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Search: "gaslightbeat"

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>> No.33478885 [View]

not now, gaslightbeat

>> No.33431873 [View]
File: 43 KB, 172x182, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit and die, gaslightbeat.

>> No.32885647 [View]

Yeah can't have anything to do with Mori being an absolute hyper bitchcunt to her and nearly making her cry in the post-Hokkaido Q&A, retarded fucking gaslightbeat

>> No.32793511 [View]

what do you call this?

>> No.32784816 [View]

Sure thing gaslightbeat

>> No.32644344 [View]

>gaslightbeat doing his denial of reality meme again

>> No.31814957 [View]

>I'm just coincidentally a new guy who coincidentally types the same way and coincidentally damage controls the same issue for no apparent reason while coincidentally employ the same deflections, see I'm totally not a gaslightbeat because as you can see I post IRyS images
Imagine being so dumb you think this fools anyone. Imagine damage controlling this hard just because you get BTFO on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.31811999 [View]

Now that's a mental gymnastics cope I haven't seen before, good job gaslightbeat

>> No.29493193 [View]

Mori and her sister provide the informations gaslightbeat

>> No.28618886 [View]

>I swear, I SWEAR she was leaving the stream at that time!!
Try a bit harder gaslightbeat.

>> No.28618133 [View]
File: 15 KB, 433x378, now he will cope with 'd-doesnt count'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crash drops are a seperate issue you brainlet.
Now try making an argument instead of crying.
>actually doubling down on his blatant lies
Are you a gaslightbeat?

>> No.27861978 [View]

She was already awake gaslightbeat

>> No.27568967 [View]

>who cares if that lady is getting raped in the streets dude, none of your business, you dont know them so just ignore it haha

>> No.27561891 [View]

gaslightbeat deflection thread

>> No.27561383 [View]


>> No.27549984 [View]

Gaslightbeat, gaslightbeat, your "uhhh BUT SHE DID SOMETHING AFTER THE CALL-IN" cope won't work just like it didn't work when you tried it with the pathetic call-in to Ame's (after-birthday) karaoke stream.
You aren't nearly intelligent enough to damage control properly.

>> No.27381722 [View]


>> No.27318649 [View]

>I never said things dont count
First lie. You brushed off the first point with "UHH SHE CHANGED HER OPINIONS BECAUSE I SAID SO". So it magically doesn't count.
>or denied reality
Second lie (see how this is a recurring theme, gaslightbeat?) For example, claiming point 4 is just "uhhh PERCEPTION!" is you denying reality. Everyone noticed it, the comment section was flooded with people calling it out, and yet here you are pretending it's some hyper-subjective shit as if the amount of enthusiasm in a voice or how much she responds is impossible to objectively determined. This would be an example of you denying reality because you're not smart enough to realize your buzzwords amount to nothing more than "NOO NOO IT'S NOT TRUE BECAUSE.... IT JUST ISN'T OKAY??". It's called invincible ignorance fallacy. You see evidence and say "this doesn't count" with zero reason given. Because you're a sociopath who can only talk in lies.

>muh perception
The "perception" was created through Mori's actions to begin with. People didn't randomly decide "uhhh she doesn't like Hololive because I said so" and then attributed all actions to that fact, they saw her be an uncaring piece of shit who doesn't even have the common decency to ACTIVELY TALK TO HER FUCKING COLLAB PARTNER (another thing you just pretend isn't bad for no reason but because you said it's not bad, because you're a gaslighting retard who can only lie) and concluded she obviously doesn't care.

Finally, expecting someone to perform in collabs, not lie (verifiably), not be a shitty friend who makes people cry (verifiably), and so on isn't "unreasonable".
This would be another shitty attempt at gaslighting on your side. You think you can just slide in cute terms like unreasonable with ZERO justification in and brush off all criticism with it and hope that nobody notices that you haven't justified literally anything in your "rebuttal". But people do notice. Because you're not as smart as you think you are.
Try not lying for once in your life.

>> No.27311590 [View]

Go away gaslightbeat

>> No.26978342 [View]


>> No.26942165 [View]

Stellar argument, gaslightbeat.

>> No.26941768 [View]

Okay gaslightbeat, let's pretend Gura had said "nah too much noise I'll sleep at a hotel".
So basically Mori invited Gura as a guest, then said "oh btw my sisters degenerate druggy fratboy troop is coming unannounced over to blast loud music" and Gura (her guest) would have been chasef out on the streets to spontaneously find a hotel room somewhere.
This is better how exactly?

>And some of you are psychopaths
Funny coming from the pathologically lying gaslight beat who is trying to justify sociopathic actions. Literal fucking children get taught by their parents to treat guests well and make them comfortable (read: Not "SURPRIIIISE BRO!!" them with a gaggle of drunken druggies and say "lol just leave of its too loud xD" after you invited them to stay)
Really fucking hard concept to grasp right?

>> No.26065693 [View]


>> No.25972023 [View]

Be less obvious, gaslightbeat.

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