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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 250x354, jamesrolfe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3238770 No.3238770 [Reply] [Original]

Has an online personality ever affected your opinion on retro videogames, /vr/?

>> No.3238775

No. Take it to the containment thread, faggot.

>> No.3238781

It 404'd.

>> No.3238789
File: 212 KB, 600x450, avgnmagfest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that James is based as fuck and the cuck meme became completely out of date the moment he uploaded that ghostbusters video.

Mike Matei-loving homos need not apply.

>> No.3238804

James got me into collecting NES hardware, but nothing more than that.

>> No.3238806

James is fucking based indeed. Whoever talks shit about him is a piece of shit faggot that is prob from /v/ or /tv/

>> No.3238812 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238815 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238838 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238839

>he's not seeing gb3 cause it looks bad
>a bunch of pretend neonazis are patting him on the back after shitting on him for years because apparently not seeing a movie means he hates women or something

>> No.3238840 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238846 [DELETED] 

we /trash/ now

>> No.3238848 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238854

The mods are bending to this faggots will now. What loser spends all day waiting for a chance to spam CP?

>> No.3238860 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238873
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>being this terrible buttblasted about e-celebs on /vr/

>> No.3238878

> neo nazis

You fucks are so dramatic

>> No.3238879

>watching anons struggle as they try to come up with any reason why arino is ok that isn't weeb as fuck

>> No.3238882

well i said theyre pretending

>> No.3238893 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238895 [DELETED] 

>straight shota
you're not even /trash/ing up the thread right

>> No.3238897 [DELETED] 

nice that is a lucky boy

>> No.3238915

No, but retards sure like to pretend that I don't like certain games because of e-celebs.

>> No.3238921 [DELETED] 

good taste mods

>> No.3238924

>a bunch of pretend neonazis

huh? are you drunk? neonazis had nothing to do with the ghosbusters video and the reactions is got.

>> No.3238928

huh? are you drunk? that's not what i'm saying. i'm talking about this ridiculous avgn cuck meemee backpedaling. like avgn is taking some stance against le feminazis and isn't just not going to see a movie that doesn't look good

>> No.3238929

I personally like James videos a lot and have been following since '06.. There wasn't much stuff like his on youtube back then.

He doesn't effect my opinion on anything. I just enjoy the entertainment factor of his videos. I don't always agree with him

>> No.3238938

yeah it's just once you get past the novelty of a guy calling a game a bunch of donkey dick or something it wears thin quick especially nowadays. he should've stopped after either the rob video or the movie

>> No.3238942

so james supports donald trump. fucking based he isn't a cuck anymore

>> No.3238948

That's just AVGN which can still be more than childish rants. He also has other good content tho, although not vidya related. His movie reviews are good

>> No.3238954 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3238961

AVGN eceleb threads regularly get 500+ replies every fucking day. Why does that cancer need to be spread to /vr/? Do you want to ruin /vr/ and turn it into another shitpile like /v/?

Whereas Arino GCCX threads almost never get posted on /v/ only here on /vr/. AVGN is cancer and you are cancer for continuing to post eceleb shit on /vr/. Fuck off to /v/ there is a 300 post AVGN thread.

>> No.3238965

Go suck Arinos cock faggot

>> No.3238968

I saw James Rolfe at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “I'm a good cuck, I never take pics without my wife and her boyfriend”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “cuck?” but he kept cutting me off and going “cuck? cuck? cuck?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to offer 50 Milky Ways to a black person.
The black guy was very nice about it, and was like “Sir, I can't have sex with your wife.” At first he kept pretending to be aroused and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the cashier took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “to not prevent any marital infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting him by offering sex with his wife.

>> No.3238975

Its right here you cancerous little adhd autistic abortion.

>> No.3238979


You do realize Neo Nazi's are an actualy thing right?

>> No.3238981


>> No.3238982

That's an old one

>> No.3238985

oh fuck off. don't pretend a lot of the hatred isn't reactionary. even on james' light criticism video most comments were kitchen jokes

the real problem with the movie is that it literally just looks like the first one but with girls

>> No.3238989 [DELETED] 
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This game is poopy diarrhea shit cocksucker anal fuck shit ass diarrhea fuck.

>> No.3238992 [DELETED] 
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I'd rather 69 a grizzly bear while shoving King Kong up my ass.

>> No.3238997

Pointing that out makes you a sexist these days apparently

>> No.3239004

has this guy not been banned yet or is /vr/ getting raided

>> No.3239015

i think the actual sexists stifle any legit criticism the movie gets and the media just jumps on them cause they're easy and non-controversial to slander

>> No.3239163


that's a pretty pony

>> No.3239170

Game Center CX is a television show. Just as older shows like GamesMaster, Nick Arcade and Starcade are discussed here, as well as magazines and ads, GCCX is appropriate. The show has interviews with game developers, competitions and events involving retro games, histories of different game companies, and similar content. It is professionally produced, and Arino is a member of the moderately large cast, rather than the entire focus of the show. Whether you like it or not, it is significantly different from Youtube original content.

>> No.3239173

>Game Center CX is a television show.
Sooo why isn't it on /tv/ lol

>> No.3239301


>> No.3239313

It's funny how James, who does AVGN as a hobby, is funnier than Arino, a professional comedian.

>> No.3239319

It is literally explained in the second sentence. Does your attention span just immediately drop after 7 or so words.

>> No.3239348

Both aren't funny tbqhf. Rolfe yells profanities at his screen and Arino is Japanese, which means unfunny by default. GCCX is still better, though. The fun starts when Arino slowly sinks into despair.

>> No.3239352

Arino makes the worst jokes and his minions all laugh it up for him.

I watched like 20 episodes and never laughed once. Perhaps something is being lost in translation, but I'm doubtful

>> No.3239434 [DELETED] 

>Arino makes the worst jokes and his minions all laugh it up for him.

You're not realizing that's kinda the joke. He's the "chief".
Anyway both are completely different kind of humor, japanese humor is a lot more, AVGN is in-your-face jokes about farts and stuff.

>> No.3239436

>Arino makes the worst jokes and his minions all laugh it up for him.

You're not realizing that's kinda the joke. He's the "chief".
Anyway both are completely different kind of humor, japanese humor is a lot more subtle, AVGN is in-your-face jokes about farts and stuff.

>> No.3239443

Yes I agree. Naughty swear words like "ASS" are very funny. You would love Dane Cook he also says swear words in his "comedy" routine.

>> No.3239446

>japanese humor is a lot more subtle

As someone who understands Japanese well enough - no, it really isn't. Lots of Japanese humor resolves around stating the absolute obvious. Sarcasm (the bread and butter of western humor) is something used in spite and not for light hearted fun. Humor in Japan is a social consent seeker more than anything else (i.e. it's boring).

I do agree about AVGNs humor being infantile though. He's rarely funny.

>> No.3239447

>AVGN is in-your-face jokes about farts and stuff.

Eh, I never laughed at that stuff.
AVGN does a lot of other funny stuff in his videos that make him funny.

>skit in big rigs mimicing a trashy commercial
>landing the top gun jet with power glove
>pointing out absurd stuff

I laughed harder then anything I've seen of his at the B-17 Bomber episode, and that joke had nothing to do with shit or farts.

AVGN is just fun, while gamecenter is more like just watching a lets play, which is also enjoyable.

>> No.3239450

I agree. He had some funny stuff that wasn't just crude humor. Btw if you look at avgn as a parody of the whole manchild autistic crowd it is a lot funnier

>> No.3239458


>> No.3239460

>why does this guy swear? IT OFFENDS ME!

Are you by chance a Brit.

>> No.3239461


Go fuck yourself, weeb

>> No.3239478

Mark from CGR got me into shmups.

>> No.3239493

>he doesn't find swearing funny, he must be offended by it.

Are you by chance retarded?

>> No.3239502

Because you single out James' swearing, you obviously have a problem with it. Instead of going for the easy target, why don't you explain how James is unfunny besides "he says ass, so all his other jokes and skits are void". Besides this is the internet, we don't have to censor our speech, nigger faggot.

>> No.3239505

you are retarded as fuck dude no wonder you like this shit so much.

>> No.3239510

Insofar as they often make me take a second look at games, I guess, but I don't ride the hate bandwagon whenever fuckhead A decides a game is terrible.

>> No.3239515

The only times they have is when they talk about a game I've never heard of before. So I guess helping me form an opinion about a game in the first place counts.

>> No.3239559


so basically

>it's on tv so that means it's okay

>> No.3239562


what's okay about Arino is that his threads don't generate shitposting. What people do on GCCX threads is talk about episodes, and gather information about raws and subs and lastest episodes.
e-celeb threads are shitposting 100% genuine.

>> No.3239581


>> No.3239678
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I'm pretty convinced that these are actually two different people

>> No.3240065

I know there is a lot of cancerous e-celeb stuff in this thread and without, but I will say that some videos, like HVGN's WARP games videos, convinced me to buy said games and try them out.

Unfortunately, in the case of the WARP games of Kenji Eno, they all turned out to range from underwhelming to just plain un-fun.

A lot of these vids do in fact create higher demand for good-to-decent games, so I am always a little mixed about it. On one hand, it's neat to learn about an interesting game, on the other, I might fight another couple thousand people who had the same thought.

>> No.3240075

Cool, wonder why he was in LA. He lives in PA.

>> No.3240084

Thats because the people that dont like gccx threads just hide it.

The anti-youtube people are all babies that are sad they only have 2 subs and no one watches their videos so they shitpost to take out their frustration.

>> No.3240139

Retro gamers don't know what they want. First they complain that nobody pays any attention to retro games and then when people do, they complain about how prices are driven up. I think what retro gamers truly want is too feel special for having a "niche" hobby and pat each other on the back about how awesome they are.

>> No.3240182

Theres nothing wrong with swearing to aid your humor. Its when your swearing IS your humor that you start to suck.

>"This game is worse than shoving a donkeys balls up my anus and cutting it open to cream me with all the jizz inside"
>"Aahahahahahahaha!! So hilarious!

>> No.3240328

James is an equal opportunity japester.
The ASSSSS jokes are for the morons.
His more subtle jokes tend to play on film or games and one needs to be intelligent and be into film and games to catch them. That's where he shines as a host.

>> No.3240354

Well hey I do love being patted and told I'm special, but that's besides the point.

I've grown out of my "everyone should play this!" phase. Now I just want cheap and am starting to save up money for Everdrives.

>> No.3240361

That's every collecting hobby ever.
We get a bit more divisive because some people are truly just here for the games, which can be gotten via piracy or grey market for free or next to nothing.

I'm a collector myself, but I totally get why people emulate, and have been known to do so myself when I need a fansub or a game i wish to play is out of my price range for the time being.

But then, i'm 40. I've learned to be pragmatic over time. The average age on this board is likely much lower. When I was younger, I thought in absolutes as well.

>> No.3240461
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>When I was younger, I thought in absolutes as well.

>> No.3240465

They introduce me appreciate things I don't really care about. For example Vinny from Vinesauce and Danny from Game Grumps loved Zelda 2, and it made me realize it wasn't as bad as people say it is. I love being introduced to weird ass retro bootlegs from Vinesauce too because I can't be assed to find them or play through.

>> No.3240486


Shit... Have I reached Jedi Master status? I figured I'd just gotten old and tired of all the stupid bickering. I mean, if shit's fun, why fight about it. Console wars, YouTube vs. GCCX... What's it all matter. If you enjoy it, enjoy it. Your happiness is not diminished by someone preferring something else.

I just play everything. And I watch Arino, but that's mostly because YouTubers just seem like terrible tryhards so much of the time. Like me... please like me!

>> No.3241179

Nah even after watching AVGN review Friday The 13th I still love that game.

>> No.3241209

man i always hated his sense of humor but the informative parts about games were so good. i actually played through a lot of the games he made fun of because of the videos. nightmare on elm st is a legit fun game.

>> No.3241220

Movie James > Board James > Vidya James >>>>>>>>> Mike the Faggot

>> No.3241224

mike matei is based. motherfucker mike is a total faggot.

>> No.3241226

i'm too young to remember anything before late ps1

the chief reason i care about retro games (past certain series i grew up with - final fantasy, sonic, mario, etc) is because of AVGN and Happy Console Gamer

>> No.3241256


>e-celeb threads generate shitposting because people don't like it
>people don't like it because it generates shitposting

Noot make /cel/ - Celebrities or /yt/ - Internet Media pls. tfw the former will never happen because of the Fappening

>> No.3241315

>affected your opinion

No, I can think for myself, thanks.

>> No.3241381


arino is a fucking scrub

>> No.3241391

My god... beautiful...

T-the chick, I mean! I definitely was not staring at Rolfe's charming cartoony scared face..!

>> No.3241397

It looks more like the second one in terms of style but Ghostbuster trailers have never been good or indicative of the movies' tones or styles. How the original Ghostbuster movies did so well I have no idea, those TRAILERS were trash!

But does this mean that the new GB is going to follow closely in its footsteps? The first step to a worthy GB movie is an awful trailer.

>> No.3241558

I don't watch online "personalities" in the first place, so it's not going to happen.

>> No.3241615

How do you know you won't love watching AVGN, then?

>> No.3241764 [DELETED] 
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Fuck off kid.

>> No.3241861

Comparing apples to oranges. Arino's job isn't to review games, it's to play them until the end(or as far as he can get), while giving his reactions. In addition, Arino's show has much, MUCH better production values- that I think can't be disputed- so the whole package tends to be a lot more entertaining on average than AVGN.

AVGN does have his moments though. The problem is, I feel he put all his eggs in the wrong basket; his genuine criticisms tend to be really well-expressed and on-point, but those pale in number to the diatribes and analogies about shit, piss, anal farts, fuck, etc. that get old after a while. There are moments when he's genuinely pissed off, and a lot of the time those are his best moments, because he doesn't have to exaggerate at all, e.g. Dick Tracy.

As for Arino, I really like GameCenter CX for many reasons; it's informative, overly dramatic to the point of ridiculousness, and Arino is incredibly likable. But the humor, as >>3239446 said, just isn't that palatable to a western audience. So I find myself laughing more over his subtle reactions than his quips that get the whole room laughing.

Okay, done rambling.

>> No.3241886
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Only that this guy tries too hard to manipulate retro prices.

>> No.3241904

I like James but not so much his AVGN persona.

Love his Super Pitfall episode though because it so accurately encapsulates my childhood experience with the game.

>> No.3241927

Mike Matei wrote that episode

>> No.3241935

Mike Matei has never written a full episode.
He says he occasionally came up with lines, and helped james and stuff. But that's not "writing a episode"

Sauce: the charity event episodes

>> No.3242113
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I don't think anyone watches GCCX for the sick jokes. For me, it's about seeing a man on the edge.

>> No.3242235

>mike thinks totoro is the cheshire cat
the fuck

>> No.3242265

>his genuine criticisms tend to be really well-expressed and on-point

>> No.3242276
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0:42 LOL note how Mike says "ASS" in a clear reference to the Game Sack video.
I'm sure Mike really disliked that video.

>> No.3242308

He's been doing the "ass" thing for 10 years now and those faggots game sack just came up with that now?

>> No.3242492

Not really.
I like James, I like Pat, but I don't share their tastes or agree with their opinions all the time.

>pretend neo nazis
I beg your pardon?

>it literally just looks like the first one but with girls
It looks like the first one if it was shit and cast with girls.

>> No.3242501

I agree, it's not the scat humor that makes him funny, hell, I think he still only does that because it's expected and the younger viewers still like it, it does nothing for me anyway.

Board James is almost completely devoid of scat humor, and it's got a lot of funny bits.

>> No.3242517
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>That's every collecting hobby ever.
This, a Colt Python revolver or Colt Anaconda revolver would be nice, but autistic Colt collectors make sure you'll have to pay something like $3000 for one if you want it, even more for one of the Hunter models.

It's a thing you just have to accept.

>> No.3242524

Why would he dislike it? He seems pretty chill, if he has watched it he probably thought it was funny.

>> No.3242543
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>> No.3242548


It's weird to see people starting to get nostalgic over the 00s decade.

90s nostalgia is already oldfag stuff, and 80s is ancient.

>> No.3242552

Worst .decade. ever.

>> No.3242554


The 00s? The 10s are shaping to be even worse.

>> No.3242560

worst. century. ever.

>> No.3242603

We live in a culture of idiots who think it's racist to point out somone has a different skin colour, unless your not white.

>> No.3242606

I dunno. The dark ages sucked pretty badly. Then again they didn't have as many bad games.

>> No.3242613

Brits swear more than Aussies, you stupid cunt

>> No.3242669

> calling it gb3


>> No.3242702

>reading comprehension

>> No.3243596

I want to shish kabab that bitch in all her holes

If you think edgelords implying more than 10 neo nazis in the US even exist) the net on places like /pol/ are real neo nazis (not to.mention that I then you need to check.reality bro. Youre fucking delusional and like I said, very dramatic therefore a faggot

>> No.3243598


Brits and Aussies were a mistake

>> No.3243635

>If you think edgelords implying more than 10 neo nazis in the US even exist) the net on places like /pol/ are real neo nazis (not to.mention that I then you need to check.reality bro. Youre fucking delusional and like I said, very dramatic therefore a faggot

Can anyone translate this into English?

>> No.3243795

>watching the roast of AVGN
>hundreds of people in the audience multiple speakers
>people make fun of him for an hour
>the roast master invites James onto the stage after getting BTFO to have a chance to roast the roasters
>"thank you all for coming. I have nothing to say. Goodnight."
>walks away
>you can feel the tension in the room

For fucks sake James this isnt how a roast works. I get youre anti-social as fuck but you gotta say SOMETHING

>> No.3243849

god i cant stand Pat

>cries about Stadium Events and people jacking prices up
>owns gold and grey NWC carts in a safe somewhere

>> No.3243854

Almost forgot...

>laughs when Tim Atwood posts boxes of sealed Stadium Events

Wonder how he would feel if the same thing happened with NWC carts. Fucking manchild.

>> No.3243875

Egoraptor and Australia-kun convinced me that CV4 is overrated trash.

And they're not wrong, you know.

>> No.3243878

iMockery and Seanbaby were my first exposure to retro gaming. That, and this:


>> No.3243883

>Caring what e-faggot think online
>Caring at all
Fuck off

>> No.3243896

James is an absolute retard on anything that is unscripted. I think he may have adhd or something and just can't think of things to say unless he gives it time and focus for a while.

I have a hard time watching him in anything that is in a "live" setting, because he just acts so dull and like a simpleton, when we know he's smart based on his written shit.

>> No.3243916

After watching James and Mike on the couch after an old AVGN video it's like they are two different people. He didn't even know what a harpy was.

>> No.3243919

What i meant was old James and new James.

>> No.3243958

James looks like he has slight social anxiety or is quite shy with other people.. He's really good at talking to the camera off the cuff when he's by himself. Compare those vids with J&M Mondays vids and youll see a difference

>> No.3243959

One thing I like about James: at least he's not Doug Walker.

>> No.3243967

It looks nothing like the first film. The first film relied heavily on dry, well written humour delivered with good timing with a stable of established comedians and comical actors who had proven themselves in the industry and was a pet project of a good chunk of the main cast itself. This new film is a cash-in, looks to be relying on gross out physical humour and trash jokes with a cast of nobodies.

>> No.3243971

I know what you mean. He's like a statue and all too aware of the camera.

>> No.3244123

Nah, there were enough good PC games and handheld games to qualify as a good decade for me, at least for games.

Also the AWB ended about halfway through, so guns could get more fun again.

Stick and hoop was overrated as fuck.

Nah, you're being silly, it's a fun game.

Things like that is why I don't invest any emotion into vidya collecting.
Thank god for flashcarts.

>> No.3244764

bump for james

>> No.3244791


>> No.3244793
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>makes a video where he says that he isn't going to go and see the new movie because it just doesn't look like something he would enjoy at all, and it would just be better for him if he didn't
>explains this in a very rational and calm manner (don't think he even brings up the gender thing)
>somehow becomes the Angry Video Misogynist
The clickbait press is dumb.

>> No.3244796 [DELETED] 

He's still a cuck with a retard baby

>> No.3244809

State of denial at its finest

>> No.3244815


>> No.3244820


>mad degenerate SJW still wanting to force his cuck meme

Your time is over, Niggerel

>> No.3244830
File: 99 KB, 800x800, smug-pepe-the-frog 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem upset

>> No.3244834


Of course I am. Degenerate niggetards like you are trying to force their cucking meme on fine white gentlemen like James, when all he's doing is give his honest opinion on a movie that already looks awful.

>> No.3244835

>saving a pic of a dead meme thrice

>> No.3244853

Between this and h3h3 getting $100k in donation money over a lawsuit that's going to get thrown out in court anyway, I've decided Youtube isn't good for my mental health.

James is still cool tho for what it's worth.

>> No.3244863

>h3h3 getting $100k in donation money

oh jeez. who was the cuck that did that.

>> No.3244868
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>donate 100k
>baldguy takes that from them too in winning case


>> No.3244920

I can't get into AVGN. I hear enough ranting in my daily life.

Who's a good retro game reviewer/letsplayer that's a little more chill?

>> No.3244935

Nigger Jack`s Nintendo Channel

>> No.3244998

Seconding this.

>> No.3245037

Classic Games Room

>> No.3245042

If only he didn't try that hard.

>> No.3245185

I checked out a few of their early episodes yesterday. They weren't bad. Even if the puppy and edit station reviews seemed really lame.

>> No.3245192

I bet his Jew wife is wet thinking over how bad she can fuck him over and run with that money in the divorce court lol

>> No.3245239

They're just mad that Arino actually fucks his wife

>> No.3245259

Calm down there, /pol/tergeist, he's probably a white guy pretending to be black, for shitposting reasons (that's like half of /gif/ these days)

Most blacks probably think that whole cuckolding thing is weird as fuck anyway, I guarantee that if you asked the average black guy to fuck your wife (hypothetically), very few would be up for it, especially knowing you would be there in the room with them.

I mean, wouldn't you be incredibly wierded out if you got propositioned the same way? It's arguably dehumanizing to be some cuck couple's bull.

>> No.3245271

I don't keep up with all the YouTube drama, who got sued for what?

Pat's pretty chill in his videos, he made it a point to not be yet another one of those angry ranters, question is if you'll like his brand of humor or be interested in what he has to say.

Otherwise, AVGN is pretty mild mannered and levelheaded when he's not in character, it's an act he puts on, you'll see that on James & Mike Mondays for instance, though on the flip side, they aren't actually very good at video games, so seeing them play genuinely can be a bit taxing, if that makes any sense (Ever see someone play a game you're good at, and see someone else suck at it? I got that with them playing Doom), they do have Bootsy though, who actually is pretty good at a lot of games.

>> No.3245389
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New Paperboy ep is pretty gr8.

>> No.3245458



>> No.3245617

He made an episode of that? I gotta check that out, Paperboy is fucking hilarious.

>> No.3245635

It's about time he went back to NES games, instead of reviewing meme shit that people tell him to review.

>> No.3245637

I can't believe he is actually getting good again, this episode has a classic AVGN feel.

>> No.3245646

Donald Trump is making AVGN Great again.

>> No.3245663

Good Nintentions/Gameboy World

>> No.3245667

This episode was on point. The very end could have been much better though. Seemed like a really lazy way to do it.

In older videos he would have had it been a lot more epic.

>> No.3245684

He isn't an E-Celeb

>> No.3245686

Yes he is.
The only way for anybody besides japs to see his show is ONLINE.

Therefor he's a fucking e-celeb as far as this english speaking board is concerned

>> No.3245702
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>and nintendo still makes games, though that's debatable

>> No.3245704
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>tfw AVGN hasn't been good since Season 4

>> No.3245731

This was the funniest one in a while. Paperboy's a good game but he found a lot of funny observations for it.

>> No.3245757

>like Castlevania 4
lol AVGNfag

>dislike Castlevania 4
lol Egofag

>> No.3245867


Stop financing stupidity.

>> No.3245910
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>have literally any opinion at all on Super Castlevania
>"Get your own opinion instead of parroting e-celebs"

>> No.3245923

James Rolfe


>> No.3246083

This episode was good though. He is coming back.

>> No.3246313

what is the appeal of this channel? I don't get it

>> No.3246330

Where;s the e-celeb thread? I thought that was a really good idea.

>> No.3246357

best episode in forever!!!

>> No.3246371

its almost impossible to contain cancer.

>> No.3246389

How did james kill the black baby

>> No.3246402

He gave it a red pill.

>> No.3246413

Isn't this it?

>> No.3246435

mark from classic game room got me into shoot-em-ups, i guess.

>> No.3246461

>specifically say in the video they don't want to ask for money
>obviously a jew cry for help
>Philip DeFranco makes a campaign for them

Yeah fuck this man.

"Bold guy" may not have a case, but h3h3, leafy and all these other channels are totally reliant on other people for content. If your channel can't exist in a vacuum then it doesn't deserve to exist.

And I'm well aware that it could sound hypocritical as I do movie and game reviews myself, but theres an inherent difference in reviewing a product, and watching some video on youtube that some kid made. The product deserves to be held up to higher scrutiny.

>> No.3246470

They say in the video they just posted that any excess money that won't be used in lawyer fees will only help with other similar cases, that they (h3h3) won't even have access to

>> No.3246507

Everybody probably knows it already, but Pat is also that kind of person who gets hostile to anyone who holds a different opinion from his. Try commenting on his videos bringing an opposing point of view and see it for yourself. He'll eventually delete the comments, but still.

>> No.3246514

The same guy who says Zelda: OOT is mindless and boring?

>> No.3246521

I thought the Tiger Games episode was hilarious and it wasn't released that much ago. The new Paperboy episode is good, not too funny, but it gives you a classic AVGN feel, something that didn't happens since ages.

>> No.3246531

Any of Jameses videos that aren't him playing the avgn.

>> No.3246612


The other day I was arguing about Ocarina of Time and the Z-target with someone I know. The guy kept saying that OOT was mediocre, and that the Z-target wasn't good because "it's like they're 2 separate games, and when you're on Z-target, you have to wait".

I'm pretty sure the whole "it's 2 separate games and WAITING" is 100% egoraptor's fault, but I never imagined this guy would watch Egoraptor. I didn't say anything to hide my powerlevel though, just proceeded to comment that the "2 separate games" thing was nonsense, and that you didn't need to wait if you were good and/or used other items such as the bombs, but damn... I wonder if he actually watches Egoraptor, or if Egoraptor's "arguments" transcended his own videos and maybe it's a common argument in forums and stuff.
At least I find it hard to believe that this guy would come up with the exact same arguments, words for word, as Egoraptor.
Not to mention Egoraptor already said he isn't proud of the OOT sequelitis video and admits he was wrong on many aspects.
As for his Castlevania 4 sequelitis, I'll never take it seriously either because he also admitted to have never finished the game, and on his GG playthrough he died at stage 8 so many times he ragequitted it. The funny part is that he kept losing because he never used the sub-weapons (one of his "points") in a lot of times when they're handy.

>> No.3246710

I thought it was one of those interesting episodes because they were about something which I only had very little knowledge about, they were on their way out by the time I was old enough to play games, I never quite figured how cheap and abundant those things were, I kind of figure the Gameboy just ruled the market because it was so much better and really not that expensive.

Also, the pong machine one was cool, that's something from WAY before my time and it was interesting to see all those variants for something so very basic.

I liked the 32X and Sega CD videos, but as time went and I played some, learned some more, I came to disagree with it, mainly the Sega CD, which honestly, is pretty decent, especially if you compare it to the 32X

>> No.3246809

Yeah I think if he were to remake another episode, it should be the Sega CD. I like most of his videos, but that one just deserves a lot more than the treatment he gave it. Even the shittier games are fascinating when you delve into how they were made and what they caused.

>> No.3246829

>have a nice discussion about video games
>"stop parroting some unfunny asshole you don't even watch"

All e-celebs should be lined up and shot.

>> No.3246875

So instead of taking it out on the presumptuous cunt really only looking to stir shit and having no interest in partaking in a topic, you'll take it out on the people you don't actually care about?

>> No.3247237

I agree. "Reaction" videos are stupid and rely on other's content to exist. Which would be fine, if they paid for the usage. Similar to the way America's Funniest Home Videos paid people to use their videos, if only in a chance to go to the filming and to win a prize.

However, the unfortunate thing is this happened at a time when falsely claiming copyright infringement is a hot topic on youtube. This case will likely be used as a precident in the future, so its important it goes right.

>> No.3247245

I fucking loved the sega cd. I am a FMV game fan though.

>> No.3247272

Does anyone have the George Zimmerman one? I remember it said something like "to prevent electrical interference" at the end. Or maybe that was the Moot one.

>> No.3247368

Speaking as someone who is decidedly not a fan of FMV games and that 9 out of 10 FMV games are hot garbage, I always felt that the Sega CD was ill suited as an FMV machine and that it was actually decently good DESPITE all the bad and mediocre FMV games (and bad ports of the few ones that are good)

>> No.3247383

Oh, absolutely. Sega Cd was a shit FMV system. I got a Sega cD before getting a pc though, and people always point at the fmv games when saying it had a shit library. Only reason I brought it up.

>> No.3247615

Does anyone get the feeling that this is a gigantic scam?

>> No.3247621

I do. Would not be surprised at all.

>> No.3247634


unless video game attorney wants to get disbarred, I doubt it.

>> No.3247637


Yeah seriously. Ethan and Hila mention all the time that they are doing fine, but they only bring it up when they link their Patreon. If they are doing well, why link their Patreon? (

Here are two videos that sum up what I think of the Leafy vs H3H3 drama.



The entire drama was basically Ethan was mad Leafy made more money than him. Ethan is such a hypocrite too, he talked about how severely socially awkward he used to be, like to the point he would go completely blank trying to make small talk or if he said the wrong thing it would fuck him up. He also talked about tourette's which explains why social anxiety would be a legitimate thing and that he didn't just make up, but then why make an entire channel based around making fun of people if you understand how fucked they are?

Obviously the answer is that his channel originally started like a Tim and Eric sketch thing. Maybe to deal with his social anxiety. (I have it too, making an ass of yourself for laughs actually helps!) But he did reaction videos so he could make more money. I talked to people on Reddit about it and apparently he panders to everyone on his subreddit too.

This all comes at a time when the frustrations of Youtube's Fair Use is at an all time high.

How do we even know they're telling the truth? They haven't given any reason for me to trust them.

>> No.3247684

If h3h3, Matt Hoss, Phillip D and Morrison & Lee were all in it together, they'd walk away with ~30k (atm) between the four parties.

While I agree that "we aren't asking for help" is definitely a "please fucking help us" -- I seriously doubt they would jeopardize their careers+heavy prison when they've been nothing but decent people all around for years.

http://morrisonlee.com/fupa/ is the site

Of course, if it is a scam or if things start looking sketchy, this will be hilarious drama. I wish we could get some actual confirmation from Hoss but I doubt we will for a while.

>> No.3247686

>decent people

I didn't include Hoss at first when I wrote that. Then I assumed Hoss could be part of it.

>> No.3247781

I was a pretty big fan of Ethan when he first started doing the reaction videos and livestreams back in Israel. Things went to shit when he started including his wet-rag of a wife in every video, moving to Jewyork City (what a shocker), pateroning up and letting reddit get their hooks into him. All that disgusted me enough to unsubscribe and not look back.

Funny thing is, I remember when he first showed Bold Guy on his 2nd or 3rd twitch stream.

As for Sam Hyde, the only funny thing he's ever done was the Tedx thing, outside of that he's just a mean spirited asshole who lives to fuck with people.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.3247954

MDE without the politically uncomfortable part.

>> No.3247963

I only watch these kind of review or bashing videos about games I already played. Sometimes they are right like with Bubsy games, sometimes they're wrong like Spirit of Speed 1937

>> No.3248027

> isreal

That didn't tip you off as a red flag from the start?

What the hell is MDE?

>> No.3248048

Not so underground post-ironic youtube mockery of everything. Their Birminghan videos are famous.

>> No.3248220

>That didn't tip you off as a red flag from the start?
It did, but I legitimately enjoyed Ethan's old videos. I didn't suspect anything because they weren't crying about 'muh under constant scud missile attacks!' or crazy zionist shit. He just seemed like a chill guy who made goofball videos ripping on stupid internet shit.

>> No.3248973

the fact anyone would donate a bunch of money to a shitty react channel is astounding

>> No.3251901

Respond that you're pretty sure you heard an e-celeb say not to take their word as gospel and have your own opinion, which means that person is parroting e-celebs and should stop it and get their own opinion.

>> No.3251904

I generally don't like toilet humor but he's such a charismatic guy that I don't mind it at all. I actually enjoy the weird episodes where there's kind of a "plot" though.

>> No.3251906

>have a negative opinion on <game x>

>have a positive opinion on <game y>

I don't even know how to respond to this shit. I only watch James sometimes and mainly his movie stuff.

>> No.3251967


>> No.3251990


Hey there, leftist freak. Why not kill yourself? :)

>> No.3252479


>> No.3252495
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Found out about the awesome Renegade series (ports/spinoffs of the original Kunio game) from Ashens. Not sure if that counts as affecting my opinion, though.

It's a shame he doesn't do more videos about home computer games. He clearly knows his shit on that subject, and it's difficult to find out what games on them are actually worth playing. I blame Lootcrate.

>> No.3252562

Nah, I try not to let e-celebs influence what I like. For example, he did a funny video years ago about bugs bunnys birthday blowout. I still feel the game is a decent game and really not bad just because James didn't like it.

Fucking this. James might not be as funny as he used to be, but he's confirmed based as fuck after the ghostbusters video.

>> No.3252564


>> No.3252605

He mentioned that he has ADD in the McKids video. Skip to 3:30

>> No.3252638

Pretty much this. No eceleb made me have an opinion on a game, but I was one like many who was suckered into the modern "Zelda 2 is a bad game" mentality. It was 20 years late when I finally said "time to form my own opinion", and finally beat the game for the first time.

>> No.3252673

>just because James didn't like it
The thing is that he also doesn't hate all the games he rants on when in character as The Nerd

He really likes Friday The 13th for all it's flaws, because it's so ambitious, just like with Simon's Quest, he's much more nuanced and reasonable when out of character (of course),

I think a lot of people don't get that it's a character and that it's played up.

Also I don't think he's actually that good at videogames, watching him play Doom makes me really uncomfortable because he just plays so badly.

>> No.3252678

James is the poor mans Mike Matei

>> No.3252951

Oh shut up. He was fine with Doom. How the fuck else are you supposed to.play it? You look for keycards and kill demons. Stop making a big deal about it

>> No.3252973

I didn't know Deadly Towers was commonly considered a terrible game until I read Seanbaby's Worst NES Games list. I always figured it was hard but it may have demoted the game a bit in my head for a few years.

>> No.3254164

Hey, I'm just saying, he didn't do a good job of moving around to evade enemy fire.

Now, some of the older console ports had pretty stiff and slow controls, but the PS3/360 ports are actually rather well adapted for the gamepad, he really ought to have been a lot more mobile and slick.

>> No.3254181

>its probably the "real" him guize lol

desu no, but I would lie to you if I said I haven't loled at videos made by the faggot in your picture OP

>> No.3254245
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Easily one of the funniest episodes

James and this guy(cant quite remember his name, wanna say Kyle) play really well off each other. The Ikari Warriors episode was really funny too.

>> No.3254291

What's wrong with being bad at games?
I mean, he can like games and suck at them, isn't that why people love Arino?

>> No.3254328

But Arino is on real tv so hes legit!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3254330
File: 61 KB, 500x375, arinomiyakoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn straight

>> No.3254363


>what is ageing?

>> No.3254404 [DELETED] 
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I'm an underage faggot who thinks a game is bad just because AVGN said it's a shit load of fuck.

>> No.3254413

The reason people like Arino has more to do with the fact that he isn't a ranting autist.

If I want to watch someone scream like an idiot over shit they know little about, I'll go to a Trump rally.

Gaming is all about chill for me. I have never thrown a controller. When it gets hard, I take a breath, and keep playing. I identify with the same qualities in Arino. He's got tremendous staying power, even if he kind of sucks at most genres.

If I could find a youtuber with Arino's level of calm,and willingness to laugh at his own failings, I would be over it. Just listen to Arino when he dies. He's never screaming at the game. He gives a disappointed little laugh, and is already thinking about what he needs to do to get past it. He accepts that all games are beatable, and any lack of progress is a failure on his part. He then adjusts accordingly to proceed.

Seriously, I'm looking for recommendations. Name someone who has that level of chill and I'll give them a try.

>> No.3255137
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>If I want to watch someone scream like an idiot over shit they know little about, I'll go to a Trump rally.

>> No.3255154

>it's a bernie cuck hates actors in character doing a schtick episode

kill yourself man, preferably by flame whilist screaming #FEELTHEBERN

>> No.3255160

Shut the fuck up weeb

>> No.3255164

So much projecting here. Go suck off your buddy Arino you weeb piece of shit

>> No.3255242

He didn't say if it was supporters or protestors.

>> No.3255243

>Between this and h3h3 getting $100k in donation money over a lawsuit that's going to get thrown out in court anyway, I've decided Youtube isn't good for my mental health.
What did you expect? Today is the greatest time in the history of the world to scam people. Jewish or not, everyone is getting away with it.Llike those dang Jews say in the Talmud, the goyim are cattle!

>> No.3255248
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Posting this shit one last time b4 deleting because James underwent the biggest uncucking ever last week.

Wew, what a time to be alive.

>> No.3255367

Damn straight. It be funny as hell if James decided to review it anyways because someone sent him a pirated copy or something like that and he ripped the movie to shreds.

>> No.3255383

>bounces the fuck out of Fembusters
>greatest AVGN episode in years


>> No.3255672

No. He said Megan Man Legends is bad and I disagree.

>> No.3255681

It's aged poorly and the controls are objectively shit by today's standards.

Now, MML2? That is much improved.

>> No.3255692
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>aged poorly

I wish people would stop saying this. I played the game myself a year ago for the first time and now it's one of my favorite games of all time. It's still amazing.

>> No.3255702

Then you must have low standards.

>> No.3255750


I agree. Just because you don't like a game that's old doesn't mean it's "aged poorly". Games are the same now as when they came out. If you don't like it now, you wouldn't have liked it then either.

For any given good game, there's a bunch of people who played it recently and liked it, regardless of how old it is.

>> No.3255756

That's the only good thing that guitar playing faggot did on cinemassacre.

The rest is just mindless, mouth opened glaring while everyone else has conversations.

>> No.3255762

Aged poorly doesn't mean you dislike the game.

>> No.3255771


"Aged poorly" is meaningless.

>> No.3256090


Not james, AVGN did, and AVGN is a character, don't be an autist.

James is back, bitches. He never went anywhere actually, he was never a cuck and you should all feel bad for perpetuating that bad /tv/ meme for so long

>> No.3256108

I thought it was a /v/ meme

>> No.3256112

Allowing interracial romance in his movie because his SJW wife told him to do it is pretty cuck tier though.

>> No.3256131


No, the cuck meme comes from /tv/ first, see Bella and the Bulldogs (though /tv/ was right with that one).

That's the whole argument you have? The girl on the film wasn't his wife.
Anyway yeah, that scene (and most of the movie) was bad, but that doesn't make James a cuck. And at any rate, what little criticism you could make is overshadowed by the ghostbusters video and the reactions it got. James is based.

>> No.3256152

Why is this a thread

>> No.3256289

It is beta tier.

>> No.3256302

It's not cuck, but I agree with this anon >>3256289 it is pretty beta. If you check out him doing anything live he seems pretty timid and nervous all the time.

>> No.3256485

Their parody of Mark from Classic Game Room is fucking amazing

>> No.3256490

When they say "happy wife, happy life" their not fucking around. His wife is probably a massive cunt. I've known guys who are pretty secure and tough to cower to their woman.

>> No.3256525

>What the hell is MDE?
Comedy collective that posts their shit to YouTube, featuring surreal-ish humor, kind of like Wonder Showzen's live action segments and editing style, or to a lesser extent Tim and Eric without the gross-out stuff. Only with a neo-reactionary, oftentimes /pol/-esque political bent. The most known guy from it and arguably the leading force, Sam Hyde, is a fucking tool. He kind of reminds me of a /b/tard or EDiot only he's in his 30s. His TED Talk prank was really fucking funny, though.

>> No.3256964

Nice retro games fucking homo!

>> No.3257249

that chick is WAY hotter than his actual wife lmao

>> No.3257251

No, but he did influence me to try some Rolling Rock, and it was...ok.

>> No.3257346

If I see a youtuber rave about how amazing a game is, then I'll give it a go. When I see somebody say how much a game sucks, I'll usually still check it out because, you know, I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.3257352

Not for retro but I decided to never play undertale after somebody started crying because he killed the wrong furry waifu

>> No.3257510
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>tfw Bootsy isn't your bf

>> No.3257516
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>tfw Bootsy promised us 3 months ago that he was very close to finishing another Bootsy Beats

>> No.3257648

"Aged poorly" is a way to say a game doesnt meet the expected of a new game in its genre.

For example, little big adventure. Its a good game and is still fun to play, however the controls are a little wonky because they dont feel natural to modern players.

People these days expect games to all control virtually the same. When they dont the game is broken or poorly implemented. Back in the day, game formula werent standardized like they are today, so people were more accepting of games not feeling the same.

>> No.3257657

I kinda wanted to say that Dark Seed is a game that has aged very poorly, but honestly, it was really not very good for it's time, by the standards of adventure games (this didn't stop it from getting some pretty high review scores, however).

I mean, it's beautiful, and it's cool as hell that the game is made from actual art and assets provided officially by H.R Giger himself, but as an actual game it's super tedious and badly thought out.

>People these days expect games to all control virtually the same
I think that's partially because as time has gone, we've kind of worked over and narrowed down to a number of control schemes for various types of games which work really well, there was a time when using the left stick to move and the right stick to look was considered surreal and incorrect for an FPS on console.

I think with gamepads as they currently are, we have kind of plateaued with controls somewhat and there's little reason to change what works really well, we're not so much in an era of experimental controls right now (the Kinect can go and fuck off). Of course, a game should ideally have fully customizable controls on consoles these days, though frustratingly, this is not always the case.

I guess older and less smooth control schemes are kind of a barrier for younger players who are less patient, but I think that someone who is legit really interested in say, Resident Evil, will end up adapting to how the character steers.
For a not retro example, I really hated how Saint's Row 2 controlled (I played 3 first), but once I actually got used to it, it controls pretty good, not as good as 3, but there isn't really anything that doesn't work

>> No.3260397

Bump for the e-celeb thread. We don't need a new thread for this awful shit so keep posting here.

Anyway, what's your favorite DSP video or something?

>> No.3260405


I like the one he says "WOOOOOW I'M PRESSING BUTTONS"

>> No.3260413

>there was a time when using the left stick to move and the right stick to look was considered surreal and incorrect for an FPS on console.


The infamous Gamespot review where they scored it 4.7 for its "terrifying control scheme."

>> No.3260417

A control scheme ahead of its time, good on the devs for being smart instead of sheep.

That reviewer was not ready for it.

>> No.3260461

Wow... I didnt console game back then but what kind of controls did they want.

>> No.3260464

Left/Right = Look left/look right
Shoulder buttons for strafing.

>> No.3260580

Controls for early console FPS were clunky at best.

They were REALLY rough before analog sticks, the 32X port of Doom is about as good as FPS got on a gamepad without an analog stick in my opinion (though corridor shooters were typically not too bad), on the SNES, Doom is practically unplayable due to the controls (IMO).

The Playstation eventually introduced dual analog sticks, and that greatly expanded the prospects of having an FPS on console, the Playstation also had a mouse accessory, which you could use with the ports of Doom and Final Doom (and also Sim City 2000, for what it's worth)

>> No.3260635
