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/vr/ - Retro Games

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617308 No.617308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I still remember playing good sonic games in the 90s. Watching sonic cartoons, Now it's hard for me to enjoy the older sonic games because of it's creepy fandom. Do any other retro gamer feels this way? Video very related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taH7SQXlAF4

>> No.617314

Why would you be unable to go fast and have fun because of how some people act? The gameplay doesn't change because of that. Stop being an idiot and enjoy games you like.

>> No.617323
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You shouldn't let a small but very vocal group about your favorite game deter you from playing. Fuck those guys. You aren't a faggot, so don't let them sully your memories of your favorite vidya. If I didn't play everytime someone tried to ruin Doom with a terrible WAD, I'd never rip and tear.

>> No.617325

Yeah that's like saying you can't enjoy MLP because of the fandom

>> No.617328

>watching shallow shows for little girls

>> No.617332


>> No.617351

What happens if Bioware makes a Doom game.

>> No.617359


It literally couldn't be any worse than the comic's plotline. If it is an abomination, it'll get exactly one play-through from me like DNF did.

>> No.617361

>ever making anything again

it's dead, Jim

>> No.617391

SEGA have hinted that they might be ditching Sonic for a new mascot, due to Sonic's weird fanbase.

I don't have the source, but there is one.

>> No.617412

B-but, but muh Jade Empire 2... ;_;

>> No.617460

BioWare is still around, but the quality died along with Black Isle. What remains today is but an overcommercialized husk of its former self, spewing out dumbed down, boring "story-driven" "RPGs" every few years

>> No.617464

It's never gonna happen mate. Let it go!

>> No.617468


If they made JE2, it would be either a F2P MMO or Mass Effect 3 in China

>> No.617496

Eh, I really don't get your point OP. There's weirdos like that for every game released. You might as well stop playing completely.

>> No.617529

I...I was a Shining Force fan.

>> No.617573

I get you, while I still enjoy the old games I get really embarrassed when people know I play them

>> No.617576


Really? Why?

>> No.617586

They want a mascot for some sort of series:
There was also an article where some Sega guy said that they want a new mascot because of Sonic's fanbase. But that article was posted on P4rgaming; it's some kind of joke/troll site much like The Onion, and the "interview quotes" were fake.

Anyway, OP: if I enjoy something but dislike its fandom, then I'll just stay away from the fandom. Usually it's easy enough to avoid the fans and just stick to the games/series/etc that I enjoy. Concentrate on the good stuff instead of wallowing in the bad.

>> No.617592

'Cause I assume people will look at me like the guy in OP's video. It's probably me being paranoid but y'know

>> No.617594

No. I don't care about any fandoms I'm not part of. They can do as they like, and it doesn't affect me one bit. 99% of people who are not furries, bronies or Sonic fans, probably do not even know there is a Sonic fandom, much less what it's like.

>> No.617596


Even if they do, why do you care?

>> No.617598

Pride I suppose

>> No.617608
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Oh yeah, pride.
Someday I'll have it. Someday...

>> No.617645

Nah, the older games still feel fine because everyone I know, even the more "normal" people that don't know much about vidya, regards the original games as classics of their time. Nothing feels weird about those titles, because for the most part they weren't doing anything more than what a basic kids cartoon would do storywise.

Now if we're talking about the modern games where Sonic is trying to hump a human girl and such...yeah, can't play those without feeling gross.

I mean if you're talking about playing the games obsessively and collecting the merch, then yeah people will probably look at you weird

>> No.617679

Who been sending sega creepy baby tails fan fict?

>> No.618785

I dunno the last time I cared about liking certain things because of association with the fandom was like, when I was 16 or 17.

Seriously everything has a horrible fandom if you just highlight the worst parts of it, just like whatever the fuck you want and be cool about it.

>> No.618808

>Do any other retro gamer feels this way?
No. I don't at least.
Do you have issues eating fruit because some people shove bananas up their asses?
Don't let the fact that somebody else fetishizes something innocent affect how you enjoy yourself.

>> No.618814

Nah. All fanbases are pretty bad. Don't get into them and just play and enjoy the game.

>> No.618923
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This is EXACTLY how I feel. Thank you based sanicbro (if you are one)

>> No.619965

I still love playing the old Sonic games, but I almost never dare to look up Sonic on the internet. It was my first video game, I know there will be plenty of odd things out there that is associated with the fan base like their art, stories, and so on.

I'd rather be divorced from all of that and just play the games as they are. Though because of the fan base it kills any reason for normal people to contribute fan art or what ever because of the porn and the "original character do not steal".

>> No.620989

I want to comment but I feel like I'm part of the problem because I never jumped off after the Genesis era.

>> No.621220

How is this even /vr/? I'm sick of this stupid passive aggressive nonsense. If it bothers you so much, how about not acting like a retarded manchild and making a thread about it every day?

Who cares about what other people are doing, if that's the case you may as well not play video games at all since it has its own creepy subculture in general.