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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.11 MB, 2200x1125, C64(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6766080 No.6766080 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best emulator for Com 64 so I can play retro c64 games on it?

>> No.6766254

a lump of shit in a playdough can

>> No.6766265
File: 19 KB, 320x240, 9A70A2FA-C3D1-449A-A694-3E541716DCF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these. At least you get close to the real experience. C64 games are a bit crap though.

>> No.6766270

They're a bit overpriced though on eBay etc aren't they?

Oh dear

>> No.6766272

Dunno, I got it for a pawn shop a month after it released for a chunk of change off. I can see why. I wanted to try writing asm on it, but I didn’t enjoy typing on it.

>> No.6766298

the c64 mini seems like an aesthetically pleasing package

the controller it comes with is not great & it requires an external usb keyboard however for $30 im not even remotely complaining

>> No.6766360

I'd say the best emulator for C64 is VICE.

>> No.6766972

>close to the real experience
yeah, the real experience is nothing like that. it's complete garbage that uses the VICE emulator. get fucked, shills.

>> No.6767043

>C64 games are a bit crap though

Most of the classics are American releases anyway, Euro C64 games are largely memes.

>> No.6767159

Get the dink mod version of Vice. it will allow you to control how the buttons on your controllers are mapped.

>> No.6767742

>Com 64

>> No.6769748

>says to poach an insanely below msrp unit @ $30
>called a shill
take your meds

>> No.6770121

>says retarded shill shit
>denies being shill
zoom zoom

>> No.6770250


Get a C64 Maxi with a nice Speedlink COMPETITION PRO usb joystick. then post here again for a nice list of fun games to play on it. (don't forget to get a usb stick to put the games on)

>> No.6770272
File: 21 KB, 637x239, explorer_2020-08-28_12-23-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do I have to start
why can't vice be a proper emulator with a single executable?

>> No.6770485

>what the fuck do I have to start
Praying science finds a way to grow a brain for you. Not even joking. Do you walk into mcdonalds and have a meltdown because there's more than just a plain hamburger on the menu? Literally retarded.

>> No.6771573

At least its not the Spectrum

>> No.6774704

You're assuming he has knowleage of all the commodore variants. I grew up in that era and i can tell which most of those are. But give the guy a break and and stop being a dick and let him know it's x64sc or c64dtv.

You're just mouthing off because you're getting off on the knowlegde you know better than him. There was a point you didn't know this shit either you cocksucking faggot

>> No.6775273

Definitely not assuming he has knowledge of anything, in fact quote the opposite. And thanks for helping me get off on the knowledge I know better than you because you can't RTFM. That's how I can tell you didn't grow up in that era. That generation knows how to read.
At any rate, the answer is at the top of page 3 of the manual, if either if you want to get your parents to read it to you.

>> No.6775294

Each of these is a different emulator for a different Commodore computer.