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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 343x119, castlevania-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5498559 No.5498559 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5498561


>> No.5498575

Classicvania* = Good
Metroidvania = Bad
*Super Castlevania IV = Complete shit

>> No.5498580

I like em all

>> No.5498583 [DELETED] 

It peaked at III and should have ended there. 16-bit CV's are trash and Metroidvanias are a joke.

>> No.5498604

SOTN and the GBA/DS games > everything else

>> No.5498614

This but the opposite

>> No.5498630

>Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

>Super Castlevania IV
>Rondo of Blood
>Symphony of the Night

>Castlevania II
>Kid Dracula
>Legacy of Darkness

>Castlevania 64

I've never played any of the portable games.

>> No.5498638 [DELETED] 

>SotN that high
>LoD above 64
>SQ is good
Please kys.

>> No.5498641

Hating on Symphony doesn't make you cool or interesting, contrarian child.

>> No.5498647 [DELETED] 

Overrating Symphony doesn't make you cool or interesting, boring NPC.

>> No.5498657
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Rondo of Blood

>> No.5498683

Super Castlevania IV is easily the worst one I've played. Nearly put me off from the series desu.

>> No.5498686

Calling people NPCs doesn't make you cool or interesting, faggot.

>> No.5498708
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IV=III>Rondo=X68K>XX=Bloodlines=1>Belmont's Revenge
All great games.

>> No.5498724

rondo > bloodlines > cv1 > cv4 > dracula x
i have not played the others

>> No.5498995 [DELETED] 

Australia-kun and its ilk need to die

>> No.5499009
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>> No.5499031

X68000 > Rondo > 1 > X > 4 > 3 > 2

and for explorationvanias

sotn > a bunch of stuff that isn’t /vr/

>> No.5499040

oh shit I forgot bloodlines!

X68k > Rondo > bloodlines > 1 > 4 > 3 > 2

>> No.5499041


A bunch of stuff that isn’t /vr/ >>>> SoturdN

>> No.5499049

SOTN > Rondo > 4 > COTM > LOI > DXC
I've only played 3 on a 3DS with it's shitty d-pad so that's far from a fair judgement, I've only played 1, Bloodlines, XX and X68K very briefly on emulators and I haven't played any others.
>Inb4 /vr/ contrarians

>> No.5499082

The 3DS D-pad is great. It’s tactile and doesn’t miss diagonals.

Fuck are you smoking?

>> No.5499085

It's also small and stiff, GBA and DS had much better d-pads.

>> No.5499092

X68000 > Rondo > III > Bloodlines > Rebirth > I > Dracula X > IV > Belmont's Revenge > Legends > SotN shit > 3D shit > 2 > Haunted Castle > Adventure

>> No.5499139

I played symphony of the night on PSX and SS. Played the arcade castlevania. Played the super nintendo one, and the mega drive one. All of them had GREAT music, shit game play, laughable animations, and mediocre character design. The whole series is as relevant as a dry fart into a milk bottle.

>> No.5499150

Contrarians are pathetic creatures.
Fake gamers indeed.

>> No.5499152

Fake gamer

>> No.5499160

It’s bigger than the GBA and DS D-pads you buffoon.
Every DS other than the Lite had a D-pad of similar quality to the 3DS.

>> No.5499170

I only had a DS Lite and a GBA SP and they both feel much better than a 3DS' d-pad.

>> No.5499179

You sure it’s not the positioning, then? The SP’s D-pad doesn’t have any more travel than the 3DS’. At least not the ones with the central pivot.

>> No.5499183

Eh maybe I did get a dodgy model after all.

>> No.5499202
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>> No.5499356
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>oh no he called me out for being a retard

>> No.5499365

Only thing I don’t like about SotN was that a majority of the ensuing Castlevanias felt like they had to follow its example, instead of doing their own thing.

>> No.5499367

the best castlevania is shaman king master of spirits and hunter x hunter kindan no hihou

>> No.5499475

i agree. i played one on ds and thought it was shit, haven't gone back to any new castlevania ever since.

>> No.5499617

Which one? The one with the chick was pretty good.

>> No.5499763

the one i played had that guy that wore white with blue on his outfit, he also had white hair. it was kind of weird idk why but it near instantly turned me off. its not like it wasnt a metroidvania, it just felt like.. i dont really know how to explain it like it was just literally thrown together. i dont remember anything about a chick. which one was that? i might have to pick one up and play it again cause im getting sick of running sotn.

>> No.5499885

I've only played the willyvanias. What I've seen of the others, Belmonts can't jump, and their fighting is very clumsy.

>> No.5501637

neat, gonna try these

>> No.5501640
File: 93 KB, 272x199, 1448772177899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal top:
Symphony of the night
Dawn of Sorrow
Portrait of ruin
Kid Dracula
Super Castlevania

>> No.5501696

Calling people faggot doesn't make you cool or interesting, nerd.

>> No.5502014

I think Dawn of Sorrow isn't that good. There is an Alucard mod for it and Portrait replacement mod though. so that helps. they even recreated portraits in Kojima's style for Celia Fortner and the rest of the antagonists which is a bold move. PoR was more interesting. Aria of Sorrow was based as fuck but nothing tops SotN in the end.

>> No.5502028

twitchy classic Belmonts really suck. I hate playing as Richter because he walks like a prostitute who has been railed for way too long but their movement patterns are a big part of the difficulty in Classicvanias.

the only decent controls you'd only get from non-Belmont characters meaning Alucard or Soma but then again Juste is fine because he can slide and becomes Sanic like nobody's business, Julius too although he's only a side-kick.

>> No.5502049 [DELETED] 

Found the jarpig

>> No.5502050 [DELETED] 

Another jarpig

>> No.5502060

i like both DoS and PoR because they are fun and cartoony. It's like watching slightly more realistic saturday morning cartoon about monster hunters.
I play them when i get tired of gothic/dark atmosphere of other castlevania games.

>> No.5502164
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of the ones I've beaten

Castlevania 3
Dracula X Snes (it's really unfairly maligned as a shit port by those who haven't actually played it)
Rondo of Blood
Super Castlevania 4
Lament of Innocence
Curse of Darkness
Castlevania 64
Simon's Quest

>> No.5502263

Didn't want to start a new thread for this question so here it is...
Was Rondo of Blood ever planned to have a release in the west?

>> No.5502290

ive played sotn and liked it a lot
then tried rondo of blood it it was garbage

>> No.5502295

Rondo being the best classicvania is a meme that has stayed for too long. You're better off playing CV1, 3 or 4.

>> No.5502310

the classic castlevanias are just too simple
i can see why someone who played it in its time would like it so much
but for someone who has been playing video games for 2 decades i feel like ive played a lot of games with a similar formula
its just too boring for me tbdesu

>> No.5502318

Simple isn't bad though. I've been playing games for almost 3 decades, and I prefer classicvania to igavanias. I prefer action and platforming to exploration, and I felt SOTN (the only igavania I completed) was lacking in platforming especially, and the action looked cool, but the tension wasn't there, especially since you can rely on overpowered weapons and spells.

>> No.5502367

Tier 1:
Castlevania 3
Tier 2:
Rondo of Blood
Tier 3:

>> No.5502456

/vr/ approved taste

>> No.5502463

Except there's far worse classicvanias than IV, like Bloodlines, Rondo or Haunted Castle.
IV is mostly fine, just not as good as the NES games, X68K or XX.

>> No.5502504

We're everywhere. You can't stop us.

>> No.5502509

With all of the trimming and censoring they would’ve had to do to please the overlords at Nintendo, it’s doubtful.

>> No.5502516

What censoring would Rondo need?
Castlevania IV had a topless Medusa.

>> No.5502546

Super castlevania IV and Sotn discussion belongs on /v/ not here.

>> No.5502549

In fact, all Castlevania discussion after the original NES Castlevania belongs in /soc/

>> No.5502562

Cry more zoomer we dont discuss shitty castlevanias here.

>> No.5502570

Except most people ITT rank IV highly, other than australia kun and maybe a few other anti-snes guys.
It's also ironic because zoomers are the ones that are most likely to parrot bullshit that Egoraptor said (even though he could never beat the game precisely because he didn't want to use subweapons)
Deal with it, IV is one of the highest praised entries in the series, and it's as classic as it gets
>b-but it's not EXACTLY like Castlevania 1!
Neither are any of the others.
I agree we could do without SOTN though.

>> No.5502626 [DELETED] 

I'm an anti-4th gen/anti-90s guy.
Fuck that era, it started the casualization and decline of videogames.
Akumajou Dracula & Densetsu for life.

>> No.5502654

SOTN is an amazing game and you just can't handle the fact that progression systems make games more fun.

>> No.5502672

I don't hate SOTN, but I treat it more like a spinoff of Castlevania.

>> No.5502674 [DELETED] 

daily reminder 4th gen ruined videogames forever.

>> No.5502684

>uh-oh, IV shitposting doesn't work anymore, what do? better start shitposting against that whole generation
You're getting weaker by the day dude.

>> No.5502703


>> No.5502708 [DELETED] 

not only based
but also redpilled

>> No.5502710
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>samefagging this desperately

>> No.5502715

SOTN > ROB > 3 > 1 > Belmont's Revenge > Bloodlines > 2 > 64 > The Adventure

Never played any of the other retro ones. I liked all of them outside of 64, which was meh, and The Adventure being downright terrible

>> No.5502741 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 560x415, belmont_disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes post-'80s videogames
>has image of jarpig character on his HDD
Checks out.
Enjoy being the cancer of retro vidya, my dude.

>> No.5502758

>adpoting zoomer meme words
pathetic old man

>> No.5502760

that pic reminded me of the shitty CG raptor thingies in rewrite

>> No.5502767 [DELETED] 

Quake 3 takes more skill than every 80's game

>> No.5502773

>bringing unrelated shitposting to try and pass as bait
still samefagging

>> No.5502774 [DELETED] 


>> No.5502779 [DELETED] 

now leave this board casuals.

>> No.5502885

I'd place C64 in at least very high tier
>fun bosses
>time system, people have schedules
>fun platforming
>good story

>> No.5503873 [DELETED] 

super castlevania bros is still shit

>> No.5503882

it's one of the fan favorites, but I'm glad to know a game I love makes someone like you obsess a lot

>> No.5503883

Stay mad casual

>> No.5503884

All CV games are easy to me since I've replayed them dozens of times or more.
Still love IV. Stay mad auster.

>> No.5503886

>/vr/ defends sciv now
What happened?

>> No.5503887

It was always loved. Your samefagging and forced memes could do nothing, other than make people aware of your 'tism.
If anything, your anti-IV campaign only helped IV get discussed more, lmao.

>> No.5503891

SotN has no redeeming qualities apart from its music. It’s an unpolished mess of a game filled with a bunch of half-baked ideas. Even HoD is better.

>> No.5503916 [DELETED] 

Don't be such a little bitch, James.

>> No.5503921

>Anti-IV campaign
Take your fucking meds, holy shit.

>> No.5503929

Ah, been a while since you didn't accuse people of being James, lol. I see your repertoire is still limited.
The archive says otherwise.
Seriously though, it's incredible that you've been at it for years now. Some dedication.

>> No.5504053 [DELETED] 

>not overrated dogshit and the beginning of the end for cv
pick 1

>> No.5504086


>> No.5504115

3 > Rondo > 1 > 4 > X68K > Bloodlines = Dracula X > Adventure

Haven't played 2 or the other 2 GB games yet.

I'll go with the former, thanks.

>> No.5504495


>> No.5504532

>Even HoD is better.

makes no sense. HoD borrowed a fuckload of textures, models and assets from SotN (warp portals, merchant who is just a spin off master librarian, certain enemies, save room looks exactly the same etc.) and core gameplay as well.

>> No.5504702 [DELETED] 

FUCK Nintendo and FUCK Casualvania Snore.

>> No.5504708

At this point you're a parody of yourself. What's the point? People aren't going to magically start hating Nintendo because of your shitposts.

>> No.5504738

super castlevania IV was undoubtedly the best, the superb soundtrack is what pushes it beyond others.

>> No.5504747

The soundtrack is amazing and personally my favorite, but to be honest most CV games have amazing music, even the bad ones like The Adventure and Haunted Castle.
IV is good also because of tight controls and good level design. Some bosses could be harder, but it's not like CV is known for super complex boss fights either. It's more about getting to the boss than the boss itself.

>> No.5504762

Stop defending super castlevania /vr/ you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.5504768

What would IV need defence from? An autistic guy who's obsessed with it and has been for years? If anything, that's another testament of how legendary the game is, it's so popular and good that it makes an anti-nintendo guy literally seethe. Love it.
I still think console wars are silly, since Castlevania is still a 3rd party franchise anyway, but it's still funny to see that you hate it because it's on a Nintendo system.

>> No.5504805 [DELETED] 

Go back to getting cucked by a nigger in your own movie, James.

>> No.5505096


All Castlevania games borrow assets from each other, ‘tard. The way they implemented a second castle is better, and the hard mode unlocked after beating the game provides an actual challenge. That alone makes it leaps and bounds better than Symphony of the Turd.

>> No.5505126

>16-bit CV's are trash
Lol good one anon!

>> No.5505135 [DELETED] 

Circle of the Moon

Order of Ecclesia

Portrait of Ruin

Symphony of the Night
Harmony of Dissonance

Aria of Sorrow
Dawn of Sorrow

>> No.5505157 [DELETED] 

Can we please ban SCIV and SOTN here?
They attract casuals

>> No.5505160

rent free

>> No.5505165 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505169

But Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines are easier than IV.

>> No.5505173 [DELETED] 

Very anti skill board

>> No.5505176

>desperately trying to act as a /vg/ kid
Pathetic, australia.

>> No.5505196
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Castlevania has been a pretty solid series throughout, the most recent title I played is Circle of the Moon, can not speak on behalf of the ps2 games onward.

>> No.5505216 [DELETED] 

>But Rondo of Blood and Bloodlines are easier than IV.
At least RoB and Bloodlines don't drop food during an already pathetically easy final boss fight.

Anyways, list 5 things that actually gave you trouble in CV4, I could use a laugh.

>> No.5505228

Bloodlines is the hardest Castlevania simply because it has limited continues. In the other games you can just keep retrying each part until it's in your muscle memory.

>> No.5505243

>At least RoB and Bloodlines don't drop food during an already pathetically easy final boss fight.
Did you even play these games? Death literally drops food in Bloodlines. Rondo's final boss is even easier than IV's drac.
I don't think I ever got a game over in Bloodlines, but wasn't the limited continues only in the US version? I think the japanese version is like the other games.

>> No.5505246

Put Symphony in low tier and we’re golden.

>> No.5505252 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505253


>> No.5505256 [DELETED] 

please normies leave this board

>> No.5505263

So nobody can discuss most of the Castlevania game? the whole series is popular. Castlevania III got extremely popular thanks to Netflix.

>> No.5505267 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505270

Are you having a seizure?

>> No.5505274 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505276

you forgot metal gear, sperg.

>> No.5505279 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505283 [DELETED] 

also streets of rage is a garbage series

>> No.5505294 [DELETED] 

>Death literally drops food in Bloodlines.
Death isn't the final boss of Bloodlines, retard.

>Rondo's final boss is even easier than IV's drac.
Lmao, not only a Nintendo fanboy but also a liar. Sad!

>> No.5505296

>Nintendo fanboy
I just like the Castlevania series, regardless of the platform is on. Rondo of Blood has an infamous easy final boss, although that's not to say Bloodlines or IV's final bosses are hard either. Rondo is just the easiest.

>> No.5505304 [DELETED] 

nintendildos should be hanged

>> No.5505309
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>> No.5505312 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505315
File: 33 KB, 350x251, Super_Castlevania_IV_-_%28NA%29_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deal with it, Super Castlevania IV is highly praised.

>> No.5505334 [DELETED] 


>> No.5505349

Not more than Rondo or SOTN. Still a great game and there's nothing you can do to make people stop liking it.

>> No.5505426 [DELETED] 

>Still a great game

>> No.5505434

Nothing you can do about it, champ. People will still regard it as a classic even after our deaths.

>> No.5505604 [DELETED] 
File: 489 KB, 1024x736, arthur-gng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fighting over which CV is "hard"
Time to become a real man, drop the console babby shit, and play some actual challenging games.

>> No.5505613
File: 39 KB, 625x415, 2145566123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only original GnG and Super are challenging, Ghouls n' ghosts is babby shit.

>> No.5505625


>> No.5505643

So you don't even like Castlevania, good to know.

>> No.5505662

I've beaten 1, 3, 4, SotN, 64, CotM, and I am currently going through Rondo, but you're right, I hate it.

>> No.5505727 [DELETED] 

based and makaipilled

>> No.5506265

Rondo > Super 4 > 3 > Bloodlines > SotN > 1 > the rest
(Not counting the ones that aren't /vr/)

>> No.5506270

>game isn't hard = its automatically bad
Did you know: accomplishing things in video games doesn't mean anything, isn't anything to be proud of, and doesn't make you cooler.
The sekiro easy mode controversy has taught me that some of you no life incels seriously beat your own meat over things you did on your TV screen, its hilariously pathetic. I love games and was on cloud 9 when I beat Dracula in Rondo but it's just a passtime, JUST A GAME

>> No.5506273

My first game was Crash 2 on PSX, I played SotN, 4, & Rondo last year and fucking adored them. You're generalities dont stand, my dude. I didn't grow up with CV but I love them and I'm fuckins hyped for the collection coming out this summer

>> No.5506276

I know words mean nothing to most /v/ yards but unpolished means unfinished, untested. Which sure as fuck doesn't apply to the game with the most beautiful 2D sprites ever made. Criticize the gameplay you retard, that's where SotN actually does fall short

>> No.5506305

>Most beautiful sprites ever made
Not even close, fanboy.
>Has to use the PS1’s super low resolution mode
>Still doesn’t look half as nice as most 2D games on the Saturn
>unpolished means my arbitrary definition
It means unrefined, which can be used to describe the gameplay, level design and even something like the fucking generic menu that belongs in an early SNES RPG. It’s not exclusive to the graphics. Fucking coon.

>> No.5506308

Sounds like someone’s insecure about their inability to git gud.

Hey phoneposter. SotN sucks, and you need to pick a better strawman. They weren’t criticizing the graphics.

>> No.5506312

>All Castlevania games borrow assets from each other

not as shamelessly as HoD did.

>> No.5506313

>Castlevania III got extremely popular thanks to Netflix.

fuck shitflix. I'd rather see an actual CV anime and not one of these american shitflicks.

>> No.5506315


it's really short and forgettable.

>> No.5506802 [DELETED] 

Stay mad /vr/ SOTN is good.

>> No.5506806

Castlevania 2 gets too much hate.

>> No.5506848

>fat contrarian nerd makes a list

>> No.5506867

People often cite the cryptic puzzle solutions but desu the most frustrating part for me is how the existence of invisible pitfalls makes you tread carefully and throw holy water everywhere in manors. It ruins the pace for me. Also, what the fuck happened to the bosses? They were a huge downgrade from CV1.

>> No.5506891 [DELETED] 

butthurt igafags

>> No.5507487
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SOTN > any other SOTN-like > the shitty side-scrollers > eating two castles full of bat shit > COTM

>> No.5507492

SOTN was my first Castlevania so I like it the most. I also identify with handsome heroes.

>> No.5507498 [DELETED] 
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fuck off iganigger

>> No.5507804
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>sotn was his first castlevania game

>> No.5507817

Castlevania has three threads!

>> No.5507824
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>Worth playing tier
>Boring, repetitive shit tier
>everything else

>> No.5507847


Dracula X
I haven't given 2 a real chance yet


Aria of Sorrow
Harmony of Dissonance

Didn't play the DS Ones

>> No.5507901

First season showed potential IMO but they totally fucked it beyond repair second season.

>> No.5508190

Sure are lots of REDACTED posts ITT.

>> No.5508302

you mother fucker! get out!

>> No.5510621

SS Tier:

Super Castlevania
Castlevania Bloodlines

S tier:

Castlevania Order Of Eclessia
Castlevania Mirror of fate
Castlevania Symphony of the Night

A tier:

Castlevania 3
Castlevania Rondo of Blood
Castlevania Aria of Sorrow

B tier:

Castlevania Lord of the Shadow
Castlevania Portrait of Riun
Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow

C tier:

Castlevania Circle of the moon
Castlevania harmony of despair
Castlevania Chronicles

Shit tier:

Castlevania 64
Castlevania 2
The Gamboy Games
And the arcade

>> No.5510638

The rest