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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 144x138, treasure-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3493923 No.3493923 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more perfect and incredible retro company?

>> No.3493929


>> No.3493945

Gradius III was rushed shit. Contra Force was shit. Castlevania IV was shit. PSX Goemon was shit. Rocket Knight 2 was shit. Tokimeki Memorial was otakushit. Their beat 'em ups were all style over substance.

Try again, nigga.

>> No.3493946
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>> No.3493976
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There you go.

>> No.3493982

>Is there a more perfect and incredible retro company?

Is that a trick question

>> No.3493984


woah look at all these hot opinions.

The only bad PS1 Goemon was the 3D one, the 2D ones were good.

>> No.3494015

Hey I'm American.

>> No.3494017


>> No.3494018


>> No.3494132

Seriously, just name one (1) bad retro Treasure game. I fucking dare you, /vr/.

>> No.3494134


Shitposters are able to call any game "shit".

>> No.3494142

aren't Australians the shit posters? American posters are much more diverse.

>> No.3494158

their games are pretty damn good but a bit overpraised on /vr/ for their difficulty.

>> No.3494161


If anything Treasure is underrated on /vr/, especially their shmups.

/vr/ is very contrarian.

>> No.3494181

Guardian Heroes

>> No.3494201

Can you elaborate? Many people love that game.

>> No.3494207

Is there a more medicore and overhyped company who only made one good game?

>> No.3494234


What company are you talking about?

>> No.3494235

>only made one good game?
Which is?

>> No.3494236


seconding this, since they've got a borderline perfect track record and /vr/ can't find anything to actually hate they just scream about it being bad, it's pretty silly.

>> No.3494239
File: 6 KB, 777x246, Irem_logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You bet your ass there is.

>> No.3494241
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ah welcome to the cool club my friend, mountain dew on tap. no no your money is no good here

>> No.3494242

Bangai-O. The balanced Dreamcast version, not the garbage N64 version.

>> No.3494245

Not sure about it being underrated but everyone on here generally agrees Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Sin & Punishment and Bangai-O are good games never played their shumps so wouldn't know.

>> No.3494251
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Disqualified, because they made this shit.

>> No.3494254

>Many people love that game.
By "many people" do you mean other Treasurefags?

>> No.3494275


Do you mean people other than the 2 or 3 anti-Treasurefags on /vr/ hate that game?

>> No.3494279

>Do you mean people
What people?

>> No.3494282


You're right, my bad. Sub-humans.

>> No.3494286

Let me guess, you're one of those butthurt Sonyboys who's upset that Treasure chose Saturn/N64 over PSX.

>> No.3494308

Literally meme games: the developer

>> No.3494323


If they are a "meme developer" as you say, then why don't you like them?

>> No.3494327

No, I'm glorious Arcade master race. I couldn't care less about your petty console squabbles.

>> No.3494331


Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun are arcade games.


>> No.3494336

On hardware that is based off console specs, therefore, they are trash.

>> No.3494339

Not much of a Sony guy though; even if I was why would I be so bummed about not having one or two companies make gaems for consoles I like.

>> No.3494341


By 'retro company' I assume we're only talking about releases from 1999 and older. In which case, Irem most definitely has a flawless track record.

>> No.3494358


Can you post a pic of your PCB collection anon? I'd like to see it. Timestamped if possible desu.

>> No.3494362

here ya go

>> No.3494374



And you claimed to be "Arcade master race".


>> No.3494378

Does emulation change the fact that they are still arcade games?

>> No.3494393
File: 38 KB, 480x480, dfdfdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know god damn Gamefags, what kind of fag plays video games god knows I don't go on vr playing actual vidya grames because someone might also mistake me for not being autistic like yourself anon-kun! lets share a drink over these troglodytes who plays inferior hardware!

>> No.3494435
File: 624 KB, 2592x1944, Lent_out_SS_Silhouette_Mirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make me feel bad for liking the games I played in my youth. I think Treasure is a good developer, sometimes their games are over-designed, but I still had fun with them. I hope you're happy.

Sorry about the rush job picture. N64 Bangaioh is covered, lent out Saturn Silhouette Mirage, forgot Sega Ages Gunstar Treasure Box, don't own Buster's Bad Dream (hard for me to find), and I am too poor to afford Alien Soldier.

>> No.3494468
File: 66 KB, 500x414, f200390bbf4769279a0161f031ef3fac76a508d52ba12cbf8b698da24745eca0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first Japanese niche dev

>> No.3494472


Cool stuff, you should get the US version of Omega Factor, it's got improvements over the japanese one.

>> No.3494495

You're missing something very important.

Dat Light Crusader.

>> No.3494498

This thread proves that treasure cucks are part of the cancer killing /vr/.

>> No.3494513


How so? We're just enjoying vidya.

>I am too poor
>owns Radiant Silvergun, bangai-O N64 and Rakugaki Showtime

Nice collection anon.

>> No.3494520

I'd say the contrarians are actually the ones spreading the cancer.

>> No.3494534

Yeah like this Treasurefag here >>3493945

>> No.3494557


If you knew anything, you'd know treasurefags like Castlevania IV because it was programmed by Mitsuru Yaida.
That was just a contrarian shitposter false-flagging as usual. Note how most of the games he's shitting on are SNES games, too. I think I have an idea of who might be behind that post.

>> No.3494562
File: 677 KB, 2592x1944, Contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see, I was (still am) mostly a weeaboo gamer. am starting to get some US games, and I hope to see the differences the US version offers (probably through emulation).

CRAP! You're right, but I think I did try that a long time ago on emulation and ... I didn't get it. Kinda preferred the western RPGs on DOS back then. I should give it another chance sometime.

The stuff was bought in their time when they were new, and wasn't cheap then on release. Radiant Silvergun was from buyrite for $55+shipping, Bangaioh on N64 is pretty common to my knowledge, and Rakugaki Showtime was $40 on clearance cus no one wanted it (it has a cool look and is kinda like Power Stone) in its day. I don't think I collect, I just rather keep my games than the $1-$5 Gamestop would give me for the games; I think I can squeeze out more than $5 worth of fun from these games.

>> No.3494590

>150 ships
>6 very short levels
Just why

>> No.3494602


n64 Bangai-O only had a print run of 10.000 copies. If you want to get it CIB now you'd probably have to shell 150-200 usd now.

>> No.3494603

>Note how most of the games he's shitting on are SNES games, too.
Wrong again, Sherlock.

>Gradius III
Arcade original.

>Contra Force

>PSX Goemon

>Rocket Knight 2
Mega Drive.

Began on PC Engine.

>beat 'em ups
Most of them are arcade exclusives.

>> No.3494608



Haha, you really get upset when people notice it's you.

Post less often.

>> No.3494613

Except I'm not him, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3494615


"him" who?

Post less often.

>> No.3494619

Are you not implicating I'm the Australian shitposter?

>> No.3494624


I'm implicating you post too often and your shitposts are very easy to spot. Even more when you get all defensive about people recognizing you and going "b-but I'm not the same person you think of! fuck you sherlock!! fuck the jannytranny!".

You are way too obvious.

I didn't say any name. if I had to give you a name, it'd be just "The resident 24/7 /vr/ shitposter who needs to be taken away from the internet for at least a week".

>> No.3494628

If you have a ds I would recommend Bangai O Spirits. I had a lot of fun with it and it's pretty cheap. Plays a bit differently than the original and it's got a pretty nice level editor.

>> No.3494629

Nah, you are just calling people out randomly in an unsubtle attempt to lure out more shitposters so you can degrade the quality of the board more.

Also, where'd jannytranny come from? Are you the janitor or something?

>> No.3494630


You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

And no, if I was the janny I'd expose your IP and let people dox you. You deserve it.

>> No.3494635

>implying you can do anything with just an IP

Lol, your naivete is really cute.

>> No.3494639

>it's another "anon tries desperately to get shitposting to stop on /vr/ which just eggs on more shitposting" episode

Give up my man.

>> No.3494673



Damn what a good game.

>> No.3494695


>/tv/ shitposter

We don't need your shit here

>> No.3494779
File: 27 KB, 604x392, 16240_243748473241_540348241_4499789_2460519_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you can't dox someone with their IP

just because you're a lamer doesn't mean everyone else is too

>> No.3494903


That fucking McDonald's game.

>> No.3494904


What's bad about it? Other than being based on a fast-food chain.

>> No.3495020
File: 28 KB, 640x479, 1413146081262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything Treasure is underrated on /vr/

First day here, I assume?

>> No.3495024

Their games lack innovation and depth. They're fun, and look cool. but they lack something that make their games worthwhile to continue playing.

>> No.3495026

Not retro, but Sin & Punishment 2 has one of the deepest scoring systems in a shooting game.

>> No.3495029

That's nice but that doesn't really have anything to do with a video game. Nice for an arcade game sure, which is what Sin&Punishment tried to relish in.

>> No.3495031

>Someone makes a thread about how Treasure is great
>immediate contrarian responses by chucklefucks who get triggered by optimism
>literally other people being happy and liking a thing makes them feel visceral discomfort and frustration
>literally nobody can explain anything that's wrong with any treasure game the entire thread
>they don't talk about what's good either
>actually they don't talk about the games at all
>have they even played any treasure games I have no fucking idea
>because they never talked about videogames even once, they just fucking named them like autists who have to sort everything in to categories and have no interests or opinions beyond that

fuck you /vr

>> No.3495034

what to you would be an example of innovation and depth

>> No.3495040

Cutscenes, voice acting, an emotionally moving plot, great script, relatable cast.

>> No.3495052

Haven't you ever heard of "Show, don't tell"

I'd also suggest maybe you stop playing videogames and go read books or watch movies instead.

Actually, tell me a game that you think does that.

>> No.3495056

t. Treasurefag

>> No.3495058

Ultima Underworld
Master of Orion
Herzog Zwei
Quake 3

>> No.3495072

>people arguing about plot and script on Treasure games

You nigs are retarded, Treasure are as "video game-y" as it gets, they're the anti-cinematic experience.

But actually, Alien Soldier and Sin and Punishment have some pretty intricate and crazy plot, it's just not present in the game, you have to read the manuals (or the additional manga) to get a full grasp of it.
But yeah, it's not the main point, and that's a good thing.

>> No.3495084

>Quake 3
You'll have to explain this one.

>> No.3495091

Not necessarily that innovative other than pushing forward the FPS scene, but the game can become incredibly complex considering the pace of game, map designs, weapon/armor refresh rates and use of weapons.

>> No.3495102

It's innovative in online fps and arena shooters. too bad arena shooters died out when that and ut came out

>> No.3495286
File: 623 KB, 320x180, 1418703624043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want movies, not games.

You should be on >>>/v/ then, where you can talk about the hottest MGS releases.

>> No.3495424

>Sin and Punishment have some pretty intricate and crazy plot, it's just not present in the game, you have to read the manuals (or the additional manga) to get a full grasp of it.

>Who's this kid?
>Why am I fighting a robot dog?
>Why am I Eva now?
>Why does that kid have psychic powers?
>Cat's can talk now?
>Never mind, I'm defending Earth from Htrae now and my female partner is pregnant I think.
My first playthrough of S&P was some fucking wild shit.
Incredible game though.

>> No.3495457


>> No.3495831

Yeah I watched that punching weight too. They're still no treasure.

>> No.3496082
File: 368 KB, 686x579, ummmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's taking Treasure so long to port their XBLA games to Steam?

>> No.3496147
File: 67 KB, 485x700, bitch what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it was programmed by Mitsuru Yaida.
There's more to a game than just the whip programmer.

>> No.3496202

>this thread proves that treasure cucks are the part of the cancer killing /vr/
You're ignoring the fact that the anti-treasure fags are the ones shitting up the thread with stupid insults and preventing anyone from actually discussing the damn games.

>> No.3496208

Is this bait?

I actually prefer story-heavy games, but I wouldn't say a well-told story is innovative.

>> No.3496215

Gimmicks over substance: the dev.

>> No.3496234
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumor has it Treasure doesn't really exist anymore. It's just a phone number and a PO Box or something.

>> No.3496242

What a shame. I'd hate for Geist Crush to be their final game.

>> No.3496420


Oh look, it's the guy who says he's not australia-kun.

>> No.3497439

Oh look, it's the guy that accuses others of being from Australia based on very vague and arbitrary patterns.

>> No.3497742


>very vague and arbitrary patterns

If they're arbitrary they can't be vague. Come on australia, step it up. Take your meds, will ya.

>> No.3497851

Bugger off, ya fuckin cunt.

>> No.3498934
File: 264 KB, 500x500, computerprogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silhouette Mirage PSX port is objectively bad and broken.


>> No.3498959


>> No.3498973

Pacman 2

>> No.3499009
File: 296 KB, 850x897, Namco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pac-man (and pac&pal, Ms.pac-man, and super pac-man)
Dig Dugs 1&2
Mappy & Hopping Mappy
Rally X & New Rally X
Pole Positions 1&2
Tower of druaga
Wonder momo
Youkai douchuuki
Tekken (all the retro ones at least)
Pac-Man world
Ridge Racer
Cosmo gang the video
Toy pop
King & balloon
Wagyan land
Densetsu no Valkyrie
Burning force
Soul edge
Soul caliber
Dragon buster & spirit
Metro Cross
Sky Kid

Need any more?

>> No.3499014

OP said perfect. That means they can't have made any poor videogames.

>> No.3499020

Treasure has made poor games

>> No.3499024

Really? Like what?

>> No.3499031

Gunstar super heroes wasn't all that good and neither was that licensed fighting game they did. also wasn't gradius V where everyone says gradius started going downhill? I mean I could be wrong but still... besides was pac-man 2 even that bad?

>> No.3499037

>neither was that licensed fighting game they did.
Yu Yu Hakusho was great tho.

>was pac-man 2 even that bad?
I'd say it's one of those "so bad it's good" games for comedy value.

>> No.3499043


GSH isn't bad at all, some people complain that it isn't "as good as the original gunstar heroes", but there's always people that don't like sequels that change stuff around. The game on its own is far from being poor or bad.
I don't know what licensed fighting game you're meaning... Yuu Yuu Hakusho? That one is great.
Gradius V is a pretty awesome game, don't believe anti-treasure shmup /vr/ autists.

I think the weakest Treasure game was that one Tiny Toon GBA game that was never actually released in Japan, just in EU and US, but it's not even bad, just not as polished as the other games. However it came up with interesting ideas that were later used on Astro Boy Omega Factor, so I wouldn't call it a bad game, just very obvious that they worked with a low budget and probably short time limit.

>> No.3499046


I forgot about Stretch Panic on PS2, which I actually never played... apparently that one is the actualy weakest Treasure title, but I can't really comment on it, so.

>> No.3499049
File: 744 KB, 422x817, moaifacewhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gradius V is a pretty awesome game, don't believe anti-treasure shmup /vr/ autists.

Here we go with the strawmen again.

>> No.3499050

Eh, I suppose, but I guess it's semantics, I remember not liking it that much when I played it... also I mean its not like pac-man 2 is badly made, most of the time people just complain that "its not Pac-man"

>> No.3499064
File: 329 KB, 357x500, pac-attack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of "It's Not Pacman" Pacman games that are also fun.

Pacman 2's primary problem is that it just isn't that fun to play, honestly.

>> No.3499079

SUNSOFT for NES, amazing title one after another.

>> No.3499086
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>> No.3499129

That game is not great, but it's nowhere near as bad as the angry meme cuck makes it look.

>> No.3499218

Guess this thread proves that Treasure is the most infallible retro developer and that anyone shitting on them deserves the banhammer.

>> No.3499253


>> No.3499256

Not retro, lol.

>> No.3499259

Pretty much. All these spasming autists overreacting over a simple thread.

>> No.3499268

Guess your post proves it that Treasure fans are immature children who have trouble dealing with different opinions.

>> No.3499273

Really, what is it about Treasure that upsets you so much? I really want to understand the psychology behind anti-Treasure shitposters.

>> No.3499328

The only somewhat serious reply I've got is that they're "Nintendo Babies", which doesn't make sense because Treasure has supported Sega way more than Nintendo, retro-wise.

>> No.3500746

Bangai-O Spirits a shit.

>> No.3500817


>> No.3500825



these games are okay at worst

People have already mentioned some kinda bad Treasure games itt like Stretch panic.

>> No.3500838


>> No.3501318
File: 127 KB, 975x780, eboshidori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what's wrong with that game?

>> No.3501345

It's danmaku garbage.