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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 256x224, Metroid plus saving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5066698 No.5066698 [Reply] [Original]

Here's some points of discussion:

1.) Project showoffs
2.) Hacking help
3.) ROM hack recommendations

Our ROM hack recommendation list can be found below:


Every hack featured on the list above can be downloaded at:


Can't remember the last time I saw this thread, and with all the threads popping up about translations and romhacks, I figured we could use this again.

>> No.5066716

Ooh does anyone know anything about SNES repro/putting a rom hack on a cartridge?

>> No.5066720

Flashcarts are cheaper unless you already have a rom burner.

>> No.5068640
File: 145 KB, 467x437, CodeDataLog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the Code Data Logger

The Code Data Logger is a simple but useful tool. It is helpful in developing a proper disassembly.

See, the only thing a computer can deal in is binary, ones and zeros. That's it. What those bits mean is determined by how it is interpreted. Is it a number, or a letter? Maybe it's an instruction or a pointer to somewhere else in memory. You can't actually know what some chunk of bits in memory are based only on the bits themselves. However the computer doesn't care. You just give it a starting point and it goes off on it's own. It will take the first byte and assume it is an instruction, then load the next zero or more bytes (however much as that particular command needs) as an operand, executes it, then does the very next byte.

So to disassemble machine code back into code, you could start at the beginning and sort of unzip your way through the file, except for the fact that you can change which byte is the next byte to execute via jumps, branches, straight up stack manipulation, or maybe even witchcraft (self modifying code.) These factors make such an approach...


Doing a complete job would end up requiring you to emulate the entire system. But hey! You're doing that anyways when you play a ROM on the emulator! This is where the Code Data Logger comes in. You start the logger and it will keep track of every byte in the entire file and watches as the instructions are executed. It will mark each byte as having been used as Code (instructions to the processor) or Data (used by the processor to do the command). You can then play the game until you've done everything the game can do, and by then you'll have marked up the entire file. A disassembler can then use this file to help it create accurate source code which, should, recompile into back into the same game you started with.

Now if you don't understand why anyone would get excited to have the source code for a game, don't worry, this tool just isn't for you.

>> No.5068641

Posting the new one because the last thread didn't last very long. Feedback is always welcome.

>> No.5069038

Huh, clever.

>> No.5069046

What's the deal with the SMWC Vanilla Level Design hacks? There's only the 1st, 7th, 8th, and 9th annual ones? Where's 2-6 and 10?

>> No.5069057 [DELETED] 

what ? do you have a 100% cdl of zelda 2 ?
i made one but it was not complete

>> No.5069059 [DELETED] 

o no , nevermind, i see you only did a little of it

>> No.5069095

individual levels exits but nobody has made an compilation of them yet

>> No.5069551

Someone a few weeks ago was working on finishing Infinity. Missed the download for it though. Anyone got a link?

>> No.5070481


>> No.5070501

>it's another SMW ROM hack episode
>it's another FF6 bugfix hack episode
>it's another retranslation hack episode
>it's another translation of some shitty dragon quest clone for the famicom that not even the Japanese cared about episode
>it's another SML2 color hack episode
>it's another cram random characters into games they don't belong to hack episode

Never thought I'd say this, but I genuinely miss the hacks that consisted of nothing more than drawing swastikas and dicks everywhere and drew Hitler moustaches on people.

>> No.5070503

I realized romhacks where just replaying the same exact old shit but this time in EXTREEM DIFFICULTY a long time ago

>> No.5070506

>OP's pic is of a hack that adds saving and QoL improvements to Metroid
>all these two /v/irgins can do is whine about the romhacks they don't like
Why does /v/ never contribute anything but complaints?

>> No.5070507

Wow, one hack out of THOUSANDS that are just the same hacks people keep making. Oh Gee it sure is impressive that you ported Quake to the SNES by overhauling SMW because it's the only fucking game that has been researched enough.

>> No.5070512

And no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to download or play Generic Hack #8,357. It's like saying that most movies are shit, so there's no point in watching good movies. Talk about something actually worth playing or go back to screaming about how you hate videogames on /v/.

>> No.5070541

No you don't.

>> No.5070586

Why are there no Super Mario RPG themed SMW romhacks? It has a lot of neat places to see and a lot of new common enemies that would be fun to think of custom patterns and gimmicks for in a 2D platformer setting.

>> No.5070620

Am say, make HAAAAACK with incel themes and Doritos themes.

>> No.5071013

>it's another SML2 color hack episode
Is there more than the one?

>> No.5071283

Thanks! Did they ever say how close it was to being done?

>> No.5071649

Don't know. That romhack posted and https://github.com/Shiningdomingo/infinity and https://github.com/infinity-gbc/infinity are the two source codes available for the game that I know of.

>> No.5073790

With as much as is changed in SMW, why don't people change up how mario controls and things he can do?

>> No.5073837

so how do i start nes romhacking?

>> No.5073864

Nice that. I miss /rhg/ generals that were about making and recommending romhacks, and weren't derailed (in one case, in the very OP) to only complain about hacks you and your other friend hate because politics and you want so much to show you're a good person and tell people what they should or should not discuss. That started happening about 4 or 5 generals ago.

inb4 politics are everywhere and my problem glasses and reptile eyes can only see that, and if you can't have this eye condition then you either love dick mario hacks or are a bad person who is supporting the status quo because you're not screeching with me all the time about politics everywhere every time.

>> No.5074270

BHDN exists. Beware, though. It's infested with edgelords and Trump supporters.

>> No.5074278

>SMB1 swahili translation

>> No.5074284

>it's another cram random characters into games they don't belong to hack episode

I haven't seen those in a while, except for that one guy that did like a dozen hacks for Streets Of Rage 2.

>> No.5074306

I am considering making a hack of Dr. Mario featuring Bill Cosby throwing pills into a drink

Would you play this?

>> No.5074325

Like 4chan?


>> No.5074349 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 480x480, Pokémon Adventure - Red Chapter Beta 13 Part 2 [Hack]_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5074443 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.5074909 [DELETED] 

Ow the edge.

Also >>5074443

>> No.5074965

I'm a complete noob. I had an idea of hacking deadly towers to reduce the number of hits enemies take to kill. How in the living hell would I even go about this? There's no documentation anywhere on the game. I'm trying to find out is this is even feasible. I don't expect it to be easy but what am I looking for here? I tried some articles on romhacking,net but all I could find for beginners is fucking hexadecimal tutorials.

I honestly don't expect spoon feeding or anything, but where would you even start with this?

>> No.5075001

Those values will be loaded into RAM at some point. Say if it takes 5 hits to kill something, you'd search for a 5 in RAM during the fight. Hit them once, then search for a 4. Hit them again and search for a 3. The pattern might be a bit different. It might start at zero and count up to n hits for instance. Mess around with it until you find the address where that RAM value is stored at.

Once you have the correct address, set a breakpoint at it to see what code accesses it. Depending on how the game uses the variable the next steps can vary a bit, but generally you will examine the nearby code to see where the numbers fit in. If it takes 5 hits to kill you'd be looking for a 5. It should indicate where in ROM the value came from, and from there it's easy to edit.

If there are a lot of different enemies the data will probably be stored in some table format. You'd want to compare ROM addresses for different enemies and see if you can spot any patterns.

Pick up one of the debugging emulators and play around. It will seem daunting but it's definitely a doable project.

>> No.5075002

first i'd find the documentations that does exist, like on https://www.romhacking.net/games/1517/
the rom and ram map is great to have if you can't find a full disassembly of it.

if it doesn't have the address you need then you could try to find it with a simple memory search
or you could learn assembly and use the debugger to find the address

finally you use your knowledge of hexadecimals and edit the rom with a hexeditor

>> No.5075005

this is example of a memory search

>> No.5075107

>There's no documentation anywhere on the game
Now that's simply not true. You didn't even check datacrystal.org. Though it's true that their ROM and RAM maps don't have enemy HP.

>Say if it takes 5 hits to kill something, you'd search for a 5 in RAM during the fight
Nah. You have the basic principles right (and I'm glad I don't have to explain them), but 1 hit = 1 HP is a silly thing to assume, and in this case it's wrong. Thankfully FCEUXD and its excellent RAM Search let you search for Less Than Previous Value, and that's where I easily found the table of enemy HP values at about 0521.

I enter 0521-0524 as a breakpoint in the built-in debugger and find the code where the first fireball enemy's HP is loaded into RAM:
>05:DEB5:B9 F7 DF LDA $DFF7,Y @ $DFFE = #$13
>05:DEB8:9D 20 05 STA $0520,X @ $0524 = #$00

The fireball is Enemy #7, and has 0x13 HP. By walking into a different room, I find a different enemy with 0x13 HP-- Enemy #62. 62 minus 7 is 55, so the enemy HP table in the ROM must be where there's two 0x13 values exactly 55 bytes apart. There's only one such location, and it's really easy to find using XVI32's wildcard search: 0x1600E. I change that first 0x13 to 0xFF and suddenly that first fireball has an irritating 255 HP. I change it to 0x00 and it dies in one hit. There's your enemy HP table.

Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

>> No.5075150


Never heard of this (again noob here) thanks for the link and info.


>> No.5075342

Yes, but profoundly worse.

>> No.5075980
File: 3 KB, 256x224, 4164screenshot3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was only a matter of time.

>> No.5076029


>> No.5076050
File: 81 KB, 456x386, 1526604271458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely one of the worst memes of 2018.

>> No.5076053

(And that's a good thing.)

>> No.5076065
File: 18 KB, 193x255, chiyo_wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Princess Peach has succumbed to madness and has captured Bowsette AND taken over Bowser’s Koopa Troop during his/her visit to Dinosaur Land.

>> No.5076097

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.5076179
File: 25 KB, 322x306, switch on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As enemy is fine and all but personally, I don't see the point if she ain't playable.

>> No.5076245

Apparently Kaze is working on that for SM64, solely because someone paid for him to do so.

>> No.5077168

its playable but it didn't work on an ed64. https://mega.nz/#!WSZUyaaI!L1zeWM3bpSDsSsT67bKndXXnZCgbM0zWMqPquwYJm04 the base rom isn't included, just patching files.

>> No.5077294 [DELETED] 

>"if you can't [only see politics everywhere] then you love dick mario hacks or support their politics"
>gee how about you go back to BHDN

BHDN is a trumpster echo chamber openly affiliated with /pol/ but so pathetic even them rejected their "support". Every single discussion there, including the best remotely half good discussion they have (SMT:if translation) is dripping with unrelated off-topic political talk they can't help but talk about them, every single time, and those posts outnumber by at least 300% the loosely romhacking related ones, like a Jehovah witness who likes to whip his political dick in public and show it off, and just as bad if not worse than the SJWs they complain about doing the same.

For all the shit they complain about RHDN, that site's admins at least allow their shit hack discussions, the technical part, the suggestions, the hosting, that stuff. Those who caught bans were discussing their politics (that include talk about the right to kill subhumans and race wars) on their general forum. They shit on RHDN (which has a lot of OTHER reasons to shit on,gotta say) because it's not political enough.

Now how does this exactly help me find a place that cuts to the chase and discuss romhacks, not what some internet rando thinks of politics, or asshats pushing zero-effort romhacks to bait political discussion and other asshats who say "this is why we need a romhacking metoo + add more barriers what hacks,games,people without problematic opinions twitter accounts, are kosher" (and the reverse can happen, see furry,MLP,gender-neutral hacks and siccing kotaku,nintendo on rhdn so they adopt a code of conduct, and the community pushback then co-opted by bhdn's goons)

2nd-to-last /rhg/ here had, right in the OP, a self appointed romhack PETA who goes on BHDN but also why Sonic 2 XL shouldn't be allowed and fun plans ahead. Useful rh-related pastebin links took too much precious space in OP to fit politics so it was gone. Fuck that shit.

>> No.5077384 [DELETED] 

I'm going to interpret your passionate, strong opinion that I don't actually understand as an attack on the ideology I have adopted as my identity. Because I have been taught to catastrophize everything, I will react to that personal slight as an assault on everything that gives my life meaning (even if I don't understand the ideology I claim in the least) and so I will say whatever it takes to upset you and signal my own self-righteousness over the situation. This will surely calm the anxiety I have hyped up to myself at the cost of derailing this promising thread with unrelated garbage. This will be worth it though, because it's more important to destroy anything and anyone who doesn't conform to my expectations, because I'm really just a big baby.

>> No.5077569

flag it for adding nothing of value

>> No.5077616 [DELETED] 


>> No.5077617


>> No.5077629

I fucking hate all of you

>> No.5077750

Now there's something I can agree with..

>> No.5077835 [DELETED] 

I'm glad Rotwang quit the site almost entirely. Fuck your SMT trash.

At least with things like BlueMaxima's Flashpoint, every Flash game gets added to an actual archive, regardless of all you sniveling faggots. Getting someone to give even a remote amount of shit to backup any of your dumb hacks is a miracle unto itself. It even takes someone in the Flashpoint Discord to bother writing a python script to scrape RHDN's trash.

Trump should also be decapitated along with you tards pretending to be politically neutral when you're definitely not.

>> No.5077847 [DELETED] 

>decapitated along with you tards pretending to be politically neutral when you're definitely not.
"Tired from the political derails? Too coward to identify with either side from the corrupt american two-party system and then never shut the fuck up about it? Fat chance, you're already the other side, and you must die."
When McCarthyism meets ISIS, it's chop-chop time. Those 44% that did not vote in 2016 better prepare themselves.

I had no idea he quit that site since I don't follow it like you seem to (with a passion as strong as your scorn for romhacking in general). Who cares, there's always a couple of other projects for SMT:if to stick it to ol' gideon, if u wanna hear something to ruin your day.

>> No.5078443
File: 20 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1510738227094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell. I'd take even a Nambona hack over this.

>> No.5078454 [SPOILER] 
File: 754 KB, 240x220, 1538533551276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5078458

Beat the first boss of Cool or Cruel Stage 12, feeling pretty good.

>> No.5078532

>someone actually bothers to get good enough with fucking Hyrule Magic to make a crazy romhack called Parallel Worlds for AlttP
>like most dedicated enough to actually create a full romhack of a game, he's an expert at all the little tricks and engine quirks, so it's insanely fucking hard
>barely anyone touches it because of this
>he gets super butthurt at all the people asking for an "easier version" and the lack of praise for his expert-only romhack
>creates an easier version
>same romhack, just large amounts of the puzzles and enemies removed outright
>nothing replaces them, rooms not edited, so the romhack is a lot of large rooms with very little to do in them
>barely anyone touches it either, since it's still much harder than the original game but now it's also bland and boring when it's not requiring you to pull of gimmick moves
I understand that most of the people who actually want to put in the time and effort to know a rom well enough to make something impressive will be experts at the game. I get that. I can't understand why 95% of the time they just make the hardest setup possible, or something that demands techniques or skills the original game never asked you for. At least some hackers appear to be catching on that basic improvement hacks like the speedup hacks and the SML2 colorization hack get far more attention from people than yet another HARDTYPE hack.

>> No.5078747

Someone else made Parallel Worlds Remodel.
And to answer your question, from what I understand is the people making these hacks want something more difficult. Like you said yourself, the author of Parallel Worlds knew the LttP engine inside out, which means if he hadn't used those little tricks and quirks, the hack would feel too easy and be seen as a failure in their own eyes.
The problem is they tend to go overboard and make hacks TOO difficult. Which is sometimes the intention, but still.

>> No.5079314 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt snowflake

>> No.5079332

currently playing dragon ball z team training, its a pokemon fire red hack that turns the whole world and sll the pokemon into dbz. its actually really fun and its still being worked on, up to v7 right now, heres the link.

>> No.5079427

The website is being a dick (I'm out and on my phone). Do you have an alternative site for it or can put it in the mega. Thanks

>> No.5079443

heres another link - http://www.mediafire.com/file/duc65u9q45x3p18/Dragon+Ball+Z+Team+Training+v7.zip about to go eat lunch with my son, when i get back ill post some screenshots. just got past nugget bridge and the whole town looks like namek, even the houses look like namek houses and the background looks like it too with the green water and everything. also theres 180 fighters so far and you can even do fusions and get just about any fighting character in all the dragon ball universe (including super)

>> No.5079486

Thanks anon
Hope you have a great lunch

>> No.5079597
File: 6 KB, 240x160, Dragon Ball Z-team-training-v7 romhack_10_03_2018_12_59_05_650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5079605
File: 2 KB, 240x160, Dragon Ball Z-team-training-v7 romhack_10_03_2018_13_00_01_322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5079612
File: 7 KB, 240x160, Dragon Ball Z-team-training-v7 romhack_10_03_2018_13_02_40_031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 more

>> No.5079617

I'll admit I know nothing about Dragon Ball so it might make sense in context, but that blue ground looks like eye-cancer.

>> No.5079645


>> No.5079653
File: 4 KB, 256x224, pacberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically kino :

>> No.5079660

i saw this earlier and almost downloaded to try it out, now youve convinced me.

>> No.5079737

Look at all this not-retro.

>> No.5079745

Does it control like pacman?

>> No.5079778

it controls like nes bomberman

>> No.5079781

missed opportunity.

>> No.5079816
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x810, tsugi_ni_omae_wa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remakes of retro games are allowed.

>> No.5079831

They're not remakes anymore, which makes them not retro. Unless it's a remake of a retro hack using a remake of a retro game.

>> No.5079898

this, this is the reason no one has fun

>> No.5079917


Just ignore it. Don't feed him and he will shit up another thread

>> No.5079937
File: 21 KB, 720x160, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about an adaptation of a retro manga using a remake of a retro game?

>> No.5079951

what game?

>> No.5079959

Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter
It's not complete, but that's because the author is adding a bunch of original stuff to it on top of being an adaptation of Pokemon Adventures. Right now the playable content goes up to the end of the third book.

>> No.5079960

>tfw trying ROM hacking for the first time on a game from scratch without any tools
I'm learning a lot (like text locations and learning about PRG ROM and CHR ROM and about the CHR format) but this is overwhelming. The game is in Japanese BTW but luckily I figured out how its text system works. The English version of the game has the PRG ROM mostly mapped on data crystal but that's apparently not useful for the Japanese version because everything is in different locations and different sizes.

>> No.5080006

>all these retarded over the top meme reactions

>> No.5080009

That's awesome.

>> No.5080026

Just beware the occasional edgy original content.

>> No.5080097

Edgier than the manga or similar?

>> No.5080158

What game?

>> No.5080210

going to play this and leave a good review only because all of the hate its getting lol

>> No.5080260

Just a teensy bit edgier.

>> No.5080365

Cut my life into pieces!

>> No.5080381

Beta 13 2f is the most recent? And the only one I need? Also his goals are insane. Not ragging on the guy but daaaamn

>> No.5080398

It's the most recent. I don't know what you mean by the only one you need though.

>> No.5081352

hi i think i'll try to make a zelda 2 editor
it will mostly include my assembly hacks and mods which i haven't really showed to anyone

am i cool yet

>> No.5081630

You'll be triple cool if you don't make it Open or Closed Source.
There's a hidden 3rd option.

>> No.5081636

Not cool until you make it.

>> No.5081648

it was going to be open source
what's the third option o.o

>> No.5081904


>> No.5081931
File: 29 KB, 234x347, 4c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good DKC 1/2/3 hacks out there?
I've been playing The Lost Levels hack for DKC 2, but the level design just isn't there unfortunately.
Something around the difficulty level of the originals would be ideal, slightly harder than original is cool too. No need (or time, or patience) for the masochistic kaizo stuff, though

>> No.5081945
File: 46 KB, 480x2456, adventurered_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rules are rules, anon. If we let small exceptions go it opens the gateway to Halo and CoD ending up on the board.
Though with the above said I do need to still post this image because Adventure Red is obscenely bad.

>> No.5081953

It's not obscenely bad at all. It's pretty impressive from a technical standpoint, and overall not a half bad game. It just suffers from a few poor choices of content here and there.

>> No.5082301

Is it all official things or are there fan fiction stuff like ssj3 Napa?

>> No.5082328

how do these rare hacks that remove slowdown work anyway? do they just optimize routines?

>> No.5082564

no i think its all official, nappa can evolve into a giant monkey but thats it, same with all sayins. but the giant monkey does get the golden form evolve so its not a total loss to invest into a side character.

>> No.5082585

Depends on what it is. For SNES, it's usually a situation where the game used SlowROM instead of FastROM since the SlowROM chips were cheaper at the time. For GameBoy, it's a matter of making it into a GBC game to take advantage of the faster processor of the GBC. Both types work on real hardware if you have a flashcart.

>> No.5083182

Thanks man

>> No.5084518

Bumping past the /v/ shit.

>> No.5084565


>> No.5084887

I wonder if it'd be possible to add Dragon Quest-style party chat to Earthbound
Would honestly improve the game a fuckton

>> No.5084943


>> No.5085250

>______: Boy, that sure was wacky and unexpected, huh guys?
>______: You're telling me, ______!

>> No.5085373

Really I just want the feeling of going on an adventure with my friends rather than just some battle functions

>> No.5085921

Does vr have a recommended pokehack chart?

>> No.5086586

I don't think so.
Prism and crystal clear are both pretty good.
Due to stupid drama though, finding the new crystal clear patch is a pain in the ass, so here's the rom for it:

>> No.5086664
File: 337 KB, 1023x717, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Final Fantasy VII received a new re-translation.


list of changes
>Shinra = Trump, self explanatory
>Sephiroth = Steve Bannon, worked for trump, now he's solo fighting for white supremacy around the globe.
>Hojo = Josef Mengele, crazy nazi scientist aka angel of death, since he's the father of sephiroth it fits strangely well with the one winged angel
>JENOVA = Aryan, a thing from the past that almost destroyed the world
>black coats = white coats, i want in the future to change the model to white, For a reference to KKK following the white supremacist, idk if i will do.

in related news, an Uniracer "uncensor" mod that replaces the profanity filter with Trump related stuff.

more mods with the same quality control as BHDN, how nice

>> No.5086669 [DELETED] 

Even as someone who's a leftist I think this is dumb as hell. Just retranslate the game without stupid American politics shoehorned in please.

>> No.5086672 [DELETED] 

faggot sjw cuck

>> No.5086678 [DELETED] 

There's the Dynamic Designs translations that need a retranslation too. Some editor called Wildbill would drone about Irak, libruls and sand people and unlike this there's no avoiding it.
No chance it will be hosted on RHDN because they hate stepping on toes, but it would be worth it. Might remove their lengthy intro screens to further trigger them too.

>> No.5086684

so does it literally just switch the names around for things or is there anything else different

>> No.5086697

some of the villain's lines too, can't deny that meme call
but it could be just that in general.

"localization jokes" were a mistake

>> No.5086771 [DELETED] 

this sounds like a job for libcuck wildbill

>> No.5086773

As a far right, anti-leftist, I don't agree with that hack, but I will shitpost for his right to make it. And I will briefly skim over the change list, chuckle slightly, then promptly ignore it, like I do all pointless retranslations of long ass RPGs that I've already played.

>> No.5086814

You know it's super gay when resetera members think it's gay

>> No.5087075

It has the same intellectual capacity as this thread, which is none.

>> No.5087168
File: 132 KB, 1024x896, whew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to start on a Kaizo hack that's much easier than my other ones; this is designed to be able to be beaten without the use of savestates.
Here's a preview of the first level: https://youtu.be/VFFrRYKyUsk

>> No.5087178

why do you people think that kick shell into wall and jump on it is a fun mechanic?

>> No.5087181

What do you mean by "you people"?

>> No.5087182

it's designed to make you feel awesome

>> No.5087195

What about a Kaizo hack that is designed with a sense of a megaman level? So introduce one trick in a safe area, apply the trick in a dangerous section, then do the trick again, but with a twist.

I still may not bother playing it, though.

>> No.5087221

that would be a pain in the ass to get it right in a single run due to lack of multiple midpoints in the mario world engine

>> No.5087226

>due to lack of multiple midpoints in the mario world engine

>> No.5087230

Yeah, I'm using the Retry System + Multiple Midpoints patch in my hack. Works really well.

>> No.5087515

Now I worry I might have made it too easy.

>> No.5087606

what's happening with the 2 yoshis there?

>> No.5087634

If you have two Yoshis spawned at once, one of them will be invisible, and won't act like a normal Yoshi when being ridden. When riding it, you can move around as if you weren't on Yoshi, but when you jump off of the invisible Yoshi, you'll be warped to whatever height the Yoshi was originally at when it spawned.

>> No.5087760

why are you linking to this shit?

>> No.5087907
File: 138 KB, 960x858, ysvexpert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone who can apply Aeon Genesis' Ys V rom hack to the expert version of the game? I don't know why he only applied it to the original. All that needs to be done is the hex code of the patch needs to be cut at the introduction and title screen, I think.

>> No.5087927
File: 43 KB, 1007x883, nice to meat you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started learning how to romhack a few weeks ago - kind of toying with the idea of translating Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir.

Started off by dicking around and managed to make a table of all the kanji/hiragana, then put in my own font (ended up using the one from Earthbound Beginnings for now) and then I made a program that lets me input the original hex, gives me the readout in Japanese, allows me to type in English and counts how many characters I can use, and outputs the hex.

I feel like I'm somewhat going about this the wrong way, since I'm just editing the .rom file and reloading the rom over and over and fast forwarding to where I want to be to test. I've tested creating a patch (I've translated the first 2-3 minutes of the game so far) and it works fine, but is there any proper way to test aside from fully reloading the game and fast forwarding?

Learning what I've learned so far has been really fun and something I've wanted to try for a long time. If I don't end up going anywhere with this I'll just be dropping everything I figured out so far somewhere so someone else could pick up the project or at least save a few hours of work.

>> No.5088790

Make save states.

>> No.5089102

Learn 6502 assembly. Someone had a link to a really good pdf waay back when (it was when megaman anon was imparting his knowledge)

>> No.5089107


>> No.5089236

no and because ys 5 was coded in such a way that any changes break the game

>> No.5089396

Game is exact pretty much the same as the original outside of different monster stats, I think. Both ROMs are exact same size. Shouldn't be too difficult.

>> No.5090061

>Both ROMs are exact same size.
you don't say.

>> No.5090335


>Im mad at politics
>I know i'll make a retranslation of ff7 that follows my political views!
>This'll show all these people i don't even know but hate because they aren't me!


>> No.5090931

Wow your a genius

>> No.5091517

I'm having some graphical issues with Sonic 2 Long Version, namely corrupted HUD, titlecards, and sprites on GCZ and HPZ. Sonic Retro says the bug is known, but doesn't indicate a fix. Most of the videos of this hack on YouTube show these levels displaying properly; anyone know how to fix it? I'm using Kega Fusion.

>> No.5091804

.MD or .BIN? I see the patches on rhdn require a .BIN, but emuparadise has a pre-patched .MD. Which one are you using?

>> No.5092035

BIN, but I didn't patch it myself. Just grabbed it from Sonic Retro.

On a hunch, I tried playing it in Gens, and the graphical glitches disappeared. Seeing as it's such an old hack, could it be that certain aspects of it actually rely on the inaccuracies of its contemporary emulators?

I kind of hope that's not the case. Gens doesn't feel nearly as nice now as it did in 2004.

>> No.5092059
File: 591 KB, 1280x1000, Screenshot_2018-10-09_03-11-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I just tried running it in Exodus. Same deal, certain sprites are corrupted or invisible.

>> No.5092063
File: 45 KB, 1280x1000, Screenshot_2018-10-09_03-16-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gens+ screenshot for comparison. It's easy to understand why it'd only run properly on a dated emulator; Sonic Hachelle-Bee didn't have access to the high-accuracy emulators we have now.

>> No.5093341

Dang, I hate romhacks that don't work on real hardware.

>> No.5093736 [DELETED] 

BHDN scum such as yourself needs to be forcibly removed from the internet.

Go back to your shitty containment forum.

>> No.5093815

I was kinda hopping my obvious shitpost a while back would help some people be aware that their extremely biased political ideology was shitting up the thread, but I suppose I over estimated the self awareness some people have.

On a not so unrelated note, I would like to thank the people that keep this thread trimmed of off topic bullshit. You're truly doing Mod's work.

>> No.5093825

learn this

>> No.5093890

Go back to you shithole where you belong kyo. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.5093972 [DELETED] 

Too Extreme for 4chan™ is a good tagline cause /pol/ & /r9k/ are for normies. We're posting in a society.

>> No.5094289 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, cabin sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5094703
File: 16 KB, 256x224, 3706titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, just played and finished Hyper Metroid for the first time.

For the love of god, if you like Super Metroid, play this hack. I tend to find SM hacks boring, poorly designed, just a slight rearrangement, too try hard, or just lacking the feeling of the original.

Hyper metroid is the first hack i've played that felt like it truly recreated the initial experience. Completely new looking templates, larger areas, curiosity and exploration are heavily awarded, a VERY interesting event and item progression, and the escape sequence was the stuff of legends. The event progression was what made it feel more new than anything else. Your knowledge of the order of operations in SM will NOT help you, leaving you to figure out where to go next based entirely on your abilities as opposed to 'who to fight next'. But most importantly, advanced tricks are not required to beat the game. There are some new things you're able to do with the abilities (Like keeping speed booster energy if you start space jumping and let go of the run button) but they are not hard to pull off.

Just so i'm not coming off as an advertisement, there were a few drawbacks. Backtracking is a bit of a pain with the larger areas. The altered story line is a TAD edgy but it didn't bother me, its not prevalent or anything. The speed booster jump ability i mentioned above is needed to progress past a certain point, but there is no indication how to do it, i am ashamed to admit i discovered it was possible by pulling up a speed run.

Other than those things though, i was hooked from start to finished. First hack i've played to the end and never got tired of along the way. The experience felt fresh and new and felt wholly satisfied by the end of it.

tl:dr, if you like Super Metroid, you will LOVE hyper metroid. And if you tend to be disappointed by SM hacks, you won't be by this one.

Best place to download it is from the hacks official site.

>> No.5094749

Does anyone know of a good pokemon romhack from an early gen (1/2/3) that follows the story of the orange islands? If not, i'm also happy for advice on where/how to find decent rom hacks without endless trial&error.

>> No.5094904

Pokemon naranja is the only hack I ever knew of orange islands stuff. Check out /vp/'s Rom hacking general though, they know a lot more than I

>> No.5095216

Cheers anon, both for the naranja recommendation and for pointing me to /vp/s general, which lists "pokemon orange" https://github.com/PiaCarrot/pokeorange

>> No.5095362

cant wait to try it!
someday i'll be able to beat a kaizo game

>> No.5095383

No problem man, I always wanted an orange islands style game when I was a kid. I found naranja like 10 years ago and was excited to play it but disappointed it wasn't finished. I didn't know about Pokemon orange, I'm gonna have to check it out. Thank you!

>> No.5095485

/v/iggers only hate it because it encourages OC.

>> No.5096046 [DELETED] 


>> No.5096286

Is that really such a bad thing when it's a good hack?

>> No.5096307
File: 54 KB, 280x210, ME0-Title-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shelved project was not that at all.

TCs are a thing yo

>> No.5096323


>3.) ROM hack recommendations

It's in the goddamn OP, nigger.

>> No.5096332


The key is to track down the ones that aren't. I hate extreme difficulty hacks, especially for games that were not super difficult t begin with. I want the same comfiness with new content. I don't mind new challenges, but if i start getting my shit constantly pushed in by a hack of a game i mastered in the original, it's just not fun.

>> No.5096343

well it does sound a little shilly and advertisementy, but the hack is completely free apparently and the website is plain .
The real crime is the hack is offered in unheadered form.

>> No.5096397


okay, i did type it out like a blog post, but i really did have a great time with it so was a little excited to talk about it. I only recommended the website because the other places i found it didnt have the newest version.

>> No.5096424

>The real crime is the hack is offered in unheadered form.
That's a good thing, dingus. You don't keep clean roms or something?

>> No.5096445
File: 144 KB, 1200x675, zelda-special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo just put an easymode romhack of The Legend of Zelda on Switch
>In this souped-up version of The Legend of Zelda, you’ll start with a ton of rupees and items! You’ll begin with all equipment, including the White Sword, the Magical Shield, the Blue Ring, and even the Power Bracelet. But if Ganon’s still giving you a hard time, the power of money will overcome! Just buy yourself some more items and give it another shot! Beating the game once grants you access to a more difficult version of the game called Second Quest.

>> No.5096459

now this could be actual shilling as it is a nintendo subscription service

does the nintendo switch emulator not have game genie support?

>> No.5096509

thats just save-state with half of the game beaten, not an rom hack

>does the nintendo switch emulator not have game genie support?
of course not, nintendo fucking sued Galoob back when it came out

>> No.5096539 [DELETED] 

vanilla FF7 is antisemitic, only nazis play it.

>> No.5098097

Vanilla FF7 makes nazis of anyone who play it.

>> No.5099613 [DELETED] 


>> No.5100389

don't know what else to tell you underaged, outside of the man himself said it'd be easier to post the stats than port the code to expert

>> No.5100547

So i've played "pokemon orange" from the github, and it's pretty rad - has quite an authentic gen1/2 feel to it. Turns out it's not finished, but it seems promising they'll finish it.

>> No.5101004

Why would anyone play this

>> No.5101401

really? it's not rocket science that children born in the 2000s might find Zelda a little obtuse and difficult. It's just allowing a more coddled generation to enjoy a retro game, and the original is there for those who want it.

>> No.5101470

Only the original is there. That's not a hack, it's just a savestate that's played the game and collects a bunch of shit that can be collected before setting foot in any of the dungeons.

>> No.5101475

This. Literally. IIRC, the moment you "start" a new game you see the sword beam the guy shot off just before saving the state. I don't have modern consoles so I can't test for myself, but if you go right from the start until you reach water you'll probably see a hidden cave that is already opened.

>> No.5101824
File: 88 KB, 800x800, 0012858809_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to learn gameboy ASM but having trouble with it

Any /rhg/-approved tutorials for it?

>> No.5101893
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, >jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight, /rhg/

How pozzed is the Romhacking community

Has it been taken over by purple-haired doc editors and fags yet?

>> No.5101928

>game played fine by children is now too hard for modern children
>solution is to make the game easier

Modern culture in a nutshell

>> No.5102151

It's because you're not a member of certain circlejerks that have claimed this thread.

>> No.5102152 [DELETED] 

What killed vidyamon?

>> No.5102157

Nothing afaik. My guess is that the author is busy atm.

Why do you have to invent fake conspiracies about a rom hack made on /vr/? Did the author reject your favorite meme?

>> No.5102196

>mfw can now understand the Pokered disassembly and understand what's going on, and what fits where

Haven't written too much of my own asm yet to figure out certain details (e.g. Text bering activated in certain scripts, but the script doesn't seem to 'include' the file, not sure if it's just generally accessible in the same folder or what)

>> No.5102208

Like speedrunning, it's full of mentally ill people. We're talking about a community populated largely by adults with enough time and social isolation to create and play mods to 20 year old kids game - fleeting nostalgia can't fuel that obsession.
I'm not sure what 'pozzed' means, but it's still a cool community to exist, i just wouldnt go too far down the rabbit hole.

>> No.5102235

W.T. Dinner became disinterested and moved on with other things, like drawing on /i/ and /ic/, and making porn for /f/.

>> No.5102343

Where did he say that? I used to play Ys like 15 years ago but only returned to video games recently so I haven't been following it.

>> No.5102519

Sad to hear, given that it actually promotes marketable skills (C, asm)

The decline of the speed running community was sad though, I don't even watch gdq these days, the vibe changed

>> No.5102548

I'm a software dev/ "engineer" that started out as a kid learning BASIC, then some simple assembly and then C. From my experience i don't think the sort of tehnical things romhackers are doing are very marketable, reverse engineering is quite a niche market and it really relies far more heavily in knoweldge of the particular platform (eg x86 arch, compilers, os apis). I'm not knocking romhackers at all, it takes dedication and is difficult to RE a closed system, but i wouldn't guess there's too large an intersection between romhackers and professional software devs.

FWIW i never liked the speedrunning 'community' much - its kind of sad seeing people grind months of their life to save a few seconds. I like speedrunning to see games broken, but i think the jump from "lets break this game" to "i'm going to shave 1 second off single-segment run and need specific categories" is where the crazy gets in.

>> No.5102621

Romhacking.net is a neogaf tier circlejerk
Baddesthacks is basically /pol/
Sonic Retor is alright though I think.

>> No.5102885
File: 73 KB, 350x217, DPRK_Hangtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to find a way to add or change a few of the heads in NBA Hangtime on the N64. A few extra fun heads and names would be fun. Pic related.

>> No.5103116

BaddestHacks seems to be closer to /b/ but run by 13yos

I see Nintendo Age have some romhacking discussion as well, where else is good? Or is /rhg/ the best we have

>> No.5103858

Anybody tried this? Seems pretty neat

>> No.5103867


Enjoy your Nambona kaizo shit.

>> No.5103892

Suggest somewhere better then you doppelneger

>> No.5103898 [DELETED] 

lol, here's some loli shit

>> No.5104262

Shit like this is another reason in a long list of reasons why people should stop giving Nintendo money.

>> No.5104378 [DELETED] 


>> No.5104436
File: 468 KB, 735x658, FMxTQNR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kremlin's Revenge for DKC isn't half bad

>> No.5105107

I became interested in ROM hacks because I wanted more of my favorite games but also being different experiences ex. Majoras Mask to Ocarina. Sucks that there are so little of ones that are good. Everything else besides stuff like OP's pic or SML 2 getting color are trash.

>> No.5105116

>fine by children
Not me, I struggled like hell with Zelda 1

>> No.5105190

Holy shit. Literally endless potential.

>> No.5105667 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone buy a Switch

>> No.5105674

I wonder that to myself every single day.

>> No.5107131

not retro

>> No.5107604

>t. Sony marketing exec

>> No.5107607

Sony blows ass.

>> No.5107665

Did Kanye West really make a romhack?

>> No.5107851

He hacked North vs South on NES to West vs The Rest

>> No.5108005

post link

>> No.5109409

This please.