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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3245367 No.3245367 [Reply] [Original]

Find a flaw.

>> No.3245369

It's not Ikaruga,

>> No.3245370

That's a flaw, how?

>> No.3245378

Too much of a puzzle game but great soundtrack. Garegga is a better game or any compile, toaplan and i guess cave is better than RS.

>> No.3245395

It's a Treasure game.

>> No.3245547

Ikaruga>Radiant silvergun

>> No.3245557


It's shit

>> No.3245568

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.3245608

this tbqh super family computer

>> No.3245615

Throw it straight into the garbage.

>> No.3245616
File: 25 KB, 369x369, rash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /vr/ can't come up with good criticisms of your favorite STG
Feels good, man.

>> No.3245619

Thirding this, Ikaruga is the greatest shmup ever made.

>> No.3245701

It was on a console that a majority of people didn't have at the time.

>> No.3245732



Not because Treasure sucks or anything, but that's the only flaw this game has. It was made by a controversial company that, while beloved by most enthusiast, has a small group of "elitist" (lol, right) contrarians who can't really come up with real criticism so they resort to calling the game shit simply because it was made by a company that's popular, so they call the game "overrated" or come with ridiculous excuses such as "b-b-b-ut muh scoring system" when they probably can't even get a decent score in simple games like Xevious or Galaga. Probably hipsters that don't even play video games too much.

So, flaws? I dunno, but the game being by Treasure is the only kind of "criticism" this game is going to get by special snowflakes around here.

>> No.3245737


At this point it's not really a special snowflake thing anymore, hating on Treasure has become on of /vr/'s signature memes. Even /v/ has noticed this and tells anyone who shits on Treasure to "go back to /vr/"

>> No.3245738


I know, I blame the STG general here. I wish these guys would move to /vg/ once and for all so they don't taint /vr/'s reputation.

>> No.3245752

Forces you to do puzzling or else it becomes impossible difficult, takes over an hour to do a normal run, your ship is the slowest fucking thing in the history of shmups, and it is overpriced.

Pros: still way better than all the Raizing shmups combined.

>That's a flaw, how?

You know all the completely optional puzzling in Ikaruga, because of which everyone shits all over the game despite it being completely fucking optional? Well, it's optional in Ikaruga but MANDATORY in Radiant Silvergun, or else you literally cannot fight back against the bosses and have to dodge them for five fucking minutes until they all self destruct. Oh and each stage has like 8 bosses; one stage is a huge bossfight where you have to keep chaining while fighting the boss, and having only maybe 1% of the screen as free space to dodge.

>> No.3245762

Sounds like Silvergun is the more hardcore game then, which isn't necessarily a flaw, just that it wouldn't attract people who want to play casually.

>> No.3245769

>which isn't necessarily a flaw

It's a 90 minute long NO FUN game. That's not even hardcore, that's straight up bullshit. Only game ever where I don't feel bad about credit feeding.

>> No.3245775


Isn't hardcore gaming NO FUN ALLOWED by default?

>> No.3245779

Yes it is, specially shitmups.

>> No.3245780

If it's any help, leveling up is faster in arcade mode and you don't have to play Saturn mode (which lasts 90 minutes long, arcade mode is less than half that).

>> No.3245789

There's hardcore and there's straight up autistic. RSG is the latter due to its length.

>> No.3245813


>taint /vr/'s reputation

there's nothing to taint. /vr/ plays the most casual schmups and mainstream youtube shit like chrono trigger

>> No.3245824

>le 90-minute meme
That's just the Saturn version. In arcade, you can skip either stage 2 or 4 and there're less bosses, so it lasts only about 30-45 minutes, average shmup length.

>> No.3245847


Then why are you posting here? :^)

>> No.3245857

>Find a flaw.

>> No.3245858

I have plenty of fun playing Gunbird 2 and Mars Matrix.

>> No.3245862


Fair enough

>> No.3245864


OK?.... why should I care? You're not hardcore if you're having fun.

>> No.3245865

>Gunbird 2
Then you're not scoring properly.
>those random gemhead spots
>chaining coins at the exact moment when they blink
>using bombs to cancel bullets
>all this for two loops of random stages

>> No.3245873
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>> No.3245883
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>It's a 90 minute long
>complaining about content


And it's not like they're padding it out either, each level and boss is pretty unique

>> No.3245917

Could someone be so kind as to explain the puzzle element to me? I've tried playing it but didn't get what the gimmick is
>Yes, I'm a dip shit...

>> No.3245918

They should have went the Darius way with branching levels not putting the player through a long slog.

>> No.3245919

you gain exp bonuses by killing enemies of the same color

>> No.3245920

That's precisely what the arcade mode does, yes.
You get to pick Stage 2A, 2B, etc.

>> No.3245927

oh yeah you also charge up your radiant sword thingie attack by killing 3 enemies of the same color in a row

>> No.3245928

Dead on arrival.

>> No.3245930

Yes, I think everyone agrees the arcade mode is the way to play the game but I thought we were talking about the saturn mode.

>> No.3245931

>your face when Taito made an official romhack of Darius Gaiden where you can play through every stage and it lasts approx. 90 minutes to clear

>> No.3245934

>he wasn't an importfag in the '90s

How'd it feel missing out on all those glorious PC Engine and Saturn games?

>> No.3245938

I was playing on the PS1, which had better games.
Get fucked.

>> No.3245948

>a Sonygger acting like he's above anyone else
my sides

>> No.3245953

I thought the Arcade mode was the main game and Saturn was just a bonus.

>> No.3245957

Perhaps the boss battles go on a little too long and it messes with the pacing a little.Generally great game though. I don't see why other stg fans dislike it or Treasure though.

>> No.3245963

Only in the USA, which is a third world country anyway.

>> No.3245965

You can only pick between Stage 2 or 4 in arcade mode. Also, Stage 5 is half the length and Stage 6 is 1/3rd the length (it only has the final boss, xiga).

>> No.3245970


>sega cuck had to import just to find games to play

glad sega is dead desu

>> No.3245974

>glad a videogames developer is dead
you clearly hate games, why are you here?

>> No.3245985

To make fun of sweaty nerds like you.

>> No.3245995

PlayStation got dem Konami arcade ports tho

>> No.3245996

good luck with that, kid

>> No.3246003

it's a glandular problem leave me alone

jk stop projecting so hard also you're ugly

>> No.3246008

Playstation usually got the worse arcade ports, compare Darius Gaiden on PSX to Saturn for a good laugh.

>> No.3246018

Capcom games were better on Saturn, except or SF Collection.

They both got exclusives from Taito

Konami clearly preferred the PS1.

Namco's games were mostly counterparts to Sega's, but we did get some good original titles like Point Blank.

Not a SNKfag so not sure there, but Im guessing Saturn is probably better?

I mean, Saturn is a great system for arcade games, but PS1 isnt as bad for arcade ports as everyone says.

>> No.3246694

It's practically unbeatable on the ST-V with a US bios, you only get the shot, wide shot, and sword. Dunno if it counts as a flaw but it was really annoying before I got a JP bios.

>> No.3246704

lol. american rebalancing
reminds me how they removed the extends in battle garegga when that's the one thing the entire rank system revolves around

>> No.3246915

Ugly early 3d graphics. The 360 version looks good though.

>> No.3246918

Also, this story mode anime is just ridiculous and only makes the game look worse.

>> No.3246987

I just pulled my Saturn out of the attic after sitting there for 15 years. Is it worth trying this game?

>> No.3246992

>ablo abloo anime offends me

get a load of this fag

Yes, if you can play burned copies on your system, not worth buying the game for the prices they ask

>> No.3246995

Yeah, I'm going to burn it. Resellers can suck a dick. Thanks.

>> No.3247023

>Resellers can suck a dick. Thanks.

RSG is one of the expensive Saturn titles that hasn't been reseller inflated. It has been 150-200$ for the past 15 years.

>> No.3247026

it exists.