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File: 154 KB, 731x1024, panzer-dragoon-saga-saturn-cover_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5698913 No.5698913 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game really one of the greatest games of all time, or is it just Saturnfags compensating?

>> No.5698915

It's one the greatest RPGs.

>> No.5699006

It's fantastic. There's no reason I would be lying
There's nothing like it

>> No.5699016
File: 90 KB, 618x482, two_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I emulate this game, I've bought a Saturn controller just to play it.

>> No.5699048

Mednafen. Remember to put all the discs into a playlist or you'll be stuck at disc 1.

>> No.5699446

1.Saturnchads have nothing to compensate for
2. Its amazing. Also play Zwei if you can.

>> No.5699498
File: 11 KB, 280x154, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shockingly well thought out rpg. The world building is awesome. Grinding is never required because the story is very linear and you level up just playing normally. IIRC every single npc is voiced.
I recommend playing 1 and 2 first to get a sense of the lore because they are all connected.

>> No.5699554

Saturnfags compensating. I fell for the meme and emulated the game, as the setting was beyond "child from a village fights an evil empire" (well, not that different), and the core gameplay of flying around like a retard, shooting at stuff to pick up items, and the combat system that, though interesting, wasn't exactly great, eventually bored me to tears.

>> No.5699562

>core gameplay of flying around like a retard, shooting at stuff to pick up items
This, you should have to land your dragon, get off and go walk over an item to pick it up every single time, then get back on the dragon.

>> No.5699612

1. Make travelling rail shooter sections.
2. Pickup items by shooting at them. Quick, painless, requires skill, and is fun. Not to mention it adds a penalty element if you miss the items.
3. Said rail shooter sections are interrupted my combat.

Fixed your shitty gameplay, Saturnfag.

>> No.5699634

lmao at the sonynigger being an arm chair developer.
go back to your movie games.

>> No.5699663

rent free

>> No.5699685

Sony has no iconic games

>> No.5699697

Well I played this when it was new unliked 90% of you I imagine. It's just ok. The reason people make a big deal out of it is cuz saturns game selection was considered to be mostly shit back in the day. You morons can argue all you wont here and now, 20 years later, but if you had lived during its hayday you would know that there was no argument between psx and saturn. Psx dominated it no question. Anyway, so for the saturn to actually have a good game was a big deal so the saturn kids had to blow it out of proportion like it was the best game ever created as if god himself rendered the polygons when in reality it was just a decent game floating in a sea of shit. But yea its a decent game, all 3 of the panzers are in my opinion.

>> No.5699709

Still not arguments sonycucks.

>> No.5699787

>saturns game selection was considered to be mostly shit back in the day
>for the saturn to actually have a good game was a big deal
>the game is rare as fuck
>it's expensive as fuck
All those four arguments explain why this game is overrated to hell and back.

I'll be fair to Saturnfag and admit that I'm not fond of JRPGs as a whole, so this is not an anti-Saturn conspiracy. But this game was fucking boring, at least in other JRPGs you are constantly doing stuff, but here? Just flying around, slowing down to shoot at stuff, battles took too long for how simple they were, no NPCs at all, the graphics were nothing to marvel at, the music was forgettable... I've played and beaten Chrono Trigger, and I remember it being far more engaging in every possible way. And Chrono Trigger was a JRPG with the disadvantage of "the power of love and friendship!", which is enough to sour my experience, but Panzer Dragoon Saga is a post-apocalyptic game and still wasn't any interesting at all.

Fuck, Metal Max on the NES was more engaging.

>> No.5699792

>You morons can argue all you wont here and now, 20 years later, but if you had lived during its hayday you would know that there was no argument between psx and saturn. Psx dominated it no question.
The ps1 only dominated because of its great marketing and the saturns lack of western localizations. Fact of the matter is, you could name an extremely famous game on ps1, and the Saturn would most likely have a game that's just as good, if not better than it that a lot of people havent even heard of. Admittedly, ps1 had a lot more RPGs than the Saturn, but even with that said, the Saturn still has a pretty respectable rpg library unlike the n64.

>> No.5699798

I played it when it was near and the hype was literally unreal for a Saturn game. I never saw a Saturn game get this much attention before like Saga did. This was at the peak of the FF7 craze and to see something actually challenge it was something. You saying "It's just ok." tells me all I need to know and that you're lying/larping/or from a non important country.
That's part of what makes PGS so great. There are parts where all you do is fly and there's nothing but ambiance. The only gripe I have with the game is I'd prefer there not to be random battles but that minor for me.

>> No.5699831

It's pretty bad desu. Skies of Arcadia and Phantasy Star IV are much better Sega jarpigs. On a technical level though it's impressive, since Saturn is awful at 3D, and the music is lovely.

>> No.5699842

Anti Saturn fags are cringe

>> No.5699875

>The ps1 only dominated because [,..] the saturns lack of western localizations.
Well, yeah. That's the whole point. You don't take pride in the games your console has but you cannot play, seems pretty stupid to me.
>oh yeah the SNES has an amazing number of JRPGs, but only 10 of the good ones made it to the USA

>> No.5699879

>The only gripe I have with the game is I'd prefer there not to be random battles but that minor for me.
Going back to what I suggested earlier for a rail shooter travelling mechanic, I can think of two ways to solve PGS's combat:
1. The first is to stick with the rail shooter mechanic I mentioned, but instead of having random encounters in the middle, have enemies start swarming the rail shooter section. So you pretty much shoot them down before combat appears (the stronger enemies require more precision), and they begin swarming you as you reach the end of the road to increase the chances of combat.
2. The second, I think more interesting, alternative would have been to have the enemeis fly around the canyons. This would have had two major effects: the first is that you need to avoid enemies as they chase you. The second is that you can no longer spend lots of time picking up items, unless you want to face enemies.

Either way would have been an improvement IMO. But as much an "armchair developer" I am, I also know that in theory a lot of mechanics may be fun, but you need to put them to test.

>> No.5699885

Saturn has only three worthwhile JRPG's, two of which got ported to the PSX anyways.

>> No.5699949

I didnt know Dragon Force and Shining Force III got ported to the ps1

>> No.5699958

Those are SRPGs.
Yes, but it's clear the other anon was talking about JRPGs other than SRPGs.

>> No.5699960

In the 90s, this is very understandable. The western Saturn library wasnt necessarily bad, but pretty fucking underwhelming compared to the competition. But in retrospect, that doesnt really matter. When people talk about classic SNES games, they dont care which region it's from. If it's a JPN exclusive, it's still part of the SNES library regardless if the west got it or not. I judge a console like the SNES or Saturn by how many good games they got in all regions, some people are different though.

>> No.5699961

Neither of those are traditional JRPG's.

>> No.5699967

And Panzer Dragoon Saga is a traditional JRPG?

>> No.5699994

Yes? It's certainly not an RTS like Dragon Force or a tactics game like Shining Force.

>> No.5699995

You have to keep in mind fan translations have made it possible to enjoy lots of games we couldn't have enjoyed before. If we take a look at Romhacking.net, we will see only 6 finished fan translations for Saturn games, whereas we have 200 for the SNES. I'm well aware that not every game is an RPG that requires a fan translation to be enjoyed, but there's no doubt that when it comes to traditional RPGs*, Saturn loses the battle by far: Panzer Dragoon Saga vs Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Super Mario RPG, EarthBound, Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Terranigma, the list goes on.

It makes sense to take pride on a console if you can play its games. But if you are unable to, you may be able to judge a console's quality based on its entire library, but overall one can't seriously enter a "my console vs your console" argument when the library at your disposal (that is, the games you CAN play) are dwarfed by those of the other console's.

*by traditional RPG I mean "non-tactics/strategy". SRPGs belong to their own sub-genre, but as opposed to ARPGs they usually have a very different gameplay dynamic (normally based on scenarios) as opposed to being able to fuck around at your leisure. I don't believe "JRPG" is useful for anything other than "RPG made in Japan".

>> No.5700019

You buy a Saturn and hook it up to your CRT, then burn an ISO onto a CD. Why are you retarded?

>> No.5700037

>You morons can argue all you wont here and now, 20 years later, but if you had lived during its hayday you would know that there was no argument between psx and saturn. Psx dominated it no question.
Complete and utter bollocks. Almost all of PSX's inconic games were released in 1998 onwards, after the Saturn's demise

>> No.5700179

That's probably the worst way to play it. The Saturn's not nearly powerful enough to emulate Saturn games.

>> No.5700187

So you never played it.

>> No.5700213

Yeah that's true, unless you use Bleem.

>> No.5700238

PDS is a turn-based JRPG, dude.

>> No.5700253

This game is the eptiome of kino. Read these:



>> No.5700258

>PDS is a turn-based JRPG, dude.
Just because a JRPG is turned doesn't mean it's traditional. Positioning matters.

>> No.5700286

i love how you saturniggers didnt prove him wrong>>5699879

>> No.5700295

The game was the first to do that kind of turned based combat. If you wanted a rail shooter there's the two games prior.

>> No.5700675

It's one of the best of its genre. If you don't like JRPG's it's not going to change your mind.
If you have a CRT use mednafen, Otherwise use SSF. It's faster and more accurate than mednafen and has less input lag and more features.

>> No.5700746

Instead of having a normal discussion about a game you have to add that last part like a retarded /v/tard to start up console war faggotry

>> No.5701050

I enjoyed the hell out of it and I hate RPGs.

It's not FF7 or 8. It's not OoT. But it can almost compete and that is fucking impressive in and of itself.

It's not the best game of 1998, but it deserves a spot in the top 5.

Plot was good, positioning system and class system was good, underground level was annoying as shit, but it really was the best RPG on Saturn.

>> No.5701082

First to do what?

ATB? Final Fantasy 4 did that.

Positioning? The Lunar games did that.

Aiming at body parts? Fallout did that.

So what the fuck is so innovative about Panzer Dragoon Shit's battle engine?


>> No.5701085

No JRPG has done the radar style positioning that's used in SAGA.
Holy summer.

>> No.5701104

just saturnfags. It's really not a great game, the combat engine has some unique elements but it's extremely basic and your basic strategy never changes for the entire game. Dungeons are mostly just flying back and forth between two points, or flying through really long hallways for half an hour with or without random encounters. It's also easy that even I can beat it and I fucking suck at games.

>> No.5701105

What positioning in Lunar? I never saw that.

>> No.5701132

lmao saturncucks cant defend their game.

>> No.5702823

Defend your game saturncucks.

>> No.5704043

Sonyggers are mad Saturn games have constant action and interesting gameplay while all they have is movie games.

>> No.5705038

refute the posts panzerfag>>5700286

>> No.5705058

except the saturn was the jrpg and censored visual novel machine

>> No.5705061

It's a good game, but its value has been inflated beyond reason due to rarity

>> No.5705083

how saturniggers will ever recover after this?

>> No.5705105

i'm kind of a "saturnfag" but i don't think it's good. I think it's unfinished. Probably because the saturn was dead and there was no hope of success.
The reputation of the game comes from its price imo. playing it is often a chore

>> No.5705107

>The JRPG would be better if it didn't play like an JRPG
>I don't like JRPG's but...
>Hurr it's boring
Don't need to

>> No.5705126

even saturnfags are admitting the game sucks.
its over panzercucks.

>> No.5705178

PDS sucks

>> No.5706161

Spotted the LARPing Zoomers.

>> No.5706167

If it was any kind of decent, they would have re-released the game for newer consoles. Virtua Fighter, Nights, and Daytona USA are pretty much the only Saturn games that got re-released on newer consoles. Take a guess what the only worthwhile Saturn games are.

>> No.5706207

They can't re-release it, idiot. Source code is gone.

>> No.5706220

Ace Combat 2, Rage Racer, Tekken 2, Tomb Raider 2, Wipeout XL, Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot 2, Final Fantasy 7, Armored Core, Twisted Metal 2, to name a few.

All of the above selections were of the latest release in the series before 1998, so the list is a little pushed towards 1997, but most of them had well regarded games in the series on PS1 from earlier.

I will entirely admit that the PS1 really does hit its stride in the 1998-1999 season, but it sure wasn't a slouch before then.
In stark contrast, the Saturn's US lineup is really, really depressing for the machine's entire life, largely held up with some okay Model 2 conversions and a few other arcade ports that came to the US, and then like Panzer Dragoon and NiGHTS
1996 alone has a ton more games on PS1 vs on Saturn (again, I'm looking at US releases only).
Adding imports from the JP library doesn't help the library out quite that much either (there's an absurd amount of shovelware for the JP market on Saturn, literally hundreds of absolute garbage releases), but there's still like 30-40 titles that had absolutely no reason to not come over (they're mostly ports from arcade or other systems).

>> No.5706247

>Ace Combat 2
Bernie Stolar declared the Saturn dead in May 1997. Of your list, only Resident Evil, Twisted Metal 2, Tekken 2 and Wipeout XL had been released by then. Resident Evil and Wipeout XL were on the Saturn, and the Saturn was full of fighters as good as Tekken 2.

The Saturn US line-up was underwhelming compared to Japan, but it was still better than what the PS1 got. By mid-97 it had:

Sega Rally
Virtua Fighter 2
Panzer Dragoon 2
Dragon Force
Dark Savior
Die Hard Arcade
Shining the Holy Ark
Saturn Bomberman
Guardian Heroes
Virtua Cop 2
Fighters Megamix

These are all critically acclaimed exclusives. You really gonna tell me the PS1 had a better line-up than that?

>> No.5706260

It's very solid

>> No.5706292

>Bernie Stolar declared the Saturn dead in May 1997.
goalposts, moving, etc

>You really gonna tell me the PS1 had a better line-up than that?
Yes. That's not even a bad list (dunno how marketable it would have been, but it's all good shit), but yes.
Too lazy to look through to check again for more games to fill the gaps from that cut-off date, the list I did was mostly comprised of particularly famous games.

>Wipeout XL [...] on the Saturn,
I specifically looked at US releases. Still dunno why we didn't get this one, it's not a bad port.

>Resident Evil
wew, I kinda forgot this was on Saturn

>> No.5706375

The original post was alluding to why one console was better than the other, so comparing after the point where one has declared themselves dead and bowed out is pretty pointless, no? But even to take 97' as a whole the Saturn still has more excellent western releases, even though releases in the west ground to a halt from mid-97' onwards as every third party pulled out. To prpoerly compare the 2 consoles after mid-97 though you need to start including Japanese releases. What did the Saturn even get in late-97', Last Bronx? I mean the game made to rival FF7 was never even translated.

>> No.5706380

None of that shit matters to be honest as if you were there at the time you knew Playstation had 100 times the marketing and visibility, you never heard about Saturn unless you were actually looking deep into games. Playstation ads were everywhere and FF7 ads on tv were played all the time and it looked like the next coming of Christ. Nobody saw shit for Panzer Dragoon and even if you read game magazines most of the coverage was for Playstation and N64 by far. The Saturn didn't have a chance even if it had twice the library, nobody would have known.

>> No.5706453

Why are some of you still playing console wars? It's been 20 years, it's over. We can just enjoy games on their own merits now, no need to attach your identity to 1990s playground politics.

>> No.5706532


>> No.5706676

The source code has recently been found. The original devs confirmed this at a GDC Q&A.


>> No.5706683

No it's great

>> No.5706697

It's actually everything skies of arcadia should have been with massive air raids on bases, fighting long chains of battles through air defense squadrons, entire game is based on how the character and his air travel vehicle grow together...as opposed to just a generic rpg with a sky aesthetic. I know you're a shitposter who never played any of the games mentioned based on the language you used, but I just wanted to point that out.

I agree the nature of this game isn't suited all too well for random encounters and it's very annoying in the first two hours in the Valley and desert. But, to be fair, most of the game after that point doesn't feature random battles, and only does so in very limited locations. There is one or two locations where it's still annoying like a like the base with the towers and lights, but most of the game is very good about this. Almost all of the interiors where you spend most of your time winding and searching through passages feature only strategically placed battles, same for the final dungeon which is huge and has very few battles. Even the lake which does have random battles no longer has them after you beat it. I can't complain, the designers of the game obviously had a deep understanding of the pacing of the game and they did a good job with this.

>> No.5706735

Exactly, that's the real reason. Unless you read the Sega Saturn magazine you wouldn't even know of the existence of most of its best games. Retail stores always stocked the same 10 or so titles which every single person with a Saturn still has to this day.

>> No.5706850

>less input lag than mednafen
SSF is awful when it comes to that. I'm not an input lag autist and SSF is the only emulator I've ever used where I can actually feel it.

>> No.5706897

saturnfags compensating

>> No.5707094

What massive air raids? What squadrons? None of that happens in PDS. SoA is simply the better game, recruiting pirates is fun, lots more secrets to discover (especially the Cube version) and the team-focused battle system tied to the spirit gauge is neater than PDS' battles.
Also I've beaten PS4, SoA, and PDS. Good job failing your assumption, next time don't get triggered by jarpig.

>> No.5707197

>What did the Saturn even get in late-97
>The original post was alluding to why one console was better than the other, so comparing after the point where one has declared themselves dead and bowed out is pretty pointless, no?
Sonic R was late 97 (game blows, but it is very good looking), PDS was 98, same with Burning Rangers, Rayearth, fucking Shining Force III, House of the Dead, Saturn Bomberman was after May 97, same with Manx TT SuperBike and Shining the Holy Ark.
Oh yeah, and Duke 3D, which is pretty good on Saturn, better than on PS1. Quake, too.

>> No.5707201

yes seethe harder panzerniggers and saturncucks.Prove us right.

>> No.5707229

the saturn doesn't even have one good 3D platformer

>> No.5707236

good, 3D platformers were cancer. saturn has a bunch of great 2D platformers instead of that shit.

>> No.5707237

>good 3D platformer
There's no such thing.

>> No.5707262

Good 3D platformers are rare, but Mario 64 is a masterpiece.

>> No.5707272

My favorite genres are 2D fighting games, shmups, JRPGs and puzzle games, all of which are well-represented on both the Saturn and PSX. I don't get why there's in-fighting really, they're both great consoles and it's worth having both.

>> No.5707279
File: 58 KB, 938x477, 1430447408404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh yeah, and Duke 3D, which is pretty good on Saturn, better than on PS1.

>> No.5707527

Do I need to play the other two Panzer games?

>> No.5707604

The lore connects so I would play them beforehand.

>> No.5707696

No. You should play Zwei though just for fun.

>> No.5707749
File: 59 KB, 320x224, tombraider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt count eh?

>> No.5707765

There wasn't infighting until the huge /v/ influx about six months ago. /vr/ simply liked good games, didn't matter which platform they were on. It especially makes no sense in an age of emulation.

>> No.5707771

>None of that happens in PDS
It's time to stop posting

>> No.5707786

It runs on the same engine Quake and Powerslave do on Saturn. It's hardware accelerated, has proper vertical look, and has nice lighting effects.
It runs a decent bit better too.

>> No.5709775

>This, you should have to land your dragon, get off and go walk over an item to pick it up every single time, then get back on the dragon.
If Germans designed the game

>> No.5709787

Holy strawman. Are you saying that because Fallout isn't a JRPG that means Saga was innovating or something like that? Really dude?

>> No.5709790

>The JRPG would be better if it didn't play like an JRPG
How does a JRPG "play"? Panzer Dragoon Saga doesn't play like Dragon Quest. It doesn't play like Final Fantasy. It doesn't play like Secret of Mana. It doesn't play like Fire Emblem. You don't get more proto-JRPG than that.
>I don't like JRPG's but...
Yes, my complaints are about the stories in JRPGs. This is a discussion about gameplay.
>Hurr it's boring
It's boring because the gameplay is shit and I gave suggestions on how to improve it, and explained why the gameplay is ass to begin with.
>Don't need to
You don't want to because you can't. Any game journalist worth his salt would have exposed Panzer Dragoon Saga for the mediocre videogame it is, long ago, instead of continuing fellating it and many other games.

>> No.5709796

It was. Moving/positioning like that to do extra or any damage at all as well as to avoid getting hit was not done before in a game like this.

>> No.5709821
File: 397 KB, 1500x1335, Powerslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerslave, you say?

>> No.5711647

and pdsfags still cant refute it.

>> No.5713230

Admit defeat panzercucks.

>> No.5713243
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>> No.5713250


>> No.5713871
File: 48 KB, 751x444, pds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fell for the meme and emulated the game
the struggle is real