lacari has a girlfriend, I don't care, because he still streams League.
If Tectone has a wife, I don't care, because his streams still have anime jpegs.
If roflgator has a girlfriend, even if it's a mute, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a roflgator stream with multiple other mutes appearing every 5 seconds, and his moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a girlfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a girlfriend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your femanon crush started paying attention to you, and she's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm embarrassed to say this now, but I was worried about you. I thought Vei was taking advantage of you, pushing her audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fanboy crush and were too enamored to see how fucked her attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hope you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've developed can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove Vei from that part of the equation and keep things more private. She doesn't need to be in your discord, she doesn't need you on her desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't let her tell you what to do. That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any more, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.19225993 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your lack of streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every thread is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of shipfags, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. You two are constantly advertising it on the subathon. You listen to his recommendations on spotify role in Discord so everyone can see you hanging out and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, "we're just bros" thing. But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of aethel. He's a boring loser. A shit tier musician who got successful during a time when the subathon was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy.
If vei has a boyfriend, I don't care, because she still actually streams.
If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit actually watch a mouse stream, sometimes without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.18632233 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of VShojo's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. She's constantly advertising it on her stream. You gave her the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you're doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that vye bye chick". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of Vei. She's a boring loser. A shit tier vtuber who got successful during a time when twitch vtubing was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the videos she found along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about her.

I also couldn't give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's Vei or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly that I can't help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don't want to hear it. I'm not some /vt/ retard. I don't want gossip about streamer X and streamer y. You're professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isn't going to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have a problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behavior? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If lacari has a girlfriend, I don't care, because he still streams League.
If tectone has a wife, I don't care, because his streams still have anime jpegs.
If roflgator has a girlfriend, even if it's a mute, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a roflgator stream with multiple other mutes appearing every 5 seconds, and his moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a girlfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a girlfriend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your femanon crush started paying attention to you, and she's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm embarrassed to say this now, but I was worried about you. I thought Vei was taking advantage of you, pushing her audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fanboy crush and were too enamored to see how fucked her attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hope you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've developed can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove Vei from that part of the equation and keep things more private. She doesn't need to be in your discord, she doesn't need you on her desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't let her tell you what to do. That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any more, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.18427362 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of VShojo's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. She's constantly advertising it on her stream. You gave her the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you're doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that vye bye chick". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of Vei. She's a boring loser. A shit tier vtuber who got successful during a time when twitch vtubing was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the videos she found along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about her.

I also couldn't give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's Vei or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly that I can't help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don't want to hear it. I'm not some /vt/ retard. I don't want gossip about streamer X and streamer y. You're professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isn't going to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have a problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behavior? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If Lacari has a girlfriend, I don't care, because he still streams League.
If Tectone has a wife, I don't care, because his streams still have anime jpegs.
If roflgator has a girlfriend, even if it's a mute, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a roflgator stream with multiple other mutes appearing every 5 seconds, and his moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a girlfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a girlfriend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your femanon crush started paying attention to you, and she's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm embarrassed to say this now, but I was worried about you. I thought Vei was taking advantage of you, pushing her audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fanboy crush and were too enamored to see how fucked her attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hope you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've developed can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove Vei from that part of the equation and keep things more private. She doesn't need to be in your discord, she doesn't need you on her desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't let her tell you what to do. That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any more, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.17956736 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of your fujoshi fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your Japanese sex adventures. You're constantly advertising it on your streams. You gave Kaho a permanent cohost role in your videos so everyone can see you together in your videos and know exactly what youre doing together. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "your experiences with Japanese Tinder". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

>> No.17926939 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of VShojo's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. She's constantly advertising it on her stream. You gave her the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you're doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that vye bye chick". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of Vei. She's a boring loser. A shit tier vtuber who got successful during a time when twitch vtubing was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the videos she found along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about her.

I also couldn't give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's Vei or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly that I can't help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don't want to hear it. I'm not some /vt/ retard. I don't want gossip about streamer X and streamer y. You're professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isn't going to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have a problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behavior? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If lacari has a girlfriend, I don't care, because he still streams League.
If tectone has a wife, I don't care, because his streams still have anime jpegs.
If roflgator has a girlfriend, even if it's a mute, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a roflgator stream with multiple other mutes appearing every 5 seconds, and his moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a girlfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a girlfriend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your femanon crush started paying attention to you, and she's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm embarrassed to say this now, but I was worried about you. I thought Vei was taking advantage of you, pushing her audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fanboy crush and were too enamored to see how fucked her attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hope you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've developed can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove Vei from that part of the equation and keep things more private. She doesn't need to be in your discord, she doesn't need you on her desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't let her tell you what to do. That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any more, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.17879630 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy.
If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day.
If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.17866539 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy.
If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day.
If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.

>> No.17850781 [View]


>I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god awful. Every stream is invaded by thr most attention starved, gossip hungry, shitty dregs of sodas fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He's constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what youre doing when you go on mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bringing up "that soda can guy". But it's not cute, it's fucking annoying.

I'm not a fan of soda. He's a boring loser. A shit tier streamer who got successful during a time when twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using the friends he made along the way as content. I couldn't give a shit about him.

I also couldnt' give a shit about who you're fucking. I don't really want to hear it whether it's soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantlt, that I can''t help but be reminded of it every time i tune in. I dont want to hear it. I now some LSF retard. I don't want gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You're professional online clows, not the hot highschool couple

I hope it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your realtionship private and off stream, But today, in top of all that, you now have the gall to claim that streamer who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you're upset that you're getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don't have problem with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They're the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your streams with this inane teenage "will-they won't-they" bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If silver has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams are still comfy.
If nyann has a boyfriend, I don't care, because her streams get better by the day.
If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it's Connor, I don't care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every 5 seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don't care that you have a boyfirend. They're mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replace by this bullshit that they don't care about. They're mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it's all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he's somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I'm emabarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you, pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short amount of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you're too stupid to be worth worrying about. I kind of hop you are being isolated from your friends, because this attitude you've develeoped can be seriously harmful to people.

You seriously need to self reflect, and realise how completely fucked your relationship already is, You can't have this attitude that it's perfect and everyone else should do it the way you're doing it, when clearly it's fucking with you, and it's fucking with your fans. The least you should do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn't need to be in your discord, he doesn't need you on this desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have; don't talk about other streamers That way when the shit hits the fan you might still have some fans left.

I don't want to be mean in this email, I just want to get through to you that what's happening isn't normal or healthy, neither professional or romatically. I've had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and chat have helped me through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I'm done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I'm gone, because of your direct actions. I'm not some parasocial. I'm not mad that you're not single. I just don't recognise this any mroe, and I'm not interested in what it's become. It's not me. It's you.


>> No.17849682 [View]

Just saying, if I got an email with the first line being "I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad" I wouldnt read it out of principle

>> No.17844935 [View]

I hope you read this, because I'm fucking mad.

Your streams the last few weeks have been god-awful. Every stream is invaded by the most attention-starved, gossip-hungry, shitty dregs of soda's fanbase, begging for a little bit more detail on your relationship. He’s constantly advertising it on his stream. You gave him the streamer role in the server so everyone can see you together on the sidebar and know exactly what you’re doing when you go mobile. You keep doing this cutesy beat around the bush thing, bring up the “that soda can guy”. But it’s not cute, it’s fucking annoying.

I’m not a fan of soda. He’s a boring loser. A shit-tier streamer who got successful during a time when Twitch was a barren wasteland, and now coasts along using his friends he made along the way as content. I couldn’t give a shit about him.

I also couldn’t give a shit about who you’re fucking. I don’t really want to hear it whether it’s soda or someone else.

But the two of you advertise it so blatantly and constantly, that I couldn’t help but be reminded of it every time I tune in. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t care. I’m not some LSF retard. I don’t want to gossip about strimmer X and strimmer y. You’re professional online clowns, not the hot highschool couple.

I hoped it would calm down, but today you proved that it isntgoing to.

You both have proven yourselves completely incapable of keeping your relationship private and off stream. But today, in top of that, you now have the gall to claim that streamers who do manage to keep it private should be more honest because you’re upset that you’re getting shit? How did you come up with such a bone headed opinion? They are able to manage their public and private lives effectively and don’t have problems with their fanbase, but you think they need to change their behaviour? They’re the ones doing it wrong because people are still happy with their content? After ruining your stream with this inane teenage “will-they, won’t-they” bullshit, how the fuck do you come up with this?

If Silver has a boyfriend, I don’t care because her streams are still comfy.

If nyann has a boyfriend, I don’t care because her streams get better by the day.

If mousey has a boyfriend, even if it’s Connor, I don’t care, because I can still sit and watch a mouse stream without Connor coming up every five seconds, and her moderators at least make an effort to oust the weirdos.

Nobody is mad at you for having a boyfriend. Get over yourself. People are mad because they don’t care that you have a boyfriend. They’re mad because the content they subscribed to is gone and replaced by this bullshit that they don’t care about. They’re mad because you and your community have been unrecognisable the last few weeks, and it’s all because your manchild crush started paying attention to you, and he’s somehow even less capable of being a responsible adult than you.

I’m embarrassed to say I now, but I was worried about you. I thought soda was taking advantage of you pushing his audience to gossip more to farm interest and get attention because you were hot shit for a minute, and that was wrecking the vibes in your stream. I thought you had a fangirl crush and were too enamoured to see how fucked his attitude has been. For a little bit the word grooming popped into my head, because you seemed more and more isolated and willing to make changes in such a stupidly short period of time.

Now I think that if you think other streamers relationships should be this way, then you’re too stupid to be worth worrying about.

You seriously need to self-reflect, and realize how completely fucked your relationship already is. You can’t have this attitude that it’s perfect and everyone else should do it the way you’re doing it, when clearly it’s fucking with you, and it’s fucking with your fans. The least you could do now is try to reign in your chat and get streams back on track. Remove soda from that part of the equation and keep things more private. He doesn’t need to be in your discord, he doesn’t need you on his desktop background. At the very least enforce the one actual chat rule you have, don’t talk about other streamers. That way when shit hits the fan you might have some fans left.

I just want to get it through to you that what’s happening isn’t normal or healthy, neither professionally or romantically. I’ve had a lot of emotional investment in this stream. You and the chat have helped through some rough times, and I want it to return to what it was.

For now though, I’m done. 15 month sub, viewer for even longer, and I’m gone, because of your direct actions. I’m not some parasocial. I’m not mad that you’re not single. I just don’t recognise this any more, and I’m not interested in what it’s become. It’s not me, it’s you.

>> No.3512988 [View]
File: 2.49 MB, 1488x1010, 1606398950441.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorly formatted so hard to read, but seriously A+ post anon. Basically articulates how I've felt about this shit for months.

I hope at least a couple of tween mouthbreather faggots read this post. They think this shit matters and that they're not being fucking stooges, being wholesale used as convenient parrots, by actual psycho stalker lolcow bitches who've been at this for years before Kiara as we know her existed. As in like actual bitches, girls - ones mad at Kiara over petty cosplay bullshit, because that is a truly fucking horrible community.

I really wonder if Cover knew what they were getting into with this hiring her, or if they thought her antis would try this fucking hard against her. Yagoo hires broken girls etc is the meme, and I guess in this case Kiara's major malfunction is being harassed endlessly. So she truly can stand up and go "haha fuck all you salty bitches, I won in the end" sure, but still, we have to deal with this fucking insipid kiara this/that shit here every fucking day. I hope nobody in EN2 is unfortunate enough to have such a background.

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