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Search: japan move

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>> No.79415389 [View]

BauBau was the fastest general on this board before the move to Japan and the rest of advent generals were alive and well. Justice already has both Gigi and ERB generals on life support while the other two are moving slow. Justice as a gen is a flop

>> No.79414642 [View]

Nobody actually believes it, it'll never be the same since the Japan move

>> No.79414483 [View]

he's trying to get gun to move to Japan over fucking SF

>> No.79413456 [View]

>>79408768>just move to japan without a plan lol
>what's the worst that could happen

>> No.79412333 [View]
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Sometimes I wonder if this turbulence since the Japan move and on is some karmic justice to all the shitposting ruffians who were shitting on the other girls for not being as consistent

>> No.79411946 [View]

I really, REALLY hope they've learned their lesson.
This situation is just tiring, for them and for the ruffians. They get no sleep and overwork themselves to the poing of having to cancel streams and we get short 2 hours streams, light schedules and random stream cancellations. It's just not fun, for them or for us. And all of that hard work for what? To please the managers that don't give a fuck about their dreams and only care about money? To make a shitty event or promotion that 90% of their fans won't be able to attend to? I don't know what they are thinking, but they can't keep doing this.

I supported and defended their move to Japan, but in hindsight? I shouldn't have done it. They are not mature enough for this. They can't see their own limits when everyone else can. They are not 20 years old, they can't keep working and working with no sleep, I thought they were smart enough to realize this, but they clearly aren't.
They said that once they were in Japan their sleep schedule would be fixed, but instead of taking it easy knowing that now that they live in Japan they can take those "oportunities" whenever they want, they just went and took all of them without thinking. Compare them with the rest of Advent, they have the same dance and singing practice, but the rest of advent are able to do 5+ hour long stream every day, and the reason for that is that they didn't take all the homework available like our retarded dogs.
They won't last 2 years in the company at this point.

I WANT to trust them, I want to trust that after September they won't keep overworking themselves with shitty homework that no other talent takes, but I can't. They haven't shown even a hint of actually realizing how much they fucked up. Yes, they said that they realized that *maybe* they were being too ambitious, but in the next fucking stream they justified their decission by saying that they wanted to show the managers how "thankful they were for the opportunity", if they really realized the issue they wouldn't try to justify themselves, they would just promise to do better in the future. I don't care if they make mistakes, everyone does mistakes, but I do hope they learn their lesson. Making the same mistake over and over is not funny or cute, it's just depressing.

I love them, and I don't want to leave them, but I don't want to see the girls I love overwork themselves to death, it's that simple. If they keep doing the same mistakes and things haven't calmed down in October I'll stop watching them. I'm not the biggest paypig, and I'm not from the clique, I haven't even been mentioned here, but I know that they love all of their fans, they'll be hurt if they see ruffians leaving. I just hope they are able to learn to do better before they burn themselves or too many of us decide to leave them.

>> No.79410458 [View]

Is anyone here actually happy with how things have been after their move to Japan?
I keep hoping that things will be better in the future, but I'm honestly starting to feel like things will never be half as good as they were before...

>> No.79396092 [View]

NTA but my oshi (JP) generally streams every day, but oftentimes there'll be a week when she has to cancel one or more streams separely or back-to-back for various reasons: recording, voice/dance training, photo/videoshoots, meetings, other administrative tasks, meeting/hanging out with other Holomembers, family matters, family emergencies, being tired from any of the above, and more. If you think cancelling a couple of streams in perhaps the busiest period of the past year for them is ghosting and a betrayal, I'd advise you to give up on them now because, especially since they've moved to Japan, it is likely they'll be participating in various thighs that will eat into their stream time. It seems to be their choice, and Hololive accommodates that, so your complaints won't be very effective.
That said, their hiatus for moving was a pretty hasty move. As a casual EN (EU) viewer, I'd gotten into the habit of trying to catch their afternoon FWMC morning streams, as well as their game streams, even if they were at 2am and I had to wreck my sleep for them. During/after their break, I've lost interest in doing that and, especially with Justice debuting and streaming in much betre hours for me, I've now no need to do so either. Consistency is an extremely important element for a streamer, and they jeopardised that, which is in part where you dissatisfaction comes from, and I understand why. I'm sure the twins realise this, and are now dealing with the consequences of their own actions, by trying to boost their subs through vertical streams. It's an unfortunate turn of events, but this is their choice.

>> No.79384201 [View]

Doki is investing heavily into her indie model, and her indie career, and is clearly planning for the long term.
Meanwhile Mint's attitude is strange. She's investing almost nothing in her indie career, and in fact says several times she expects it to only last through the summer. Meanwhile she keeps having meetings in Japan time. Clearly whatever her next move is involves japan somehow.

>> No.79381067 [View]

Just move to Japan like Petra. She has become pretty "professional" after moving there.

>> No.79376677 [View]

Waiting until after their anniversary to move to Japan would have made so much more sense. They could have used the recent Japan trip all of the girls were already attending to scout for a house and get their ducks in a row.

>> No.79370999 [View]

Careful saying that will get you called an anti. I've been called one since before the move for saying that Japan wouldn't help anything for their sleep.

>> No.79363331 [View]
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If Cecilia were to move to Japan she'd be Cecilia Immergrant

>> No.79361997 [View]

If the capipis want her to revert to being a hermit they should encourage her to move to Japan

>> No.79342988 [View]

For what it's worth, their split fucking loves their numberfagging, albeit /baubau/ was infested by the worst of /#/ during the house moving drought.
And the Japan pandering has been the constant topic there after the move too, with seemingly half of them preferring the twins to have regular English streams again instead of doing 3Dwhoknowswhat in preparation for this summer.

>> No.79341288 [View]

Yeah he's a bit depressed right now. He joined a Japanese semi-esports corpo and has been hoping to get the Visa to move there since February. Because of that, he did a pause in streaming to see his family and IRL friends before moving to Japan, but then VCR Rust came and he was still waiting for his Visa so he went back to stream. Because most of what he plans to stream next depends on him being in Japan, he streamed a lot of Apex while it was full of cheaters. Then a tempest happened in his place, he lost Internet for a full week and what he got back is a shitty connection. So he can't even play Apex properly, most of his gamer friends are in Japan or America not in Europe, and he did big plans on what he's going to stream in Japan, but non while he's waiting in Croatia. He got his first answer from the Japs administration this week by the way, so it looks like it advanced, but while waiting for his Visa, he doesn't know what to do.

TLDR : he won't kill himself because he's still waiting to go to Japan, but he's down mentally, hoping that Doki and Dtto banters will give him some joy and not destroy him.

>> No.79335689 [View]

Unironically a good move, stop trying to force Fauna into 3D streams and travelling to Japan

>> No.79316796 [View]

Technically, when they say "expanding to Asia, including China", they will say "Chinese branch" even if they create a new branch entirely based in Taiwan, with talents only from Taiwan and Japan, and staffed by Watame's NTD princes.

This is almost a universally-safe move.
Taiwan fans will go into joyous exaltation because they're obviously the real China, Chinese fans will say "well Taiwan is just part of China, so obviously that's us", while Japanese fans and Western fans all align strongly with Taiwan and will accept it.

>> No.79306168 [View]

Bae didnt stream for like 4 months in total because the amount of flies she took over a year from aus to japan. And the move was like another month

>> No.79299143 [View]

The only zatsu I want is why the fuck did she need to move out of her house, did she fix her health issues that apparently got worse back in December to the point she took off until 5th Fes, and if she plans on streaming regularly again until she needs to go back to Japan next month.

>> No.79264003 [View]
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They had a decent shot at it, but they just HAD to sacrifice two months of streaming to move to Japan.
Dumb weebdogs; YWNBJ.

>> No.79250948 [View]

Yeah the Japan move really screwed things for both fans and themselves even if it was for the "greater good"
Debut drop is a bit different from being established and having this kind of drop though, but in the end it doesn't matter I guess

>> No.79250638 [View]

I'm one of those fans. Haven't been invested since the Japan move arc. I pop in every so often to see if season 3's started and if it's any better than season 2.

>> No.79245066 [View]

Whatever you want, you quoted two different people btw. I love them for the idol and the streaming but you're just plain wrong if you think given the choice between idol or streaming they would pick or prioritize streaming. Streaming is a means to an end for them. Sure, they enjoy it more than they thought at debut but it's also the first thing on the chopping block when they have an opportunity to do something with music as we've seen time and time again since their Japan move. Not sure why you're being so stubborn on this. You'd get the same answer from them as I'm giving you now. I swear you gosling posters are literal retards sometimes.

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