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>> No.79389555 [View]

and if gta6 is still released before the merger chance its too buggy or has multiple issues so everyone goes back to 5 for VCR shits
all blonde bimbo had to do was not acting like a retard

>> No.79380922 [View]

Not anymore, I'm anting her again after she participated in VCR

>> No.79364599 [View]
File: 9 KB, 286x176, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What the fuck is a VCR?"

>> No.79363640 [View]

You know they have to wait for the PC version +6 months to make a new VCR style server right? If it's even possible in the first place.

>> No.79341288 [View]

Yeah he's a bit depressed right now. He joined a Japanese semi-esports corpo and has been hoping to get the Visa to move there since February. Because of that, he did a pause in streaming to see his family and IRL friends before moving to Japan, but then VCR Rust came and he was still waiting for his Visa so he went back to stream. Because most of what he plans to stream next depends on him being in Japan, he streamed a lot of Apex while it was full of cheaters. Then a tempest happened in his place, he lost Internet for a full week and what he got back is a shitty connection. So he can't even play Apex properly, most of his gamer friends are in Japan or America not in Europe, and he did big plans on what he's going to stream in Japan, but non while he's waiting in Croatia. He got his first answer from the Japs administration this week by the way, so it looks like it advanced, but while waiting for his Visa, he doesn't know what to do.

TLDR : he won't kill himself because he's still waiting to go to Japan, but he's down mentally, hoping that Doki and Dtto banters will give him some joy and not destroy him.

>> No.79335810 [View]

>Bae is collabing with a VCR grifter and some random Valorant Twitch streamer guy on her channel tonight
Surely she'll remove the Holoearth tag in the stream description, right?

>> No.79334737 [View]

friends from vcr rust

>> No.79331857 [View]

she was already telling people in the VCR server to take good care of her "sister" in the future before graduating even

>> No.79305140 [View]

Don't act like she doesn't have any agency of her own. She thought she could get away with it and would get connections with e-celebs but got stuck with the homos and she pissed off some of her fans with her drunk ramblings. She's basically playing catch-up with her pre-VCR self ever since.

>> No.79305022 [View]

>they forced Ririka into a VCR server and killed everything she had going on
Provide proof that she was (((forced))), or else it's cope.

>> No.79304923 [View]

Kanade, Raden and Hajime are all honestly pretty great. They just had horrible direction and even worse management. If someone in charge of them actually cared about them as people with jobs and wasn't just using them to prove a point it could have gone way better. Like I get not liking them, but at the same time you can't tell me that they're worse than HoloX, like seriously worse than Iroha and Lui?
Ao and Ririka are pretty shit tho, but even shitters can carve out a niche if they work hard at it Flare is proof, but of course because INNOVATION AND CHALLANGES, they forced Ririka into a VCR server and killed everything she had going on

>> No.79300772 [View]

If anything I'm surprised more people haven't aimed to do a Minecraft VCR. Have a quest system so people have to turn back in to the main hub eventually and the infinite world gen becomes less of an issue. Plus there's mods out the ass for that game.

>> No.79296081 [View]
File: 483 KB, 1200x1600, GQwyvLVbAAAgvNg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that because vcr had a lot of people that I don't care meanwhile nijigta is one of the best unity event in niji history

>> No.79295644 [View]

It's because in the nijigta they know each other so well that they can pull shit on each other and laugh it off while being on the joke while the vcr one had people from outside vtubing and nijisanji which makes it kind of hard to try to do random things without knowing if the other party is in the same wave as you

>> No.79295379 [View]

Is it just me or is NijiGTA the best iteration of GTA RP? The previous VCR GTA servers were really boring in comparison

>> No.79280952 [View]

On the VCR server most seemed to know her from the One Piece song.

>> No.79270455 [View]

Mix of either bad management, the girls getting cold feet or the girls getting a better gig. Depending on the company it could all be different things.
Like PPP almost exclusively hires girls who either already did adult work or at least were prostitutes at some point. And for some reason they give pure garbage contracts to all the newer girls so they bail out eventually. Even nanami who went viral and got popular enough to be invited to VCR streams and collab with regular mainstream tubers ended up bailing out to go indie. It was worth giving up 300k subs to her.

>> No.79238622 [View]

What opportunities? The homos are not big enough to warrant sponsorships that would be a net drain on the client. But if homo audience becomes larger (unlikely but not impossible), they they may be worth investing.

Anon, Aki lost her SC income. This is not indisputable (been posted here). As for CCV, go to vrabi and check her stream history. Just from 2023 she went as low as like 1.5k CCV peak (PEAK, not median or average) to up to like 5k on most streams in the earlier part of the year (Januray and February were particularly bad), then she changed her content (was VCR ARK in summer or srping?) and started the slow climb (and changing her audience) to where now she hasn't had more than a handful of streams below a 4k CCV peak this year, and, while it is not identical (the nature of her content changed) her streams now have a much higher chance of going well over 6k peaks from the usual 3k peaks that she had before.

I was hoping that you'd post because I was looking at the raw numbers themselves through vrabi. I'm not an excel guy, so I can't say that things are exactly 100% better, but even with your rolling average the difference is significant enough to matter even when factoring the discrepancies (I don't know how advertisers quantify audience for the purposes of payouts). But this went well beyond the point that I was originally trying to make (that there is a possibility that changing the audience would be a net benefit to a creator).

Which begs the question: is there such an audience? I don't think so, but judging by how eager ERB is with her homobegging, we're about to find out if we're right or wrong anyway.

>> No.79236488 [View]
File: 312 KB, 1920x1167, 90 days chart per áki 20240625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She effectively doubled her average CCV She did not.. That's one of the silliest memes about Aki's numbers, often parroted by people looking at her VCR ARK peaks in last December instead of looking at her current numbers.

Here is the
chart for Aki.
It's not just that she didn't "double" her numbers
>not in any permanent fashion, anyway
but her current 90 days average
>sitting on 6466
is about 1k above her June 2023.

Even taking her historical baseline at 4.1k (which she greatly surpassed for most of 2022 and 2023) would net her only a more modest 2k incline which is far from "double" and far from remarkable considering there is no shortage of Holo girls with a similar incline in the same period.

This seems to be a case of people getting impressed by a high number and failing to ACTUALLY see where the numbers landed in reality and, in Aki's case, she had an incline but a MUCH more modest one than people would think

>> No.79176224 [View]

The spike was because of VCR GTA S2, the slow decline is because homojp are spamming SF6 and now ER

>> No.79175852 [View]

VCR GTA and SF6 tourneys

>> No.79141342 [View]
File: 180 KB, 1920x1153, 90 days chart per ririka 20240624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who missed (one more time before moving to the next ReGloss girls)

And (also for those who missed) here is for a more esoteric one
Starting with Ririka and this is a chart that tells its own story.
Ririka disclosing that she would be participating on VCR and the subsequent "gluing unicorn horn back with ASMR" drunken tirade happened on December 9th. You can see pretty much in real time the effect of that in her numbers and this is the NINETY days chart meaning it is very hard to make the line move in any direction, it takes a lot of streams going the same direction.

Now, something that clobbered her numbers even harder seems to have been to pick Dragon Dogma and Shiren the Wanderer in March and April which clobbered her average and might have filtered whatever audience she still had left.

Her numbers are poised to improve in this ninety day chart because those debuff streams will start falling ouf of the chart while the buff ones from the Hardcore Minecraft will slowly grow in proportion but only if she finds something to float her numbers and avoid debuffing herself again from the already too low of an average.

(Next: Raden)

>> No.79139030 [View]

>this one or two holos is not doing that
yeah, but the rest of the talent do exactly that with vcr, tournament etc

>> No.79136871 [View]

>>but muh homocollaber
I looked at her channel, but the last time she homo'd it up was the VCR thing. Has she bent the knee?

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