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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 10 KB, 400x131, TREASURE-Co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3519853 No.3519853 [Reply] [Original]

Are they overrated?

>> No.3519859

No, if anything they are a bit underrated.

>> No.3519885

Are you overrated?

>> No.3519890

No, but I have aged poorly.

>> No.3519892

>Are they overrated?


>> No.3519895


>> No.3519908


They're the WayForward of /vr/.

>> No.3519918



Hell no

>> No.3519926

Their shmups, maybe.

Their other games? Not really.

>> No.3519935

I bought dynamite headdy just because vr jerks it over treasure and i wanted to see what the hype was about

>> No.3519960

You're going to have to elaborate.

Did you come across it for dirt cheap after researching the price at some flea market knowing that it's talked about here in high regard that you would give the game a shot or did you hear about the game so much you emulated it to check it out before liking it enough to buy a copy?

>> No.3520010

Maybe, I don't know

>> No.3520028


Only Treasure shmup I like is Gigawing. I really don't give a shit about the rest.

>> No.3520030

Explain. They are brought up in every thread. Everyone knows about them. I bet if you asked your family member they'd tel youl who Treasure is.

>> No.3520031

Oh, it's this thread again.

>> No.3520037

> Treasure shmup
> Gigawing

>> No.3520096

Anyone played Ikaruga?

>> No.3520108

Yes. Their STGs are dog shit

>> No.3520342

>Are they overrated?
calling shit overrated is dumb

praise what you wanna praise and play what you wanna play goddammit

>> No.3520356

Yeah but they're overrated cause their games are pretty dang good.

>> No.3520375

Yes, they made good games which resulted in people hyping them to be "the best"

>> No.3520405

I will never get why everybody on here has to ask if things are overrated/underrated.

It's a video game company. Why do I give a shit how they are "rated" if I either like or dislike their games.

>> No.3520429

They are extremely overrated. The only treasure game I've played and even thought was OK was Wario World, and that has a special place in my heart.

>> No.3520431

Mars Matrix is their only good game.

>> No.3520440

>mario retards

>> No.3520472

This. Plus it gets stupid judging a game based on its company when the specific staff involved can vary hugely from game to game. It's people who make the game, not the company.

>> No.3520483

>They are brought up in every thread
They're mostly brought up on STGs thread and it's always to shit on them due to "ikaruga is for normies REEEEEE!"

>Everyone knows about them

On /vr/? Sure. In general? Not really. And knowing about them doesn't mean they're instantly awebeerraydeed, as I said they are actually underrated around here because contrarians and shmup tryhards.

>> No.3520492

I enjoyed their Bangai-o games.

>> No.3520704

I never played a satisfying treasure game. Biggest disappointment was radiant silvergun after all the hype that glorified turd gets.

>> No.3520720

no cave is

>> No.3520818

>t. Treasurefag

>> No.3520828


>t. salty contrarian

I don't even need to be a "treasurefag" to notice you're exactly what he's describing.

>> No.3520879

I just bought it
Its prettty damn nice

>> No.3520881

I like how they put "video games" on their company logo. No "software", no "entertainment" or other bullshit, just plain Video Games. Describes the company pretty well.

>> No.3521008

>same Treasurefag
>same mad

>> No.3521010


How is "Treasurefag" even an insult? it's like saying Capcomfag or Konamifag. Trasure didn't even made any console or system for people to be "fag" about.

>> No.3521012

Why would all that information be necessary spergo?

>> No.3521028

Didn't know Treasurefags were this dumb.

>> No.3521030


Yeah fucking Treasurefags, right, fellow [insert company you like]fag?

>> No.3521056
File: 22 KB, 320x217, homhom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely overrated
treasure make only shit games

>> No.3521090

>shit taste

like clockwork

>> No.3521335

Fuck off, TIDF.

>> No.3521346

yeah a bit
mainly because casuals think about them like some jesus christ of action games. Their games were good but there are many companies that were as good if not better on those genres

>> No.3521347


>being this salty over the fact most people like Treasure's games and that doesn't necessarily mean they're "Treasurefags"

You lost.

>> No.3521349

Wasn't even that guy, I just think you're acting like an obnoxious zealot.

Not everyone has to suck your company's dick, ya know.

>> No.3521358


I wasn't the other guy either, what a coincidence.
I just think saying "all treasure games are shit" or "only treasurefags can like treasure" is a bit of an stupid line of thought, don't you think?

>Not everyone has to suck your company's dick, ya know.

Treasure is not my company, and I actually agree with this. Who was talking about sucking dicks? I'm not saying Treasure are the best ever or anything.

>> No.3521509

Shit > Treasure

>> No.3521516

Check the ip counter for proof, it went up when I made that post.

Also, if you didn't think they weren't the best, why do you get so defensive whenever someone says their games aren't all they're cracked up to be? You're clearly a Treasure fanboy.

>> No.3521520

Have they made anything that isn't a generic sidescroller or gimmicky shump?

>> No.3521536


>ip counter.

First, I wasn't doubting you. I'm not any of the other guys who were arguing, and second, you can post with a different IP from your phone, ip doesn't mean much when it comes to samefag.


I'm not a "Treasure fanboy", I actually agree with this anon, more or less: >>3521346
Minus the "casual" part, I only use that word ironically since it's a marketing buzzword that doesn't really have much meaning.

>> No.3521558

Babby's first niche dev

>> No.3521569


Who would be adult's last niche dev?

>> No.3521575

OP made this thread to bait the fools on here to bash Treasure.

Treasure threads are truly the most cancerous threads on this board besides of NESfag survival horror threads, it's all just bait.

>> No.3521649

>tfw /vr/ has finally be redpilled on the mediocrity of treasure

>> No.3521650

What a glorious feel indeed.

>> No.3521651


Who are you quoting?

>> No.3521653


So what developers do we like, guys? We must hate everything right? Internet hate machine, heh heh.

>> No.3521657

data east

>> No.3521658
File: 73 KB, 287x432, Screen_Shot_2013-03-04_at_5.31.26_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you betray her /vr/?

>> No.3521660


Okay, but for how long? If they become too popular, we must start hating them right? heh heh

>> No.3521662


>1 autist

/vr/ is not one person.

Also Mischief Makers emulates like shit so a lot of people can't play it easily.

>> No.3521665

I liked Gunstar Heroes and the Astro Boy game. The later because of all the Tezuka cameos.

>> No.3521670

Treasuredrones can be categorised into two types of shitposters:

Shitposter A: the Nintendildo. Has only played Mischief Makers and Wario World on the Wii e-shop and thinks they're the best games ever. Never leaves his comfort zone. Very nostalgic memories of Nintendo, and little else.

Shitposter B: the Segaspie. Thinks the Sega Mega Drive is the greatest gift to mankind. Worships the fuck out of Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier, despite being mediocre run 'n gun shooters, to put it politely. Thinks Ikaruga is the greatest shump of all time because IGN told him so. Will get laughed out of belt scroller threads for liking/praising Guardian Heroes.

>> No.3521672

>belt scroller
entire post disregarded

>> No.3521675


found the anglo cuck

>> No.3521676


>Alien Soldier

Don't you think you're a trying a bit too hard? Also we all know you actually like the Mega Drive, your only beef is with Nintendo.

Also, Mischief Makers isn't on e-anything, it never got a re-release, not a lot of Nintendo fans know about it. Also, "Nintendildos" are supposed to only care for Mario, rite?

>> No.3521690

I honestly can't think of anything good they've done. Extremely overrated.

Just scrolled through their Wikipedia page and yeah, there aren't any good games here.

>> No.3521698
File: 132 KB, 800x1108, lightcrusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their best game is ironically the game Treasurefags never mention.

>> No.3521723


It's mentioned from time to time, dunno if I'd call it their best, but it's definitely unique for a japanese game. I like the game though, puzzles are very nice and has interesting enemies, some funny humor too.
Not a big fan of the isometric perspective though, but it's not too bad I guess.
Their actual best game that nobody mentions is Yu Yu Hakusho.


But Treasure games have been released on PS2, Xbox 360, Steam... plus emulation exists. I don't think Treasure is only a segafag thing or whatever, you're reading too much into it.

>> No.3521729

Is shitposting overrated?

>> No.3521775

More like the PG of /vr/. Make the same types of average games over and over and have an autistic, cult-like fanbase.

>> No.3521780


Phil Fish, go to bed, Fez was never good.

>> No.3521885

fez is more creative than anything treasure's ever shat out

>> No.3521897
File: 7 KB, 192x154, 1958391_674736752583620_74284876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro video game board
>$20 N64 game
>"Most people can't play it easily"

>> No.3521902


>people are now actually defending indie hipster garbage just to shitpost Treasure

/vr/ has reached new lows.


>> No.3521905


Keyword being "easily".
Most people here are emulatorfags.

>> No.3521923

Is there a poll or something? Would actually like to know cause those battlestation threads seem awfully popular. I feel most people own physical stuff, whether it be legit consoles or clones or whatever.

>> No.3521980
File: 5 KB, 256x256, 325765758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Gunstar Heroes
> Alien Soldier
> Radiant Silvergun
> Ikaruga
> Gradius V
> Sin and Punishment 1/2

How much of an edgy contrarian do you have to be to shit on Treasure of all things?

>> No.3522004




What is it with Treasure babies and buzzwords?

>> No.3522005

No. They ruined Gradius.

>> No.3522042

I beat Mischief Makers on emulator.

Try again, Treasurefag.

>> No.3522058

I agree with you. It's a pain and a waste of time. What are you trying to say, your personal tastes are more important than those of other people? Well I think the beatles are shit. Come at me bro, let's shitpost the night away

>> No.3522069
File: 196 KB, 500x359, cutestarplat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alien Soldier
oh son, really. lighten up, git gud and drop the bitterness.

>> No.3522097

AS is more of a tech demo to push the Mark V to the extreme than an actual game. Treasure made the bosses but forgot to design the levels for them.

>> No.3522174

Anon, I urge you to educate yourself.
They had to rush it to market so they had to leave stuff out. The game system, as Nami puts it, is "uniquely fun", which clearly implies the core of the game was in a finished state, or at least that it was good enough for Nami. He's terribly passionate about Alien Soldier, and you can sense his passion while playing the game. This was never a tech demo.

>> No.3522178

>people are now actually defending indie hipster garbage built from stolen code and concepts just to shitpost Treasure

>> No.3522268

>mediocre run 'n gun shooters
tell me about better ones, please? hopefully you can show me the light, oh One True Anon

>> No.3522472
File: 6 KB, 500x300, squaresoft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as overrated as this shitty company.

>> No.3522485

ps1 was god tier

>> No.3522503

i'll give you einhander, but the rest can be trashed

>> No.3522519

So that mess of a game with overcomplicated controls and sprites too big to move around is actually a finished product. That's so much better.

>> No.3522590

Kekkk now tresurefags resort too makeing shit up about actual good game's too prove they're point.

>> No.3522607

You do know they made games outside of Final Fantasy right?

Breath of Fire
Valkyrie Profile
Vagrant Story
Brave Fencer Musashi
Super Mario RPG
Chrono Trigger / Cross

And thats just to name a few.

>> No.3522609

and all of those are shit, wtf is your point lol

>> No.3522614

Well sorry you hate fun.

>> No.3522615

Literally all of those being complete garbage that only contrarian hipsters claim too like.

>> No.3522695
File: 63 KB, 1000x1192, 1472852731879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mark V

>> No.3522738

Yep, you're actually retarded. I'm afraid it's terminal.

>> No.3523316

The only actually fun game there is Musashi, also BoF is by Capcom.

>> No.3523371


this thread is doing it's job, i see

>> No.3523374
File: 18 KB, 147x85, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3523682

Their best game is Gunstar Heroes.
Stop being an idiot.

>> No.3523689

Shoe Ting Games

whats the problem?

>> No.3523698

>Shoe Ting Games

>> No.3524383

No. They're just hated for being perfect.

Think of White people and how every other race sees them.

>> No.3524405

>i don't know what contrarian means
>in a thread devoted to shitting on a company because they are popular in their niche

>> No.3524647

>t. Treasurebabby

>> No.3524653
File: 26 KB, 190x170, 756848638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3524657

>goo goo ga ga

>> No.3524703
File: 165 KB, 895x937, 8653893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3524723
File: 20 KB, 289x399, fishg00x4001362276266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super obvious troll thread
>109 replies
>53 posters

Successful fishing thread was successful.
/vr/ I am disappoint.

>> No.3524725
File: 2.00 MB, 484x272, 5478745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything i don't like is trolling

>> No.3524726


Any thread that starts with "overrated" is bait though, it's not a matter of liking things or not.

it's probably the most used buzzword on /vr/

>> No.3524734

the whole point of an op is to start a discussion and it succeeded. people calling thread starters bait are the same people who probably wonder why their threads all fucking die, and being bait doesn't mean its trolling

>> No.3524753
File: 46 KB, 500x290, Sin and Punishment,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first Sin and Punishment is their best game.

>> No.3524767


So you're defending threads that start with "overrated"? Do you use the word "overrated" unironically?

>> No.3524770

More like the most used buzzword ever.

But that's the thing, you know this is b8, since Treasure is way too obscure to the general public to be overrated, asking "Is this overrated to /vr/?" is a question dripping with raw autism

>> No.3524776

cry more

>> No.3524779
File: 841 KB, 831x624, fish11.18-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying "Are they overrated" was an attempt at serious or interesting discussion

Points for a successful fishing trip, but don't pretend that's not what it was.

>> No.3524783


Sick comeback bro.

>> No.3524872

if you dumbasses don't like it use a filter. just add "/overrated/i" and then check "hide". wow problem solved, now you can stop sperging out

>> No.3524894

Maybe next time actually say something worthwhile instead of just a buzzword and no meaningful content. If this was your honest attempt at a real thread that's embarrassing.

>> No.3524958

i didn't make the thread paranoid retard but go ahead and keep posting your hot opinions and bumping the thread that will sure make him stop!

>> No.3524976

Why? You're getting all upset over this. I'm good.

>> No.3524984


I'm not sperging (another buzzword, by the way), I'm just asking if you really are defending an "overrated" thread and if you use the word unironically.

I'm not even defending Treasure, I'm talking about the use of the word "overrated" on this board in general.

>> No.3525001

>page 1
good, stop complaining then because so long as retards like you keep bumping threads you dislike and not the ones you actually like bait threads will be reoccuring

ive never used the word overrated but i defend the right to do so. every thread started with it hits bump limit in less than a week so why should people stop? also there are so many "overrated" threads on the other boards im sure you don't actually leave this one. seems like every other day dark souls and deus ex are called overrated on /v/, thinkpads and linux are overrated on /g/, etc

>> No.3525029

>ive never used the word overrated but i defend the right to do so.

Sure, OP could have used the word in a way that was interesting but he obviously didn't bother on purpose. Why are you unironically defending a cookie cutter bait thread?

>> No.3526878

It was alright.

>> No.3526887


Agreed, the sequel was also really good.