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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 600x450, EPuv9CDUEAAMLJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6835543 No.6835543 [Reply] [Original]

Want to try the best romhacks?
>/vr/ Romhack Recommendations
>Pre-patched Improvements

Romhacking websites?
>RHDN: general romhacking library
>Zophar's Domain

Due to RHDN's moderation recent actions, they've been losing/Voldemort-ing many big names, including their top two contributors.
You'd do well to diversify your sources to get up to date with the scene.
Twitter is good for following prolific translators.
>@ElCaminoOscuro @Zynk_Oxhyde @MrRichard999
>@RetroTranslator @DDSTranslation @REBehindtheMask
Some romhackers will be active through personal websites (dynamic-designs) or Discord servers... or Tumblr.

>Super Mario World (also SM64)

Want to make romhacks?
>Hex Editor
Can help edit text, analyze data (pointers, data structures, compression, sound...)
>Relative Search Tool
Figure out text encoded in non-standard formats (.TBL files)
>Tile Editor
Interprets the ROM as editable graphical data.
>Disassembler / Assembler / CPU ASM docs / Console hardware docs
Interprets the ROM as programming data (how the game behaves) either while it works (part of debugger emulator) or outside of it (static disassemblers like IDA Pro, etc). Assemblers convert your replacement code back to the ROM.
>Script Dumpers / Insertors
Help edit massive text data quickly and adapt their starting positions (pointers), essential for translation projects. You can write your own or reuse existing scripts (Atlus/Cartographer/Kruptar7). A similar concept exists for data structures (QuickBMS)

>> No.6835560
File: 148 KB, 800x533, 6a00d83452033569e2026be40e727c200d-800wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since GBA is now /vr/, a new romhack for F-Zero Legend that includes ALL of the lost e-Reader content in the base ROM, for all three versions of the games (not just Japanese, as originally intended).
More than that, they restored the unused English graphics and made new graphics from scratch for the multi-language PAL version.

It's glorious. Nintendo went the extra mile of including the e-Reader content in the base ROM, for the Wii U version of Super Mario Advance 3, but never did it for F-Zero Legend.

The romhacker who did it is GuyPerfect, who's also working on a new Virtual Boy emulator. He intends to do something similar for the Satellaview content of the first F-Zero, if someone who still has that content gets in touch. Oh and he's banned and unpersoned from RHDN too, so follow his updates on other websites.


>> No.6835579
File: 67 KB, 817x720, RM5AS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good romhacks (Not just Megaman) that add new gameplay mechanics/abilities and not just new levels? Pic related (adds air sliding)

>> No.6835610

If you like that, google BCAS

>> No.6835624

oh cool, thanks

>> No.6835776


>> No.6835857

ITT: Subhuman Anime Trannies

>> No.6835930

Meh old anime is based af, nu-anime is shitty.
Actually, you got me a ispiration to make a romhack.

>> No.6835935

Retro gaming is much more than just how old something is. You think because 6th gen is 20 years old that it is retro? I roll my eyes so hard at that notion that they're doing revolutions in my skull. No...retro gaming is a style of gaming that just so happens to be most prominent in games released ~<= 1999 (but very likely well before 1999). You motherfuckers simply need to look at the difference between RE1/2/3 and then RE4 to see the difference between retro and non-retro. Look at Final Fantasy 1-9 and then look at 10/10-2/12. The evolution of gaming is what makes 6th gen not retro. Hell, look at Daggerfall and Arena and then try to tell me that Morrowind and Oblivion are retro...you can't. Continuing with this line of reasoning, the difference between SMB1/2/3/W and M64/SS, we CLEARLY see the great divide between retro and not retro. M64 maybe qualifies because it was the first attempt at 3D, while still being retro at heart, but I remain unconvinced. Sunshine is definitely a refined M64, and very blatantly not retro

Mods are mentally ill trannies who need to be hanged for this shit. They do nothing but delete threads and ruin communities. The day of the rope is coming for you uwu 12.

>> No.6835951

Fuck off gramps, Crysis is retro

>> No.6836000

Go back to /v/, nobody want's to deal with your shit.

>> No.6836304

Not a "new" romhack, but Darkwing Duck was developed by Mega Man 3 staff on a similar engine, but with a shield addition.
Someone made a sprite mod to convert it to a Mega Man game, but just the playable sprite for now.


>> No.6836323

>boomer still throwing hissy fit about gen 6
Loving this timeline

>> No.6836951

In my opinion, Rockman 4 BCAS is the best MM hack. It jacks up the speed, remixes the stages and boss patterns, gives it new music (DAYTONAAAAAAAAAAAAA) and is just a joy to play.

>> No.6837136

Why is he banned on RHDN? I know there's some fuckery on that site, and the staff are SJW or whatever, but I can't see why they would ban him

>> No.6837140

Go ask them. No one cares.

>> No.6837195
File: 340 KB, 1024x896, FCEUX 2.2.3_ SMB3Test 2020-09-06 07-33-23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here even make romhacks rather than play them? I've tinkered around with SMB3 and started to code a custom enemy from scratch. This one's a homage to an enemy from my favourite SMW hack.

>> No.6837206

Anyone got a pre-patched Donkey Kong 64 where you can change Kongs on the go ?

>> No.6837353


Don't got it prepatched but here's the link

>> No.6837360

that depends
Does it still count as rom hacking if Im editing source code?

>> No.6837397

I tried that

>> No.6837518

Are translations, which are technically romhacks, included in this thread?

>> No.6837580

Not really a romhack per se, but how the fuck do you apply the unworked designs patches? They never work, but I'm assuming that is because the md5s on the roms don't match. I have no intro sets so I have no clue why they wouldn't for any of these games. I tried to install the popful mail one and it gave me the right wav files but the iso deleted itself, what the fuck? I ended up just downloading a prepatched one.

>> No.6837651

What’s the best controls romhack for Super Metroid?

>> No.6837685
File: 248 KB, 1500x1000, 15COOKING-PASTA-threeByTwoMediumAt2X-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro gaming is much more than just how old something is. You think because 6th gen is 20 years old that it is retro? I roll my eyes so hard at that notion that they're doing revolutions in my skull. No...retro gaming is a style of gaming that just so happens to be most prominent in games released ~<= 1999 (but very likely well before 1999). You motherfuckers simply need to look at the difference between RE1/2/3 and then RE4 to see the difference between retro and non-retro. Look at Final Fantasy 1-9 and then look at 10/10-2/12. The evolution of gaming is what makes 6th gen not retro. Hell, look at Daggerfall and Arena and then try to tell me that Morrowind and Oblivion are retro...you can't. Continuing with this line of reasoning, the difference between SMB1/2/3/W and M64/SS, we CLEARLY see the great divide between retro and not retro. M64 maybe qualifies because it was the first attempt at 3D, while still being retro at heart, but I remain unconvinced. Sunshine is definitely a refined M64, and very blatantly not retro
>Mods are mentally ill trannies who need to be hanged for this shit. They do nothing but delete threads and ruin communities. The day of the rope is coming for you uwu 12.

>> No.6837730
File: 541 KB, 600x910, 795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Nr.7

>> No.6837736

Original with Y and select swapped.

>> No.6837756

Why wouldn’t those count as romhacks?

>> No.6838041

Someone had to hack the roms to put that on them, anon.

>> No.6838119

oh fuck yeah with GBA we have like a shit ton of new hacks to discuss i hadn't thought of that

>> No.6838691
File: 202 KB, 584x344, CheatSearchWindowV2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding Variables With Cheat Search for FCEUX: A Primer

See animated image for a rundown of the Cheat Search window.

One way to find where data is stored in RAM is with the Cheat Search. The Cheat search works by making a list of every ram location and the value in that address at that point in time, then paring it down based on how that value changes.

So to start play the game until the variable you want to track down is sure to be loaded and hit the "Reset" button (on the Cheat Search Window!) That will populate the list on the right with every address in ram. Now start playing a bit of the game, then narrowing down the results.
If you think you know the exact value, you can put it in the box next to the "Known Value" button and hit the button.
If you know the value hasn't changed, use the "Equal" button.
"Not Equal", "Greater Than", and "Less Than" are as they say, but if you know exactly how much the value has changed by, you can put that in the box next to the button, and check the check box between them, to specify the parameters for that search.

This way you can easily narrow down the possible addresses to a few locations. If you mess up, or don't find it, just hit "Reset" and start over.

Some things to note:
1) This can only do 8bit values, anything that goes higher than 255 will be stored among two or more bytes and this cheat search will be of less help.
2) The value may not be kept as straightforward as you think. It may be stored in an unpacked Binary Coded Decimal format, or based on the display tile, or maybe the value is calculated as needed whenever called for.
3) The search only acts on the values in the results of the previous search. "Reset" will start the search over with the current ram. Keep this in mind if the game happens to briefly swap chunks of memory around at regular intervals. Notice the option at the bottom of the window.

>> No.6838697
File: 595 KB, 859x560, DebugWindowV2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the FCEUX Debugger

See animated image for a rundown of the Debugger window.

The Debugger allows you to examine the state of the NES at any given time and view the code as it is executing. 6502 Assembly and the NES architecture in general is beyond the scope of this post, but resources are available online that describe these topics in detail.

When a game is running, if you just pause the emulation as it speeds through frame after frame, there is no telling where it will stop, so we use breakpoints to stop the program where we want it to. The breakpoints are a trap you set on a certain address (or range of addresses) that will pause the program when it tries to do something to that address, such as read from, write to, or execute and instruction on that address (or any combination thereof.) Conditions can also be specified ie: only break when you write 0x05 or higher to this address.

Once the breakpoint has triggered, the code the will display in the left window. To the right you will find all the different sections of the processor, such as what the current stack looks like, the contents of the registers and so on. By clicking the buttons near the top of that section, you can step through the code and watch it execute. "Run" simply continues running the program as normal. "Step Into" executes only one line of code and will follow into any subroutines that may get called. "Step Over" executes the next line of code but will do a subroutine before breaking again on the line after it returns. "Step Out" runs until the next RTS command, useful for getting out of a function and getting to the code that called it. "Run Line" will execute as much code as would be done in the time it takes to complete one scanline. "128 Lines" does the same but for about half a screen worth of scanlines.

Bookmarks can help you identify locations in the code.

Hint: Double clicking a breakpoint will toggle it on and off, and hex editor will highlight recently changed values.

>> No.6838706
File: 145 KB, 467x437, CodeDataLog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the Code Data Logger

The Code Data Logger is a simple but useful tool. It is helpful in developing a proper disassembly.

See, the only thing a computer can deal in is binary, ones and zeros. That's it. What those bits mean is determined by how it is interpreted. Is it a number, or a letter? Maybe it's an instruction or a pointer to somewhere else in memory. You can't actually know what some chunk of bits in memory are based only on the bits themselves. However the computer doesn't care. You just give it a starting point and it goes off on it's own. It will take the first byte and assume it is an instruction, then load the next zero or more bytes (however much as that particular command needs) as an operand, executes it, then does the very next byte.

So to disassemble machine code back into code, you could start at the beginning and sort of unzip your way through the file, except for the fact that you can change which byte is the next byte to execute via jumps, branches, straight up stack manipulation, or maybe even witchcraft (self modifying code.) These factors make such an approach...


Doing a complete job would end up requiring you to emulate the entire system. But hey! You're doing that anyways when you play a ROM on the emulator! This is where the Code Data Logger comes in. You start the logger and it will keep track of every byte in the entire file and watches as the instructions are executed. It will mark each byte as having been used as Code (instructions to the processor) or Data (used by the processor to do the command). You can then play the game until you've done everything the game can do, and by then you'll have marked up the entire file. A disassembler can then use this file to help it create accurate source code which, should, recompile into back into the same game you started with.

Now if you don't understand why anyone would get excited to have the source code for a game, don't worry, this tool just isn't for you.

>> No.6838768

Thanks for the annual copy-paste info. Funnily enough, I'm logging and disassembling and working on something with FCEUX right now!

>> No.6839698
File: 871 KB, 1068x581, Screen Shot 2020-09-06 at 9.23.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smash remix update, they added bowser

>> No.6839751
File: 51 KB, 453x334, Ef4AZU6XYAYZwd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Sunburn got updated last week.
It's a quality of life mod / romhack for Sunshine.
I do wish the new title screen was optional.


>> No.6839913

Fun fact, even back in the 90s, there was a Mega Man 5(?) which was just a Darkwing Duck hack. They didn't even change the text, so every stage Mega Man would say "I AM DARKWING DUCK!"

I've been fooling around with it, but usually bite more than I can chew, somehow. Even when I'm just trying to revamp/fix graphics.

>> No.6840109

Impressive, they managed to make him work with the right size

>> No.6840909

Yes. That my point.

>> No.6840919

Yes. Done a couple of undubs, a couple of improvement hacks, now working on my first japanese translation.

>> No.6841528

Im still struggle alround to how to decompress games.

>> No.6842109

I work for an big-ish "indie" game company. I don't even play games, I just like making and reading about them.

>> No.6842216

fucking finally, was getting real sick of the clones and zoomer cringe

>> No.6842279

>zoomer cringe

>> No.6842284

>Dark Samus
>GBA Lucas instead of the beta design
>Mementos from Persona 5
>indie garbage (Tower of God)

>> No.6842289

oh, and the fact one of the authors of this mod is pushing for Waluigi, who didn't exist until 2000.

>> No.6842354
File: 92 KB, 854x461, s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah, i guess I agree
They should have done what the Smash 2 mod did with the designs (what brawl character would have looked like in melee) and only add characters and stages that probably could have been added like banjo, mewtwo or fucking James bond kek
they should definitely prioritize adding those poll characters https://www.nintendo.co.jp/n01/n64/software/nus_p_nalj/smash/PostResult2.html

>> No.6842383
File: 134 KB, 1144x900, Smash 2 Charge Beam vs Shinespark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i follow that mod
yeah, that would be cool, but they're just doing replacements of Ike and Lucario for the moment

however, one of the devs did say Alm and Togepi weren't fully decided on yet, so possibly there could be a better replacement in the way.
Olga (who was popular at the time of that poll) or Cloud would be good enough Ike replacements

>> No.6842387

also you should check out Melee 64

>> No.6842416
File: 45 KB, 320x240, policenauts-sekuhara1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks. I am not a huge fan of completely new hacks, because most of them are not enjoyable for me like Kaizo. However, I love improvement hacks like the one for sailor moon rpg getting double exp and half random encounter rate.

>> No.6842421
File: 670 KB, 2000x1229, d6b42ae-e41f8bfd-4321-43eb-acaf-e7d5396a473c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking amazing, dude. Will repost this when this thread dies. Thanks very much for spreading the word about this,

>> No.6843548

Someone ages ago posted on /vr/ something to fix the horrendous encounter rate in Arabian Nights (SNES), will see if it can be tracked down.

>> No.6843779

Was it a patch? I looked in the archives but didn't find it.

>> No.6843839

>Nooooooooo someone else's hobbie project isn't including the character *I* want

>> No.6843941

Recently I was playing the Breath of Fire 2 re-translation hack alongside something called the Maeson hack which changed up how XP/money worked and also changed what spells every member got in such a way that some of them aren't outright bad choices now. Recommended way to experience BoF2 these days, though if you just want 2x EXP/Money with no other changes the author also has an earlier hack that is just that.

>> No.6843943

>Waluigi, who didn't exist until 2000.
but debuted on the 64

>> No.6844073

It's a cool hack though, finally 64 gets some attention, but Including post 2000s stuff kinda breaks the 1999 """immersion""" though. To go through all this trouble (making the n64 style renders, etc) and not get it right feels pointless.

>> No.6844398

its a community-effort mod pack and of course that would mean zoomershit like Persona 5 is going to be forced in eventually.
Smash 2 and Melee 64 are the nostalgic mods doing it right.

>> No.6844407

>but debuted on the 64
keyword: EXIST

>> No.6844432

once all the cut characters are finally put in, i'll do a separate fork that includes just the cut characters and pre-requisites into the mod.

then i'll wait for you zoomies to get mad at that fork when a couple of people just want to experience an actual expansion to 64, not some typical BrawlEX mod.

>> No.6844464
File: 120 KB, 410x430, peppy_soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844679

No, a memory address and some info that could help for creating a patch. I might redo the work from scratch if it comes to it.

More useful would be that time someone posted patches to remove long obnoxious intros from some translation patches.

>> No.6844795

What's up with those fags that don't want modern characters in smash64? It's one of the more novel uses of these hacks. Levels too. Seeing skyloft on my n64 is cool. Do they not undertstand that these updates are from the current year, or are we all supposed to pretend it's still 1999 and mom and dad haven't gotten divorced yet?

>> No.6844953

Mewtwo and Dedede are very likely at this point since were the two characters alongside Bowser that had to be cut during 64 development

>> No.6845798
File: 494 KB, 647x482, PMMQ-Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else played this? Anyone have a fix for the retarded text changes?

>> No.6846217

Sadly I can't find it but if you figure some game genie code out or a patch please post it here.

>> No.6846254

how out of reach is something like learning asm or programming at all for someone who barely remembers any high school math? am interested in hacking outside the reliance of tools after seeing stuff I never thought possible in snes and gba games but have no direction.

>> No.6846731

Anyone has any new homebrew dumps?

>> No.6846962

SNES assembly is pretty simple in my opinion, but the barrier to entry might seem a little high at first if you have no programming experience whatsoever.
Not sure where to tell you to start. If you don't know how hexadecimal and binary work, I guess I'd start by looking into that, because you'll definitely need to know it. As far as learning assembly itself, maybe look into the Super Mario World hacking scene? I think there are a bunch of ASM tutorials on SMW Central, and since that game's been hacked to pieces already it should be easy to find parts of it to tinker with.
Also, get an emulator with a decent debugger. I like BSNES Plus personally.

>> No.6847220

i know how to count them but that's about it. i guess i can start off from smwc to get familiar.

>> No.6847337

the dev version of skeletonkey has a treasure trove of rom-hacks

>> No.6847742

I couldn't find any info on what this homebrew is

>> No.6848205
File: 2.97 MB, 2550x3510, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of hacks which make MM games better. Lag reduction patches, bug fixes, etc

For MM3, there is "Improvement" which gets rid of all lag, fixes a lot of glitches, and also has some other additions/changes which you may or may not like

For Rockman 4 (doesn't work with MM4), lag reduction patch, there are two patches, one "standard" lag reduction, and another one which also changes other things like being able to switch weapons on the fly (but also gets rid of the autoscroll sections...)

For Rockman 5, but these ones also works with MM5. Lag reduction patch:
Lets you switch weapons on the fly (select, down+select, select+start):

Rockman 6 (does not work with MM6):
Lag reduction patch but also speeds up the process of many things, like loading times, scrolling when entering a room, etc,
and also fixes sliding: In the original MM6, and unlike other MM games, you couldn't jump during a slide, plus there is a small delay, wait time, at the end of a slide. This fixes both:

Standalone version of the fixed sliding:

Small hacks for MM4-5-6 that makes the sound of charging the charge shot fade out:

Play as Protoman in MM5:

>> No.6848249
File: 129 KB, 663x680, ETDvKefVAAAZ87V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone still follows the trials and tribulations of the Goemon saga, some new developments happened.

Avi (old translator who broke with DDS, and not on good terms with the new translators) learned romhacking on his own and released a Goemon 2 patch on his own. That he still isn't satisfied with its graphics and wants to redo. RHDN is fine promoting that patch. It's closer to a Working Designs take.

HG101 is bragging about his controversy today.
However most replies but his inner circle of faithful are tearing him a new one, irrespective of political affiliation.
Some are boycotting his new book and noticing he's removing appearances from Majin Tensei (translated by Tom)
Attempt to rewrite history with his heroism backfired bad.
(This all started because DDS wrote "resetera is cancer",
because resetera got Zynk Oxyde (2nd top contributor) banned from RHDN. btw He's there jeering him too lol)

Tom and DDS commented today that they were ultimately fine with changing their patch to "newhalf" in Goemon 3, as the "best compromise" not to alienate the few people who asked nicely, and to keep the original offensive tone of the original word (is derogative and associated with porn, according to Tom) ... however, they didn't like the way they were treated and defamed prior to that. RHDN's actions burned bridges decisively. And they weren't fans of how

Uchuu Kaizoku Akokingu (PS) is finished.
Only a few graphics remain unedited, but MrFwibbles might just release it the way it is sometimes soon.

Shin Sedai (PS) is worked on but some technical issues remain with the font (that didn't really prevent MrFwibbles from finishing his work) and he asked Tom if he's still interested.
...He actually asked him back in January, but HG101 had other plans.
Oedo Daikaiten (PS) runs on same engine and is considered too!


The evil is defeated.

>> No.6848304

Programming, especially rom hacking, hardly relies on advanced math. You just need to know the ins and outs of the system and then figure out the ins and outs of the game. You can do both of those while learning.

>> No.6848313

I suck at math and I was able to learn 6052 ASM for NES to the point I made my own enemy patterns, weapons, and even physic related fixes and new moves

The only math needed was sometimes doing some HEX shit, which frankly you're better off doing using an hex calculator anyway

>> No.6848319

>>6848304 (cont.)
>i know how to count them but that's about it.
That's about all you need, too. Now you have to learn the assembly language for the system you want to rom hack, then realize that each assembly instruction translates to a number which is stored as one or multiple bytes (8-bit numbers) in the rom, and then realize that not everything in the rom is assembly instructions and you'll have to interpret different data in different ways. Thankfully, you can figure out how to interpret the data based on how the game's code interprets it, and with experience you'll learn to recognize certain kinds of data by looking for patterns or specific ranges of values, while making hypotheses about what it could be.
Of course, it's much easier and recommended even to start by hacking a game that's already been documented to bits, but in the end it's all very similar once you take away the plethora of tools that hide the real data away from you.

>> No.6848440

Is anyone working on an alternative to RHDN? Losing a central repo for this shit is going to drive Romhacking even further underground, and searching the net for romhacks generally results in landing on shitty automated content farm blogs with links to outdated versions.

I mean, the core of the site is just a file server with a shit ton of metdata for each upload that keeps things organized. Just toss the download links behind some sort of adfly type thing for upkeep costs.

>> No.6848918


>> No.6849443

Goemon Space Pirate Akokingu
English translation 95%


>> No.6849483
File: 40 KB, 387x286, EbCqHnTXYAEhfqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it finally... some anons here made desplash romhacks.
Those are for fan translators add obnoxious long-ass unskippable intro screens, and simply remove them to further enhance the experience.

>Mickey and Donald's Magical Quest 3 - the patched ROM with the nephew color fix applied, along with the deSplash patched ROMs for Alchhest, Dragon Quest 3, Emerald Dragon, Socks & Undercover Cops. None of which were hacked by me. I'm just sharing what was shared last month. Enjoy fuckwads.
anonfiles com/N9t7jbD4oc/desplashpack_zip

>Glory of Heracles 3 with the splash disabled.
anonfiles com/BfN3p9D9oa/goh3desplash_zip

>Toyed around with Glory of Heracles IV and appear to have got that one working too.
anonfiles com/Xbi7u8D1o2/goh4desplash_zip

>Honestly it depends on the splash screen, which after looking through about 250 SNES translations I've discovered a loathing for stealth-translations/dynamic-designs & rpgone's splash screens. As nearly all of them are ugly as fuck. And in the case of Burning Heroes, outright nauseating.

>But the ones I hate the most are the ones that force you to press start to advance beyond. Translation corporation's theatrical splash screens, which take forever, are right behind that. That Emerald Dragon one, what were they thinking?!

>Some of the notable nasty ones I've found are Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz, Dragon Quest V, Dual Orb II, Front Mission and Super Aleste. No luck creating working hacks for Chou Mahou Tairiku Wozz and Dual Orb II, but I managed to create ones for Dragon Quest V, Front Mission and Super Aleste. All of which I ASSUME are working correctly.

anonfiles com/r1P008Dao4/3pacsplash_zip

>> No.6850343


>> No.6851504

Patched with latest update (v0.96) >>6850973

>> No.6851518
File: 39 KB, 500x582, EhODHNqVoAIHgvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking sick. Thanks for finding these, anon. I forgot to archive the thread before it died for good. I've got some more candidates for desplashing/titlescreen-restorijng if anyone wants the job (muvh appreciated if so).

>> No.6852212

none of the newer age characters in since Smash 4 are any good
either clone garbage or just really mediocre crap like Corrin, Fagcineroar, or Min Min.

>> No.6853492

>Kalakunt is still butthurt and irrelevant that he has to bring up the shitstorm he brewed over a accurate localization of goeymon

>> No.6853525
File: 14 KB, 666x234, desplashpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon here, here's what should be a complete collection of released desplash hacks.

https://anonfiles com/TaU325T6o9/desplashpack_zip

>> No.6855195
File: 3 KB, 160x144, Lunar Chase (USA)(Beta)-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F to pay respect the poor bloke who released a full fan translation patch for X / Lunar Chase on the Game Boy, on the same day the unlikely LEAK of the official unreleased localization happened.


A shit ton of localization leaks happened for GB games, including stuff that was already fan translated. However you should still stick with the fan translations because:

>Gargoyle's Quest II
Text is slow, truncated and doesn't clean up well, it's distracting.

>Taiyou no Tenshi Marlow: O Hanabatake wa Dai-Panic
>Philip & Marlowe In Bloom Land
Since it's an 1991 game and the backstory is about an angel...
They cut the whole story. It's nice to see Quest still made a valiant attempt to get it approved by NoA.

Notable finds: Localizations of Golf King, Umi no Nushi Tsuri 2 (Legend of Sea King GB), and Robopon Star Version.

>> No.6855906
File: 42 KB, 256x224, DMGALSE0-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made font hack for the recently discovered Legend of Sea King official localization.
Much better looking already.

>> No.6855909
File: 44 KB, 256x224, DMGALSE0-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original for comparison's sake.

>> No.6856213

Pretty nice font anon please post it.

>> No.6857185

files catbox moe

>> No.6858184

Thank you.