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File: 26 KB, 640x400, 39329-the-elder-scrolls-chapter-ii-daggerfall-dos-screenshot-it-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
491676 No.491676 [Reply] [Original]

>finished starter dungeon
>completed first main quest about speaking with a woman

What should i do now? follow the main quest?
I prefer doing sidequests but should i do random sidequests?
I'm an argonian archer.

>> No.491698

i always camp in the wilderness mowing down monsters til my skills and lvl are up then i do all the story line quests

>> No.491725
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>walk a whole fucking town to get to a shop
>guards arrest me, accused of vagrancy
>not guilty, yay
>instantly i fell to the ground exhausted altough i had full stamina bar, then i fucking die in the middle of the town

>> No.491752

uninstall before the tedious and all the bad game design reveals itself.

oh Daggershit, why can't you be a decent game....

>> No.491760
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0. Keep multiple saves.
1. Most quests have a time limit.
2. Get a horse and wagon as soon as you can.
3. The game gets ass-rapingly hard at random points.
4. Read the following link:
5. Use the following version of the game:

Good luck, negro.

>> No.491765

find that graveyard place and start grinding
take quests from thief and mage guild but avoid anything that have you travel to a dungeon.

>> No.491773
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>Have to deliver a package at merbury
>Ask everyone for the woman i'm looking for
>A vendor tells me he has no fucking idea who she is
>ask more around the town, a man redirects me to that shop again
>turns out it was his fucking daughter

I'll pretend it's alzheimer

Thank you man

>> No.491797
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Haven't you read the tutorial?
It recommends to join a guild, temple or knight order.

Save before asking for quests, so you can reload when you get silly ones.

"Hello Knight lvl 2. Please kill this deadroth for me."
"Hello Knight lvl 2. Please go into the dungeon of epic hugeness to kill this atron..."
"Hello Knight lvl 2. Please kill 20 vampire lords in th..."
"Hello Knight lvl 2. Please fence these highly illegal drugs for our pure and noble knightly order."

Also draw maps of dungeons you enter, since the built in map system can be very misleading.

Actually don't enter dungeons at all.

Actually don't take random quests either.

Actually just uninstall this shitty rpg and play a good one.

Did you read all this in my voice, Outlander?

>> No.491808

He didn't want a strange man talking to his daughter

>> No.491810

>Giant Rats
The time of PCs will soon be upon us

>> No.491876
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Holy shit i was told Daggerfall was one of the best TES, did i do wrong?

>> No.491908

Daggerfall storytime?

>have to climb into attic
>ladder is impossible to climb
>climb blank wall instead

>visit shop
>accidentally climb door
>get catapulted through three stories into void and die

>walk on street
>fall into void between tiles and die

>have to kill monster and loot item
>monster sinks into the ground and dies
>can't reach t loot

>have to get item from dungeon
>item is in a room reachable through a hole
>hole is in the ceiling so you can't climb back

>get ambushed in creepy cemetary
>fight a shitload of wraits and ghosts
>messenger casually walks up to me to deliver a letter
>proceed fighting ghosts and feel unimportant comparted to that badass errant boy

>talk to npcs
>they call me khajit
>I'm breton

>want to wait for shop to open
>accidentally click rest

>> No.491919

Loitering laws INFURIATED me

>> No.491952

Daggerfall is fun, but it's the antithesis of modern RPGs.
The game doesn't give a shit about you and more often than not will actively try to fuck with you.

>> No.491961
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>hole is in the ceiling so you can't climb back

>not turning yourself into a bat and fly back

>> No.491970

New to Daggerfall?

Get recall and use it. Finding your way out of dungeon from the very bottom is near impossible.

Activate cheats, use the [ and ] keys to teleport between important areas of current dungeon.

Cheese simple single-cell 'dungeons' at a graveyard for loot.

>> No.492015

Daggerfall quite similar to a roguelike, in that all the dungeons and treasure are randomised.

Problem is the dungeons are in three dimensions, which makes them a complete mess.

I like Daggerfall, but there is no denying that it is deeply flawed.

>> No.492017

>Advocating cheating instead of playing games as intended and on their first play-through.

I hope you step on a lego.

>> No.492041

>set up at Fighter's Guild after leaving first dungeon
>ask for quests
>"hey can you go kill this daedra for us?"
>do I look like fucking Superman?
>say no
>"well I guess you're just a coward"

And you're just a dumbass, I guess.

>> No.492047

>Playing Daggerfall as 'intended'
>Having fun

Choose one.

>> No.492057

this is my problem with it as well. I can't for the life of me figure out how to leave a dungeon or find what I need to find sometimes.

sometimes you hear that gay atronarch scream through the walls and you don't know where the fuck to go.

if there is any decent dungeon map fix for this game, pls let me know.

because I can't see shit, captn...

>> No.492059
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I know, i love old and hard games, but this one is quite strange.

>accept a quest to protect a vendor at midnight from some assassins in his house
>rest with him a little bit to wait for the hour
>suddenly HALT inside the house
>arrested for vagrancy

this is worse than criminal scum
I love old games with their bugs and their hard gameplay, but again this one is quite weird


>enter orc dungeon to save a little girl
>explore the huge dungeon, don't know what to do
>come back to a big hall, se a chain, spam spacebar on it because bored
>after several spams it gives me levitation buff
>I'm flying


>> No.492067

is elder scrolls arena worse then daggerfall?

>> No.492070

probably. and tbh battlespire is just as shit.

>> No.492079

>a strange man

>implying that not every single fuckface in Daggerfall is a strange man

dude, you got weird ass edgy and evil cosmic sorcerers in mage guilds, completely naked bitches sitting on the dirty floor in pubs, hobos in rugs and what not. the court jesters are pretty much the only persons who appear normal in this game even if most of them are probably like Cicero.

>> No.492091

Battlespire. This one is cyber-vandalism. I hate everything about it. Except the box, it looked neat. If I ever had buyer's remorse, then for Battlespire.

Daggerfall is a lot of fun, if you never enter a dungeon. It's kind of stupid but the overworld and the randomized settlements were fun to dick around with. The dungeons not so much. Also trying out three billion gazillion different class/skill/race combos with the character creator.

>> No.492119

Where do you go to kill stuff then if not in dungeons? I'm looking for that

>> No.492117


But dungeon crawling and random loot is fun...hmmm, are there any RPGs that handle what Daggerfall tried to do, but better? Maybe not as huge of a game?

>> No.492123

I actually never had trouble with dungeons. I just stuck to the left wall and, just about every single time, I found what I needed and was able to return safely (or teleport back). Sometimes I would leave a trail of useless loot to help me find my way. I had a lot of fun in the dungeons. I would get excited when exploring a dungeon and I found a map to another dungeon. I'd write down its name and be eager to go there after I was done there.

If, for some reason, I couldn't find what I needed, I just left and failed the quest. You don't have to complete every quest, and it's not a huge deal if you fail a few.

With a little practice you'll be a master dungeoneer in no time. You can't expect to be good at navigating them on your first tries.

>> No.492130

>Being bad at vidya


>> No.492148

What the hell? It's nothing to do with difficulty, why do people jump to this conclusion.

It's about having fun. Daggerfall dungeons are absolutely fucked to begin with, and you WILL come across the occasional unsolveable dungeon because of the shitty randomised layout. The only other option besides cheating when coming across an impossible dungeon, is to reload a save that was taken before entering the dungeon.

>> No.492150

Cheats are the only thing that's going to save you from the horrible bugs, like accidentaly climbing or falling out of the map.

>> No.492193
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Character builds, guys?
Can we share our character builds?

In my opinion, the best option to create a character in Daggerfall is tochoose some fighting-connected race, like a Nord, and then create custom class.
Now, you can pick all the disadvantages connected to magic, and, in example, choose quick regeneration and such for advantages. Then take all the points from intelligence and personality and distribute them among actually useful stats. Also have running, jumping and climbing in the third set of skills, they can prove useful.

Never choose a thief. In fact, you have to be a mage to join the thieves' guild.

>> No.492218

I always get my speed to 100 as soon as possible, and try to start it at a high number. At least in the upper 70s. It's not running I care about, but attacking. A high speed means faster attack swings. At 100 speed I can get 5 swings of the sword in before an enemy can get 1. Sometimes more.

I always take immunity to paralysis as an advantage, too.

>> No.492253

>Welcome to Daggerfall

>> No.492274

>Arena is just....
>Plus it took me like an hour to get it to work smoothly on my DOSBOX emulator, fucking fuck.
I was happier than a motherfucker when I finally beat it.
Plus I played as a High Elf mage, sooooooooooo everything raped me.

>> No.492276

Highest End because HP is per level up.

Magic bonus because magic isn't useable otherwise. Even if you don't use it after the first dungeon it is nice to know you aren't lock out from using spells.

Also fuck most skills. The only ones that is hard to train would be weapon skills, backstabbing, dodge, critical and sneak. Pickpocking the rats then healing after the first dungeon can give you a decent amount of money with no risk and even level you up a few.

>> No.492278

>Be Altmer
>Immune to Paralysis by nature
>Take crippling weakness to Paralysis
>Free points as immunity cancels out weakness

>> No.492279

>Comparing characters in this game to characters in that shitty game Skyrim.

>> No.492285

>Everyone go play Morrowind now.

>> No.492296
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>all dem jesters, they be wack as shit dawg! They be some CRAZY ass muthafuckas.

>> No.492295

I wouldn't be caught dead playing as a filthy elf!

>> No.492301

Thank you.

>> No.492312

Please go back to /v/. That isn't necessary. Two wrongs don't make a right and with that said he was just saying so he isn't even wrong. Have you even seen the jesters? You would most likely agree if you did.

If you take a weakness to disease and get it again by the quiz then you actually become borderline immune to it.

>> No.492323
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Implying /V/ isn't anything but CCCCAAAWWWAAAADDDDDOOOTTTTYYYY and skyrim.
Do you even 4chan?

>> No.492339

OP here.
I found Skyrim to be a good game too, but casualized indeed.

>> No.492346

Doesn't keep /v/ from making itself the worst board beside /mlp/ and /b/.

If I want to talk about a game I go in this order:
/vr/ - It too new?
/vp/ or /vg/ - Not Pokemon or slightly too old for a general?
O well, I guess I can't talk about this game.

>> No.492354


But I have, anon. It's really boring. I appreciate the unique setting and story, but the gameplay is a chore.

>> No.492365

>yeah I'll give you that.
Honestly I know this is /VR/ but I really enjoyed Oblivion, I mean really enjoyed it, I'm sure you've played it before.
But anytime some mentions it I got on a 4 week playing spree anytime I have free time until I get my character too far in.

I honestly think it's the best TES

>> No.492452


I haven't done enough time with Oblivion, but I'm willing to give it another shot.

>> No.492463

Choose a melee build, Redguard preferably, and choose the steed stone so you can run.
Up speed to 100 ASAP, and run around enjoying yourself.

>> No.492471

The only way I really played Oblivion was by modding it into a fantasy rape simulator...

>> No.492481

The thing with Oblivion is, that it's only fun if you have a fun character, since the world itself is boring and the main quest is awful.

I had good fun with my redguard pirate since I didn't gave a shit about anything, seized the ship in the waterfront and filled it up with loot, plunder, wine bottles, fruit, books and skeletons.

Whenever someone set foot on my ship, they were in for it.
The water around the ship was full with guard's corpses and wine bottles.

>> No.492510

I enjoy how "boring" the world was myself.
In my eyes, it's serene, peaceful, plus the artwork, the graphics as a whole looks like a giant painting.
Of course it's all opinionated, and seeing as we're on /VR/ we're gonna have some VERY opinionated people, but that's my two cents on it, perhaps you'll find the same enjoyment as I did in it looking at if from a relaxing standpoint as opposed to a "RIP AND TEAR!" Doom aspect.

>> No.492529
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guy you replied to here.

I mean...really, now? that's enough to make you throw a fit? because that post is weirding me out.

>> No.492579

>looking for quest NPC/shop in Daggerfall
>ask a random person on the street
>he has no idea
>keep asking him for 50 more times
>he tells me the NPC/shop is to the southwest
>keep asking another 50 times
>he marks it on my map

On to pointers:
-Archery is not that useful
-Ideal build is one weapon skill followed by many, many magic skills
-Not having an int multiplier for your mana is retarded
-Not being able to cast spells is retarded (I'm pretty sure the game openly mocks you towards the end if you cannot cast levitate)
-Fighters guild and Mages guild are easy to join and both have many dungeon-free, easy to complete quests. Mages guild has better rewards in terms of loot and magical items.
-Knight orders and temples usually ask you to go dungeon crawling.
-Don't go dungeon crawling. If you do, remember that the dungeon itself is your enemy, not the residents. You are more likely to get lost before you have your first dangerous encounter.
-Get back-ups of your saves. Daggerfall likes to rape your saves so you cry like a baby. Take precautions.

>> No.492603

>-Don't go dungeon crawling. If you do, remember that the dungeon itself is your enemy, not the residents. You are more likely to get lost before you have your first dangerous encounter.
I seriously think you guys are just over exaggerating on this. Other than when I was an absolute beginner, I have had no trouble dungeon crawling. It takes practice to navigate them, but if you just avoid them, you'll never get that practice.

And I find the number of bugged, impossible to complete dungeons appear far less often than some people are saying. I can complete probably 9 out of 10 missions that require entering a dungeon.

>> No.492609


Shit, just get Recall and set your point up at the door when you enter.

>> No.492616

Oh sure, once you start getting a feel for how dungeons are modular and recognize the randomized modules (and how the wall tiles etc change when you jump from one to the next) it becomes easy.

It's just that when you are playing for the first time or you're still a newbie the dungeons can be a bit overwhelming.

>> No.493114

>play mage
>use shock spell
>use it again
>still nothing
>try again
>out of mana
>get killed by rat

>try again
>still nothing
>decide to use sword
>this item is prohibited to your class

>> No.493230


>What should i do now?

Anything. Wander around the countryside if you feel like it.

>> No.493372
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>wander around the countryside

>> No.493398

Yes, that's a really good idea, since the towns and settlements are only miles apart.
And we're talking actual miles here.
Walking from one town to the next might take an hour or two of traveling vast empty landscape.

>> No.493425

You know ...
dungeons in which you get lost easily isn't really a bad thing.
But what ruins it is that there's nothing there.
Only the same stuff that you can buy in shops.

>> No.493484


Keywords here are WANDER and FEEL. I didn't mention anything about trying to fight anything out there.

>> No.493985

>trying to clear the first dungeon without the ebony dagger or elven flail

Kill me.

>> No.495538
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>try to wander and feel


>> No.495580

I remember the day I realized this in like 1997, it totally changed the game for me.

>> No.495601

That's why I played a mage.

It gives you the best variety (no "use best attack" all the time), lots of experimentation, and a good progression of power.

I can say the only Elder Scrolls game I haven't enjoyed thoroughly was Oblivion, because the level scaling is so ass, and the world is so ass, that I just can't deal with it.

Admiteddly, I use SkyRE on Skyrim to alter a lot of its gameplay. Then again, I never had an issue with Skyrim except for the really odd level scaling later on with Draugr and with the magic system, which I think is shit (muh spellcrafting). SkyRE pretty much fixes all of that for me.

>> No.496194

This thread is reminding me of a "Skyrim Online" discussion I overheard a few days ago at a mall

I've never really played daggerfall, I've always just dicked around in the first dungeon then got bored, I should make an extensive playthrough of it some day

>> No.498472

currently doing the main quest
just came back from visiting the king of worms
investigating the lysandus ghost affair now

how do I regain mana?
you can't rest in dungeons and I haven't found
anything that resembles a healing or mana potion
can you also regain stamina other than with spells?

>> No.498481

join a guild
fighters guild in your case, I suppose

do some quests
save before taking one, so you can reload if it sucks

gear up
looting graveyards is more rewarding than dungeons

you'll get pointers for the main quest via messenger from time to time

>> No.498583

>start Morrowind
>miss enemies almost any time, with a sword from point blank range
>fail almost every spell you try to cast
>the fuck

Seriously, I'd love to get into Morrowind, it seems so damn interesting and stuff, but the combat/spell system, I just... can't.

Can you give a few tips how to not suck in Morrowind?

>> No.498601


Use console commands to boost your skill rates above failure levels,

>> No.498609

Probably late to the party, but I seem to recall you have to follow through with like the first 3 or 4 parts of the main quest line before you are free from the THE GAME IS FUCKED, RESTART time limit because if you don't do certain things in the main quest fast enough, your considered an enemy of the empire and thus the main story line is shut out forever.

Also I really liked daggerfall, and it did some really cool ass shit that impressed the hell outta me, like normally it takes a little bit to load up a dungeon upon entering one (Playing on a 73mhz machine) but one time, jesus fucking christ, I went to sleep in the wilderness, got up and started walking around for the hell of it and a fucking daedra flys at me from out of nowhere, since i'm low level and I shouldn't be fighting shit beyond spriggans right now, this seemed crazy, and then it hit me, and I was instantly inside a dungeon, no load times, just teleported ontop of a spire in the middle of a multi floored dungeon where all the floors were opened up around the spire and they were crawling with various daedra, and at the bottom of the spire was water filled with the worst ones of all.

I was fucked, various spells were starting to fly in, so I just jumped and got wrecked in the water. I still have no fucking idea what had happened but that was crazy.

>> No.498626

The best way to get into this game is to create a godly character for your first time. Seriously, it's a great game, but EVERYTHING depends on the character creation.
Make a high elf, lower your luck and personality and have at least 80 speed and agility at the start. Put critical weakness to diseases, magical aptitude x3, a specialization for your weapon of choice and a fast health regeneration in darkness. Balance it off with other weaknesses like inability to wear useless armor like orcish or forbidding weapons. Go with the highest enemy reaction time.

>> No.498629

The only thing you need to do is meet with the Emperor's agent that sends you a letter. After that you may do as you please.
People greatly exaggerate the difficulty of this game. Yeah, it wants to fuck you over, but you take that shit like a man and get used to it. It's also incredibly easy to make a ridiculously powerful character when you know how.

>> No.498656


I think there is some quest where a daedra can capture you, I think I'm recalling something like that happening.

>> No.498657


Morrowind is not like that. If you use weapons you have skill points in, like you should, you will hit most of the time, even in the beginning. Sure, magic is harder, but that's just how it is. Also, fatigue is a factor in success level of spells and ability to hit (and you can see the probability of a successful casting next to the spell in the inventory).

>> No.498707

Train a combat skill up so you hit most of the time if you're having troubles. At first, you're going to be a hobo in Balmora digging through crates to find some gold and things to sell.
Do the first few main quests and first few of a guild or two, then you'll have enough money to train your shit up. Also don't keep your fatigue bar at 0, keep some food or restore fatigue potions around, and if you forsee a big fight coming up wait/rest for an hour.

Don't always run, walking can be beneficial too.

>> No.498795

You can create spells in the mage guild.
Make yourself a training spell of each school that costs as little mana as possible.
Then keep casting them like the first of the north star.
You'll level up your mage in no time.

Stick to one type of weapons and train it.

Also buying training is the fastest way to level up and improve skills,
but it get's expensive fast.