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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9864039 No.9864039 [Reply] [Original]

we win again

>> No.9864045

What is the improvement over software emulation for these games?

>> No.9864073

are you playing the nogames64, dreamcast, gc, ps2, etc.?

didn't think so mistersisters

>> No.9864101

Why does the mister have to justify itself in every single thread? It’s just an open source emulator box for people that can’t stand retroarch and like to use a CRT what’s so hard to understand

>> No.9864102

we can't stop winning mister bros

>> No.9864104

theres alot of mental illness on the internet

>> No.9864107

So let me get this straight, for each game you play on the mister you need a separate motherboard?

>> No.9864112
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>> No.9864126

its my understanding that mister emulates boards

>> No.9864154

no latency, and in the case of arcade cores, generally more accurate than MAME (not a very high bar).

>> No.9864209

I don't believe the hype for this thing but if they can start getting arcade games to run without relying on MAME or Final Burn I might become a believer. Some things run really well, others not so much. That's a long way off though I'm sure, the most popular things will get ported/hardware level emulated/reimplemented or whatever they're calling it and the popular things already run well through the software emulators. Aside from more complex things that the de10 might never be able to do.

But if this thing seems more arcade games I might consider one for the snac control input and ability to output to a crt. Might be able to build a solid multi arcade machine cabinet.

>> No.9864271

>generally more accurate than MAME
Sadly many of the cores are essentially the MAME core translated to VHDL, warts and all. You at least get the (large compared to mame) input latency benefits, but you get all the bullshit that comes from MAMEdev's penchant for eyeballing the requirements of the custom chips.

>> No.9864284

Wrong, a lot are from scratch and being reverse engineered with logic analyzers and even decaps. Nice try emunigger.

>> No.9864287

nta but its both
sometimes corners are cut to rush a core out
then they go back and get it to 1:1 accuracy

>> No.9864310 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off MiSTER. Just get the Analogue Pocket and you're set for life, especially with the grip from etsy. You can get sick skins for it too. Flawless up to neogeo/16bit on a truly overkill screen.

One downside is I'm afraid to use it on public transit. The 280v is king for casual use, though that's emulation.

>> No.9864315

A lot doesn't preclude "many" being MAME derived. I was *most* disappointed to find out that DoDonPachi was a direct port of the MAME driver. SHMUPs are the go to example of a genre that requires pixel perfect, millisecond accuracy and it was hashed. The Mister could do with more Kevtris's and fewer Duckstations.

>> No.9864323

No one’s gonna know the difference between a cheap or expensive game boy you’ll get robbed either way if they want to

>> No.9864328 [DELETED] 
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There are only a handful of arcade boards I still want left to make cores for. like left, notably the Sega System 18 and PGM. Just give me those and fix up the Japanese PCs and this thing will be perfect. I will probably still be using the Mister until I am dead, I love this slavic clone console and will continue shilling it.

>> No.9864332

The Progear one is one of the better ones since Jotego made it at least right?

>> No.9864337

No one cares about your dumb YouTube channel. You literally spam links to your videos every single on any retro site you can find. You've been banned from multiple subreddits on Reddit, forums, and social media for your idiotic shameless self promotion.

Face it. You've been doing it for 6 years. You won't make it big. No one cares. You won't make a living making YouTube videos. Your channel is tiny. Get back to your day job.

>> No.9864342

what would I need if I wanted to play specifically N64 and GBA/GBC?

>> No.9864348


>> No.9864350

An N64, even software emulators pale in comparison to the real thing and the Mister core in development is a ways off and might not even be compatible with current hardware

>> No.9864356

which is why I asked, if its better to just get original hardware atm then I'll go with that. I just figured if there was potentially something that could play it in the foreseeable future

>> No.9864358

Yeah better off getting original hardware and a flash cart. PC emulation is still full of glitching textures and micro stutter. ItS unplayable if you have any standards

>> No.9864359

holy based, tell these youtroons

>> No.9864361

Question for CRT users, if I hook up a MiSTer to a standard definition consumer CRT can I still play arcade games that may not have run at typical refresh rates on real hardware? Like I think Mortal Kombat wasn't standard.

>> No.9864362


>> No.9864367

I fell for the MiSTer meme and I don't really get the appeal. There is hundreds of issues in the github of inaccuracies and other issues so clearly it's not as accurate as everyone likes to claim. It has barebone features compared to standard emulation, and the UI is cluttered and not user-friendly at all, the controller configuration and rebinding and turbo is poorly implemented, and it's a pain in the ass to remove the SD card and hook it up to a PC any time you want to make changes.

The Arcade core had a ton of issues (games were improper oritentation, garbage pixels, etc.), but apparently there is another Arcade core that is supposed to be more accurate, I have no fucking idea, I just stopped bothering at that point and went back to RetroArch.

Also the latency shit is way overblown. You have to enable a specific mode setting to actually get low lag, and that mdoe causes the screen to go black temporarily any time you change a video setting.

>> No.9864375

> mdoe causes the screen to go black temporarily any time you change a video setting.
that's a TV problem, not a mister problem.

>> No.9864378

It depends on the TV but most will allow it. Pal 50/60 sets are the most likely to support it but for the most part you just need to try it and see. R-Type runs at 55hz and I have been playing it on a CRT no problem but your mileage may differ.

>> No.9864395

you can access the sd card from your pc through your home router and make any changes you need.

>> No.9864401

you dont have a mister lol

>> No.9864406

He is right that the interface is hot ass tho.

>> No.9864408

he's still just a retarded false flagger

>> No.9864415

MiSTards I have a simple question. Can the PS1 core toggle the ugly dithering layer some games display over all video? Because unless you have a terrible CRT, those look bad even on original hardware over composite.

>> No.9864418

yes, you can turn dithering on or off with the ps1 core

>> No.9864424

Intredasting. I could see making the investment once they get DC and N64 down then, it's not like my retroarch/pi setup will do anything newer than that anyway.

>> No.9864436

wait so anyone who says anything critical is a flase flagger, anyone who praises mister is based and real and very much one of /ourguys/ am I getting that right lmao

>> No.9864438

No it's quite easy to tell a false flagger because only an idiot would fall for "the mister meme" and drop $300+ only to be disappointed and not research any of it, not join communities or discussions to figure out those cores, i've been in plenty of retro communities and never once seen buyers remorse from anyone buying a mister because they know what they're getting when they buy it

>> No.9864443

post your mister lol

you won't because it doesn't exist, lololol

>> No.9864445

these idiots just dont want to feel like theyre casual videogame players and they think mister users are elitists.

>> No.9864446

i kind of want one

>> No.9864448

I'm not that anon retard, but i also acknowledge we have anywhere between 3-5 mister threads going at any one time with very incessant "anons" telling everyone how critical it is they buy one and brushing any of the myriad of issues they have under the rug.

>> No.9864453

cool head cannon but every mister thread i see no one is putting the mister on a pedastal only saying what they like about it and most even say they use software emulation as well, it's just u retards that see it as some sort of attack on software emulation because it is actually better

>> No.9864469

I can see why his channel has zero growth, he's shilling it without even telling anyone what it is

>> No.9864478

N64 is an unknown right now. it may not be fullspeed accurate on mister. if n64 is a must for you I'd wait and see. also keep an eye on the mistex project.

>> No.9864492

we usually have between one and zero mister threads at a time and they're all full of shitposters false flagging and literal retroarch shills

>> No.9864496

I checked out the GitHub issues section on a few cores and they're all issues with shitty romhacks and people not understanding how overscan works. almost nothing to do with accuracy

>> No.9864524
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the one mainline core that is really shit and hacky is the neo geo core, I wish someone would come back to that and fix it up

>> No.9864547

The furry that made in is working on Neo CD right now so hopefully some fixes get rolled in

>> No.9864567

>Not one lost about Ninja Turtles
misterfags are so easy to btfo

>> No.9864576

>I can see why his channel has zero growth, he's shilling it without even telling anyone what it is

I guarantee you OP is him. This dude literally has made an account on almost every major retro gaming site out there. He tries to stealth promote his channel so he doesn't get banned or caught by keyword search used by the mods. He does the same shit on Reddit. He changes the title, or uses only pictures to avoid the banhammer.

He makes a shitty low tier video every 24 hours. It's the same shit. 10 minutes of gameplay footage where he rambles from a script. The video will have almost no edits because its simple and saves time.

He even does bullshit like:
"I think the music in this game is awesome. So have a listen for 3 minutes from the soundtrack. Then I will get back to you."

...just so he can hit the 10 minute mark in YouTube videos to get more revenue. He deletes any comments that he doesn't like. Even constructive comments of people telling him tips on how to improve his videos.

He also made multiple accounts on Reddit and samefags. Any criticism suddenly had the same 7 or 8 accounts appearing minutes later to defend him. Very obvious.

The guy is delusional. And thinks he will make it big if he spams his videos everywhere. 6 years of his lame shit and he is still a nobody. Just an annoyance.

>> No.9864639

he helped me set up my overclocked psx core, you are just obsessed.

>> No.9864658

I know one game, Makaimura/GnG, has been emulated to the point that the guy managed to reproduce the weird color flashes which occur in certain situations on a real PCB. It's funny to see something like that emulated, because for a while there was debate about if it were failing boardsets or a design flaw/bug.

>> No.9864679

No one cares. Go promote your failed channel elsewhere.

>> No.9864682

still have no idea what channel youre talking about though

>> No.9864696
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kek, you dumb fuck.

>> No.9864758

schizo's obsessed with the source of the screenshot for some reason, even though the topic is the new core

>> No.9864772
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The Irem M92 core is already running Ninja Baseball Bat Man with less visual glitches than MAME, and that core's first alpha release was barely a month ago.

>> No.9864815

I have nothing against the Mister, but I wonder if all that work for the particular chip the Mister use (and from what I understand, if they ever switch to another FPGA chip later, they'll have to start the port all over again) would just have been better put to just improving Mame's cores
Or am I comparing Apples to Oranges in some ways?

>> No.9864827

When things are found when reverse engineering these boards and implemented into FPGA, it's all documented. That means the bugs in MAME can be fixed. Ninja Baseball Batman in MAME may not have the glitching cutscenes anymore because of the work done on the mister core.

>> No.9864831

There isn't any. It's a waste of fucking money

>> No.9864838

What a load of nonsense. Mame's team doesn't need help for Mister. They are doing fine.

>> No.9864840

For now for the N64 yes, better to get the original hardware. The core being developed might have to rely on not being 100% accurate to fit on the MiSTer, if it will be able to fit at all. But it's being done not just so it can work on the MiSTer, but to develop the groundwork for an accurate FPGA-based N64 core for the MiSTerX project as well as cycle-accurate software emulators when PCs will have CPUs powerful enough one day to actually run it.

For just about any other hardware the MiSTer is near-indistinguishable from the real hardware and generally better than software emulation. Also it's far cheaper and less of a hassle for things like arcade cores or the more rare and/or expensive consoles such as the Atari Jaguar or for the various computer cores so you don't have to have a wall of old computers that could be a hassle to setup and get working.

DC is far far FAR out of MiSTer's league, arguable if any FPGA in the near future that would not be far into the four if not five figures range could be able to handle that.

Nearly every MiSter thread I have seen admits that if you don't care about the accuracy/lag/analog output and just want to play games then you are better off just using software emulation. Nobody is arguing that you NEED a MiSTer if you are not very into the hobby and are aiming for an original hardware-like accuracy.

>> No.9864841
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, nigger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't happen on the Mister :), only MAME is this INACCURATE

seethe, cope and shit yourself retard

seething poorfag

>> No.9864905
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That's what the MiSTerX project is. Porting/releasing cores for a more general FPGA design to make them easily portable to any future FPGA that might arise to replace the one on the DE-10 Nano.

And it's indeed apples to oranges. There is a difference between writing a hardware description to arrange the gates in a FPGA to electronically mimic specific hardware and trying to replicate the inputs and outputs of hardware through 100% software.


When stuff is shared between MiSTer/software emulators, it's mostly the lower-level understanding of the hardware, so that it can then be implemented in software/MiSTer. It's not just taking MAME code and tossing it into a FPGA, you can't just take bsnes_main.c and compile it as bsnes_main.fpga and toss it on the DE-10. If the understanding is flawed, then you are likely going to write flawed code regardless of what platform it's on or if it's software or FPGA.

Implementing it in different ways however CAN help understand how the hardware works better, and then that implementation can be used to update a software emulator or FPGA core.

The guy working on N64 isn't just making a MiSTer core, nor is that even his primary objective. He is making both a cycle-accurate software emulator as well as an accurate FPGA implementation. The purpose of which is to better understand the hardware and better re-create it in either software or FPGA. No consumer PC is going to be able to run said emulator for years because it's well beyond the demands of any current CPU and will be beyond it for a while, and a 100% accurate N64 core will not fit on the DE-10, but it's laying down the groundwork for when PCs will be able to handle such emulation someday as well as the groundwork for when a more powerful FPGA is viable to run the core on as well as for making a stripped-down slightly less accurate version of the core that will run on the current MiSTer.

>> No.9864907

There is a reason FPGAzumSpass used Mario Kart 64 to show off his current alpha work on his N64 implementation, and specifically used Luigi Raceway. The Jumbotron on that course was not working in software emulators for YEARS, only finally being fixed in like 2020 or so I believe.... FPGAzumSpass's example video had it working exactly as it would on real hardware.

>> No.9864914

The two biggest pros are emulation accuracy and input lag. It's also got good options for both analog and digital outputs so it's good to use on any kind of display.

If you are satisfied with software emulation, there's really no point in building one. But I do think they are pretty cool.

>> No.9864919

Mister is no more accurate than an accurate software emulator. Lag can be better because there's no operating system involved.

>> No.9865118

>The Jumbotron on that course was not working in software emulators for YEARS, only finally being fixed in like 2020 or so I believe....

You believe wrong, it’s a really simple framebuffer effect that hasn’t been an issue for a long, long time. The only reason it incorrectly got around as being difficult is because people with shitty hardware (eg Pi users) struggling to hit full speed turn the frame buffer off so that effect then breaks. It’s more likely he chose to show MK64 becuase it’s one of the easiest games to emulate, not becuase there’s anything impressive about it.

>> No.9865128

finally in 2023, I can finally emulate tmnt arcade.

>> No.9865139
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Has anyone tried out these y/c adapters?

>> No.9865141

So what are the problems with MAME in this game?

>> No.9865145

Based mister autists porting the fixes back into mame making the hardware unnecessary

>> No.9865151

I’ll put it right next to my Xbox that’s been doing it for 20 years. Op was trolling right?

>> No.9865152

>I’ll put it right next to my Xbox that’s been doing it for 20 years incorrectly

>> No.9865160

Really depends on what core we're talking about. Sure, there is cycle accurate NES and SNES emulation available on PC. But it's incredibly CPU intensive, people shit on bsnes for requiring a 3GHz CPU, but that's really what it takes for true cycle accurate software emulation. FPGA's are much better suited for this. You're not going to find cycle accurate software emulation available for most of the arcade game cores, or anything beyond the 16-bit era of consoles.

>> No.9865168

Cycle accuracy also doesn't really matter beyond the 16 bit generation. There's 2 SNES games which care about cycle accuracy, outside of which the "balanced" bsnes preset works perfectly. For the Playstation there's no games, and different models of actual hardware are not cycle-accurate or even frame-accurate to each other any way.

>> No.9865175

fuckkk yeah my $600 emulation box can now play TMNT! I have been waiting for this momemt all my life

>> No.9865183

>But it's incredibly CPU intensive, people shit on bsnes for requiring a 3GHz CPU

That 3ghz figure is from a decade old article and was only true for a couple of edge case games. My old ass i3-6330 runs everything with the CPU at about 30% utilisation, for modern processors it will be even more trivial to run. Cycle accurate Megadrive and NES runs on toasters. People ideas about software emulation, be it the quality or the myth of cycle accuracy being incredibly CPU intensive to run belong to a past age and don’t reflect where we are in 2023. And that is why people think MiSTer is so great, because they have been told software emaultion is something that it isn’t and aren’t knowledgable enough to know any better.

>> No.9865189


>> No.9865201

For me, it's the low lag, and the ease of hooking it up to a crt and quickly switching between consoles. Accuracy wise software emulators have been good enough for me.

>> No.9865209

yeah, you have to jump through a few hoops to get properly synchronized analog video out of software emulators, and even then there's a latency penalty.

>> No.9865217

>You believe wrong, it’s a really simple framebuffer effect that hasn’t been an issue for a long, long time. The only reason it incorrectly got around as being difficult is because people with shitty hardware (eg Pi users) struggling to hit full speed turn the frame buffer off so that effect then breaks.

Thanks for exposing you are both a zoomie and have no idea what you're talking about. Anyone who was around with the N64 emulation scene years YEARS before the Pi was even a thing knows damn well that effect was broken for a long time. If he wanted an easier game to emulate he would have chosen Mario 64.

>> No.9865236

It’s true that early N64 emulators had no frame buffer emulation, but it’s been fixed for a least a decade now as that’s when I bought my first PC and the effects all worked. So sorry if I’m not particularly impressed with him replicating an effect that has been sorted for at least a decade and is completely documented to the point it’s no issue for him to implement, the hard works already been done by someone else.

>> No.9865282

bsnes never used more than 25% of my system resources even when streaming to twitch at 1080p60fps, but you know what? it never could give me a smooth experience like mister. it hitched and teared like a motherfucker, even after bsnes incorporated retroarchs audio video sync to display thing. and if you wanted to lower the audio delay to where it wasnt noticable you got pops and clicks and shit. same shit with mesen and mame.

whatever mister is doing to make snes games run flawlessly on an hdtv, why the hell couldnt any software emulator I've ever tried? it must be dropping a frame or something. its unnoticable and there is zero audio delay.

>> No.9865297

snes runs slightly faster than a typical monitor so you need vrr or a specifically configured modeline for it to synchronise right on a desktop os.

>> No.9865303

my mister is hooked up to the same tv I'd play bsnes on. what the hell is it doing that bsnes never could?

>> No.9865317

Because there's no OS in the way, the core itself is in full control of video timing.
With vsync_adjust=2 Mister doesn't even have to buffer video. When the emulated SNES PPU outputs a line, that's exactly when the FPGA outputs a line.
Under retroarch and with a properly configured modeline or with VRR you can achieve something similar to vsync_adjust=1, but you have to go out of your way to set it up.

>> No.9865323

and before someone comes in and says "lol dude learn to tweak setteings lmao" I edited and compiled bsnes so it would vertically integer scale to full screen at 1080p like higan. you ever try to compile bsnes and hunt down all the fucking obscure fucking software and libraries necessary that nobody but the kind of autists that make shit like bsnes ever heard of? checkboxes and ini files aint shit

>> No.9865340

i dont expect anyone but 3rd worlders to hate on the mister so i dont really care

>> No.9865341

>whatever mister is doing to make snes games run flawlessly on an hdtv, why the hell couldnt any software emulator I've ever tried?

Because recreating the hardware in a FPGA and simulating the hardware 100% in software with a CPU are completely different things? The whole point of the MiSTer is to re-create the hardware as accurately as possible in a FPGA to avoid these issues and reduce lag.

>> No.9865345

t. too poor for original hardware

>> No.9865352

I have over 30 arcade pcbs, 50 neo geo carts and numerous console carts anon, you're shitting in the wrong yard, lol

>> No.9865354
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is that why you shill for emulation?

>> No.9865360 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 567x888, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the adults worry about the hardware
just stick with retroarch pablo, lmao

>> No.9865364

Hahaha, so you're stupid rather than a liar.

>> No.9865365

sorry, i dont speak taco runes
too busy enjoying games here

>> No.9865369

>too busy enjoying games here
I accept your concession emufag

>> No.9865373 [DELETED] 

>noo you can't enjoy games in more than one way you need to pick a side, preferably the cheapest option and argue about it online
He was right. You are a taco nigger

>> No.9865383

Was >>9865340 you or someone else?

>> No.9865643

It's probably capping frame rate to 60 if you get no tears or stutters on mister, and that means it's slower than a real snes. The fact you're getting screen tearing on a 60hz monitor means the emulator is running the games at the proper speed.

>> No.9865724

cool, thanks for the answers!

>> No.9865908

Why does every Mister thread turn into autistic shitflinging

>> No.9865927

Because youtubers like it and this site is insufferably counterculture

>> No.9866017

That's good to know that there's at least a little bit of leniency. I'm guessing the mid-definition 24khz games won't work but there aren't a lot of those on MiSTer anyway, if any at all.

>> No.9866021

quick question that didn't deserve its own thread:
what is the general opinion of modern replicas of old controllers? Am I better off just buying an original pad? I'm trying to decide if I should bother with SNAC inputs or not. My main concern is accuracy and maintaining the "feel" of an original pad

>> No.9866030

Good, there's a million sites on the internet that are so pro-culture they aggressively attack and ban anyone that doesn't automatically tow the party line on every single topic. It's ok for a handful of websites left that challenge everything, even if it gets old at times.

>> No.9866048

>no latency
Well, that's not true.

>> No.9866101

I'll keep my eye on the misterX stuff, also did anyone of you happen to have the link for a SNAC adapter for N64?

>> No.9866120

for the 9 billionth time answering this here's my takeaway:
the improvement is 100% accurate emulation and zero input lag. I don't know if I would be able to tell the difference because I'm bad at games but if you're some kind of speedrunner or top level gamer it might be worth it.
otherwise it's a cool toy, but still just that.

>> No.9866127

I think these days saturn and n64 are the only retro consoles you *need* the hardware for. Everything else has good enough software emulation for 99.9% of people.

>> No.9866129

I feel like for speedrunning its gonna be a hard tell, cause you'd have to have some kind of display or something showing inputs to tell if its emulation or not. also with the way things are better for them to move over to MiSTer anyway since most of the hardware is degrading anyway

>> No.9866140

I mean I could see the scene moving towards MiSTer as an official device if it really is 100% accurate to the real thing.
I mean there'd have to be some kind of way to verify that someone isn't using savestates or other tools but I could see it happening

>> No.9866142 [SPOILER] 

You can use SNAC though if 1ms of lag bothers you, that's gonna have zero.

>> No.9866162

I mean they already kinda have to allow that for practice runs but not actual runs. Cause as of right now you can do that easily with the everdrive and NSO. only thing that might be unaffected is gamecube and up cause the way autists are with speedrunning it just has to be OEM hardware otherwise its emulation

>> No.9866173

>100% accurate emulation and zero input lag
There is no such thing as 100% accurate emulation, and the MISTer does have some input lag, depending on the controller.

>> No.9866176

drastically less than software emulation

>> No.9866513

>if it really is 100% accurate to the real thing.
This is the big caveat because the MiSTer community is really bad at clarity about this. The nature of FPGA means it COULD be as accurate as any hardware implementation since you're recreating the circuit the same way you would if you were building a custom ASIC clone. The reality in practice though is much different since what's actually being implemented is more like a halfway point between software emulators and original hardware. Is it something the end user will notice? Probably not. But the verilog being written to create the various cores is often based on black box analysis of the hardware. Whether working in software or FPGA, that's not going to get you the kind of accuracy MiSTer purports to be.

>> No.9866540

The DoDonPachi core is much better than the MAME version what are you talking about? Even if MAME research is used by MiSTer core developers, the result is completely different on hardware emulation. What do you expect them to re-do everything from scratch? that's a huge waste of time. If the schematics are out there, then hardware emulation will recreate it accurately with zero lag.

>> No.9866543

>Nearly every MiSter thread I have seen admits that if you don't care about the accuracy/lag/analog output and just want to play games then you are better off just using software emulation
>Nobody is arguing that you NEED a MiSTer if you are not very into the hobby
So just bullshitting and dismissing software emulation then and saying you're not "into games enough" if you don't buy one.

>> No.9866551

He's an idiot, if using SNAC and a CRT, it's literally the same as real hardware

>> No.9866583

You can't navigate the interface using SNAC and you literally have to purchase an addon for each system. Stop lying to people and being upset about it.

>> No.9866597

>and you literally have to purchase an addon for each system
wtf? why not just use the original hardware at that point

>> No.9866602

the "add-on" is just a dongle to plug the remote into

>> No.9866621

No, the exact opposite.

>> No.9866632

I can emulate that on PC. No need for me to waste money on a MiSTer.

>> No.9866658

i've said this before and its because there's not enough to talk about without people arguing about it endlessly. If it wasn't for that these threads would get one reply per day because they'd be

>oh shit new core?
>it werks!

and nothing else, if you want to actually talk about MiSTer just go to the forums for it which are appropriately slow. 4chan is for shitposting and being an asshat, as it always has been.

>> No.9866663

So basically Mister is just a beefed up emulator box?

And based on what I'm reading, it's an expensive emulator box that needs to be updated periodically?

I don't understand. Is this for people who don't have an extra PC laying around with Mame? So just buy a Mister and shove it in an empty arcade cabinet?

>> No.9866664

Asshat? Is that a new hat for the Pi? Does it assist in Assembly languages or something?

>> No.9866678

because it uses an fpga rather than a normal computer it has lower latency and you can use original controllers

>> No.9866747

It helps to think of it like the difference between software emulation and clone hardware. If you were to emulate an NES you're using a CPU to simulate the NES in software. But if you were to clone the NES, like with a custom ASIC, you're building a chip that "is" an NES. FPGA is the mid point to an ASIC. If you were designing a chip you'd first test it in FPGA to make sure everything works right before ordering 100,000 units of a non-changeable ASIC. You use a hardware description language like Verilog to define the circuit of a chip, the FPGA can interpret that Verilog and synthesize the chip, and then when you're satisfied you'd finalize it. MiSTer and other FPGA clones take advantage of this by just using the FPGA directly to get multiple consoles out of the same device. Hypothetically if you were to feed an FPGA the same HDL that was used to engineer the original hardware you'd get a "perfect" clone of that hardware. It's a bit more nuanced than that because of really hyper specific quirks of chip manufacturing and shit but that's the gist of it.

>> No.9866752

Correct. Hence why I wouldn't waste money on a MiSTer. Your PC is all you need.

>> No.9866770

the MiSTer is basically similar to any computer, but its OS works completely different to other computers or SBCs.

similar to retroarch, you need cores and roms for whatever you are gonna emulate, but, the cores instead of emulating the code and instructions, reprogram the main CPU of the MiSTer to work (supposedly) exactly like the actual cpu of the thing you want to emulate,

tldr, is basically a raspberry pi, only 'more accurate', more overhyped, with less available systems and games to emulate and more expensive/hard to build.

>> No.9866771

But my PC looks terrible on my CRT

>> No.9866774

It’s only hard to build if you’re a dumb child. I had more trouble setting up a pi

>> No.9866831

>reprogram the main CPU of the MiSTer to work (supposedly) exactly like the actual cpu of the thing you want to emulate,

They program the logic gates of the FPGA, not the CPU. An FPGA is not a CPU. The mister has an ARM CPU, but that's just to run the OS, the emulation does not happen on it.

>tldr, is basically a raspberry pi, only 'more accurate', more overhyped, with less available systems and games to emulate and more expensive/hard to build.

tl;dr poorfags gonna cry over things they are too stupid to understand how they work

>> No.9866835

Ironic, you call anon a poorfag despite the fact that you are playing your games on an emulator box instead of an authentic PCB like a real gamer.

>> No.9866897

This thread is proof that mistersisters are astroturfing this fucking board. Anyone who doesn't like or isn't interested in it is barraged with poorfag this, dumb that. If you fork over the money though it's le based xd. I'm not buying your raspberry pi with a turbo charger on it, sorry.

>> No.9866934

>"The MiSTer is just an expensive pi!"
>"No it's not, you see-"
>"LOL you defending it is proof that this place is just full of MiSTer shills!"

Yeah, how DARE people point out the poorfags who keep arguing it's nothing more than an expensive Pi are wrong. Clearly they are just shills. Reminds me of boomers who complained the SNES was just a scheme and that there was no reason the games could not run on the NES their kids already had because they had no fucking clue what they were talking about.

>> No.9866936

How viable is the ao486 core as a replacement to an actual 486 PC?

>> No.9866993

I have the PCB. It's why I can enjoy the mister so much because I know how good it is compared to MAME.

>> No.9867043
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ill never understand why you retards shit on a free open source project benefiting preservation and only benefits software emulation, you dumbasses have no idea what its like to play on hardware and there's a reason hardware enthusiasts all enjoy the mister, because it's very close and most of the time indistinguishable vs a software emulator, but keep coping poorfag

>> No.9867070

BTFO, lmao

>> No.9867098

CRT's are obsolete.

>> No.9867331
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>> No.9867427
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FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>Rog Ally>Aya Neo pro>>KT-R1>Retroid Pocket 3>>Anbernic RG552>Ayn Loki>Odroid>Recalbox>Raspberry Pi>>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>Miyoo Mini +>>Aya Neo regular>>Ayn Odin>Miyoo Mini>Powkiddy X28>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>Powkiddy A12>>Anbernic 353X>Anbernic 351p>>Analouge Pocket>>>Minisforum>>Anbernic 353p>>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic RG35XX>CFW-injected PSP>Powkiddy v90>>Anbernic 405m>Evercade>Coolboy rs-97+>Pirate multicart>>Bittboy>MiSTER>Powkiddy a66>>Coolboy rs-97

>> No.9867435

Why’re you mixing portables with consoles?

>> No.9867446

The 8bitdo M30 2.4g (over wired usb) is a great low lag option for most consoles imo. Retrobit also makes good genesis/Saturn usb controllers, apparently. I do use snac for SNES because my experience with usb controllers isn't great. The 8bitdo SNES dpads are crap. I haven't tried the Retrobit legacy16 ones. Be sure to check the lag on them here https://rpubs.com/misteraddons/inputlatency

>> No.9867473

I agree, this shithole has value in being a place you can speak anoynmously and that's needed more and more as every project in the world splits off into discords and the like. It still makes sifting through threads of belligerent autists off their meds annoying though.

>> No.9867482

We already won. Anyone who has actually used a mister knows how much better it is than mame.

>> No.9867483
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Some guy is getting rid of his mister, for about 700 usd, could probably get it for 600 usd....good deal?
Comes with the tv and all the boards

>> No.9867496

It's simple. The reason everyone laughs at Mister fans is because they all act very smug. The benefits to the Mister seem small for such a an enormously smug attitude.

>> No.9867534

When all you do is eat shit and are completely content with eating nothing but shit despite other things being available to you, I guess I could understand why you think this.

>> No.9867556

I blame Analogue for keeping the "FPGA is not emulation and is 100% accurate" talking points alive by shoving it into their marketing. Not sure why MiSTer gets all this fucking shitposting instead. The beginning of MiSTer had a lot of Youtubers parroting that as well but it seems like most of them learned their lesson by now.

>> No.9867560

They are probably a big reason the mister gets a lot of hate, ANALog fags are completely different market than the mister, it's collectard and shelf queens, they're the apple fags of retro

the mister community seems to be about playing and enjoying the games

>> No.9867567

For 600, it's not a bad deal honestly, provided you care about the extra bells and whistles. You'd end up paying more doing it yourself + the tv.

>> No.9867651

For $600 with all of that extra shit it's a pretty good deal desu

>> No.9867661

It's a bad deal. You're better off using that $600 building your own gaming PC or paying rent.

>> No.9867669

>paying rent
why stop there? maybe instead of gaming he should exercise, and instead of posting in /vr/ he should be programming retro style games. and instead of replying to me, you should suck some cock.

>> No.9867672
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Anon, you're probably arguing with the autist who does nothing but be a contrarion in mister threads for (you)'s, he's literally picrel

>> No.9867741

speedrunners are already using it. in fact there was recently added an option to disable the enable auto fire button combo because there were a lot of complaints about it ruining runs

>> No.9867749


>> No.9867757

Are you trying to tell me that all mister cores are 100% accurate implementations of the real console?

>> No.9867761

GBA/GBC/SGB all work amazing, you may get N64 who knows but definitely PSX and Saturn are good.

>> No.9867830
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mister cores? god no. The Analogue Pocket cores however must be perfect, just ask them!

>> No.9867845

Are there any cores that can legitimately claim 100% accuracy? I think the NES was decapped throughout but not sure if the core itself is "perfect"?

>> No.9867852

you can never have 'perfect' ever unless you replicate at the transistor level

>> No.9867924

Neogeo is great, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.9867925

But it is not 100% accurate emulation and softwae emulation is already zero input lag.

>> No.9867928

$600 AUD yeah sure not bad especially with a telly.

>> No.9867931

FPGA has the potential to be end-to-end electrically identical to the original systems, which is very dificult to do with software systems. This potential means that implementations are typically easier to get cycle accurate due to the components being electrically interfaced per the original platforms, allowing more focus on the component logic.

>> No.9867932

>and softwae emulation is already zero input lag.
this is untrue, at best you can get 1 frame latency (without runahead)

>> No.9867935

Pretty sure that the Megadrive is perfect. The 68000 implementation went through some crazy level of validation.

>> No.9867947

I use runahead.
>inb4 cheating
You don't understand runahead.

>> No.9867952

>at best you can get 1 frame latency
I don't see why that would be the case in a dedicated set-up tuned for the specific hardware. You don't have to wait for a whole frame of video to be completed.

>> No.9867975

Runahead is not platform accurate. Feel free to enjoy your games however you like but it is not accurate to use runahead.

>> No.9867978

You will never get perfect cycle accuracy unless the emulator is electrically interfaced to the input and display, as can be done with FPGA which can directly interface to original controllers and displays. The software emulator will typically have abstracted input devices and render to a framebuffer.

>> No.9867980

this board makes /g/ look informed

>> No.9868009

>Cycle accurate Megadrive and NES runs on toasters
Where did you get that idea from? I don't think a 100% cycle accurate Megadrive emulator even exists, but even getting close takes a huge amount of cpu power.

>> No.9868018

who gives a shit? no one, mister turd
mame it is.

>> No.9868023


Literally the worst possible way to emulate.

>> No.9868027

ive given up on bloatware loving haters that cant appreciate the raw inegenuity of the mister fpga. how i pity them.

>> No.9868028

Totally their loss.

>> No.9868029

Slowdown is incorrect to a real MVS board. There are lots of audio and graphical glitches in numerous games. Pulstar will actually randomly crash on stage 5 and 6 sometimes. Just check the issues page on github.

If you're a casual player or don't have any idea how much slowdown games are supposed to have or can't tell the audio apart of course you won't notice.

>> No.9868030
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you do, you replied because it made you angry and that's a fact Jose`

>> No.9868035

Lying on the internet? Begone.

>> No.9868038

this why I am not excited for tmnt. that furry is a hack

>> No.9868042

From seeing crappy hardware like the Pi running Mesen or a Blast Em having a minimum spec of a 1.6GHz AMD E-350. Cycle accurate doesn’t have to mean there is a large CPU requirement, no does it mean you won’t have bugs or inaccuracies.

>> No.9868043

Ok retard.

>> No.9868048

he's not a hack, he just never finishes his plate, he starts on shit then gets it almost there and then moves on

the fucking mister neo geo core is still having to use decrypted roms, they used hacked roms to load some games from the darksoft set, lol

>> No.9868098

The NeoGeo core needs work, some of it pretty major from reading through the github.

"This core has some design flaw using async clocks which may introduce issues for some (not all) users. It cannot be simply fixed. Core needs some re-writing. @furrtek has plans to do it, so let's wait for it."



>> No.9868131

How about you read the comments in that 'bug' which was actually a problem with the game roms. Retard.

>> No.9868154

>This some how dismisses all the other bugs and inaccuracies
whew lad

>> No.9868518

You aren't going to literally turn the FPGA into an exact physical replica of an NES but you can reverse engineer the same HDL that would have been used to create the original NES. The FPGA will be physically different under a microscope but the circuit will functionally be the same and there's more than one way to skin a cat. I think that's what people mean by 100% accurate. Though the further back in time you go things get dicey what with obsolete manufacturing processes that end up effecting functionality like on the Commodore 64.

>> No.9868538

The NES actually does use an obsolete manufacturing process like you made an exception for. In corner cases like bus conflicts or undocumented opcodes, taking the same functional description and running it on an FPGA will result in behavioral differences.
Still it's pretty easy to work around if you are aware of it as an FPGA core author.

>> No.9868563

Ah didn't realize. Regardless, I think the current problem is the MiSTer community is deliberately vague when it comes to the accuracy argument. They want people to believe that FPGA is more accurate just by virtue of being FPGA but A) that's not true, and B) the cores being delivered aren't all that different than existing software emulators in spirit, often based on them directly. The PS1 core is based on Duckstation. If you're using software emulation as the basis for your work on an FPGA core then all you've created is a hardware clone of an emulator, not a clone of the original console.

>> No.9868582

The only part of the PS1 core which is based on Duckstation is the GPU, but I agree in principle. Anything which isn't original hardware, is only as good as the quality of the implementation.
IMO the biggest advantage of FPGAs is not about accuracy. Software emulators for some platforms are very accurate. The ones which aren't, are accurate because of developer unwillingness rather than technical incapability. And the accuracy fixes discovered by MiSTer developers often work their way back into software emulators.
The USP is being able to interface with input and output exactly like the original hardware did so you can use original controllers and lightguns without any additional input lag.

>> No.9868685

I’m not sure if the mister is 100% accurate or not but the reason I like mine is that it’s small, quiet, and you don’t have to deal with retroarch. It’s very set and forget compared to some Pis I’ve used and the community is active and friendly. I bought in when the DE10 cost $140 but I would do it all over again at current prices if something were to happen

>> No.9868818

The shilling contain in this thread is so obvious. Anytime someone claims they don't want it or won't buy it, the shills screech. Who cares if someone wants to save money & emulate on PC? That's their money, not yours. Not everyone wants to waste money on an overpriced emulation box.

>> No.9868821

Will you come into every MiSTer thread to let us know?

>> No.9868902

>open thread
>this thing sucks
>I like it
>fucking shills

>> No.9868910

Why would you come into a thread about something just to say you’re not interested in it then get mad when people say that they think it’s good

>> No.9869352

The poorfag coping in this thread is out of control. One only needs to try using a mister to realise how good it is.

>> No.9869364
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>those grapes taste like shit anyway

>> No.9869368

nothing really, they still can't emulate the sound accurately. the c64 SID chip is still wrong, better of sticking with Vice

>> No.9869394

Only someone who doesn't have real hardware would think an emulator box is any replacement.

>> No.9869397

Why? What do you prefer about real hardware over the Mister?

>> No.9869401

I like that it makes poorfags like you seethe.

>> No.9869405

I do have rotten plastic which is how I know mister is so good. I expect the best and software emulation isn't it.

>> No.9869416

I own every retro console worth owning and it cost me maybe $500 over ten years. That is 50 dollars per year. Retro gaming is cheap.

>> No.9869431

See? Only the poorest of poorfags seethe about real hardware, it isn't even expensive.

>> No.9869440

I don't know what your point is. That owning a Mister and real hardware is cheap? I agree. What a glorious time to be into retro gaming!

>> No.9869441

Some people seem to think that spending $300 on an emulation box makes them wealthy.

>> No.9869456

I honestly feel sorry for you.

>> No.9869636

Only poorfags buy a MiSTer. It cost more money to game & collect for real hardware!

>> No.9869645

Mister owners usually do both.

>> No.9869654

Runahead is platform accurate if you tune the runahead in your set-up to be the same amount of lag frames as the original hardware, which I have done via the use of a camera and LED.

>> No.9869658

>The software emulator will typically have abstracted input devices and render to a framebuffer.
Input devices have gotten really quick in recent years and runahead can deal with the 1 frame of lag in the frame buffer in almost all instances.
The days of saying lag is a big problem with software emulation are over. Come up with a different rationale.

>> No.9869668

>The days of saying lag is a big problem with software emulation are over.

Don't you love it when people who have no idea what they're talking about discredit themselves for you?

>> No.9869669

Well that wouldn't be too surprising, since I think some people use a MiSTer to build their own arcade cabinet.

>> No.9869681

There's someone in here with hardware that posted pics, so yeah.

>> No.9869685

too much work

>> No.9869694

For everything in this discussion with Mister it is over. You don't have a Saturn or PS2 core to discuss this about.

>> No.9869727

Runahead is not a solution. It is telling that you didn't state your opinion on emulation being superior to original hardware instead of using it as a gotcha.

>> No.9869749

>Runahead is not a solution
It is.
>It is telling that you didn't state your opinion on emulation being superior to original hardware
Because that isn't my opinion.

>> No.9869752

>Runahead good.
>Emulation bad.

>> No.9869758

fox was right though. grapes are poisonous to canines

>> No.9869760

A hack to get close to something which comes naturally on FPGA. Runahead can only get close, never perfect.

>> No.9869764

Just as FPGA is poison to retarded poorfags

>> No.9869772


>> No.9869802


>> No.9869803

it also doesn't work for later consoles because states are too large and can't be loaded instantly, try using it for DS for instance, it'll stutter like crazy from the constant saving/loading

it's a smart solution, but it's still just a hack to improve it, not fix it

>> No.9869805

Runahead good.
Emulation good.
Real hardware good.

I don't have to play this silly zero-sum game with you.

>> No.9869807

It doesn't matter if it's a hack. It works. It works silently and without side-effects. It is indistinguishable from the normal behavior of the real hardware in terms of lag.

>Runahead can only get close, never perfect.
How is "exactly the same amount of lag frames as the original hardware" not perfect?

>> No.9869813

It will progress at the same pace as FPGA will incorporate cores. If DS is stuttering now it won't be in a few years. And maybe you just need faster hardware.

>> No.9869819
File: 49 KB, 1139x465, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it won't retard, it's because states are in the 10MB+ size when it comes to DS games, you can't just save 10MB of ram and then load it from your SSD within 1 frame, that's why it stutters, it's a limiting factor and won't improve.

>And maybe you just need faster hardware.
kys retard, you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9869903

It's not accurate though, it's close enough at best.

>> No.9869957

>you can't just save 10MB of ram and then load it from your SSD

>> No.9869963

SSD speed has nothing to do with this...

>you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9869971

It's not close enough "at best".
It is extremely close.
It is absurdly, placebo-tier close for the most popular systems.
The only thing you can actually point out that is a real difference is a slow-down speed in software emulation vs real hardware vs mister.

>> No.9870010

>All save states and load states are done to ram and never reach the disk.
10mb is nothing for a modern PC.
The size of the save state isn't the issue.
The limiting factor is latency between your RAM, CPU, and the program (and your overall CPU processing speed).

SSD/HDD don't come into the equation (unless there is some bizarre bottleneck on your set-up). Everything is running in temporary memory.

>> No.9870012

You don't have to be so envious, you could just get a job and buy your own.

>> No.9870017

And setting up a Mister is any less complicated?

>> No.9870021

>You don't have a Saturn or PS2 core to discuss this about.

More examples of the poorfags having no idea what they're talking about



>> No.9870023

This is the stupidest post in this thread.
You think software emulation users don't have a few (or a lot of) hardware systems of their own floating around?

>> No.9870026

So you don't even like it for playing games.
You just like the memes and the shitposting.

>> No.9870028

Yeah that core is not anything to talk about yet.
But if you insist, what is the lag and compatibility for it vs software emulation?

>> No.9870035

Setting up Mister is simpler than retroarch. Less fiddling around with each core (and game) to get the best latency results, but it's totally fine once you set it up. They're both fine choices depending on your setup and what you value. I don't know why these threads always devolve into people shitting on software Vs fpga emulation to justify their choice.

>> No.9870038

Just looked.
206 games tested.
199 will boot.
All have major issues.
Most titles in the list looked like games that software emulation would have little troubles with these days.

>> No.9870039

>You think software emulation users don't have a few (or a lot of) hardware systems of their own floating around?
Don't you get it anon? These tards think you need to pick a side and treat it like a sports team. It is part of their personality. And just like the console wars that preceded this the real winners are the people who play everything.

>> No.9870046

It's the zoomers anon.
The novelty of unlimited free games via piracy means nothing to them because they've never been without it.
So they instead seek unlimited authenticity.
Even to the point of absurdity with things like digital video games.

>> No.9870107

dude, you have no idea how much easier it is.

>> No.9870139


>> No.9870304

But not perfect. With FPGA you can have electrically identical end to end from controller to display. FPGA is being increasingly sanctioned for competitive use where emulatora will remain banned. Runahead is compensating for being deficient

>> No.9870318

>With FPGA you can have electrically identical end to end from controller to display.
Theoretically, yes.
In reality, no.
FPGA and Mister is not perfect either.
>FPGA is being increasingly sanctioned for competitive use where emulatora will remain banned.
*lols in fightcade*

>> No.9870351

>more accurate
>less lag
Meh you'll fail the pepsi challenge on any half-decent VRR setup and what's without 1 frame of run-ahead factored in.
You basically have a Pi without input lag with that DE10 potato, and I'm just not going to buy it is all. I know! Sorry, I know.

>> No.9870356

If the Mister didn't have such a pathetic fucking FPGA it would at least be a half-consideration.

>> No.9870358 [DELETED] 


>> No.9870367

FPGA has the potential to be perfect and in some cases is demonstrably so.

>> No.9870372

That's cool, don't buy it I honestly don't care. In fact the less complaing lamers the better, so it's better that you just steer clear.

So let's make a deal, I'll continue to not shit post in emulator threads and you steer clear of FPGA threads then everyone wins!

>> No.9870376

in every mister thread there are two people:

the first has played on original hardware, software emulation, and mister. these people unanimously agree on how great mister is over software emulation.

the second person has never tried mister. has zero experience with it. has not even played a single game on it, yet are absolutely positive it is no better than software emulation, that it is shit.

>> No.9870379

btw I use to be that second person. then I tried mister

>> No.9870436

At this rate, N64 software emulation will be perfect before an FPGA implementation ever becomes playable.

>> No.9870438 [DELETED] 

Mindbroken by sunk cost

>> No.9870443 [DELETED] 

seething poorfag

>> No.9870446

Spending $300 on emulators makes you stupid, not rich.

>> No.9870447 [DELETED] 

stay poor pablo

>> No.9870458 [DELETED] 

Being able to spend money to enjoy your hobby doesn't make you stupid. Just stop being poor. Like, just stop it.

>> No.9870469 [DELETED] 

The board should be holding the girl. I hate her.

>> No.9870474 [DELETED] 

>mister mascot is a fucking tranny
you can't make this shit up lads, truth is beyond satire

>> No.9870478 [DELETED] 


>> No.9870481 [DELETED] 

Coomlector mindset

>> No.9870485

So uh... How's the core? 270 replies in and nobody wants to talk about OP at all.

>> No.9870495 [DELETED] 

>having every system consolidated into small form factor with the accuracy and playability of the original console
poorfags everyone

>> No.9870519 [DELETED] 

>every system...with the accuracy and playability of the original console
This thread is about only now getting support for a highly popular arcade board, with bugs that aren't present in MAME (e.g. drop shadows in the sewer stage).

>> No.9870526 [DELETED] 

not really sure how that changes anything I said there juan, the tmnt core is a beta, it's not even a release, it being a beta doesnt magically dismiss every other finished core

just stay in your retroarch threads juan

>> No.9870529 [DELETED] 

>It supports every system perfectly, except for all the ones it doesn't support or aren't perfect.
You can try harder than that.

>> No.9870531 [DELETED] 

never said every system, but good try there juan

>> No.9870562

There are only 10 types of people who understand digital design.

>> No.9870607

I dunno about people who use LCDs but the Mister is great as an AIO that works on a CRT with zero fucking around. Literally all it's missing for me is some sort of video playback so I can watch old anime and TV shows and it would be the perfect companion device for my CRT.

>> No.9870610

Does this mean we're any closer to The Simpsons?

>> No.9870665

It's probably not great for that as the AIO board doesn't support 24 bit. I suggest getting a ching-chong DVD player with a USB port.

>> No.9870686

Wait, doesn't Playstation require 24 bit color?

>> No.9870692

ya, it's not possible with the current DE-10 hardware the but ps1 core author made a work around for it, not sure how it works

i think the 24-bit shit was only for fmvs or something

>> No.9870713

Yeah, I realize it's a pipedream. Just saying it would make the device completely perfect for my use-case.

>> No.9870726 [DELETED] 

Core is not finished yet, much less the majority of the abandoned Saturn emulators these days or your mental development.

How about how the Irem M92 core is unfinished but already emulating games with less bugs than MAME? How long has MAME supported Ninja Baseball Bat Man again yet it's still full of visual glitches that the alpha core has already fixed?

Yes actually, work has started on some of the components the Simposons cabinet used.

>> No.9870736

Direct video does 24-bit, but setting it up for component is messy.

>i think the 24-bit shit was only for fmvs
correct. In-game it's only 15-bit.

>> No.9870739
File: 2.08 MB, 2000x605, tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya, but still the DVD works. Here's my setup fresh photos chinese cartoon on DVD and a bit of SMS on mister.

>> No.9870756

so what you iz saying iz that it wuz latency n shieeet that made u bad at the game wuz it?

git gud.

>> No.9870767

24bit works on HDMI of course. The PSX core dithers 24-bit over the analog board.

>> No.9870957

Actually both get hate for selling overpriced hardware.

>> No.9871012

What price would you consider fair?

>> No.9871051 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 689x960, MJVy2EDYZ2U3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audiophiles: /vr/ edition, or, a fool and his money

>> No.9871058

Lmao okay bub, you go ahead and spend $1k on a "potentially perfect machine", I'll just use retroarch with runahead for fucking free

>> No.9871061

This thread alone is full of dozens of retards parroting that "FPGA is 100% accurate"

>> No.9871091

Not him but I'd pay a grand for an FPGA platform capable of perfectly playing Model 1 and Model 2 games. MAME sucks ass at those.

>> No.9871109

Model 1's fine in MAME; what are you having trouble with? Modeler works pretty well for Model 2. In order for someone to make a decent FPGA core they have to do better than MAME and not just port that code.
>DE10 based FPGA handling any machine with SGI style hardware acceleration well
laffin, maybe next chip. Wonder how much it'll cost these rubes?

>> No.9871138

$150 for a MiSTer, $50 for an Analogue clone console. Since MiSTer can do multiple consoles & arcade machines, whereas Analogue seems solely focused on doing one console at a time.

>> No.9871183

what would you consider to be "a mister"? just the bare minimum DE10 and RAM? because that's what it used to cost before inflation

>> No.9871202

I actually consider all the parts to build one to be a MiSTer. But unfortunately those parts aren't cheap. I could use that same money to buy a PS5 or build my own gaming PC. But yeah, inflation sucks.

>> No.9871203

>$150 for a MiSTer
the bare board is $190 with a student discount.
>$50 for an Analogue clone console.
That would be selling them at a loss. The pockets FPGA and screen probably both cost analogue more than that each.

>> No.9871207 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 640x360, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also got this vibe. I guess if they showed an actual fan of mister it's be even worse.

>> No.9871213 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1170x814, 1671513154675398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9871215 [DELETED] 


>> No.9871217 [DELETED] 

I am not a member of the opposing side, I am neutral. Normal people don't think about them at all.

>> No.9871226 [DELETED] 

post your wojak memes where they belong... oh, right, you can't :)

>> No.9871229 [DELETED] 

Just put your penis where it belongs... oh, right, you can't :)

>> No.9871241 [DELETED] 

My penis does not belong in a medical waste bin.

>> No.9871270 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 700x991, FmPF8eWXwAU4do1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent fucking free.

It's amazing that they're now so paranoid they can't even look at a normal ass girl without sheer terror.

>> No.9871279 [DELETED] 

Obsessed. Meds, now.

>> No.9871294 [DELETED] 

I meant put it in a vagina. Obsessed.

>> No.9871295 [DELETED] 

Your festering axe wound isn't one of those, either.

>> No.9871301 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 2712x3740, nigger faggot tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ will really discuss anything except video games huh

>> No.9871309

But that picture implies people are openly trannies and you aren't just calling heterosexual men like me trannies because you are obsessed with them and constantly thinking about them. The black guy and the homosexual are openly black and homosexual.
Why do you think of post op surgeries at the mere mention of the word vagina?

>> No.9871315

>making the core presave and load save states while youre playing


>> No.9871324 [DELETED] 

heterosexual white men never feel called out when they are called niggers or faggots, niggerfaggot.

>> No.9871325

>making the core presave and load save states while youre playing
So fucking what?

>> No.9871327

I don't feel called out. I am just laughing at you for automatically thinking of trannies in response to unrelated stimuli because you are a closet fag.

>> No.9871328

Mister can't do save states, so it's bad.

>> No.9871336

>I'm not called out I just feel the need to defend trannies at any opportunity and nobody else
all the (you)s sure are convincing

>> No.9871339

What's the matter, you're not a poor toaster user are you?

>> No.9871347

Where have I defended them? I don't think about them at all except when you fags post about them for no reason in unrelated threads.

>> No.9871352

When you responded to every single accusation of being a tranny, but not a nigger or a faggot.

>> No.9871356

Retard the whole thing started because people are paranoid and think a drawing of a nerd girl must have a dick because...I don't know she has glasses? It's complete nonsense. Replace that with any other characteristic. "Oh, she must secretly be black even though there's nothing implying that!" See how stupid that sounds? Nobody even brought up the idea until someone's paranoia made them lash out.

>> No.9871357

no computer in the world could keep up with my sonic speed

>> No.9871359

if the girl in the picture was black someone would have inevitably called her a nigger and that would have been the end of the conversation. You can pretend otherwise - you'd be lying and knowing it.

>> No.9871362

Where did you call me a nigger or a faggot? I said I am a heterosexual male. I am white too not that it matters in the context of your obsession with trannies.

>> No.9871364

Right but since she is white and if someone called her a nigger I would say they are obsessed with black people.

>> No.9871412 [DELETED] 

>im white.
obviously. only white boys are into this boring bullshit.

>> No.9871458

The problem with the C64 is solely the SID chips being ANALOG. Digital cannot emulate analog. Best that can be done is to approximate it as closely as possible.

>> No.9871463

What exactly about that image suggests she's not a regular ass woman? Why even mention trannies in the first place?

>> No.9871475

>>Runahead is not a solution
>It is.
correction, not a good solution. not an accurate solution either. playing mega man and going back for your health repleneshment that suddenly changes into weapon repleneshment? yeah right that's fucking as good as MiSTer or original hardware.

>> No.9871479

because why draw a picture of a girl and not make her hot unless its a man

>> No.9871480

i love video games that are old

>> No.9871487

runahead is the most jankass unreal aolution to latency and its the best these retroarch fags will ever have lol

>> No.9871502 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 474x237, mistermascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the mascot. This is. It's based off of Sorgelig's cat and the Nintendo FDS mascot.

>> No.9871526
File: 59 KB, 700x770, 79275205_2585950284852127_7167779742433673216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you legit retarded? It's his art style.

>> No.9871535 [DELETED] 

I think she's the mascot for 240p Test Suite.

>> No.9871540

That only happens with 2 frame runahead, i.e. better than native latency.

>> No.9871551 [DELETED] 

Laughing at your latent homosexuality isn't boring to me Pablo. In fact the way I can analyse your retarded beaner brain just through a 4chan post and know you better than you know yourself is one of the most fun parts of white supremacy.

>> No.9871552 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 320x240, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool, there's an active mister thread on /vr/
>let's check it out
Every time

>> No.9871563 [DELETED] 

everyone seems more interested in calling people trannies or poor than talking about the new core


>> No.9871565

What? Latency has nothing to do with being good or bad at a game. It has to do with being ghetto as fuck and an objectively inferior experience compared to playing on real hardware. The fact that you can't tell the difference makes you a turbo-casual

>> No.9871573 [DELETED] 

You need to be at least 18 to post on this site

>> No.9871578 [DELETED] 

Okay, Commie.

>> No.9871608
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony here is that these same people will play old Mortal Kombats and be like "OMG so hot"

>> No.9871631

so you're bad
got it
what's your next move? blame the gamepad

>> No.9871641
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he starts on shit then gets it almost there and then moves on
Yeah, that happens often. Maintaining cores is half of the job.

>> No.9871645


>> No.9871663

Thankfully my existing consoles can play on CRT's, and I can also buy HDMI converters, making any FPGA device(especially from Analogue) obsolete.

>> No.9871673 [DELETED] 

More like MiSTer HUN (because all mister-fags are trannies that don't pass, just as their fake hardware doesn't)

>> No.9871694 [DELETED] 

these fags all know it's true. Based. Yeah show me one goddamn motherfucking cisgendered woman organically into this shit that isn't a Youtube shill. ONE. I'll accept the ugliest and fattest one you got.

>> No.9871707
File: 376 KB, 1653x1458, 81Vj-MDjqKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correct. In-game it's only 15-bit.
There's one game which always runs in 24-bit color on PS1. And it is effectively very interactive FMV.

>> No.9871732 [DELETED] 

>haha normal ass girls and their PVMs and FPGA emulators, totally not AGP or stupid Scott Pilgrim tier waifu bullshit

>> No.9871745 [DELETED] 

accelerated graphics port?

>> No.9871779 [DELETED] 

>calling someone for what it is
>having basic contextual sense and lore
Cool gaslight, fammy.

>> No.9871807

Doesn't happen on my emulator (FBNeo RA core), bet it doesn't even happen on newer MAME revisions either. I'm just not buying your stupid product! Period!

>> No.9871810 [DELETED] 

...You know that's a drawing, right? It's no different than paying a model.

>> No.9871818 [DELETED] 

>stupid Scott Pilgrim tier waifu bullshit
And there's the backpedal. I like how you did that. Now you can change the conversation to waifu shit so you can maintain your indignant attitude while tacitly admitting that, yeah, you were a retard where trannies live in your head rent free without having to eat shit over it. But sorry, here you are eating shit.

>> No.9871825 [DELETED] 

Except the implication that any conventionally attractive woman would be into FPGAs is so idiotically illusion shattering, and that art style is PURE troonbait. I have zero doubt they were aiming for AGPs who see themselves as the anime girl or "golly I wish I had the nurdgrrl" losers. Be real with me for a second, please. Hot bitches like cars and other things they typically model for. A hot bitch might even saunter into an arcade for a second, at least back in the old days. A hot bitch doesn't have any interest in this shit. Not a one. Nada.

>> No.9871831 [DELETED] 

Whatever, you fucking stinkditch/tranny chasing loser.

>> No.9871835

>playing mega man and going back for your health repleneshment that suddenly changes into weapon repleneshment
You've got your runahead set too high you idiot

>> No.9871838 [DELETED] 

>Except the implication that any conventionally attractive woman would be into FPGAs is so idiotically illusion shattering
Dude, no fucking shit. Drawing an anime girl into nerd shit is like marketing 101. It's so bog standard I'm surprised anyone even thought to be bothered by it.

>and that art style is PURE troonbait.
What are you talking about? The guy's style is his style. Look: >>9871526

Again, rent free. Only someone who's let trannies run their mind is going around looking for "evidence" of some hidden conspiracy when they see an anime girl hawking nerd shit. This isn't even debatable. Nobody said anything about trannies. It's a nerd chick with glasses. You have shit you need to work out before you have a stroke.

>> No.9871843 [DELETED] 

Whatever. Not buying your Pi tier already maxed out emulator-with-more-steps and never will.

>> No.9871846 [DELETED] 

Pat Contri literally paid a hooker to be in a video. You're acting like people are hiding the ball that this is pure fantasy but nobody is pretending otherwise. The fantasy nerd girl cliche is as old as time. Nobody is pretending it's reflecting reality. What's really happening is your tranny argument got blown up so you're moving the goalposts.

>> No.9871849 [DELETED] 

Yes, let's set the standards by what that swarthy shill does.

>> No.9871860

Lol you're a retard

>> No.9871867 [DELETED] 

AGP is a feminist term used to call trans people fetishists. Because obviously dysphoria, an observable mental illness, is a fetish.

>> No.9871870 [DELETED] 

>I have zero doubt they were aiming for AGPs
When you start using acronyms I've never heard of, you're definitely down a really bad rabbit hole.
I bet you think Vivian james is also a tranny for some reason

>> No.9871874 [DELETED] 

ok truscum

>> No.9871875 [DELETED] 

Dude (and I do mean dude) don't fuck with me. This is 4chan not some normie shithole. You learn a lot through osmosis.

>> No.9871892 [DELETED] 

This is a retro gaming board on an anime website. Just because you browse trap threads on /b/ doesn't mean everyone else does too.

>> No.9871978 [DELETED] 


>> No.9871990 [DELETED] 

>Except the implication that any conventionally attractive woman would be into FPGAs is so idiotically illusion shattering, and that art style is PURE troonbait.

>> No.9872000

oh I get it. Im smart

>> No.9872001
File: 344 KB, 770x578, simpsonscustoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that The Simpsons uses some Konami video chips which are yet to be decapped. Furrtek traced all chips used on TMNT family of boards but he is not working on additional Konami chips for now. Jotego, meanwhile, made a replica of Konami's proprietary CPU, which is actually used by The Simpsons.

>> No.9872003

am I the only one who realizes how awful that gamw is? I dont think Ive played a worse beatmup

>> No.9872007

Apparently the Japanese version is better and has extra content. Including nuclear bombs, ironically.

>> No.9872012 [DELETED] 

gross. pee pee and blood comes out of there

>> No.9872016

but it can?

>> No.9872019

There's definitely some nostalgia going on there, but I'm a fag who absolutely loves classic Simpsons to death too. It's a pretty nice-looking game that plays well enough for me in a world of shitty retro Simpsons games. It's fun to play through every now and then imo. It's definitely no masterpiece but it's more than serviceable for what it is.

>> No.9872021 [DELETED] 

I dont know... that cat is giving off some serious gender fluid vibes

>> No.9872030 [DELETED] 

What the fuck happened in this thread

>> No.9872032 [DELETED] 

The same thing that happens in every mister thread.

>> No.9872056 [DELETED] 

If you don't like what happened here, you're poor/stupid/a tranny/a shill.

>> No.9872193

My favourite cores are all pretty much perfect. VIC20 had a recent flurry of activity which greatly improved things, AppleII will get there.

Atari 7800 is absolutely perfect.

>> No.9872202

My only complaint about the 7800 core is that it can't play 2600 homebrew games with DPC+ chip. Makes sense, though, as it is a 70MHz ARM chip. BUP chip for 7800 homebrew would be nice too.

>> No.9872219
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, RnV_Complete_7800_VF.jpg.bbcdac0a39ee3dcd0bb97d29049ba57f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any idea of Rikki & Vikki works on the 7800 core? I can't find any confirmation one way or the other. It's a homebrew game from 2018 that apparently uses an enhanced sound chip that no emulator supports. Supposedly BupSystem is supposed to be able to run it since that emulator was made by the same dev who made the game to test/develop the game but I could not get that to work either. Curious if MiSTer's 7800 core can.

>> No.9872256

Rikki & Vikki works perfectly fine on MiSTer, but there's no music as BUP is missing from the core. You need a headered rom though, same as for all 7800 games. There's an .ips patch somewhere on AtariAge (I don't remember if it was a MiSTer core thread or a Rikki & Vikki thread) which adds a correct header to the rom. The unheadered rom is in No-Intro romset.

>> No.9872292

Yeah, I already applied that patch but still could not get it to work in any emulator.

Sucks to hear that the music does not work in MiSTer, are there any plans to add support for that chip to the core someday?

>> No.9872316

does it have cruisn exotica? i hate having to settle for the terrible n64 version

>> No.9872327

You obviously dont even play the game, lol

>> No.9872346

The upcoming 7800GD flashcart for Atari 7800 supports BupChip. Its dev has worked with Kitrinx (7800 MiSTer core author) to adapt some of existing MiSTer code for their product, so there's a high chance that BupChip might get added to MiSTer soon.

>> No.9872362

An upcoming flashcart? Didn't think anyone would care to make a flashcart that supports it since isn't that the only game that uses it? I would have also assumed that the dev would not be happy that it would make it possible to pirate his game that way now. I recall Krizz used to not support the mappers that Pier Solar used at first... at first.... the game is both now old and many have lost a lot of respect for the dev after the whole Paprium fiasco.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Paprium will ever be supported by flashcarts/MiSter. Even the project to dump the ROM seems to have sadly died off, much less emulating the game.

>> No.9872378

Paprium's a shit game.

>> No.9872464 [DELETED] 

There's bound to be some out there.

>> No.9872467
File: 23 KB, 226x218, zeldacdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you know? Nobody has been able to play it.

>> No.9872473

does the deprecated 2600 only core play them?

>> No.9872480

well it certainly helps to make flash carts if there's open source fpga code already available that can be used

>> No.9872517 [DELETED] 

then you dont belong here

>> No.9872928 [DELETED] 

hey janny youre a fucking faggot queer

>> No.9873169

No, it just crashes

>> No.9873351

Rikki & Vikki devs seem to be pretty chill compared to the majority of AtariAge devs who only sell cartridges. They openly sell their game on Steam, bundled with custom emulator. You can completely legally buy the game digitally and play it on a flashcart. Everyone is happy that way.

>> No.9873359

You can achieve this without spending hundreds of dollars and clogging this board up with your shilling. You're just as bad as the retron fags back when that was a thing. Get out.

>> No.9873373

>with your shilling
Here we go again. Which boogieman are we shilling for today? Or do you need a reminder that the only part necessary for a basic setup is the DE10-Nano itself which Terrasic actively hides as being a pre-order to stop people scalping them and the extra parts can be bought from countless sellers?

>> No.9873420

Yeah, I did just that, it was even on sale for about $2 or so when I got it on Steam. Micro Mages too. But just because they put up the rom on steam doesn't mean they would be ok with it being easy to pirate, glad I was wrong. Couldn't get the ROM to run in anything outside the exe that game with the Steam version though, header patch or not.

The ones that seemed the most chill about it were the Tanglewood devs. Actual quote from the Steam page:

>But there’s more: every digital copy of Tanglewood includes the Mega Drive ROM, DRM-free, for you to do with as you please. Use your own favourite emulator, play on original hardware via a flash cart, add to your Retropie setup—it’s your game. Take it and have fun!

I never expected a Steam game to ever mention "BTW, you can totally pirate our game on emulators, RetroPi, or flash carts"

>> No.9873634

Any downside to using chd over bin/cue for disc games?

>> No.9873638

There can be slowdowns while writing Sega CD saves to SD card when you open core menu.

>> No.9873653

Just sega cd, specifically? doesn't sound like a big deal anyway

>> No.9873664
File: 16 KB, 320x199, 320px-BackupRAM_MCD_US_Cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 and PCE work fine to me. Sega CD can save games either as a dump of onboard save memory or a dump of backup cartridge. Saving cartridge causes a long delay, while saving onboard memory causes no issues.

>> No.9873674

Interesting. Thanks for the help.

>> No.9873815

The terasic website says you can get an academic discount. Does this apply to all college students or do you need to prove you're a cs student specifically?

>> No.9873824

I heard that all students are eligible. I originally wanted to buy it as a geology student in 2020 but found shipping from Taiwan to my country too expensive.

>> No.9874973

Whats the easiest way to convert shit to .chd?

>> No.9875014

lick my cathode

>> No.9875059

i got it as a teacher

>> No.9875715

TGFX16-CD and MEGACD work so good on this thing, singlehandly justifies having one.

>> No.9875732

AFAIK Konami Arcade Drivers were broken on MAME for the longest time
Effects don't render correctly in games like Simpsons Arcade etc.

>no latency
Fuck off with this shit meme
Frame Delay gets rid of that issue on MAME

>> No.9875735

>finally bought an optical cable and a small external dac
>street fighter 1 music no longer makes my ears bleed without audio filters
They weren't lying. The onboard DAC on DE10-Nano is indeed too weak to properly handle some FM synth sounds.

>> No.9875737

>You at least get the (large compared to mame) input latency benefits
You actually don't since on PC you can use frame delay + G-Sync 360hz scanout

>> No.9875741

>The Mister could do with more Kevtris's
Mega SG was literally less accurate than Exodus Emulator
Kevtris is a grifter and so is Analogue

>> No.9875752

>Mame's team doesn't need help for Mister. They are doing fine.
Unfortunately this isn't the case since MAME is ran by trannies.

>> No.9875754

This glitch literally never happened to me on mame

>> No.9875758

FPGAs are just a fad and will never be mainstream
The whole Mister fad is just a scam to sell addons

>> No.9875770

No you retarded faggot
With software emulation you can use 360hz scanout if you have a 360hz G-Sync monitor which destroys the crappy 60hz garbage Mister

>> No.9875775

>he nature of FPGA means it COULD be as accurate as any hardware implementation since you're recreating the circuit the same way
This is completely untrue
FPGAs are toys
If a top of the line CPU takes minutes to render a single frame while emulating the NES at the transistor level(check MetalNES) you can forget about memes like FPGA ever coming close to that.

>> No.9875776

>The DoDonPachi core is much better than the MAME version
Stop shilling
Nobody is buying your bs

>> No.9875780

Display native res

>> No.9875790

>Not sure why MiSTer gets all this fucking shitposting instead.
Because it's a scam shilled by the neckbeard collective of youtube like RetroRGB, Game Sack, My Life in Gaming, John Linneman and all those losers who make money from affiliate links by shilling garbage

>> No.9875796

>I don't think a 100% cycle accurate Megadrive emulator even exists

>> No.9875801

Neo Geo was fixed recently on MAME
The emulation is way better in comparison to Mister meme

>> No.9875886

MiSTer FPGA is the most amazing retro gaming project in the last 30 years. I honestly feel bad for people who can't afford one, they have missed out on something special.

>> No.9876192

That's not how this works. FPGA is comparable to laying down silicon. It's way more efficient than software emulation. FPGA is used to prototype chips prior to manufacture. That's why they exist.

>> No.9876203

i would feel bad but theyre crybaby whiners, the kind that talked afford both an snes and a genesis so they talked shit about the other, so im glad

>> No.9876239

No you’re thinking of chink handhelds

>> No.9876871


>> No.9877720
File: 740 KB, 2060x1162, Screen-Shot-2018-06-13-at-7.12.24-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude must be thinking of that Polymega nonsense.

>> No.9877731

>Chink handhelds are created equal
Oh, I don't think so.

>> No.9877732

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9877737

The asshole he pulled that from

>> No.9877743

Did anything happen with that thing?

>> No.9877756

Yeah, a scam

>> No.9877757


It came out and Linus Tech Tips called it trash.

>> No.9877779
File: 21 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had a Kickstarter, they went back on the whole using a FPGA thing and it's just another software emulation box except this one has expensive over-priced accessories because they still wanted to push the swappable adapters gimmick.

IIRC original plan was to have the base unit bs the CPU, RAM, and other components and each adapter be the controllers, a FPGA, and a cartridge port. This thing became an overpriced fancy retron the second they dropped the FPGA concept. It doesn't even play off the cart, it just dumps it then plays the dump.

>> No.9877846

>and each adapter be the controllers, a FPGA, and a cartridge port.
Why would you put an FPGA in every adapter? That's wasteful to the point of stupidity. The FPGA should go in the main unit and the adapters should be "dumb", only serving as an interface for the cartridge and controllers.

>> No.9877852

nah, the other anon was right. Maybe it was fixed in like 2017, seven yrs ago or whatever, but it had been an issue for twice that long.

>> No.9877891

I don't remember if the FPGA was going to be in the main unit or each adapter, I think the idea was that you could use a cheap weak one for the weaker systems if it was in each adapter and it leaves room open for future systems. But it might have been in the main unit.

>> No.9877898

Because they're idiots. MiSTer was in its infancy then and they were already taking too long getting that shit out there and started smelling their own farts thinking they'd be the apple computers of retro gaming emulation or something. They had a limited window to dominate the retro gaming scene and they missed it. Adding FPGA would have made the delay longer, but they'd still be an option today if they had planned an FPGA expansion card that plugged into the back of the main board or something.

>> No.9877902

>$449 for just the base unit
kek, what a joke.

>> No.9877920

MiSTer has really been a great project, Sorgelig is a brilliant guy to get it rolling and very talented people contributing.

>> No.9878092

Sorgelig was right in that the most important thing was to have a relatively cheap and easy to set up board and designed the SD RAM and mister IO boards. Before that, it was just MiST, which only had VGA and was way more expensive. Still, without MiST, we wouldn't have MiSTer, and without MiSTer, we wouldn't be seeing the infinite possibilities of the future. It was a lot of fortuitous timing. FPGAzumspass, SRG320, Jotego, Furrtek, all of them working independantly and MiSTer being the one device to bring them all together. We're reaching a point right now where there are enough building blocks that new arcade cores could be released at a steady pace. For example, take a game like Thunderjaws. There is no core for it on MiSTer. Yet all the chips that comprise that particular arcade board already exist in other MiSTer cores. All it takes is an interested developer to take those existing pieces and import it into a new project, recreate the board in verilog, and voila.

>> No.9878107

I think people forget that "MiSTer" is really just the DE-10. The stack and various consolized options are all above and beyond, which ends up making the thing look way more expensive than it really needs to be.

>> No.9878130

Yeah I agree MiST is a great project which also built on prior work like Minimig. MiSTer has definitely created an ecosystem which takes it to the next level not imagined in the early FPGA platforms like SpecNext, ZxUNO etc.

>> No.9878136

I used a plain DE-10 with OTG hub for more than six months before I got around to a hamburger build. The only thing it really felt lacking in was the SDRAM which is pretty much essential but I got by with half the cores.

Hamburger is great though that analog IO board is really useful.

>> No.9878146

Isn't the analog IO board outdated since you can use direct video through HDMI?

>> No.9878149
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>> No.9878160

Well I like to run HDMI and RGB at the same time. The analog board also has the second sd slot which is useful for my zxnext stuff, plus ADC analog input and the buttons/leds. Not essential but useful stuff.

>> No.9878163

I mean you can get analog RGB out of the HDMI port with direct video and it's actually higher quality than the analog board. You do have to sacrifice simultaneous output though, which I think streamers really like to have.

>> No.9878173

Yes I understand that. The quality difference is debatable, besides the obvious 18-bit limitation of the analog board. I like to have both because sometimes I just like to play on the big TV without having to fuck around plugging shit. Where can you even get those directvideo dongles anyway?

>> No.9878190

>Where can you even get those directvideo dongles anyway?
Yeah, it's a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to get an HDMI to VGA adapter and then VGA to whatever you need after that.

>> No.9878335

Anyway it just highlights the flexibility of the Mister architecture. I've got a flakey A600 which I've been considering to convert into a mistress, but I like that hamburger it's just so small.

>> No.9878441

Best thing to do is wait for the Mister Express. Other than that, it's highly likely that there will be a reasonable successor to the DE10-Nano in the next year or two.

>> No.9878442

Mister Express?

>> No.9878456


>> No.9878460

oh god, just another add on board that makes the entiren package gigantic, i'll never understnad this shit, i like the fact the de-10 is small and the analog i/o board just goes on top and barely adds any size, these dumb faggots want to make console size attachments

>> No.9878465

thats not the finished board, it'll be smaller when it's done, and he plans a new case.

>> No.9878535

So it's like a Multisystem all-in-one board that you just plug the DE-10 into?

>> No.9878556

Very true, but I don't regret going full sandwich. It's nice having an all-in-one little device.

>> No.9879089

>id rather have some janky little shit with exposed silicon, no power switch and plugs all over it than something clean that looks like it plays games.
ill never understand this shit

>> No.9879097

>plugs all over it
I have a usb cable and a power cable going to my mister, what the fuck are you talking about retard? lmao

>> No.9879098

You can get a case, idiot

>> No.9879232
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cases for the sandwich stack can look pretty good while being small and you can even have a power switch built in if you wish. I usually just have Power, HDMI, and a controller hooked up I don't understand these people with a million things connected at once

>> No.9879453

NeoGeo Pocket 2nd of June

>> No.9879467

Is it just me or does this scream soulless?

>> No.9879485

Inanimate objects do not possess souls.

>> No.9879487

i'm busy looking at my tv when i play, i dont give a shit

>> No.9879774

The consolized options are trouble because they may not be compatible with future improvements. But the official stack is a bit TOO gung ho on size efficiency, what with the octopus of wires that it ends up having.

>> No.9879821

There isn't much to add, it's not like you can have an add-on secondary FPGA module for N64 or DC or something, just about all the expansion options (mostly more USB and audio/video outputs) have been around for a while now. And anything specialized (such as a JAMMA pinout) have their own boards.

If anything, from what I could tell in that video, it looks like the Mister Express appears to allow for dual-RAM while still having all of the analog outputs intact?

>> No.9879879

But the mini consoles I own has soul.

But when your not playing, it still looks like shit.

>> No.9879882

>mini consoles I own has soul.
>it still looks like shit.
It doesn't.

>> No.9879898

What is a hamburger build?

>> No.9879931

I think he's also working on a new analog IO board that incorporates the benefits of the digital IO like dual ram. He teased it a while back but there's been no news for a long time.

>> No.9880041

I think it looks neat.

>> No.9880185

Then your mini consoles might actually be Evangelions. I'd be wortied for your mother's safety.

>> No.9880227

It's really shallow and feels lightweight compared to something like Final Fight. It's purely nostalgia as it's a retro simpsons game that's "competent" instead of unplayable trash.
t. anon whose played it on a real machine with a friend and both got bored after the first level.

>> No.9880757

The standard Sorgelig DE-10 sandwiched between the USB hub board and the Analog IO board.

>> No.9880769
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Building one using the common MisterAddons parts, or ones very similar to them, and without a case. Usually that means the DE-10 Nano, a single RAM module, an I/O Board (99% of the time this would be the Analog I/O Board) and a USB hub.

The DE-10, I/O Board, and USB board all stack on top of each other, with the I/O board being on the top, the DE-10 in the middle, and the USB hub on the bottom. So people jokingly call it a hamburger or more commonly a sandwich build because of the layers of parts similar to layers in a sandwich. Many don't bother with a case for such a build so all the exposed parts further look like a sandwich.

Image related is the most typical sandwich build, although additional standoffs were added to the bottom of this one to act like feet.

>> No.9880968
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I will never understand gamers' obsession with flashing rgb lights.

>> No.9881021

It's the worst of the majority of major arcade beat em ups except maybe Captain America and the Avengers. It's neat for being a time capsule in and of itself, reflecting Season 1 era Simpsons to the point that there was so little content that Konami pulled shit out of their ass to fill boss fights. The combo attacks are fun though.

>> No.9881164
File: 44 KB, 642x179, Wascally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a lot of fun with it.

>It's neat for being a time capsule in and of itself, reflecting Season 1 era Simpsons to the point that there was so little content that Konami pulled shit out of their ass to fill boss fights

Or hinted at plot points that actually never happened because the creators decided to go in a different direction

>> No.9881813

>played it on a real machine with a friend
Play with 3 friends and you will understand. Name a better 4 player retro belt scroller?

>> No.9881991

DnD Shadow over Mystara

>> No.9882090

That came out 5 years later. Simpsons arcade is worth caring about.

>> No.9882148

why does it matter if it came out 5 years later, it's better

>> No.9882331

> mame
> doing fine
enjoy your shitty fruit machines i guess

>> No.9882337

I just think they're neat.

>> No.9883170

>Go to play my MiSTer as usual
>Does a ploc sound and turns off immediately

Thankfully it was only a dead power supply. Chink 5V4A one I got from aliexpress. Died after 3 years of usage. Is this acceptable or should I get something better? I'm using the 2A one that came with the DE-10 right now

>> No.9883187

Mystara has its own problems as it's more a defensive focused beat em up, and I don't think the addition of crouching really brings anything worthwhile to the game.
Phenomenal looking game though, and some of the animations are stellar.

>> No.9883203

How much do you have plugged into the USB ports at once? It is probably fine.

>> No.9883214

Currently two controllers, and dongles for keyboard, bluetooth and wifi. Looks like it's fine for now but I can imagine I'm pushing it with only 2A

>> No.9883354

Better to buy one from your local store especially if you live in Australia where power supplies have some serious standards.

>> No.9883396
File: 1.11 MB, 2160x2430, RSK202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you be TOO retro for retro?

This MiSTer case feels like it's something out of the 1950s, or at latest the 70s with the woodgrain. Not the kind of look on devices you would really see in the eras of most of the consoles or PCs you can play on it.

Also, that's a SHITLOAD of wasted empty space. Why not just make it smaller? It would be cheaper to make that way too.

>> No.9883401

those sandwhiches look so stupid. get an mms.

>> No.9883406

That looks pretty cool ngl

>> No.9883409

Something about this big dumb box with metal and woodgrain appeals to me. The amount of wasted space kinda sucks though, but ultimately it doesn't matter too much as you should be looking at the screen and playing video games instead of ogling at the platform itself.

>> No.9883413

The one that came with it will probably be fine, but I use a meanwell 4A adapter because it's good quality, and so I can plug in an external hdd. 3A would be plenty honestly, but I'd rather overdo it.

>> No.9883430
File: 207 KB, 640x640, Mean-well-adaptador-universal-de-carregador-fonte-de-alimenta-o-5v-7-5v-9v-12v-15v.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this one recommended on MiSTer forums as well. Is this model good?

>> No.9883438

That's the one I use, exept with a 2 pin connector. Has worked great for me so far.

>> No.9883464

I can't stand how this guy is so full of himself with his logo.

>> No.9883481

Thanks, I'll buy it them.

>> No.9883489


>> No.9883495

>that's a SHITLOAD of wasted empty space
Not everyone lives in a shoebox. Clearly that faggot has tons of extra space. He must have a whole shelf dictated to that thing with all that shit hanging out the side once it's actually plugged in.

>> No.9883501

I have both the active and passive adapters. At this point, there's no reason to buy the passive, but they work good. I use one on an old composite only CRT and the image is "good", in the sense of "good for composite". S-Video tested fine on another TV. The big issue so far is that whatever core you're playing has to support either the new framework or have a YC specific core made for it in order to work, but basically all of the console cores are on the new framework, and I believe a good chunk of arcade are, as well.

>> No.9883550

Looks cool. A lot of that woodgrain stuff in the 70's was empty space too, infamously the AtariVCS was mostly empty.

>> No.9883557

I was using one but switched to this, my DE-10 came with USB-barrel adapters. There was something not quite right with the ching-chong 5A I bought.


>> No.9883560

Cool, thanks for the reply. Good for composite is what I'm looking for. Want to use it on a composite only crt.

>> No.9883587

MiSTer myths:

>it needs a fan
No it doesn't, if it needed a fan it would come with one. A heatsink won't hurt but a fan is overkill.

>It needs a power switch to turn it off

No it doesn't, if it needed one it would come with one. In fact turning it off carelessly can cause issues with some cores not unmounting their volumes cleanly. Fun fact, those inline switches are shit and cause voltage drops, causing your DE-10 to draw too much current and get cooked.

Power cycling electronics is more damaging than just leaving them on.

>> No.9883604
File: 132 KB, 403x334, mistercase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few dudes crying they static zapped their bare boards and screwed them up. Best to use a case I have pic related.

>> No.9883635

>Power cycling electronics is more damaging than just leaving them on.

I constantly think about this. I constantly turn my MiSTer on and off all the time and I've been playing almost everyday for 3 years now

>> No.9883652

Although that's somewhat true, the DE-10 Nano can withstand upwards of 40,000 power cycles, it's literally impossible to reach that in a lifetime. Meanwhile, capacitors don't like being on 24/7 though and will fail much faster if you leave it on. The average capacitor has about 30,000 hours before it dies off, leaving on 24/7 you'll reach that in about 3 years.

>> No.9883669

It's probably no big deal now but definitely was a contributing factor to older electronics. Anyway no harm to just leave it on.

>> No.9883672

>I play games made at 50 and 60hz interpolated to higher fps because I am retarded
lol. You turn on 120hz for tv too I bet, you moron.

>> No.9883673

>he average capacitor has about 30,000 hours before it dies off
Source. MTBF I see on SMD caps is 4000+ YEARS.

>> No.9883675

dumb retard nobody mentioned interpolation

>> No.9883678

I don't remember where I got number, took it from memory. But I'd be glad to be wrong

>> No.9883687

The only downside is the core and MiSTer main developers having to add code to support it. They still don't trust CHD to be reliable.

>> No.9883724

Which doesn't let you control the interface. Also good luck with arcade games.

>> No.9883727

Also there nobody will call you out when upselling the qualities of the thing.

>> No.9883735

Sounds like a whole bunch of speculation.

>> No.9883743

No, it's deterministically provable.

>> No.9883779

I just use a wireless 8bitdo controller for that. It's not that hard bro. You could also use usb adapters for original controllers if you really wanted to.

>> No.9883854

The term you're looking for is "word salad" The faggot has no idea what he's talking about. He's just typing words he's seen that he thinks make him sound knowledgeable. But anyone with a basic understanding of electronics can see it's the nonsensical ramblings of a foolish child.

>> No.9883881


>> No.9883929

>>it needs a fan
>No it doesn't, if it needed a fan it would come with one. A heatsink won't hurt but a fan is overkill.

It doesn't need one, but it is recommended for some of the cores as the FPGA gets pretty hot. It's not going to outright kill it, but it's also not really doing it any good letting it run hot without cooling. Not exactly good for it's lifespan.

Meanwhile, capacitors don't like being on 24/7 though and will fail much faster if you leave it on. The average capacitor has about 30,000 hours before it dies off, leaving on 24/7 you'll reach that in about 3 years.

If that's the case how come it's not a problem to leave computers on 24/7 that you use for years on end without all of their caps blowing? Or are the capacitors in modern computer motherboards different? All of my PCs I leave on all the time, some of them that I still use daily are over a decade old now and still work fine. One needed a PSU replacement, that's about it in terms of critical power-components failing. (Mechanical drives are of course another story)

Not challenging you, I am actually asking because I had no idea about this and want to know if my computers are well past their life expectancy after three years if I leave them on all the time because of this.

(Come to think about it, what about chargers that people leave plugged into the port, like the character for a phone or other device. I assume some of the components are still getting power through them even if a device is not connected to the charger most of the time)

>> No.9884003

>Not exactly good for it's lifespan.
Why not? Define hot, as long as the FPGA is running in spec it's OK. Considering the CycloneV is designed for industrial embedded applications, I'm pretty sure it's a rugged component.

I run mine with only a heatsink running Ao486, A1200, Neogeo etc in the middle of Australian summer, it doesn't miss a beat. Run a fan if you like but I've yet to see a compelling reason to.

>> No.9884024

I bought this thing, it's a fucking piece of shit that's impossible to put together. To be fair to the guy who made it, he did TRY to help me out for a bit, but he managed to sound like a complete fedora-wearing neckbeard the whole time without talking about feminism or atheism.

Do NOT buy this. Do not. You're just going to pull your hair out.

>> No.9884043

I take it neither of your mothers were able to help?

>> No.9884219

I run a fan because it cost 2 bucks to add it to the io board I bought. Probably does nothing, but it's barely audible so idc.

>> No.9884647

If you're planning on Composite only, then definitely make sure you get the active adapter. It fixes some issues with Genesis and NES output.

>> No.9884871
File: 16 KB, 894x548, 71+cINo83EL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those little heatsinks that stick on with tape are shit. thermal tape is garbage. if you cant mount a heat sink with paste then you are better with no heatsink. I use a 120mm fan mounted to the top of my case that cools the entire de10 and the ram module. no heatsink. I can run memtest at 150mhz for 12+ hours error free.

inline switches are shit and leaving the de10 on 24hours a day is retarded. use pic related.

also the de10 doesnt come with an enclosure either. youre welcome to brick yours with static discharge like the dozens of others on the misterfpga forums who thought it didnt need one.

>> No.9884916

>those little heatsinks that stick on with tape are shit. thermal tape is garbage.
They are a dollar and do not impede your ability to use a fan. No reason not to use one. It passes at least some heat away from the hottest part. An aluminum case is one giant heat sink.

>> No.9884921

>youre welcome to brick yours with static discharge like the dozens of others on the misterfpga forums who thought it didnt need one.

lol who has done this? you're full of shit, most retards blowing up their de-10 are from idiots plugging in a 12V supply

>> No.9884993

>They are a dollar
I guess ebayers will scalp anything. You shouldn't pay more than a buck a dozen, tops.

>> No.9885009

>If a top of the line CPU takes minutes to render a single frame while emulating the NES at the transistor level(check MetalNES) you can forget about memes like FPGA ever coming close to that

>> No.9886269

is thermal tape really that bad?

>> No.9886708 [DELETED] 

I once owned a MiSTer, but it affected my love life. I would play on this thing for hours while my girlfriend cheated on me with our neighbor nextdoor. I ended up alone. So I destroyed this MiSTer with a sledge hammer.

>> No.9886751

no, there's just better solutions

if you feel heat being transfered via the tape then its doing its job, that anon is retarded

>> No.9888197 [DELETED] 

It's ok. The homeless guy who stole your anime pillow just wanted something soft to sleep on. "she" didn't cheat on you.

>> No.9888483 [DELETED] 

fool, she just used the mister as an excuse. if she was a real woman she would have stood by her man.

>> No.9888606
File: 657 KB, 4113x2314, 1683597218456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play too many videogames
>man fucks your girlfriend
>she's now his
>buttfuck the man to establish dominance
>girlfriend is now yours again transitively
>you are now king cum-slammer
>can play videogames anytime you want as king
>cum-slam all who oppose you

>> No.9888623

that's just being gay with extra steps

>> No.9888628

look on the forum. theres a new one just the other day.


>> No.9888640

every test I've seen done with raspberry pis suggests the best case scenario is it buys you like 20 minutes of better temps then afterwards its like you had no heatsink, and in the worse case scenario it actually runs hotter.

>> No.9888646
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>> No.9889427

But if you have an aluminium case the heat is going somewhere and anything that removes heat from the hottest point is going to help.

>> No.9889428

How the fuck would it run hotter?

>> No.9890327 [DELETED] 

dont ask questions goy

>> No.9890631
File: 690 KB, 1280x1588, TNGg8bkNizMDFtKbTFmkSaTlUm-yIOHDTo0kdvwB_b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the level shifter really necessary? I tried plugging in a snes controller with just the snes adapter and it worked fine. Would it fuck the controller long term?

>> No.9890912

>Is the level shifter really necessary?
What did the manuals say?
>Would it fuck the controller long term?
Not at all. Your $5 controller is perfectly safe. And definitely the most important thing you should be worrying about.

>> No.9890942

whats that for

>> No.9890953

It shifts levels

>> No.9890998

SNAC adapter. It shifts the voltage from 3.3v to 5v since that's what most old controllers expect. You're supposed to plug it into the user port and then plug the controller usb adapters into it.

>> No.9891016

The controller expects 5v, as the io port is 3.3v it will be loaded up with more current per ohm's law and invariably we will see another moron pleading for help in mister forums. If only static electricity could sterilize idiots.

>> No.9891067

It'll probably be fine, but I'd use it anyway

>> No.9891192

No it won't be fine.

>> No.9891253

>The controller expects 5v, as the io port is 3.3v

>> No.9891294

Fuck you dickhead.

>> No.9891295

Makes me glad that I don't own a MiSTer.

>> No.9891349

>my zoomie ass
That's what I thought. Daily reminder that making word salad using words you don't understand doesn't make you look clever.

>> No.9891685

Enjoy your fried io. Can't wait to see you crying on the mister forums.

>> No.9891903

It would be fine. Did some digging, and snes controllers that use the 4021 cmos ICs will work totally fine on 3.3v. They're rated to accept 3v minimum. There are other versions that require 5v to work however.

You wouldn't harm the io board wtf lol

>> No.9891912

>It would be fine. Did some digging, and snes controllers that use the 4021 cmos ICs will work totally fine on 3.3v. They're rated to accept 3v minimum. There are other versions that require 5v to work however.

So instead of just getting a cheap SNAC adapter to prevent from frying your $400-600 MiSTer, you are going to hunt down specific revisions of the controllers and risk the damage? This is like building a $5000 computer and refusing to get a $120 UPS for it.

>> No.9891926

Nothing would happen with the 5v controllers, they just wouldn't work. You're not risking shit, least of all your mister.

>> No.9891975

How do you imagine you being retarded is going to fry anyones io tardanon? Other than evoking a small chuckle or sigh or disgust, how will your pathetic attempt to impress other children on /vr/ affect anyone else in any way?

>> No.9892019

Do what you like it's a free world, YWNBAW.

>> No.9892064


This is pretty cool.