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File: 282 KB, 1267x1600, brutaldoom.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8808032 No.8808032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so why do retro fps fans hate brutal doom?

>> No.8808417

>why is this thing that's not true?
because they don't

>> No.8808419

because it's better

>> No.8808423
File: 186 KB, 1032x774, chally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purism. It's the same reason classic car owners recoil at photos like picrel, you're detracting from the original vision and bastardizing it to a point where it no longer represents the original product; which many believe is the best way to experience something (in this case, Doom).

Another thing to take into consideration when looking at older media (specifically video games) is appreciating how they circumvented limitations of the technology they had at the time. You lose a lot of the appreciation of the time the developers put into making their world come alive if you use modern technology that wasn't available at the time. Doom is special because it was a technological marvel for it's time, but by substituting all the little tricks they had to implement with an engine with real time lighting, proper 3D and advanced blood physics you just have another shooter but with Doom elements in it.

This is of course paraphrasing by quite a bit, but you get the idea.Also it's popular. Muh sekrit klub, dont u fukin dare let a nu audience invade muh sacred game.

>> No.8808424

How about you fucking ask them in their general, faggot

>> No.8808595

nah, he can stay here

>> No.8808604

Didn't Romero say that Brutal Doom is exactly how id would've made it if they had the tech back then?

>> No.8808605


Because it modifies the fundamental gameplay of Doom (Which is one of the most tightly designed gameplays ever, why do you think there are new maps being made that still use the vanilla enemies and weapons?) and replaces it with edgy and unnecessary shit. The worst part are the newfags that ONLY play brutal doom and consider it a replacement for the real doom.

>> No.8808631

I have only played doom for a few weeks, but I consider Brutal Doom to be a replacement of the real game and the definitive way to play.

>> No.8808656

No. He said imagine how crazy it would’ve been if that’s how Doom was released back in the 90s

>> No.8808660

Because it removes any and all challenge from the game by making everything comically overpowered, which is fine if you want a dumb mod to kill shit, but a lot of people getting into Doom gravitate towards BD because it’s popular and then shit on the actual game as being outdated and boring compared to their crazy gory mod, and then proceed to get mad that it doesn’t work with every wad ever so they harass the creators to make it compatible. BD fans are just fucking annoying

>> No.8808672 [DELETED] 


The mod itself isn't bad, Hell it's great, but the reddit zoomer fags it brought into the Doom fanbase are unwelcome cocksuckers who can't appreciate the game for what it actually is and have poisoned the well for everyone else which is why it carries a stigma among actual Doom fans. Another classic example for the importance of gatekeeping.

>> No.8808682

No hate, just purists don't like it

>> No.8808709


Because if they didn't their kool kidz klique wouldn't accept them, so they regurgitate the usual talking points you can also see in this thread.

>> No.8808713

In your opinion what’s worse? BROOTUL DOOOM fans who froth at the mouth over BD or nu doom fans who think eternal is the peak of FPS games and muh combat loop is the west’s greatest achievement. Personally I’m fine with a couple of newfags shitting up the community wanting brutal doom troubleshooting solutions but I’d rather piss glass than deal with an eternalfag

>> No.8808734

>person wants to start playing Doom because they loved 2016 and Eternal
>download the game
>it’s too archaic and old for them. Where’s the glory kills and RIPNTEAR?
>person on Reddit tells them to download brutal doom because it’s “totally what Doom was meant to be”
>newbie installs it and has a blast
>immediately goes to popular doom forum and starts hyping up BD as the best thing since sliced bread and the DEFINITIVE way to play Doom
>tries to play some wads with it installed
>confused and angry when they won’t work
>1 star wads and complain it’s not BD compatible
>harass author to make it happen
>doom newbie joins thread and asks how to best experience the game
>tell him to try brutal doom because it’s “totally what doom was meant to be”
The motherfucking saga continues

>> No.8808746

This. Brutal Doom fans are dogshit but Eternal fans are far far far worse

>> No.8808767 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.8808956

It has an obnoxious fanbase. Also, for some reason, people like to focus on the shit the creator did in the past or the shit code when talking about BD.

>> No.8808985

great write-up, and accurate. And yeah there is also the fact some people get so invested in something that they identify with a product to the point where they feel personally attacked by something that introduces change. Social media has fueled this further because now "YouTubers are attracting these newcomers who have never even played the original".

>> No.8808991

true but the funny part is that you never hear the original devs complaining about stuff like Brutal Doom

>Because it removes any and all challenge from the game by making everything comically overpowered
Sure, that's an argument. But it never seems like the arguments are the problem. You can always feel the resentment behind these arguments

>> No.8809036

I hate the BD fanbase not BD itself

>> No.8809326

why whats wrong with them

>> No.8809330

doom really isnt that hard to begin with. the only thing that offers challage are some fan made mega wads.what challange dose brutal doom take away

>> No.8809334

If you have to ask that question, you shouldn't even be here

>> No.8809342

I dont pay attention to them since doom eternal turned doom into cape shit but I cant do anything about it. why pay attention to redditor when I can focus on things that dont make me miserable

>> No.8809361

Generally this. I’m not favorable to anyone saying a certain mod “fixes” the gameplay, it’s not solely an issue with Brutal Doom.
It buffs the player, not so much the monsters. Of particular note is the super shotgun killing cacodemons in one hit. Those fan made levels get their difficulty minimized.

>> No.8809369

Because it was popular and reminded people that Doom exists. No zoomer discovered Doom through Scythe. Now, some of those newcomers never moving past BD and trying anything else is an issue but that's something every community with lots of mods faces.
You have to be a real fucking loser to whine about someone enjoying and recommending a mod. As if that affects your singleplayer experience or the doomworld bubble.

>> No.8809410

Nothing wrong with the mod itself.
But the meme that it's "the right way to play doom" is retarded as fuck, and is the main source of the backlash.

Why do people meme this particular mod that completely changes the game turning it into another game as "the proper way to play doom in [current year], rather than any other mod that completely changes the game?
Because the game is a victim of its own reputation. People think Doom is about le edgy gore and brootal violence, and try to retroactively turn it into that. Even the new official games.

It's like the whole "sonic is about speed" debacle in miniature.

>> No.8809419

>People think Doom is about le edgy gore and brootal violence
might I ask what do you think doom is about.
doom is about shooting demons right?

>> No.8809425

Let me put it this way.
Doom is old school heavy metal, nu-Doom is metalcore and Brutal Doom is grindcore.
They're all sub-genres of metal, but they're not the same, ok?

>> No.8809441

well I know jack shit about metal but isnt heavy metal pretty violent. what seperates heavy metal from grindcore
dose grind core just have more violence

>> No.8809449

>what seperates heavy metal from grindcore
Shitty lyrics. So in a way he's right. "You have big guts" lead to "nu-Doom".

>> No.8809451


See >>8808417

>> No.8809452

Grindcore is fast and dumb. Metalcore is kiddy shit disguised as metal

>> No.8809476

so nu-doom is kiddy shit disguised as doom

>> No.8809491

Pretty much

>> No.8809515

is thier any good gore mods that dont mess with the core gameplay. ?

>> No.8809521

I think SmoothDOOM had some gore animations, and I've heard of Ketchup but never really tried it

>> No.8809526

ketchup was made my Sgt mk 4 the same guy who made brutal doom
he also made a mod called boloangse
isnt excessive amounts of gore heavy metal?

>> No.8809535

We don't.

We stan Doom Modarn Warfighter

>> No.8809553
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Ok, how about this.
Doom is old school Dungeons and Dragons.
nu-Doom is Warhammer 40k
Brutal Doom is F.A.T.A.L.

Doom is Sonic.
Nu-Doom is modern Sonic.
Brutal Doom is Shadow The Hedgehog.

Doom is the classic 80s nerd.
nu-Doom is the modern basedboy
Brutal Doom is a jersey shore fratboy.

>> No.8809562

>isnt excessive amounts of gore heavy metal?
I don’t get “heavy metal” vibes solely from gore.

>> No.8809586

what makes heavy metal
heavy metal if you dont mind me asking

>> No.8809592
File: 198 KB, 640x836, asdassaddsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's death metal and its subgenres.
Heavy metal is more like old school fantasy, DnD, sci-fi, etc.
I'd say it's more horror than gore.
Also, wasn't doom literally inspired by a dungeons and dragons campaign?

>> No.8809603

yes it was inspired by their dnd campaign.
it ended with a bunch of demons coming through a portal
and a bunch of old horror movies
I guess, since we're on the topic.
What do you think heaven would look like if the old ID team in the 90s decided to make a level set in heaven

>> No.8809605

>heavy metal: classic
>metalcore: “hardcore punk and metal”. Which has basically devolved into emo bands who wear mascara doing breakdowns
>grindcore: loud, dumb, noisy, ugly. A good time but don’t expect much out of it.

These all apply to Doom like Anon said. Doom is heavy metal, especially because of the music but it’s a classic that has influenced a lot of stuff. Nu-doom is metalcore, an over the top and corny genre that people think is hardcore when in reality its borderline embarrassing. BD is grindcore. It’s stupid and gory and retarded but it’s a lot of fun, just don’t expect it to be the best thing ever

>> No.8809609

as what this anon said
heavy metel is more inspired by fantasy
is grind core just pure gore with no "Old school fantasy or sci-fi" influence.

>> No.8809621

I’d ask /mu/

>> No.8809625
File: 596 KB, 1180x1600, xvcvcxcvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of pulpy sci-fi in heavy metal as well.
And I mean like trashy sci-fi, not philosophical sci-fi lol.
Like, there was a magazine literally called "Heavy Metal", it's a good primer on what the whole aesthetic is about.

>> No.8809628

You’re better off asking /mu/ in all honesty. There’s some differences to other genres but it’s gotten to the point where it’s just a catch all term for a lot of stuff now

>> No.8809635

The gore is too distasteful for me. I have no problem with the gore level on the original game or even on the newer games, but the level of it on BD feels more unsettling than satisfying, almost fetishy. Is like going from campy slasher movie to snuff.

>> No.8809638

The developer is a brazillian favela monkey and brags about using real life gore pics for textures in the mod.

>> No.8809639
File: 44 KB, 350x347, D6A21027-625E-4102-95A1-81783037E013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s definitely a heavy fantasy tinge to Doom. Doom was directly inspired by a D&D campaign the Id crew were playing through at the time and the basic core idea for the game was ‘kill demons with technology’ which was also inspired by D&D. There’s also the fact that the Cacodemon is just 1 for 1 stolen from a D&D game book cover. I mean, if you think about it, the cover for the game looks like some sci-fi version of a Manowar album

>> No.8809643

>grown old enough to have to explain what old school heavy metal is about
And I'm not even gen X, just millenial. Doom was already 13 years old when I first played it.
Do zoomers know anything?

>> No.8809919

>I mean, if you think about it, the cover for the game looks like some sci-fi version of a Manowar album
Except instead of it being a warrior having conquered everything, it’s a marine who is about to get fucked.
The Alien movies are an equally important influence, especially when bearing in mind how close they were to developing a game with the Alien IP.

>> No.8809995

Oh, absolutely. The sci fi influence is arguably more important, but there’s definitely elements of fantasy seeping through and the whole thing was kickstarted by an idea from D&D. It’s just as engrained in Doom’s blood as Aliens is

>> No.8810027 [DELETED] 

Because the Janny camps in Doom threads and deletes any discussion of it even though he's not supposed to do that. Also the dev's a dick.

>> No.8810094

This post lacks perspective.

>> No.8810098

Agreed completely. They did a surprisingly good job for a bunch of fresh 20 somethings.

>> No.8810145

I get your perspective, but I think you're missing something here. Doom, at its time, was by far one of the goriest games out there. Even to this day it's hard to find games where enemies snap apart, are disemboweled or just outright melt into puddles of flesh. I remember my friend and I playing Doom 2 and the Mancubus melting actually making him puke because of how rare it was to see that level of violence.

To me, Brutal Doom is just that, but stronger to fit into a world where people are much more desensitized to fictional violence.

>> No.8810154
File: 206 KB, 1000x1398, 1d4a66b7eb2c8203d4a370bc67167046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think heaven would look like if the old ID team in the 90s decided to make a level set in heaven
I think the idea itself would suck for the tone of the game, but if they did, I'd hope at least it'd be full of big titted valkyrie bitches as per heavy metal tradition.

None of that gay "le heaven is full of autistic evil aliens" shit straight out of the book of jrpg tropes.

>> No.8810157

What a pretentious and dishonest way to admit defeat to argument.

>> No.8810158

>is grind core just pure gore with no "Old school fantasy or sci-fi" influence.
Grindcore was the result of hardcore punk bands playing faster, harder and incorporating metal riffs. You get everything from lyrics about necrophilia and exploded heads to politics because of this. It has the shock value ethos from both the metal and punk scenes at the time, so it's loud, goes out of its own way to be shocking and is usually extremely abrasive and in your face, which I think is the parallel the other anon is trying to draw.

If you can handle burning out your ears on something you'll probably think sounds like total shit, go listen to Horrified by Repulsion and Napalm Death's Scum and then look up the lyrics

>> No.8810175

>Because it removes any and all challenge from the game by making everything comically overpowered,
Confirmed I'm Too Young to Die player? BD ups enemy aggression, projectile speed, projectile damage, and usually number of projectiles on everything but the lowest difficulty. I've never heard this until today, usually the complaint is that the damage fucks the balancing of the game and makes it closer to a cover shooter.

>> No.8810183

Nah, I think style and "taste" matter here.

I'd put doom somewhere along the lines of Evil Dead in terms of gore. Over the top, gory, but still stylized and "heightened reality".
Whereas brutal doom is more like the gore in Saw or Hostel or whatever. Grimy, dirty, edgy and disgusting.

Doom is Star Trek: TNG, while Brutal Doom is Star Trek: Picard.

>> No.8810191

It's always super cringe when someone talks about the tastefulness of gore.

>> No.8810198

So where does that put Doom 3 in the metal genre analogy list?
Melodic Death Metal?
Was popular for a brief time, but sounds dated and quaint now, while also seen as watered down by TRV metal fans.

>> No.8810207 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>> No.8810210

I only tried BD after finishing the original games many times. The truth is that the novelty wears really fast. You soon realize that the original games werent made for BD mechanics. So yea, its a cool mod to try once, but for repeated playthroughs ill go with the original games anytime.

Maybe it can be more inyeresting if the maps are made specifically with BD gameplay in mind.

>> No.8810234

Putting a super machine gun that eviscerates everything in sight into a game that wasn’t designed around it automatically makes it easier. I’m sorry you struggle so hard with BD that you think it’s harder when it’s not

>> No.8810237

Doom 1: Heavy Metal
Doom 2: Thrash Metal
Doom 64: Industrial Metal
Doom 3: Doom Metal (heh)
Doom 2016: Metalcore
Doom Eternal: Easycore

>> No.8810239

It works for stuff like slaughter maps. I’m sure Deus Vult is a total blast with BD on. When it’s just basic E1M1, what’s the point?

>> No.8810292

Nah, I get it, but to me the two modern Doom games are what a modern take on the original's violence would look like adjusted to modern day, yet still maintains the same feeling as the original. The glory kills in those games are gory but also fast, badass, and sometimes just plain goofy, I see the equivalent in BD and it just feels sadistic, the whole thing feels like that to me.

>> No.8810305

That would be correct as the guy who created Brutal Doom is some weird gorehound who uses photos of real mutilated bodies in his mod and clearly gets off on it.

>> No.8810308

Just because gore is inherently distasteful doesn't mean all gore is equal. Is like saying scat and bestiality are on the same level as anal just because "it's all porn anyways, lol".

>> No.8810356

I tried the hardest difficulty and it became a cover shooter, where difficult pwads for the original are a balancing act of resources and priority. Clearly some people love doom for what it is and BD plays different, so all the fans liking it is not guaranteed.

>> No.8810394

If “challenge” is sought for Doom beyond UV there’s fast monsters, multiplayer spawns, a combination of the two, or just nightmare. Beyond that there are better and more interestingly balanced mods than BD.

>> No.8810484

Muh Reddit Boogeyman. Even if this really does happen, it doesn't hinder your enjoyment of OG Doom at all.

>> No.8810517

I love burtal doom. It's the best thing since sliced bred. Most wabs aren't compabitle with burtal doom tho so you should try project burtality instead

>> No.8810672

I feel like it doesn't add anything significant to the gameplay and that reloading in Doom is fucking stupid and dumb.

>> No.8810675

Generals are for niggerfaggots.

>> No.8810696


>> No.8810909

>BD fans are just fucking annoying

>> No.8810942

Bugged ass code that results in wildly skewed damage values for stuff like headshots that let weapons like the super shotgun one shot a cyberdemon.

>> No.8811232
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>big titted valkyrie bitches

Id be ok with that.
Id want something more aetheric and other wordly and more then just Valkyries
>None of that gay "le heaven is full of autistic evil aliens" shit straight out of the book of jrpg tropes.

Fucking hated that. reddit tier bullshit writing

>> No.8811240

this is correct. It's because it's popular, but not in the "popular thing bad" way but in the "normies literally ruin shit" way

>> No.8811252

Most hardcore fans are whiners you complain about
>not muh!
For anything popular and even sorta related to the thing they obsess and build their personality around.

>> No.8811254

Based af

>> No.8811262

>tries to play some wads with it installed
>confused and angry when they won’t work
>1 star wads and complain it’s not BD compatible
>harass author to make it happen
lmao this maybe happened once or twice, you stupid faggot

>> No.8811265

>removes any and all challenge from the game
Are you seriously implying that Doom is difficult?

>> No.8811361

It became such a widespread issue that mod authors started devising methods to detect brutal doom and prank players for autoloading it.

>> No.8811409 [DELETED] 

There's people who don't like doom eternal. How utterly cucked.

>> No.8811428

since were on the subject
would compelx doom be power metal
this is a video

>> No.8811464 [DELETED] 

Doom mods had the same pace and gameplay for years. Brutal Doom was different: it was fast paced and dynamic. The amount of mechanics and the gore made the mod immensely popular. This triggered lots of modders, who out of envy tried to cope by saying that was "changing Doom"(even if wsd hypocrite coming from them) like it shouldn't be played like that. Things got worse then the creator made some edgy racist jokes on his codes for shit and giggles, even being a brazilian. This gave them enough argument aka excuse to ban him. Little it did because not only the popularity of the mod kept increasing but also created another very popular mod: Project Brutality. The cherry of the cake was when Romero himself praised the mod and the 2016 ended having many similarities to both Brutal Doom and Project Brutality. That's why many "purists" seethes and dilates whenever they see people talking good about Brutal Doom. The mod is fucking awesome by the way and I played it after having played other Doom wads and boomer shooters.
Haters gonna hate now that I told the truth.

>> No.8811467

Brutal Doom literally makes every single enemy deadly and faster. Stop spreading lies.

>> No.8811475 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8811601
File: 1.83 MB, 202x236, 878.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying it out so far, and this guy is absolutely slower. He's even got a cute little reload giving you a bigger window to kill him.

>> No.8811646

It can be. The skill floor/skill ceiling difference when pistol start uv-maxing is probably only matched by rhythm games. A great percentage of doom players cannot even beat 1 and 2 under those conditions.

>> No.8811664
File: 46 KB, 344x304, SANTA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people in this thread fail to release Brutal Doom is a rip-off of UACMN.WAD and it's pathetic.

>> No.8811670

Terry-sama…. I kneel…

>> No.8811909 [DELETED] 

Reddit is better than this dirt board

>> No.8812196

Stop playing on faggot difficulty then and go for the hardest ones. Literally every projectile is faster than the vanilla ones. I bet you can't even finish the first chapter and it's just coping.

>> No.8812206
File: 74 KB, 728x546, f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How surprising, the Brutal Doom fan outed himself as a /v/ reject. I'm not the guy you replied to but why would I waste effort "gitting gud" at a mod that slaps clashing gameplay elements together and is nowhere near as satisfying as the original combat?

>> No.8812245

For me to poop on!

>> No.8812492

>Takes a single shotgun shell to put down a caco

Gee I wonder why

>> No.8812660

>clusterfuck code does shit in most retarded way possible because author can't into math and structure, can't be fixed without complete rewrite, and nobody who can do that is willing to since they have their own stuff to do
>spams entity spawn calls 10+ time per second for every monster on map which tanks performance, when it could've been handled with a single script. The problem is, that script is too math-heavy for author.
>"I totally fixed these bugs guys I fucking swear" (bugs aren't really fixed, and now will never be)
>attaching scripts to player that shouldnt be and have chance of braking any voodoo scripting (common in Boom maps) that approaches moderate complexity. Most notably - autofinishing levels 30 seconds after start because doll (which inherited all the player scripts) was in unintended state

>whack balance, every gun is a cookiecutter
>For some reason changes monster radius, can make monster spawns and teleports misfire in various ways
>monsters infight much more, some trigger even before player gets to them, and result in player arriving to a graveyard with few straggling survivors in a place where an epic showdown should've been

>People thought it was all tongue-in cheek, but later revealed to be absolutely serious ultracringy "HATRED"- level edgelord.
>tried to takes credits for other peoples work numerous times, a big no-no in modding community
>claims people he nicked shit from are "contributors", when in reality they explicitly told him not to use their shit. he used their shit anyway

Other people:
>dumb youtubers and game journos shilling it like its a second coming of christ
>"OMG BRUTALDOOM INVENTED MOUSELOOK IN DOOM" - level of retarded shit articlrd
>retards trying to use it together with every other mods under the sun and crying a river when it doesen't work

>> No.8812902

Wouldnt say people hate it. I like it a lot but it changes the patterns and movements of mobs too much for my taste.

>> No.8813251

I realize it's cheesy but I still think this stuff is great art I really don't care if people laugh at it

>> No.8813262

Sci Fi + softcore pron + dark comics = heavy metal?

>> No.8813383

who laphes at it. its fine?

>> No.8813727

HDoom summons like 100 mini golden revenants that chase you down and beat the shit out of you every time you load a map, pretty sure it kills through god mode too

>> No.8813874 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 399x451, Enough with the shitposts!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8813878

Demonsteele too.

>> No.8813947

Someone notorious said they don't like it and parrots joined in.
Apparently dev is a faggot or something but what that has to do with brutal doom itself I don't know.

>> No.8813978

Playing the original Doom period is boring, whether brutal or not.

>> No.8815104

the clique said it's bad so retards follow

>> No.8815114

People mostly just hated it because it was getting a lot of overexposure around the same time Doom modding was peaking and it drove a lot of kids and ignorant secondaries onto the scene who thought EVERY DOOM WAD SHOULD BE LIKE BROOTAL DOOM.
That and the creator stealing fucktons of content from other modders, but honestly? Doom wads are free, who gives a shit if people steal. Whole damn game is freeware.
Contrarians also believe that Brootal Doom set the grounds for whatever elements of Doom 2016 they don't like which is pretty obvious horseshit.

>> No.8815178
