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File: 40 KB, 960x432, DX-Peach-Pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5313405 No.5313405 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>5311093

There's a couple of changes between LA and LADX, specifically dialogue-related things, that not even tcrf hosts on their site, so I decided to make a separate thread about it. Most of this stuff is unknown because most people will fanatically play and replay one version and then try out the other once or twice. The result is that good, accurate lists of differences are hard to come by, even for people that have played these games far more than I have.

These comparisons partain only to the English-language release. I've never played the Japanese, German or French versions.
If you have any questions concerning hard-to-get dialogue or version differences, post them here.

Note: there's a few interesting changes here, but most of them are nitpicks that I'm completing or correcting for good measure. As far as I know what I have here is complete, but unless you're a hardcore fan most of this stuff probably won't be too interesting.

Pic related, they changed more than just the colors.

>> No.5313415

>fixed fingernails
DX confirmed for superior I guess

>> No.5313419
File: 48 KB, 960x576, DX-Ulrira-Leaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the Golden Leaf collection quest, you can call Ulrira and he'll give you a hint on how to find one. This was changed in DX to three separate hints that will cycle each time you call. Interestingly, it's the only time hints will cycle at all in the game, every other time he'll only tell one.

The most interesting addition is the last hint. Unlike ALttP, there's no thieves in this game to bump you and take your stuff. It's weird they would add a hint for a possible unused feature and then not change anything in the castle.

>> No.5313423

Look closer, there's even more.

>> No.5313432
File: 24 KB, 480x288, DX-Leaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of leaves, I have no idea why Golden Leaf was changed to Gold Leaf. Maybe there was a lack of space? Who knows.

>> No.5313445

By the way, there's some unused text related to these changes found in the DX rom:

>Ya, it's Ulrira!
>You say you
>haven't found
>all five Golden
>Leaves? Go ask
>the crow at the
>castle. I'm sure
>he can help you.

>> No.5313451
File: 60 KB, 960x864, DX-Help-Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the text was altered because the original was too vague or inaccurate.

>> No.5313461
File: 80 KB, 640x1152, DX-Content-Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all the text that changed to accommodate new content or mechanics.

>> No.5313469

Is there a reason to play the original anymore? I've only played DX.

>> No.5313470
File: 136 KB, 1120x1872, DX-New-Dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is all the new text that DX inserted other than everything related to the camera shop sidequest and the color dungeon.

Note that bosses have more text, and you don't find any medicine or bombs in chests in the original.

>> No.5313480
File: 18 KB, 960x144, Sword-Hint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original is harder without the colored tunics and contain fewer hints to make it more challenging on a first playthrough. I guess there are some who like the B&W aesthetic better, or just for nostalgia.

For example, if you take a look at >>5313470, they added a talking spirit to the seashell mansion who explicitly tells you that collecting shells will net you a more powerful sword. In the original, the only hint in the entire game is this one, a looked-over hint you can only get by challenging the final boss and then Save&Quit or getting your ass handed to you.

>> No.5313498
File: 110 KB, 1120x864, DX-Shortened.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess there's one more point where the original has a leg up over DX. Although its ROM contains loads more memory, apparently these three pieces of dialogue were shortened to make room for the extra text. Only Richard's is mentioned on tcrf, and none of the rest I could find mentioned anywhere, so it seems to be a new discovery.

>> No.5313503

Is just a stupid game

>> No.5313512
File: 54 KB, 320x1008, DX-Spelling-Grammar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been mention of DX fixing grammar and spelling mistakes, but nobody had anything more than a vague idea about what had actually been fixed. That's why I've tracked down every single one of them.

>> No.5313518
File: 27 KB, 320x432, DX-Cemetery-Cemetary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the cemetary->cemetery one separately. Apparently someone Ctrl+F'd it after noticing the mistake.

>> No.5313527

Theme song for this thread


>> No.5313538
File: 4 KB, 320x288, 512-0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all the relevant dialogue stuff. There's also a difference with a later DX revision which I'll get to a bit later.


>> No.5313542

The Mansion also has a bit of text when you visit for the first time with exactly 5 (and presumably 10) shells, which gets you the freebie. The mansion calls it an incentive to keep looking for more.

>> No.5313551

Interesting. There's nothing in the text dump that alludes to it, and I think I definitely tried it once and was greeted with nothing more than the regular seashell text. Maybe it's something added to v1.2? I'll have to try it out again.

>> No.5313565
File: 47 KB, 640x576, DX-Revisions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's three different revisions of the English original (versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2) and three revisions of the DX version. Some sites claim that you can tell which version of the original you have based on fixed-up text, but this is a confused myth. Every single revision of the black & white edition all have the exact same text. The changes are all from OG to DX. The only one that has adjusted text is v1.2 of the DX version, and even then it's minor. In fact, as far as I know nothing else changed between DX1.1 and DX1.2, so it's a mystery to me why they decided to re-release it with such tiny alterations.

>> No.5313569
File: 183 KB, 329x479, SSBM_Trophy_220_Marin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is kino, thanks OP.

>> No.5313573

Ooh, just thought of something. The DX version has the trees outside the Seashell Mansion able to talk (as they're the exact same design from ALttP's Dark World). Did the original version have dialogue for them or was it DX-only?

>> No.5313580

Golden could be interpreted as a color. Gold implies it is physically made of gold. The latter is probably more accurate since why would you go through all that trouble to get 5 yellow leaves?

>> No.5313585
File: 5 KB, 320x288, 243-0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like it.

They could already talk in the original. DX really didn't add a lot of secrets, most changes take place during the main course of the game.

That's an interesting take. It's a shame then that that's the only text they altered. Everywhere else still calls them Golden.

>> No.5313604

There's a glitch in the original version that lets you warp through screens and take sequence-breaking shortcuts, which DX fixed.

>> No.5313627
File: 22 KB, 640x288, DX-No-New-Text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I tried it on DX1.2 and this is all I got. You must've misremembered or confused it with the "not enough shells" text.

BTW, now that I played a bit of LA again, >>5313469 you can skip almost any non-owl related wall of text in the original with the B button, which makes for a smoother and faster experience with all the rocks and pots you're touching and pieces of power and guardian acorns you pickup.

>> No.5313629

>BTW, now that I played a bit of LA again, >>5313469 you can skip almost any non-owl related wall of text in the original with the B button, which makes for a smoother and faster experience with all the rocks and pots you're touching and pieces of power and guardian acorns you pickup.
So THIS is why people complain so much about the rock and pot text.
I only ever played the original version and it never was a problem to me because you can skip fast with B.

>> No.5313631

The "Oof, looks heavy" text vanishes once you get the bracelet anyway.

>> No.5313638
File: 5 KB, 320x288, 249-0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's a handy feature they had absolutely no business removing.

Anyway, now that I'm done DX posting I'll switch to some other stuff. How many of you delayed the trading quest so you could see Tarin with a banana?

>> No.5313660
File: 62 KB, 1280x576, Fairin-Marin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no difference whether you learn the ballad before or after taking Marin to animal village, except for this one snippet of text.

>> No.5313672
File: 17 KB, 640x288, Manbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this piece of text in the text dump
>Very well...
>Glub Blub Bloop!
which is obviously Manbo's. However, despite being an obvious answer to a 'No' reply and even being quoted in one of the wikis, I haven't found any way to make him say it. Turning up without the Ocarina or answering no with the Ocarina makes him say this instead.

>> No.5313687
File: 17 KB, 320x576, Walrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the previous thread, if you play ballad of the wind fish here you can summon the walrus again.

>> No.5313696

>Wah wah wah waaaaah!

>> No.5313707

>rare thread with OC and actually being informative
>some sperglord jumps out of the woodwork and shits on it immediately
I'm sure there's some shmup- or castleshitia-thread somewhere for you to post your same old drivel for the 23509th time, shoo!

>> No.5313730

This is all the text from the OG that I haven't seen in the game yet. Unless I missed something, all of this went unused.

>Waterfall at the
> Shrine

> South of the
> Shrine

>Entrance to the
> Animal Village


>Mountain Bridge

> Warp Hole

>You've got a
>Shovel! Now you
>can feel the joy
>of digging!

>Mermaid Statue

>Very well...
>Glub Blub Bloop!

>...You idiot!
>I told you this
>would happen...
>Eh?! What? I
>didn't say any-
>thing, really!

>Okay, let's do
>it! When you
>don't want the
>Boomerang any
>more, come back!

>> No.5313754

Ditto for DX

>I'm going back
>to the store.

>Link , now run
>away before he
>finds you.

>Ya, it's Ulrira!
>You say you
>haven't found
>all five Golden
>Leaves? Go ask
>the crow at the
>castle. I'm sure
>he can help you.

>Hey you! Have
>you been to the
>Camera Shop in
>Tal Tal Heights?
>Iyoung people
> like to go ther
>eand take
> pictures of
> themselves.
> Seems kinda
> funny to me.

>> No.5313794

The last one sounds like a roundabout hint that the two knight enemies are collecting the golden leaves, so you should kill them.

>> No.5313802

Three, actually. There's a Ball & Chain Trooper inside the castle as well.

>> No.5314075

It looks better than the DX version.

>> No.5314109

The Japanese version is so much nicer to play because the text is more compact. Same with Ocarina of Time.

>> No.5314205

That was fixed long before. The fix happened so early the European release doesn't even have it.

>> No.5314273
File: 55 KB, 252x101, Screenshot 2019-01-21 at 2.33.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the "BOW WOW!" one is when you take him around here an wait a while. He will stop and say that for no reason.

>> No.5314307
File: 10 KB, 320x288, 208-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a hidden shell near that owl statue, which prompts him to say this. Waiting around seems like an interesting idea, but I'm pretty sure I've left the game unpaused with BowWow multiple times on a real GB before.

>> No.5314317

I always thought those owl statues looked like fish with their mouths open facing northward.
The mouse fella at the picture shop also tells you to come back when you're alone if Bow-wow's with you

>> No.5314328
File: 12 KB, 320x288, DX-53a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, got that covered. The only ones I'm worried about are the ones I mentioned in >>5313730 and >>5313754. There's some obvious unused stuff there, but I always fear stuff like the BOW WOW thing like >>5314273 mentioned might turn out to have a simple trick to it.

>> No.5314331

I accidentally skipped the ghost entirely because I got all the seashells/L2 sword early

>> No.5314353

The reward for doing the ghost quest is a shell, so it makes sense to disable it if the sword was already obtained. Interesting that they thought of that possibility too, as you can only get 18 of them before entering the fourth dungeon, and you have to leave mid-dungeon after obtaining the flippers to get to 20 before he shows up.

On that note, I once read that he disappears after obtaining 20 or more shells, but it's actually possessing the L-2 sword itself that triggers it.

>> No.5314378

this thread is autistic af but you better believe I carefully examined every screenshot
I didn't know this!

>> No.5314401
File: 41 KB, 640x432, Compilation-For-Anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you're a fan(atic) about something. To think this isn't even my favorite Zelda game!
Be sure to scour the other thread I linked in the OP too for some interesting tidbits.

>> No.5314410
File: 57 KB, 450x706, 80286e0c9d3482870067e83306f9ca9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to derail the thread, but I love how cute Marin is in the manga.

>> No.5314429
File: 14 KB, 320x402, Not-Very-Flattering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need to read it actually. I started on the OoT one long ago, but I didn't really like that one. Is Marin just as much of a smartypants in the manga?

>> No.5314443
File: 47 KB, 450x640, La_v1_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started on the OoT one long ago, but I didn't really like that one.
That was made by Akira Himekawa. While the art is neat, their mangas just tend to be hasty retellings of whichever games they're based on. I like the official prequel to Skyward Sword they made though.

>Is Marin just as much of a smartypants in the manga?
As I remember, she was more charming and likeable.

>> No.5314458
File: 97 KB, 581x778, ALttP_Comic_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should start reading some of these again, just to see if I like them better now. I did really like that ALttP comic after all. Cheers!

>> No.5314493

Good thread.

>> No.5314587
File: 19 KB, 220x220, 220px-Links_Awakening_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP. LA is the best Zelda game

>> No.5314595
File: 3 KB, 160x144, 1548114065486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was Yoshi doing here?

>> No.5314596

Always thought this sounded like the fairy fountain song. Is this repeated in alot of other games?

>> No.5314610

10/10 thread

Remake games are for fags


>> No.5314650

You should put all this in a wiki or something.

>> No.5314691
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, 1511087963025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the last thread are the best threads on /vr/ in ages. your fanaticism is admirable op.

>> No.5314771

Speaking of the ghost, what was with that? It's so out of left field and kinda spooky. I assume he was someone that died in the fifth dungeon and wound up following Link for some reason.
The theme of his empty home is so sad too.

LA in general is such a strange game filled with this sort of weird melancholy alongside the goofy stuff

>> No.5314781

Threads with dedicated OPs like this are a diamond dozen.
I remember the SMW japanese guide scan threads, that adventure lasted for months, but OP finally delivered and it was based.

>> No.5314880

wait.. what? where is this?

>> No.5314895
File: 49 KB, 320x288, AnglerFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your in the boss fight with the Anglerfish, there is just some random skull at the bottom of the room.
Though it was probably for fear factor, it doesn't feel like a coincidence that the Ghost shows up right after completion of the Angler Tunnel.

>> No.5314923

That would line up with the ghost being scared of fish. Completely forgot about that skull down there.
Still wonder why he tagged alongside Link. I mean the ghost is at his grave before you beat the 4th dungeon.
I'm thinking about this too much but it's something fun to discuss.

>> No.5314928 [DELETED] 
File: 995 KB, 472x360, mac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You k-k-k....

>> No.5314935
File: 995 KB, 472x360, mac.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You k-k-k...

>> No.5314946

I believe that the Ghost thought that since Link could defeat the Anglerfish that killed them before, that they could stay protected from the monsters outside when they wanted to visit their old home.

It makes sense with having the text before beating the dungeon too, as they were probably staying inside of their grave out of fear of the monsters

>> No.5314957

Not familiar with this room

>> No.5314961

Based and redpilled tranny princess

>> No.5314971
File: 48 KB, 500x336, A6881F50-1C39-4CCE-8909-7D563997404E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prince faggotleaf shits up the ONE good thread on this board
>jackoff praises faggot for shitting up the thread

>> No.5315013

I was thinking the same thing, funny that a ghost would be afraid of monsters.
Also do you guys think the ultimate sword was actually just part of the island too? Like a physical manifestation of Link's ideal sword he's maybe dreamt about
Fuck I want to play Link's Awakening again

>> No.5315027
File: 3 KB, 160x144, 1548127876710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind Madam BowBow house, you need cheats to enter

>I don't suppose it would do any good to beg? If you change your mind, tell me

I don't know where this dialogue belongs too since it's been a while since I played the game but if I had to take a guess it's what the mother tells you if you refused to give her the doll.

>> No.5315047

Is the room a glitch or cut content?

>> No.5315060
File: 3 KB, 160x144, dump8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool write up and discussion going on.

I don't have a lot to add, but I remember playing this as a teenager and getting stuck in one dungeon where I couldn't find a key. I swore it was a bug but no one has had similar experiences. I can't remember which dungeon as it's been years ago, also I saved so couldn't go back and try again.

I did however play DX and beat it a few times.

I loved the GB original, though I played it on a GBC. DX was an insta buy for me, just the fact it was in color on the glorious gem toned screen and the fact that there were new dungeons was a plus.

>> No.5315076 [DELETED] 

Racism is epic bro, simply epic, and really funny, based and racismpilled LOL am I right fellow kekistanis?

>> No.5315080

I've read on wikis that dungeon 2 or 3, whichever one is key-themed, had a softlock in early copies of Link's Awakening for Game Boy. That's why in DX and apparently most versions of LA in general, that dungeon ends with the player having an extra small key.

>> No.5315087

Huh, Never thought of that before. I'd suppose so, because it says in the game "You should put your name on it right away!", meaning that this is the kind of sword that Link was dreaming to get his hands on one day.

I also remember hearing a theory that all the Nightmares (Bosses) are each related to a phobia.
>Moldorm= Entomophobia (Fear of Insects)
>Angler Fish= Thalassophobia (Fear of Ocean)
>Evil Eagle= Acrophobia (Fear of Heights)
I forget the others, and maybe you can help complete this list, but I thought it was a cool theory.

>> No.5315091

Three possibilities:
Key Cavern where you could use the wrong key in the wrong door.
Angler's Tunnel where you could accidentally skip a part and lock yourself out.
Catfish's Maw where there's one single really cryptic key.

>> No.5315101
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 1541082713073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you missed the left turn for reddit, ironybro.

>> No.5315104
File: 72 KB, 339x280, turtlerock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love links awakening but this room is the only thing in the game I cant excuse. Literally no hint that you should bomb the wall. All the other puzzles in the game are logical, this isn't.

Thanks to it I was unable to complete the game as a kid.

>> No.5315110

>Hmm, the map says there's a room I haven't been to yet, but I can't access it from any side
>I should smack the wall with my sword and see if it's bombable
We were all stupid when we were kids, anon

>> No.5315113

>but I can't access it from any side
there's plenty of rooms in the game you access through stairs, not adjacent rooms.

>> No.5315115

>reeee you have to burn every bush

>> No.5315151

Should've tried the sword trick, bro.

>> No.5315169

Semi related but I wouldn't mind poking and prodding around at bushes in the original LoZ if the blue candle didn't have that one shot per screen rule and if burnable objects caught flame the moment fire touched it. Always made me second guess if my aim was off or not because of that quirk.
A lot of Zelda Classic quests address that and it makes looking for secrets smoother. I kinda wish the magic candle would come back in another Zelda game. It's a neat item.

Then you get the magic rod in Link's Awakening and you just burn everything down, and that's cool as fuck.

>> No.5315228

Interesting. I bought the game at a pawn shop back then, so it may have been an early version. I literally spent weeks trying to figure out that dungeon. I eventually wiped my save and was able to beat the game, so perhaps that was what was going on.

>> No.5315237

Could be. I can't find any info on whether or not it was patched out before it hit American shelves as is usually the case, but it is clear that you can beat the dungeon on the unpatched copies as long as you don't go into one of 3 rooms that don't really have anything in them. If you go in all 3, then you'll be a key short.

>> No.5315248

Doesn't one of those info rock slab/owls there tell you hints about sword/bombing walls? I know there was certainly something of that sort in OoA/OoS, but vaguely remember it from LA as well.

>> No.5315275

Pretty neato thread, OP.

>> No.5315702
File: 79 KB, 690x401, MCR_5429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name was also on the shield, right? If it wasn't for that, would Link even be able to remember his own name?

Is this a japanese thing?

>> No.5315739

The LA manga is the best one, if you don't count the Windwaker 4komas. It has two volumes to flesh itself out while something like Majora's Mask or each of the Oracle games get a single volume and either sprint through the plot or adapt it very loosely.

>> No.5315818
File: 5 KB, 320x288, 474-0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's an easy to solve. That's the magnifying glass room when accessed through the glitched kennel world. The tileset is the one from indoors/trendy game shop, so it makes sense it also loaded the incorrect sprite.

>> No.5315820
File: 5 KB, 320x288, 260-0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost correct, it's actually refusing Sale his dog food.

>> No.5315832
File: 35 KB, 480x432, Turtle-Rock-Hints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LA has a lot of inspiration from Zelda 1, in which breakable walls don't have cracks and you have to look at the dungeon map to determine which ones are likely breakable. You can see this influence in the non-scrolling screens, enemies taken from Zelda 1 rather than ALttP, bomb explosions that don't damage you etc.

Not in Turtle Rock at least, not even in the DX version.

You can kind of cruise through most of the game without burning any tree. Finding the infamous 8th dungeon entrance is only required after getting the Red Candle.

>> No.5315837

>Is this a japanese thing?
Did your parents not put your name, or at least your initials, on stuff you own? It's pretty common, especially for toys and stuff like that. I remember my mom writing my name on my GBA, although come to think of it, it was on tape stuck to the battery door.

>> No.5315839

Not reading all this right now but OP, you should submit some of this to tcrf, they would love to have it.

>> No.5315991

It's so when your friends borrow your carts they cant claim it's not yours.

>> No.5315997

I guess the genie could be fear of clowns, slime eel fear of snakes, hot head fear of fire and the final boss fear of the dark.

not sure about slime eye and facade, though facade is easily the creepiest boss in the game despite how easy it is

>> No.5316037

Facade could be fear of masks, or maybe it looks like some spirit from Japanese folklore? Slime eye might be similar. You can never discount the possibility of there being culturally-common nightmares in Japan that we don't have in the west.

>> No.5316047

>You can never discount the possibility of there being culturally-common nightmares in Japan that we don't have in the west.
or that the theory is a stretch

>> No.5316061

Who knows, some culturally Japanese stuff definitely made it into the games. Just think about how the number 4 is considered an unlucky number there and assoiciated with death, and then compare it to the 3D games.

>4th dungeon of OoT is a spooky forest mansion full of ghosts and bizarre otherworldly corridors
>4th adult dungeon of OoT is an executioner-style descent into hell
>4th area of MM is an undead canyon
>4th dungeon of WW is an underground temple of the dead
>4th dungeon of TP is an old prison full of skeletons, ghosts and undead
>4th dungeon of SS had the whole enlightened topworld/spooky basement thing going on

>> No.5316089

deepest lore

>> No.5316108

There's also the four heavenly kings thing going on with nearly every big boss having four powerful henchmen

>> No.5316139

Wrong. I own the UK release and you can screen warp on it.

>> No.5316642
File: 37 KB, 400x201, wario_satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't UK always have a separate release from the rest of Europe? As if you bongs were a different continent entirely.
By the way, is there any in-depth research as the one OP did for the German version of LA? It has some weird, sexual stuff. IIRC, the translation was made by the same guy who did these strange comics where Wario would make pacts with Satan in the official Germany Club Nintendo magazine.

>> No.5316681

>If it wasn’t for that, would Link even be able to remember his own name?
I would say no, because right when he wakes up, he confuses Marin for Zelda, meaning he remembers Zelda, and therefore himself.
>Is this a Japanese thing?
No. It’s an international thing (at least from what I know). It just marks something that belongs to someone

>> No.5316756

The LA manga is damn good, would definitely recommend.

I never liked manga adaptations of games that are a single volume since it's just compressed and rushed, but i always thought the Oracle of Ages manga was awesome because of Raven. He was a cool touch to the Ages story.

>> No.5317084

If memory serves when you stand either to the left or left and down room there is a crack you can see on the other side of the wall not visible while in the room you need to plant the bomb.

>> No.5317201

Might be a mandela effect, but I remember the camera shop text ingame (DX).

Excellent thread anon. If you still need assistance for extracting text dumps for this in any language, let me know. Since we're discussing obscure Zelda trivia, anyone has a full list of the backup spare dungeo keys in GBC Zelda games meant for when the player sequence breaks and gets stuck, just in case?

>> No.5317669

>it's a mystery to me why they decided to re-release it with such tiny alterations
have you done a binary diff between 1.2 and 1.1?

>> No.5317724

>a diamond dozen
I just dont know what to think about this. Even if it was ironically misquoted, the usage of "a dime a dozen" doesnt make sense here.

>> No.5317726

Is Girl's Last Tour worth it for a casual anime viewer like me?

>> No.5317751

I believe he means the opposite of the proper saying, much like correctly using the inproper saying "could care less" to mean you DO care more than the absolute minimum.

>> No.5317994

Now I have. There's a lot of bytes that changed between each version, but while DX1.0 and DX1.1 seem to have some massive changes, between DX1.1 and DX1.2 it probably changed the least. The biggest difference was that DX1.2 has some garbage French and German text leftover in otherwise zeroed out memory, like tcrf already mentioned, and some other weird sequences of bytes popped up in DX1.2 in what was originally cleared memory in DX1.1.

Looking at it from a memory viewer (I scoured the text dump manually to find out what text had changed the first time), I was correct in my assertion that 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 all have the same text, and DX1.0, DX1.1 too. Moreover, these two pieces of dialogue >>5313565 are really all that was changed between DX1.1 and DX1.2.

>> No.5318073
File: 97 KB, 1200x1080, Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev B) Restoration1.1 Font1.2 QoL-190123-054147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, the Quality of Life hack, Oracle font hack, and Restoration hack all work together. This is going to be good.
I never actually finished the game as a kid, because the SRAM battery in my (non-DX) cart was faulty and would somewhat frequently clear all my saves.

If I remember correctly you have to choose between the best sword and the boomerang, by going to the mansion with a certain amount of shells, right? Is there any way to get both? Or am I just remembering wrong in the first place?

>> No.5318080

You're remembering wrong. The only reward for getting all the seashells is a better sword.

>> No.5318082

Okay cool.
Do you have to wait until you have every single one to go there to get the best sword? Or can you go there as you progress just to see how many you have?
I remember a rumour about getting a better item once you have them all and locking the player out of it before that. But I don't remember any credibility or proof of that.

>> No.5318083

You can't lock yourself out of rewards there, no.

>> No.5318093

Are you submitting everything you've found to places like TCRF?

>> No.5318098

There's three shells that are permanently missable if you don't get them during the right time, but you only need 20 out of the 26 in the game to get the sword. Unless you want them all for completion's sake, it's impossible to lock yourself out of getting 100%.

>> No.5318136

what're the quality of life and restoration hacks?

>> No.5318141

I mentioned this in a Link's Awakening thread awhile back but the theme of the Face Shrine is based off a song composed by Bach


>> No.5318162

Preventing annoying dialogue boxes that cannot be skipped with B in the DX version.
Reverts some localization changes like turning the mermaid's swimsuit into a necklace. Also fixes at least one typo.

And the Oracle font hack too, if anyone cares:

It seems they all work on v1.2, though 2/3 are labelled for 1.1. Hope it doesn't crash at some point because of that, but SRAM saves should be compatible between them regardless.

>> No.5318201

Its twelve episodes and you will know by the end of the second one whether you like it or not. So forty minutes of casual viewing should be fine for a casual viewer. I consider it a masterpiece.

>> No.5318221

Might have been present in the earliest European release, then? I bought my game in Sweden in I believe 1995, and that cart does not have the warp glitch.

>> No.5318234


The bug is present is English version 1.0 and 1.2, but not in version 1.1.
(These twats call it the "NA" version, but it was released in both America and most of Europe).

>> No.5318242

>not even tcrf hosts on their site
Would it not be wise to post these there now?

>> No.5318265


>> No.5318283

Might as well go all out and apply this one too.

>> No.5318291

I like the untranslated signs for style, since I already know what they say. I'll consider the border removal patch alone, if it doesn't also include the translation.

>> No.5318373

Please don't ruin this thread Prince Sevenfag.

>> No.5318442

and the four heavenly kings show up in more than just Zelda. New Getter Robo, for example.

Also note that in Symphony of the Night and later Castlevania games of its style, Death (in his boss battles) almost always has 4444 HP.

>> No.5318445

man, now I can't decide if I want to replay it through the original, or through DX. I only ever really played DX, maybe I should see what the original is like by comparison.

>> No.5318446

The elite 4 from pokemon are literally named 4 heavenly kings in the japanese version

>> No.5318459

like literally 四大天王?

Found this with a quick search, might just sum it all up. It amuses me to think of the Elite Four as being gods though.


>> No.5318463

The Elite Four (Japanese: 四天王 The Big Four, lit. Four Heavenly Kings)

from bulbapedia

>> No.5318484

ah okay, what I posted was the simplified Chinese name for them it seems. Still, neat stuff. Gotta love this thread, learning new things every time I come back to it.

>> No.5318521

This is a fun-ass thread.

>> No.5318569
File: 24 KB, 640x288, Master-Stalfos-Obliterated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I almost forgot to mention.
Months and months ago before I started compiling the text, some anon notified me he had found a way to kill the Master Stalfos miniboss of Catfish's Maw before the final room. According to him he did it with the level 2 sword beam, which I found out certainly damages him but not enough to get him from his exit-the-room HP threshold to his death state. Turns out bomb arrows did the trick. It doesn't help you skip to the hookshot any quicker, but it gives you a total of 3 spare keys and some smug satisfaction.

>> No.5318582

>y-y-you have a dick and will literally never be a woman

>> No.5319659

Tcrf have old guard mentality. They began with well-meaning intentions but like Machinima they get drunk on pride and started accosting anyone who doesn't share their inane DYKG theories and philosophy. Don't encourage this anon to contribute to that site. The most proactive way to catalog this would be to create an independent site for Link's Awakening re-release differences.

>> No.5319890
File: 506 KB, 1065x1289, Bow-Wow-Artwork-Large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5319912
File: 238 KB, 1200x940, DciOE12W0AEcldK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems inconvenient for a small and commonplace number to be unlucky

>> No.5320493

I always end up reading repetitive 4s, like 4444, as laughter+死死死死. That has a great creepy and cool factor.

>> No.5320553
File: 125 KB, 386x318, 1400429384352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four is the number of death
>fourth time you fight the stalfos he dies
Wait, what?

>> No.5321035

They shaded her baps

>> No.5321236

>The original is harder without the colored tunics
It's not like the DX version forces you or even guides you towards doing the optional dungeon and getting a colored tunic, and the only hint that the entire color dungeon even exists is in that new book in the library that you need the pegasus boots to get. It's pretty much something that the player is left up to do on their own if they want.

I tend to just skip the color dungeon on most of my replays because it's not like the game is that hard, anyway. Although picking the red tunic and essentially having a permanent piece of power is pretty badass.

>> No.5321273

>That would line up with the ghost being scared of fish
I don't remember the ghost mentioning that he's scared of fish... when does this happen?

>it says in the game "You should put your name on it right away!", meaning that this is the kind of sword that Link was dreaming to get his hands on one day.
I think that was more to do with the fact that Link had his name engraved on all of his weapons up to that point of the game, and it had helped him get his shield back so it's obviously not a bad idea.

>> No.5321290

I think he says it if you try to enter Catfish's Maw with him still following, as a way to get you to finish the escort quest before continuing with the plot.

>> No.5321465
File: 31 KB, 294x312, op_not_a_fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically high quality bread
cheers OP

>> No.5321472

>Like a physical manifestation of Link's ideal sword he's maybe dreamt about
It's his penis

Perhaps "Link" is just the name of a shield manufacturer, like in Back to the Future

>> No.5321569

Wat, Shotaro Ishonomori-art?

That's his comic, right?

>> No.5321806
File: 72 KB, 480x1152, Ghost-Dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says it when trying to enter any dungeon, but it's probably there as a gameplay mechanic to block you from doing Level 5 too soon like you suggested. Here's all of his text, he actually says very little that clues us in what his purpose or backstory is other than nostalgia and a seashell.

That's him yeah, it's basically just a manga except colored and read left-to-right.

>> No.5321828

The theme of his run down little shack is so sad

>> No.5322070

Why the fuck has nobody done a disassembly of LA yet? Pokemon has like a dozen.

>> No.5322738

Why is this game so casual and handholdy?

Also, is there a hack to remove all the hint prompts, like every time you get a dungeon map/key and so on?

>> No.5322756

>Also, is there a hack to remove all the hint prompts, like every time you get a dungeon map/key and so on?
No. But there is one to remove hint prompts from jars, rocks, ice blocks, guardian acorns, and pieces of power. Over >>5318162 there, DX only.
If you're into hacking you could probably diff check it and see how text is removed, then apply that to other hints as well.

>> No.5322956
File: 124 KB, 1200x1080, Link's Awakening DX (USA, Europe) (Rev B) Restoration1.1 Font1.2 QoL-190125-025528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly obscure, but taking her on a date to the crane game is pretty fuckin' sweet.
She's like "Can I try?" then goes to pick up the host dude, who then says something like "nice you beat the game, you're a pro, so get out pros aren't allowed here"

>> No.5322979

Aw, leaving the dungeon with low hearts during the date while the QoL patch is active prevents >>5314401 that. Must be based on the same code as the low hearts beeping that it disables.
That's kind of lame.
Oh well, I'd rather play with the patch than without. Knowing it exists is enough for me.

>> No.5323038
File: 160 KB, 640x2304, Marin-Quest-Dialogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, combine this with the dungeon text I posted earlier and you get every single piece of unique dialogue that happens when Marin follows you.

>> No.5323046

I wish you could pick NPC followers back up in the future, like near the end of the game or something. Savestates make it easy to revisit each point so it's not really a big deal. But exploring everywhere on the entire map with them would be nice. Bowow, Marin, the Ghost, just everyone.

>> No.5323113

You don't need all of the seashells to get the seashell sword, just twenty. There are 26 seashells in the game, if I'm remembering right.

>> No.5323147

Yeah, that was said a few posts down from that post. There are 26 total, 3 missable, and only 20 are actually needed for reward.
1 each when entering the seashell mansion with exactly 5 and 10 seashells, and one that's accessible only while holding onto the rooster at that point in the story

>> No.5323153
File: 266 KB, 950x936, j7NaV31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderful thread op. LA is super comfy my all time favorite zelda. Also Marin is my waifu and I peeked in her underwear drawer.

>> No.5323223
File: 116 KB, 1008x756, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a Japanese stock phrase, it doesn't mean they're divine in any way just special or "elite". It's used a lot whenever there's four people in some special group in Japanese media. The "Four Fiends" in FFIV for example use the same title in Japanese and another basic example is Street Fighter having four bad guy bosses, it's extremely common.

It doesn't even need to refer to people and is used for advertising products too like this four heavenly king sushi.

>> No.5323346
File: 62 KB, 260x200, sakura ponders.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5323375

I don't think a GameBoy cart would be able to hold all that, though. It's a wonder Link's Awakening is as expansive and dense with unique dialogue as it is.

>> No.5323386

Just one of them at a time, not all at once. As long as no unique dialogues are added, in areas past their pre-existing availability in the quest, it wouldn't take up much more more space at all.

>> No.5323458

Probably because it isn't as clean or functional as the Oracle series. Like graphics overlap the HUD and text boxes frequently, the palette for both changes with the area, so many things just feel kind of wonky/buggy in comparison.
There is disassembly for Ages. Not sure how well it works though.

>> No.5323476

>As long as no unique dialogues are added
Then what's the point of bringing them with you? The only character I would really care to bring with me beyond the normal quest would be the rooster because he serves a gameplay function. The other characters are only fun to have around for the things they say.

>> No.5323486

So that I could go back and see the pre-existing things they do and say later on, without worrying about missing things like pictures and dialogue or needing to replay the game entirely.
Also just to bring characters along for the cool factor. Having Marin around just exploring the island as a whole would be pretty neat.
It could probably be done with cheats. I might look into that sometime.

But even if new dialogues were added then that would only be a couple extra dozen bytes. It's just not a complete non-issue at that point is all.

>> No.5323812

Yeah but a) the Ages disassembly is not that far along either and Seasons isn't even started and b) it's not just about editing, it's also about figuring out the game internals. Nobody should be basing their hacks on Pokemon Red when they could use Crystal instead, but the same people disassembled both.

>> No.5323852

I just noticed the flesh-colored tiles on the bottom-right part of the picture.

>> No.5324029
File: 254 KB, 400x393, $.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LA staff interviews

also you all should play For Frog the Bell Tolls if you haven't yet. Similar dreamlike atmosphere must be Kazumi Totaka's music.

>> No.5324034
File: 7 KB, 480x432, 032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think the ending means?
Did the Wind Fish's dream materialize itself in an island where Link ended up stranded?
Or did link fall unconscious after the ship wreck and his dream merged with the one of the Wind Fish, so nothing was never real?

>> No.5324063

This game was a slog. I really wanted to like it because of the music, but it never clicked with me.

>> No.5324090

It was all a dream, nothing was manifested into reality. The imagery in the ending is purely metaphorical.

>> No.5324519

It was a dream, but the wind fish was a real deity.

>> No.5324602

>nothing was manifested into reality
I like to think Marin reincarnates into a seagull if you complete the game without any deaths, out of hope.
But otherwise yeah, nothing is shown to manifest.

>> No.5324945
File: 15 KB, 342x292, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to think Marin reincarnates into a seagull if you complete the game without any deaths
Well, that's a given.

>> No.5325041

You can technically keep Marin by getting past the walrus and turning off your game in the middle of a save.

>> No.5325103

With the non-DX screen transition bug?
And how does that work when the ghost starts following you?

>> No.5325146

Nah, even in DX. And when the ghost follows you Marin's sprites just get fucked up, same with the flying rooster.

Only problem is the game softlocks when you try to rescue Marin on the bridge. I don't have my cart or I'd take a photo for you. No clue what causes that.

>> No.5325598

>turning off your game in the middle of a save
Like actually shutting it down during a save? That sounds risky as heck.

>> No.5326927
File: 27 KB, 411x359, Zelda-Links-Awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5327004

and thank god they moved those bubbles in the lower left a couple of pixels for some reason, try imagining the conversation that motivated that

>> No.5327403

Yeah, I duplicated my save file before trying it so I wouldn't corrupt anything. The saving process takes time to save pieces of information individually, so essentially you're stopping the process after the game has saved that the Walrus moved, but before it removes Marin from following you.

I would assume the artist changed the bubbles after they colored them all alternate colors and realized a yellow bubble at the bottom made it look too busy. Probly the desicion of one guy who was like "hey boss, I messed with the bubbles, I think it looks better, that cool?"

>> No.5328312
File: 14 KB, 1730x132, firefox_2019-01-27_07-55-56_The_Legend_of_Zelda_Link's_AwakeningVersion_Diff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear. Please tell me I can't get more than 14 hearts by accident and that doing this requires doing another bug. I really don't want to come across this issue just from completing my hearts.

>> No.5328316

14 hearts is the max, getting more than 14 hearts would involve some glitching I'm not even sure how you'd do.

>> No.5328320

Okay, good. I really don't like how they'd just leave it vague and not mention methods there.

>> No.5328327


Apparently involves using the boomerang to grab a heart piece at the same time you leave the screen, which will make the heart piece stay in its original location and be collected at the same time. This way you can collect the same heart piece multiple times.

>> No.5328346 [DELETED] 

Interestingly enough, these dudes are NOT a shitennou, they're called the Shisatsukyouma-jin, 四殺狂魔陣, meaning something like "the formation of four murderous devils".

>> No.5328349

Interestingly enough, these dudes >>5319912 are NOT a shitennou, they're called the Shisatsukyouma-jin, 四殺狂魔陣, meaning something like "the formation of four murderous devils".

>> No.5328361

"Basaquer" is also pretty obviously meant to be Berserker.