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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6156470 No.6156470 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>6110347

But more than before

1.) Project showoffs

2.) ROM hack recommendations

3.) Talk about amazing experience

4.) share your personal rom hack collection

Recommended download

Pre-parched and Improvement

General hack / Translation

SMW hacks

My Kaizo Kollection

Metroid Hacks

Super mario 64




>> No.6157000

Anybody got "Super Mario 64" ntsc-u compiled with optimization-flag -O2?
In summer it was discovered through the decompilation-project that the ntsc-versions weren't compiled with that flag (pal was), and compiling the game with that flag results in considerable increase in performance (less/no stuttering in intense scenes n sheeet).

>> No.6157036

Waiting patiently for Zelda: The missing link
kaze said it should be done early 2020

>> No.6157078

Are there any zelda romhacks that add more wizard/spellcasting mechanics, or just focuses on the ones already in game?
I love the fire and ice rods and stuff like that.

>> No.6157267

Can you add the latest version of Final Fantasy V: Void Dividerence on the list?
Its a great hack with lots of features and modes.

>> No.6157459

I forgot to leave a link to what i talking about, sorry.

>> No.6157726

sauce faggot

>> No.6158097

Has anybody else played the Sin of Mana for seiken densetsu 3? I think it is enjoyable but flawed. It revamps completely the gameplay at the cost of having spreadsheet autism. The first class change at lv18 happens at first visit of the wind corridor, and the second one at lv38 after the desert and before the ice field, I can't remember. Equipment is no longer just higher damage and defense, it now gives other effects like better heals and more techbar gain.

Give it a try but you should read the text and excel sheets or you won't understand a thing. It also includes a .jar that randomizes the hack, but I haven't tried it at all.

>> No.6158118

Where are the decent Pokemon romhacks? I tried looking late last year, and all I saw was full of self-inserts, awful fake Pokemon and bad design. Except for Prism, that was cool.

>> No.6158309
File: 119 KB, 1349x521, sonic 1 mod no flicking water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a Sonic 1 mod, I originally wanted to get rid of the flickering water for myself after finding no one did the mod but I also made other changes to remove obstacles that get in the way such as rising platforms which are replaced with springs and other changes to make the speed similar to sonic 2.

>> No.6158809


>> No.6158821


>> No.6158826

I haven't played many Pokemon hacks, but there was one I enjoyed called God of Arena. It's a gen 2 hack that's pretty much just a more elaborate Battle Tower, with some extra mechanics from later gens sprinkled in (Like the physical/special split).

>> No.6158919
File: 1.62 MB, 9000x1980, BackboardBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I shilled my Mario World hack here - it's a metroidvania that will be far removed from its base game visually and gameplay-wise. Basically, it will almost resemble its own game by the time it's finished.
Anybody know of any other hacks on any other games that try for a similar idea, changing almost everything until it's unrecognizable?

>> No.6158958

Are there any Mega Man/Rockman hacks which use Rockman 8 or & Forte to recreate 1-6? Would be more of an enhanced remake for 1-6 if it uses the styles of 8, & Forte, and 11 perhaps.

>> No.6158962

>playing Ancient Cave
>in Mindfuck
Not even Japanese and Winddings can't understand this shit.

>> No.6159212


>> No.6159260

any thoughts on eightbound?

>> No.6159325
File: 3 KB, 256x224, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new zelda2 rom hack

>> No.6159448

I'm shit. All I've ever done is de-censor Little Samson, and I haven't even uploaded it to RHDN. I truly deserve death.

>> No.6160620

>Pissona music

>> No.6160691


Will this ever be finished? Do you have got a website for people to keep an eye on in case it does get finished?

>> No.6160702


Well that doesn't look very good.

>> No.6161280

If you'd accept threads as a "website," then https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=94864

>> No.6161290

Imagine being so weak that you dropping so quickly over a ost, no shit faggot, its a parody hack.

It chould need some polishing, even though its a joke hack.

>> No.6161502

if i wanted a good parody hack, i want something in quality in like BigSharkZ's videos

and oh look, a good S-E-related hack:

>> No.6161946

Why have people never managed to start modding PS1 games?

>> No.6162045

Because autistic modder only care about Nintendo .

>> No.6162862

Romhacks and Fan Translations which decensor the Castlevania/Amumajou Dracula games? Recommended fan translations for Dragon Quest/Warrior games on NES, SNES, GB, etc.?

>> No.6163549

Your welcome.

>> No.6164093

there are plenty romhacks for ps1

>> No.6164217

Recommended PlayStation 1 Fan Translation: Akumajou Dracula X - Gekka no Yasoukyoku (Japan) (v1.2) [En by Gemini+Throughhim413 v1.0].

Hell, I heavily prefer this over the official USA release.

>> No.6165581

this hack is currently highly popular on the twitch because it was hyped up by trannys.

Does anyone else want to play this hack and rate it? It's hard to tell if its good or if its just the twitch tranny circlejerk all playing it .

>> No.6166081

>Twitch trannys
go back to /v/

>> No.6166138

I think its the fact that Nintendo games are easy to modify, so it make sense that it has alot of romhacks about it.

>> No.6166802

Is FFVr translated on that list?

>> No.6166816

I've been trying a few randomizers for Zelda games but they don't really satisfy me much (at least for some of them they really seem slightly broken and often make it really difficult if not almost impossible to progress because of one fucking item not being there). How's the OoT one? Any randomizers for different series worth checking out? I remember trying the SoTN randomizer but that shit was fucking terrible.

>> No.6166828

both by the same guy. praeterious (or something like that) hes a bit of a snob but I like his game design ideas. hes also doing a bof2 hack

>> No.6167418 [DELETED] 

anyone have the -O2 patched Mario 64 rom?

>> No.6168418


>> No.6168873

There's a Super Mario Galaxy level editor but nothing equivalent for PSX, so yes.

>> No.6168913

Is there a hack that makes the game a ultimate version? Like Crystal Clear and FFVr.

>> No.6170212

>no flickering water
Why would you? It's there to cover up garbage pixels, it'd look fucking awful on hardware.

>> No.6172031
File: 27 KB, 240x311, Ohhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dats reel Purddy right dare.

>> No.6173680

Some I’ve seen:
>Knuckles’ Emerald Hunt: Mod of Sonic which turns it into the emerald hunting mode from Sonic Adventure
>Big the Cat’s Fishing Derby: Mod of Sonic that makes it into a fishing game, basically
>Dr. Robotnik’s Creature Capture: Mod of Sonic where you play as Robotnik, running around catching animals
>Super Metroid Arcade: Mod of Super Metroid that makes it into an endless random gauntlet, with an arcade points system
>Sonic 2 Retro Remix: Mod of Sonic where it basically acts like Super Mario 64 - you have a hub world with various levels, and you can get Chaos Emeralds from doing various tasks (finishing under a par time, finding seven special boxes, etc)
>Final Fantasy VII Advent Children NES: Dunno if it counts, but it’s a fairly big mod of the NES Final Fantasy that just goes over the story of VII. In any case, demakes like this are cool and I’d like to see more of them.
>Cave Story: I only saw it at the Steam Workshop page first, so I thought it was a Genesis hack, but the fact that someone fucking ported Cave Story to a 16-bit System is crazy enough that I need to put it here.

>> No.6174459

>Pre-parched and Improvement

I’m both impressed and freaked out by this collection. Besides a few minor differences in nomenclature and sorting (I write [T-Eng] instead of [En], I space hacks like this [Hack 1 + Hack 2] and not like this [Hack1+Hack2], I separate translations from improvement hacks, etc.), this collection is VERY similar to my own, there’s like a 50% match in the games selection. So it was very easy for me to take new hacks and updates I was missing and add them to my own.

If I want to contribute, can I add directly to this Mega? Or should I mirror it and and make my version of it?

>> No.6174498
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mirror it and make your own version.

I am the op responsible for making /rhg/ so your
>Pre-parched and Improvement
will be the standard /rhg/ link if you share

>> No.6174547
File: 78 KB, 427x427, 1570877751115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today I'll insert the menu translation that I finished
>discover that the weapon names are in their own separate file format (looks like Perl 6)
>it's byte-limited so if the offset of the English name doesn't match exactly everything breaks
I know it's a common problem, but man I really hate this part about old games. Maybe I can download Perl 6 and poke around.

>> No.6174548

you have to do all that just to load up a rom? yikes

>> No.6174564

Alright. I’ll have to do it in a week or so because I’m on a trip. Whenever that is, I’ll drop it in the thread or the next one

>> No.6174570
File: 14 KB, 303x166, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What games are easy / fun to hack?
I used to make doom mods back in the day and messed with mugen.
Just curious what games have simple to use sprite and level editors. Been wanting to mess around with something, what are your favorite games to mess with? What makes them interesting to work on?

>> No.6174602
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>> No.6174610
File: 856 KB, 486x273, YKt6wfB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No just import games in a organize-able folder once I do that it just one click to play. But I don't play games only collect . I need to import 2748 nes rom

so 2748 * 45 seconds to import
123600 seconds = 2061 minutes = 34 hours of importing

Someday I will have the ultimate collection

>> No.6174720 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.51 MB, 254x220, 1580664101154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will look way nicer when I can get around to making original backgrounds instead of recycling the vanilla ones.
Animations will also get rehauled in my autistic quest towards the most pleasant-looking rom hack I can possibly make.
I should have figured Sonic would've had a lot of them. Thanks for all of those examples!

>> No.6177095 [DELETED] 

Back to the top Nigger

>> No.6177248

That looks great, looking forward to see more of it

>> No.6177264

the only critique I can give you is the tutorial level or lack there of . I keep accidentally exiting out . and good tutorial do not need to tell you the button inputs . the player should be in a safe environment till there able to move on to the next area

Overall fun game
>I love the climbable backgrounds
>pocketing items
>the music
>the character design is amazing
>the water level is pretty cool
>can't wait to see the completed version

>> No.6177330

The hack in general has a lot of problems, mostly in part due to things needing to be shoehorned in to reach a particular deadline. I also found a few videos online of people playing it, and it's weird to see my "clever" level design completely backfire. I'm glad you enjoyed it at least. There are something like tutorial levels just scattered around at random in the overworld, but nothing really forces you to go through them.
In future versions, where the basics of plot are starting to get laid out, there will be an entire submap dedicated to just setting up the story and tutorials for the game and its nonlinear world.

>good tutorial do not need to tell you the button inputs
I kind of agree, but sometimes you need mediocre tutorials that spell things out. I've seen a lot of players who aren't really attentive towards hints, and I'm not going to be clever about nudging someone towards using the select button to store their held item or whatever.

>> No.6178336

What are some important rom hacks to fix problems in the original game?

I'll start. The NTSC/US version of Mario 64 for the N64. This was a release title and at the time the compiler buggy so they compiled it without any optimizations. Someone de-compiled the ROM and re-compiled it with the -O2 flag. This fixes the lag issues so it runs at a steady 30 FPS and doesn't dip into the low 20s during demanding parts of the game like in the official version. I haven't tested if this improved emulation performance on slow devices.


>> No.6179724

>I'll start.
Um, no, sweaty: >>6163549

>> No.6179765

Do you like twitch trannies? If so >>>/v/

He was directly asking for a review with out their consideration.

>> No.6179773

Dude, over half the fucking original US release uses the -02 flag for optimization.

>> No.6179879

re: SM64-"optimization":
TRIGGER-WARNING: Modern Vintage Gamer

>> No.6180549

what's the best shining hack for shining force 2?

>> No.6181325

I hope everyone did their homework from last time. Lets continue giving Link a machine gun.
So I'm just gonna assume you found the two graphics of the sword in Legend of Zelda and were able to draw bullets in place of the sword. If you have done so, you can post your results or if you are having trouble, ask a question.

Next thing we want to do is to make it so link always has sword beams. I was going to do another simple thing wherein we used the cheat search to locate link's HP, but it turns out life is a little more complicated than a simple value, so we'll skip that part and I'll just tell you how things are.
Link has a value for # of heart containers and # of hearts filled that are combined on one byte, plus another byte that handles the partial heart. Since we want to find the check that must happen to look for full life when the game generates a sword beam we should set a breakpoint on the address for links life, $066F will do.

When we run the game we find that it breaks every frame. This won't do so since it's always breaking on $ED18, let's put a condition on the breakpoint so that if the PC (Program counter, or P to the breakpoint) is at ED18, it ignores it. That condition looks like "P!#ED18". We let it run and quickly find that it also breaks at 6D0D, so we tell it to ignore that too by putting the condition as "P!=#ED18&&P!=#6D0D". Now it can run and we try stabbing nothing in particular and find that right before it generates a sword beam, it breaks at $F865. Seems like this may be it.

This post is getting too long, so I'll continue in the next one. Till then you may want to follow along the best you can and see if you can get to the same part of the code and see if you can figure out what it's doing yourself.

>> No.6181525
File: 6 KB, 960x772, ShootnOnEmpty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, this is a bit more advanced than what I would have liked to get into right now, but being in over your head is and working things out is something of a reoccurring theme in romhacking.

The previous breakpoint stopped thing at $F865, I'll break down the code with some comments;

// Here we split the hearts byte in half and check that they match
LDA $066F // Grab the hearts
PHA // keep a copy for later
AND #$0F // Chop of the upper half
STA $0000 // Set that value aside.

PLA // Grab that copy of the hearts from earlier
LSR // Scoot the top half to the bottom of the byte

CMP $0000 // Check the # of hearts vs. the # of filled hearts
BNE $F854 // And bail if they are different

// Now check the end heart and see if it's full
LDA $0670 // Grab the partial heart
CMP #$80 // If it's less than %10000000...
BCC $F854 // ...then bail

// Finally, if we make it here, then there must be full life.
LDA #$01

So, how do we bypass these checks and always say life is filled to the sword shooting routine?
Lets's just JMP to just past all these checks!

Let's take the three bytes at $F865 (AD 6F 06, the LDA $066F) and make it a JMP $F87D (4C 7D F8)
But how? See that empty gutter on the leftmost of the Debugger? Left click that area just to the left of " 07:F865:AD 6F 06 LDA $066F = #$22". This will bring up the inline assembler and you can enter the new line of assembly. Alternatively, you can right click that same area to bring up that line the Hex Editor, in the rom. Now use a resource like http://6502.org/tutorials/6502opcodes.html to find out what the bytes for that command would be and type the hex directly into the rom.

Don't forget to save the rom if it works. And yes, I say that from experience.

>> No.6181761

Someone posted a hack for CAstlevania OOE on the DS i'd love to try, but i can't find the rom with the right MD5 to patch it.


Can anyone link to the right rom? I'd prefer the unpatched rom as i can try the other hacks out too. Cheers.

>> No.6181854

anyone have an opinion about:
If you are creating a romhack, at what point is it acceptable to place your "name" in various, easy to see places in the hack ?
is it okay if you're not trying to make a sequel?
is it bad to name your hack after yourself(like if barbarousking named his super mario world hack "barbarousking-world")?
Is it bad to name your hack after someone else(as is common in super mario world-grand poo bear world etc)?
Is it okay to place your name on the title screen and in the credits?
or should you always try to keep your name out of the hack and only in a readme file?
at what point does placing your name in the hack go from being "just credits" to being narcissistic/annoying?

>> No.6181987

If the hack is named after the creator and there's a little copyright symbol with their name, I just think it's a little silly and move on. I doubt anyone really cares about the name too much unless it appears a lot in the actual hack itself - like you are Barbarousking and you collect Barbarouskoins in the world of Barbarouskingdom.
So don't go overboard and keep it contained to the title screen and credits (and even an additional readme file, go nuts) and nobody will really pay it any mind.

>> No.6182440

What is the best Super Metroid hack bois?

>> No.6184094

Go hog wild with it if you want. Be as tacky as you want too.
>is it okay if you're not trying to make a sequel?
It's fantastic. Make something new and completely unrelated to what it once was. You don't even need to use up every asset or level even.

>> No.6184138

From a thread on this subject a week or so ago.

>> No.6184473
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This is more /vp/ but if you want something gba go with pic related. If actual /vr/ there's prism, coral, and orange.

>> No.6184475
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>> No.6184481

I like the one where you shoot the thing and it goes dead.

>> No.6185426

me too

>> No.6185721

I like the one where you jump places.

>> No.6187825
File: 91 KB, 1439x818, FindingHVals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullets should be faster than swords. Let's make Link's machine gun shoot faster.
This will be that simpler lesson I thought the life would be.

First let's go into the cave and pick up the wooden bullets from the old man in the cave. Go to the side of the cave and start shooting at the far end. As soon as you shoot, pause the game with the select button.
Open up the cheat search and hit the "reset" button to start things off.
Go back to the main game window and just let it run a bit while paused.
Switch back to the cheat search and hit the "equal" button.
Return to the game and quickly unpause, then pause it again.
On the cheat window press the "not equal" button.

Repeat these last two steps a few times. What we're doing here is trying to isolate the X position of the sword beam.
Continue doing this till you're left with only a handful of values.

Now you should be able to watch the list of values and see which one moves when the bullets move and don't when it doesn't.
We should have an address. Guess what we do with it now.

>> No.6188063

Anyone checked out Super Mario /v/orld? It was made over the course of two months by /v/tards. It's decently challenging

>> No.6188495

How the hell did I 96-exit Super Mario World’s GBA port but I can’t get past the last part of the second level?

>> No.6189336
File: 959 KB, 1079x1446, Screenshot_20200208-202235_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured out how Yugioh for Gameboy handles its characters. Now to figure out what I want my English characters to look like so I can convert it back.

>> No.6189437

Wait, GBA Yu-Gi-Oh games just manually code each kanji instead of having a repository or something? That seems needlessly complex.

>> No.6189462
File: 128 KB, 1508x841, yugioh shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't seen any kanji yet, only kana, but this is how it works. You have 4 shades of grey.

Blank Pixel -> Two Vertical Blank Pixels
Lightest Grey Pixel -> Black Top, Blank Bottom Pixels
Darkest Grey Pixel -> Blank Top, Black Bottom Pixel
Black Pixel -> Two Vertical Black Pixels

This way you can store an 8x8 character in half the vertical space. Currently, figuring out what some of these characters actually are.

>> No.6189480

You sure it's not just 1bpp instead of 2bpp?

>> No.6189485
File: 44 KB, 636x494, well fuck me then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit. That makes this way easier. At least I've learned what 1bpp is actually doing I guess.

>> No.6189524

Man this is bullshit.
I put a breakpoint on the bullet's Xpos and found:
An initialization function to start the beam (and how to adjust the spawn point higher or lower on link.)
A couple of bounds checking functions for the edge of screen.
And a function to move the beam one pixel at a time, which is called three times in a row. This is also used in moving link too, so making the bullets go faster would require much more fuckery than I'd want to go through.

>> No.6190594

Is there something better than windhex for directly modifying a rom using a Japanese and English table? Searching in particular is rough.