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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 303x320, wizard[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
659881 No.659881 [Reply] [Original]

Challenge time, /vr/!

A wizard grants you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The ability to reboot any classic franchise and make it as good as if not better than the originals.

You must choose which developer(be as specific as possible with the staff) will spearhead the game, and what features - graphics, gameplay, sound, writing, anything - should be included.


>> No.659890

Banjo Kazooie

Double Fine Productions

>> No.659885


>> No.659902

Revive compile

>> No.659910

Awww yeahhh.

>Secret of Mana
>Developed by Supergiant Games

>Hiroki Kikuta returns to add new music while Darren Korb remixes the songs
>Bigger focus on multiplayer, both online and couch
>Focus on reflexes over grinding or loot.
>Like Seiken Densetsu 3, you can choose which character to start with, and many events in the game change depending on who you're starting as.
>AI Director keeps things fresh.
>Any content cut from original SNES CD version is back in full.

>> No.659921

I prefer Platinum to do 3D Metroid.

But I can see Treasure bringing some deep combat into Metroid along with newfound exploration.
But my pick would be Nigoro, who worked on LA-MULANA.
>dat nonlinear open world
>dem brutal puzzles

>> No.659931

Platinum isn't that good at exploration though, are they? Metroid shouldn't be all PEWFUCKINPEW, it needs heavy goddamn ambiance and mood and exploration. Look at Super Metroid, combat is nearly an afterthought.

Honestly I'd pick Konami. Before they went to shit and ruined all their own franchises.

That's the main problem with this game, is that most of the obvious picks are "Capcom and Konami series, rebooted by Capcom and Konami before they fell off the fucking wagon and drowned all their babies"

>> No.659937
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i don't care who makes it
just make it good and with gameplay and graphics for 2013
(no more pseudo retro crap)

>> No.659938

Can't do that.

Just give Compile's games to Treasure or Cave. Have the games stick to their roots of tons of powerups and destructible environments. Little to no bullet hell.

>> No.659946

Platinum has only worked on action games. And the staff did work on Okami, so the issue of exploration is out of the question.

>> No.659963

Darkstalkers, with Hi-Def hand-drawn 2D graphics. Gameplay would be closer to Night Warriors than Vampire Savior.

>> No.659964

>pseudo retro

do you even know what retro means?

>> No.659983

i don't know what pseudo means

i expressed myself wrong, what i meant was:
ugly retro graphics in new games that cost about 1000 dollars to make and will only please nostalgiafags that have more money than sense

>> No.659990
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Strider by Joakim "Konjak" Sandberg. Creator of Noitu Love 2 and the upcoming Iconoclasts.

>> No.660001

ron gilbert has been talking about wanting to do another monkey island. that would be nice. hopefully the story would continue from the second one. i want to know where he was going with that. i also want brian moriarty to do a loom trilogy.

>> No.660007

We have this. It's called Mega Man 8.

>> No.660005

I'd remake the classic Phantasy Star series. Just re-do every game in the engine from 4. For 4 just add some post game content. Also some kind of available explanation of the spells and skills.

As for the developers, I'd want none other then the team being PS1/2/4.

>> No.660016

1997 was 16 years ago
if it was a girl i would be doing her
and she could drive in some states

>> No.660021


i'll grant you that modern gamers might be put off by the visuals, but how the hell does buying a fairly cheap game that emphasizes gameplay over graphics mean you have more money than sense? i really respect that mega man guy for saying fuck modern gamers, this is what i want to do.

>> No.660019

> We have this. it's the megaman title that recycled a robot master and introduced terribad shmup sequences, which are incredibly modern

>> No.660027

> So much respect I can't remember his name
We love you megaman guy, keep fighting the good fight

>> No.660049

let's make the same game over and over again
booooo go fuck yourselves nintendo

let's make the same game over and over again, except with 8 bit graphics
hooooray!! brilliant!

i have a problem with that
the 8 bit graphics are forced and artificial.

>> No.660058

That was the first megaman game in ages, dude. And the previous one had a pretty long period of time between itself and the last entry.

>> No.660067

Glory of Heracles
Level 5

Retro Studios

>> No.660069


i respect a lot of japanese game designers, but i don't sit around memorizing their names like some sad, basement-dwelling neckbeard.

>> No.660070
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Resident Evil reboot w/ Kojima productions using the FOX engine and directed by Kojima ofcourse

>> No.660087
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Mana series
Enix Minus Toriyama. Replace him with Square's art lead for the Mana series

>> No.660108

> ITT: A pleb who will never enjoy the tangy zip of dried neck cheese

>> No.660130

Ristar, with sequels this time. Stick with classic Sonic Team. Focus on gorgeous, animated visuals and gameplay, plus incredible sound. Minimalist approach to character and world building.


>> No.660181

Give Mega Man to WayForward because of stuff like

Castlevania to Frozenbyte because of:

and Contra to Treasure because, you know, it's Treasure.

>> No.660196
File: 159 KB, 555x430, Doom-Comic-Man-and-a-half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suda 51 and Id Software present.... DOOM: Rip and Tear!
Starring Terrence C. Carson as Doomguy.
Music by Akira Yamaoka and Trent Reznor.

>> No.660225


Breath of Fire


>> No.660238


>> No.660243

FUCK you for making me want something I will NEVER HAVE.

>> No.660284
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If that bitch shut the fuck up that game looks amazing. As it stands now I'm not touching it.

>> No.660315

You could just mute the audio or turn down the sfx slider.
And it's not like WayForward isn't handling another beloved Capcom game:

>> No.660308 [DELETED] 

>The ability to reboot any classic franchise
Can I reboot the wizard? Reboot him up the ass until he dies?

I do not want him to "reboot" any more of my beloved franchises. We've already seen more than enough.

>> No.660329 [DELETED] 

>Castlevania to Frozenbyte
Trine and it's sequel were physics-based puzzlers, i.e. lowest of the low.

>> No.660336

> Doom
> Suda51
> Akira Yamaoka
Oh fuck me sideways and call me betsy i want that right now

>> No.660331

Oh so it'd be Mega Man: Easy Mode, might be good.

>> No.660389

System Shock

>> No.660512

I can get behind this

>> No.660680

That also featured branching path design and three playable characters ala Castlevania III.
My dream game by them would be something that would be faithful to the mechanic of the classicvanias while also introducing physics to the formula, but obviously in a more action oriented way.

>> No.660681
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The developer in question must be a modern developer. No dead studios or dissolved teams.

And I just want Squeenix to give the Chrono franchise to Nintendo so Monolith can reboot the franchise>>660389
. Use a mix of Chrono Trigger's combat system and Techs with a little of Cross' color system. Make movement and positioning a key strategy a la Trails in the Sky. Story-wise? I don't know. Just not Masato Kato.

And for those who wonder why the Noitu Love 2 dev:
And his analysis of Metroid shown here:

>> No.660683

Monster World.

Accept no subsstitutes.

>> No.660717

Star Fox.

>> No.660754

Franchise: Crazy Castle
Developer: Inti Creates
License: ALL OF THEM!

>> No.660778

Pokemon Snap

Cart is gone, its now an open world explore everything/find everything game. You start out in the Kanto region (each area is scaled down of course, developers wont want to make full scale areas of each region) and find a certain amount of pokemon or set off some kind of trigger to open the next area, and once you get to certain areas, you find new tools to use(pester ball, dash engine, etc). There's hundreds of new pokemon to find, probably up to D/P or E/R/S, and fun minigames for each legendary, like that out of Pokemon Pinball.

Online leaderboards for scores and places to show off your pictures and see others, maybe a small safari zone for multiplayer where players compete to get the best shots and most points in...5 or 10 minutes

>> No.660797

Who would develop it though? Bethesda is good with open-world explorers, but I can't see a non-Game Freak Pokemon.

At least not a Bethesda one.

>> No.660804
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I just want this. No idea who should develop, but an unlikely (due to copyright issues and the way they operate) candidate would be Team ICO, due to the way they can craft beautiful, otherworldly but believable worlds, heavy on exploration and a sense of loneliness.

>> No.660808
File: 23 KB, 1364x1672, My dream Remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Template for those who might want to use it.

>> No.660810


Gamefreak or Nintendo. the original was fantastic, save for how short it was, so they could probably do it well. I'd give Retro or Treasure a chance, because they have an amazing track record with games

>> No.660815

Not Bethesda, their games have pretty hollow overworlds. The thing the guy is suggesting seems like a big project, you would need Nintendo themselves for that.

>> No.660835

Don't forget really complex A.I.

I had fun with the original, but once you got 100%, there was no motivation to do anymore.

>> No.660840 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 320x320, fronk wost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I kinda just pulled that out of my ass. Could give it to Capcom.

Half joking, half serious.

>> No.660843
File: 96 KB, 640x855, 936full-hidden-&-dangerous-2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This please, would mention what improvements i'd like to see but there's be too many and i'm making a coffee now

tl;dr physics and stuff

>> No.660850

Current Capcom? Nah. Could have worked back in the day, however.

>> No.660845

I'd prefer that the heroine look more like the fully armored cover girl instead of having her flesh exposed like a target painted over the body.

>> No.660853
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>> No.660872

Firaxis or Julian Gollop's studio, I assume?

>> No.660881
File: 12 KB, 205x246, rainy feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone hate Capcom? Because their older games were better? What about every developer ever? Do you hate them too?

>> No.660886

Get the writer of the Doom comic on board too.

THIS. Apart from the Kingdom Hearts team or even Runic Games, Supergiant is the best Action-RPG studio out right now. And more games need good AI directors like L4D2.

>> No.660890
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I'm not saying that she should look exactly like that (though original design shows just as much amount of skin), just that she should get a sleek redesign that emphasizes her mechanized features and the way she transforms while still maintaining her feminine figure. Could have chosen a fan-art of her, but there are a few designs that I agree with. Pic related, don't dig the bio mechanical under the flesh look or how exposed she is, but otherwise great.

>> No.660895


Xover, never touching an IP that isnt Street Fighter, Xover, MML3, the abomination that was Re6, and Xover

>> No.660950
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I'll give the Xeno rights back to Takahashi and his Monolith team so they can make the rest of the original plot rather than the fucking mess that was Xenosaga. Obviously, I want Yasunori Mitsuda doing the music again.

>> No.660956

Megaman hasn't been good since X2.
>Street Fighter
Street Fighter's always been Capcom's bread and butter.
Because Capcom is the only developer to crush our dreams.
RE hasn't been good since 3. 5 was acceptable. Anything was after Resident Emo.

Stop getting angry and have fun.

>> No.660987
File: 185 KB, 703x1000, BikiniArmor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better idea: More like Samus.

I don't see what's so necessary about putting emphasis on a woman's feminine features. Most male designs in entertainment focus on their masculinity, making them look or feel powerful like they'll do real damage in battle. Most female designs, however, emphasize how cute, sexy, or beautiful they are - AND WHAT FUCKING USE DO THESE HAVE IN SETTINGS LIKE THIS ANYWAY?! And no, seduction doesn't count.

Unless it's used as something more than sex appeal like, say, Ms. Fortune in Skullgirls or Mileena from MK, it's just cheap character design.

>> No.660980


>Megaman hasn't been good since X2.
Wrong. Zero Collection, 9 and 10 would like a word with you
>Because Capcom is the only developer to crush our dreams.
They've become the most skilled at it. have you seen this, by any chance? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6tDBfmtcXU
>RE hasn't been good since 3. 5 was acceptable. Anything was after Resident Emo.
Revelations was great

>> No.661017
File: 181 KB, 1024x768, Shenmue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shenmue 3.

It would not only be the third installment, but it would remake the current two games.
It wouldn't change much, but it would expand all of the ideas, and all of the possibilities.
The staff would largely be the same people that worked on the first game, and they would have all of the money and resources to go nuts and make the game they dreamed of making.

Truly, it would be the greatest game- nay, greatest experience of all time.

>> No.661027

Elder Scrolls.

I want them to be mechanics-heavy games with fuckhuge character sheets, not casual dress-up doll games.

>> No.661049

>Legacy of Kain
>CD Projekt RED

>> No.661052

not /vr/ but age of mythology.
Blue Byte is probably the only RTS company left standing.

>> No.661067
File: 7 KB, 219x250, ChoiceOfAttire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not offended by sexy character designs, I'm just fucking tired of them. They were awesome when I was 12.

Everyone should just grow the fuck up and realize that they can alienate potential female audiences in an attempt to attract guys who think with their dick.

Now back on track:
System Shock by 2K Irrational or Valve.
And haters gonna hate, I love Infinite.
Of course, it would go back to its more exploration-heavy level design. But it would utilize the combat improvements found in Infinte as well as hacking and inventory. In fact, hacking plays a much heavier role than before. Think the hacking sequences in the Source mod Dystopia.

>> No.661060

So was Shenmue amazing? I hear it's amazing.

>> No.661075

Tony Jay is dead. LoK is dead. Still would be nice to have CDP on it.

>> No.661092

Lords of Thunder and Musha Aleste

>> No.661104

That WayForward games looks great fun, but fuck those graphics and fuck that character's voice is awful. I feel like a tremendous faggot for saying this but I think I'd honestly prefer any kind of pixel art and no voice acting at all over this.

>> No.661106

Oh no, not female audiences!

>> No.661353
File: 993 KB, 250x250, sensible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, chauvie.

Anyway, how about Lunar?

Easy! Get Falcom.
>Keep the battle system, but update it with some of Trails in the Sky's cool features.
>Hire the original character designer and writer.
>Loadsa sidequests
>Gaijinworks localizes
>Music by JDK Sound Team

>> No.661480

You better check your privilege.

>> No.661684
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When I said feminine features I wasn't saying "make her half nude and sexy". If you two would have read my post you'd have gathered that. What I want is to her to look human and somewhat frail, not because she's incompetent but to emphasize that she's fighting a lonely battle against inhuman enemies in order to awaken humanity once more, the irony being that she's still a machine. Pic related, her original design.

>More like Samus
Fuck no, at least not like modern "spandex fetish fuel" Samus.

>> No.661697

She should be more concerned by the fact that she has no muscles and has about half the strength of a man, is slower, less agile, and less aggressive. Warrior chicks are just something guys like to see because its hot. You're looking for realism in the wrong place.

>> No.661721
File: 346 KB, 800x600, 38c52e31c1b09b2056eabfabfed02017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streets of Rage by Platinum Games

>Soundtrack by Yuzo Kushiro,Motohiro Kawashima,Wolfgang Gartner,Prodigy,and Chemical Brothers

>HD Sprite graphics

>Online play

>4 player endless elevator/boss rush segment.

>Art Direction by Boichi

>> No.661772

Final Fantasy.

To be developed by Obsidian with very generous deadlines and a great bug testing staff.

The graphics will be top-of-the-line (for consoles) and the gameplay will go back to being turn-based, but still fast-paced like FFX.

The music in the game will feature a full orchestra and be written by Uematsu. The story will be done by a team of writers including Dan Simmons and George R. R. Martin.

Lastly, the last boss will be God.

>> No.661820

*kisses you on the mouth*

>> No.661825
File: 62 KB, 560x441, GeeseCrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you but Yuzo Kushiro and Motohiro Kawashima is all you need, should loose the other fags.

Also, I wouldn't be opposed to Boichi but I might prefer Shinkiro.

>> No.661851

>Wolfgang Gartner
And you were doing so well...

>> No.661872

Vigilante 8, with the team at Lionhead Studios. I feel like the Fable games are generally well-written and there's a lot of untapped creativity there. V8 is 70's themed car combat, perfect for people looking to be bizarre.

Graphics- can remain gritty and somewhat real
Gameplay- Hunt-and-destroy sticks around, maybe more destructive environments? Also the combos to get different weapons.
Characters- continuing to work within the general plot and feel of the game. Each character with their own storyline, and intertwining character paths, and you can bring back the standbys like JT, Chassey Blue, Convoy and Slick Clyde. I really just want to see what Padre Destino's third iteration would be.

>> No.661925


I want Newtonian physics with controls that actually make combat possible and don't suck, updated graphics, sound and better balance. Maybe a little more backstory on the more important planets, more ships and equipment since disk space is cheap now.

Everything else can stay the same.

>> No.662179

I know I'll get some tomatoes thrown at me for this, but I'd love Skrillex to contribute some music. Of course, he would have to reduce the usage of the wubs and blender sounds. I do feel that some of his songs fit well with fighters.

>> No.662226
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Yeah, I should have read that a bit more and actually took a look at the character. Hearing "feminine" nowadays leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
>Zero Suit Samus
I was mostly thinking of sensible space armor that covered everything from the chest down.

If we want to be more old-school, I'd choose the Scott Pilgrim team, Behemoth, or Headstrong Games.
I want Headstrong because of how awesome HotD Overkill was. If they make a SoR game in the same fashion, like either something like The Warriors or even West Side Story's gang fights, I'd give my soul for it.

>> No.662235

Skrillex has better composing talent than a lot of people acknowledge. It's just often hidden behind some fucking abrasive sounds.

>> No.662240
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>> No.662356

I would agree with all but the last boss being God. Many final bosses in the franchise have been pseudo gods of some sort. When you say "God," I get the vibe that you mean a creator/maker of the universe, but the whole "Imma kick some deity's ass" thing is way over done in other series also. I'm not saying it couldn't work, but the final boss ought to be more original.

>> No.662734
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>> No.662750

Game: Tie Fighter

Developer: shiiit. Are there even any developers that do fighter sims any more? I guess just whoever is currently the best...

>> No.662758

Aren't many of his songs damn near blatant ripoffs of existing songs?

>> No.663567


Bah, Yuzo Kushiro and Motohiro Kawashima are more than capable of handling it themselves, why do we need a shitty pop act steeling their thunder?
But if the had to add one composer more, they could do well to bring Masafumi Takada of Killer 7/No More Heroes fame on board.

>> No.663615

Shining Force. Camelot. That is all. Don't care if it would have to be a Wii U exclusive or whatever.

>> No.664126


Oh, and Golden Sun by Brownie Brown(Mother 3) and Neverland(Lufia). Keep the great dungeon puzzles, Motoi Sakuraba's music, and elements. Overhaul the difficulty(no recharging PP) and add a grid-based battle system a la Sora no Kiseki(Trails in the Sky for you inferior American pigs). Make summons less broken and more costly to use.
Lastly, hire a writer that doesn't drone on with useless padding dialogue.

>> No.664147

On Steam for like, 5 bucks.

>> No.664168

Shining force.
give it to nintendo and camelot.

>> No.664185

that sounds awful.

>> No.664203

Final Fantasy

by Nintendo.

>> No.664342

Jagged Alliance 2 PROPER reboot (not the Back in action shit we got)

>> No.664346
File: 207 KB, 600x1384, c119a0a70ba108f772c4f28465d94db0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you want to wade through dialogue that's nothing but this?

Captcha polrati ectoblast

>> No.664375

Star Tropics. Nintendo still holds the IP, so just let them do it.

>> No.664446


The only problem would be that they would change the voice actors.

And then looking for sailors, and getting sweaty won't be as funny as it was.

Fucking hell Sega, they better release a HD collection.

>> No.664464

Christ Dark Dawn was so disappointing on so many levels. Camelot really dropped the ball.

>> No.664831

If at very least Nintendo got a better writer on board that knew basic rules for dialogue, I could see Camelot rebooting Shining Force.

>> No.664865
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Star Ocean by Tri-Ace.

Only this time, because of how fucking cliched the series is, it's only given that the story should be told in the style of movies like Airplane!, Spaceballs, or Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Star Ocean is hardly a series that we take seriously. So why not turn it into a side-splitting parody of JRPGs?

As for gameplay:
Bring the classic battle system from the original series, and mix it with their other games like End of Eternity and Valkyrie Profile. Like every good modern JRPG it needs loadsa meaningful sidequests and multiple endings.

>> No.666496

Sonic The Hedgehog.
Platinum Games.

>> No.666504

There would be an option in the game to use the original voice acting, and it can be toggled freely through the menu at any time.

>> No.669590
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They could make an amazing 3D game. And yet, Sonic Team hit their groove a while ago with Sonic Colors.
I'd like to see them remake Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 using the Generations engine while making the story less stupidly serious.

>> No.670373
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Square-Enix I suppose. Kawazu has to head it or no go. All battle music done by Kenji Ito, all other music done by Masashi Hamauzu.

I want to see the sketch motion look again, I really enjoyed how a lot of the characters and monsters looked like in Unlimited Saga, but I want the water color/hand drawn towns like in SaGa Frontier 2, or a more washy looking 3D similar to the cut scenes in Romancing SaGa (of course it doesn't have to completely mimic it since I'd imagine that would be terribly hard to do so in real time).

Give Kawazu as much time as he needs, and I'd like to see elements implemented from SaGa 1, 2, and Frontier with the different races developing in different ways and them getting their own unique skills as well, field skills like in Unlimited Saga and the Romancing SaGa remake, keeping durability on weapons and possibly a battle system similar to Romancing SaGa, no defined setting like in SaGa 1, 2, and Frontier, many, MANY quests along with an event system in which time passes quests will come and go thus in a blind play through you will have a different experience than other people. At least four character routes, no more than eight, each with their own stories, certain areas they can only access, and their own final bosses. More weapons to choose from, a formation system or a rank system (front, middle, or back rows). Of course it will be non-linear and open world, chances are you will have most of the world accessible near the start just like other entries in the franchise. Different choices that will open or close quests, and possible different endings for characters (like for Asellus).

Too bad nothing like that will ever happen.