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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 320x200, wolfenstein1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1670675 No.1670675 [Reply] [Original]

what approach should i take to this game? fast and deadly and slow and cautious?

>> No.1670678

don't hurt me daddy

>> No.1670681

I just used a bunch of quicksaves 'cause I'm a little bitch.

>> No.1670684

ya no

>> No.1670705

First one and then the other.

>> No.1670715

First slow, then fast.

>> No.1670758

You get the chaingun and tear through everything


>> No.1670803


You've got German shoes so that means you got German guts.


>> No.1670807

so im not the only one that likes to kill the nazi menace?

>> No.1670812


This ain't /pol/, Billy. We all enjoy busting Nazi schemes.

>> No.1670820
File: 20 KB, 450x320, 2358267-hitler_wolfenstein_3d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best villain or best villain?

>> No.1670841


I would have posted that with a spoiler tag. That last mission of that episode had me thinking I beat the game since I hadn't seen that sprite. Great feeling. Fantastic design.

>> No.1670996

pscchhh. everyone knows that the machine gun is far more efficient than the chaingun. bullet conservation is crucial in the harder difficulties

>> No.1671021

Fast and cautious.

>> No.1671040

Always play it fast and loose.

>> No.1671195

I play it by clearing out a room, and then running into every wall before moving on.
it's the only way

>> No.1671203
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>> No.1671214
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Take your time and look for secret walls. They are EVERYWHERE.

>> No.1671221

enjoy getting wrecked in episode 2 because you can't stunlock the mutants reliably enough

>> No.1671408

If playing anything but "Can I play, daddy?" be fucking cautious, you can get your ass handed to you in 2 shots, I'll repeat that, you can die in 2 shots, yes.

>> No.1673787

Play on at least third difficulty, don't save, repeat the mission if you die
so, cautious

>> No.1673789

I meant start over if you lose your lives*

>> No.1673791


Yeah, Wolf3D is fucking brutal when it comes to damage spread. I've seen basic enemies take off 50%+ in one shot and SS officers take off 70%+ in one shot. Shit's fucking intense.

>> No.1673806

Quicksave Master Race.

You gotta pretend like your hero never dies.

Honestly that's how I played Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I LOVED escaping the castle as stealthily as possible. In fact I really loved trying to play the game as stealthy as possible.

I wish for a remake that's just escaping the castle.

>> No.1674005

>using quicksaves
Shamefur dispray.

I have a pretty high tolerance for frustration in games, so I don't mind dying and having to restart a lot. But, there are a few really bullshit parts in Wolf3D that I had to use quicksaves for, however sparingly. I think I ended up using like, one quicksave per episode. Going through all of e3m9 and killing both forms of Hitler on one life, on the default difficulty, is pretty exciting. SCHEISS!

>> No.1674012

Plus, SS officers have a reaction time of like .2 seconds. You can die in less than a second if you let your attention wander, and that's from ONE enemy.

>> No.1674032


And of course levels constantly throw you into the situation where there could be an enemy around every corner and there's multiple corners around you when you step out the door - you're going to have your back turned to something, better hope there's no enemy there!

>> No.1674038

damn I loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I knwo it's not retro by the board's standar (like, it's 2 years late) but at the time getting such a good FPS using Q3A's engine was fantastic for me since i loved Q3 and dreamt of having that in single player.

Check out the new one, Wolfenstein the New Order, it's the greatest modern FPS i've played. You can go stealth for most of the game if you want (though you don't HAVE to); and it's got really good gameplay and level design for a modern FPS. Sadly the castle part is just a short moment though.

>> No.1674043

Damage scales based on how close you are to the enemy.

>> No.1674103

>I really loved trying to play the game as stealthy as possible
I haven't played this since I was a kid but I always turned around when I got to the exit because there could be some nazi's alive somewhere that need shootin.

>> No.1674524

That's something I like about the old doomclone style FPS though. That impending sense of dread, where it feels like evil is hiding in every nook and cranny. It forces you to always be alert, to always plan on enemies appearing at any moment. In other words, it makes you think like a soldier, and truly "become" the main character.

>> No.1674559

Yep. Also, all Wolfenstein enemies have perfect aim. They never miss.

This is a lot different from Doom, which is more "realistic" in having accuracy scale with distance, while damage does not scale.

>> No.1676313

I was on the wrong team Anon. I was on the wrong team.

>> No.1676351

I think everyone on /vr/ already knows about mechahitler. It's clever how they try to fake you out though, by having the first enemy in that level be a fake Hitler wizard.

>> No.1676395
File: 17 KB, 192x248, 1393454841514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to play Rise of the Triad in the hardest difficulty with the lives system, no quicksaves.
>get my ass handed to me

I'll beat it eventually.

>> No.1676397

Both. Depends on the circumstances. Get the enemy as close as possible to do the most damage.

>Yep. Also, all Wolfenstein enemies have perfect aim. They never miss.
Except in the very code he listed refutes that.
See T_Shoot Line 3444.
Enemy accuracy is based on their distance with SS having better accuracy and if you're running you have a 65% higher chance of being missed. If you're looking at them that doubles your chances of dodging the shot.

So, what the fuck are you talking about they never miss when they clearly do and if you play the game you'd even notice they miss quite a bit from a distance, as do you.

>> No.1676403

Derp, I mean a 37.5 higher chance of being missed.

>> No.1676416

Also here's an image graphing chance to get hit by a normal enemy. Your best bet is to strafe around in running circles from whatever the fuck 10 or really 15 units is away while staring at them and pot shot at them. Effectively they will never hit you if you do that.

>> No.1676419

Forgot the link, double derp.

>> No.1676539

But Wolfenstein is Dooms predecessor. How the fuck is it the clone? Though it coming out before Doom wouldn't make Doom a Wolfenstein clone either. Before Wolfenstein 3D was Catacomb 3D. Before Catacomb 3D was Hovertank 3D. That is just Carmack and his crew's FPS timeline. Ken Silverman and his squad made a few rivaling games too, such as Ken's Labyrinth, and Duke Nukem 3D. Apogee and others were also churning out games at the time such as Corridor 7, Blake Stone, Fortress of Doctor Radiaki, Pathways into Darkness, et cetera. MIDI Maze preceded that, Battlezone preceded that, just where the fuck does this clone shit start? I hate this shitty "clone" nonsense. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.1676551


I think Anon was referring to the Doomclone era, i.e. when the FPS genre wasn't really its own thing yet and most of them were referred to as "Doomclones".

>> No.1676587
File: 45 KB, 250x329, 250px-Natural_Born_Kissers_(Promo_Picture).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First slow, then fast.

>> No.1676864

Took me ages to complete this game. I can only play it in five minute sittings before my face starts to get really hot and I feel sick.

>> No.1677872

didn't the original wolfenstien not have health, just a random chance whether you die or not

>> No.1678157
File: 1.75 MB, 400x341, say goodbye to your nazi balls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1678190


>> No.1678742

I'd like to but my graphics card probably won't run it at a decent rate. Been hearing good stuff about it from those who liked the classic shootan vidya.

>> No.1678745

Is it even possible to go fast on the hardest difficulty or am I just shit

>> No.1679609

Makes me motion sick.

>> No.1680051

Its funny that they even bothered to have a lives system, when quicksaving literally makes it pointless.

>> No.1680195

I've finished playing it now.
The gameplay is really great when there is shooting going on, the problem are the moments when they take away that shooting from you (go on errands, walk in story places with no enemies, knife only stealth sections which are fun, but not as fun as the shooting).

The main problem of the game is how hard it tries to be what it's not : a goddamn movie. This being said, being a hollywood movie wanabee mockup is a common flaw for modern games.

But the gunplay and the level design is really good (except the very first level). The game got me hooked, i've started replaying it as soon as I beat it. If you end up playing it, save Fergus and not Wyatt. Trust me.

>> No.1680226

mah nigga

>> No.1680341

I finished it on bringem on last year when I played it for the first time. It's not hard but the game drags on for a really long time and becomes boring as fuck halfway through because you get all the guns early on and then you just watch the same textures and kill the same enemies. Bosses are cool but the game becomes chore.

>> No.1680352

Not really. You die right away if you get shot from the close distance but you can take quite a lot if they shoot on you across the hall. You just need to watch for the corners and doors. Save option is your best friend. Use more slots so you don't screw yourself with saving when you are on low health before the hard part

>> No.1680425


Yeah, that's weird. I too get motion sickness if I play Doom.exe and Wolf3D too much, it doesn't happens when I play newer FPS and Doom ports though.

>> No.1681903

Either play it on "I am Death Incarnate!" or don't bother at all.

>> No.1682054

Bring 'em on without saving is more reasonable. I completed the first episode on Death Incarnate but in the second the robot dudes can just kill you in a second. No way I can make it through on 3 lives.

>> No.1682139

Depends on the level. Some levels need you to be fast, others need you to be cautious. Usually a bit of both is the best approach. If there are too many enemies chasing you and you're low on ammo, using a door as a bottleneck is good strategy.

With that said, jesus christ, is wolf3d still a bloody enjoyable game. Darn simple but so much fun.

>> No.1682152

What's the best way to play Wolf3D with windows7 now? Is there a sourceport or something?

>> No.1682217

On all levels of difficulty except "Can I play Daddy" enemies deal from 1 to 64 damage to you, you can die in two shots if someone shoots you in front, or you can get one hit kill if someone shoots you in the back, since it deals bonus damage to you.

>> No.1682350

Yes, there's Wolf4SDL. Vanilla port, no new features, just runs smoothly on your modern machine with high resolution.

>> No.1682364
File: 181 KB, 800x619, that post gave me autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1682382

Have you ever played a Roguelike?

>> No.1682440

What is the main difference between Wolf4SDL and ECWolf?

>> No.1682449

From what I know, ECWolf is like Zdoom, limit-removing, adds modern features like sidestepping and the like

>> No.1682464

Wolfenstein always had sidestepping.

Limit-removing is a good idea though. Wolfenstein 3D levels were all limited to 64x64 blocks. And since the outer edge of the level had to be walled in (or risk crashing the game if the player stepped outside the boundary), you had an effective limit of 62x62.

Of course, Wolfenstein levels never really felt that small, but hey. Neither did Doom's levels. Some people just really, really like having ridiculously fuckhuge levels to run around in.

>> No.1682557
File: 17 KB, 300x225, 1365185144996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear they're all clones.

>> No.1682912

>Wolfenstein always had sidestepping.

It has strafing while holding the strafe key but you can't side step left and right.

>> No.1685350

I don't know what the difference is. Are you talking about circlestrafing?

>> No.1685472

I think it's the lack of y axis movement, so you eyes get confused

>> No.1685475

he means that there was only a dedicated strafe modifier, no "strafe left strafe right" keys so you can either only turn, or only strafe