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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 235 KB, 397x286, feoe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4959791 No.4959791 [Reply] [Original]

"Which is coming first - new PC Engine translations or Shin Megami Tensei: if" Edition

Here's some points of discussion:
1.) Project showoffs
2.) Hacking help
3.) ROM hack recommendations

- Our ROM hack recommendation list can be found here: http://pastebin.com/urs2AUgv
- Every hack featured on the list above can be downloaded at:

Useful tools:
- Debuggers: Mesen, FCEUX, bsnes+, BGB, no$gba, no$sns, no$psx, Gens 57v trace logger
- Static disassemblers: IDA Pro, xkas
- Tile editors: Tile Layer Pro, YY-CHR, Crystaltile2, Tilemolester
- Hexadecimal editors

New happenings:
- Mega Man X3 - Zero Project V4.0 romhack released, playable Zero like in the Japanese cell phone version
- Magical Knight Rayearth (Game Gear) translated to English
- Apparaden (PC-98) English in beta testing

>> No.4959807
File: 216 KB, 302x292, Neo Heiankyo Alien - NES - 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROM when

>> No.4960261
File: 191 KB, 356x353, eres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to visit RH for translation updates

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.4960285

I'm spanish myself and even I find it quite annoying.

>> No.4960295

Make some English translations then

>> No.4960412
File: 40 KB, 864x482, C0YCPcDWgAAXpyR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually hard to compete with poorly translated hex edits of every single game already in english in +200 console libraries that don't even add accentuated characters.

>Make some English translations then
means find games not already in english (so japanese in 90% of the cases) and fix up all the tiny details that make english not show correctly.

It's easy to spam RHDN with portuguese, french, italian etc translations in all caps.
Most people in those scenes have more self respect and do interesting things, like translate from Japanese directly to fix cut or changed content by the oh so funny NA localization teams, restore cut features (Mother 3 italian integrated the cut claus flashbacks and fixed some broken text in the english fantranslation)
This goes for the spanish scene too, that's poorly represented by these zerg rush waves when CUE and SkyBladeCloud did so many interesting translations pushing the enveloppe.

>> No.4960474

So what? You shouldn't be looking at "news" anyway. Bookmark the translation search page for the language you're interested in and visit that instead.


Try to think a little instead of bitching about things you don't like.

What did you expect? Not everybody has the technical know how to do that kind of complex shit. I know enough to be able to reverse engineer other people's code but I don't care enough to translate games to my native language. It's great that people are going to the trouble to do something I didn't care enough to bother with.

>> No.4960632

>What did you expect? Not everybody has the technical know how to do that kind of complex shit
alright, a tl;dr. Those english-to-spanish hacks
- are infinitely easier to do than japanese-to-english hacks
- even irredeemable shovelware no one plays is translated just for the sake of covering an entire console
- the hacks are incredibly low effort: truncated, badly translated, no accents, barely any graphical changes

Better yet, some of them were done for games that were translated officially, or by another more competent spanish romhacker with more effort and quality control. This spammer doesn't give a damn about the translations, but about a graph. It drags everything below - the site, the standards of spanish fan translations, etc.

>> No.4960646

Wow, it's some kind of automatic hacking bot? That pisses me off. Is it just feeding text to google translate or some shit and replacing the bytes automatically?

Who's this spammer faggot?

>> No.4961569 [DELETED] 

go back to B*** with your digital blackface and racism.

>> No.4961957 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 376x361, sonic_and_friends_a_la_sonic_2_xl_by_asuharamoon-d9iwnle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already derailed one general, that's enough for you.

>> No.4962058 [DELETED] 

I still find you scrublets funny, especially the ones claiming they never heard of BasedHaxingDotNet when it's been linked in OP's pastebin for the last 2+ years.

>> No.4962695

>rhdn still not offering to sort by last-modified-date
why live

>> No.4962938

I've ran into a problem. I saw this: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4017/ and wanted to try it on my everdrive. I tried patching with lunar. I've tried a few different versions of the rom. I've got it to work on an emulator but I can't get it to work on actual hardware. The closest I've got is the sega logo then the intro music on a constant loop with a black screen. I'd really like to play this version but I have no idea how to get it running on an everdrive. Does anyone have any ideas?

>> No.4963115

Write a scraper, collect the data and sort it yourself.

>> No.4964572
File: 595 KB, 859x560, DebugWindowV2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the FCEUX Debugger

See animated image for a rundown of the Debugger window.

The Debugger allows you to examine the state of the NES at any given time and view the code as it is executing. 6502 Assembly and the NES architecture in general is beyond the scope of this post, but resources are available online that describe these topics in detail.

When a game is running, if you just pause the emulation as it speeds through frame after frame, there is no telling where it will stop, so we use breakpoints to stop the program where we want it to. The breakpoints are a trap you set on a certain address (or range of addresses) that will pause the program when it tries to do something to that address, such as read from, write to, or execute and instruction on that address (or any combination thereof.) Conditions can also be specified ie: only break when you write 0x05 or higher to this address.

Once the breakpoint has triggered, the code the will display in the left window. To the right you will find all the different sections of the processor, such as what the current stack looks like, the contents of the registers and so on. By clicking the buttons near the top of that section, you can step through the code and watch it execute. "Run" simply continues running the program as normal. "Step Into" executes only one line of code and will follow into any subroutines that may get called. "Step Over" executes the next line of code but will do a subroutine before breaking again on the line after it returns. "Step Out" runs until the next RTS command, useful for getting out of a function and getting to the code that called it. "Run Line" will execute as much code as would be done in the time it takes to complete one scanline. "128 Lines" does the same but for about half a screen worth of scanlines.

Bookmarks can help you identify locations in the code.

Hint: Double clicking a breakpoint will toggle it on and off, and hex editor will highlight recently changed values.

>> No.4964574
File: 202 KB, 584x344, CheatSearchWindowV2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finding Variables With Cheat Search for FCEUX: A Primer

See animated image for a rundown of the Cheat Search window.

One way to find where data is stored in RAM is with the Cheat Search. The Cheat search works by making a list of every ram location and the value in that address at that point in time, then paring it down based on how that value changes.

So to start play the game until the variable you want to track down is sure to be loaded and hit the "Reset" button (on the Cheat Search Window!) That will populate the list on the right with every address in ram. Now start playing a bit of the game, then narrowing down the results.
If you think you know the exact value, you can put it in the box next to the "Known Value" button and hit the button.
If you know the value hasn't changed, use the "Equal" button.
"Not Equal", "Greater Than", and "Less Than" are as they say, but if you know exactly how much the value has changed by, you can put that in the box next to the button, and check the check box between them, to specify the parameters for that search.

This way you can easily narrow down the possible addresses to a few locations. If you mess up, or don't find it, just hit "Reset" and start over.

Some things to note:
1) This can only do 8bit values, anything that goes higher than 255 will be stored among two or more bytes and this cheat search will be of less help.
2) The value may not be kept as straightforward as you think. It may be stored in an unpacked Binary Coded Decimal format, or based on the display tile, or maybe the value is calculated as needed whenever called for.
3) The search only acts on the values in the results of the previous search. "Reset" will start the search over with the current ram. Keep this in mind if the game happens to briefly swap chunks of memory around at regular intervals. Notice the option at the bottom of the window.

>> No.4964579
File: 145 KB, 467x437, CodeDataLog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Introducing the Code Data Logger

The Code Data Logger is a simple but useful tool. It is helpful in developing a proper disassembly.

See, the only thing a computer can deal in is binary, ones and zeros. That's it. What those bits mean is determined by how it is interpreted. Is it a number, or a letter? Maybe it's an instruction or a pointer to somewhere else in memory. You can't actually know what some chunk of bits in memory are based only on the bits themselves. However the computer doesn't care. You just give it a starting point and it goes off on it's own. It will take the first byte and assume it is an instruction, then load the next zero or more bytes (however much as that particular command needs) as an operand, executes it, then does the very next byte.

So to disassemble machine code back into code, you could start at the beginning and sort of unzip your way through the file, except for the fact that you can change which byte is the next byte to execute via jumps, branches, straight up stack manipulation, or maybe even witchcraft (self modifying code.) These factors make such an approach...


Doing a complete job would end up requiring you to emulate the entire system. But hey! You're doing that anyways when you play a ROM on the emulator! This is where the Code Data Logger comes in. You start the logger and it will keep track of every byte in the entire file and watches as the instructions are executed. It will mark each byte as having been used as Code (instructions to the processor) or Data (used by the processor to do the command). You can then play the game until you've done everything the game can do, and by then you'll have marked up the entire file. A disassembler can then use this file to help it create accurate source code which, should, recompile into back into the same game you started with.

Now if you don't understand why anyone would get excited to have the source code for a game, don't worry, this tool just isn't for you.

>> No.4964692
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Screen Grab

>> No.4964695
File: 299 KB, 1080x995, 20180809_033918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last one before I'm done

>> No.4965569

I wish every emulator had a debugger like this.

>> No.4965654


>> No.4965709 [DELETED] 

Not this fucking shit again.

>> No.4966214

Sonic 2 XL Megamix when

>> No.4966612

From the readme for the hack, it appears to have some bugs to it. Odds are the guy tests it on the same emulator you use, so it didn't show up as a problem for him. This is why emulation accuracy matters.

>used this to try and disassemble Castlevania
>played through entire game twice, died and continued, died and game over, everything
>sat and let it go through demo mode a few dozen times
>96.8% mapped
I don't know what I'm missing.

>> No.4966653

i'm curious what the bug would be which prevents it working on real hardware.
for example, i made a nes romhack which did not work on real hardware because i did not initialize the ram i was using and had assumed it would initialize to #$00
also you probably don't need a full 100% as the missing details might be obvious in context of all the other maps

>> No.4966682

From the readme, it sounds like an issue with how the sound engine got modified, as the sound tends to glitch. My guess is, it's attempting to load sound and never ending loading, since you gotta turn the z80 off to send it sound data, then turn it back on. If it's stuck trying to send endless data, it would appear to lock up and the cpu would just keep going in circles. Which does sound like the problem you were having on the ED.

>> No.4966779

It's not about how often the code gets executed. The important thing is that every possible branch of code gets ran. Now there may be sections that are never used, assets that are never used, orphaned functions that are never called, maybe even branches of code for which the conditions just don't or can't occur when running.

Maybe the unknown parts are small enough that you can manually comb through the data. Use the "Save Unused Data..." button to create a rom out of just the unknown data. Open it up in a graphics viewer and see if anything is obviously graphic data that you just never encountered. But mostly it's about doing every possible thing that can be done, let every monster do every AI routine, collide every possible collision box with every other thing it interacts with, from every conceivable direction. Let every ounce of music and sound effects play out. Access debug modes and try everything.

>> No.4967383

Could be a lot of things
>unused graphical assets
>hard mode routine konami put in nes game to punish bootleg users
>secrets behind button combinations
>discarded programming (konami loved to test games on sram enabled carts and remove that in final)

>> No.4967758

rip vidyamon

>> No.4967828

>I don't know what I'm missing.

Welcome to software development. Many large programs have code coverage tests that attempt to execute 100% of the code in the program and many times they don't hit 100% either.

>> No.4970130

So, how about that Secret of Mana Gameplay Improvement hack? It's really nice, but I think the scroll hack makes so a huge difference.

>> No.4970347

Link it.

>> No.4970523

I'm looking forward to the english script insertion into that spanish star ocean hack

>> No.4971162

which Star Ocean hack?

>> No.4971262



>> No.4973027

Just about to play Sonic: Scorched Quest.

What other Sonic hacks are more or less complete (full game) and worth playing?

>> No.4973076
File: 45 KB, 376x361, sonic_and_friends_a_la_sonic_2_xl_by_asuharamoon-d9iwnle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sonic hacks that punish collecting rings.
>Sonic Boomed
>Sonic Omochao Edition
>Sonic 2 XL
>Sonic and the red rings of death

>> No.4973078

not stupid gimmicky joke hacks pls

>> No.4973781

Does anybody know of any good Earthbound/Mother 1 hacks? and don't you dare mention the Halloween one, fuck you Toby

>> No.4973824
File: 1.26 MB, 1152x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.4973834


>> No.4973851

>hurr 3rd world
>so brainlet he cant use the search feature or read the thread

kill yourself

>> No.4974194

Fuck you, at first it looked like a nice idea until you used all caps. Too bad.
The reason they do translation news this way is simple - there's hardly any new english translations to speak of.

>> No.4974386
File: 137 KB, 320x240, RoR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up the Ranger of Rage 2 patch on RHDN.Current version is playable, but there's a glitched animation frame in Tommy's walk cycle. Patch should be live tomorrow, but if you want to play the patched version now, the game is on the Sega Steam Workshop and MEGA.

>> No.4974390

Did not know links were allowed here.

Ranger of Rage 2 IPS Patch: https://mega.nz/#!mu5zlYTS!V05qe731i2Jcl18O7X7UznNTdJZU4clpj92dgNlCZ9s

>> No.4974449
File: 119 KB, 596x724, DbrACniUwAEME7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever finish the color hack of this game?

>> No.4974534

of course the patch goes through right when I post this...


>> No.4974571

I assume it's this:

>> No.4975243

>May 2018

>> No.4975554

Is there a version of Sonic 2 XL that uses these? At least the Tails ones since he's already playable in the original game

>> No.4975568

Don't know, you didn't post a link or even the name of it so we can't see it and figure it out. Nice low effort post phoneposter.

>> No.4976023
File: 90 KB, 1552x873, nesmaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone use ...?
what happened to this ?

>> No.4976160

I wish Sonic 2 XL Megamix was a thing.
No fatty climbing / flying sprites still, that could be interesting.
Worst case scenario, we could disable those abilities altogether for fat forms.

>> No.4976240

NES Maker came out Friday. About to try it out for myself, but they delivered on time. Tutorials are making their way to their YouTube channel and you can buy the program on their site for the same price as backers. Can't speak to the quality of the engine, but they delivered on time, which is super rare with game kickstarters. Major update is coming in October, but it seems feature complete as is.

>> No.4976263
File: 7 KB, 256x224, SMW_TRoW_00078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never posted here before, how's my world 1?

>> No.4976319

subtle swastika

>> No.4976424

Why are you using 8-bit graphics in a 16-bit game?

>> No.4976438

it's awesome my dude
mario 3 graphics with smw power

>> No.4976447

I just think it looks neat

>> No.4977043

Well Tails couldn't fly in the original Sonic 2, but it would make more sense if he did in this mod.

>> No.4977062
File: 108 KB, 512x448, Mother 2.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The peak of comedy, fits perfectly into the game

>> No.4977063
File: 5 KB, 256x224, CRM-TEST000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly you can see this officially done by Nintendo in the SNES test cartridge.

>> No.4977567 [DELETED] 

>merican edumacashun

>> No.4977582

>SMB3 graphics mixed with SMW graphics mixed with more advanced looking custom graphics

Your hack looks like shit tbqh. Settle on a consistent artstyle.

>> No.4977827

yes sir, i can recognize basic shapes
why? what do they teach u in skol?

>> No.4977842

>more advanced looking custom graphics
where? I just see SMB3, SMW, and SML2 graphics. Nothing advanced or custom beyond editing some SMW tiles to be 8bit and coloring the SML2 graphics.

>> No.4977851

In screenshots of the same hack at other places

>> No.4977857
File: 34 KB, 512x480, newsimage2076a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on HD Packs?

>> No.4977897

how do they work?
how can you increase texture resolution when hardware limitation exists?

>> No.4977909

Emulators have no such limits.

>> No.4977932

As far as I know it's a specialized emulator that runs the game code over outside graphics, ignoring any sort of limitations.
But I could be completely wrong.

>> No.4978524

>Too bad.

Write a small user script that removes the all caps? Are you people really this useless when it comes to programming?

>> No.4978551

I don't understand how such a thing could possibly work. The NES is already resource constrained as it is; did they really put a game engine on top of it? They say there's no programming involved and I honestly can't believe that. I can't imagine the kind of code it compiles down to either.

>Create assets with properties and behaviors to give developing for the NES an object-oriented feel, similar to modern tools such as GameMaker and Unity.

So is this similar to the type-tagged unions commonly found in actual NES games? I can't imagine it being anything else while also being efficient.

Though with that memory mapping feature and today's hardware we probably do have access to a lot more memory than 80s devs had.

>> No.4978565 [DELETED] 

It's magic.
If some guy could use an NES to emulate SNES games, I'm sure an HD pack can also be possible.

>> No.4978573

ach, never liked this name for the character, "Pokey" has a lot more subtlety desu

>> No.4978576

I'm not talking about HD packs, I'm talking about the NES maker thing. How does it work? What kind of code does it produce? This is an important question when you're targeting an extremely constrained platform such as the NES.

>> No.4978787

It crashed for me, so I dunno.

>> No.4978817

that samus movement hurts my eyes

>> No.4978826

I would guess it's not like compiling a language, but more assembling preengineered blocks of code. Like some sort of super linker. It's why it's so dependent on modules.
Then again all you need is a simple iterate through an array of function pointers technique and you could push a lot of heavy lifting into compile time.

>> No.4978856


More or less, NES Maker gives you a ton of pre-made ASM scripts, which you need to point to the proper objects for your game. For example, there's a physics object that can take scripts such as top-down, single-screen, and side-scroller. Nice part is you can edit any of the ASM scripts as you see fit.

There's only two tutorial videos live at the moment, but so far, I like what's included. The included Pixel Editor ensures that your tilesets follow the NES' strict size and color restrictions. They mentioned they'll have enough tutorials on their channel by the weekend for anyone to make a small game, so I'll have a much better idea of the engine's capabilities then.

I've published games using GameMaker, Construct 2, and Unity (doing C# coding or code blocks). NES Maker having a commercial license included should make any developer familiar with the above engines curious. Though if games are to be distributed on modern platforms, there will need to be an open source NES emulator that doesn't violate Nintendo's copyrights in any way. Regardless, you can always flash NES carts and sell them.

>> No.4980276


I just wanted to share this, this is a prepatched rom of Tales of Phantasia by DeJap, "Top_dx2l.ips - Patch for non-interleaved rom (lower case 8x8 font)" to be exact. I also want to rant a little bit about the state of rom distribution, patches, and how it's incompatible with the game preservation community.

What I did to patch this was a bit abnormal. I took the original BBS scene release of this rom, which was interleaved, deinterleaved it with ucon64, then added a header so I could patch it properly. I mostly fuck around with these things for fun and personal amusement, to see if I can really get the oldest known dump of a game to match the checksums in more current dat files. This is the first time I've dealt with an interleaved rom though. I noticed at least one of the patches on rhdn is only for the interleaved version, which of course is the first one that was ever distributed. Even the group that released it complained about not having a proper tool to convert it back in 1995.

This isn't the first time I've encountered something like this. The other day I wanted to use a patch for Earthbound. It requires a headered rom, most of them ask you to use the one with the md5 checksum abe493b665f7467000bcf8c373b323fd. I spent a bunch of time fucking around on google hoping to find it and after downloading a bunch of different Earthbound roms I finally hit on it. Maybe I could just guess what is the right format of header for a specific rom. Maybe it doesn't matter and I could just pad 512bytes on the rom then strip it out after patching and it will all be fine. I really don't know.

Another thing, lots of patches on rhdn specifically ask you to use a headered rom then provide filenames and checksums for headerless versions right underneath it. What the fuck is this nonsense? I understand that most of these projects haven't been worked on in many years and it's probably for the best that nobody touches them,

>> No.4980281

even if it does mean they won't be compatible with modern rom sets. But how the fuck are we ever going to make sense of all this in the future? All this hype about rom sites shutting down being a blow to game preservation yet I feel like all this content is much more vulurnable. Anyway sorry for the outpouring of autism.

>> No.4980284


I see, that'd make a lot of sense. Still, wouldn't every game play the same if they use the exact same modules? If nobody is actually going to program the game, how can it possibly be unique? And if you can and are supposed to edit the modules in order to customize the game, then it's hardly "no programming required".

I agree that tools such as the pixel editor are nice. I also read something about a music editor.

>> No.4980884

You can set up breakpoints in emulator debuggers that pause the game when a memory address is read from, written to, or code is executed there. Some emulators allow for further conditions to filter false positives and refine results (conditional breakpoints).

Developers looked at this and saw the potential in other things so they retooled the concept.
The company that developed X-BAND for snes (a kind of proto-Xbox Live ran from '94 to '96 over phone cables) did something similar, but to tally win/lose stats.
Retroachievements, and PS2 Classics on PS4, and a ps1 emulator for N2O on steam, took that one step further for, duh, achievements.
One Metroid 1 lua script for FCEUX used it for an overlay screen with a map and fancy visual effects.
Those HD packs use it for custom music, i think.

As for the graphics.
There's 1 hardware restriction that can be removed - sprite flickering (no more than 8 sprites horizontally on same line) that some emulators chose to circumvent but it's not provided as a default option because some games rely on that broken behavior on purpose for transparency or masking effects. It's on PC Engine too, and less noticeably because the limit is higher, on the genesis and snes.

Besides that? It runs an exact emulation.
The interesting stuff happens when the window is rendered for the emulator user (its state is still internally emulated accurately as if there's no HD)
The emulator renders an upscaled image of the internal render.
The game compares 8x8 blocks of graphics, or bigger blocks made out of these, to the MD5 hash of PNG files included in the texture_swap folder they have. This can be less than ideal when there's palette cycling (that generates +400 copies of the same sprite, lel).
If a match is found, that PNG file is overlaid on top of / replaces (? ... different emus) the upscaled image.

The Metroid 1 HD pack is one of the better ones.
HD packs require some tiling talent, and here some RE for sound. Wouldn't dismiss it.

>> No.4980925
File: 46 KB, 758x426, wiiuvc_supermariorpglegendofthesevenstars_03_mediaplayer_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good hacks for SMRPG? I loved this game as a kid and all the Geno/Smash talk made me want to replay it but I've been through it so many damn times already.

>> No.4980963
File: 7 KB, 319x288, Release the kracken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been messing around with Infinity for the GBC. Managed to bring in an un-used boss after finding out how to change the battles and enemy data. (albit, with a messed up pallet)

Any interest in hack to finish it?

>> No.4981601

>One Metroid 1 lua script for FCEUX used it for an overlay screen with a map and fancy visual effects.

I've also seen scripts to display hitboxes, enemy health, letting you click and drag them all over the place... Really, every emulator should have FCEUX-tier debuggers and Lua scripting built in. It's just not fun otherwise.

>> No.4981967

Jesus, dude. Self-referential humor is the absolute worst.

>> No.4982876

a version of a mod of the game Conflict for the NES.

Arab-Israeli Version.


>> No.4982932 [DELETED] 

Would you bother compiling a list of such scripts you know of for a fellow anon? The RHDN admins are autists and think anything outside their vision of what is a romhack isn't allowed period (got even to the point of policing mapper changes, hacks made using complete rom disassembly, 60Hz hacks, hacks to remove their longass intros, or to make some games run better on emulators like the boktai solar sensor...)

>> No.4982942 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile no translator would touch the Daisenryaku series with a thousand foot pole and that is an actual competent strategy series set in real war settings ("controversial" because ww2 and vietnam but somehow western sims get a pass)
If BHDN wants some legitimity besides their SMT:if stunt, that could be one low hanging fruit they could go for.

>> No.4982949 [DELETED] 

Fuck off. No one gives a shit.

>> No.4982958

Heard it was just 90% completed but no details what bosses and content is missing.

>> No.4982963 [DELETED] 

What's going on with SMT If?

>> No.4982964 [DELETED] 

Don't respond. It's a shitter from another site.

>> No.4982972 [DELETED] 

I don't care but my guess is that after Gideon had a break down on twitter, that BDHN claimed they'd handle the SMT:if translation in a vain attempt to convince people that they're anything other than the romhacking equivalent of Terryshitters.

>> No.4982975
File: 2 KB, 183x157, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my lewd hacks? I wanna see some PIXELS.

>> No.4983016

Says the shitter.

BHDN is a romhacking site specialized in politically incorrect romhacks made for shock value. Not content to be tolerated on RHDN (who do that because they want to try to be an archival website for better or worse) they want to consume the site with their stuff, but it turns people off for reasons inherent to the hacks.
Gideon Zhi is a romhacker with a bunch of translations (AG), however he's oft criticized for hoarding projects, using his position as a moderator for those ends, selling his hacks after tearing down people who did that before, and the BHDN people (who at some points tried to associate with actual /pol/) have a beef with him personally over diametrically opposite twitter politics.

Gideon had a meltdown over SMT:if and said it's finished but he won't release it, went to release 5 great battle translated games and then a super robot taisen game, something he said to be out of spite because "the smt fanbase is undeserving" or whatever. Now he's REALLY ignoring it.
Rotwang, of BHDN, an actual competent romhacker (objectively speaking) whose talents are so far wasted on their usual shit tier hacks, said he will make this his first translation hack, and managed to extract the font; the table, and figured out a lot of the text engine. Gamefaqs has a complete translated script they want to use. yet, for after that, it's anything but a smooth ride from what it seems.
A better project to look out for is the translation of the ps1 version, which is better, and some significant advances (tools, complete text dump) were made. It already has complete english support even in jp.

>> No.4983074

There's eight boss fights that aren't in the game, and the final dungeon has no enemy encounters.

Some other stuff like some spells and skills also never got finished either.

>> No.4983191

Has anyone tried the Symphony of the Night Hardtype hack? If so, how was it? Was thinking of doing a playthrough, but I've only done regular playthroughs of the original game.

>> No.4983462

Do you have a list of those lua scripts since they're not allowed on RHDN?
Asking again because some drama-loving shitter requested my question to be removed.

>> No.4983493

I am trying to extract gifs/images from a game, but accessing them can be a pain in the ass. If I dump the rom of the operations I can't reach, how can my computer then interpret them into visual information for humans? Windows gallery?

>> No.4983630

Weren't there a few maps missing from this as well?

>> No.4983716

Same way you'd view any nes graphics, YYChar, Tile Molester, TLP, or any other such viewer.

>> No.4983878
File: 146 KB, 512x260, kingdom Hearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the have more shit that needs translated. Derp.
Uh. You already can play as zero in V3. So what's different?

>> No.4983885

Sonic Classic Heroes is the definitive sonic 1 & 2 hack. I see no point in playing any other version of the first two games.

>> No.4983901

Earthbound fucking sucks.

>> No.4984027

crazy question but i want to make a zelda 2 nes editor i don't suppose anyone can help with it? i literally got all the details down anyway and i am probably most familiar with the disassembly but i'm a life failure haha still i'll get it done probably

i'm thinking it'll be like enabling special features and hooks for the game and allow custom code then all i have to do is make these special "scripts" for the editor then most normal "advanced asm" tasks can easily be implemented

>> No.4984461

The problem is that it isn't a NES game (MAME), and I don't even know if the tools listed under OP's post would work.

>> No.4984465

Which game are you hacking?
I might know a relevant editing tool.

>> No.4984501

Honestly, there are a bunch of them that I'd like to hack, many of which run on the Qix engine. I am trying to retrieve any and all titty pics from these awful games just for my own amusement. Maybe even "update" them with modern chics and release them, but of course this is too far away from me now.

I am willing to learn coding just for some nostalgia fap. Sex really is a drive.

>> No.4984518

Oh dear.
I feel that you may be shit out of luck on that front.

>> No.4984554

In what regard?

If some Koreans were able to hack a game and market it as their own 22 years ago with the equipment of 22 years ago, I don't see it impossible.

Any idea(s) how/where to begin?

>> No.4984581

I know nothing about the graphics of those sort of games. I was expecting you to say you were tinkering with some older arcade game.
I'd probably tell you to go through every rom, drop them in YY-CHR, and check every tile type to see if anything resembling a person, or a tit appears, but I get the impression you might have done that already.

>> No.4984682

Cant someone pirate the NESmaker program already? Assembly is stone-age

>> No.4984828

Actually I haven't even downloaded the related software (beyond the roms), but thanks both for the lead and for considering me deft enough to have done so.
I am more or less doing my research and this seems incredibly captivating. I will be updating. Perhaps I can get some help IRL or something.
PS: It blew my mind that in order to have a digitised rom each individual rom chip in the board had to be chemically compromised. Each game we play needed the destruction of one of its bodies. There is something incredibly poetic about that.
Hacking is what Faust was about. Creating new life from existing matter.

>> No.4985024

did you google for it? i found this download of it i don't what it is exactly http://austinmckinley.com/8bit/the-tools.html

>> No.4985698 [DELETED] 

>if BHDN wants some legitimacy
I post a decent amount to BHDN, but to be honest, if anything helps push more people out of this 'hobby' as much as you guys do, I'm all for it. I'm kind of tired of this, so maybe I'll just finish this hack & drop off the planet like Jomb did. I wouldn't be surprised if he got sick of them, either. He had a DeviantArt account like I do, but the site sucks.

I primarily got into this due to wanting to make some sprite art but decided to add it to the ROM since I didn't really know of any good sprite tool like GraphicsGale (since no one here is very helpful). There's tons of drawings of Muhammad, Nazis & "worse" shit on every mainstream art site like Pixiv, DeviantArt, FurAffinity & elsewhere, so I don't see what the problem is with these Literally Who hacking sites. You should check the "porngrind" tag on Bandcamp for lulz. I could upload the soundtrack to one of my hacks with the modified .NSF file and probably not see a single takedown complaint.
(have to log in)

I'll start uploading screenshots and links to my shit on one of these sites and see what happens (probably nothing). Nude furry shit pisses off BHDN, and I think I'll do that. There's a nude Sesame Street hack that was on the old "badhacks" site but one of the current admintards openly refused to put it up, so yeah, being too extreme for BHDN sounds fun.

There's an old BHDNer named Vectrex28 that's the moderator of "The Brewery" on NintendoAge who makes homebrew like Commie Killer & Cornball Cocksuckers. He barely talks to them, and I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks they're mostly idiots. MojonTwins makes some nice titty homebrew but doesn't talk to them, either.

GoodSet > """hacking sites"""

>> No.4985982


That'll give you the .exe but you need a unique verification code and a valid email to use the program.

It only costs $36. Stop being a poorfag and buy it.

>> No.4986118
File: 17 KB, 319x288, Snowflake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more Infinity stuff. Fixing up some missing enemy graphics while I try to figure out how to change the boss pallets to what they should be.

Here's a snowflake monster just chilling in a meadow.

>> No.4986295

I found a minimap for Mega Man 2 (source in the video description):




>This script was inspired by the "Mega Man 2 LASER EYES" script by miau.

This laser eyes script shows hitboxes with enemy name, health and position around every on-screen enemy, allows you to move them with the mouse and also move mega man himself.

>> No.4986597

well no
this would be a simple assembly task to "crack" it as is traditionally done

>> No.4986949

MAME has a debug mode accessible thru command line, and occasionally hardware documentation commented in the source code (awful readability but better than nothing)

>> No.4986975

I checked the debug menu out and it just showed the tiles of "active" elements (i.e. sprites), but no background images.

>> No.4987034

So the tools are inadequate...
You can probably dump the entire memory map using it, at the very least, do you?
That should have the tile info (the images, as scattered tiles of a larger puzzle), the palette info (the colors) and the layout info (how the tiles are arranged onscreen) for the current frame.
Using the information from the source code, you can probably make your own tools to interpret these elements as a functional sprite / BG viewer (with any luck, the tile info should be viewable in any tile editor with the right tile mode, but arcade tile modes are esoteric enough that could not suffice)

>> No.4987046

I wouldn't be so quick to assess the utility of the tools, given that I have only tinkered briefly with mame's own debugging menu and nothing else. It can be (and it surely is) incompetence on my part. I'll be on my own computer tonight and I'll check out the various options.
But for the time being compiling my own hacking tool seems to be a very distant dream.