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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 74 KB, 572x800, half life 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10721715 No.10721715 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Highway 17, Water Hazard, the striders and the citadel.

>> No.10721720

This game sucks
Stupid tech demo

>> No.10721724

It's better than most shooters released after it.

>> No.10721730

For me, it's Route Kanal, Water Hazard and Ravenholm

Still, the entirety of the game is a complete masterpiece. Any zoomer who didn't live in the era will not grasp the fucking monstruous, massive leap this represented in gaming. I played it 4 years late, in 2008, and it still fucking wrecked me. When I finished it, I simply couldn't believe what I had just beheld, and I knew that would forever be one of the best games I would ever play in my life

>> No.10721731

While I understand the praise this game receives I could never get to replay it as much as I did with the first one for some reason, but both games are great I'm not doubting that

>> No.10721758

But none before it

>> No.10721764
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>> No.10721767
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>> No.10721837

>imagine lowering the PC version to below minimun settings, lowering its resolution below 800x600 (in plain 2004), adding a controller while having 20 fps average.
Jesus fucking christ! burn all copies of half life 2 on xbox already

>> No.10721847 [DELETED] 

>entire chapters where nothing happens
>entire chapters where barely anything happens
>an entire chapter for first person jumping puzzles
>puzzle rooms halt the pacing because look at le hecking physics

>> No.10722076

Is this the one with return to ravenholm? Fuck that shit. Actually broke a controller. I only play the superior console ports btw.

>> No.10722102

I love all of it. HL1 has higher peaks, but HL2 is much more consistent.

>> No.10722163

HL2 is like the least consistent game ever, it's constantly switching up gimmicks

>> No.10722338

i like the vehicle levels
half life 2 is still a classic and lost coast is a neat little extra.
the episodes are stupid though

>> No.10722340

>Is this the one with return to ravenholm? Fuck that shit

return to ravenholm doesn't exist. that was supposed to be "episode 4"

>> No.10722348

What’s so bad about it?

>> No.10722414

I tried to learn how to speed run Half-Life before having played the game normally. I gave up after learning the route for On a Rail. Still haven't finished the game. I've only played Half-Life 2 once. I finished it in a single sitting, but with Russian audio and subtitles - a language I cannot speak or read. According to Steam, I've spent about 30 hours playing Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. I have another 150 in HL2DM, which was spent exclusively on dm_overwatch with close friends.

>> No.10722482

>I finished it in a single sitting, but with Russian audio and subtitles - a language I cannot speak or read.
for the love of christ why?

>> No.10722518

Lost Coast is so comfy

>> No.10722523 [DELETED] 

This game is shit, and your mother is a nigger for not aborting you. Half-Life 2 has worse weapons, worse levels, and a million gimmicks all wrapped in a lousy fucking story. You are a faaaaaaaggggggooooooot. The pistol feels like shit, manhacks are not a threat, Combine soldiers are boring and not menacing, the AI is unfinished, driving is a waste of time just like boating, and the beginning with the fucking fish is such a tease. Imagine if there was a threat in the water. Imagine if Half-Life 2 had enemy variety? Why not just make a good game instead of teasing the audience.

>> No.10722548 [DELETED] 

I was twenty or so, in trade school studying to be an electrician. I became unbearably depressed upon realizing that I was thoughtlessly following in the footsteps of my abusive father. I decided that I would leave America and move to either Russia or Vietnam immediately upon graduating in an attempt to escape my family. I chose Russia because I didn't want people to assume I was a pedophile. I was also (and still am) a closeted homosexual, so I figured moving to an outwardly anti-gay country would help keep up appearances. Anyways, I went to my local Russian bookshop and bought some beginner textbooks, set my phone and computer to Russian, and started listening to this really neat radio station, which was run by the owner of the Russian bookshop, that covered Seattle's news in Russian every day on my way to school. I didn't understand any of it, but it felt like progress. Around that time, I decided to play Half-Life 2. Steam auto-downloaded the Russian dub because my computer was set to Russian. I didn't know the language well enough to switch it back to English, so I just decided to play it as it was. It was fine, I guess.

I must have played it several dozen times, and I honestly don't remember anything about it other than the fact that it had a lot of verticality in its level design.

>> No.10722587 [DELETED] 


>> No.10722609


>> No.10722615 [DELETED] 

>/vr/fag is a zigger-schizo
Checks out.

>> No.10722618

Corridors with scripted sequences were done before.
Meme physics were done before.
Bad voice acting and writing were done before.
Play more games.

>> No.10722625

Thank you for posting the PEGI 18+ version. I get infuriated when seeing the 16+ version. The visuals in Raveholm alone make this game deserve an 18.

>> No.10722626 [DELETED] 

This was close to a decade before the war. I'm currently ambivalent as far as the outcome is concerned.

>> No.10722642 [DELETED] 

Why are you still a closeted homosexual? Christian?

>> No.10722660 [DELETED] 

If you mention Russia on this site a bot immediately materializes to spout vile shit about “ziggers” or “hohols”. Pretty cool.

>> No.10722717 [DELETED] 

Just trying not to rock the boat until I get my inheritance. I'm pretty dysfunctional, so I kind of need the money to, y'know, survive. I run a small business doing web development and system administration for non-profits. I feel bad charging people to do essentially nothing, so I bill way below the industry standard. As a result, I don't make too much money. Certainly not enough to retire ever.

I also have pretty negative feelings about sex, and having people see me as a sexual being makes me uncomfortable. I'd rather people see me as an autistic, heterosexual virgin than as an autistic, sex repulsed faggot.

>> No.10722738

as cool as the beta is i really do love the atmosphere of the final release. it's so cold and desolate and lonely i love it! there's so many little areas that are just empty that let you just take it in before getting back to the action. as fucking cringy as it sounds i understand why people call it a "liminal" game, is there any other games with similar atmosphere?

>> No.10722751 [DELETED] 

Most russians are cannon fodder NPCs

>> No.10722797

Portal and Gmod I guess

>> No.10722821

Water Hazard (made me drop it)

>> No.10722875 [DELETED] 

It throws out everything that made the first game good in favor of physics puzzles and what we now know as "reddit tier" writing
I know people shit on that "HL2 is a bad sequel" video, but it's true, it really has fuck all to do with Half-Life. They didn't stop making sequels because VR wasn't practical yet, they stopped because they wrote themselves into a corner. You're not defeating an enemy that 1984'd your planet in the space of five hours, even with bullshit main character plot armor

>> No.10723252

Why would you need to burn a copy when you could just put it on your hard drive?

>> No.10723321

Obvious answer but Halo CE

>> No.10724405

Not retro but Mirror's Edge. You could also try all the custom campaigns that have been made over the years.

>> No.10724504

aged extremely poorly

>> No.10724534

i will never understand people who hate this game.
its not perfect, but some of you people must be constantly thinking about how this game fucked your wife or something.
ive seen some truly delusional shit from people saying that "hl1s grunts have better ai than combine in hl2" which is so comically incorrect that im shocked those people even know how to play half life in the first place.

>> No.10724537

It does have worse weapons though

>> No.10724552 [DELETED] 

Only codex fags and some doom 3 fanboys get triggered over it. Maybe some halo fags too.
Not surprised if the deleted schizo posts is one of them.

>> No.10724553

The not-cutscenes in HL2 are longer and worse than the ones in HL1.
The vehicle sections are way too fucking long.
The physics puzzles are purely there to showcase the tech, they're not a fun gameplay addition.
The story in HL2 is significantly worse because it's entirely reliant on "remember this guy you've never even heard of before?"

>> No.10724559 [DELETED] 

Eat nigger shit you tasteless faggot

>> No.10724567 [DELETED] 

Seriously look at this faggot.

>> No.10724582

HL1 grunts have much more complimentary level design for their AI. HL1 is like FEAR where areas where you fight a bunch of enemies are usually designed like more like multiplayer arenas than traditional linear shooter corridors or wide open areas which gives the AI a chance to shine. Both games also have a fairly high time to kill for the basic grunts so they don't just get immediately gunned down the second they're spotted. HL1 also solves the hitscan enemy problem by disallowing HECU grunts from firing on the move so you get a time to react when they stop to fire. Most of the time in HL2 combine just kind of shuffle around and shoot at you until you kill them in like a quarter of a second

>> No.10724596

You don't remember the amount of shilling and dick sucking HL2 got. Then we actually played the game and it is a boring, empty tech demo designed to impress people who don't play video games. No one would hate it if it hadn't been so shilled, we'd just have ignored it.

>> No.10724605

You don't speak for everyone, faggot

>> No.10724609 [DELETED] 

Halflife 2 was literally playtested by, and adjusted for, idiots. It is a movie game for video game journalists.

>> No.10724614

Let me guess... you're thinking about the ONE example that was during the testing for Episode 2, not HL2, the game we're discussing? Wow, great argument.

>> No.10724629 [DELETED] 


>> No.10724662 [DELETED] 

NTA, but were you even old enough to use a computer in 2004? Tonnes of people shat on HL2 and pretty much everyone hated the fact it was locked behind Steam. I know Valve is basically a cult at this point, like Apple, but they were not always universally liked
Oh and to the janny who keeps deleting my posts, fuck off, no one cares about your gay Nintendo thread or whatever the fuck is about to get knocked off the last page

>> No.10724679 [DELETED] 

Forums liked it
Old /v/ liked it
Codex cucks like you hated it

>> No.10724681 [DELETED] 

Boomers who never moved on from Doom and Quake. Same people who seethe at Halo.

>> No.10724685 [DELETED] 


>> No.10724687 [DELETED] 

Some people complained because they had shitty internet. The few that disliked the DRM aspect didn't complain long because it was only locked behind steam for a month before it was cracked. An insignificant number of people shat on the game itself.

>> No.10724697 [DELETED] 

Never been on codex, don't care if your forum friends liked it, either. It's a shitty sequel to Half-Life, remember the lag line? Run, think, shoot, live, not stop, do a puzzle, and then listen to Alyx suck the player off for twenty minutes. It was a gimmick game that would have been laughed at had any other company made it

>> No.10724721

its a reaction to the universal praise it got for years and years. Its a good game but not the GOAT

>> No.10724729

yea 1 is the better shooter. even when it decides to suddenly start being a platformer halfway through
2 is kind of all over the place

>> No.10724731 [DELETED] 


>> No.10724739 [SPOILER] 

It's one the best games ever tho

>> No.10724742

Meant to >>10724721

>> No.10724745
File: 30 KB, 494x621, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried to learn how to speed run Half-Life before having played the game normally
yikes dude thats fucking gross
do zoomers really?
no wonder you fags always get filtered
you literally filter yourselves

>> No.10724752

it doesnt really matter tho since youre wrong

>> No.10724759

How because a few retards said so?

>> No.10724773

HL2>HL1>EP2>Op Force>Blue Shift>EP1>Decay

>> No.10724779

HL2 is a better game to play the first time you play it
HL1 is the better one on repeat playthroughs
thus HL1 > HL2

2 just takes its sweet fucking time to do damn near anything, and theres massive chunks of the game that rely on dumb gimmicks that, similarly, go on for way too long. its cool the first time you see it, but upon replaying it, its just a constant stream of "ohhh fuuuccckkk i forgot about this stupid part"

>> No.10724793 [DELETED] 

Only trannies hate HL2

>> No.10724794 [DELETED] 

Keep coping.

>> No.10724867 [DELETED] 

It mindbroke you

>> No.10724942

The marines blown themselves with grenades lmao

>> No.10724958

>muh cutscenes
>physics puzzles and story
Retard complaints
Any more cope?

>> No.10724992 [DELETED] 

Instead of deleting posts, you could delete the thread and btfo the anti hl schizo already

>> No.10725096 [DELETED] 

How many times are you going to force this schizo?
You lost, people like hl.
Ger over it.

>> No.10725114 [DELETED] 

Remember he's samefagging to make it seem the game is hated

>> No.10725148 [DELETED] 

No one hates it except the schizoid itt

>> No.10725236 [DELETED] 

Not an argument
Variety is good
>no one liked it i-i-t was shilled
Terrible cope
>same shitty arguments using the word gimmick
Is this the best you can do my friend?

>> No.10725259

just wrong, hl2 has genius weapon design. more doesnt mean better.
>The not-cutscenes in HL2 are longer and worse than the ones in HL1.
>The vehicle sections are way too fucking long.
>The physics puzzles are purely there to showcase the tech, they're not a fun gameplay addition.
nearly all the physics puzzles are unique and fun, you just dont like puzzles.
>The story in HL2 is significantly worse because it's entirely reliant on "remember this guy you've never even heard of before?"
not really, most characters are new and all you need to know is "this guy was at black mesa".
actually good point, i think the design couldve complimented ai alot more in hl2.
>You don't remember the amount of shilling and dick sucking HL2 got. Then we actually played the game and it is a boring, empty tech demo designed to impress people who don't play video games. No one would hate it if it hadn't been so shilled, we'd just have ignored it.
i dont remember it, and you being sick of hearing it doesnt make it bad.

(i am the guy you are replying to)

>> No.10725396

>hl2 has genius weapon design
Of course, who can forget "rapid fire gun" and "rapid fire gun but stronger"; "high power single shot gun" and "high power single shot gun with a scope"; the gimmick physics tech demo that instantly becomes useless once the player gets their hands on ammo.

>> No.10725409

It's just a bad game, the people that love it seem to be valve fanboys that don't have experience with other games

>> No.10725437

yeah lol HL2 has the most boring weapons in any fps ive ever seen

>> No.10725447 [DELETED] 

Seethe more schizoid.
You lost.

>> No.10725453 [DELETED] 

>the anti hl2 cuck itt
>a turd worlder
Explains a lot

>> No.10725474 [DELETED] 

Codex is not sending their best

>> No.10725515

Nice non arguments there

>> No.10725528 [DELETED] 

Honestly i got bored arguing with schizo so i will leave for now.
Pretty sad he has a vendetta against this series for many years.
I mean this is like 3rd or 4th HL bait thread (two were deleted) this month and now switching hl1 for hl2. Yeah guy has issues. All these deleted posts are hilarious.

>> No.10725658

This whole thread is mostly one samefaggot seething over this game.

>> No.10725738

oh but half-life 1 is perfect, with its incredible arsenal that has no flaws:
"rapid fire gun"
"powerful handgun"
"high power single shot gun with a scope"
"rocket launcher"
"homing projectile gun"
"manual detonate grenade"
"laser beam gun"
and "railgun (but this time its slightly more complicated)"
i cant believe the sequel downgraded this incredible unique and untouched weapon selection so much.

>> No.10725830

FPS isn't a very good genre. Both Half-Life games are good though

>> No.10725943

I wish they had done more like that. like a little hidden coast town that managed to exist despite Combine, or learned to live with it. even with the camps and settlements you come across Highway 17 seems a bit barren.

>> No.10725995

Because you are always told by media critics that it is one of the best games ever made or because it actually is

>> No.10726008

>speed run HL2

What are your pronouns, Xir?

>> No.10726072

HL1 is a lot better than 2.

>> No.10726234

some of the mods give a similar vibe. played through minerva metastasis and year long alarm recently and both were decent

>> No.10726450
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>wake up and smell the asses

>> No.10726665

No i played and enjoyed it.

>> No.10726692

*a lot worse than

>> No.10726696

>Highway 17
Based. Some of the best post-apocalypse kino in all of vidya.

>> No.10727160

Agreed, Half Life 1 is superior.

>> No.10727213


>> No.10727227

Cry more

>> No.10727456
File: 22 KB, 194x218, 1691361577379773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pchuds when they have a game ported to a console

>> No.10727565 [DELETED] 

It's strange how immature HL2 fanboys sound, kinda odd they sound like 14 year olds and the game is really old now.

>> No.10727569 [DELETED] 

The anti hl fags are worse https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/tnum/10721715/deleted/deleted/page/2/

>> No.10727584 [DELETED] 

When will the schizo permabanned?
This is like 4th Half Life thread in a month were he was samefagging and seething

>> No.10727942
File: 57 KB, 419x450, 1701118382489674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 2 is the best Half Life game.

>> No.10728469

Half-Life 1 & 2 sucks donkey balls.

>> No.10728483 [DELETED] 

Your mom sucks donkey balls

>> No.10728492

If you don't like HL you don't belong in /vr/ simple as.

>> No.10728497

They are just mentally ill people coping like the one itt

>> No.10728525 [DELETED] 

HL2 fans are immature

>> No.10728534 [DELETED] 

>calls others inmature when you post shit like this

>> No.10728536 [DELETED] 

You can stop samefagging btw.
No one buys it.

>> No.10728689 [DELETED] 

Only cucks like Half Life.

>> No.10729392 [DELETED] 

Only faggots don't like Half Life
Says the one who had a melty when people like the game.

>> No.10729401 [DELETED] 

Do you think HL schizo realize he will never convince the board to hate this series?

>> No.10729923 [DELETED] 

Actually only Chads hate Half Life.

>> No.10729953 [DELETED] 

>still butthurt and bumping it
Yep i won

>> No.10730046 [DELETED] 

Literally the only reason Half-Life 2 is /vr/ is on a technicality because it was somehow ported to Xbox. It shouldn't count.

>> No.10730052 [DELETED] 

Yeah but it triggers the schizo, so it's based

>> No.10730208 [DELETED] 

You're the only one getting butt-hurt by the negative opinions of Half Life.

>> No.10730228 [DELETED] 

You mean your samefagging

>> No.10730384 [DELETED] 

Sounds like projection.

>> No.10730393 [DELETED] 

Not really