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/vr/ - Retro Games

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703569 No.703569 [Reply] [Original]

The last retro game you played is now merged with the last modern game you played.

What have you created?

>> No.703572 [DELETED] 

a thread that only breaks half the rules!

>> No.703583

Contra 3
Halo 3

Barely anything would change in either game.

>> No.703590 [DELETED] 

awesome it's like im on /b/

>> No.703595

>last modern game you played

>> No.703597

Link's Awakening and Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!

Hell yes, rhythm based swordfights/puzzles?

>> No.703616

Darkwing Duck

Hmmmmm... Licensed free(ish)-roaming adventure game with (shitty) crafting and (shitty) skill leveling? Sounds internetsting.

>> No.703618

>Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
>Eternal Darkness


>> No.703625
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Zork 1
Dark souls

Huh. Id play that.

>> No.703634
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>Gods Eater Burst

pic related

>> No.703645

Dragon's Dogma/ Legend of Zelda (NES)

Something far too beautiful for words to describe OP

>> No.703646

>Wario Land 3
>Don't starve

Somehow fitting on the Collecthaton side. Shit could be nice.

>> No.703648

>Castlevania Dracula X (SNES)
>Pikmin 2
How would this even work?

>> No.703649

Final fantasy 5 and Minecraft.

That would actually be badass.

>> No.703653

Final Fantasy 9 - Soul Calibur 5

>MFW Fightan JRPG McGuffins war with amazing character and world design and a deep create-a-character engine.
>MFW This will never be done because videogames are all CODBROHALOBROMADDENBROFIFABROALWAYSONLINEBRO now.

You got me depressed anon, we're not friends anymore.

>> No.703658

>Top Gear
Speeding through a blocky world in a fast sports car with awesome music. Yeah!

>> No.703675

Terranigma and Nintendogs

I have no fucking clue where that would go.

>> No.703679

Illusion of Gaia and Dynasty Warriors NEXT.

A hack & slash featuring the IoG cast? Yes please!

>> No.703681

Mass Effect meets Xenogears.

I don't see how this can go badly.

>> No.703687

Earthbound and Team Fortress 2.

I don't... even know.

>> No.703689

Mario3 and NSMBds

I guess NSMBU..

>> No.703693

Mega Man 4 + Tomb Raider 2013
I like what I created, I think

>> No.703694

>Fallout + The Binding of Isaac

Wow, uh... A roguelike using the SPECIAL system? Knowing Fallout's battle system, the floors would be too long to be truly enjoyable. Also, half of Fallout's appeal is from roleplaying your selfmade character.

>> No.703695

>Wonder Boy in Monster World
>Alan Wake

An insomniac game creator is hounded by the forces of darkness and grinding as he looks for his lost wife. He plays portions of a game he never remembered making that predicts the future; in the real world, he must use light spells/sources to make shadow monsters vulnerable to getting bonked on the head with a sword.

>> No.703698

>You have to balance Wario's greed and gluttony.
>get too greedy, you starve
>eat too much, you get poor

>> No.703705


>roguelike using the SPECIAL system

I only see this as good

>> No.703716
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>Last Retro: Bad Mojo
>Last Non-Retro: New XCOM

Tactical Cockroach Ops, I guess.

>> No.703724

You lead swarms of skeletons, flea men, medusa heads, and other minions around to steal loot for your castle and burn villages; in the end you are destroyed in an unwinnable fight against some guy with a whip.
The renegade interrupts would be for skipping exposition, and the second half of the game is replaced with talking in a chair.

>> No.703763
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>Everyone in Xenogears now wants the Dick

>> No.703765
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So GTA:SA with Barret as the main character?

>> No.703767

Zombi U
Super Metroid

Basically Metroid Prime Wii U.

>> No.703770
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Might be good

>> No.703773

>picture a tender fade to black Fei Shepard kisses Big Joe

>> No.703776

DK64 and N Game


>> No.703782


Might be cool

>> No.703786

>Harvest Moon 64
>Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

but how

>> No.703816

Trying to figure out the merge between SNES game UN Squadron and Assassin's Creed 3...

>> No.703823

Doom and Reus.

>> No.703827

Age of Empires 2
Forza Horizon

You must raise a village of cars, who fight other cars all set to shitty dubstep music.

Sounds like a Transformers movie.

>> No.703843

Red Orchestra Rising Storm
Super Castlevania IV


>> No.703846

>Pocky & Rocky
>Viewtiful Joe
I don't know what I created, but it's something damn beautiful.

>> No.703848

>Mass Effect

Something crazy cool.

>> No.703853

PR3, set in some urban cel-shaded place. And you use some of the Viewtiful techniques (quick dodging, slow/speed up, boomerangs, bombs)
Day 1 buy

>> No.703857
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>> No.703869

Uh, Professor Layton and SMT2? Well...

>> No.703873

Quake 3 and Counterstrike Source.
Capture strike I suppose. Maybe mix in more realistic weapons to make it less like something that already exists or add bomb planting/defusal to Quake 3 and VIP protect maps.
Not really all that impressive actually, could maybe mixed up to be more interesting.

>> No.703901
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CBFD and RE6

All campaigns are conker in different situations, it gets weird when they intersect and they focus on different gameplay. Killing zombies makes them sing opera.

Chris' campaign remains completely unchanged though, it's hilarious enough as is.

>> No.704164

>Paper Mario
>Red Orchestra 2

10/10 would play

>> No.704220 [DELETED] 

Fuck off speglords, this actually offers a pretty interesting dynamic in comparing design differences between Retro and Modern games

>> No.704242

>how do you turn this on
>suddenly the game exists

>> No.704256
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Yoshi's island + FF XII

>> No.704268

>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

a tactical rpg about gang violence and drug trade in compton. The story follows a young hoodrat named ram-ram and his best friend lil' Deli who long to become OGs.

>> No.704273

Suzuki Bakuhatsu
Counter Strike: Source

CS now with bomb defusi-OH WAIT

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNCipJUEkDQ - Suzuki Bakuhatsu

>> No.704280

>Ocarina of time

It's like an awesome open world legend of zelda game with good graphics and no wii controller

would buy

>> No.704294
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mass effect 2 + counter strike global offensive


>> No.704296

I can't even begin to imagine how you could cross HOMM3 with Game Dev Tycoon.

>> No.704298


I would play this to death ! I love modern setting RPGs

>> No.704302
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>Arcanum [retro enough for you guys?]
>Persona 3 Portable [modern enough?]

>your Social link with Virgil, the Fool arcana has grown!
>[Virgil's voice] *GASP* THE ENEMY!

Fuck no. Both Arcanum and P3 are in my personal top 5 list, but that just wouldn't work.

>> No.704307

Sonic Chaos + Audiosurf.

What is this I don't even- music-powered sonic-themed runner game?

>> No.704312

>Mount & blade and final fantasy tactics

"I cannot provide vassalage for a king such as Ragnar when he naught even supply his subjects with the right to a castle they themselves bled for!"

I'd play it

>> No.704329

R-Type III
Contra Shattered Soldier


>> No.704379

>Chrono Trigger
>Metroid Prime
Mite b cool

>> No.704389

Mega Man Legends
Ragnarok Online 2: Super Jew Edition

MML gets an improved economy system for me to destroy, and RO2 gets guns and can-kicking.

>> No.704395

Vagrant Story + Borderlands 2

Hoo rah! This should be pretty fucking interesting.

>> No.704403

Terranigma + Metro 2033 = Sanity lost

>> No.704425

Ninja Gaiden II
God of War
.... im fucked ....

>> No.704508

Shadow Warrior
Phantasy Star Online 2

Pretty much the same game but now extremely sexist and racist.

I like it.

>> No.704519

Zelda: A Link to the Past
Dragon Nest

i dont even

>> No.704521

Castlevania and Torchlight 2. Fuck. Yes.

>> No.704525


I have thought that a dungeon crawler in the theme of castlevania 3 would be amazing

>be able to pick from belmont, grant, alucard, sypha as classes

>> No.704527

Summon Night + Doom

I have no idea because I literally just started up SN to make sure it worked on my flash cart, what did I just get into?

>> No.704529

Castlevania + Genre has tons of potential, I'd really like to see a first-person game in the series myself.

>> No.704532

>Phazon Lavos crash-lands on the planet
>shoot rustling bushes to engage in combat

Sounds maybe cool.

>> No.704535
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>Shadow President

Mite b cool. It could be pretty nice to see peoples reactions when I nuke their small countries.

>> No.704539

Don't forget a ridiculous track editor with cannons and skeleton attacks.

>> No.704541


I have been thinking about a first person Castlevania game for quite some time but a Castlevania dungeon crawler would be absolutely amazing. It just makes to much sense. First person Castlevania could be really good if the power ups worked with a cross hair but I can't really see how a whip would be used in first person.

>> No.704549

I imagine the same as any melee attack. Something like the many melee weapons in Hexen but with greater range.

>> No.704551


Would a Castlevania roguelike suffice?


>> No.704556

>Timesplitters: future perfect
>Sonic & knuckles
A fast paced racing collectathon arena style fps? Sign me up.

>> No.704557

Kirby's Dream Land 2 + Catherine

Somebody else can do the idea thing, I'm no good at that

>> No.704561

>Will you cheat on your girlfriend with DeDeDe?

>> No.704562



>> No.704569
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>FF Tactics
>Little Big Planet 2

This the most adorably depressing game I've ever played.

>> No.704571

It's beyond me why we have to do this shit on /vr/. This stuff is exactly the shit which destroyed /v/. How about we talk about, you know, games.

>> No.704573



>> No.704574


>> No.704575

Stagnation game?

>> No.704601

Secret of Mana and Animal Crossing.

I'd play it.

>> No.704606
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Dawn of War + Rayman


>> No.704610

>Front Mission 2

don't mind me, just gonna kinetic-tackle you on the next turn 8)

>> No.704618
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>> No.704627

Metroid (don't remember which one) + HoMM VI

Your choice of faction (from Haven to Dungeon) hero explores Crag Hack's fortress/island, collecting new artefacts and "pet" monsters, which give you new abilities necessary to progress. Scale absolutely fucked up as usual.

I'd play it.

>> No.704631

Dark Souls
Quake 3

Superfast, unforgiving melee arena? Yes please

>> No.704632

Aero Fighters and Oblivion.
I don't know how this would work.

>> No.704634

asuras wrath
... im cool with this

>> No.704647

>Shenmue 2

Simply beautiful.

>> No.704648

Fallout 1 and SMT Devil Survivor.

So it's the same as Fallout but the apocalypse was caused by crazy demons rather than nuclear war. Cool.

>> No.704650

I play torchlight 2 too anon! :3
>Torchlight 2
>Touhou EoSD

>> No.704653

>sonic & knuckles
>gta 4

Gee, I think I just made shadow the hedgehog. With cars. And a cousin.

>> No.704665

>Shining Force 2
>Torchlight 2

... Division by zero, seriously.

>> No.704668

>Mega Man 4
I guess... I'm fucked ;(

>> No.704670

Super Contra and Red Dead Redemption.

I don't disapprove.

>> No.704678
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Dragon Warrior VII
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

I'm not sure how I feel about this...

>> No.704681

>Megaman III
>Ratchet and Clank
3D platforming Megaman game where you can purchase weapons and powerups as well as get special ones from bosses? I like that.

>> No.704683
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>demon's crest
>Odin Sphere

so, an open world hard as tits platformer game with Arthur and Firebrand having seperate stories while having the graffics of Odin Sphere. I would pay money for that.

>> No.704686

snatcher/ace attoney

>> No.704692

>Resident Evil: Revelations
Uh... 3rd person Doom with shitty guns, puzzle solving and cheap scares? So third person Doom 3?

>> No.704704
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>Super Ghosts n Goblins
>Metroid Prime

>> No.704719

>The Legend of Zelda
>Hotline Miami


>> No.704734
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>Generations Lost
>Hotel Dusk

>post-apocalyptic exploration adventure noir murder mystery platformer

I think I just peed a little.

>> No.704739

Suikoden 1
Mass Effect 2
I'd totally play either a real time Suikoden or a turn based Mass Effect.

>> No.704741

Doom 2+Bioshock.
This would breack the universe if happends.
captcha:cExchan ending

>> No.704746

>Dungeon Keeper
>Dark Souls

I'm.. okay with this. Oh, who am I kidding. It's an AWESOME idea.

>> No.704747

Badlur's Gate and Xenoblade Chronicles

doesn't sound like a very good combo

>> No.704748
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>Castlevania: Bloodlines

So...The Mann Manor event?

>> No.704759

>Total Annihilation
>Metro Last Light
A post apocalypse rts would be amazing.

>> No.704764

>Star Fox 2
>Dust 514

As cool as it sounds, I guess nothing changes.

>> No.704767
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>Pinball FX 2
I'd buy a FFV-themed table in Pinball FX 2. They already have a table with RPG-style progression so it doesn't seem like that far-off a concept

>> No.704765

>Metal Gear Solid
> Maverick Hunter X

fund it

>> No.704769

>Fallout New Vegas

A first person sequel to Arcanum with branching quests, excellent art design multiple endings and great roleplaying aspects? Sign me up
>still no Arcanum 2

>> No.704778
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>Thief and Condemned
Modern day Thief in which you break into abandoned locations with crazed killers to steal shit?
Sounds neat

>> No.704791

>Dragon Quest VI
Euhm... DQ with awesome visuals, where you can use a thief, a mage and a knight.

>> No.704818

Megaman 3+ Pokémon Black

Sounds amazing, but I have no idea what it would be about.

Megachu? Bosses are Serperior (Snake Man), Hitmontop (Top Man), Magnezone (Magnet Man), Electivire (Spark Man), Golem (Hard Man), Zoruark (Shadow Man), Cacturne (Needle Man), and Lati@s (Gemini Man).

>> No.704823

>Gears of War 3

I... I don't know what to think of this.

>> No.704840
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>Castlevania III
>Devil May Cry 3

>> No.704860

Parappa the Rapper and Dissidia 012.

......Theatrythm. BORING.

>> No.704891

>Ocarina of Time
>Gang Garrison 2

I don't even

>> No.704901

>implying it isn't happening
Power suits for everyone! 3 Metroids walking around

>> No.704907
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>Dota 2 + Gunstar Heroes

>> No.704946

>Lufia II
>Trials in the Sky
Best JRPG Ever!

>> No.704968
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Symphony of the Night + Solatorobo

I am very okay with this

>> No.704989

>F-Zero and Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.704991

>Final Fantasy(NES)
>Final Fantasy XII

>> No.705005

Super Metroid

Holy shit, metroid MMO
Day 1 buy if you can play as metroids

>> No.705006

>heroes of might and magic 3
>etrian odyssey 4

isn't... that essentially just might and magic then?

well okay sure why not

>> No.705009

Yes, but difficult.

>> No.705017

Dark Souls and Prince of Persia. It would be an ARPG set in several mazelike dungeons full of traps and time limits. Do want.

>> No.705019

> Jet Set Radio
> Sonic Colors

I don't know what I made, but I like it.

>> No.705025

Fallout 3 and Mega Man 1. wat

An acid trip.

>> No.705029

> Shenmue
> Inazuma Eleven

Umm... Sandbox RPG based on building a team of kung-fu soccer players?

>> No.705040

> Contra Hard Corps
> Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask

Oh god what.

>> No.705043

>Duke Nukem 3D
>Deadly Premonition

Deadly Premonition with Duke Nukem stages instead of those crappy Silent Hill bits? Yes please. Also am I crazy or are Duke and York a weirdly good fit? Both constantly talk to themselves, both spout movie trivia a lot and they're both trying to save women from being killed.

>Damn it Zach! Why do they always take the hot ones?

>> No.705054

>Legend of Zelda

So we have this LoZ game where you beat the ever-loving shit out of all sorts of things.

I can dig it.

>> No.705059

>first person Castlevania game
I've been wondering why they haven't tried it yet. Ripping off metroid once breathed new life into the series, and the metroidvanias are starting to get a little tired. Why not try a metroid-primevania? People would probably like it more than devil-may-vania

>> No.705064

>dark souls

Oh god....

>> No.705074

"Hey, kids! Do you wanna play a game?"
"Well, we don't have games, but we DO have the electronic spawn of Satan!"

>> No.705085


>> No.705092

War Thunder

I don´t know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.705093

>Pinball NES


Captcha - SPECIAL aeopone

>> No.705097
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Super Metroid and MLB 13...

>> No.705098

>Sonic 2

Would make for quite an interesting game.

>> No.705126

>SimCity (SNES)
>Luigi's Mansion : Dark Moon

Well, looks like Weegee gets a ton more buildings to investigate

>> No.705137
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>yoshi's island
>nsmb wii
oh they already made it

>> No.705152
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>Zelda: oracle of seasons
>Guild wars 2

>> No.705157
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>Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
>Injustice: Gods Among Us

>> No.705168

>Serious Sam: The First Encounter HD
>Mega Man

Soooo, Maverick Hunter?

>> No.705180

Megaman X

So if I kill Creepers, Enderman, etc. I get their powers, plus I can craft upgrades for the X. Buster. So I'm playing a Megaman mod on Minecraft.

>> No.705196

>LSD: Dream Emulator
>World of Tanks
Well this is bound to be interesting.

>> No.705202

I laughed so hard my sides hurt now. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.705207


don't blame me, blame yourself or pod

>> No.705212

Earthworm Jim 2
Lost Odyssey
I would love to see this happen.

>> No.705219

So the Mario baseball game set in the Metroid universe. Or a Metroidvania game starring Andrew McCutchen (if it was The Show) or David Price if it was 2k13.

>> No.705221

>Ni No Kuni

I... What?

>> No.705224
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> digimon world
> front mission 4


>> No.705225

>Mike Tyson's Punch Out
>King of fighters XIII
little mac, king hippo and mike tyson are the Punch-Out Team.
or the KoF fighters are opponents in Punch-Out meaning flaming fists everywhere
>everything went better than expected

>> No.705234
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>Snes Star Fox
>World of Tanks

>> No.705236


Umm, so either Minecraft with Roller Coaster Tycoon's graphics/isometric view, or RCT with Minecraft's graphics. I prefer the former.

>> No.705238
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>Seven Cities of Gold for the Atari
>Phantom Hourglass

muh Zelda strategy

>> No.705246


Try Harvest Moon and WoT

>> No.705257

That would be adorable

>> No.705273


Yeah, reminds me of that machinima video, "Loltraktors journey" or whatever it was called. They played and frolicked in the fields in the beginning

>> No.705283

Must see

>> No.705284

Knights of the Old Republic 2
Gradius 2

That actually sounds pretty good.

>> No.705293



Everything works out in the end though, don't worry

>> No.705326
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>Phantom Hourglass
>Shit tier music tainting the whole game

>> No.705348

>SD Snatcher

What have *I* created? If this thread wasn't made, this horrifying game wouldn't be raping the houses and burning the women.

>> No.705373

>Donkey Kong
>Grand Theft Auto IV

Aw jeez.

>> No.705413

I'd love to be a carjacking gorilla.

>> No.705424
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>Earthworm Jim
>Dark Souls

Holy shit, some of my money.

>> No.705427
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San Andreas

>> No.705431

You can always play San Andreas for that.

>> No.705436

The Legend of Minecraft: A Block to The Past

>> No.705448
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Panzer Dragoon Orta

a clusterfuck

>> No.705457

>Homm 3
>Rayman Origins


>> No.705460

TF2 with Armored Core.
It'd probably be a good game if it weren't so silly.

>> No.705464

EarthBound + Dragon's Dogma

Which seems awesome

>> No.705483

But I like Vice City the best ._.

>> No.705495

>alpha protocol

well, that might end up quite awesome

>> No.705497

Too bad Gay Tony is best.
Sage for off-topic.

>> No.705498

Punch-Out! + Pandora's Tower

You engage in boxing matches in order to rip out the flesh of your opponents and feed them to your monstrous girlfriend. Sounds pretty cool.

>> No.705537
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>Super Metroid + God of War

They already tried this. It was such a horrific abomination that we must never speak of its existence.

>> No.705551

Because this would be awesome, my 2nd to last of both were:

Need For Speed: Most Wanted

I see a Need For Speed car replaced with Sparkster fleeing from the Pigs in a modern city setting.

Given Konami's history of spectacular level design, especially in the Rocket Knight Adventure games, this could just be a level in a much-needed reboot of RKA besides the XBL one.

>> No.705548

Wizardry has merged with Call of Duty:Black ops 2.

There are open battlefields, and you are allowed 5 characters. Each character is allowed a class, a weapon, a side weapon, and certain amount of perks and power-ups to choose from. You can choose up to 10 of these, with certain Mutations that cost a point, but allow you to otherwise break a rule in creation.

Maps are medium sized, ranging from Castle courtyards to the dark and dank labyrinth. Objectives vary, but the most popular is a 1 v 1 fight of Trebor the Mad's troops VS Werdna's elite mercenaries.

Health does not regenerate. Once your character chosen dies, they are out until the next round starts or until they are resurrected. If all characters die, then they mass re spawn as different characters. Once you are out of characters to choose from, you are OUT completely. Game ends when no other characters can be chosen.

>> No.705556
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I don't even know what the fuck your image is from but it looks like it shouldn't be a thing.

>> No.705565

You really don't know, Frank?
You sure you don't remember me?

>> No.705574

Diablo 1 and Monster Hunter Tri.

I want this. I want this very badly right now.

>> No.705585
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Metal Gear Solid
Metroid Prime 3

>> No.705592

>The Legend of Zelda

Guess it would be cool if Link crafted his own weapons, wouldn't it?
...Guess not.

>> No.705603

Oh God. The atmosphere and setting of Diablo with the gaming mechanics of Monster Hunter.

Going into the cathedral as a beginner and skinning as many carvers as you can, getting some bones from the skeletons and hair from ghouls to make the starter set of armor.

Opening the door to the Butcher encounter and shitting yourself as he charges at you, knocking you back and stunning you.

All of my wants.

>> No.705608

Griswold would actually be useful because he could do you smithing from you, and he wouldn't just be buying all of the shit loot you find.

>> No.705616

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

How the fuck would this even work

>> No.705639

Doing runs of the lower levels of Hell so that you could beat Diablo and have a 1/18 chance of carving the soulstone from his head so you could finally make that god-tier helm

>> No.705640

Doom is already paper mario. Maybe it will have more platforms.

>> No.705656

>Buck Bumble
>FC3: Blood Dragon

so basically Buck Bumble with 80's movie references and Tron lines.


>> No.705686 [SPOILER] 
File: 257 KB, 1366x768, metalgear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metal Gear


>> No.705691
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>Megaman X
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

I need this

>> No.705696

Think Minecraft meets Beethoven.

>> No.705708
File: 578 KB, 1000x755, 1362188719539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actraiser and Dark Souls.

Fuck, I -wish- that was a game. 2D or 3D platforming/action with a sort of townbuilding experience in there, set in the world of Dark Souls.

>> No.705713

>zero rising: mechvengeance

>> No.705716

Heroes of Might and Magic II
Halflife 2

>> No.705717

>Planetside 2

So business as usual.

>> No.705726

Retro: Mission Impossible 2(For the N64)

Modern: Don't Starve

Hmmm... a spy game where I have to worry about being hungry, my sanity, weather, and of course health (which both games have)....

>> No.705738

Mission Impossible: Don't Starve

kind of the point of the game lol... I mean I believe there is an ending, but the point of the game is to try and survive for long as possible.

>> No.705743

>Metal Gear Rising


>> No.705750

Oracle of Ages + Sims 3
Sim Hyrule?

>> No.705761

Looks like it's from Mass Effect, Halo, or Metroid.

>> No.705801

Morrowind + Dota 2?
Might be cool.
If Morrowind doesn't count as retro, earthbound might work as well

>> No.705816

Other M.

>> No.705839

Duke 3D
Ys : Oath In Felghana

I don't know what this is, but I like it.

>> No.705841

Sounds like The Hell mod.

>> No.705846

My god.

First person ark, taking on huge ass beasts, reviving the world...


>> No.705854

>Left 4 Dead 2
>Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos

>> No.705860
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>Deathtrap Dungeon
>Dark Souls

It's wonderful

>> No.705867

>Fallout: New Vegas
Rip and tear, baby.

>> No.705876
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>Legend of Zelda
>Metro 2033


>> No.706105

Pokemon Red
STALKER Call of Pripyat

Would probably be a bad Ukrainian ripoff of Pokemon involving you catching mutated animals in The Zone and using them in illegal underground dogfighting rings.

>> No.706115

>System Shock 2
>Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Squad-based survival horror RPG? Could want...

>> No.706116

Mario kart 64.

Call Of Duty BOII

Time to go an hero?

>> No.706118

Zelda 2 and GTA IV Lost and the Damned.

Not sure what I did or if it even works.

>> No.706129

StarFox 64 and Civillization V

Lylat Commander, turn based strategy. Hire merc teams to defeat the Cornerian or Venom fleets.

It would make more sense as a Total War game in space.

>> No.706184

>Fallout + Dark Souls
Either the greatest RPG ever created. Or the biggest mess of an RPG ever created.
>super mutants as enemies at level 1
>No saving, only "checkpoints"
>Can be invaded by other Vault Dwellers
>No followers, but can summon other Vault Dwellers to help fight against bosses.
Actually sounds pretty awesome.

>> No.706192

Fucking this. I've thought a grand strategy game based around the lylat system would be so fucking awesome. I know people want another super-polished, on-rails shooter for the franchise but it would be so sweet.

>> No.706202

Fire Emblem:Rekka no Ken, and... Fire Emblem:Awakening...
wow it's fucking nothing
let's see though, second last would make it
Mega Man 4 and League of Legends.
This... could work

>> No.706206

Rainbow Islands (C64)
Mass Effect 3 (PS3)

instead of a great big gun, Shepard now has tiny rainbows

>> No.706401

Sort of, but that still uses base Diablo mechanics. I want that intense Monster Hunter experience, but using the denizens of hell as my hunts instead of derpy dinosaurs.

>> No.706414
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>Betrayal at Krondor
>Dragon Age: Origins
>modern rpg, written by Raymond E. Feist
Something wonderful...

>> No.706427

>Pokemon Heart Gold

So... another SMT game?

>> No.706432

Sounds like Digital Devil Saga to me.

>> No.706440

It's from Metroid: Other M, one of the most shit-upon games in the series.

>> No.706448

What about a Metroid-Dark Souls thing?
>You inhabit metroids in other players' games
>Everyone gets gangraped

>> No.706450

Wait, wasn't that already F.E.A.R?

>> No.706456
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>Final fantasy 6
>Monster Girl Quest

Oh boy...

>> No.706462

Lunar: Silver Star (Sega-CD) and League of Legends.

>> No.706481

>Zelda: A Link to the Past

Make it happen :3

>> No.706504
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>Dark Souls
>Mortal Kombat II

>> No.706508

>Star Wars Ep. 1 Racer
>Mario Party 6

I want this game.

>> No.706513

>Cho-Aniki(Sega Saturn)
>Torchlight 2

This would be a very awkward game to explain to other people.

>> No.706516
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>White Knight Chronicles 2
>Mark of the Wolves

I... don't know what this means.

>> No.706529

>Ghosts and Goblins(NES)
>Dark Souls

Oh good. I needed something with even more bullshit difficulty stacked on top of legitimate difficulty. Brb. Killing self out of frustration.

>> No.706549
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Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Fire Emblem: Awakening


>> No.706563

>not simply outright dying due to frustration
You're pretty tough.

>> No.706570

Valkyrie Profile and Dragon Nest.
Multiplayer valkyrie profile in which you play a nordic hero wishing to be an einherjar?
Anyway, it ought to be quite good.

>> No.706610
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>Batman Return of the Joker


>> No.706641
File: 11 KB, 200x154, secretly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goof Troop
>Marvel vs Capcom
Wait, so Goof Troop was a Capcom game but Marvel is now owned by Disney... which side would Goofy and Max even fight for?

>> No.706674

>The Typing of the Dead
>Fallout New Vegas

>> No.706696

>Thief - The Dark Project
>Dark Souls
Now this is something I can get behind.

>> No.706697

>last retro game
Wild Arms
>last modern game
Wild Arms Alter Code F

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.706703
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>Goofy'd first DHC quote is "Gwarsh" and his second one is that "Yeooooooohoooohohohohoho" yell

Yes, good, this pleases me

>> No.706826

>FF tactics and Black Ops

Well, an isometric tactical RPG with snipers, assault rifles, and shiy like that could be pretty cool. To bad the BlOps storyline sucks.

>> No.706838
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Super Metroid
Etrian Odyssey

A dungeon crawling Metroid game with crazy class customization? Fuck yes.

>> No.706836

You have to type all dialogue.
And you have to type to shoot.
Sounds fun, I'll play it.

>> No.706840

Last Retro Game
Mega Man 3

Last Modern Game
Far Cry 3

...something awesome, that's what.

>> No.707508

>Sonic The Hedgehog

I would play the shit out of a sonic series themed moba, holy fuck

>> No.707515
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>Earthworm Jim 2
>Poker Night at the Inventory

I want it

>> No.707569
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>Mega Man
>Stalker Call of Pripyat


>> No.707574

icewind dale and deus ex human revolution.
Hmm might be cool? Might be cyberpunk 2077 actually.

>> No.707580

Mah nigga

>> No.707582

>last Retro Game
Civ 3
>Last Modern Game

...I think this makes some sort of Carmen Sandiego game

>> No.707703
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Total War 2: Vectorman is the Shogun

>> No.707712

Crystalis & Etrian Odyssey IV.

Might be pretty cool.

>> No.707769
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>> No.707804

Chrono Trigger + Skyrim

Am curious.

>> No.707846
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>Dragon Quest VII

Oh dear god what have I done.

>> No.707869

what is the source of this gif?
I'm guessing Tim and Eric, but I could be wrong.

>> No.707912

>Princess Maker 2
>Fire Emblem Awakening
TRPG dating-sim with heavy stat management style digital pet simulator? It's the game I've always wanted... Although to be fair, tossing Princess Maker/Monster Rancher style stat management onto practically anything would give me the game I've always wanted.

>> No.707915


>Trip World

>Metro Last Light

Hahah Fuck

>> No.707920

I like that despite being a horrible likeness I can tell from the plaid shirt and context of a man laughing over a city in ruins that it's supposed to be G.Lucas

>> No.707954

>Donkey Kong Country
>Splinter Cell Conviction

I can't even.

>> No.707961
File: 987 KB, 500x282, 1364012256872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alan wake

>> No.707970

>Ecco The Dolphin: Tides of Time
>Team Fortress 2

I 'unno man...

>> No.707979

Red Letter Media. They do a lot of Lucas based weirdness.

>> No.707984

Castlevania and Team Fortress 2.

I can't see it honestly.

>> No.708002

ah, I wasn't even thinking about it being Lucas, I see it now though, I was thinking it was one of those weird fake commercials from Tim and Eric.

>> No.708131

>Mega Man 8
>Zone of the Enders 2

Awesome. I think I know what I'm going to draw tomorrow.

>> No.708142

Persona 1
And Max Payne 2 (Modern by this board's standards)

I'm not really sure what I created.
But I'm sure it features Noire-esque dungeon crawling.

>> No.708149

It's just regular CastleVania, but the only equipment is hats.

>> No.711041

>Legend of Zelda
>Binding of Isaac

I wonder what exactly this becomes?

>> No.711114

I've been so busy with my new CFW PSP I forget the last retro game I played...

Does a remake of a retro game count? Because if it does, Tactics Ogre crossed with Wild Arms XF is uh... Tactics Ogre with annoyingly accurate enemy stats effects (including instant death!) that show up far before their cures starring a cute girl?

>> No.711172

Donkey Kong Country
Batman Arkham City

Damn, that sounds awesome

>> No.711192

Majora's Mask
Dark Souls
Sounds pretty fucking neato

>> No.711204

Blitz 64
Skate 3

Seems legit

>> No.711412

>Persona 2
>Bioshock Infinite

Is this good or bad?

>> No.711446

>Soldier Blade
>Dungeon Siege 3

What is this I don't even

>> No.711442

Metal Man X; Peace Walker.

Experimental Prototype robot recruits soldiers and takes down 8 of the CIA's craziest soldiers

>> No.711448

>The Binding of Isaac

>Randomized 2D explorer with random items with awesome effects

All of my ejaculate. Please make this.

>> No.711534

>Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

You're an Underworld Vampire on a quest to thaw out the inhabitants of a Subterrain Elysium with Caine/Adan/Eve's Assistance. on your way through you encover the different sects of the World of Darkness and struggle to survive on the surface, avoiding the light of day and eventually, rebuilt a world devastated by Gehenna.

>> No.711543

>Magical Chase
>Touhou 7

And nothing was changed that day.

>> No.711691

counter strike source and duke nukem 3d
shrink ray is the new awp

>> No.711952

>Mario's Time Machine
>Morrowind (assuming it counts as 'modern')

10/10 concept but 4/10 gameplay

>> No.711962

>Binding of Isaac
all of my money

every goddamn bit


>> No.711983

just make a binding of isaac themed doom mod

>> No.712003

>Quest 64
>Snake Eater 3D
Same game, just more stealthy and bigger personality for the bosses... still has the mandatory betrayal by the girl.

>> No.712052

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

Dragons Dogma

Could be cool

>> No.712056


google: doomRL
polite sage

>> No.712063

>Tomb Raider
>Resident Evil: Remake

Not much would change honestly.

>> No.712065

>Baldur's Gate
>Guild Wars 2

so.. Dungeons and Dragons Online?

>> No.712071
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Retro: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Modern: League of Legends

......Hmmm. So that means I can see the Legendary Goron Hero Darmani and Guitarist Mikau duke it out while trying to capture the other's Triforce piece?

......Mmmm maybe

>> No.712067

>Serious Sam TFE
>Saints Row 2

>> No.712103
File: 10 KB, 94x102, doom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mechwarrior Online

Rev up those Atlas mechs, its time to RIP AND TEAR SOME DEMON GUTS WITH HUGE MECHS!

>> No.712131



=um ? gangcraft or minestars

I dont have the mental processing power to compile the results

>> No.712132

Sonic Heroes and Rez.

oh god why

>> No.712154
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>Mario Party 2

Wasting time trying to earn worthless funds to buy cheap cosmetic items that won't really change anything? So nothing changed...

>> No.712376
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Redneck Rampage + Counter-Strike GO

>> No.712454
File: 40 KB, 640x960, 521797_502726626449260_1795097607_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killer instinct 1 / arkham city

feels good man

>> No.712474
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>Mount and Blade: Warband


>> No.712563
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>The Guardian Legend
>Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Pic Related.

>> No.712581
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>Tomb raider
>Tomb raider 3

>> No.712582

Valkyria Chronicles and Final Fantasy Tactics

I know, it would be amazing

>> No.712586

>Sonic 2
>Persona 3

I don't even

>> No.712602

Snatcher and Catherine.

A Cyberpunk block stacking game? All the bosses are snatchers, last boss is Elijah Modnar.

>> No.712607
File: 64 KB, 800x533, 1361946613914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic 1
>Professor Layton


>> No.712618

That would be fucking awesome.

>> No.712629
File: 19 KB, 240x160, Whatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metroid: The Force Unleashed

>> No.712625


That's almost as absurd as a Sonic RPG. I mean, who would make that?

>> No.712851

Pokemon Pinball
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

I guess you hunt monsters instead of catching pokemon... not too different, to be honest...

>> No.712934

>uncharted 3

Party moves in Third Person, you control one member, rest are NPCs. Random Battles are replaced by real time hack and slash type battles.
Would play

>> No.712940


This sounds like Dungeon Seige 2, actually. Not exactly retro, but still a good game.

>> No.712948

Also much heavier story, focused on the history of the crystals, and the trail to finding them.

>> No.712952
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>Banjo Tooie
>Metal Gear Rising
>all my boners

>> No.712954

>Just Cause 2
>Mega Man X

Holy fuck

>> No.712958

>YGO: Tag Force 6

YGO monsters in an SRPG with dating simulation between battles.

Actually, this needs to be a thing ASAP.

>> No.713034

Hamtaro: Ham-hams Unite!
Mount & Blade: Warband

Huh.. Ham-chat code words, hamster kingdoms and wars? Sounds awesome

>> No.713071

Batman NES
Liberation Maiden


>> No.713074

Super Smash brothers combined with Dawn of War Retribution?

I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at.

>> No.713079

Chrono Trigger
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

...That...that would actually be entertaining beyond all fuck, if not unabashed fanservice.

>> No.713086


>Hamtaro: Ham-hams Unite!

did somebody watch CGRundertown recently?

>> No.713210


Anyone with Autism.

>> No.713250

Arkista's Ring
Forza 4


>> No.713251

Shining in the Darkness
Diablo III

utter clusterfuck

>> No.713307

64 007 golden eye mashed up with BlazBlue.

well that's some new kind of monster.

>> No.713323
File: 295 KB, 640x480, metascape 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planescape: Skyrim


>> No.713349


so planescape's writing and D&D based stat system, with real time combat in a first person perspective?

>> No.713412

>Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
>Just Cause 2

Sandbox Hyrule. Hell yes.

>> No.713441

Chrono Trigger and Super Smash Bros. Melee...

Just the thought of pitting Robo against some other CT hero/villain screams awesomeness!

>> No.713454

God tier: Ayla

>> No.713465

TF2 and Yoshi's Island... Can't wait for the screaming baby scout.

>> No.713489
File: 87 KB, 500x369, 1352569626649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying it's won't be some kind of Capture the flag where Red team works for Bowser and Blue team need to retrieve baby mario

>> No.713504

>Final Fantasy IX
>Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light
It's... it's... p-perfect... ;_;

>> No.713694

>It's just regular CastleVania, but the only equipment is hats that you buy in DLCs.

>> No.713703

> Chrono Trigger
> Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin

So...Crono and pals end up in a castle, you choose two companions who fight alongside you as you explore various pain...time portals in rooms of the Castle. By the end you have 1000% and you use hacks to get further.

Also: Multiple endings galore.

Damn, I can totally see Marle taking Charlotte's place... I need this

>> No.713706
File: 831 KB, 225x144, 1369341551582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Man X
>Mega Man X Command Mission

>> No.713720

Axel appears in Megaman X from the first episode and kills the franchise.

Nice job breaking it, hero.

>> No.713735

Eye of the Beholder for SNES mixed with Super Mario Sunshine for Gamecube.

What the fuck does that even entail

>> No.713743

Isn't every 3D Zelda game a sandbox already..? I mean you can go everywhere in hyrule and fuck shit up within reason.

>> No.713748


>> No.713750

Well played

>> No.713783

>Legend of Zelda
>Fire Emblem: Awakening

I don't know what would be the result, exactly, but it sounds delicious.

>> No.713805

>X-Wing Alliance
>Republic Commando

Star Wars space sim with occasional first person out of ship pilot combat? Sounds like Rogue Squadron 3 mixed with Battlefront 2. Fund it.

>> No.713818

golden sun lost age
xcom (the new one)

i dont know. you tell me

>> No.714664
File: 69 KB, 600x601, 1330894713917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Mario Land 2
>Super Mario Galaxy 2

Oh god yes please.

>> No.714681
File: 24 KB, 440x320, tribes-ascend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F-zero X
>Tribes: Ascend


>> No.714713
File: 1018 KB, 1920x1080, if.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin Megami Tensei: If... and Stalker ZoA

A turn-based first-person RPG in which a Japanese high school and its students are transported to the Chernobyl exclusion zone, where heavily-armed Ukranian paramilitary groups and adventurers hunt mythological demons that have taken residence in various sectors governed by one of each of the Seven Deadly Sins.

>> No.714740

Link to the Past x Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball

I'm having a hard time deciding what I want more, an action adventure game like LTTP featuring the DOA girls, or a fanservice volleyball game featuring the LoZ characters.

>> No.714741

>Wario Land 2

everything went better than expected

>> No.714786


Im picturing one of the hyper combos would be ayla jumping on the screen and tossing crono up for a falcon hit, then DHC into frog Hyper Combo and drop a huge frog on their asses

this needs to happen

>> No.714816
File: 251 KB, 409x644, captain_scarlet4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Persona 4
>Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon

>> No.714819

Neither of those are retro silly

>> No.714823



>> No.714917


>playing CDi Zelda games

>> No.714956

I'd play the shit out of that

>> No.714980

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2
>Phantasy Star 4
... ... ... so... Star Ocean 3?

>> No.714993

>Resident Evil 6
That's just.... well I dont' know

>> No.715073
File: 513 KB, 500x330, 1369094074979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legend of Dragoon + Dragon's Dogma

>> No.715096
File: 75 KB, 249x251, Homu_homu_madoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIG Soviet Figther for NES
Links Awakening

>> No.715156

>Megaman 2
>Mario Kart 7


>> No.715164
File: 1.20 MB, 320x169, spaceballs-ludicrous-speed-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, that sounds beautiful.

>> No.715178

>Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
>Kirby's Adventure
Oh god how would this work? Would it be like a third person Kirby game where Kirby is the player and the Poltergust 3000 at the same time and the sucking ghosts up would be inhaling enemies?
I'm so fucking down right now you don't even know.

>> No.715310

Fallout New Vegas + Chi no Rondo???

Best game eva!!!

>> No.715334
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>Golden axe III

>> No.715365

Resident Evil
Resident Evil Revelations

Walking and shooting in every Resident Evil game. Thats about all that would change.

>> No.715426

company of tetris 2

>> No.716065

>Legend of Zelda
>Half-life 2

Hnnnng, all of my money.

>> No.716192

Breath of Fire 3 and Team Fortress 2.

Well, don't that just beat all.

>> No.716225

Splinter Cell

Well that game would suck.

>> No.716290

Star tropics
God of war 3

Shit, guess I just welded yo-yos to Mikes arms...

>> No.716297

Metal Gear Solid: Disney's Atlantis Ultimate HD Edition.


>> No.716360

Tales of Phantasia
Tales of Symphonia

Do I get a Kharlan War prequel now?

>> No.716439

Chrono Trigger and Persona 3.

Either a sprite based Persona 3 where you travel through time and can control your WHOLE party; or an animu style Chrono Trigger where muh feelings are everything.

Comme si comme sa.

>> No.717272

>Kirby Super Star
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Actually 3D Kirby fighting game? Yes PLEASE.

>> No.717764

Frogger:Nascar edition

this is going to be intense

>> No.717773

>Sonic 2
>Sonic Adventure 2
Um, a good 3D Sonic game?

>> No.717781

>King of Fighters '97
>Unreal Tournament 3
Holy shit.

>> No.717790
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>Super Mario's Return to Dreamland RPG.

>> No.717928

Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Super Mario Sunshine

instead of cleaning the goo you're blowing it up, neat

>> No.717946

Aliens versus Predator (1999 game) X Far Cry 3.

Hawly shet, dis gon' be good.

>> No.719393

>Yoshi's Story
>Team Fortress 2

I just created a gamemode featuring throwing eggs as Yoshis.

I dig it.

>> No.719412

Dragonlands VII-2

team based JRPG-FPS centring around a plot to reassemble a corporate-besieged planet and then thwart plans set in motion to resurrect a warrior-god. Full of internet and RPG tropes

I played Brolands with my younger Bro, big whup

>> No.719420


me too, I want this game!

>> No.719436

>Super Mario Bros 2
>Alan Wake

It exists and it's called Eversion.

>> No.719443

Sonic CD and Sonic Generations...

Dunno what to feel

>> No.719446

>Star Wars : Dark Forces
>Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

>> No.719502

>Skeleton Krew
>modern... might have been Morrowind?
Maybe a cyberpunk RPG where you play a skeletal cyborg immigrant travelling to another planet?

>> No.719512 [DELETED] 
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>Dunno what to feel
I hear that is common for autists.

>> No.719517

>Apollo Justice

I'm not sure.

>> No.719536

>Mass Effect 3
>Mega Man 3
I'm okay with this

>> No.719783

An international court trying Wily for his crimes?

>> No.719819

Is that ribbon supposed to be a joke?
It's bothering me that it assumes people with autism need to put puzzle together obsessively. It also bothers me that there's extra puzzle pieces.

>> No.719824
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You mean Dr. Light.

>> No.719826
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>Sonic 1
>New Super Marisa Land

Sanic with 2hu's? I'd play it.

>> No.719971
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Nope, it's made especially because Autists loves to stack shit and how most can't deal with anything but toys.

The fact that there's extra pieces shouldn't even bother you, as it's just more of a trigger to stack shit for autists. Notice how some pieces are cut, but it's just a cloth ribbon.

>> No.720007

DOOM and Far Cry 3.
How do you think this would work?

>> No.720013
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>Final Fantasy IX
>Epic Mickey

Another Kingdom Hearts game but with more prominent FFIX characters? Neat!

>> No.720049

>Wizardry VI

Could be bretty gud

>> No.720061
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>Super Metroid

>> No.720103

>system shock
>half life 2

>> No.720143

World of Ufo, enemy unknown.
Like a Ufo MMO, you are put on a random team, blasting away at another random team.
Cooperation is usually nonexistent, and every piece of equipment has to be grinded for.
If you pay real money you can get a Crysalid to rape the opposition with.

>> No.720158

>mario 64
>sonic adventure 2 battle
the mario/sonic crossover literally everybody was asking for

>> No.720169

The Legend of Zelda
Resident Evil 4

>> No.720215

>Bioshock Infinite

>> No.720245
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God Hand
Brutal Doom

I think I saved gaming

>> No.720260 [DELETED] 

omg are they ok??

>> No.720282


>> No.720304 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is that?

>> No.720310

it's just the version I have

>> No.720307

>Sonic 2
>Fairy Bloom Freesia

There's some potential to be had here.

>> No.720313

Earthbound and Bioshock

I can't even imagine it.

>> No.720318
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Autists are a clever bunch. Even though they are typically severely socially impaired, they will let you know they're autistic by spelling it out with blocks.

>> No.720323

That actually sounds really good. Like really, really good.

>> No.720329
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>Mega Man 3
>Silent Hill 2

Oh baby

>> No.720419

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and...Alex Kidd in Shinobi World? wat

>> No.720449

Dark Souls as set in Planescape.


>> No.720496
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>SimCity 2000
>Bioshock 2


>> No.720541

Star Control II with Mass Effect 2

So I guess Mass Effect II since half the stuff was stolen anyway?

>> No.720556


Basically Natural Selection 2 with demons.

I'm cool with that.

>> No.720605
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final fantasy 5
shin megami tensei devil survivor


>> No.720768

Super Mario RPG and Red Dead Redemption. Heh.

>> No.720818

Final Fantasy VII
Pokemon Soul Silver

Monster-taming Final Fantasy title? I guess that's something they've never done for the series.

>> No.720864

>Icewind Dale
>Romance of the 3 kingdoms XI
So... something like total war?

>> No.720905

Sonic The Hedgehog
Thomas Was Alone
>Thomas The Hedgehog?

>> No.720937

>Painkiller HD


>> No.720961

Bayonetta and Unreal Tournament 99

I am simply not ready for how good this game would be.

>> No.721006

>Persona 4 Arena

Aw man, I wish there was a fighting game with just Earthbound characters.

>> No.721054

>age of empires 2
>dark souls

>> No.721064

>Final Fantasy V

It's like Hexen only with equipment slots.

>> No.721065
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> Super Metroid vs. Frozen Synapse

>> No.721073

And a ton of classes. Mystic Knight is OP.

>> No.721087

>Pokemon Emerald

>> No.721207

Last retro game I played (emphasis on the I)?
>Crusin USA

Last retro game I saw being played,
>Megaman Legends 2

>> No.721223

CyberJudas and Neverwinter.

Too weird. I don't know where to begin to describe it.

And then mix in Neverwinter.

>> No.721470
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Otomedius Excellent

R-Type III

I wouldn't mind seeing a moe parody of R-Type

>> No.721492
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Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Return to Dreamland

I'm on a Kirby kick

>> No.721506

>Serious Sam 3: BFE
So nothing really changes

>> No.721589
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>Sonic R
>Crysis 2

A hyper-realistic game with super tight controls mixed with one where all the cartoon characters basically have feet made out of butter. That'd be a while new level of hard!?

>> No.721686

>The Binding of Might and Magic III

I don't know, but it's going to be fun as fuck.

>> No.721704

>Final Fight 3
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

That sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.721726
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>Rising Storm

It's amazing

>> No.721746
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Dark Forces crossed with ARMA 2?
Yes please!
Open world Star Wars mil-sim!

>> No.721749

>Sonic Generations
I was doing kind of a comparison thing for Sky Sanctuary

>> No.721753

>From other players, no less.

>> No.721758

One of those characters plays more like R-Type than Gradius anyway

>> No.721778

>Super Metroid


>> No.721779

And what's the verdict?

>> No.721926

GTA San Andreas vs F Zero X

Futuristic GTA with the plot centered around an intergalactic racing circuit? Yes please.

>> No.722094

retro: Tiny toons (Nes)

modern: Lego Batman 2

I think this is fuckin epic.

>> No.724934

>Metal Slug
>Animal Crossing

So does that mean when I rescue POWs they give me furniture?

>> No.724959
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>Knights of the Round
>Metal Gear Solid 3


>> No.724963

Test drive unlimited 2
F zero

Free roaming in F zero vehicles, paintjobs, getting women in bikinis to wash it down, modding parts, properly designed interiors with satellite navigation and two island maps that are fucking huge with things to discover all about the place

yeah, yeah i'd buy it

>> No.724968

>Final Fantasy IX
>Team Fortress 2


>> No.724974

Nah, just worthless Gyroids.

>> No.725002

FF8 and Skyrim.

I'm ok with this.

>> No.725013

well... the scout has a bat :D

>> No.725020

Super Mario Brothers 2
Mount and Blade Warband

Can't wait to raise my shyguy forces, and throw vegetables at my enemies.

>> No.725031

>Marry Birdo

>> No.725063


>Birdo becomes your mount, in more ways than one.

>> No.725129
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>Super R-Type
>Torchlight II

>> No.725287

Mario Party 2

>> No.725496


Is Wario part of Angels of Death or The Lost?

>> No.725879
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>DooM II
>Dark Souls

Would probably be fantastic.

>> No.725885

Fallout + Fallout: New Vegas


>> No.725892

Monster World IV
Tera Online

Its now an MMO with skimpy clothing. But at least its free.

>> No.725904
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Contra 3

Oh god...

>> No.727961

A game in which a specially engineered super-soldier must stop a rebellion staged by old members of his unit, who are all named after an animal (octopus, et al) and possess different weapons. His fight will take him to a secret enemy base where his sword-wielding friend will sacrifice himself to stall for time against an enemy utilizing a bipedal battle robot.

>> No.727973

Ninja baseball bat man
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

My penis exploded

>> No.727983

The Ur-Quan Masters


>> No.727992

Well that's not squad based or an RPG

>> No.728000

which persona 2?

>> No.728002

>shining blade with class changing
it'd be kojima

>> No.728005


>> No.729014

Metroid + Fallout New Vegas, RPG Metrodivania, me rikey

>> No.729352

>Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
I have the weirdest boner right now.

>> No.729594

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

You can take control of individual units, play as them, wreck shit.
>playing as mind worms

>> No.732092
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Starcraft Brood War
Worms Revolution

why not...

>> No.732141
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monster party

nope, fucking nope

>> No.732161

Earthbound + Dota2


>> No.732212
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Batman: Arkham City
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete

I don't think this will work at all...

>> No.732218

Monster Hunter 3 ultimate
Megaman X1
Guys how wold this work

>> No.735143

-Total Annihilation
-Half-Life 2: Episode 2


>> No.735174

>Megaman X
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Sweet shit, son. Don't fuck with this Sentatorman!

I'm pretty sure Battle was just 2 with some additions, all of which were improvements or something entirely new. Nothing bad, really.

>> No.735198

>Shantae merges with Dead Island.

How am I doing so far?

>> No.735201
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>Secret of Mana
>Just Cause 2
How would this work, someone please help me

>> No.735214


heart skipped a beat.

>> No.735230

Ninja Gaiden (NES)
Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox)


>> No.735264

>Legend of Zelda
>Left 4 Dead 2

Collecting the Triforce while fighting Ganon's minions and the undead? Hell yes!

>> No.738195

Shin Megami Tensei 1
Kamen Rider Battride War

Beating the shit out of demons as SMT protagonists? Yes. Very Yes.

>> No.738227

>Zipline grapple across screens
>Crazy physics interactions and explosive chain reaction shit
>Arrive at the Mana Fortress by flying Flammie directly at the first door into it and bailing out at the last second

>> No.738256

Fallout and TES:Skyrim (Heavily Modded for more challenge, and much better characters/dungeons).
I don't want to play Fallout 4, thanks.

>> No.738338

final fantasy IV
hyperdimension neptunia

hrm... so jrpg + jrpg = ????

>> No.739204

>Family Feud
>Wind Waker

I can't even think of what it would look like